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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1905)
"MIDNIGHT MUSIC." A NE7 MECHANICAL CUT-OUT TOY FREE WITH SUNDAY'S JOURNAL GOOD EVENING . THE WEATHER. Cloudy with probably occasional .rain tonight and Saturday; aoutheast winda. . . . . - . - .. Journal Circulation Yesterday Was VOL. IV. NO. 244. PORTLAND,- OREGON, -'- FRIDAY EVENINO,DECEMBER 15,1903 TWOSECTIONS 20-PAGES.- PRICE TWO-CENTS. o nuns in mrwt - stasis. - ma - Ciaia. ACY mm CHEAP CON MAYOR Petty Peanut Politics S BY ThPlAHD1 SV?lfJDLERS Fresh Victim rofMcKinley ; Gang Found-: Puter Believed to Have Been Arrested , : as Drunk, in Chicago on Day of Deal. LA CROSSE BUYERS FANCIED THEY " WERE OUTWITTING A YOUNGSTER McKinley; Trading Nqme, Unloaded Bogus Paper on Closest Fricnds--Mrs. Watson s Hand Appears. (Special .Dispatch ts Tt loareaLt La Crosse, Wis., Dec 16. Hiram God- dard, the retired lumberman - who bought forged certificate from Horace McKinley and 8. A. D.'-Puter on land aggregating 7.008 acres, haa practically given up hope of the early arrest of .either leader of the gang of alleged swindlers. He attributes the escape of the two men to the premature publtca i , tton of the laauance of the warrant, and his opinion ta ahared by the sheriffs , office, that McKinley la too cunning to allow himself to be trapped, after bring warned, McKinley. left .here for Chi . A.r Pfnr. the warrant waa isaued. ,. Ooddard la a arlnled lumberman,' a perfect type of the claaa who haa been In business SO years' and never known to bave been beaten in a deal before. He la apparently more chagrined to bave been caught on the awtndle and to have the fact known than by the loaa of the money. On hia whole transac tion In Oregon lands ha vald tonight he had lout nothing, a he had been buying valuable timber ' land at the lowest notch for several years and the profits on good titles would .balance his loeaes through deals with McKinley. Ooddard declined to say what hia losses had amounted to through the McKinley deals, but professed a determination to follow up McKinley and Puter until he had them behind the bars. - Ylettma All Wealthy. LA Crosse waa the headquarters for the forgery series of land frauds, and moat of the victims were wealthy ra ti red lumbermen. It Is-also a peculiar fact that they were close friends of McKinley. He comes from an old and , respected family at West Salem, this county, and enjoyed a high - standing among the wealthiest men here, ' When he was first arrested for land office frauds, friends stood by him and be lieved his plea of Innocence and mis fortune. These were the same men who Inat in the latest fraud a McKinley and Puter made their' headquarters here for months at a time and sold certificates to men considered the shrewdest In the J city. Few sales were made outside of STANDARD OIL PAN A Secures Exclusive Concessions From ; President Amador - and Stands Arrayed Against Governor General Magoon ' "end the United States Government. . (Jouraal Special Service.) Washington, Dec. It. The Standard Oil company I conquering new field In the isthmus and as a result the friction - between President Amador and Qov- emor-Oeneral Magoon la Increasing. The Standard OH company, following Its policy of securing all concessions that aeem promising, sent agents there to look over the field. The agents dis covered that the Panama Railroad com- ; pany'was operating under an agree ment with the t'nlted States " govern . - ment sad enjoyed a monopoly of all the carrying along the isthmus.' . Governor-General Magoon seemed an , unpromising subject so the agents for the oil company proceeded to get Into touch with the president of Panama and it waa announced today that lbs Stand ard had aucceeded in aecurtng a fran chise for dual pipe. lines serosa the Isthmus, the flrat from "Colon to Panama and the second to connect Boco del ... Toro. on the Bay 4t ..Chlrlqutjwlth - David, on the Pacific , It 1 believed there will be a lively fight between Standard Oil Intereata and -- President Amador on one side and Chair man Magoon and the administration on theather. Chairman Magoon dlaputea the fight of President Amador or any other - official of Panama-- In - granting any b ' franchise to affect the' canal . strip, which la ceded to the United States. . The concession wns not obtained rtl- rectly In the tin me of the New Jersey corporation, but In the nma of out ot .r on His Family's Good La Crosse, most of the losers who ad dresses are given from-' other- cities being La Crosse men who have business Interests elsewhere.' The Wlthee estate. the Oil estate, the Pauls and Hyde are millionaires, while all others are each worth a quarter of a million and' up ward. Overreached Theiseolvea. - The only reason known for so many rloh men being taken In is that they were overreached by their own shrewd.- nessi They had - erulsera go over the land and rinding It worth lav an acre In most cases, jumped at the chance to buy It from, as they thought, a reck- l..le..yo"ris; man, for 7t cents to It an acre. iaey iruaiea MCiuniey iou l!U' pllcltly to have any doubt of htm. At least 100,004 acres Is believed to have been sold her. What this repre sents In cash is not known positively, as the losers refuse to give figures ex cept in acres. The beat estimate of the amount of the swindle here, which In cludes the bulk or the operations, .1 not less than $360,000 and not more than 1600.000. La Crosse banks all deny having any deals, with McKinley or Puter, having neither made loan on certificates or bought certificate. One more of the millionaire victim of the notorious Puter-McKlnley ring has sent to the state land agent borus school land certificates for 7.000 acres. ror wnicn n paid the handsome sum of tli.000. Tb swindle wss accomplished only two months ago and. according to the story,' Puter celebrated hia succeaa by a wild debauch In Chicago, blowing In nearly f 12,000 ef nil Ul-gotten gains in a single night's orgy. For a few houra the notorious swin dler waa In the custody of the Chicago ponce, on a charge of "drunk and disorderly,"- but he was set at . liberty wnen urn naa oecome sober, and with what remained of his Spoils he diaar- pearea once mors xrom Sight. . Salser a Mllltoaalro. Henry Salser of La Croase. the bead of the Seller Seed company, and reputed to be worth nearly or quite a million. (Continued on Page Nine.) MONOPOLY GRIPS THE CANAL ZONE lta subsldary companies, the Union Oil company of California. It Is likely that a lively fight will occur between the Standard Oil Interests and Amsdor on one stds and Magoon and the American government on the other. . Magoon diaputes Amador's right . to grant any franchise affecting the canal strip, tt Is understood that other per sons are looking for concessions on-the Isthmus, Including the Panama electric plant through William Nelson Crom well, who desires to construct a trolley line to parallel the Panama railway. United States Senator Teller of Colo rado answered the complaints 'and op position to the Panama canal. He Is not an opponent to the canal, but did not believe that it would be the success hoped for. He Is not willing t charge fraud In the construction of the canal, but la prepared to say that such an enterprise cannot be Inaugurated with so little judgment. - - Teller denounced the use of French machinery, which cost t,ooo,000 and Is worth nothing. Scott of Waet Virginia expressed the belief that It will take 10 years and a cost of tsno.too.0M ta com plete the easal -He advocated the. Baa. Blaa route., y . . . Officials argu that the Standard's franchises on the Isthmus are Invalid, aa the government owns absolutely the sol right to transportation of all winds, even a nntlve carrying a bundle could be-arrested. The title acquired by Da L vps cam to the United, Butts ' . - - Game 'M SHA - A HARRIL1AN THINKS " IN BUYING EQUITABLE IMPROPER J' 1,1 ill- r 1 Railroad Magnate Tells How He Was Given the Double) Cross in the Purchase, of the insurance SocietyAdmits Threat : ening to Uss Political Influence. Pearae) Special Bervtea.) New York. Dec 15. E. H. Harrtman waa rha first- witness In the legislative linvestlcatloa.- today. -Attorney Hughes unmcautteix'-piungeo miv ura uan. na tions with Thomas F. Ryan. Harrlman said that Ryan told him that he had -made enough money now and wanted to do something for the f"HHH PUMlJteJEn;lcej anamo for hlm- lf. ine w tineas saia iimi nu uuu Ryan's unselfish motives and told him . . Harrlman Bald that Rran had aaked hia aid In selecting a 'chairman of the board of trustees of the Equitable Life Assurance society and that Paul Mor ton was decided upon aa a good man for the position. COREY'S FATHER TRIES TO MAKE PEACE IN FAMILY Steel Magnate's Aged Parent Pleads With Son Not to ue- j . sert Wife for Actress f tfoaraal Snselal Ssrvlea New Tork. Dec 16. A. A. Corey, father of W. Ellis Corey, president of the Lnlted 8tates steel corporation, ar rived In thla city last night from Brad dock. Pennsylvania, for the purpose of effectin a reconciliation between the latter and his wife, the marital discord belns- the outcome of the younger Cor ey's acquaintance " with Maybelle Oil man the actreas. Father and son had a lone earnest talk. . Later a statement purporting to be made by the elder Corey was given out - for publication In which he said that -he never made derogatory remarks concerning his son. and believed the lat ter had done nothing dishonorable. Positive announcement ts made at the office of the executive committee of the United States steel corporation that the marital dlf flcultle of W. Elll Corey will wise affect hi stand ing aa head of that corporation, and that he would continue In hi position aa president. . MILLIONAIRE PFISTER IS RELEASED BY COURT ' y " (Josrnsl Special Service.) " Milwaukee, Wis.. Dec' II. Million aire Charles F. Pflster was released this morning at the conclusion of ths presentation ef evidence by the prosecu tion In the caae In which it le alleged that he stole tlt.OOO from the Wisconsin Rendering company, prater's counsel moved that -the defendant be dismissed on the grounds that no evidence hsd been presented. The court granted the motion. ' ' The neat ault to be tried will be the $250,000 ault of Pflster agatnat the Mil waukee Free Press, alleging libel, and the suit for conspiracy sgalnst IMltor Piper. District Attorney McOovsrn and a number ef La, Follette leaders. . EXPEblTION STARTS " TO RECEIVE WHALERS . ' 1 ; (Jonrael SBaetei Serrke.) "Dawson, T.' T., Dec. It. A detsnh- msnt of the Canadian mounted police started from here today for the pur pose of ascertaining th condition-of the ' whalers - that -are Icebound off. Herachel Island. . They "will be Joined by an expedition organised, by Dr. An ions Variola, th prim mover In the proposed Yukon polar expedition, The expedition will carry the mall for the offlcere and members of the crew 'In the district to be visited ea, the way aorUk. . Public Laughing Stock - A - ME ! From Ths Commoner. RYAN'S MOTIVES Harrlman aald that he had received the notice that Morton had been elected without hia having been notified. The election took place while the witness was -waiting in hia offlce to 'hear from Ryan. -. The first heard was that Ryan bad purchased all the stock of the Equitable society fronr J. H. Hyde and then had elected Morton and aent word to Har- '" - " h- h--l harm frtrrrrt ft art. Harrlman was Incensed and said tiiaT he had promised to call at Ryan'a of fice to meet Root. He admitted that ha had threatened to use his Influence against Ryan, but denied that It was because Ryan had refused to sell, but because he was convinced that Ryan's motlvea were improper. JACK LAYTON DROPS -DEAD Pioneer Was on Eve of Retiring to a Life of Ease When His Heart Failed. (Soeelal Dispatch to The Journal.) . Grants Pass, Or.. Dec It. Jack Lay ton, a pioneer of southern Oregon and one of the best known placer miners on the coast, oropped dead In the dig gings of his William creek hydraulic mines yesterday afternoon. Layton was helping hie men place a line of piping In the 'diggings when he died of heart failure. Jack Layton waa 72 Tears of age and waa apparently In robust health. H came to southern Oregon with the first rush Into the Oregon country from Cali fornia In 1852. He mined In various districts for two years and then located his claims on William creek, since known as the Layton mines, and which he has mined continually atnee the early alxtiea. The Layton placers were smong the flrat equipped with hydraullo pipe and slant The first ditch for that pur pose was constructed In 11(4. Recently Layton bonded his properties to eastern people and he decided to drop his shove) and pan and spend the rest of hia days at eaae. The earnings from his mines had' enabled the veteran miner to. be come possessed of considerable prop. erty In thla city and county, the Layton hotel, of ' Qrants- Pas being a part Of hi property. - Mr. -Layton we a member or the Ma sonic fraternity and the funeral will be under the auspices of Jacksonville lodges. PRINCETON AND HARVARD DEBATE OVER FOOTBALL - " Jnerasl flpeetal Bsrvlee.) Cambridge, Mass., Dec It. Owing to the timeliness of the subject .choaen for discussion the annual debate here . th(s evening between representatives of Princeton and Harvard .universities Is attracting much attention. - Prlnoeton has ' the affirmative and Harvard the negative aide of 'the 'question. . "Re solved. That Intercollegiate football In America la a detriment .rather . than a benefit." . - The Princeton debaters -are Messrs. Clark, McEwen end McLannahan, while th Harvard team is composed of Messrs. Hi rack, Shohl and Tulln. J Frost Breaks ' fRoeeisI Dtspatea ta The. Jearasl.) Athena, Or.. Dec It. As a result of the heavy frost aod fog which have prevailed In thle eeetlda for. 'several days past considerable trouble ts-being ex perienced between here and Walla Walla, many . of titer telephone wire being broken down and communication nter- rupted. me rrost oeing; aa much as a half Inch thick on the .wires la many place. . .- YEAR'S BATTLE OVERRATES President Expects Long Con test to Secure Corporation Regulation Threatens an Extra Session. OPPOSITION IS SECRET SENATE SEEKING DELAY First Effort la Made to Postpone Bill Until After Christmas Recess Wall Street's Underhanded Moves Seattle Firm Bids on Building Philippine Railroad. (Joeraal Special arrles.T Washington, Dec. II. The president la looking for a long, hard battle to get the rate regulation be seeks. - The fight may last a year and will possibly re quire an .extra session. The present op position ts . secret and underhanded. Even In the senst not half a doien are willing to admit that they are publicly opposed to-railroad rate control. Elklna declare that he la trying to carry out the president s Ideas. Foraker save ths differences between the ad ministration and himself are. technical. Keaa frankly admits that he believes that the president is a demagogue or else craty. Others aay they want rate regulation badly, but -their .action a be lle It. . Wall street? has assumed the same at titude ss It did last spring. Well staeat snnafnri rs ftMlayjKng. their friends. Campaign delay and trickery Is planned. Aa a preliminary step' the senators demand delay In the matter until after Christmas. The senate committee on Interstate commerce today considered the Elklns rate 111. Elklna explained the provisions or hie nrooosed measure. Bids for railroad concessions In the Philippines were opened today. The eovernraent Of the Philippines Is. to have for to years one half of I per cent of the gross earnings, during the next to years, 1 Mi per cent and after that such an amount as the government may fix. It Is planned to build l.tto miles. A bid wss made by a Seattle firm, com posed of Morris McMlcken. O. O. Resklns. O. Ponctn. Jacob Furth and E. C Hughes, which covers a line .In Albay, southeastern Luson, In accord ance with government speciiicauon, except that the road Is to be completed within three years insieaa 01 '" the government demands. MONTANA COMMISSION. mewablleaas Agree to Pass meffsletive Railroad Xsasure ta Batra See-stem. (HdscIsI nianetck to The Joornal.) Helena, Mont.. Dec. 11. After a ses sion lasting more then It hours the Montana Rate aaaoctatlon adjourned after electing -former Mayor Frank E. Edwarda of Helena a president and R. a mur secretary. The entire night session was devoted to a discussion of freight rates, and criminations ana re criminations between the Democrats ami Republicans regarding responsibility for the failure of me ranroaa commmmun law at the last seaalon of the legisla ture. The convention finally hit upon a me dium, despite hi announcement In- wel coming the delegates that he would not summon the leglalature In extra sesetoi because of. differences between himself and the leglalature over the appointment of commlaaloners, requeetlng the gov ernor to call an extraordinary sesnlon. provided "It could be shown him that the Republican legislature would recede from Its position and allow ths executive to name the commlaaloners. Republican leader declare they will recede In order to have a commission for adjustment of freight rates. queen of 0phir creek .. has Her furs stolen (Joorasl Spedsl ServW.) New Tork. Dec. t. Police and de tective are searching for a It. 000 aet of furs belonging to Miss Frances Fits of Alaska and for ths thief who stole them Tuesday at the Martha Wsshtng- ton hotel In thts city, miss nta nas been called th "queen of Ophlr creek" because along that -creek In . the gold country she owns 40 acres of mining land. , . ' " Big" Four Bsteaaioaw - - ' (Janraal Special Service. Chicago, Dec. 15. The new Indiana harbor line, which Is the Rig Four's ex tension from Danville to Chicago? opens for trafThr today. The ToedHa of .low grade and double tracked all the way. It Is expected to be an important factor In the development of valuable coal fields In southern Illinois. rerxtaa Baakar' nootar aTtmseb? . (Joornal Special Kerrlre. New Tork, Dee. 11. A man about t yeara of ag, believed to be Fella Frank, a Oerman banker In Mealcer.Clty, shot Man self at a restaurant today. He la Avtne lind eefiieee tn I-1 W H- ' BOOHB BACK AT CONSPIRATORS Patrolman Lee, Found by Bruin at Bar in a . Saloon After Closing Time, Admits on Stand He Owns Interest in Place. ; PATROLMAN CRADDOCK ARRAIGNED ON STRENGTH OF OREGONIAN On Stand He Denies or Made" Other Statements Accredited to : Him in Inflammatory Article. - r Republican city official a who have been playing peanut politics In the effort to bring discredit on the administration of Mayor Lan have succeeded In mak ing themselves publto laughing stock. Their campaign ' haa proved an utter fiasco. -, Developments yesterday in the Investigation of charges against vari ous members of th police department capped the climax and fully exposed the cheap- oonsplrscy - against - the city's t-emer executive. The ostensible leaders In the' fight against the mayor have been certain Republican members of the city coun cil, city Auditor Devlin, while keep lng In the background, haa aspired to direct the attack and the Republican thing in their power, by deliberate mis representation, to excite popular preju dice against the mayor's administra tion and to arouse discontent in the fir and police departments. -1 Devils' Part ta Schemes. Devlin Is credited about the city hall with organising the fight In the coun cil to prevent Mayor Lane appointing a plumbing inspector. It waa an obvious usurpation of authority whsn the coun cil undertook to Interfere with the mayor In this exercise of his appointive power, but that made no difference' to the peanut politicians. When Mayor Lane had routed the councllmen, Devlin came out into the open and held up th salary of the mayor's appointee. It was an utterly unwarranted act on the au ditor's part and was so declared by de cree of court a few weeks later. Then came the onslaught on th po lice department, always the easiest point of attack under any administration. Every possible pretext for stirring up turmoil snd discontent In the force was seised and magnified by, the Republican newspapers, which hsd lent themselves eagerly to the conspiracy. When Pat rick Bruin waa appointed police captain a howl was raised and the attack was renewed all along the line. Be ported PeUeemea Martyrs. Captain Bruin had entered on his du ties with vigor and with an evident de termination to enforce the rules of -the MAYOR J. VV. SURPREN.4NT OF ASTORIA IS FOUND DEAD III HIS BED Heart Failure Cause Death of by the Sea Wat Just Chief Executive. (Special Dispatch te The Joeraal.) . Astoria, Or., Dec IS This city was greatly shocked this morning when tt was learned that Mayor J. W. Surpre- nant had been found dead In his bed a a the result of an attack of heart failure. The mayor waa on the street last nlcht at IS O'clock, apparently In the best of health. At 11 o'clock, he retired and. to ail appearances, there wss nothing wrong. He dht not get- up. this morning st the-usual time, and upon being called there was no response. His room wsa entered and It waa found that Mr. Sur- prenant had passed away tn -hia Bleep, snayor uurprenani waa -very Domilar and hia death la unlyeraally regretted by all. He was a native of Olena Falls. xork, and fit year of axe, , He cam her when a young man and haa sine resided in this elty, carrying on ror many years an extensive contract ing Duslneaa. Among the contract which he fulfilled were several for Fort Stevens and earn tettr work ily Tuesday laat Mayor' Sornrenant -tiad been elected for hia third term as chief official of the city, having no op ponents in th recent election, he re tained his office as the unanimous choice ef all. Aa-an executive ha was clean, able and'uprlsht and hia administra tion did. much for Astoria. Vnder him tha town waa transformed from one of the toughest saloon-Infested, enllor crtmplng places on the const Into sn orderly, , law-abldlnj community ( FLY NIB He Called Bruin a Liar, department Several . patrolmen wtid) had been guilty of breaches of the rules were brought up with- a aharp turn. Bruin made It plain to every member of the fore that be proposed to maintain discipline and to compel strict observance of th regulations, it was the opportunity for which the city hall cabal waa thirsting and th pack was soon In full cry. Every policeman who had been re ported by Captain Brula for neglect of doty waa presented to the public as a martyr and a victim of aplts or polit ical Intrigue. Th Republican papers published columns of stuck oa Bruin and of Justification for1 the delinquent patrolmen. The records of the civil service) commission were scraped with a fins tooth, comtLiiUhs Jiop.oXrftking up some Irregularity In Captain Bruin's appointment The council ordered aa investigation of the commission's pro oeedlngs and the farce which has en sued ha excited the disgust of all good clttsens, regardless of party. Berlin aa Dictator. -City Auditor Devlin again assumed the role of dictator' of the municipal government and refused to pay Captain Bruin's salary, forcing him to bring suit to recover It As In tha ease ef th plumbing Inspector, the decision of the court, rendered yesterday, waa flatly against Devlin, who waa virtually declared to have exceeded hia province. Thus far Devlin has accomplished lit- tie In furthering his ambition to boo ceed Harry Lane aa mayor. Another bunch of boomeranga which had been hurled at the mayor earn hurtling back among the oonspfratora yesterday, when th civil service cony, mission learned the facta as ta tha charges against Captain Bruin. Tha revelations were interesting In tha ex treme. From the lips of the very men whom Bruin had disciplined came ad missions that th report and alleged Interview published In tha Republican paper were false and mad from wbois cloth. J. A. Lee. who aet himself un as at model patrolman, bilt who waa canrht In the saloon of H. 8. Fine, T4 Russell (Continued on Page Two.) One of Foremost Citizen, of City Entering Third Term aa I. No arrangements havf yet been made ror hia funeral. The council Is ex pected to meet, as other puhllo bodies will - do, to make preparations for a publto funeral, everywhere tha sliw eerest regret is expressed over . hia death. , . . RAILROADS TO COMBINE : TOURIST CAR SERVICE (Jearael Seeelsl mtU.1 Chicago, Deo. It. Western railroads have decided to combine on the. tourist ear service at various western ao4nt where it can best be done. Instead f hauling almost empty . cars,- aleeper hereafter will be rearranged at Mrnvar, Pueblo, Kansas City and possibly ether potnta, with a view of decreasing the operating expenses. PENNY POSTAGE AROUND THE WORLD IS ASSURED (Jseeasl Sseetsl SerrW Honolulu. Ie. It. MenlHir lleaton, ahourd tho li-mr Vior, h r--celved a cable from Kl. .()lmii'r r F-trpt. to the effect that nny p-,v In the t'nlte.1 Klns...n a. ),vrt minces- l)fniMr 1$. arij say. amerN-a snd Km nee will f ,:! ui.ivt.ji.l iitn P'SUji - 1 v.. '