THE OREGON - DAILY 'JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY' EVENING, DECEMBER 14. 1905! FOR SALE R2AL ESTATE. FOB by-owner New modera room bouse, bet, Twenty-scond end Twenty-fourth sts , Mf Waato, lluliadar Park: will . bulld-a Itlwr of 12 kU fruut plana ud terma to , cult rurehaxor. . Adilrees II. B. B4, S2 f Sandy road. Pbon iut I0v1.' too FARMS, small (fact tad lots: bargain e i O. W. P. electric Bit. O. B. Adrflroo. UiU, Oregon Yak Una at Scott car. ee. FOR SALEtf ARMS.' tl, XM Sfl ACBKg. t ifm cultivated; good , bouse, barn aad outtinlMlugs,. all fenced, no ; wmi; road aud CUrksma rlvrrs JH miles ; from Clackamas sutlo. G. plinvtck, oweer. Oregoa City, Oregon. , t ' FARM I'OR (I ALB IHO acre, good buildings, ' . , 88 sere under cultivation, fruit aad berrlee, , . enlenrtld water, Baar town, -dally Ball:- l.OOO,. ' 1 ' 000 feet ot floa pint saw tluihor, kite wsodl , a Uvety noma In tb aoat delightful elluial on tli Paelfl coast. Address- H.. B., bug ; llf, WoodTilla. Otaion. ;T , . ' ' FOB MALE a--;'.- ,.' 40 acres very flne land,- H (n mitt ration. " lias alrr and level, rich black loam: It ud (; ' lotn Clscksms station aad R. R.I only ,10 Bile from Meter of Portland; will offer It ' for on weak only at f TO par aare. Ad- drrse O 14. ear Journal. , '- len-ACRR frm. 1 Biles- east of Portland oa Sandy rlrer; 40 acres andrr eultreetloa, food Improvement. It acres ea Powell Valley - , road, hi aUle south of reservoir; abort dls ; taace from-1 carllnee. IT acres good, Uvel I. .', .... land adjoining Motor addition. - W. B. feck. , below, 227 rVilng bid. . - SlO.ono FARM of 400 scree. 120 on ltl rated, ' v be Use -pasture; 80 acrea eraveri bouse, twa , berne; xmnld aell la lota of 40 acrea. Ad ! drees B. Bell. Bnnte t. Rlekresl, Oregoa, ' y--ar 408 Bast Twslftk at., Portia ad. ' FOR BAI.B Btnek ranch .of 1 400 acraa sear Cwhsrg. Biles northeast af Eugene, tan county. Oregon: price low and - terms s. BY I.. Chamberlain. Lab be bldg..- Portland. . A SO-ACBB farm, alt ta calttratloit, miles from ooofhoue. I mil from O, W. P. A Rr. ' Co.. a. 0i0: terma to autt. or will trade fot V house and Int. ,J Boarkajr. T01 Cham ber of Oommarae, . ' 1 LAND IN ORCOON anda tke Carey . IrrtaaTlno) Act.- Deed direct from aula. Write toder. Booklet and Bap free. ' B. aV ; Coak 4 Co.. 161 Alder at.. Portia ad. Or. . ACRES ta fin state af enlttrstloa, aa fin road. 4 mile from electric line, old booe. t ' acre la bearing orchard; there la no rock or - grarel; price $1,300. II 14, car JooraaL. - "BARGATK 00-acr improrad farm miles salt of Portland. LaComptev 227 rrawt. , DK81BABMC lS-acr tract, alcely located, near car, R mile from city, good road, good fire- mom -maldend, barn, orchard. Call forenoon. 87 Eaar Ninth N., aaar Darls. 8X0 ACRES tlmhar Und. WtBCbeater bay. 10,. 000.000 feet cedar timber; Draln-Cooe Bay railroad eurreyed through land: prlc $4,00. N. P. Thran. Rosebarg, Oregon. . SNAP. '- rW acres, fmnta oa Whit lahnoa rrear, atate of Waebmgtoa, mil to school, chares, store, hotel: ea main roonty road, abort bail to Colnmbla rlrer; Und la all fenced. M acrea enltlTatd. acraa la orchard, fine bottom land for 'garden, bonee, barn, etc.) for a n Irk sal will- aell cheap; price win sooj artranc. , HRNKLU BAKKR, tlT Ablngtoa Bldg. 11 ACRES near city and electric carllna. 1 rich ' anil, ao reck or gravel, at the -low price of 7R0; former price $1,000; owner wants to aell; a great bargain. . , S acrea rich garden ground oa electric ear line, near elation: n better noil .anywhere) loe far; price SHOO; a anap. W. J. DAY A CO.. "' V 1UH Fourth at.. Room M. BSBranawreaMeSBneaaw-neaE TO EXCHANGE. 11 ACRES of good soil, dear of rock. miles '., from Portland, convenient to cer; good booe 1 and barn: running water. Will tak real- nenc In PortUnd. Yalu 14,000. Call KWa V Third St.-- -. " - - v $4.onn STOCK of general mercheadtse. 40 .' 'mile from Portland, In one of tbe beat i towna in -the valley. 'Will sell At IdtoIc . ' nr rich ins for PortUnd property. Call - 1QTV Third at. . .- . . aj ACRES, beaverdard land, 10 mlleg from ""V Portland. 17S per acre for a fsw day. Call limit ajhtid ,s, 1 1 a i- 1 FOR SALS TIMBER. ' ntinnm serin, an alee ' niece i' price. W. O. Howell.. S38 Chamber of Coav FOR HOMESTEADS, timber clalma aad aertp : apply to Sod Commercial hlk. TIMBER LAND WANTED . - I caa handle s nomher of good, timber i claims Ml Descbatea . timber belt, at once; : title etnat b perfect, i. N. Boater.' Bead, Oregon. I 000 ACRES yellow fir. J. 000 acre yellow, fir In Whmgton. Columbia river timber cheap. - lO.ono acre enemr 'snd yellow pin. BUIr A Horlbnrt. aid Ablngtoa bldg. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR RENT-4Cheap. good place for- pax tn ring - and feeding atock for the winter. Fhon Eaat 017. THE MODEL STABLE", Brown A Fester, prop, v Pbono Mem S47. Boarding. Ueerr and aale; ' siprees and baggage transfer. BwS. Pavla at FOR SALE One team of Bare. and 10 yearn; welghtT1.32.1. George Peteraoa, Hllladal. Oregoa. R. F. D. Me. I. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ATTOM0 BILE White ateamer Stanhope, a . fl.AlO rlr. sMght eat of style, bnt runs ' aa good as new. and I the Boat reliable rig , ' arsr Bade; caa be bandied by a Udy as esslly aa by a Ban; wsrrsnted' In perfect condl . , tton; fno. . 114 Second St., PortUnd. Wblt " Anto. -Oarage. WE print yenr name oa SO calling -cards, proper sis aad stylo, tSet WO basluess cards. II. BroWB A St Bale. J28 First Portland. Or. WESTERN OREOON MYNIN0 A MILLINU ( CO. hesdqaarter: stock -for snd In formation at 10 First at Pboao Main 1SSA, MACHINERY of all khid repaired. Oaataoalal Iroa A Steal Work. MS Glima at. . LARGEST atock sf bottle b northwest: orwnra filled promotly. Portlaad Bottle Snnnly O.. tl Mertk Eighteenth at.- Mala F38S. ' SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to order I aeennd band good for ssl. Csrleon A Kail- Strom Coach t Phono Clay STi. . BILLIARD AND POOL' tables for rent or for ssle on esse payments. 1 TUB BRUNSWICK-HALM COLLENDIB CO. 49 Third st, Portlsnd. BOOKS boarht. sold snd etcbamged at tb . Old Bonk Store, 220 Yamhill at. HORftKS of all klhda for sale at very raaaoaabl . prlcea Inqnlre 275 Front at. ' ' FOR SALE Poor No. I Amertcsa bokrt horee powera and lot of second-hsnd donkey en glne, suitable for .logging or hoisting por- rp. For- tnformltlon snd prlc apply ta D. Kuettner, Astorls. Oregoa. ni axis n MNT-ir.W AND SRnOND- - HIND SBWINO MACHINES. STANDARD SRWINO MACHINE AUKHtI. Si. (ViiM, 80 YAMHILL ST. - - DIAMONDS, watcbea snd Jewelry at a asvlng of n per cent. H, M. liOtrere nrj. v . saloxand retail Jewelers. Office SOT Altakf . bldg.. Third and Morriaoa. - LA ROB atock aeennd-band Remington and , , Smith-Premier trpewTlter, rnim p. llndorwood Tynwrltr Co 201 Stark at. HORSES, barneea. second-hand wagon, oa good hack; also rigs for rent by day or BMotk, 420 Hawthorne. I bone van ix. 500 NEW aprtght piano, 1125; FUchee,- S78; organ, 30. - 241 H First at, cor. Malnj ap- : FOR SALE 1 cow, a slngl wagoB Bad karaee). Incubator. Pbon Et JSI8. AT cloairlg-ont prlcea, aeverat BampU gasoline .engine, marine inn i.iwd.i;. price. Reterson Machinery Co PortUaA NA0LR engine. IMIS, compkrta. larjolra foot as Msntaon at. e. , NICE boggr ea-edW-bnrse. gentle. With aew ' ssooie i-artieuiars lwuiniro . - - r,iR Bxt.n A fin Rnab aorta-lit coat M00 will eell for less tbsn bslf price: going awsy to Alseka; will accent esse parmeme irom rs snonellil party. .Call at 0 Alder at. UIHTI'rTIII rnrnlebed In anv anentlt-V at re equable rsres. Wm. Klngstoa, Thirteenth and FOR . SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ALL or part Intrreat In wall drllL .Addraaa Box 47, aUuto A Uraeiiam, Or fun. t FOR SALE rine Hardman eprlgbt. good aa w; rtieap on payiueuta or eli: sea tki bar gain for dirlatnia preeeut. .all at o0 AWf 1 aireet. - - ,. ' ' FOR SALE Old eetabllelied nierrhant tallorlaf . boalneea. Inclndlng stuck aad tlatarea, to a . lit town, eaaiarn Waalilngton. Inqulr D. B. airBritle A Co., 84 Sixth t. BBAITTIFTL RNABR lhy grand piano, cost titM, sacrifice at 4tKl; bargsliis la new and seouad-band piano and organe; terma. KM tleo. Anrtereon. plaan prt. or B. w. riaher, risher Plana Co.. 1U0 lulrd at. Expert piano tuning and repairing. 1 SADDLE and 1 pair platform seals. . Phoas . East Ml. - r CHEAP I0 feet t rood IH-nxb rope and aa timber dolll. 11 Eaat Third. N. FOR SALE Rcow, North Barnaul at., N. A personal: BE If RRI . - . . ; P. JTltat-Powar) ttbleta Will rectors t yoa the ana p. eta) and elgor ef manhood I II roo are lacking In the power of rltallty, IU toe reeultlDg from Indlavratlnn and tiimn aend for a bog of tnss Ubl. ts and be coa rlnoed of tbelr merit. By mall la plain pI . 91. The Armatrong Tablet Co., Inc. Wtl Tolama blk.. Detroit. Michigan, SPECIAL HOTICB TO WOMEN Don't rleh Kur Urea by aa operation wba yoa caa cared by hirmleee aietnndat electricity properly applied will aare llf where opera tlona kill. W pmi the latest Inrentlos to control diseases, peculiar te eromea. .Dr. W J. Nace. M. .. Medical B lectrlclaa. Of . flea TIS Dekam blag. Pnon Red AMI. Offle . ho-ire S-1A t-A DR. AUSPl.UND.' dlaeaee or woaej and sur gery. I0S Altsky bldg.. Third aad Morrhwa. DETTCTIVB A0ENCT Confidential Investi gational re porta Bade an any tadtrldoal 4wal Dea or property; Biasing relative locate; bad debt 'collected: charge raaeoaable; err. reapoodeace eollelted. L Oregoa DeUctlee (S-rrlc. office I14 H15" Colnmhla bldg.. to Waahlngtow at. Phone Mala SdlA ELEANORS Know how well that aoanda. Uad a king Ulk. and am ronrloced that on . 1 aa bad aa to other. There are certain things which yoa should know. . "Appoint Thursday, rrleod will b glong. . . 1 ,,. HOWARD. MEN! WOMEN I Rarawnd'a Bill poalttrely tui aerreaan.e 4 Uok of vltami ll, 4 boxes tA Pluaner Drag 0.. too Third. CONFIDENTIAL, medical advice to womea We . treat diseases of women exclualvely, caring 'With; anvarylng anceeaa all female ailment fmm the allrliteat local, Irritation to the awst enmpllcated mtrrnal trooblea: maternity ea given, apcclal attentloa. private bnapltal ac commodatlon: profeeeloftal lady nnreea la at tendance: consnltatloa snd sdvlc free. - X Rsdlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium, Third aad Alder eta., entrance ESS Alder at Portland. .' , SVITS preeeed whll yna wait, (We. Ladles' skirts peeased. Oc. Gilbert InStt Wath SU. Beit to Quell. Phoa Clay tat. PERCY I lib tb war ron attracted t that littler matter f-r me. Will never ask an other favor. Will, not aea antll proter ! planatlon U Bad. RUBY. ANXIOrft All O.. K. Be here Wednesday, . ImporUat HAMILTUn. A. JA. I. M Wber can I as yoal Ad- drea R Z33d. Joornai orace. MRS. ANNA LUCRE T and ETHEL WARD art now located at R-tfi Tavior at.; nnncipam 01 the Amertcsa Beaaty Parlors. We care "1 scalp dleease: all Ahtda af hath given; eleo trie mass 11 re. msolrnrlng and chiropody i ale Madame Karmw'a famoaa remedlca; aatlafac tton gnaraateed. Pbon Mala 2243. ' rES. Palme Tablets mske yoa sleep perfectly! Ih.. mm ei .iie.ii. end make von streoal r-tre 50c a boi. base I MM); guaranteed. II drags-tats,- sr addraaa Brooke Drag Co Vt North Third at. PortUnd. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Robarta Nrr uionniea. on moatn a treat men 1, e. e months, tB; sent aecurely sealed by Ball, Agents. Woodard. CUrka A Co.. PortUnd. Or. BOOKS! Hare they are: DecameroB," Hep. tameroa." "A Hot Tamai.- .-ranny riui.- Twen.e Weeea - l,l" Fnebldden FrUlt." 50 each: Hate free. A, Bchmelsv 222 First at TJrt r-retoKd,,,be 1 ThS""Brwr "BW Lorena'a Nerve Toole Taoiere: xoc per ". boxes for (I ts. Write or can at fcfsseM'a Pbartoacy. 227 Morrison, bet tat aad Ad. LADIES Too appear 20 yeara I younger, re move all wrinkles, have skla like velvet by oatng Oregoa Clran Skla Food. Phone last 1207. . WHY Ilea ,Ua when nis can ecrnre a Ufa , companion by yolnlng me interaiaie tame aneing nocteiy. ana meet or swrreeowm wne rermtable person of thl ' eectlos. many weeltliy: rh Noverdbar res-tster. IS rent. Suite 24 Rnssetl bkUj. Phoa Paelfl 628. FREE mole corn, nnntoa and wart rare. Ed win u. Dean, dept B. Taaatoa. Mas. TJ'RKISH BATHS. 0f Oregonlsa WCg.j Udlsg daya. gnntleoten alghta. Mia 1WM. FREE to oat of tows natrons, onr lstaat cata- Inen of fsncy work, pillow tope, center piece, ehtrtwe lata and anvelttea. Tb Need l Craft Shop, EOT A Italy hU!g., rorTiaaa. ur. DOl.lJT hosnttsl; renatrlng aad drossing. Taa Bill a so west r-ara aia. BINO CHOONO. tmnorter ef Cbtneo root Biedl einea; sells crnaese te mai m nram " for all disease. 181 Second bat. Tamhlll aaJ Taylor. SEND . R RICH. PORTTTAND. OREOOH. tB FOR-2S ASSORTED SOUTENIR rUBTAl.9- 8END for free list of rot prices aad clubbing rate oa magaslaoav don' Boo but, zvi Alder at DR. ATWOOD. 1 Raaaell IrlllU Fourth t. Female d lessee and connaamenre rssca and eared for; opea srsalngs. Oosaaltatloa rreo. ... -. 1 : - - m. MRS. Sophia B. Selp. psycbornefiiet. arsraas and pmpneteaa: oaiiy 10 to o. to v: nrcie Tneaday and Friday. S B. m. 24.1 H Ysmhtll. cor. Seventh. Pacific 100, Sondsy evening Beetmga Drew hsll, 162 Second at. DRS. N. A.. NISBETH. dlwedlsb apecsltats. ' care raeamatlsm. kidney, stomach and Hver - tmnbles. chronic eonetlnstlna. obealty sod all chmnlr and nervone dtsesses: no drugs; OS knife; bio per month. Consultation ana oem onstrstlona Vrea. Hood 1022. -411 Morriaoa at HAVB you aeen oar holiday enertela dlo, Olive. Fifth and Washington. talat II. Sta- THB SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO., 811 De horn bldg.. agents for tbe celebrated M.oBtsta 1 Rose remedies: cures sll female trophies, sisf stomach and liver troubles; consnltatloa rr. nsnii nr w i sn 1 ngtow r ore moat fraternal society of northwest; protects tb living. Bit Msrqnam bldg., Portlaad. Oregoa. GET married: Meal plan, best remits t send 10 for particulars to tn raeine vorrsspowaswos uino, Aim, uregon. BALM OF-FIOS for all female dla East Belmont. Phone Mala BBn.rltnas ilinti Itm Vellef ansctsltv trest. , In chronic and prrte dlseasss. Oor. 8d and no wnni.ry tienjamin. ths Foot Snedsltst. StH W aetitagtoo at Hood u. mam reel msd aouaa. RESPECTABLE gentlemen . with conn try bom desire acquaintance refined German Udy. ' under 40; object matrimony, O 8, ear of journal. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COYBT. Fifteenth and Alder, agent for Cadillac and -Tierce antomobllea; ma china rented, repaired nd atored. ASSAYERS. OARYIK CTAN1DR ETTBACTTON CO." aad Montana Aaaay Office. IS Morrmoa at ATTORNEYS. A H. TANNER, attorney,' Comroerclsl blk.. Second aad Washington at. Psoa Mala Ml H. F B TIB LEIGH, tawysr, 122 Grand av Isst Portland. EDWARD t. TAGGART, aftomey and Seloe. 418 Chamber of Commore bldg. BATHS MASSAGE. YOl'NCt lady give trannr, alcohol Sd gsedlcated - bathe. Parlj ZT. 2ii8 sjtark. TWO ynnng ladles- gtre hatha aad Bsssigs. 110 -41k gt, eor. w. ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYEH.- Portrslt and Undacan artut ano if"-. ACcbUNTAN'K" CHARLES B. PFAHLET Public 1 editor tnC expert - accountant . Bourn T, ChaBber 1 Commero bldg. . ' . " BLANX-BOOK MAKERS. HOWB. DAVIS A KILHAM. 102-111 Seoood t. Blank book msnufsrturersj agsnts or ones Improved Loose-Lesf . ledgers; sed tna B Eureka leaf, the beat on tbe market. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. A. BIRKENWALD CO.. SOd-SOS Everett at urgest Mtchera' supply Boas on ins cosv BLACKING. WERFOOT Blacking, absolntrly weierproof. 1 servea tn -lestner. mssee snoe ww w cent longer. For sale every where. 18 1 18 eeata. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LENSCH . BROS, commission merchants, dour. feed., bsy sad neodnea. 202 to IDS groox x Pbono Mala 2PW. BYERDINO A FARRELL. prodne and commis sion aerehsnts. 140 Froat .at. roeuano, ur. Pbon Mala ITv. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST IT." 0EOROB ORMONDE. EgvpHaa seer. 2WIH Washington at. Psyrhlc palmist, nee ler, oeso trance medium; grestest sdvlser iove, busi ness, sickness, mines, treasure, change. Jour neys, fsmlly troubles; brings back loved on; unites separated: reading by Ball IX 8 ques tions; tells everything. MRS STEVENS. Portlsnd1 leadlag. palmist ., l. . I M fuw Amm M. Vie mni.fW iru . 1 1 iiu.i - - . Important aad eellabU facts about tbe past present and future. 180 Seventh St. op p. Hotel Portland. . Pboao Paclnc 71A MMB. HELONIA. EOTPTIA Tbe peochlc Ufe reader, srlentlfle pslmlst. astroiosrisi. ecruii tee (tier and healer; Kgyptlaa Tarot card reader. Second and Morrison are. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. E8BRRO-GUN8T CO. DUUIbatara of -1 . . ... win 'NI a3 ARB. Portland. Orsgoa. 1 CAFES. THE OFFICE 2MI Washlngto St .. Phoa AUI T71. Hani vigneaa. 1 CHIROPRACTIC. POSITIVELY eares alt forma of rbawmatfam. Dr. Bva Hogaa. 20a Hall at. pbobo Mais oo. CLEANINO AND DYEtNO. , TAMHIIX. CLEANINO A PRESSINO CO. Work called for and delivered, raoao tisj gsx aa. lamniu. . Portlaad Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Worxe; prs. lira 1 aaner la eonneexioa. ai 1 vim. vwr CLOTHES cleaned and pressed 81 per axoath. rata Tailoring Co.. 847 wssaingioa ex. b. W. TT1RNEB, profasslaaal dyer and eUeoer. . . . ... . iil 11.1. exit w ..iitnoo si. riwae e.e, e"" NEW process lacs eurtslo cleaning, OOc to ft parr, as uuaaa. msib ooho. CARPET-CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Clean log Co.. Urgent plant oa th coast 1rmg snd Hsrdtng sts.. tele- - , Wm aall r,iMti .ImmmI. eefltted. sewed and laid; both ateem and Utest eoa- SA HI 1 aa I carpet reaaina, wnwa preaaso aw eomouxrn: carpers cieanea m nuw . . . - , . a , A'tk Wlinoui renMrrsi. - m.ib utKre. ww. AiARPETB. w rains- aa dut Pbon Clay 881. iree oemoneini.ow COAL AND WOOD. CHt'RCHLET BROB. he re sieved from foot Paris it b tl Kesrney at, Bear lira; m Bow the Unrest woodyr4 In the cttv carry tng all kloda of Weed aad aoaL Mala 88L ORKOOBT A MORNI8 saieesaora te Cala A "afcKane. dealer la wood and eeal at mwesi price; eatUfserloB gnaranteed. Oar. Test and Irving. Phone Msla 475. WFSTEBN Feed A Fool Oa.. ee Froat. betweoa OHea and Hoyt, denier ta all Kbo or bone enaU aad blsck smith eonla. . Pkoae Mala I01A ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers la euidaoud. ensl . nd greea and drv labwood. B. B. and AI blna svs.. 2 blocks seat ef ferry. Bast 874. ST E Eft BRinOB FTEt, CO, Peelers la coal cordwood snd dry slshwooo. fnooe nan sxa. TBT EAOI.B LUMP COAU M ton 18, ton T Henke. 148 N. SUth. Paclfte 841. OBEOON FCEL CO All ktarU ef enal aad OS Alder at. Pboo Mala on. KIRK ROOFER. 818 Water aA. Phone Mala 48BA Fl'l.TON WOOO CO. Phone Pacific 84 for dry and greea slahwwod. , KINO -COAL CO.. Importers hlrh grade boos, steam aad amltbhig cos la. Mala 142S. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WtTOLBSALB crockery and glsaswir. Prast, - Hegel A Co., 100 to 108 Fifth, eor. Btark at CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, earpenrera. builders trs. pairing and pihhlng: store aad office flxtBree built. Snoe 208 Colnmbla. Msla 822T. WASHBHBNB A FTOTD. wsgon balfAers aad ganeral Job work. 88 Btk at. Phoa Hood owt. F. E. FANDEBBOOF, rarnenter and Jobber. B8T Btark at. Phone MaiOT4I. WM. FISHBECK. enrpenter; repelring end Job bing done. 21 Bnrnslde st Pboao htaln 848T. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOBS any one ewe roe money f We collect bad debts of all kinds 122 CI rand v, rooou 14 and 18. Phono Baat 4424. DANCING. WOoOWABD'S dancing echool of tb Wester Academy of MnsU. Monday and Thursday. Specratore tavfted. I,ssanns COe. Dene tng g to II. Cor. Per raid and Morrxsoa. ' DETECTIVES. TEIX na yoor trouble; we never sleep; evidence trsced In etvtl snd criminal esses, B, U Renlnger. Box 800, - DRESSMAKINO. KEISTER'S LArtlES TAILOBINO COM EOR. 202 and 400 AlUky bldg.l writ for booklet. DRESSMAKINO Strictly as xe dstsl Uteot a. signa. 488 CUy H, DRESSMAKINO. first-class snd no-to-dste: chsrres ressooabU., TeL Mala 1522. Csll 414 Fifth st. DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DB C.B BROWN n.T.S .O.C.M Tie Horse be. pltsl.2S7 Bnrnslde, Pbon: Mnln40WI; Psc.240. ELECTRICAL. SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTBICAL ENOINEF.BIN0) - CoBppny. 80S Stark PortUad. O. K. tof ter thing . la . Ike aUetrleal Baa, .. Paoae Mala I AS. - . .. PACIFIC E1WCTKI0 r Ferlneer. eostrae-o-s. repslrers. slectrtr wiring, sureties. 84 Firot. Stark. Msla 8r. B. R Txts. mgr. ' FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREOON Fnraltare Msnnfscrarlng teapaay -Mannfactnrer af ramltare Par IB xraas, Portlsnd. Or. rnmtlTPna wieenrareiiHee and sneclsl order. I Baviaiky g faraltar factory. STS From! at. ...K.c, illicit V Ci lit ft K-0 FURNACES: B0YNTON warm atr furnaeea aave fuel. I. O. Bayer Fnmaos Co.. 2M Ssooad. Msla 461. FRENCH BAKERIES. THE caly place ta Portland to get French breed. xisrrere aiayiie. atrr BULB at, xaxiiy aouv ory. Phone Ore BOS. . . GRINDING. - B. 1. CASTEBLINB A CO.. Inventor of tb rgmou steel tempering process; tools snsrp ned reasonabU. 147 N. 6th at. Pacific 842. Bason, knives, scissors sharpened to perfec tion, siarison do.. 4tiH n. ntn. r-uririe too. GROCERS. WADHAMB A CO., wholesale grocer, mesa fact urere nd aoBBlealoB marcbaata. Foarth aad Oak eta. .... ALLEN A LEWIS, enmmlestoa and product axe. cbaata. Froat and Davis eta.. Port la so, or. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. solicits soportanlty te qoote price, las 1st St., eor. Alder. Mils . "HAYANDGRAIN." I. O. COOPER A CO. Potatoes, feed aad floor. 128 Ualoa avo. Pboao Beat 1S1T. - HOTELS. HOTEL PaadUtoa. PsBdletoo. W.A. Brewa. aaar. HOTEL PortUedV Aawrtcaa pUat 88. 88 per sy. HOTEL St. Ooorgo, Peadletoat Us ding hotoL BELYEDERBi Baropeaa plaal 4th and Aid sts. INSURANCE. . ISA AO ta WHITR. Ore lass ran. 800 Dokai LAMBERT. WHITMER A CO. Fire toea rases aad real estate; nfricea 107. ion n tier iocs ning. Mala IOO81 dept. 404 Eaat Alder. Bast 41. JAS Mrl. WOOD, fmplerer liability and la. dtvldnal acHdent snrrtv hoods of all hlaxU, Pkoa 4T. ana McKay Bldg. B. F. BARTFT.S COMPANY Fire toanram 448 Sherlock bide Oreeoa Phone Clay 82A I1--"" 1 iiggse LOCKSMITH. J. H. RICHARDSON, expert lock end keretntlh; nenernl renalrlne: rastlron nmxlna: an wore gnsrsnteed. 287 Burnaid at. . Pbon Pacific iocs. BROWNB'B IN TOWNEvnee locksmith a bicycle repairing. - VK StsrA Day pkoae. tisy.BZB; aignt pnoss. Main asna. MUSICAL. THBA. THnRHlMUKl. , ' Tlolln' Bepoerlnr. Expert--work gnarantecd. LEHAONS OOc Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin. violin; inBtrnmenta ror ssjo. mttrm rusK. w Main. airs. Marius. - PIANO, violin, string and wind tnatraments. Pmrsoso EdwU A. SBlta. 294 Tweirta. Maw 4T08. - . . - . PIANO toning. 82: perfect work gnaraatasd. a W. JoLaeoa. . Paoae Mala Mil. 1. A. WEBCO. violin-Baker aad repairers, wort Brat class. Bo Koase i Bldg., era aa Morrison. FREE lesson oa the violin, mandolin, guitar aad banjo. Levy's Mnslc House. 1T1 Foarth. BM1I, THIEI.HOBN. pnpll of Sevetk. vlotlo tesdier. Studio 185 Sixth. Tel. Msln 8964. MONUMENTS. NET? A KINOSLET2dS First t.. Portland's leaning marni ana green worn. MONEY TO LOAN." BEAIqOABTERS FOB SALARY LOANS. .428-8 Mohawk bid., cot. Morriaoa' and Third, ' Ladles or Orn tii-rses. Ne Publicity. If yoe borrow 20 yoa pay back 81.28 a week. If yoa borrow 12.1 yoe pay back 81. 88 a week. If ye borrow 80 yoa pay bsch 12 00 a week. II yoa borrow tv yoe per bock 12.88 a week. . If yoa borrow 8.v yoa pay back $2.00 a week. Paymenta an. pen (led - In esse of slekneex. Strictly Sslsry Loans. -THB CRE0CBNT LOAN 00 42S-S Mohswk bldg.. cor. Morrison aad Third. MONET TO LOAN) Oa Improved city property or for bending purposes. Any nmonnt oa from S to 18 years' time, with privilege to repay all of part ef loss sfter one rear. Iooae an. K roved from plana and money advaaeed aa sliding erngrssssai mortgages tsksn ap aad replaced. . FBED H. STBONfl. Financial Agent. 142 Stark Street. TUB STAB LOAN CO. Any aaUrled emnlove. we re -earner, eaa got Month. H Monrk. Week, to aa $18 88 er 888 or $8.88 to aa 8 8 88 or 8 88 or 8188 to as i 4 00 or SAO se $1.08 mniaia. 828.00 Bepay sin on xih. gio Hrnsy aiog WHY PAY BENT wheo wo, csn fnrnleh yog xoonev to bnv nr tmlld von 1 home? SMALL MONTHLY REPAYMENTS with IIW RATES . OF INTEREST. Drop a cord, or can oa J. H. Hubbard State Agent 282 E. Morriaoa at. MONET te Una. ealsrled neopU. tee maters, etc '. without eeenrltrt essy par meets: largest bnalnens In 48 ptinrlpsl elttea. Tolaaa. 228 Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Mnln 8481. MONEY to Inea on reel, personal and collateral eeenrltyl epeetul stteattna to ebsftel nwirt re res: antra bonrht. C. . W. PalleA $044 FeatoB bids- 84 Sixth ot. HIOOLY respeetshls pUee where Isdlea aad gent eaa borrow Boney on diamonds and Jewelry. Collateral Tiaa Baak. 208 Wash ington at- Phone Black 71." CHATTFT. Inene In tnnnnte ranging from $ to $8,000! roomlag-hnnee a snectalty. New . Bra Leas A Trust Co.. So Ablngtoa bldg. WR mske n kind of loan oa good eeeortty t loweot rates: anedsl attentloa give ' cbsttel mans. 108 Morrison st. MONEY to loon la same ef from $$.808 te 8 Ann: terms to salt tb borrower. 2-in. Commercial bnt. e MONEY ro loan 0 Claekseasa eonnty Isnda. R r. aad F. B. BlUy. 80s Chamber ef Corny LOWEST rates aa fniiitlme and pUnoa. Bsee t era Leaa Co. 448 Sherlock bldg. Clay 828. TO l-OAN nm to entt na etisttol asm II. R. A. Frame, 814 The Msrnnsm. knsrr TO 1 0AN an tl kinds of seenrtty. William Bolt, room 8. Waahlnctoa bonding. $1 nno n noft TO Vaa b nrlvat perry e reel estate osenrtty... 402 CommerHsl bldg. LOANS on etty. enhrrrhan and farm property, nnv gtwmrnt. eev - terms. - BV- K . Davis, room TSO. Cham her Commerce. ' ' " ' OSTEOPATHS. DRS. API Y A NORTH Rt'P. 418-18-IT flekaB hldg. Third aad Washington ata. Paoae Mala 848. Examtna tlona free. DBS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. 408 Mseteey bldg CIF TT8. Sea. M. 2lB1. Cabsaltatlo free. TUB vi L. Q. Udv osteopath la town. Dr. eaite it. Selling lUrscfc bldg. MACHINERY. THE H. O. AI.BEE Cot SeeooA-kaaA maahla-sry, , r , PLUMBERS. DONNERBBRO A ' RADEM ACHER, sanitary plambsra. 84 Foarth st sVitk psone. FOX A CO.. sanitary plumbers. 221 Second, bet Bfaln and Salmon. Oregon mono main ewi. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. i. BEACH A CO. Tbe Pioneer. Pnlat CM window-glaaa aad Uatnv loo sirs ex. Phone its. ERNEST MILLER A CO., Second and Taylor- wall paper, paint ou ai marser. pru-esi i". delivery. BASMCSSEN A CO. Jobbers, paints, oil, glass. seek and doora. Beeoed and Taylor. PRINTING. ifc.ia,i, WELCH A DAVIS. -Printers Doe re ef clever thing with Ink nd type oa paper, otearss bldg.. Sixth and Morriaoa. , Main 4147. ANDERSON A DPNIWAY COMPANY, printing. lithographing. hUak hooka. Phone Mala II. tna Alder st.' ' " ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing ai Jooomg. s. Loan, II x jertereon St. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP' WORKS, 840 Aldr st. Boone Mala 710: rubber atnnin. sosis. etenriis. oaggaae. trade checks; send for eat a loan No. 211. SCALP TREATMENT. CRAY, faUltaf bate. 1 an draff trvatodl afcaft iDfi, tMDicwrinaj. miroiMH7. irc wwh. , B r. Kyo. 160 U roarth. or. UorrUom SECOND-HAND GOODS. 0OODE-B Furniture Hoase Highest fries paid for cond-had rural tar. 11 oeeeaa ei. Phone PaHS 408. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ot wry deecrlpttont beak, bar and store nxrorea maoe t oroor. xao tmmm Msnufsctnrtng CO.. PortUBaV - SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNA-window Uttering, cloth banners. economics I electric fens and signa 01 sn kinds mad quickly.- goatee A Kteloer. Fifth and Evaratt Pbono Exchange 55. HOLIDAY SIGNS Office boot and window lettered at cat price. Eirngienet gijvi Wsahlngton St., apstalre. Pbon Hood 1788. SAFES. WE repair aad rebuild automobile, gas engine. printing prsssss. time locks. re, open loce. outa, do all klnda of machine work. Columbia Oaa Ensine A Safe Work. 842 Second ot Pboao Paelfl 876. Frank J. Snper..eopt. DIB BOLD Maagaaese aafee; fir snd bnrgUr- pracr work: lall aad priroa work: mexoam I repairs, i. u. us via. an iniro as. STREET-PA VINa WARREN Constmctlos Co., street paving, side- wslk sna eroaawalka. lie oregoaiaa owg. THE Barber Asnbalt Paring Co. . of Portland. orace ana Worcester nig TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter, nil makea. rented, onld 4) repaired. Co et Agency, 221 Stark. TeL 1407. TRANSFER AND HAULING. BAFES. ptasos nd forn1tnr moved, pecked vend -tor nioolna-' and ebirmea: an ' ' brick , Sre-pronf worehoose for storsg. Offfce 128 FifsT' - C tf. Ola Phone bfals S4T. THB BAOOA0N A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Sixth and Oak ata.; barrage checked from hotel or residence direct to deetlnatloat pa seen re rs therefore (void rash and snnoy anc at denote. Private Exchange 88. - 0. O. PICK, office 88 First St.. between Star aad Oak ata., phone mi: plena ana rarnitor moved and packed for ablnplng: corn Bftod loo brick wsrebooee. Front and Clay ata. OREOON TBANBFER CO., 184 North Sixth. Phone Main 88. Heavy hunting aa storsg. BAST SIDE vvensfer Cn.. A. B.' Holeomh, ares, 122 East Water at. Phone Bast 8A - POST SPECIAL rtBLTYERY No. $001 Wai Ingtoa at. Phoae Mala 888, TREES, - SHRUBS. ROSES. We her them hv th Ihoussnd: strong, healthy stock. Oar 1808 Illustrated and priced rata Ugne telle alL PORTLAND SEED CO, Front and Yamhill eta. TELEPHONES. THE only eaelnslv telephone bonee. B.-Bi Electric A Telephoaa Maaafacturlng eoa psny. 82 Fifth ex. - TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS D A I LT--Comb, he Mb. soap, $1 per month. Lewrence Bene.' Towel Supply Co., Foarth aad Coach. Pboao 428. WELL BORING. JAMES W. GREEN 20 yeare' experience to weii-noring otisinea in ana innui rortisnn; beet of rfrence. $80 Vancouver are. Bast 2PAA WIRE GOODS. BAST POBTLANO FENCB A WIRB WORKS 2SS Ba MorrlooB t Pbon Bast 821. V FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 0BE00V. The Oldest Trust Company la Orsgoa, . BESOCBCES OYAB $1,250,000, General bsnktng. Exchange ea an part of tb world. Savings reonuta. Time eertta ertesj, 8 tn 4 per rent; short -call special certifi es te. VK r ever. 8 VI tn 4 per cent. Call for book of "'ILLl'STRATIONS." South -set Corner Third and Oak Sts. Phone Private Exchange TA BENT. I. COHEN President H. L. ' PITTOCK . , .,.. Yle-Pr-ldent B. LEE PAOET..Y. SeereUry I 0. OOI.TR A.. Assistant Secretary NT Butm Hrrr a oxrfk ' tA mrxir i. FRANK WATSON....',;... '..President P. It. u K HAS. . a. ....... .,.., VICO-I R W. HOYT Csehler OEOROE W.HOYT... Assletsnt Cssble Traaaacta s Oenera Bsnkln Buslneos. Draft and Letter ef Credit Uoed AvsllsbU to All Psrts sf tb Woeld. Collection a Specialty. LADDATIITOW WKFB8. (Xtakllshd tn I8M.I ' Traaaact a Oensral Banking Bnstnsse. Collections msde at all points no favorable terms. Letters of credit lsened svstlahle IB Eneone and sll points In the I'nlted State. Sight Etchanse and Telegraphic Trsnsfer old ea New York. Wsahlnetoa. Chlcsgo, St, mam. Dearer Omshs. Ssn Franclaco ana M'-ntsne and Brlttah ColnmMa. Exchange enld en TinOm. Parts. BerBn, Prank fort. Hoegkong. Tokobsma. Msatla . snd Honnlnla u NtTED STATs-S WATVONAL "t ox- nnTT ORvrennj. NORTH KTEBT COB. TBTRD AND OAK STS. , Transacts a Oenera 1 Weaving Bo toe. DRAFTS ISSI'FD. AvaUabU la All Cities of the- Tnlted State d Knrope Hongkong and ManlU. COLLECTIONS MAD! 0B F A YOB AST F TERMS. President ....J.V AINSWOPTH Vtee-President W. B. ATER Ylce-PrealdeBt....... ., .R. TEA BARNES CSBhle .K. W. SCflVEOR Ae.1.t Cesbtet-.. A. M. WBIOHT Asatetaat Cashier. W. A. HOLT M "11$ BROS. 1'8 Flnt It., Portlaad, 0. Offer 0I' Edge Investments tai Municipal Bad aUliread Boeda, nil IS at bail. - FINANCIAL. FIRST- RATIONAL BARB: - OF PORTLAND, 0RIA0V. Dtettuted Depualtory and' FtnsoeUI Agent at . . ; tbe -L sited Ststee. , . ' . Prortdeat... A. L. kfHL.1 Caenler... "j A W. NEWKIRK Aaalstant Ceehrer. .. .... ,.!..,. W. C. A4.VOKD Second Aeetatant Cashier, ...... B. F, STEVENS Utter ef Credit leaned Available I Knrope and the Eastern States,,' Sight Exchange and Tclrgraphl Trsnsfers scld on New York. Boston, mica so. St. Lea la. 81 Paul, Omaha. Baa Francisco aad the principal points In th Northwest Sight snd time bills draws In sums to entt en London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort-ea-tbe Main. Hongksn. Yuknhaaw. Copenhagen. Chrlitlsnts. Stockholm. St Petersburg. Mos cow. Enrich. Honoluls, Collecttoo Msd en Favorebr Term. . SECUAITY 8AVIR08 A TRUST COMPART. . . AM Morrlesa It.. Portlaad. Or. Traasaat a General Banklrg Buelnsa. 8AVTN0S DEPARTMENT, Intsrsst Allowed en Time snd Seeing Deposit. Arte Trustee for Eststes. Draft! aad Letter of Credit AslUbU la All Part of th World. . 0. F. ADAMS.... , ....PretrtdeBt L. A. t.mvm .....First Vice-President A. L. MILLS ..Seoood Vlee-Pree Merit R. Q. J C B ITE . Secretary I GEO. F. Rl'BsKLL ..Asalstaat Secretary JKI 00RTIXEVTAL COMPART. " FINANCIAL AGENTS. STOCKS. BONDS AND MORTGAGES. 148 Btark Street Pboao Ms In 1278. MORTOAOE LOANS Oa Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates, Xitlss Insured. Abstract a Furnished TITLE GUAR ARTE I A TRUST CO. 840 WsahUgtea St, Oor. Second. $1.00 ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath th Bicat taiaift King's Baths oroath ab4 WAsIxe tBttO BtA ItBlaa and larsaat feAtlki it 8tw. ; . t. r 4 TWO new A room fUta. with -all modera Im provement, on. Kearney at, between Big ' teenth and Seventeenth t. .-10-room modern equipped koase. , No. 830 West llatn, assr King st. 100x100 oa sreitheaat corner East Third and Pacific sts.. with Urge frame balMlng. for merly occupied by tee pUntj hsa ftrst-elsss well aad cement founds I lua for maclilosry; 'Will Use. ABTBTJB A. KERB, Witk Bnascll A Blyth. 82(4 Third St. Hotel Eaton CorBar ktorrtoOB aad Wwt Vark Streets, NEW Handsomely furnished? elegantly equipped, fireproof, fire minutes' wslk from heart of shopping snd bnslness district, all Urge, try, outstit mail, tm heated, lctrt llght telephone In each aimrtnient. te. Larxe offlcs. lounging, amoktng. wrlttag, U dies' reception parlors. Booms reserved by mail or telephone. Private omnibus sxoeta tralag aa4 teaasera, Jtoomt ft.OO to $S.OO a Day . pedal Bat to Ooaameaolal Kaa. MAA MAS XATOB. 1 . (Formerly of Hotel Bodpath. Spokane.) i FOR COLDS M LOST GOLD IS FOUND IN CROP OF CHICKEN (Special DUpatch to The" Journal.) La Grande. Or... Deo. 14. Mr. EmmA Harding of thl city haa Just recovered aevrral amall 4leeea of gold that wera loat In th fir that destroyed her noma to yeara ago. In a moat remarkabl manner. While piling wood in th wood-shed.-one of her favorite pullet paaaed by Juat In tlm to receive Its death from a flying atlcK or wood, in ares, tng th chicken something Bhlny was found In th gtsgard, end an investiga tion proved there were aeverat place of metal which Mr. Harding Instantly recognised aa being th small place of gold loat In tha fire 10 yeara ago. Th chicken had found them, although th ground had been plowed many times. 0. m. m AT. Bnrrey at fosepa. (Sneclsl Dispatch tn The JooraaL 1 Joseph, Or.. Deo. 14. Th aurveylng party of th O. R. N. Co. arrived In this place In t Friday and haa since been surveying around th town. Tha party will work from here through En terprlae and meet m similar party work Ing above Lostln. Two preliminary surveys af being mad for aubmla- alon to th hlghr engineers of th rallrcVd company. , Th work la pro gressing aa rapidly aa poaatble, but la retarded somavuhat By-nows ; Blaetlom At Oranlt, (SnecUl DUpntcb to The Journal 1 Oranlte, Or.. Doc 14. At th city election for Granite th following of fleers were elected: Mayor. 1L E. Herb drym. councllmen, R. D. Stelncamn. VJ. W. Tabor und Grant Thornhurg. There vaa very little Interest shown rn the election tills. ear. of a dGDd M- Hi giiy -officfiis i;;: OUT Or HOTEL Ensign Brown and Clrk Cato Ejected With Two Women From 'Frisco Hotel. LITTLE SONG AND DANCE PARTY AT THREE O'CLOCK Singing. High-Kicking' And Much ; Lsughter on ths UnconYtntional Progrsra - Were Ringing for Drinks When Room Was Stormed. . (Jonrnal Special Sen tea.) , . - Ban . Franclaco.. Doe. 14. Knslfm Ooorgo P. Brown, United States' oavr. ' of the gunbottt Princeton, and Otle Foot Cato. paymaater-a dork. . of . th aam vaaael. war aummartly ejected from the -Ocoldontkl hotel at t o'clock Tuesday- rnornlna; for unseomlF, conduct " with two youns, rlchlr attired woman. - With ths utmost effrontery . Brow , and Cato brought two atrans woman Into - the - hotel without permission a llttl before S o'clock a. m. and pro. : ceoded to have a llttl Bong and dance partr In Brown'a room. Thar wag a noUy, Jolly tlm for k fw mlnutoa. 81ns1n. hlfh klcklna: A. and much au(htr war on the brief unconventional program. . To add to th boldness nf their conduct, Paymaster's Clark Cato was rlnglns for drinks when the hotel people, who ' had already maasod forcca. atormed the room. . In gplt of th tears of th women and th expostulations of men. th four were -ordered I sot out- - Brown and Cato objected to belns ordered out. And me women aiso snowed a . flchtlns; plrlt. The twa man were quickly sub- ' dued and led downstairs into the afreet. Tb women wore told to 'follow and did so. scolding- and crying". Th officer Br well known along the coast. 1 AT THE THEATRES. BeUsco'B Fine BilL Preeaaa WUla' excellent dramattaatlon ef CkarUa Dtckaaa' greatest atory. vTh TaU of Two ClUea." U eUhoratrly presented ' by tb Be la c stock compear thl week and U drawing large crowds to the popnUr aptowa playhoass. w r.r. uw pwy la entitle, la considered by aiany aa even more fascinating than the book, and the production thle week U one of the best sver Bad by a Beach sea. pea. . r . At the Bsker. ' Saturday ma tine will, aa asusl. close the engagement of the week's barliu company s. in osaer. tarr a Tnorooghhrcd kv created a big sensation. The vsudevllls otto end the strong. Belodloaa singing rnoro -are perksps the company's Boat powerful featarea. . At the Bsker Next Week. , Tb famous Melrose troooe ef acrobat elves oa of the Boat wonderful acrobatic tarns ever preeenteo on the vnadniu stage la connec tion with the performance next week at the Baker theatre by tbe Broadway Oalety Girls. The Brat performsace Sunday autlnee. " Trio r.irl TN-ccr. g., Madia Da Long, who play tb port of Holds, la "The Girl Ftob Sweden," at the Kjaptre thU work, and littU Master Oeurgic. the nor actor, are strong attfactlona at tbla popular ineatra. 1 ns uin grox Sweden" M a do mes tic corned t -dram. . la arblch a beanttfnl atory U told to the acconrpsolment of Bach Unghtor. Give the children a genuine treat Saturday .matinee an let them see "Th tllrl From Swedoa" and attend Masher GaergU nceptUa. 1 The Missouri GirL" The Emrlr will offer next week la "The Missouri Girl." Eeke. the eoantry boy. for. BUbea a world of amnaeneat. It hi lost the kind of plsy that every en will want to ore. Tbe Brat perTonnnnr or "The Missouri Girl" will be given at the Empire Bunds y attornon. Brats should be purchased la advance. . "The Sho-Gun Sale Tomorrow. Tomorrow (Friday) morning at IO o'clock tbe advance sale of Bests will open f Hoary W. Savage' company la Ooorgo Ade'e and Goethe Loder'a Koreas comic opera enctiss. "Ths Sbo Onn." which will be the ettrsrtlo all next week at th MarqnaB Oread theatre, begin ning Monday, Deer ni her 18. with tha only matt nee Snturday. Tbe Jingling tnnefulneea which kss auu-ked hut "Prince of Ptleru," "Wood Uad" and other Bxnalcal offortnga prodnesd by Mr. Savage ta not Ucktng tn "The Sbo. Gun." "You r Juet a Llttl Different Fro th Other That I Know," "The Man She Never Meets." "Tonr Honeymoon Will Lent." "Brttemes," "Th Irrepreselble Tak." -To Teach tha Yoang Idea How to Shoot," "I Am Yoor Truly." and other la "Tbe Bho-Oua" will bo acepted ss quite the beat things. 7 beard la thU dty. r VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. : "Ysnkee Doodle GlrL" ' Tbe big attraetUa at the Liberty thU week ta "The Yankee DoodU GlrL" a clever aad tuneful one-act mimical comedy. It ta a dis tinct novelty hi vaadevllU and has msd a greet ' hit. Another bright particular feature U th olograph picture of tbe Hatdele-MeCop fend. Then there are sis good act besides, "Cinders ' ' : "ClBdere" to the beet of th plays yet pro duced by the Lyric Stuck company. For tboee who enjoy ea exciting pUy with comedy and tea re. "Ctadere" U hard te excel. The scenery be been specially painted for tbla production. Dally matinee at 2,30 p. ax. , Every evening at t:0 had e'etock. ': " , Strong Men At Stsr. Many atrange feat of strength have beta performed la PortUnd oa tbe vaadevllU stage during the present yenr. bat there ta a team at tbe Star tUla week which does aosaethtng ab solutely aew Wahlnad and Tskla. tow era ef strength. . George Stewart, cone! de red ee of . th foremost Imitators ib tas osannw, presenting hU act, "scene Frosa the Mtssto elppL" The Star re the pUee to Snd aiedrra, vaadevllU at It beat. At the" GrBnd. " m. - . iTl. .HhI,, featnrea 1 Dwr r , w - .. j at the Oread tbla week. Thaw" r Mis ! Abbott'a magnetic act and the played by Mr. end Mrs. Kohyn. -The 0"-""- scv picture, era ine 17,', There are axaay omor ecie. vaadevllU. , rigM win B i Thoe who will persist in Hoeing thelF rs sgalnat th continual rocommenrta U7 "ri"r Klnga New Pfoverr for Consumption will have a long and bit Ur runt with their trouble. If not end.d ierller ""fatal termlnrtlon. B-ed whet T TL Boall of 1111. Utaa.. haa to Bay: "Uat fall mv wife had every of consumption. Pe to-.h T'r New IMovery after everyilitrir had fulled- Improvement came at r. and four bottle entirely cur. I I "aranVIed by Hkld,;;.r. fr,v Third street, rrir too an.l l '1 . 1. hot flea free , c uu sis-, a ism, vr,