THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY' EVENING. DECEMBER 11, 1903. cmora FOR FREEDD fight Sailors Maka Desperate Effort to Escape From British Steam- ' ' ShjoEpson. . 0 MATE'SATTmCX on one. ; STARTS GENEri REVOLT Government Of fkUla, Though .gym psthiilng With . Chinese, " Halfr. in Putting . Down DUturbsnce-rSbi z .Extra Watchmen Guard Crew Now ' - '.' ., " ,.' - - Double the fore of watchmen from ,. the United States - iramlaratlon office " been placed on Board,, the British eteumkhlp Epson to prevenj members of the Chinese crew from carrying: out their repeated threats of deserting- at the first favorable opportunity. A riot took place on the upper deck of the steamer Saturday, which came near being- attended with several fatalities. liefore. It could ' be quelled the coolie satlora had to be Intimidated with guns s and finally beaten' Into submission With clubs. They had started to go ashore , in a body when -the ff leers of the ves . Sel and the Immigration men blocked their passage at the head of the gang plank. A battle ensued, which termi nated only after the Chinamen were beaten and lay helpless on the deck. The row was started. It is said, by " one of the mates of the steamer taking V offense at a member -of the crew be- eauae he did not perform a piece of work . quickly enough. The mate attacked' the aa 1 1 or. - and, according to eyewitnesses, ' , , beat him with bis fists. It waa thee that the other sailors rebelled and de clared their Intention of walking ashore. As this proceeding is against the laws X, -of the country, the repreoentatlvea . or ' the government had no other recourse than to line up their forces on the side of the officers of the ship. - They re frained from drawing guns, however. The rioters were eventually put to rout, but they declared they - would yet be . avenged for the wrong don their com t pan Ion. " On learning of the situation Iramlgra. tion-inspector Barbour decided to In crease the force of watchmen to make sure that the crew may not be able to carry out its threats. Bis men In the employ of the government are now on board the steamer. Were It not for the "r exclusion law. the officials at the Inv . - migration office say hey would be pleased to sea the. Mongolians get the beet of the argument by coming ashore. It Is explained that they are treated worse than ownerless dogs by some of REPAIRING DESPATCH. V Wig-Oust rive Taoasaaa penarS So 9mt tteame tn San. . V. P. Bausagartner. local agent for the California Oregon Coast Steam ship company, received word froaa Bta Francisco yesterday that it would coat about &. to. re part r- the . steasser Despatch and that she would be ready to resume aervlbe in a week. As sooa as she has been put - tn eoodittoo the steaaaef' will, sail for Portland. While lying at be cock r the Bt , Pita the savi file WUM OUT' "In the englne-rooaa of the Despatch. The - damage proved not aa great as wan at first believed. She had Just cone eft the dry dock, where she had been gives a thorough overhaul Inc. , torla today, bound for Yokohama. This will make even steamships here to re-l eetve -cerao fur lurelgn ports. The other four are the Klrklee, lpson, Croy. don and Illsckheath. - Thr ntrathmorej-and Cap Antibes are nder charter to the Portland ac Asiatic Steamship company to transport flour cargoes to Japan. It la estimated that thev will take out close to 100.000 bar rels. The Strsthmore came from Yo kohama, and the Cape Antibes from MoJI by way of Ban Francisco. Both WUl drop anchor In the stream, and It Will be Impossible for them to secure berths at the docks. . The Arabia Bailed from Yokohama for Portland on November Si. and it Is ex pected she will reach .the mouth of the Columbia river this evening. Frequent ly she completes the passage in IS days. A full cargo of freight la awaiting her for" the outward trip. It will-be made up of flour and eastern shipments. COAST TRADE BOOMS. V ; With meet Twloe aa largo. Baeh Boat IH AQ Bhe Can Handle. V Although there, are more steamers on . the coast route " than . ever before, each of them is bringing n greater quan tity of freight coining north -than last rear when the. fleet was not half so large. Attention waa called to this fact thla morning by Captain Doran, master of the steamer Columbia, which arrived yesterday from 'Ban Franclaoo. ' Ha explains that the Portland aV or Francisco Steamship company has four steamers In service this season, while laat year it had only two. Furthermore, he asserts that each of the additional veaaela Is bringing just about as much frelrht aa each of the small fleet ". laat yearT'Whleh proves that the traffic has -almost. - If net wholly, aouoiea. in volume In the past IS months. - Besides .other lines have entered the field and are doing a big business. Anions: the new coasters are the Cas cade. Northland. W. H. Kruger. Re dondo. Eureka, Roanoke, South Bay and Noma City. Heretofore the shipments from Ban Francisco to Portland we rather light, and for that reason the navigation companies hesitated to place additional vessels on the route. -But if bualness should continue to increase at the same rate It has during the past year it -la held that the present .large fleet will be . Inadequate to take care of it. ..-?,-. ? , The Columbia arrived at 1 o'clock yesterday - afternoon,' completing the quickest passage she has made for sev eral months.. IMffillOlIS BUT HOT iUCII, Would Be Entirely Out of Debt but for Extra Road Work ; Done This Fall. OWED HALF A MILLION ONLY THREE YEARS AGO When Fiscal Year . Closes, Says County i Treasurer Lewis, County Will Owe Not More Than Twenty Thouiand Dollars. . . " -? SEVEN STEAMSHIPS. Bin: nee U Sir ft Beeerr Two aaore Me British trams steaaa ersw the Strathmore and Cape Antibes, . are ta the river, and wUl reach Portland this afternoon. It in probable that the oriental liner Arabia will arrive at Aa- ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Thomas Murray, a well-known seaman along the Paclflo coast, has accepted n position as first officer of the British ship Eakasont entering upon his new duties this morning. This Is the vessel on which Captain Townaend lost his life wlille coming around Cape Horn. Former First Officer hfcBurney is now her com mander, i .'v.' Laden wltfTa grain cargo, the German ship Tarpenbek left down thla morning bound for Cape Town, Bduth Africa. She Is the only ship to arrive v and depart thla season which did not lose any of her-sailors byv reason of desertion. - To celebrate thla the Seamen's institute p resected the tars with a box of .elgarav The British, bark jpunboyne got. more grain ea board than It was thought ad visable for her te carry and it waa de cided to discharge a portion of It. The vessel has moved out into the stream and will leave dowa W a day or two bound for the United Klngdosa. Kick was a Kelley have started the work of building a new barge at the Portland shipyards to take the place of the one that eras wrecked the, other -day at La Cantsa. It will be ISO feet long sod 21 feet wMe. fSgS " trie thla aaornlng all lo- a full Multnomah' county 'will close the fis cal year with fewer liabilities than for 11 yeara past. The county will be prac tically free from debt, the only obliga tions being the warrants for road work, which' will have to be indorsed by the county treasurer when they are present ed from now until the end of the year. The eatlmatea of the recelpta and ex penditures made the ftrat of the year ahowed the county would have no lia bilities at its close, but an unusually large amount of road work thla fall made the expenses . heavier than esti mated. Thla has been due to the un usually dry weather, which permitted a great amount of Improvement to be made to the thoroughfares in the coun ty. Instead of expending an average of IS.00S a-month for road work, the bills will foot twice this sum. ""The road fund is exhausted," ssld County Treasurer Lewis this morning, "and I will have to Indorse the remain der of. the warrants which are received. There will be sufficient in the general fund to meet all other expenses until th taxes begin to come in next spring, We will close ' this year tn better shape than for 11 years. We are prac tically free from debt now. I do not anticipate that the warrants which will he presented for road work will aggre gate lie. 000. At the close of the year 101 the abilities .of -the county amounted to 161 MOO. "We would have been- prepared to begin the new year with a clean alate If it bad not been for the extra road work. , For the past two or three months the weather -had been favorable to Im proving the roads and the county has taken advantage of thla, so that twice the amount of improvements anticipated are being made." . ports that operations are progressing satisfactorily. The contract : for making repairs te the British ship Falls of Dee has been awarded to the Tulcaa Iran Works. -' United Btatea Inspectors Edwards and Fuller went dowa to Astoria this morn ing to inspect the steamer . Jordan. They -will return this evening It H probable the work -or loading The British steamship- Blackheath with a lumber cargo will be completed tomorrow. MARINE NOTES. AWei aa uueieulful steamer Homer arrived front Baa Francisco and will i night en the return, trip with canra of general freight. '- The work ef discharging coal the British ship Blytheweed will be com pie jtl today. Captala Prttchard. ber master, and Carpenter W. J. Bryaa hava been coaflnea ta their roosna dar ing- the past few days suffering from severe attacks ef grist - The British ship Wray Castle mewed to the Centennial dock thla ssoralng t discharge ballast. Major Roe osier, wha ' has returned froaa sa inspection ef the work being done en the pre posed Cetflo eanaL re- r CV II . II "SJJT iCV- II i ii ii r w M.SICMELM.SICMEL P0RTLAND.0RE. PORTLANOREL The Hevi $3.00 Hat That ts Absotuteff Correct in inry Detail glCHEL aca, Drtreduear mat. Pultun at Stylish : 28$ WASHINGTON STREET Between 4fft and 5th 5 3f- snsr. l KT.SlCfiELKT.S ECEiEO PORTLAItaORE. ' PORTuAiIRollc. ll Astoria. Dee. 1L Arrived at T:IS a. nv, British atsamer Capo Aatfbea, from Ran Francisco; left vp it 11- a. i British ateamer Capo Aatlbea.- Baa rraaetsco, De. 11. Arrtved" at T n-nijjSt earner Senator, from Pnrtr I wm; arrived, acnooner Virginia, rods Portland. . Astoria. Dee. IS. Arrived at S and left np at S:SS arwAaatsamer Columbia, from Baa Franciaco; arrived down at midnight aad sailed at 11 a. aa, Brit ish steamer Labnan. for Japaa; left ap at a. as., steamer A send on; arrived at S and left up at IS a. ns . atsamer Ho nser. froaa Baa Franetsco; arrived at S a. u. and left ap at 1 a. aa, British steamer Strathmore. from Tokohassa; sailed at S:4S a. ax. steamers All ta ace, for Caoa bay and Eureka aad Casta BJea. for 8as Frsncieco; sailed at IS IS a. at. steamers F. A. KUbnra aad Eb reka, for Baa Franetsco: arrived dovra st noon, British ship Eurhrosrne; ar rived at t a. na, BriUsh ship Clan Ora hamv fronv Baa Fraaetseo. Fraaeiaca, Dee, levSailed at steamer Jeanle. for Portland: sailed shrpe Paramlta and CoTmtMa, for Portland; 'krrrved. steamer Wpittter and schooner Matthew, Tuner, from Portland; at a. av, -harkeatlno Part land, froaa Fnrtland. Astoria. Dee. 1L British shn Ea phrosyno sailed for Queeastawa for or dara at It a.-as, Astoria. Dec. 11. Crmdltiow ef the bar at ' S a. a., smooth: light north wind; weather clear- - t MUNICIPAL ELECTION - IS HELD IN B0ST0M (mrast Speetel Ssrvlee.) Boatonv Dee. IX The municipal paign whioh. roaeil today ta la many re- rpecta the moot remarkable fan the his tory SB Boston, Tho voters tomorrow wilt have their choice among five can didate if oe mayoa.. . Four of the number e regtUas party nominees, while tho fifth) in ruirnlna- on nomination napera. Tho regular Democratiir eandldato la Johns FC Fltaaraid and tho regular K puhlicaie eaadldatav Loula Ay. Frothing hamv " Xudgo Henry at Dewey, who amv toatedV unsuccessfully few tho RepubU ana nomination ta running ear tho Peo ple's eandldato. la addition; ticks t have been named by tHB- Municipal Ownership sn.t sn. elaliat-Labor partleo.. Tho Democrat are predlRtinsj the election, ef Fltsgerald by a plurality ef at lease IT.MO, which he slightly under tho normal Demucratln plurtlity.. The campaign haa beet enm dnctwd. on purely local taauaa and tho ahief Intnrest haa arisen front the fgr tlonai flghto within, tho ranks of both the vid partlna ' NEViT MANAGEMENT FOR TOLEDO CREAMERY (npsslsf' OleoefHl a Tho JWnai.r Thledo, Wash.. Deo. lit. Tho Co wilts alley- eraamery; located" at thla plane. ha beau- reorganised and plaond under new management. For tho last year tt haa been under the management of Win lor It partleo- ny euoh an eafent' that all the product bore wrappers showing tt to' have been manufnefured at Wlnlopk Instead or thla alarm. Here- after-Tofedtr wflf receive proper credit Cnriatianls. Dwc. It. The- newt king; Hnakon VU, who waa Prince Charlso ef Denmark, finds himself nnahle to axer- oiso one of the detireet prwrogativeo of rovalty the hesrnwnft of hnnorsi for the Ifnrwngtann abolished all titles of nolilllty m. 18Z1, and now only the prnud tnwnsman. pute the equivalent of our Mr." In' front nf his names, Tho plain countryman la plain John Smith. ttrhln nlleer Never mind IP nlivei. flam- have railed: tn mire you. . Try Drain's ointment. No failure Uisra. - eO koanta,, at. anx drua; gturav ;Do practical Xraas . shopping. Buy practical Xmas gifts. ' Come early while our magnificent lines are full and. .un broken. .Extra sale im en from now on. V . ,i- . r -.-. ... '"' Sugjesttons:, ' HouseCoatt, Bath Robes. Lounging Robes, Neckwear, Fancy ' Suspenders, Reef ers, Cloves, etc See out windows for' C h r 1 s t m a s Novelties. Nothing more appropriate for a Xmas gift than a ' Peer o! AD $3 Hals BROOK Pecr ol 53 New shapes in the famous Youmans in Silks, Operas and Derbies. Our expert hatmen will properly, fit and shape a hat to exactly fit your head. Every hat guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. , The Greatest Clpthing ljuse in the Northwest. The Best $3 HAT . e-' World The Best $3 BAT in the World rr- Means the best possible HAT VeALUB-no need paying more for any hat iilsll ME ivy Leading Hatter I V tiwN V S : A Few Chiropractic Facts - ABOUT DISEASE AND ITS CAUS BY 1 Dr. T. H. STEWART " ,'"'' , . , , Diseaac is eonditioa oC the org-antsm whereby one or more ct its function sec interfered with, and. eon erraentl not performed easily. Laxation of hones in the skeletal frame, and espeeiailr n the ipinal eolutnn, arc the cause of pinched nerves and what are pinched nerves but dlaeaae manifestations' of obotrnction m tb bnmns body? What most we do to relieve- thin oain? Treat the rrmptociia and effects, of the caose of this deseaso by fiUinc yoor stomach op with poiaonv as drncs and ruirunc yoor stomacn, toor no; nave the cause removed and the effect will stop. Would you have the jeweler treat 'your watch if it stopped running- ' No; he would remove the obstruction in the work and let it in running order againv The same thins: is done m chiropractic adjustments for the human miw,ir,l We remove the obstruction and, nature beino; free to perform her normal functions, you are quickly restored to health. ' - Do- notTJave the symptom and effect treated, but Instead let Dr, F, tL. Stewart remove the eauae by removing the nerve pressure, caused by the luxations mi the bones, of the. body, and, aa we said before, espe cially is the spinal columnv There i ao char-re made for diagnosing: your ailment, and we eaa refer yon to people that have been cured.. i Take Chiropractic Adjuatmenra and ret wefL Office. Room- 29. Lewis block, Portland Or. Hours: 10 ta 12, 2 to. 5:30, 7 8 p. m.- m IIUNOVATIOPL- A Tnotturo atlsalr Bow a "Ta That "variety lav tho spine of HrV la so- tnoronahiy believed br rhe anod people at Portland, the' fcroprlwtore of "To Ore son OrUle have provided an extra, sneolaji sxtrootloa tarn thla wee a. besjlnnlna tonight. In the ensneement of Mnv Jntmle Hauahtnn Eittnunda, one of the- anknowleriged vnai queens of tho Pnnlflo aoaac. Those wAn heard Mrs. Edmund at tho Lewi and Clark exposition will Kindly Hall her iwrum for thla enann-mnent. Her support will be one ef the stmnawt omhentraa In the olt.. Now la in, opportunity to- hsar thla otiarmlna 1ner and- aim- take an "Te Orennn. iJrtll habit." Corner Itev. entn and Stark,. Entrance either th rou h tho Stern, street, canopy, hotel lobby or etwvarnrv: -t I Mllmt Lewlsr Best BrandV A Christmas Present for a Lifetime Before deeidlna; on- a Chiiatmao promote step- Into- oni" store ane see the beautiful HIOH-ORAXjW PIANOS which nan be had oft smell monthly payments If desired. We aien have a flno line of small muelnal lnatrnmentn of all hlnde Snd a larao Moeit of new sheet m el p. musln rolls, etn., ef Don't fnll to vlelt our Talktner Mni'hlno room and hear Che In test atiisin. Thonsanda of records to select from. DundorePianoCo. 134 Cuttle St., -Tveito Oreg ealaa ( ntilne;. IBS' 1HK OF THE This Great Sale at 233 Washington Street Offers to Shrewd Buyers, Every Dollar Does Triple Service. Every Garment at One-Third of Its . ; , Original Cost , laflicsr M-lVc -fit1 black elwsioH, ttfgta, Venetians) and troaJi doth. Stylishljr designed and (f tailored, worth $18, Sale pTk,.,...pUaUU ladies' Jacbcfe In kcTaCTS, broadcloth or marmish mixtures. Skfnner satin lined, exceptionally S r well uilored, worth $22. This aaU. , , .pUe3l Other Coata, 27 inches long, aa low aa 900 Indies' SdKs In various styles, Eatons, long coats, full width akirta, worth $13. " ' C C Q C ' : ....... This sale,.,....,..,.,..., .,..PU.OO GreatBargafns in Children's Dressss, Children's Coats, Shavk, Fur Collarettes and Vaists 1 OPEN EVENINGS ir t a ik 7 nz? nz? ' Wo treat euooeawfiiny all nrtvato aer-1 entio and ehronlo dlaeaeeo of men; alov blond, stomerh, heart. Uver, kidney snd BYKHil.US throat trotihlea. We euro (without memory V to- etsyeore for. ever. We- remove 8TRIl'TTRIC WHIf our operation or pain. -In IS day a We stop drain, nlchf loaaee ' permneorrhea by a new method h a . short time. We ean reaforo th ae vital vlnr of sny use under ii by mean of toeiali treatment aooulkar to oureslvea. We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week Th doVforv nf fhtsj Insttrnfo-avw art reonlar aradnntes. have had-- enemy years' experience, have been known It Fotfland tnr IS years; have n reputation- in maintain,, and will undertake no ease anleao certain euro can no efTeoted. We a-imrantee s-onra In every w ndertake or eharee no fee Cone'ilin t flon free. Tetters eonttdentlat. lntrup-i. five Hot ik run mkn mailed free in flair trrepoer - We euro th wore! ease of idle tr t or three traatmente, without .lion. Cure auaranteed. If yew eertrtot eali at efTlco, write for quest Mn bi eeafiil. MTI nmiri, t iff $ enf, t 0 I. ... Ptindiy sn-t J' opera- DU. W. NORTON C C.res In Van Noy Hotel, (1 Vi Tl.'rJ Ptree', ( -1