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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
- ! ' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10. 1903. AGood Cigar Case is i'.;; mighty nice v , thing for a man to have. . Or If he don't smoke buy a , Shaving . , Mirror he'll like it. Presents that As charming as the maids for whom theyarer bought. . , Jive always. . ...r ... ,-''-.r'5t:--' y! 1 1 if . ii if i i - -. i i7r a, j ... -wax ' r jw v. - far l lw. 4"w .1 Br - ; - .u - " .-1- 1 - - -'-- - ' - . ----- J I :'.'.JS, ' .. GF7S FOR "HER" These will help - $E V ' Suppose jrwj, youselecta ' l-T'-' : et a fancy present for -&? - Uttle Clock foV Mother : 7. -7 Ai'' her dresser?; bless her. W iffl GPTS FOR MOTHER Of course if we tried to put every article we have for sale on these trees we'd need a whole forest couldn't use this just now, but these show a few desirable presents for friends and family and perhaps on one of these limbs there hangs a suggestion for you. Read them over and if yod happen y to exclaim. "The very thing." then our work has not gone for nothing. Come in Nearly this week going to be a busy time, so dont wait until the last . few days. v : .; -'r -- ; y. v: ' . .'; '' ivtiy nk s lay your pack age aside until you are ready for delivery? Little suggestions for friends. ; . We have "V others- lots of them. But we. v can't get them, all on v trees Come in, . . ' anyway, -let us 1 help you '. - decide. Our Leather Department offers a hundred -. - little articles . for - Friends Bill Books, . Wallets, Card Cases, Cigar Cases, Music -v. . Rolls, Rollups, . Handbags, 1 Opera Bags, - Etc' WFTSTOKlrRIEflDS About Brushes especially Hair Brushes. Lots o' folks intend to give brushes . for Christmas presents and if you chance to be one of 'these we ask that you ' visit our store and inspect the great display of Military and Handle Brushes ; in all woodslong and short bristles every conceivable style, in fact we are , certain that our stock offers more variety than any other on this coast. .Sold . at extremely modest prices. " . ',' V The Largest Display of EBONY BRUSHES of Any Retail Drug Store in the United States GIFTS. FOR "HIM" 'A Fountain Pen a really : good one, is a world . of . . satisfaction to most men. - Dadif he fsJB" "CL . 1". V;-r., don f -want it, : V,-',:." Dnn v. i 1 rtifckiTi ' ; . ... back and . -y 1" GF7S FOR DflD $A FOURTH and Washington WEDDING - TRIP 25 YEARS LATE ' -1 i i i i. . j - j That of Mr. and Mrs." J. Frank . Watson Through Old Mexico Was Enjoyable. f COUNTRY RAPIDLY iS BEING AMERICANIZED Mexican City Having Sanitation Im- ' proved Sewers ; Now Below Streets Few Beggars Much ,'. Splendid Scenery. , , '. J. Prank Watnon and Mra. Wtoa hv iimt rtuml ftom their wedding trln. Si rr after their marrlag-a day. They have devoted a month to touring and iKhtneelnir in aunny oia maztco, "We didn't taka a wedding tour whea -wa- wra. married." Mr. Watson - ilalneL -end on Iha twenly-flftri, annl veraerr of our marTlaga wa decided to. It haa beea a delightful and fntereatlng' esperlene. We have eee aosi Oi2P rrandealecenerr In the world,, ana many of the Wfit f.molnptlnir historical placea on- iha American continent." ' h ftKuU Mx. Uataoa ave U biM bualneaa aaaoclatea In the Merchants' National bank, of which he la president. waa thai he, a director 1n the mt lean Mining congreaa, had a duty to perform In attending the annual meet ing of that body at El Paao. After the congress adjourned he took Mra Wat son to the Mexican Central railway sta tion, across the Rio Grande, and they boarded a train for Mexico City. Their Itinerary Included the Mexican capital, Cuernavaca. Guadalajara and other old towna in the Interior of Mexico. They visited many of .the missions, cathe drals and palaces made famoua by the line of prlesta. warriora and kings back to the day of Montesuma and vortea,'... ' Seoomlng Americanised. "There have been great change for the better In old Mexico alnce I visited that country 12 yeara ago. The land of the Montesumaa la steadily becoming Americanised,' said Watson. "la Mexico City the greatest changea have come in the sanitation of the city,- and the advance the native have made In Breaking the English language and adopting American customa. There ar many American business men -In fne Mexican capital, also in other principal cities. The government ha lowered the lake into which the aewag of the city is drained, and this has enabled them to put" the aewera under around. In former daya on could .hardly -move along the street without stepping tin the mendicants who . sat or crawled about, begging alma from atrangera. Now there are no mote beggars on the streets of Mexico City tnan In the aver age American " e!ty. " "Th people are courteous and cordial to visitors. At every town there la eoma distinctive 'Cijatnm of receiving traveler,' At one place they offer for sale fancy needle, work, at - other plaeea horsehair trin kets, or characteristic; potlel-y, . gloves said other local products, . Everywhere there I ''an abundance of fruit for ale." ' Wonrfo oenie aoanWea. Mexico City la -located In a high valley,- at an elevatlbn '.of 1.009 feet, and the aurroundlng. range rise to a height of about ll.UOO feet. Mr. and Mr. Watson Journeyed over a railroad trav eling the aide of one of these range to the city of Cuernavaca. The scenery on thl trip I jual to any I have eyer seen."' said Mr. Wat on.'" At Cuernavaca on of the notable eight 1 a public wash house, equipped with about 40 atone tuba. In the center of the city. Tha city 'maintains th, laundry, and It i largely patronised. Guadalajara la tha center of a great pottery industry It has also the gov ernment house, formerly the palace of Corta, and now used a a legislative hall." Kontenma' Tin Ooaok. - At various place they visited old mission, where for a small Bum are ex hibited famoua painting by the old mastera. At Mexico City they saw a coach used by Monteiuma and Cortes, and valued at 0.000. While In the city there were fortunate In being guest of the vice-president, who took them to- a reception given by President Dlas at tha executive mansion. Mr.' Watson aald Dlas received them cordially, and spoke freely lit good Eng lish, although he prefer to eonvars whenever possible In the language ef his country. - He 1 an old marvlbut robust and hearty, " 1 Crows ITlno Tnnlahd. (Copyrtgat. Hrlrst Mews Brtle. by Wire te The JoeraaLt ... Belgrade, Deo, SiThe crown prlnoa Of Bervla haa been condemned to 10 days' solitary confinement rn hi -room for disrespect, to ill yrerjcb tutor, .Major Lvasaur, . i :v , '. SENATOR HEYBURN . - ASKS LAND FOR STATE - (Special DUpatch to The Joeraal.) Boise, Ida.,' Dec. . Senator Heybum haa Introduced a bill In the senate do nating to the state of Idaho Jo. 000 acres of land for the purpose 4f erecting a state capltol building. ' .- i In the act admitting North and South Dakota, Montana and Washington, each atate received a donation of 12.000 acres for capltol building, and section 17 of the same aqt gave to each of the Da kotas 50,000 acres addltioaal, Montana 160,000 and Washington 100,000 acraa for thla purpose. -. When Wyoming and Idaho "Were ad mitted each received S2.000 acres in section of the act, and by section 11 76,000 acres additional were donated to Wyoming, while Idaho waa. not men tioned. Utah received 14,000 acrea for capltol building and other donations swelled the total to 1,870,000 acres granted to that atate. Idaho at present ha a fund of about $200,000, derived from the sal of land and an appropriation mad at th last session of th legislature, and work la proceeding oh the foundation for tha neW building. . If the Heyburn bill passes congress. It will enable the com mission to select th' lands and put them on the market Under the lawa of the atate the- minimum price at which its land may be aol Is slogan -acre, which will add nearly $1,000,000 to the fund now on hand. ' ' ' . - - Sugene A. O. V. W. Sleet. , . (Special Ota paten to Tli Journal.). Eugene, Or.. Dec, . The local lodge of A. O. U, W. elected officer last night aa follows: R. K. Chapman. M. W.; C. W. Starr, .foreman : A, ,.C- Jennings, overseer; W. , O. Zelgler, reoorder; i? lrtnlr II(0Wa Now Is the Time : 'V TO BUY CHRISTMAS. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and, " : 1 :' Cut Cfass ' . : A piece of cot glass would make pretty and useful present A watch for the boy or girl, a chain for the V young lady. An endless variety for ; .' ''.everyone.' ' : I have a large and complete stock of diamond rings, . pins, brooches, watches, silverware and jewelry of all kinds for you to inspect and select from. iMioiwirnijia if George W. Dixon, "-financier; F. Oebuxn, reoelverj A. U., Smith, f. W. I James McClnrcii, I. W.; J, D. Meyers. O.jO'Il. De Bar,medica4 examiners; B. kulde; W.i Der w. Jtuykandail . and Oeorg J Chapman, trusts. K.