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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 10. 1905. TOVN TOPICS 1 TODAT'S UntlMZMTt. IMmco. fcatplre. .... Hik I.yrlc .,' l.llwrty (Iraud Bl.r "The Only Wr' "The Girl from MweoW ..,r....alulcal BorlwMiue .........Cinder.' ,.,..-..TuVlll VBIldeTllle ....... Vud.Ui , In compliance with an order of Chief or Folic Qrltsmacher, Inspector Bruin lias changed the districts covered by datectlvca at nlrht In the effort to pre vant mora hold-upa In tae city. Tha detectivea , and atatlon of fleer a doing thla cluaa of work will also Je required to aea city- councilman and other offi cials living In the respective dlatrlcta covered by them and learn ir any bub plclous characters are living in the vicinity. If eo auch will be taken lata . cuBtody. Detectlvea - Welch and ' Hart' . man now have a boat not far dlatant from the police atatlon.. with which they are required to keep In touch by telephone. , : ; . George Armstrong, for a number of year city salesman for W. P. Fuller A Co., reatgned hla poaitton a few day ago to assume the plane of manager of the New Era Faint varnisn company, tul Front street, having purchased the Interest -of Manager Martin 01 mat con cam. Mr. Armstrong will aaaume the dutlea of hi new position on January 1. A few day ago hla friend In the houa of W. P. Fuller & Co. caiiea Dim Into the private office, wher they pre- , aented him with, a handeom diamond pin. ' Mr. Armatrong wa completely , . surprised, but managed to express hi thank. . , .. ., B. H. Priedlander received word ye " -terday from Jerome K. Jerome, .author, of "Three Men In a Boat." "The Idle Thoughts of An Idle. Fellow," "Ameri '.' can Wives." etc., that he? would pay a ...visit to Portlsnd early next year in . company of Charle Battell Loom la, tha author-humorist, and whoa work la beat known In "Cheerful American." "More Cheerful ' American." "Tanke KnchantmenU," "A. Fortune In a Week," etc Mr. Jerome and Mr. Loomls no doubi will be welcomed royally to Port land. . . . - . Attorney C. A. Cogswell, B. W. Hon tague and Thomas (J. Oreene yeaterday filed 'a demurrer to the complaint of Patrolman Iaaakaon against Captain of police-Patrick Bruin. The patrolman wishes the court to oust the captain and place the mantle of office upon - him. Tha same attorney also filed a , motion to atrlk out that part of the patrolman' complaint lnwhlch he' re . fer to hi police record, declaring that thl wa "a sham, frivolous. Immaterial and redundant" , Commodore Jenne, an architect, fell In a fit yeaterday at Sixth and Wash ington atreet and struck hla head on the pavement, receiving an ugly acalp wound, which wa dressed by Dr. Cau thorn, city physician. At first the police were. Inclined to think the man had been struck with some blunt instru- rnent, but, a brief Inveatlgation atta ined them thl wa not the case. Charle Trudgen, - who waa brought back to Portland from Aberdeen, Wash- ' lngtonr-n a warrant charging him with hrrceny by etnbesxlement, by Detective liartman, waa released from custody by Acting Police Judge Toung on paying '. 11.50 costs. It la said thercaae waa settled out of court. Trudgen waa ao cuaed by . Burns of collecting $50 be longing to hla employer and keeping It The E. W. Moore photographic studio, top' floor Elks' building, ad viae its friends to call early aa possible fot Christmas sittings. Thla gallery, now one of the most complete In America, turfts out no slipshod work, but in order "that Its patrons may get the beat it la prudent ta.lve the management "aa much time a poaalbl on every order. Kever before haa there been an auc tion where goods went so cheap aa at Loewensteln'B, diamonds.- watches, out glass, 'Jewelry, etc., being sold to the highest bidder. Tou can get a good Christmas present at your own price. It will pay you to drop In during the Bale. J:J0 to 7:10.. Seata for ladles. 0tt Washington tret . , You MUST save to succeed That is the LAW of success. You must succeed in something to be happy. ' That man faces misery who, at thirty, is not better off than he was at twenty. The difficulty with you, per haps, is that you do not THINK about your future our modest suggestion may help you. V WE PAYV 1 INTEREST '"r GENERAL -; BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED . 1 Oregon Savings Bank '.: Sixth and Morriaon Streets. W. H. Moore, President ' W. Cooper Morris. Cashier. nUHOn HAXBT 1. P. Burn and F. E. Bragu of the Port land Paint at Wall Paper company for $1,811 for goods alleged to have , been purchased several months ago, ; Rev. F. I Forbes. D. D.,' assistant pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Seattle, Is visiting friends in Port land for a few daya. Dr. Forbes says the) church with which he is connected ha 1,000 member - and I formed on Institutional lines. . One of the merriest parties over given by the Violet Social club waa that last Thuraday evening In the Burkhard building, corner of Union avenue and Kaat Burnstd atreet - Praap'a orchestra furnished the music for the evening and ISO couples enjoyed the dancing. Mr. C Uter. 741 Overton 'street, wife wf the city e-lltor of the Oregonlan, I rapidly recovering from the effect Of an operation for appendicitis per formed at Good Samaritan hospital Wednesday. At the hospital It Is Bald that she la recovering rapidly. Old ladies remembered. ElderTy la dle wishing a good practical hat or bonnet with large, comfortable crown can always be. suited In both style and price from the. large-;tock carried by Fraley Becker's successor H4 Third. ! Uniform Rank. C O. T. M.. will give ita annual military ball at the Armory Friday evening, December 16. Friends are welcome. . W. P. Fuller Co- yesterday began a ault In tha circuit court against John At the People's forum this evening at 7:10 o'clock. In Elks' hall.. Marquam building. Dr. Stephen S. Wlae will de liver an address on William Uoyd Gar rison. Everybody Is welcome. There will be free and open discussion. , To Reach tha Farmer Procure a Rural Directory, containing the names of all the residents on 41 Rural Free Delivery Routes. Price on application. Rural Directory Co., 401 Abington build ing, Portland, Oregon. ... . . , . j, Articles of Incorporation for the Gold Bend Mining company were filed In the county clerk's office yesterday. The cspltal stock I 110,000 and the incor porators are P. B, Wickham, A. Keller and I XL. Crouch. Cash or Credit Watches. Diamonds. Jewelry and Silverware on. easy weekly payments. 11 down. 60o per week; open evenings. Metsger Co., Jewelers and opticians,- 111 Sixth street Bankrupt Bale. Clothing, vents' fur nisblng goods, hats. caps, trunks, va lise, boots and shoes, etc.. at greatly reduced prices. To be sold In 1.0 days, 10 North Sixth street corner Everett Official photographs, Lewis and Clark exposition, plain and hand-colored; beau tiful and - appropriate Christmas gifts. u Morrison street , Bnan Shot Rouse and lot for sale. four room, on Alberta street ear line; price. I7S0. Inquire IS4 Prescott street A. Troutman, nn linnr hi inrnl UK. Wlot ULAIilto ERIJfilEflT GOV Say Russian Authorities Throw Jews as Scapegoat to 1 ? Appease Mob. VILLAGE PRIESTS INCITE ' MANY OF THE MASSACRES While Thousands' Fell During the Late KiieaiAn: Riots, Other Thou- , sandg ,Were Saved r by Splendid HeroUm of Ypung Jew, He Say. : Pan-Co-Vesto club, 11 per month. Keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed. 171 W,eat Park. Paclflo 8. Open all night Any watch cleaned, 11. Any main spring. 11. AU work guaranteed one year at Metag-er 4V Co., ill Sixth atreet . "Hamlet- by William Le Greenleaf at the White Temple, Twelfth and Tay lor, Monday night. December li; J. McMechan of the Interior depart meat at Washington 1 In Portland. Ho will remain for several weeks. Attorney 3. B. Ryan of Portland was admitted to practice . In ithe - United States Circuit coart yeaterday. In passing don't fall to atop Into Beck's, the Jeweler, 107 Morrison street for your holiday gifts. " T M. C A. Star Course, "Hamlet" at the Whit Tempi Monday, December 1L Merchants lunch IBc' Sunday chicken dinner lie Palm res'aurant, 91 Sixth. Portland's best ' dancing - school. 101 Alder. Prof. Rlngler. Mis Buckenmeyer. T.'m. C C Star Course number tomorrow-night at tha White Temple. Dr. Theo Fesaler. 417 Abington bldg. ; Fine ehlckan dinner lOo, 111 Third. ' The Vegetarian f;afe. 10S Sixth. 1 Frita's tamalea are the best, . A Fine Diamond SI An Ideal Holiday Present The judging' of a diamond demands an expert knowl edge of quality, which consists of color, degree of perfection and the cutting. Whether or not you are an expert you may buy a diamond here with perfect safety. Our stock is se- ; lected with the utmost" care, and comprises only the finest clear stones of the highest grade." Our diamonds are per--fectly cut and show the greatest brilliancy. Not a stone in our establishment on. the "cheap" order. - - Let us show them to you. The G. HEITKEMPER'CO. . Jewelers and Diamond Dealers 288 MORRISON STREET T' PORTLAND, OREGON Persecutions of Jews occur In Rus sia, according to Dr. Stephen S. Wise, because of the deal re of the Ruaaiin government to throw a scapegoat Into the handa of the people whose rising fury it has good cause to dread. The awful massacres, be. says, axe Incited by village priests. Dr. Wis ha returned from the tut, where he delivered a aeries of lecturje before Temple Emmanuol of New York. one of the oldest and largest rel'gl -ua urbanisations in the united States. He alao addreeaed the state 'charities and corrections In New Tork. me atrocities In Russia might be compared to the St Bartholomew mas sacres of hideous memory, or to the horrible persecutions of the Waldensea by the Pledmontese, which the mighty hand of Oliver Cromwell succeeded In staying," he said. "Most lamentable! of all. It la to read that In many places in southern Russia the town priests In cited the mobs to wreak their foul wills upon the unoffending Jews. In Baratoff the mob began its work of pillage and murder Immediately after the preaching of an incendiary sermon oy ine oisnop or the town. ' "The only considerable town In south em Russia whlqh was spared a Jewish massacre achieved Its distinction be cause the governor of Poltova, Prince Urasoff, appealed to the citlsena not to Indulge In anti-Jewish excesses. He waa wlae enough to aecure the Indorse ment of th manifesto by the local clergy. - "Thl act aerve to fix the. reaponal- blllty upon th government where It properly belong. The government has good cause to fear the fury of the peo ple and sanctions Jewish massacres to appease them. Th deeds of murder were done In the main by hired thugs and aa-issins engaged for the purpose of starting a counter revolution which would serve to divert attention and In terest from the revolt against the gov ernment It ought not to go unre corded that though thousands fell, tens of thousands more would have fallen had It not been for th aplendld heroism of the younger Jew, who organised themselves Into little groups of self- defenders. One of the plans now be Ing talked of In the east Ls to provide the younger Jewish, men 'throughout Russia with arms' In order to make self defense possible." At the services In Temple Beth Israel last night Dr. Wlae announced to the congregation that he could not at this time state what plana' he had mad for the future. However, he said, a state ment would be made within a short time. It Is said that he Is thinking; of leaving Portland. - -,.- SOUTHERN-CALIFORNIATO BE CONVERTED Business Men Preparing to Jour ney to Orange Land to Spread. News of a Better Clime. An ' TSTOR.E, OPEN EVENINGS" - Easy Thing to Select Christmas Presents From This List orSBA. OLAIIXS In all shapes and alses. W have good onea for 15.00, better ones for 17. B0 snd others aa high aa fSO, according to finish.' Field Glasses from II 50 up. . . Have you seen th small vest pocket Opera Glasses? - We carry them In different grade, leathera at ft.OO to - ft.00. They make a nice present for gentlemen. '. . ' UKBBjrUAal in One silk and linen mixed. For th ladle we have beauties with fancy gold, silver and pearl -handles, running In price from It 50 to 111.00. For gentlemen we have wood handles, trimmed with gold and silver; also horn. Ivory and gold handles at prices ranging from 11.50 to I20.0Q. . Wa SATal A ABTXCV1VAB&Y XTOa iOT Of SXAMOaTS MSMUM tot ladle or gentlemen, running from 111.50 up. If you ever -had an Idea of buying one. now 1 th time, aa -w are giving especial values at the present time, and everybody knows they are . good -aa ' gold If bought at the right price. Tou will pay much mor a year from now. : i 3 ' ' MA. UIOS 3.00 UA& BnraS In alt atse and weights for the. baby, the boy or girl, for the lady or gentleman. - They are worn more than ever now and our engraver cuts handsome let ters and monograms on them without charge. Prices r range from 11.00 for th amall onea to 120 for the diamond-mounted " fancy ring. CmOBSZft US STXOaTXAOaS for th girls and th ladles. We have lota -of them. They are beajitles and cost aa low aa 11.00. A large, assortment now. but don't wait till they're gone. . ' . XXTZB TAXX.w"AKS, CX.OOX S, Cut Glass, Silver and Ebony Toilet Sets, Brooches, Shopping Bags, Jewel Cases, etc, for th wife, sister or . someone's els sister. .:';;;2A JIOOO, 10-ini rilled Case The Arch Crown Setting i 1 WATCHES FOR EVERYBODY . $1.50 buys a reliable American Watch In n,tckel case, for the boy. ' $7.60 gets an Elgin or Waltham.; $10.00 'buys the on shown, here lq a 70-year (tiled - case, with accurate timekeeping American movement W have others at $13.60, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00, $15.00 and up. ... .. ' FOR LADIES we have a little beauty. In !0 year filled case. Rose gold finish,, handsomely engraved, for $11.60. $16.00? buys 20 - yearr ' filled case, Elgin or Waltham movement . ' MOanaTw SBT1, Cigar Cases, Match Boxes, Fountain Pens, Watch Chains, Charms, Shaving Sets. Scarf Pins, Cult Links, etc, for the hus band, brother or sweethesrt - ' . SOW WAIT. Buy now, while the selection Is large and new. OTJT-Or-TOWT IUIMI should send for our large catalogue, free ,. , , , J Mailed 290 Morrison St, Near 5th J A lLkjILI W BROS. Fashionable Jewelers NUI POISON IC IIHIML III MEATS Nurses at County Farm Are At tacked and One Is Made Seriously III. OTHER NURSES CO TO TAKE CARE OF THEM Young Women Are Taken Sick Fri day Night and Yeaterday Morning County Physician It : Called All Declared Out of Danger. i v.Yes, we have the . "Arch Crown" set ting. An en tir ely new diamond mount- Vi r-v. An excursion of Oregon business men to southern California In January promises to be a great success. Appli cations for berths .are being received by Manager Richardson Of the Portland Commercial club and indications are that the train will be filled to Ita ca pacity. The start will be made from the Portland .Union - station Saturday evening. Januarv IS. The train will be composed of sleep ing cars, dining cars, baggage cars and a coach. Six days will be consumed In making the trip front Portland to Los Angeles, Including stops at cities along the line. A schedule Is being figured out by the Southern Paclflo railroad of ficials and a committee of the business men. The commercial bodies of Cali fornia are preparing to outdo all pre vious efforts at entertaining la their receptions to the Oregon men. The cost of the round trip with a Pullman berth for one person will be $63. If two persons occupy a berth the cost far each will be $5$. . J3elegates coming from eastern Ore gon to attend the Oregon Development league convention will have their tickets from Portland home extended to such time as they return from the Cali fornia trip. ' It Is the purpose of the Haniman paasenger offtcials to give the. visiting Oregonians every possible convenience, and those Who care to make aa extended, stay In California can do so without extra expense. Stop overs- returning will be allowed every where. Arrangements will be made for special meala at the most important hotels on the way down, and all details which come within the ' grasp of per sonally conducted . excursions will be looked after In this one. . '" v Wfere to Dine. . ' -Merchants Jpnch. II cents; special chicken dinner Sunday. II cents. Craft's restaurant 1U-1I7 Fourth street , , , Saratoga 'restaurant 11$ 8tak. near Firth. . Elegant French -dinner, wMh wine, 10c - 1 . IT ' r'. Winsor A Newton's ; ' ' Artist's Materials, the best msde, are here In complete variety. Supplies for' the novice, the student and the master. Everything needed for art Work. Let ter orttere filled., SANBORN. VAIL CO.. 17 First st Milwaukee Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. Take Bell wood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder. easfsl Xaaae) BUt . . A nlee pair of andirons, fire set brass foldlsg spark guard, gas or electrie table lamp would make. -.See the new line at the M. 3. Walsh CoVs, 141 Wash ington 'street corner Seventh, ... Mrs. W. O. Rudy returned home front Indtaaapolle Saturday night and will realde with her parcntay Mr. and Mra. Horace IX RasnsdelL f on . Portland Heights. . ill c v Dr. FX P. Geary and . D. D. Jackson, superintendent of the poor farm, were compelled -yesterday to have trained nurses from Portland go to the county . farm to care for the trained nurses stationed there. ' During the latter part Of Friday night and all day yeaterday Miss M. C. Dram, head nurse at the county hospital, and her corps of assist- ants were ill with ptomaine poisoning. None of the hospital patients la reported to have been afflicted. The latter part of the night last Fri day Miss Drain waa attacked. Within a short time all the nurses were suffer ing from the same complaint although none waa as. Ill as Miss Urain. Early yesterday morning County Phy sletan deary was summoned to minister to the sick nurses. Mr. Jackson bsd dona avervthlna In his power to I lleve the sufferers, but his efforts had little effect Ilerolo remedies were ad ministered by Dr. deary, as for a time it waa feared that Mlsa Drain would not survive. After- several hours of hard work upon the part of Dr. Geary and an assistant physician, all were pronounced out of danger. Then trained nurses were ordered from Portland to care for their sisters st the county hospital. Other attendants will cars for the county's warda until the regular corns Is able to resume work. Tha county hospital ia crowded at tbia time of the rear. While It la not known Just what pro duced the sickness. It Is supposed by Dr. Geary that the trouble waa caused by ptomaine poisoning, ss the nurses had been eating canned "meats. . . SOCIETY FOLK TURK OUT " FORME Mrs. James McCraken Entertains Large Number Delightfully at Her Home. ; - lecture en Browsing-. A lecture will be given on Tuesday evening, December It, at p. m. at the Fourth Preebyterian church. - First and Olbbs Btreete. by Rev. H. H. Marcotte, oh "Robert Browning." The soloist for the evening will be Miss Elisabeth Harwae. Thla Is the first of the aeries of entertainments to be given during this season under the susplces of the South Portland Literary association. Can Beaton's Program. Carl Denton's musical program at Trinity church this ' Sunday will In clude the following numbers: At 11 m. "Triumphal March" (Sir Mich ael .Coats): """Andante, In A" (Smart); "Marche Solemnelle" (Maiuy;. At p, . m. -Ventllene wuptiaie-- ttniooiai ; "Quick March" weiy): xommumon' (Batlsts); 'prugue. In E. Minor" (Bach). o4merican - Restaurant oob. Tsrrma ajto coves st. Open Say aaa Wight. Sunday Dinner From 0 a. m. to 8 p. n. SOVP. Tomato with Rice fwttn all orders). onn. Pork Spar Ribs, with sauerkraut.. too Baked Jackrabblt Pie. hunter's style. toe Pork Tenderloin. Breaded Creole Sauce ...ISe Turkey Croquettes. Mushroom Bauce.aoe Short Ribs Beef. Sweet rJtatoee. . . .soe Chicken Olbleta Saute. Green Peaa . . toe Spaghetti with Cheese Italian lae Baked Pork and Beans ISe Beef Stew with Veeretables ....IS mo Asm. Turkey, stuffed, Cranberry Sauce and Celery M Spring Duck, .Dressing and Baked Apple i ......... Chick with Dressing , SOe Pork U Mutton loo. Reef.........lM BEsnmrm. English - Plum Pudding. . Brandy Sauce M We make sur own R read. Plea and Cake. . HUSatBS. Cslery Se, Radlahea to. Lettuce) 10a, Sliced Tomatoes loo. Coffee, Bread and Butter and Potatoes with all orders. , The musicals given by Mrs. James McCraken Friday afternoon at her home on Johnson street was one of the most elaborate of the season. All society at tended, and the afternoon was a de lightful one. The homo was beautifully decorated with . pink chrysanthemums and blush rosea In the reception room and Oregon grape' in the music; room," the two rooms being thrown lno'fbe Mrs. McCraken- wore a handsome gown of Mack velvet embroidered with silver and let, and assisting her were four women gowned In white Mra Frank Hart Mrs. N. E. Ayer, Mrs. C J. Reed Mid Miss Williams. The following program 'waa given and received with much approbation: Quartet (a) ."Thank Tou Very Much Indeed". (Lehniann). from "The Dalay Chain- b) "Child's Prayer" (Leh- mann), from "More Daisies' ; prologue from "II Pugllaccl" (Leoncavallo), Dom 3. Zan; "Staendchen" (Richard Strauss), "Spring" (Henschelt), "Deserted" (Mao Do well). Tarantella Napoletana" (Ros sini). Mlns Agnes Watt; "CaroMlo Ben" (GlordanH. Mandoline" (Dupont), aria from "La ToscV (Puccini), Arthur L. Alexander; "A Song of Spring" (Von Felttx), "King Duncan's Daughters" (Allitsen). Mr. Zan; "Sous Lea Oraa gers" (Holmes). "Lockruf (Lover's Call) (Rueckauf), "Der Nussbaum' (Schumann), "When .the Rosea Bloom (Relchardt), Mrs. Walter Reed; "Lachen und Welnen), Schubert; "Alleraeelen' (Richard-Strause), aria-from "Rlgolet- to" (Verdi). Mr. Alexander; quartet from "Flora's Holiday" (H. Lane Wil son); "Come All Te Lads and Lasses ; "The Commotion of Love' Edgar E. Coureen at the piano. . The invited guests were Mesdames H. Allan, N. E. Ayer. W. B Ayer, R. L Barnes. Batchelder, C. F. Bee be, A. F. Biles, P. H. Blythe. W. L. Boise. H. C Bowers, VV. L. Brewster, R. J. Chlpmsn, Houseman. J. K. Clark, W. TO. Coman, H. W. Corbett E. E. Coursen. J. . Dickson, R. P. Efflnger, F. F. Freeman, A. J. Oiesy, H. D. Green, Jf. E. Hart. H. Hendryx, Hamilton, J. W. Hill. Charles Hilton. 8. Hlrsch, R. R. Hoge, Walter Honeyman. William Honeyman, F. H. Hopkins. C. S. Jackson. E. O. Jones,. William Jones, F. S. Kelly, S. O. Kerr.. F. A. Knapp. J.' K. Kolloek. J. Wesley Ladd, James Laldlaw, E. Laid law, H. Laldlaw, F.- A. Lewis, R. H. Lewm, Fletcher Linn, S. B. Llnthlcum, Oay Lombard. EL lei- Lytle. K. A. J. Mackensie. A. E. Mackayr.W. A. Mac- Rae. P. 8. Malcolm. A. L. Maxwell, E.I H. McCraken, J. McCraken. McFall. 8. M. Mears, J. B. Montgomery. A. A Morrison, H. 8. Nichols, C. U Nichols. H. Nunn, C E. Chenery, F. H. Page, A. C Panton, O. P. Paxton, L D. Peters, F. N. Pendleton, C J. Reed, Robertson, A. E. Rockey, Roes, J. M. Russell, O. F. Russell, Lewis Russell, J. A. Shepard. W. V. Smith. Zera Snow, Raleigh Stott Oeorge Taylor, W. J. Van Bcbuy ver, W., O. Van Schuyver, F. M. Warren. . Jr., Oeorge W. Weldlerv 8. Heltsnu. R. W. Wilbur. Von Bolton. B. T. Williams. A. A. Wright,- Dom- Zan, Winter, Sanderson Reed, F, 8. Stanley, A. Q. Barker. William Skene, N. R, Lang. James Maynard. Jr.. McRae, M. W. Smith. John Cran. Wllla. D. Mackay, Davis, Dougherty and Johnson.- Tha Mleees Brown, Cadwell. Dolph, Doscb. Falling. HUton, Hlrsch, Sans bury. Holman. Honeyman. Hoyt Jones, McKell, Knapp, Lytle. Messlok. Mont gomery. Morrison. Tongue, stott Van Schuyver, Wilson. Wetdler, Heltsho, Von Bolton, Nicholson. Williams, E. W. Williams. Page, Smith. McEwen. White. ftiixiiiiiiinxxiiiKzzzzxxzatxiiiiaitTnxnizszzzxxxari P FUN DER The Florist Flowers of Every. Descrip tion. Xmas Trade, Spe' ' hlly Solicited. " ' Palms; iPetted Plants and Flow ers that harmonise with the Christmas eptrlt - --rT , m Sixth St. , Between Alder and Morrison. Phone Orders otvea Special A tenttoa. . , '-'.- ' BtAZaT 4S4. ' (I Out of the High-Priced District 99 An Eelegant line of "Christmas Presents At a great saving to you from ouying eisewnere. A alance at my prioos: 14k. Solid Gold Ladles' Watch .91740 Elgin or Waltham.' 14k. Filled, beautiful de- signs .$10.00 Gent's Solid Gold and Gold Filled, with all the highest grade movements. In endless variety ; 97-M UP Boys' Watches, guaran- teea .,m,.,ilm in sox.ED aou loionmi, mxjros, ovrr um, haciuti, at . . ; OBZA SATZVO TO TOtT. . . : : MT WATOK BIPAIBIBO- to Mkaowiedged the best la town. On Diamonds ( can save tO to to per cent from buying else where. Ev ery stone g u aranteed aa, r a p r e aented or m your money back. Watches eleaaed. Mainsprings .... Jewels (reaalne) Balaewe Staffs... Crystals TBo Too .......... Boo . .f 1.SO 100 All Work Ouaranteed. I AM A STATB BBOISTZBKD 1 i OPTICIAN And my prloee on Olassee are Just H one half of what yon pay to aoera- II town opticians. - II OXVB KB A miAi. S CHAS VW GOODMAN. 1?, UIIaaaJUUIaaaallHmZU THEVAMPIRLTM ever nulla IT et e m at oacc rut hy two of vasr kadinf llmi la fart- BiBituitr rrank, noirulc ir le. rrut u. (paruncit More . ' THE VAMPIRB Is the sjeet woaderfal eleaser ever made, es It. eleaas wlthaat BMrtag aa disacreeable amell er Bark, aae It eoes as injore the flam mr elottilng. It W siads t tbe.extracta ef SOAP TBK8 BABK aad sere ells. It eleaas any tntnr DUKtmtD KID OLOVKS, kid slippers and Ua shoes. It renoves graaae. ell. pltea, tar, dirt aad fraah.aala froai CLOTBINO. HATS, SILKS, carpets, rags, etc.) la fact. It cleans snytslag sad every, thing. Try It If VAMPIRE; falls te eo aa we elaua, sead It back aad we win gladly refaad rear Bxmef. .... Special Of fer This Week trfi Head ns M cents m stasire, and wire 7 mi one SO-eat slat vsaipu-e, postpaid te muj wwi I.. The Vampire Cleaner Co., 41 Ella St., Portland, Or. The Best Service you can possibly receive when your teeth need attention is accorded every- patron of our establishment.- We have the latest and best mechanical equipment ; we all have a thorough understanding of the best way to put teeth in good shape and our charges arebased-Gma very much lower standard than that shown by our work. If there's the least thing - wrong with your t?eth consult WISE BROS. Sr. a tar. .Int. Spa-' ialiat as JUgalatbig. an a WASH. MAIM SOtS. Miss Edith Kelly rorsMrly mt raingo. will raeelTe aaplk) at studio, 1M utwmdaie irirtMau) si. LZSCHZTI2ZT MKTHOB. Pianoforte Take ayort1oe. floe Orrea. H.rmoeT and (V.npxslttna. Stailte of FBIDlBICK W. SOOO 1ICE. BftO H. I Boat stmt, faoa Eaal xmm. - RABBI WISE WILL 1 ' ADDRESS Y. M. C. A. Before the Sunday elub for men at the T. M. C. A. this afternoon Kabbl 8tephen-B. Wise, of Temple Beth Israel, will deliver an addresa on "William Lloyd Garrison," the pioneer and leader of th modern antt-elavery movement of the United States. . Toda y Is the one hundredth anniversary of Garrison's birth. The epeclal mualo for the nfter noon will be a half hour concert begin ning at t o'clock, by the association orchestra. The soloists for the day are Mlsa- Eula R. Bennett, soprano, and William, Moore, baritone. . The musical program begins at B o'clock and tha meeting in the audi torium at B io. The program la free, but for men only. , . . . . A Ooo Kaabaao. Taylor Street -Methodist Fplscopal rhurrh enjoyed larae congregations last Hunday, and especially ao at the even ing -services, when people occupied the steps leading to the gallery. All Who heard Dr. flhort dlm-nas "The Art of Bwlns; a oo-W1fe"r last fjin.1 f,UM will be more (han enxtmia to h-ar Mm trtnlght. "The Art r.f HMng a c;.k1 Husband is a Companion pnnmn Whether the popular pnMor n'mJl Ih-i.I hlmiolf up aa the ideal remnlna to I-"" Sefn. Talcc Tims Your time will be well paid for by looking around the-j different stores and to find the difference of saving by trading with , : JOHN DELLAR At either, one of his stores. First and Yamhill or Third and Davis. Every purchase you make is warranted satisfactory. The newest styles of Men's and Youths' Suits, Over coats, Hats, Pants. Shirts. Underwear, a general line of Shoes with a full line of Trunks Sui Cases, Blan kets and Comforters. We save you 20 per cent on every dollar you invest with u. IV You h-vs tr:':J every thir-T c z f V but r.v ." "1