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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
.. 1 .. - PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1905. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL f ;,;.";. - j' v'.'AH'' INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER'' " ' '" C. . JACJCSOB l: BOSTON AND BEAN A RECENT DISPATCH stated -' Boston, paid. $6,500,000 for baked Deans last , year. The computation proceeded along these lines: The receipts of beans in Boston , during 1904 were 68,932 barrels,' equivalent to 343,660 bushels, or 10,- 997,120 quart v weighing Zl.WXW pounas. muuipiyu., this number by the average retail price of beans, the to tal sum named is obtained. ;. V i Boston has always been noted as a bean eating city and that it could consume such a vast quantity of beans, at such a fabulous cost, showv -if trpe, that . Boston a appetite for beans has not been overrated, onthe con trary has not been fully appreciated. BostoflV popula tion is estimated at 553,000, so that the quantity of beam mentioned would give an' average consumption to each inhabitant, man, woman and child, of 37 quarts or 148 pounds. And as young infants could not eat beans ot do they in Boston? and perhaps some others eat few --there are always cranks -it follows that here must' be people in Boston who eat anywhere from 50 to 100 ' quarts of beans a year and 1 everybody knows that a quart of dry beans makes several quarts when boiled, as they must be before being baked. It is also stated that the demand is increasing much faster than the pop- ' ulation, 15,000 barrels more being consumed in 1904 than in 1903, and it is expected that the 1905 record will show an equal or greater increase. If this keeps up long enough, Boston will subsist principally on "beans, foi when the time comes that each inhabitant averages several quarts of beans a day,: how are they to eat much of anything else?.. ' ! According to, the popular Idea all these beans l4we eaten baked, but. while this is the favorite Bostonese form, we suppose some are eaten after boiling only, but it is as a consumer pt the nutritious leguminous herb or vegetable phaseolus vulgaris in the baked form that Boston has become famousT" ' " ' ' " ": 7 " Boston's appetite for beans might lead to several pro found reflections. That city is regarded as the head center of culture in the United States;, it this a. result of bean eating for several generations ?; If so, should not the people of other cities begin at once to eat more beans, feed their children on beans, and teach them early to feed their children on beans, and so on from generation to generation, until other qfies can rival Boston in learning and refinement ? But some will ask: Do we want to acquire, or our descendants to possess, the Boston brand of culture, which is reputedly cold, clammy, ' unsympathetic . and repellant? So the prob lem; To cat more beans or not? is a debatable one. It has been suggested,, and. is suspected .by many, that Boston housewives and cooks have, some culinary secret, handed down from days prior to the great tea party, and carefully guarded, by which Boston baked beans are really rendered more palatable and appetiz ing than the-same kinds and quality of beans boiled or baked in any other place. This seems to us an unten able theory, though very likely in a great city where everybody has eaten beans principally for 300 years, the art. of cooking and flavoring them has. been carried to perfection more than elsewhere: - At any -rate, the- fig ures quoted show-that Boston has earned its reputation. THE TOyRIST AND OREGON. 'HAT IS PORTLAND DOING to take advant age ' of its' opportunity to mer tourist business? As its value the Southern Pacific is spending $100,000 in a single campaign . to attract tourists to the toait, from Portland to San Diego, Eighteen California hotels arc spending $10,000 to attract the tourist brought by the railroads to these hotels. The tourist trade is evidently worth something when this amount of money is spent in . a single campaign. It is manifestly so when one con siders that the city of Los Angeles and many other de lightful towns in California have been literally Vuilt and are now maintained by the tourist classes, many of whom have become permanent residents. California attracts and holds much of the winter travel but Oregon presents "infinitely greater advantages 'in spring and summer when' iti "climate, is literally ideal. Host of these transients leave California in the Spring and early summer. Many of them era hornet by easy stages putting in several weeks In the mountainous regions, notabtym Colorado. . To many of these. the beauties and -attractions of Oregon are little known. Were it not for the fair they would be still less known. But, it seems to us, there is a campaign just ahead of us in this direction. Whatever , is possible should be done to turn the tide in this direction. If it costs a little money to do it that should be spent because it is simply an investment that will pay a good return. It is not alone the .immediate benefit which flows from uch a class of travel ; it often leads to the permanent ac quisition of a very desirable class of people and to in vestments which add materially to the potential-wealth ' of the state. The movement has been inaugurated; it should be taken np with energy. It is time that Greater Portland showed once 'again what it is able to .do in the matter of big enterprises. Last year we scored a bull' eye but it will not do to rest on our laurels. , This year we should strengthen the hold we' got last year. ; - BACKWOODS HAZING. ' ""A" WONG the yoangerwestern states f ewcan boast jr finer university than that at Moscow, Idaho. Built in the center of a rich and fertile region, . with varied resources tributary to it, excellently man , aged, it has gained something more than a state reputa '. tion and deserved it. The class of students who at tend the university k unusually fine and the work which they do is both earnest and effective, as any one ' . who has ever visited the institution must testify. ' : Yet it is from this university of which the people of . Idaho have such reason to be proud, that there comes the report of one of the most disgraceful hazings that has been recorded this season. Imagine in a civilized community a young marrr captured and his cheeks and forehead marked with the figures 08 burned hito'them with lunar caustic? Only by a miracle can he escape disfigurement for life. Here is a case where a half dozen yonths with backwoods proclivities disgrace $ . great educational institution:" The duty of the author cities in Jhe premises is plain. The offenders should be mercilessly hunted down and thrown out of the uni versity in .disgrace. One encouraging feature of the affair, which indicative of the feeling-of the class, is foiiid in the resolutions adopted whic$tsbow unmis takably that t botry ihey-Tesent the outrageous con duct of some of their fellows'. Indeed their indignation carries them so far as to denounce all species of hing. It is hoped this feeling will be fostered and that as a - secondary outcome of-the trouble the atndcnt tody ,lt . self will frown down upon hazing and make it a thing more honored in the breach -than in-the-obseTvaneeT . Now watch for thet entering wedge which is intended to lead to' the reopening of public gambling in Portland. Fortpnately there arc two officials on guard whro can . not vither be hoodwinked or bulldozed Ope of them ' la th sheriff and ibe other it mayor, , PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. . EATING. FRENCH that the people of have no railroads, by famine, vhen at the head of the ... storm, but always the people forcing the estates -in their government is ri6t the French drama But on these may not be welded There are those ganized revolution capture the sum- an illustration of return to their east indirect and gradual striking distance of he must bring his upon this gigantic' , A REAL 1 . western no. t, OAKSOIX AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS. THE MANY striking parallels between the pres ent course of events in Russia and those in the early dayg of the French revolution have been frequently commented on, , and their -contemplation is interesting. In Russia, as there was in France, there is a peasantry steeped in superstition, sodden in ignor ance, and apparently hopeless. . Many Russian districts and-as in trance in iev are ispiaieo except tor slow communication oy oaa wagon roaus. At a consequence these districts are sometimes swept there is plenty of material for food only perhaps 200" or 300 miles away. In tne -surenn-cracy and grand ducal ring and in the church oligarchy we see reproductions of the aristocracy and their clerical coadjutors who crushed the people of France under the weitrht of unbearable taxation, and saueezed out of the oeasantrv the ereater cart of their earnings. We find Russian government, at .the begin- . . . . . . . , ning ot these more notable disorders, an auiocrai iegauy and theoretically supreme, but in character though YV.'T. Stead and some others do not confirm this weak and vacillating; yielding to the rising and oncoming too late, as did Louis XVI. We see a national assembly, and the recog nition of their right to take this or that liberty, and no sooner gaining one point than they press on to another though not as yet with the unity and solidarity of the French revolutionists, partly on account of the vast scope of the country, but more because of the lack of homogeneity of race and sentiment among the people. We have teen lately the army itself infected with the popular fever, and turning against the government, at happened in France. And finally, we see the conflagra tion spreading from Russia's Parises Moscow, SC Pet ersburg and Warsaw to the rural districts, and the peas? ants armed with scythes and pitchforks, trampling over : neighborhood jojaclfU.and,BuriuJ Riot, arson, assault, slaughter all the. dread fruits of popular passion long repressed but suddenly loosed by the relaxation of authority and the discovery that the omnipotent are companiments .in rthe terrible turmoil.' The puppets of the Russian and are remarkably alike. ' ; ,v ; similarities we cannot base like or any definite conclusions as to results. The parallelism is in teresting, but superficial. Some of the forces that made and carried on the French revolution are undoubtedly at work now in Russia, hut-some are wanting. For one thing, the invincible solidarity of the French " revolu tionists is improbable of acquirement' The Russian in turrectionaries are so fr only a large number of inde pendent, diverse and sometimes conflicting mobs, that intd unity either of purpose or action. who tee in this incipient and unor for such it seems to have become the beginning of v worldwide, or at least a Europe-embracing cataclysm like that ; which issuing irom the French revolution ended, except in Russia, in the over throw of absolutism and the establishment and observ ance of consitutionalism. , Undoubtedly whatever-the end of this gigantic coil, its. effects will be felt even be yond the confines of all the Russias, especially in Ger many, but violent political upheavals in other states as a consequence teens improbable. The conditiont under which such a great fire of revolution might easily spread do not .exist as they did when the first French republic abolished God and dated a calendar from its own birth, France, in 4789 and the succeeding years was leading the way. Russia is bringing up the rear, is finally fol lowing, paffTyariet in Fi ante's way, the example oth ers as well as trance, though mor,e quietly, have act. - There may for a time be a republic, or an attempt at one. Nicholas may or may not suffer the fate of Louis XVI. But anarchy cannot long maintalnitself, indeed hat no foundation, and socialism is as yet an "irides cent dream.". But absolutism it already at an end in Russia and the end will probably be a constitutional monarchy and a national assembly that can maintain a stable government. But that end appears not near; it may be a long way off with bloody highways leading to it. - .1 ROOSEVELT AND ROCKEFELLER. ' - I T IS REPORTED from Washington that President Roosevelt has instructed Attorney-Genera! Moody ; to prepare the documents for an attack on Stand ard . Oil. The wonder hat been growing why smaller trustt and monopolies were attacked, and Standard Oil overlooked or neglected,, but it seems the psesident was only getting thoroughly ready. Whether anything defi nite will be directly accomplished is doubtful, but it-as high time that the most thorough effort possible to break up or restrict this monopoly was attempted. A few days ago one of the' employes" ot-thislrreatest and most dangerous and defiant of all monopolies' ad mitted under oath in a Missouri court that he had been ordered from headquarters to "destroy competition at any cost," and was recommended from the same source to use means provided by his employer falsely to con vict its rivals of cheating their customers the Stand ard Oil desiring a monopoly along that line also. What does the president think of that? - , He must know, that the Standard Oil company has evaded and defied laws, bribed legislatures, bought over congressmen, wrongfully influenced judges( and. worked, either creepingly like a pestilence, or sweeping obstacles away like a tornado, leaving disease, and devastation be hind, in order to enable the -men - vhd compose it - to pocket $0,000,000 a year.' ' ' Standard Oil being the greatest of all trusts and al lied with all, and extremely re4ourruTind powerful, the president is proceeding slowly "and cautiously, by approaches, as a general gets within a supposedly impregnable jor,. But biggest "square deal" guns to bear 'creature and then' perhaps one may see some astonishing results. Then again perhaps not FOOTBALL TRAGEDY. V THERE WAS A VERITABLE-TRAGEDY in the great football game played not long ago for the championship between Michigan uni versity and Chicago university. They are reputed to be the best two teams irt s the west. Michigan was sup posed to be superior, in line-bucking, and Chicago in punting, which made a standoff. Indeed, the first half of the game showed the teams evenly matched; play ing each other to a standstill. The tveond half was nearing its end without-either" team 'oeirig able to touch the other's danger line, and it looked like a tie. Then Michigan, having the ball tent it with a mighty punt into the enemy's territory, but Chicago with a masterful spiral sent it back, and it dropped back of the Michigan goal Mine mto the out-stretched hands' of a Michigan p!ayet ThatjnjtaulMichigait had 4h-better--f the game. The situation called for a . touch-back, ": which would render the ball dead, and Michigan could take it 25 yards in front of its goal line for a free kick, which would have Bent it far into the - opposition territory, where Michigan wanted It. But theHWchigan player lost? his, .head,. and-with 11 brawny Chicagoans ran sidewayt with" the ball. Th inevitable-happened; he was downed behind hi own, goal line; and Chicago scored two points and won the game.,' , This Michigan player who did hot trunk and act rightly and quickly enough' iajk-eritical moment'may put in the rest of his life tryi'dg to explain whyhe did the wrong thing, but in vain. Like a man who commits a homicide in a moment of absentmindedness;- remorse will not bring the dead to life. The great game was killed by a man who went "off his head." A fumble might have been condoned, but it was not the Michigander's mus cles but his brain that played him and his team false, and that deep disgrace he can never outlive in "football circles. He. had but a second to decide what was the right thing to do; it was hit business as a member of one of the crack teams of the country to decide to do the right thing in that second and win glory for him self and his associates; in ethat -.'. instant he decided wrongly, and brought from the sporting point of view unspeakable shame upon them, and himself. Besides, it cost the Michiganders the western championship tha they had held for five years, and incidentally a -whole lot of coin besides. ' f So football has its tragedies, and CORPORATION. ARMY ROUTED OLD WIDOW Pittsburg Special to the New York i World. It has bus yim since tha worklna people of Pittsburg have been o wrought up over anything ther have been over the destruction ot the horn of Mr. Sarah Lot, at Twenty-sixth and eyaney streets, on the south side, to make room for the 120,000,000 addition to the plant of the Jones & Lauchlln 8 tee I company. v i ' last Saturday was a strenuous day for Mrs, Lot. Although past 70 years old, eh has been battling for over six months with the steel company and Its millions, and. single handed, and with out even the aid of her children, hat defeated them at every tutn. On that morning an agent of the com pany went to. the little. home of Mrs. Lot and told her that If she did not get out by noon, her home would be torn down over her. head. . , "You can't do it" she replied de fiantly. "This place Is mine. It has been mine for iO years. It has 'teen my home ever since I was married,' and my home It , will be until my death. There Is no law In the land that will allow you to corns and take it away from me." . . Although brave in the face of the agent of the company, Mrs. Lot. was fearful in her . heart that her home might be taken from . her. Bhe knows nothing about law or litigation, but she had been told that it the company became threatening to hurry to the courthouse and secure an injunction against the concern preventing them from. Interfering with her rights. It was 11 o clock when she hurriedly called on her brother-in-law and told him she was going to the ' courts to secure an injunction, and she left htm In charge to protect the home during her absence. Three ferocious dogs which have been the old woman's com panions during her j six months' fight. were left with him. At sne lert her home. She did not know-that the courts close at IS o'clock on the last day of the week. But the company with whom she was fighting knew and that was the reason that they, had selected Saturday for their day of action.' Mrs. Lot arrived at. the courthouse only to find that it was-closed. She appealed, in her despair, to the Janitor and others about the building for help, but was told that she could do nothing until Monday. Sick at heart, Mrs. Lot hurried horns. '" ! ' The sight which greeted her was on which frose the blood in her veins. Th home she had left but an hour before had disappeared. On the ground in front, of the placv'where the house had formerly stood, and which had once been a street, but had been abandoned by the city to make room for the im provement, was a great pile of debris that had once been her home. .Besld it was piled tha scant furnishings ot her little abode.. Near by the thre dog, beaten into submission and thea chained, -rjnoaned plteously." .- Her brother-in-law. wnom sne naa ten on guard, was nowhere to be seen. - Al ready srreat steel . girders ' were being joined together to complete the new mill, which now eireicnea us rei arms over what, a few minutes before, had been her home. From neighbor she learned fhe story: i . . - No sooner had Mrs.' Lot left het home than a force of workmen era ployed by the company, almost a thou sand strong, appeared on the premises. Charles Lot, armed with bricks and clubs, stood on the threshold and de clared that he would brain the first man who attempted to put foot on the prem ises. They knew that the law would protect him if he carried his threat into execution. They knew that h could kill them. U need be, to protect the home of his sister-in-law, which was his home. too. Bo they adopted other tactics. They turned .their forces onto the barking dogs and after s bit ter fight they had them under submis sion. Then they led them Just acros the line onto the company's property. They tied them there and then with drew. It was an old trick, but it worked. '..-.- , Charles Lot coult"not endure seeing the dog 1n sgony. He stepped out to untie them. No sooner had he placed a foot on the property of the company than he was placed wider arrest by special officer of ths company who had been placed there for that purpose. He knew that resistance was useless and when Informed that he w under ar rest, he acoompanled the officer to the south side police -station, where he was locked up on e'oharge of trespass that the special officer made' against him. H' was not allowed to furnish, ball at that time, but later in the day was re leased on a bond which was readily furnished by his friends. No sooner had Charles. Lot left the premises than the horde of workmen took possession. Jh a , twinkling the furnishings were carried Into the street. Meantime a score of men, armed with axes, had climbed -the roof. They chopped through the tin roof and then down the lde of th house, cutting it nomnletelv In two. Then a great cable was Ushed arodnd one half ot- th little building. More tnan iuo men tugged at the rope, and with a few creak and -groans half of the house came down. Then th rope was. placed around the remaining half, and it, too, sooa toppled over.. It was th work of a few momenta for the army of men to gather up the debrt and plic it in th street Fifteen minute after th flrt man climbed onto the roof the houa had been completely rased and struc tural Iron workers wer erecting th new mills on Its sit. - When Mrs. Lot saw what had hap pened ehefliUd.She. was. .carried away to the hom of her son, Charles Lot,; but it wss hours after that bad- happened. Since then she has been so ill that it was feared that she might not recover. On Sunday Charles Lot, the brother-in-law. appeared at tha) south aid po lice atatlntr "to answer th oharge of trespass- that jiad beea mad against - I '. , membrance of it eye, a pure heart, others besides -phys HYMNS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Our God, Our Help in Ages Past '' 1 By Isaao Watts. -' Hn spit of th fact that-Watte w almost a wholesale hymnmaker and. m spit of th fact -that be wrot som of the worst doggerel that children ha ever, been forced to learn. It yet remain that som of the noblest Christian hymn are of his authorship. Some of these were composed in the course of setting the psalms Into verse, a task which he accomplished in an incredibly short time. Probably this metrical ar rangement of the ninetieth psalm was his best piece of work in all that great undertaking. Certainly it has become a favorite hymn with many famous mn and It la sung in the churches more fre quently .than fcny of the many other hymns of the author, sav perhaps hi "When I survey the wondrous crosa" Our Qod, outjjelp In ages past. Our hope for- years to come; Our shelter from the stormy blast. And our eternal home! . . , - Under the shadow of thy throne - Thy saints have dwelt secure; Sufficient is thine arm alone, ' . And our defense is sure.. , Before the hills in order stood. Or earth received her frame,. From everlasting thou art God To endless years the same. A thousand ages lnjthy sight. . Are like an evening gone; Short at watch that ends the night Before tha rlaing sun. Time, like an aver rolling stream, . Bears all its sons away; .... They fly, forgotten, as a dream - Dies at tha opening day. Our God, our help in age past. Our hope for years to come; Be thou our. guarwhtle troubles last; And our eternal home. ..... LEWIS AND CLARK asa,ja,"aseas"i OiLth seashore.. ' - December 10 ''The moffitftr-waa cloudy with some rain. Captain Clark walked out on the seashore and ob- served the Indians walking up and down . the creek, examining the-shore; he'wasj at a loss to understand their object,, till one of them came to him and ex- j plained mat mey were m sea re n i-nnn which had ba thrown on shore and left . by the tide, adding In English, "Stur geon Is very good." - There Is, Indeed,1 every reason to suppose that these Clat sop depend for their subsistence during the winter chiefly, on the fish thus casually, thrown on the coast. After amusing himself for some time on tha beach, he returned toward the village and shot on his way two brant. As h came near a villa; one of th Indiana aaked htm to shoot a duck about 85 , steps distant; he did ao, and having accidentally shot off It head, tha bird was brought to the village by the In dian, all of whom came . around In aitonishment; they examined tha duck, the musket . and tha very small bullet, which were 100 tothe pound, and then exclaimed, "Kloshemusquet, wake kunv tux musquet" (a good musket, do not understand this kind of musket). They now placed before blm their best roots, fish and syrups, after which he at tempted to purchase a sea otter skin with aoma beads which he happened to have about him; but they declined trad ing, as they valued nothing except blue or white bead. H therefor bought nothing but a little berry bread and a few roots in . exchange for fish hook and then set out to return by the same route on which he came. He was ac companied by Cuskalah and his" brother aa far as tha third creek and then pro ceeded to camp through a heavy rain The whole party had-been occupied dur ing his absence in cutting down trees to make huts, and in hunting. V him, but th officer who arrested him did not put in an appearance. Th cane was marked "continued," but he will never have to answer the charg. Th company succeeded In Its purpose, and that I all they care for now. - Following their usual Custom, the of ficials of th Jone & Lauthltn com pany refusa fo discus th matter In any way.-- When they decided to buy the Lot homestead theyoffered the widow 84,000 for th property. - She re fused to sell. After som months they offered a bonus of 85,000. She still re fused, and then the amount of th bonus was Increased to 810,000, but she told them she would not sell the plac for any amount. It wasn't money she wanted. - "John brought me here when we were married, 60 years ago," she told them. "It has. been my home ever since I came to America Jrom .Germany." Willis L. King, vice-president of the Jones ft Laughlln company, being asked regarding his view of the legslity of the action of the company In tearing down th houa, said only: "It is s matter I do not car to discuss." , William Lorlmer Jones, general man-. gr of the plant., would say but little more: "W think that w had a right to take th action we did, but we don't want to talk about it - Leading the . Strenuous Life. From th Nw York Sun. :. . . Any human being who can emerg unnhattered and undismayed , from the round of dlningr"da:ncing;"rceTvtng and speechifying which has accompanied th vlHlt of Prlnc Louis must have the digestion of an ostrich, the unvarying temper of a Damascus blade, th eshn philosophy" of an Egyptian sphinx,- th cheerfulness of his .erstwhile majesty King Cole. , May Baftenburg's power of recuperation nvr grow leas! ical death and (,njury, as well as 'war, and the conflicts that most of us encounter in paths of peace, and this; Was the greatest tragedy of its kind of the season. To this player this 'was a real tragedy, and the sorrowful re will torment him long. . ., So, 'young man, it may be with yon sometimes in life. Times may come when you musUact quickly, perhaps in a moment, one way, or another, and the action of that instant may brighten or mar yonr whole after life, and that in a far more important sense and greater degree that irt this illustrative case of the great football game. But to be able to decide rightly and instantly, you need to' be prepared. You need a healthy body, a well-balanced, somewhat cultivated mind, a clear conscience and a clean soul. Having these, young man, -when the critical time $omes, you can act on the instant, and cannot go far wrong. " ,,. The idea of denouncing a public official because of his determination to secure an- economical "administration is a new thing under the sun, but there is no telling to what lengths silly partisanship may bevcarried. , LETTERS FROM ; PEOPLE' THE " ' Woman Answer Dr. Short. " ; - Portland. Dec. 8. To the-Editor of The Journal Will you allow me spaca in your paper in reply to soma remarks that have been made regarding womea working? . - .- a.-. . . . - Evidently Dr. Short thinks it a crime for women to live, for . some of us either have to work or starve, and why should we not go where we can get the best pay?, Dr. Bhort says a wife should be fitted Jto shine in society. Does he give th girl1 who works in his kitchen a chance to Is she not the first one up tha morning and the last to re tire at night? Does she receive .her friends (I hope she ha 'some) In the kitchen, or has she the freedom , of the parlor? Can one have a chance to mov In society by accepting a position at any housework for pay? And how can one ba clothed - if they are not paid? Does not a woman get better pay and have more hours to herself by office work than in a family as a servant! How mapy times Is It not said that any. one can do kitchen work, and it. is . con sldered the very lowest and" meanest of all work, yet some people, consider that woman's sphere! ' Be honest, be Just, and If that is a place to fit on for (society?) homemaking, do not put a girl In a back bedroom or up thre stories In the garret.. Is Dr. Short willing to take a bigger contract than the Spokane minister has? If he Is, then let him bring out his men who will be such good husbands. I have to good women in mind who are work ing for an honest living and every day say. "Oh, if I could quit and only had a home!" , The writer of this' Is able to cook a meal-fit for a king, can make her own clothes, can embroider beautifully, ckn lng fairly well and.. play some; can sweep-a floor and do a washing, ' can lead a prayer , meeting and drive a nail with equal -grace, yet is compelled to work for dally bread, and through no fault or wish of her own.' ' Men .who are willing to have a woman .provide s home for thenr-are standing around by dosens. But where, oh where is the man who will providethe good home, it It will be welLcared for? I am afraid to sign my name, lest I be ,. overwhelmed with. ??. Think three or four times on some questions before you apeak, Dr. Short . . "MERELY MARY ANN." .SpnhlioaaXarmony. Portland, Dec 8. To the Editor of The Journal An old-time Republican la heard to soliloquise thus: '''Yes, peace, harmony and goodwill to th victor at the primaries, if a new. clean man wins." . . . Then, after a pause, he continues: 'But to all old-timers, take notice; If yu ever offended th Oregonlan, If you did not shout for - Scott for senator, then lay low. . . . Who else ar th well-known men whom the Oregonlan cautions to keep out?" ; . X ; , " John H. Mitchell. -" -"Every child who knew htm ' loved him" "Jchn H. Mitchell Is the only man I ever knew whom I believe to have never had a trace of bitterness In hi com position He simply, did not know how to hat and had a charitable excua for very one of those who hounded him to his death, even to the last." V Silenced Cow the slander, The voice of pity stirred : Remembering his kind heart Who died of "hope deferred" . Of hatred and of malice Who knew not how'to hate: r " : '"' j Oh. words of love, and pity! You com too late, too lata : ', a... . - .v ' 'K ',-. . We all have that within us Our kind have been to be; ' 'Twere well we had his measure Of holy charity. .; . , , "All children love him dearly." . Ah. ye,' he so loved them. They see so much more clearlsu- -' Than he who would condemn, , . The airy structure bullded Upon his heart and fame Is like to crash and tumble, Depart from whence It came, . : And towering far above It ' ' " " ' ; To heights thst few have scaled ..; The man who never hated, Whom "Love hath never failed.".,: Antoinette Wheeler Nicholson, : " Rutslan Proverb. ' . i From the St. Louis , Post-Dlapatch. V ' Roguery Is the last of trades. . Without cheating, rm trading. V T JA debt I adorned by payment. Every fox praises his own tail. A good beginning Is half th work. . Every little frog Is great In his pwn bog. --! '' . '' Trust laXJod, but do not stumble your self. '" . - -. If Qod doesn't forsake ua the pigs will not take us. - - ' . - Oo after two wolves and you will not catch even one. The deeper you hide anything th sooner you find It. " ' B praised not for your ancestors but for your virtues.' ,' Send a pig to dinner and he will put bis feet on the table. - . Carnegie Gift Made Possible. V Pltttburi Cor. New York Tribune. : Through the assenting vote of Mis Ilermlon Schenley, now visiting Pitta burg, Andrew Carnegie, one of the trus tees of the Schenley estate here, prob ably will be sble to fulfill his promise that Pittsburg would receive free an 11 acrv tract of Schenley land for'a new entrance to Schenley park. Mr. Car regie mad-thi-Trromls-to R-M-B1-low, director of tha department of pub llo work, but another trustee had ve toed the project, demanding 81,000,000 for the land. Miss Schenley has an nounced that the Idea of Mr. Carnegie Is s good one, and that sh will us her influence yrith tha flv other hairs to hav th land given, i y , r-- d A Sermon for Today Essence of Real Religion. By Henry F. Cope. . ' r What doth the Lord require of thee but Xo do Justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micalj vl:8. - - ; , : - THERE must be some good, reason for the ' fact ' that many men , feel chagrined if they are ' - charged with being rellgjoua V Often these men possess the keenest sense of right and-make the atrongest insistence on reality. The truth is that ' , . they object to the unreality of that which they have learned to call re ligion; often - their protests against spurious types of religion are but declaration of th true Wind. Every honest-hearted man turns with loathMig from the cant, meanness and selfishness ' that - wear the guise of piety. It has led the world to think that a religious man Is the one who goe . to church, uses certain phrases and gen erally cuts th cloth f hi life -to tn pattern prescribed by the clergy. Thus easily the good is made to aerve . the bad. It Is. a blessing that there alwavs have been men who repudiated that kind of piety. But o the true man rellgloo ; Is simply the effort, to find the right me. . He is-moot religious who lives - best. Faiths must be Judged by their . rruus; a man's religion and his re ligiousness by hla living. That Is the ' best religion which best teaches men . to live. If any book beside the 3lble can do more for us, if any faith be aldea Christianity can give the world a nobler life, let us find and follow it. To the question, what is rellalonl the Bible gives a surprisingly simple . answer. Instead of minutes rules It gives broad principles; it lifts aloft noble " ideal a " and denounces "baseness. It breathes ot righteousness, that is, right thought, ward, deed, relations. :. All other thoughts and teachings but serv thl and have value only on ac count of their service. ...r Every man ts-retiglous In proportion ss lie seeks th right Evry act la 1 holy, an act of worship, aa it serve tne good and th tru. You. can na ' mor confine religion, to a 'church than -you can Imprison knowledge In a school room. . It belongs on the street in the v home, the office, the shop, wherever . -men are aeektng to do' right and make , life right. Many a man Is religious who would resent the Imputation of piety. .,..-,..(,'.. ;-V Right seeking and ' right doing ' is Justice and- mercy these, make the life of righteousness. 'There never haa been and there never Will be any real dif ference of opinion as to these-virtues - He who Is ashamed of them has no place among men; he who neither -seek . them nor endeavors to realise them 1 not religious, no matter what his pro- ' fessions end protestations may be. And th man who seeks them wjth all . . his heart Is religious whatever he or ' .'" others may think. - ; .. . The tlme . will come when w ehall brand as heretical and-Impious every mockery in forms and words and pro scriptions that has so long paraded a ths true and only expression of godll- ' nese. Then the test of a man's religion ' will be the measure tn which his life makes for Justice, merey-and humility. : Then Instead of asking. What doea ec clesiastical etiquette require me to do? we shall inquire, What is right, noblest, best Iota man In world of men? Thl make the religious man, then, that h seeks the life that deals Justly, that walk uprightly, that love mercy, that doc good and serve and blease men, that , seeks not high things for -reward, but seeks them in character,'. This makes tha religious man whether he be in sympathy with existing r. . Ilglous institutions or not; these virtue have no substitutes, neither names, car- ' emonle nor creeds can take their place. . But when once the life has -entered en the 'passionate search for rlgbtness, when one th lov of Justice, mercy.- end humility, has laid hold on us, ther will be little time or energy to give te '' foolish problem of angel or history,, there will be no car whether men think we are religious or not. We shall come . to see that our desire In living Is ths desire of the Lord of all life, that our goal Is a divine and glorious one, and nothing will turn ua from it. . Above all will be a aense of harmony with the '' Infinite, too deep for words, too sacred for axpress'on. :- '. . ' i - -. -t. ; '.'' ".'. ' Sentence1 Sermons. ' r,V, . - By Hanry F,. Cope.. .. ;j Weeds are a call to work. . .' . . .: . . . .:' Heaven Is either now or never. ' , ' ' " '':'.'- :' ' ' t " - Tact is touching with lov. J ;" Th immovable heart move th world. The blue heart always- has a black '' ky, ..... - ... - .i v : . ' - -.- - : The losses of truth ar mor profit able than the galns'of trickery. ; : . ..- :- , The empty faith 1 usually made of sounding braas. ' ' t ' . e. '..' . .:; .;'. . . ' The' devil Is always willing to play dead In a war of worda ...t;r'j2. The only work withput honor Is that' ' whtea helps no ona. ' ' y . ' . . '" ? 77' '- -''-.'''. '' ' '.'' ; You' cannot look constantly on dirt and keep your windows free from dust - . '' ".''- ,. One'does hot get wedded to"rruth Jy. , flirting with doubt . , . , . ,.. '.' .: . .'',- ' . ..' .'.")'..'.. i , ' Many a deacpn who is long on coat taUa will be found short on wings: . !... ' . .V i k, "..'.' Nowher does money create a mora disappointing mirage than in a moraf desert. - : - ' ' 9 " --;.' Xm tm hlessed with fortune who has" ' learned to bear mifortun. , .- , . . .. ' A man who 1 honest for policy will ' -be diahdnest for promotion." . '.,; ' '.-.- -. . n - A loving heart Is like a summer's day; .. it never needs to advertise Itself. .. e ' .. ; v. -. ;.l It's no sign that you wlU aet along ' with the angel because no one can get along witn you nere. .. - w a . Many of u want a God with a keen - ear for our prayers and a dull ee for : our practice. " '; , ; The man who feels h is throwing ' away money every time he puts a dime tn "he offering is probably right in his own case. 1 s " ' ' . ; ' ' V- " - ' ' . ''' If you ar the salt of the earth yon must not complain If you get a good .shaking now aad than. -- '