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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1905. (Continued from Pag On.) placing th national emblem over the city hall at half-mast, which precedent haa been followed by almoat every ln stltutlun In the city where there la a flag. The Elka, of which order the enator waa a member, placed the big .flag over the new nail at half-mam early yesterday mornlmr. ' where It will Vernal a unttl the obsequies are over.". " oa Bxpected Monday. Few near relative will b able to at tend the funeral. John H.. Mitchell, Jr., will arrlv Monday, after which he will hav goneral charge of everything per ' mining to th senator's affair. Ju-lge W. O. Chapman, who . haa "je-n hern even to-pay taxes and the interest on the incumbrance. There were many tlmea when he wa greatly straitened, but through It all he remained the aam kind-hearted man,, alwaya with a pleaaant word for , every one he met Though I am a Democrat, and there fore opposed to his party, we were warm rlends and our "relations were peculiarly pleasant. I went to the hoe pltal two month ago when he wa there wHh a fractured rib. and I can not forget the warm greeting he gav ma when I entered the room. It wa bis nature to be kindly and courteous with everybody. , "The day before he died Senator Mitchell came down town oa the aam car with my atenographer. He spoke to her kindly, a waa hla way with every one., and insisted on . paying her fare He waa then on hla way to the den tist a, and a re w--hours later n . waa taken to the hospital." , "V . , IN MITCHELL'S MEMORY. Womaa guff rage Association Keep Bem ator Memory Dressy The Oregon Woman Suffrage association appointed a committee yesterday to draft resolutions of resnect to the memorv of .since Friday morning, haa .u xor ni:B,nator John H. Mitchell. The women ho are working for suffrage In this state realise that In th senator's death they hav experienced the loss of one of their most earnest sympathiser. A resolution was passed endorsing a letter which recently appeared In the Boston Traveler from the pen of El nor". M. Babcock, In this article she points a h fnM- that it tha our Iraana hla word the women of Russia-will haveeuf. frag before the women of America, a every organisation of men In Russia baa demanded universal suffrage, without dis tinction of sex. . Throughout that land. , thl dren, that they might attend . lbw funeral - of their grandfathar. The',, ' daughter at Canton, Ohio, ,can-vu.iM mo ' In time, and aa the other on. Lieuten ant Hiram is. micneu, is .. the New Jersey coast. It would u im possible for him to reach Portland until long after the funeral waa 'ld. ar d ... . V . - . ...... XlA ne will not leave aim iwai ... - a. . .uIiiaJ.. lata Jalt.av& Ing from th aenator'a wlf xn4 laughv ter In Parle. . . Colonel Dunn waa awaltln a dl- patch from Senator Fultpn last evening, the men of this nation are' still opposed. FLAG AT HALF MAST. Indicating hie arrangements from Wash-j th. womM wtea,- the men recognise Ington. numerous ..,..- th rights of women, and she aaka why i m ...inn. furti' of the t . - . . , - . ... . rvceivw iiwm . - - state. The profound ympathy of many leading men In Oregon affaire haa been expressed, and the voluntary trlbutea of admiring friend continue. r Honorary FaUbaawi wv ullluaM,. ara aa TnllnWS' Judg George H. .Wllllarea, C A. TolTU. ..Joseph N. Teal, William H. Oalvant. Secretary of 8tate F. I. Dunbar, Benja min Simpson and uoionei imvia --mx. Dunne. Th list of actlv pallbearer la O. C. Fulton of Aatorla, Judge Wil liam Galloway of McMlnnvlll. Judg A. S. Bennett of Th Dalles, Thomas A. Jordan. Allen R. Joy. L N. Fleich- ner and Phil Metachan. At present the body He In th Fin ley undertaking parlor, th casket being surmounted by a bank of flow. If wlU remain ther until Tuesday morn ing, when It la to be placed on a bier erected. In the council chamber of the city hall. Between 1 o'clock a. m. and t o'clock p. m. th body will 11 In I athlla ba multitude CSSSeS for a laat look. At o'clock th funral services will commence at th city hall, which will be conducted by the Elk. Major C.VE. McDonell. exalted ruler, be ing in Charge. Rev. E. U House, paa ' th, vtrat Oonsrreaatlonal church. wtll officiate In the Chrlatlan rites. Music appropriate to the occasion wiU ba furnished by the Elks. ' ' Wnrta.1 a. KivsrvteW. ' ' Following th rvlce at the" city hall, the funeral cortege will pass to the Rlvervlew cemetery; wher the In terment is to tak place In th-family lot. At th grav th Odd Fellow will conduct th laat service . All of yesterday th sudden death of - Oregon's senior United States senator waa the topto of household and place of business. A profound sense or sym pathy pervaded every thought. Men were more Inclined te dwell upon what the dead 'official had don for hi state .ann8nTgul tin mu uummi main present year. Old friend of years' association with Senator Mitchell were reminiscent and- narrated countless acts for the benefit of those about him or ' In th public work whloh he had carried on for more than two-spore yeara, Sad neas waa Intensified by many stories of sal -eacrf lc-and thtlnstancea of grim cdurage with which the dead man had always faced any contest Bled as Iol Man. " . All of the business affairs of th senator will b taken up by John H. MltchenV Jr., when hs arrives. He will ; look after whatever matters were Wt Incomplete and adjust all Interests be- , a hi, UlnnMAl. hnMa v Senator John H. Mitchell used a poor man. At on time he owned several . pieces jat real estste In PortlarM, but j. A.a ha mmA aith ham Mafll at th time of his death his only realty holding was an undivided half Interest In a tract of email value. A number of yeara ago he purchased a number of lot la Holladsy's addition, but he waa com- , peuea. Hi uiui taaaa m"rii iur a vunHia- erable sunt. They were sold at various time within the paat four or. Ave years. Charles K. Henry was Senator Mitch ell's sgent In matters relating to the latterUi property, and they were on terms' of warm personal friendship. Hard Bvea to Fay Tax. --"Senator Mitchell haVt a hard strug ': gl flnsnclally during the laat' yeara of hla life," said Mr. Henry yesterday. ' "He was very reltietaTJt-to"-part with the lots Which he owned 1n Holladay's addition, but he found it Impossible to keen them. It was difficult for Kim I . ' i Indigestion -f mnmack tronble Is not really a slekneai, bat Symptom. . It la a symptom lint s certain aet of Berrea la ailing. Not the voluntary serves that enable 7m to walk and talk and art bat th. AUTOMATIC STOMACH NERVES over which -4roar Bind. has ns control. I save net room Bert to vxplaia hnw tbeae OffloJal Tokea of Beapaot Ikowa th . Zate senatot KltoneU at Washington. Wahlo(toa Bunas ef .Tee Journal ) . Washington. Dec I. A flag at half mast on the national cspltol today Is the. official recognition of the death of the aenlor senator frpm Oregon.. Vice President Falrbanka and Sergeant at Arma Ranadell - went into consultation Immediately after th news of Mitchell's death waa received over the appoint ment of a committee to attend the fu neral and make arrangements for drap ing th senator's desk and performing other customary duties. Thia morning the vice president announced that prece dent would be followed In taking tio official notice of a death occurlng during a recess . of the senste until after the aenate ahould reassemble Monday. Later ha announced that word had been re ceived from Senator Mitchell's relative expressing a dealre that no committee be seat to attend the funeral and that this wish would be respected. . Senator Fulton atated this evening that h had not decided upon th course ha would tak In reference to his col league's death. He expected to be gov erned by the general aentlment of hi fellow aenatora aa to - the appropriate action. . . .' . PRINCIPALS NOT FOUND . (Continued from Pag One.) purchased lands from him. McKlnley referred to the Stats bank of La Crease, Wisconsin, the First tattonal bank of Eugene, the First National of Rose- ....0 --. - -r-- " ' - tender, tlni serve control snd operate the atom sch. How worry. breaka them down and eaosee ... ..... . . . ' . . How mleua. wears them l and enaeavorea to in Numerous Individual references were given, P. 8. Davidson of Hood River being th only resident or Oregon. ' Zadlotod at th Tim. These references were given by Mc Klnley.. less than four months ago. He had then -been under conviction for nearly a year and two other Indictments by a federal grand jnry' were banging over hla head. He wa well aware of th Investigations of ' the state land agent Into the state school land frauds. In which McKlnley had been deeply in volved, and must have known that the evidence of hi complicity must soon com to light. It is evident that he was playing a desperate game and it ia sup posed that both ha and Puter must hav been sorely In need of funds. They turned readily to the old methods by which they had been making easy money for several years. .. i v: Where McKlnley and Puter ar now Tint- known to Tie stats -"land agent. They were In Chicago not many week ago, but as they ar under bond to appear in Portland for trial when their cases are' reached th secret service men hav not kept cloae watch - of their movements. If the Blue mountain case, in which they ar oodefendant , with Congressman Hermann, ahould be called In January, aa Is expected, they will b obliged to appear then, and If they ahould fall to d ao th federal officials will at ones begin search for them. X. X. Biff Involved. H. H. Biggs, for whom a warrant has also. been, sworn .out by Goddard. ap pears to have played. ajninor part .In ths swindle. He f lgurew aa the assignee of soma of the forged certificates jot state school lands, and whether he had guilty knowledge of all the details of the frauds Is not yet entirely clear. Kay McKay, who was arrested yester day in 8eattls, is an uncle of Oeorg J. HIbbard, who was taken into custody In thla city only a few hours before by Detectives Day and .yaughn. But McKay Is Believed to have been deeply Implicated In the swindling scheme, while HIbbard haa Succeeded In satisfy ing .the authorities of his- own Inno cence. HIbbard talka freely of hit deal ings with McKlnley. McKay and others of the gang. .'.'. HIbbard Brut came to ths. coast In 1B0S. E. a. Rognon had com to Grand Rapid. Michigan, wher HIbbard waa Indla-eatlon, eanaes draneneia. llnw nesleet mm r brlna oa kidney, heart and other troahlee taroorb ays patby. I have not room to eiplaln how ta-. . nerves may be reaehed and trenethened and vitalised ssd made etronser by a really I .p-at yeara to nerfeetlnf now knows by phyalctans , and Drnsslats evrrywhere ss Or. ".hoop' a Hi'stor- stive t1,l.le! nr l.lnnttl). I have not mom to eiplaln how this remedy. By removing the eanaa, anally puts a ear tain end to Imllseatlon, - tLrhl'. keerthnrn. . Insomnia, Beryotmne, dispepola.' All of .thaw things see "fully ex plained la the . book I wiy send yos free wbrs yoa writs. Iio not full to send tor the bonk. It trll. bow the aolar plexua soverns dlsestlon and S hundred other tnlnsa everyone oiisbt to know for all of n, at aome tlms or other have In dtretln. . With ths book I send free say "Health Token" n lateuded psaspsrt to guud . sea lth. ( ...... for th free bonk Book 1 en Dyapepals. and the j "Mealtb Tokes" ros miMt ad dreaa Dr. Snoop, hos 72, Raelne. Jfflm. a-gts which booryo wast ... . Book I on -th Heart. Rook ImOii Kidneys, ttenh 4 tor Women, Book foe Men. Boafcvs ea BbenaMtisav iMoratM frfiVd 111 bntb T.lonld snd TnbM' form, for aal at furty thmi-Hnd drn( .tor a. Mild eaaes are fnn roa.lnd by s alugl faekags, . teresC" capital In the Paoiflo Lnd de Oil company. The company claimed title to t.vtO acres of oil land Id Jefferson coun ty. Washington, and Ronon submitted a report by Professor Bellamy to st..w ths value of th lands, Horace McKln ley Introduced Rognon to Goddard and other residents of La Crosse and aome of his relatives were Induced to Invest and it waa stipulated as one of the con ditions that HIbbard should be made manager of the company. Accordingly he came to the coast and for more than a year had the supervision of the de velopment work on the company 'a lands. It la aald that the search for oil waa -merely a form, ths real value of the lnnd Tlng In th timber. HIbbard says that th total Invest ment In his company was not over II 6.000 though two other' compnnlea npetatlng in the same county represent ed an Investment of !5,000, chiefly by La Cross people. The oil fever waa run ning high, and the promoters of the three companies expected slso to make s rich profit from the timber. But .their house jot cards- suddenly .top-1 pled te the ground. The only title of the companies to their lands constated of mineral claims, assigned by the claim ants, the land being unsurveyed. When surveys were made th state stepped In and selected th sams land nnder th school land law and the companies have L ever since -bwif-ftghnng in the courts to establish their tills. . -. Hlbhard'a occupation ss manager waa gone', and ha -went to 8aattl about flv months ago. and there be met McKlnley" and Puter Illbbard's uncle, Kay Mo Kay, finally broached a scheme for the purchase of Urge tract of valuable timber land In Crook county,' Oregon, which he said was owned by an Alaska miner. F. A. Mueller. McKay aald they would have to go to Chicago to oee Mueller, and HIbbard consented. Mc Klnley, accompanied HIbbard on the trip, and incidentally proposed to him that he find purchasers for some ,000 acres of timber land In which McKlnley claimed an Interest It la now sup posed that )McKlnley waa planning to work off forged deeds for theaa lands. He gave a full description of th landa to HIbbard. and It waa afterward turned over to the state land agent. In Chicago HIbbard waa Introduced by his uncle. McKay, to the supposed miner, F. A. Mueller. Ths latter played hla part well, and HIbbard aaya that hs became convinced that the deal wa a good one. He took a trip to Grand Rapids, In order to enlist th necessary capital, and on hi return told Mueller that hla principal would buy, provided he could have opportunity to examine the title and cruise the land. - Mueller Insisted that he must hav 120,000 down Immediately, offering th certificates of purchase a eecurlty. . , About K.000 acre were Involved in the deal and - th price waa II.7S an acre. Mueller's de mand for so large a cash payment upset th deal and HIbbard aays he saw no mors of him. , Sod ging Sepntatlon. HIbbard then renewed his negotiations with McKlnley for the lands which the latter claimed to hav at hla disposal. McKlnley held options on the land, and HIbbard waa afraid that if McKlnley's name appeared on the papers It would excite the suspicion of any Intending buyers. It was then that McKlnley, to aet at rest any fears engendered by the unsavory reputation he had gained, gave the references already quoted. However, the deal waa not effected. The letters which passed between HIb bard and McKlnley are Is th handa of th state land agent and on of them contains a reference to Puter and his part In the business. Some links tn the chsln of svldenc ar still missing and it does not yet appear clear why the La Crosse banker. Goddard.. should hav Included HIbbard in th warrants which hs caused to be Issued. Hibbard strongly Insists that be has done no wrong and In the belief that thia ia ths case hs was re leased from custody, j , . Xnqolr About Oosvtsaeta. . - There are, however, some letters which were written by HIbbard last August to EL G. Rognon and E. K. Hawkins, the two Seattle lawyers. Slas hing ss to ths legality of certain con tracts which were then under consid eration -These contracts - were . to - b made with timber entrymen, and they were practically the aatne aa those which formed the basis cf the recent conviction of Congressman J. N. Will iamson. Dr. Gssner and Marlon R. Biggs. HIbbard says that McKlnley wrote th letter on a typewriter, and that h (HIbbard) signed them.- Th lawyers said that th proposed con tracts would be legal. . . Hlbbard'a explanation of these letters Is that McKlnley .' wished to reaaaur him a to th legality of some of th steps which were under contemplation, and that it waa for thla purpose only thst th lawyers were consulted. HIb bard had already had some acquaint ance with Rognon, In his oil specula tion, which had coat him some money. KEEN RIVALRY EXPECTED : AMONG WHALING MEN - - fgneelsl Dispatch- The JnamaL) - t Victoria, B. C. Dec. . The whaling aationat Bechart Island, on th west ooaat ol VUUI'UIUU lulaim. m uptiila as doing well since Installing Rismuller'a process. Ths company la now handling about on whale a day. Rlamuller con trols patents which hav been found ex tremely successful on the Atlantic coast,-! and Is said to practically control ths whaling Industry of Newfoundland island. Members of a local company controlling the Bechart factory say that th Intention of the company Is to construct many stations along ths coast At ih aam time It Is understood that -others will seek locations onhe British Columbia coast to engage In ths business, believing that great profits ar In it.- A, keen rivalry Is expected. ' TRY TO AVERT SCOAL (Continued from Pag On.) left la hailevKd to be the fact. What success Mr. Schwab had could only b surmised. She appeared to be pleased with the result of her efforts. It Is understood that. Mr. and Mrs. Schwab laid enmhaals on the unfortu nate results that would ensue from the Institution of divorce proceedings by Mrs. Corey and the attitude of Mr, Corey'a father, who has taken sides with Mrs. Corey. Carnegie In te rested. ' They pointed out th fact that Mr. Carnegie had interested himself, in the case, and that a request for Mr. Corey resignation' a head of th ateel trust waa almoat a certainty. . They are understood to hav dwelt upon the social ostracism that would be applied to Mr. Corey In the event that he abandoned the woman who had stood by him in his poverty, helping him to climb the ladder of success. After. Mr. Schwab left th Corey apartment, Mrs. Schwab continued to plead In behalf of the forsaken wife. She . rem Uned an hour . after Mr. Schwab's departure. Th latter amused himself In the corridor, wher he met many friends. The S-.-hwab planned to return' to Plttaburg tonight , ; ' FORCE COREY OUT. Steel Trust Directors Sold BeslgMtlom to Tak X ft set Ttrst of th Tear. .. (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire te The Josrnall Pittsburg. Dec. t. That President W. Ellis Corey of the United States Steel corporation has for the laat alx montha been holding hla office only through sufferance of the director and hla prom la to resign at the end of the present year, la asserted In Pittsburg today. There ha onme out a story that alx montha ago th director of th big teel corporation met quietly tn New York to look over some warm rumors of alleged misconduct on th part of Corey. The session was somewhat bit ter and' Corey, driven to a corner, la alleged to have saved himself from Im mediate resignation by agylng: "Gentlemen. I will tender my resig nation at the end of ths present year If that will satisfy, you." l- It was decided to allow this stats of affairs to continue and It haa been un derstood that Corey waa to retire with a "vote of thanks," regret, eto by his directors. There waa at this tlms no Inkling of the explosion tn marital rela tione which haa since been precipitated, though the directors of the steel cor poration had . been made cognisant of all th inside mattera. many detail In fact having ooroe to them which have never yet appeared in print It was thought however, that the explosion could be smothered and the credit of the billion dollar steel trust held Inviolate.- . ... . Now, sine th statement has been forced from Corey that he will not con test an application for divorce by his wife and that the practical verification of the rumor that h will marry Mabelle Oilman after th divorce ha been granted, the question bothering the steel directors Is whether they shall keep faith with Corey, allow him to fin ish the term, or fire him now, Corey'a friends srs making a bitter fight fot him to be allowed to finish the year and may succeed. INTENDS TO WED. msa Mabel GHHmaa running to acarry Corey After X Zs Btvoroed. -tfaa a ruisasl Wins gliilni tj III! I Wire te TV -foams!. I London. Dec . Miss Mabel Gtllman. ths American actress, has gons to Flor ence and will probably remain there for soms time. Tour London correspond ent ascertained this today from Mis Glllman's closest friend and confidant Miss Glllman found it necessary to WIIAJ SULPHUR DOES For the Human Body in Health and .. Disease' f., The mention of sulphur' will recall to many of ua th early days when our mothers and grandmothers gave ua our daily dose of , sulphur and . J&olaaaea every spring end fall. It waa ths universal spring and fall "blood purifier," tonic and cure-all. and mind you, this old-fashioned remedy was not without merit - Th Idea waa good, but the remedy waa crude and unpalatable, and a large quantity had to be taken to get any effect Nowaday we get all the beneficial effecta of sulphur in a palatable, con-1 eent rated, form, so that a single gram 'le far more effective than a tablespooa ful of the crude sulphur. -. In recent yeara. neaearcb and experi ment hsve proven that the best sulphur for medicinal use Is that obtained from Calcium . (Calcium 8ulphlde) and aold In drug stores under th nam of Stuart' Calcium Wafer. They ar mall chocolate coated pellet and con tain the actlv medicinal principle of sulphur In a highly concentrated, effect ive form. Few people are aware of the value of this form of sulphur tn restoring and maintaining bodily vigor and health; sul phur acta directly on the liver, and ex cretory organs snd purifies and enrlcbea the blood by the prompt elimination of waste material. , Our grandmothers anew this ' when they dosed us with sulphur and molaaaes every spring snd . fait but ths crudity and. Impurity of ordinary flowers of sul phur were often worse than ths dis ease, and cannot compa re with the mod era concentrated preparations of sul phur, of which Stuart'a Calcium Wafers Is undoubtedly the best and most widely used. '.'-''' They ar the natural antidote for liver and kidney troublea and cur con attpatlon and purify the blood In a tray that often surprises patient and phyal clan alike. Dr. R. M. Wllklns while experiment ing with sulphur remedies soon found that the sulphur from Calcium was su perior . to sny other form. He says: For liver, kidney and blood troublea. especially when resulting from consti pation or malaria. I have been surprised at th results obtained from Stuart's Calcium Wafers.- In patients Buffering rrom bone and pimples and even deep seated carbunclea, I have repeatedly seen them dry up snd disappear in four or five days, leaving ths akin clear and smooth. Although 8tuirt's Calcium Wafers Is a proprietary article,' and sold by druggists, snd for that reason ta booed bv mint nhvairlana vat f Irwnv of nothing ua safe and rellsbla tnr ein- i Pi attpatlon, liver and kidney troubles snd especially. In all forma of skin dlsaass as this remedy." At sny rat people who are tired of pill, cathartics and so-called blood "purifiers." will find in. Stuart's Csl- cium Wafers a far safer, mors palatable ana errectiv preparation.. Enjoy the Advantages o! XM AS SHOPPING AT THE GREATEST CLOTHING .HOUSE IN THE NORTHWEST ' ;V. Although we have secured extra salesmen for the Holiday Rush we ' ; 'nevertheless advise early buying. The brightness, jichnes and splen- , dor of our Holiday Toggery excels all previous offerings ; ' - ' Fancy Suspenders, Gloves, Neck- ',, . wear, Reelers, Handkerchiefs, Half - - ; Hose and. Etc., selected as especially suitable for Xroas Gifts. ... - .; - -v- ' New Line of House Coats, Bath Robes and Lounging Robes xiiKxxxiixxxxxxxxanaiiiiiKxxxxxxxzzzszz: . . dim i pa Did B ow ! M leave Paris recently for rest after work ing long and hard with Jean d Resska, from whom she Is taking vocal lessons. This friend also said that Mlaa Glllman will aoon be married "to W. Ellis Corey, president, of the American steel trus V witn whom she has been quits friendly. The ceremony will not long be deferred. Miss Glllman Is declared to have said. after Mr. Corey Is separated from hla wife, who la aald to be contemplating divorce proceeding. . Th friend Inferred that the marriage would take place early In the aprtng, and that Corey and hla bride would tour the world on their yacht on their honey moon. Mlaa Glllman' style of living In Paris haa been sufficiently ostenta- ' . -,iAmnrmQ ittmTJ."- She has been, going out very little, but her gowns, carriages and Jewels hav .mad her conspicuous. That atlas- Prim has a very dogged x- preaaloo." . --"How eeald she help having It with that aZ3-1 a0 ' f - ORIENTAL CURIO STORE A beautiful Christmas, gift can be secured at our store at a very moderate sum. We have,. just opened a very large line of goods and owing to the lateness of arriving have decided to reduce -everything in the house from 10 per .cent to 25 per cent off. We have something tor all ages, and for all people and purses. If there is anything in the Oriental line that you want, call on us and you will find it Buy. Now and Avoid the Rush and .Jam of Christmas : Now Is the time to buy, as the rush Is already commencing. And we are going to offer you such bargaina thia week. We have a fine line of Tissue Bells for tree and room decoration. There could be nothing more beautifying to your home for the evening than these at the same expense. We ofier you tfie'toiiowing tins week omy: Keruiar. ... v - LARGE BELLS, 15x15 $1.25 MEDIUM BELLS. 12xl2....: 50c MEDIUM BELLS, 8x8 15c SMALL BELLS. Sy,xSVi..... 10c LARGE GREEN TISSUE WREATHS. 15x15...... 25c Japanese Silk Bath or Lounging Robes S9.50 apanese S'lk Smoking or Lounging Jackets ,.$4.25 Call here before purchasing elsewhere and we will treat you as courteously as possible and save you a great deal of money. Special., T5e 20e 27' 3Ue WESTERN IMPORTINCTCOT" 329 WASHINGTON STREET rT7AQ Y VrtTTMft T 1AU17Q M VIM VTawe MADAME NORDICA BUYS . HOME ON LONG ISLAND (Spaelal Dispatch hy Leased Wire to The learaal) Baldwins, L. I., Dec. I. Madame Nor dlca, the prima donna, haa Just bought a country place in this village, a short dis tance from th center of the town. The place was sold through sn agent In Man hattaa, and th famous alnger cam down in an automobile to Inspect. She expressed delight over the beauty of the location, especially -the woods, which form a part ef her new domain. Care takers are already In nossesslon of ths place, which, although extremely mod est as to houses and outbuildings, can be added to and become a delightful summer home for 'ths prima donna. - Madame Nordlca bought ths livestock on ths place. . . . atellol ef Javsslaa Jews. (R pedal Dispatch by Leased Wire to Ths Journal) New York. Doc. . Additional sub scriptions of 11,3S8 were received today by the national committee for the re lief of sufferers by the Rnsstsn mas sacres, making the total $1,111. 18S. - Cured Quickly Without Pain by Us- " (ing Pyramid Pile Cure. A Trial Packags Mailed lre to All Who ' Send WbmSvb aa Address. We want every pile sufferer to. try Pyramid Pile Cur at our axpenae. The trial package which wa send win bring immediate relief from the awful torture-of Itching, bleeding, burning, tantalising piles. We send ths free treatment in a piain sealed package with nothing to Indicate the contents. Pyramid Pile Cur Is put op In th form ef suppositories which are applied directly to ths affected part. ' Their ac tion la Immediate and certain, i ney are aold at SO cents a box . by druggists everywhere and one box will frequently effect a .permanent cur. By the use or Pyramid Pile curs you ill avoid an unnecesaary, trying and expensive examination by a physician and will rid yourself of your trouble In the privacy of your own home at trifling expense. , After using the free trial package. ....... - i 1 . A.e.ntlw ..1 n In win.:,, - mm mm... iu m iro. av. .ir ...... , wrapper." you can setiui legttfaf full- i sisa packages from druggists, at 0 centa each, or we - will mail -direct -la plain packige - upon receipt of price. Pyramid Drug Co., ml Pyramid build ing. Marshall. Mich COME! SEE SJ0W TMEY SPAfMLE Come and tee the greatest, grandest and most gorgeous display of semi-precious stones ever made. Come and see the nearest approach to genuine" diamonds ever discovered. 3Come, see the stones that fool the money lenders.' Come, see whether you can detect the difference between the Peru and real diamonds. Peru Diamonds have all the luster, fire, color and brilliancy of .'old mine stones. They will stand all acids, heat, alkali, etc., In fact, they can be washed and cleaned like ordinary diamonds, and so nearly do they resemble them that experts have been deceived., ''' ' " ' " ; . ' ' ' Ladles Cluster ' .Rings, with ruby, opal or tur guolse center, surround ed by 16 Brilliant Peru Diamonds; the setting Is warranted for 20 yeara, the atones forever; a beautiful ) PA ring. Our sail price Jl)0VJ Gentlemen's Solid Oold-Pllled Belcher Ring, set with a two karat Peru Diamond ; worth tS.IO. ft . a8r.-!i J3.50 aaaawaaaawaaaaaaa Gent's Shirt Studs; a very neat and popular else; if a genuine Dia mond it would cost you about $126 or $160. Thla answers all purposes at one-twentieth of that coat. ' Our ai price, wtii a.saM va. ....$1.50 H Karat Peru Dia na o n d , set .In scarf pin; a very neat design. Our special price. $1-50 3ba "aSSaaiiiaafc Tiffany Engagement Ring; an exact duplicate of Tiffany Engagement Ring; beautiful atone,' set in sjold-ru'ed mount ings. For this great special aais. . .. i::ji.50 Ladles' Twin Pent Diamond Rings; two sine stones; tr gen uine would be worth iuu or i.'i. At this great special sale. m wvnn S3s50 JUST THE THING FOR CHRISTMAS You cannot get more suitable gifts than genuine Peru Diamonds, for all practical purposes real diamonds are no better., Luxu ries are a thousand times more acceptable as gifts than are necessities. The necessaries of life we prefer to buy ourselves, as we know our needs best ; luxuries we crave but seldom purchase, therefore, we highly prize them..,- It sounds nice to advise the selection of something serviceable for Christmas gifts and theTecipient may say, "Oh, how nice," etc., hut-the man or woman (whichever it may be) don't -mean it one bit. Hesitate. Remember that nothing is more charming, nothing is more elegant and nothing is more acceptable than Peru Diamonds. They .will last whilst the necessaries and 'the serviceablcs. fade and are Cast aside; and,; recollect; memories last with them. , . - , " . rV- r Our Guarantee W guarantee each and every atone to re tain ita brilliancy forever, and t h mountings to give perfect satisfaction. Dent Dtnmonds sre a natural cryetal found la Peru, South America; they will stnnd all acids, heat, alkali, etc; In fact, they can be washed and cleaned like ordi nary -'Diamonds, and so nearly do they re semble them that ex. perts - have been de ceived. . v k - Thla Hrooch la an exm-t duplicate e-f one purchased from Tiffany, New York, for $275. Tou can place them aide by aide and no one. can detect the difference. Our price.;........ ! : f We have Peru Dia monds set la Rlnfs, Scarf .Pins. Stud Brooches, Earrings, Cuff Buttons, Neck laces, Hat Pins, Lock ets, etc, etc. The mountings ar Ster ling Sliver. Odd Fill and Solid Qold. Drop or Screw Earrings; beautiful, brilliant, evenly-matched atones, I karat In sis, set In solid gold Tif fany mountings; seem to f mi be worth IJ.40. Our -i Ml price..... tXfJstJv Mail Orders If you live oat of town and cannot call at our store, you can cut out the picture of the -article you want. If a ring, send slse of finger, mall to us with amount. In cur rency or money-order, and the article, se lected will be sent, postage prepaid, ajul. If not as reprentel your money will be refunded. -TPEKUrDIAMOND-CC -'-" w. . 1 ' 'y ,: ' .... . ' . . ' "T I32-THIRD STREET BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND ALDER