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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
' f1, . .'. -'J , ' .. i '" - ConforaZfJc anc? Graceful A rrrnd cm en oS7ie23St USE " - m ANT a woman will cheerfully i IX spend tha greater part of tha I V 1 morning In ordering and pre- ' paring dainties and decorations fur a dinner, and yet neglect to spend time enough on her toilet to render her tit adornment to her table when tha ' crefully-theught-out dinner la eaten. Nothing adds so much to the general freshness of the appearance as frequent bathing. Those who are addicted to tha bath habit are Invariably enthuatastto . over It. and from my own observations they are usually a bsaltby. vigorous-. looking lot. ' ' To keep tha body clean goes far to- v. ward keeping It healthyl mor than that. It keep tha mind bright, as clr culntlon la stimulated. ' There Is, however, much to be said - - about proper wsys of bathing. Kx- . To. Prevent Hair Falling I have read your talks, and thount t aT 11 ".... i , . , . W V1IV9 OH la WJ.v.r i is u av . . v. ui. aiiua vuca MM yOiS MRSHENRY SYMES'iADCE TO WOM , - a 1 0' . u ; m vw t-d. gh. ha. tried W.I svm night with a brush dipped in swsot wm ; , ' -t ToU.t Powdar. . . Superfluous Hdir OH taCe oreacribed bv nhniclans. but without any tl .tlehilv warmed, will nromots their the hands soft and. clean ass n after usmj .. , cream i " "'"" li L. and softening th eompiaxion. I aa not , ' Vrini.wte -miMtb.hvihm. KrAWs-wfunrai'taara" i.i"tmr? "i Temo;r;i. know m& -, ;'YZ foTsupernuous hair on th saeeY In a smaU P"? VauK la ym.1 WUDtK. . iy havi used glyosrme. but did not has the re- " f mtosbottl two ounce of Which you refer. -- ' '4. . mJUSSSH.1 m?1t.M. V '- puce be this kind It to Impossible to get tee a ua "nTpIiie to. we wti. TyOtl T izeiM), Vtn'iMt Frnm. t "'t very much, tvitfi aoldorw I washed , irtn;"V0' ouncea of water, four ta- Honey and Almond CreAtn. toe bolung allfc. Perfume te tneta. &Sowt woT." Person hav. to u.hs ! l&lne rtvlnga'rd'w & towttftu- '? AtmOXe htam trOM the , 3&V& ' RsoS.1 o f lemoa Julc. and g, i jsetwbiM m la V-$ , , - viirfrmlK?.' SmTX tfoV.1 trouble through this aep.rtmenC , Hands . ' USStV t.rk.n Th. I n.y. drop, ot c hi wt&A'JK - Snc0lilS5nrrv. drsmfll WrTamJfJ A Good Cold Cream, .sisssirw K'Satj-t Ktetsfrsxxz 885 ry':hn,dnrrutbhWSixr R-SLSSS.T zm? X t-t depilatory, which you can procure from , sjtlve made of pur mutton tallow and ' complexion is not as good as It was before . use the warm bath dally I feared that , T-Tin1lll (naold. M , t .miSh u seat Tha anlv ssfe method ,k if "At?: Wtfii" iy'ss ot xfat&&xA Kv - - nxr , yA'sr 5 , i n.ryiw'rtiwSra- pz&;z&&mXi ttt,!lZ tSki'iii V?n iau '''.' i . mTT: , dered whethTr th. wash has anything to do Rubbing tb neck and agraa- briskly rottA-i. wh i-iiaasajT r -' smolliwit. , . eleotrolrsls administered by. an expert ,J0caie.ttrtcIulre lSSii , Thicker Lashes ,- - WfWf -rr..r.V.,?e,Cu..rrt I win d. yoho. belore ."osmact. . . . " JerssaUt. I jmj giving you n&. Jhan other, for development. 'i-U"1 .WSt FJ, XZZXhX AVba? YlstSM'wl SWSSS .rwatJr-- - tZ..-- n-- ,,,,,1 . LlIJP"it ff-'ZtLZr& fw- would write to you. I am troubled witn ' uiy hair fslllns outi evsry hslr nas a lime bulb on the end ol It. Mow, If you rsa - tell me of sometbms that will stop It from . -coming eul and maks it grow agsla, 1 will be more than grsteful. I read every wees where you help somebody, and hope you osa kslp ma. . . , e. H. U. Falling of (h Hair. - . .-j. Tlnctars of bus vomica. 1 sunset spirits at rosemary, I ounces alcohol, a eunoee. ; Apply several times a. week , te taa roots ef the hair. .-' ... ' , ;. ,; . Admirer Asks Advice lreai your1 page, and wouia as glsd te have advice Iron. you. The pores ail ore my face have been vary much enlaised for severs! years, causing a red, very uUy and i.ih.r milamed-lookliiS oompleaioa. Muet of ths time there la a hot. burning aenea Hon. Will vou kindly slvs me your., treatment fur this trouble, with Some kind of bleachf- How would you sdvlee mm te .wash my facet At present sm using snap and hot water a nee a day, snd afterward the cold water. achim-wi. KUU Will Ulltl the fOttOWItlg numi ywll bensrtolsl lor enlarged pore snd in flamed condition ol your skin. Inataad of washing your face dally with soap and water, cleans It with a good fac cream. Wash tor Salloat Skin. tViraelo sell. I dram; distilled witch I ounces; roeewster. s ounce Use es a wssh when deatr ilrsble. 4 'Annoy tng Eruption Am greatly Interacted is your weekly esi ma af various remedies for skta erup tions, sts. My wits aas poieoned by Ivf when shout II yesrs old, which .ok eireot on het ehin, snd. sllhoush spparently cured St the time, II has sines developed Into a sert of s eass sf chronla ecsems, lth scute eruutlons. At times there is no tisoe ef it en her chin. ecpt a very allsht dlerolora tlon. snd sl other lime. It breaks out hits a sort of ptmples, full of pua. covering s spot about ths slss pf a sliver dollar and seooce- TH2 l dftces. D 'in i"' " 'iii til "iiit " ' 1 'iViiliV'r1' SI 'fhf preps. elYbvr 7averM9, Tat Jet, Uteser ; tramas should always be avoided. Again," much depends on the temperament of the lndiviauaL '' ' Oood rt suits may ba obtained by soma from water cold enough to freese a polar bear, while others claim to derive most benefit from baths taken In water ' not nojgh to turn a lobster's shell red. . I telleve that the very hot bath should be occaslonsl, rather than habitual. For those who can tako the cold bath thoy aia veiy good, and If the body glows all over It Is a sign they suit you. , Water of a temperature of about CO degrees makes a safe and comfortable miming bath for the average person, ' and will -jsually produce a feeling of well-being and exhilaration. A hot bath should be taken at least, - several times a week, to procure a stats ' of cleanliness that tb cold bath will not trlatttnlBaV helB tak thick IhllDT e- , Miss B. . Painting tb eyebrows and lashes x 'The CareM By Dt. Emma E. Walker tCopyrtght, HOt. by A. a. Barnes. CoJ . YOU ten by, OU already know-that careful at tention - to ail ( tna laws oi vslena will do mora for your cotnDlexlon than any lotions that ware' ever concocted. Bathing, diet, ex ercise, breathing, cheerfulness, all go to make up the aum of beauty. If yeu ar carsful In all these respects It will be very difficult for y iu not to hav a good somplexlon. ISevertneiess, ths different skins vary' In their structure, and you must us Jour good aenae In caring for your own. f, for example, you have an oily akin, you must take certain precautrona that you would not need to observe If your skin were dry. - . Under tbe subject of baths, wa bar discussed - one of the essential factora in the care of the skin. The akin of tha face, perhaps, deserves more care than.. that ot any otner par. ot tna ooay, ds : caus It la mor exposed than any ether part, and It la mora delicate. Abrupt change of temperature, both of air and water, are. very Irritating. In wsshlng the skin of tbe face,, the first step should be to wash the hands thor- . oughly; then pour -out thla water and uae perfectly freah. pur water for tb face. Various troubles are caused by rubbing the soiled hands over the race, for. although you may not ba conscious ; of It, the hands harbor many microbes, ; even when you .think thay are cpmpara lively clean, and these you will .easily rub Into the akin Pf the face. If you handle It very much. Tb Ideas of many authorities ar at . OREGON SUNDAY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY me &icrc'3rthtnslLi: Tubhjn Vie C&npJerton JTresTi - ' '-iiiiH affect. ' " ' This Is best taken just before retiring , at night, and If taken during the day should be followed by a cold spray, or quick immersion in cold water, in order to prevent any danger -from cold. Rub blng briskly with alcohol Is also an ex- . cellent preventive measure. In addition to the hyglenls bath, thar Is the beautifying bsth for tho woman ' who is willing to devote mora Urn to , It. . This does a great many things. It clears tha oomplexion and makea it soft and amuoth. It makes ona slender, for It washes away superfluous fat It per- - " fumes the akin, making on feel de lightfully freah. And It preserves the . btsuty generally keeping the joints you have drawn th bath, which ; Can vou tall me with what to rub neck and arms, to prevent, cstchtng cold when wanting to (rhsnn dress for evening wear) wear low-neck dress T ,-,-,"hWaa. , a ,., variance concerning the question o( the temperature of the water, (or- oauuna the lace. A good plan Is to wash tbe face at night with hot water and soap. Follow this by friction with a towel that. Isrsiot harsh enough to Irritate, If you choose you msy dip your bands Into , cool water aster tb hot bath, and gen tly dab It over th fac. Alter th bathing.-no not go out Im mediately Into tho air. but wait a little while, for the delicate fac akin should be protected agalnat eudden changes, : -and eapeclally against cold., " Always keep a separate wash-cloth for your face, and. indeed, It Is well to hav two for this purpose, one' for th soap and one for the clear water. Don't us a sponge, ror It narDora Bacteria, . and you cannot keep It clean. The beat " material for a wash-cloth la aald to be raw silk. After using tha cloth, wash It. and .put It late boiling water. Keep It clean! . You must never relax In your atten- , tlon to tha skin, for ths most exquisite cleanliness Is on of tb chief secrets -. f health snd beauty. If the water from ths tsp Is hard, and -you cannot gat any rain water, put-re few drops of ammonia, or a pinch of -borax. Into tha bowL This will soften . the water, and make It very cleansing besides. Compound tincture of bentsen, -about a dosen drops to th bowf of water. Is very refreshing to th skin. , Th circulation of th skin of th fac ; needs stimulation ss well as thst of other isrts of th body. Facia -mas- saga. If properly applied, la very helpful 'In keeping ths marks f age -In a bey- ' an re. -. , Do not Steam th face, but If tb cir a J to Keep , should be moderately warm thre-mui be th softening of tb water. AM faucet water Is too bard to agree witb tb skin, ' , I ' fhs favorite method Is bv dropping a ' tableapoonful of poadored borax Into the bath. When this Is dissolved, add a handful of bran powdered oatmoal will do. Nsxt, add a dash of your favorite . toilet water, which gives a delightful, fragrance and also acta as a tonlo to , tha skin. .- .. , ". A good soap Is a necessity. Price Is , no criterion of merit, and a low-priced soap la often as good as a more ex penslv one. - Bo, In selootlng a soap fof . permanent use. It Is well to keep oa trying until you find on thst suits . your skin. ' " . "' Don't eoonomlie on soap, for th witw. can scarcaly b too soapy, providing th your face, a It Is vary bad for ths com plexion. Toe ran taks the bodily bath without wetting your face. I abould , the Complexion culation is not good, pise a towel wrung oat of bot water on th faoe. Alternate with towels wrung out of cold, water. Do not keep up this treatment for more than ten minute. Then us a good cold cream. . , After th toilet of th fac has been completed, it Is well to rub It with a silk handkerchief. This gives a polish, not a ahlne, to th faoe, which Is very pleasing. It la well to use a little alcohol after . your bath, or. Indeed, at any time. Af , echo! toughen the akin, and gets It Int condition to resist the onslaught ef sun. Winder cold. - V A Turkish bath, now snd then,' is ex cellent for opening snd cleansing tha pores, if you take a salt rub at thla time It la very atlmulatlng, and tha skin 'will feel like satin wbea you coma out irom in Data. A oll rub. especially If your akin Is dry and harsh. , will be most beneficial, and will belp to put you Into norms! condition. Th Greek batb. In which) seven parts of pure olive oil and one parr, 01 ia vender water are useo, is ex ' qulsltely refreshing. Rub- the mixtur well Into the akin, being careful to keep the body very warm;, take thla batb for " three succeaslvcnlghta. When you come In In the evening, and are going ut again Int the air. It la a wise precaution to cleanse tba fac with good cold cream or olive oil. If you have never tried thla you will be a trlfla abaahed at Ih amount of mother earth thai will come off on the face cloth. If you are afraid that this will leave tha fac greasy, you may ties a powder made of prepared chalk seventy-flv parts, and sin ozld twenty-five parts. MORNING, D2CEHDSR V B l. i goap it good and ggreaabl to tb sVln. Tna bath should terminate with A thorough rinsing. Tba tlnat water should be of tb tamparatura best suited to tba Individual. Most women And a few drops of benzoin, or a good aro matic toilet vinegar, most pleasing addition. In cold weather the bathrobe should should be heavy enough to protect th wearer from any reeling or chilliness. , fcnew of a rather delicate city-brad gtr I -I i wno roarriea a western ranenman an' went to live on a frontier ranch. ; No 'domestto help could be got, and among the many comforts wanting were bathing facillties-of any kind. She felt that her health and bodily strength wer dependent on a daily plunge. In one corner of th woodshed, In closed with a curtain, was placed a 1 large barrel. This ths husband filled daily from ths well. The hot rays of th sun reached It through a few panea of ; giasa in tb root, taking tb chill off th A quick pi urge tnto thla dally, a vlg ' roue rub, and fifteen or twenty min utes' rest after, helped her . .through many a wearisome day. -So bathing may be enjoyed without all the luxuriant appllancea of tha present " day. Where there iea will thar Is a way to bathe. - It's a good habit to form, and th woman who Is afflicted with pimples, blackheads; etc., will do well to bear in mind thst If the skin Performs Its functions properly, throwing off waste matter actively, there will be a decided Improvement IB th condition of tb complexion, . - ii iimufw-i.. 1 1 j 1 -in -n ' I ssw In yeur paper about two years saw a recipe for ebsnatng gray aair te Its Bat- uraj cuior. I cui it bui, bui wi 1 It was very good, snd would ba very thankful If rou would repeat It. I would aleo llks a remedy for removing wrinkles from between tbe syss. A SUBSCRIBER. Ta ZUtrtor th Natural Color of . .- ; ' th Hair. 1 ' (A physician's pi esci Iptlon.) '' ; Sugar of lead. Vk euncet iae eulphur. H Sunce; essence of bergemot. H ounce; aleo ol, Vj gills glycerine, t ounce; tincture af Santha tides, H eunoe; ammonia. H ounce. Mix sll In one pint of soft water. Apply . ' to tba roots of ths hair, which must be -. clean. The dye should never be applied It there Is any IrrttaUoa ar abrastoa of th Massag will do mors than" anything else to remove tb wrinkles, . ' . .. . - .. To Make the flair Carl ' Will you pleass repeat as soon Be oosst. bis your formula for "eurllns" for keep tag tna hair la-eurtr .Have asedlt with, iu'ceaa, but tbe euantltjp 1 bad put up la e shaualed, and 1 cannot pad the elipplog !?' '"lliW KfL.t.n . what I. sood for a habby sklat I wash my face at sight with bt water snd caetlle soap, followed by dasn of Clear, com skin wrinkles very eaallr. sp-UUy around my mouth and chin, end Is not flrtBj Hwe thla mr first requeet, will not find Its way intn viiur wests paner basket A. 1 reneat the formula for eurllns with . " pleasure. Try gentle massage with a . ,-good akin food te'lmprovs Oabblnea ot th akin. . . Solution to Keep Hair Curled. !' Take of gum arable one eunee; good metst (user. ounce; pure hot welef. ,n. leaolv. Wbea tble solution is cold. eldi ... Alcohol, I fluid ounces; blchlorats of B. cury snd sslammonlso. a grslns esch. The ' - fait two should be dissolved ta ths alcohol befors s lwtlstura. Lastly, add snoush a- , ter to mske ths whole meeaure one pint. Perfume with eoloene nr lavender water. Moisten the hslr with the Buld beiara put ting It la papers r plaa. - , ' A - w- ' ?S3 AIDS TO CORRESPONDENTS Wonts to Try Remedy for um auUn Monla'a er If W U sssde , up from a formula t I was spoken at as a very successful remedy by aas if ylur eorrsspoadeata, aaa" wools . mmm W 1 1 L. . h 1 K. H. B. Any druggist can prepaTS tb loUowlng fcrmula for you: Cor for Cenflasnt Aen. -- Apply tha following mistare ta ta af gict4 parts morolng sad nishtl . Olycenn. grams t . aside eC fiaa, s grsms: sos tincture, M grams! aetass alum, I f rams. Mix. . . Tor rntenwl traatment In eonnaetles with the shove ths Htlinl should takeesea morning, before Weskfsst ns tsblespoon ful of a minors of eiiual parta of pur glyosrlae and eaatar OIL To I m trove the Complexion Will kind I ' Ik ouch they are gons now, ine p" cm and my face Is a Mttle allyund my abas and chin, and I have also some browo Uhssots hardly sotleeabl. caused by pint- wsuld much Prefer H. CATHUM OilV OH IS xOTiiu ----- - - itpee. sad want te ask a lew euastlona Ji" vV'brlttle: cHi Troa i ve me' somsthlns . JTlaid." theroT F wi told oxailo soil wss sood for cleaning them. I sot the Sowdered acid, but deft know-what qtma Ky tVeS Aleo, bew W will cucumber itilre keeat A. M. u. The past or which I am giving you formula will b emcellant for your nslla. A weak solution of warm water and carbolic acid Is good for removing stains from th nails. Cucumber julo will keep for a long tlm la a cool .vatt t or DHcat, Brittl PlnfcT JfallaV " x Take esjaai parts or leiuieu myrrh, or of turpentine snd myrrh melted. .r.pVSd"J?orf th." ..llaT. :n-tsrn,!g llth . Ultl. Mis together and epr tilitht elivs on. SotnetlB Balis and thla pasta will them strOBser. To Remove Superfluous Hair: Will you kindly give me a remedy te , remove superfluous hair ea face and anna without Iniurlns the sklnT And I would t tike the treatment to be euch that ths .hairs will be removed once for slwsys snd will MM eaten.. ANXIOUS HAZEL KTFA Electrolysis administered by an expert dermatologist Is ths beat method for the permanent removal f euparthioua hair. If you cannot get thla, 1 ad vie you to try a liquid depilatory. This, however, la not a permanent ctrr. and ' will have to be repeated when tb growth reppr. Where to Procure Henna Leaves - 1 a ottos vn snrsest the ties ef henna ta to give Wown tir sn suborn tint, wul you please t-u ie wn-re 1 may otiaia ttte penns l-erest Ke vegetable ( l M pume grows hers. MYKTI B. H-nna leaves may ba firncured front , leading druggist In any large city. . win a ran Kinniv able oolunuis of your butr ilc w .rr.i oiiv. all wlU have upon the roro- plrxlon if the f scs is washes Kl.htT Will It make hair grew o the tocjj And pleaas slvs roe somethlss te "rena whiten my eompU.toa. Itwas very sood Jt ens time, but I have suffered from ptraplae sod blackheads lor some tiros, end. sl- BY KRS.-52I;... SHOEING THE BABU THE mU ot babr'a bar foot U nor or wodr abapad, broadaat at tba toaa and narrowing toward tha baal. A anoa mada on natura'a plan aboutd cob form. In a ccooral way at laaat, to tba abapa of tb foot, balna italtbar too looaa nor too tight. Tha toaa of a UiUa child, Inataad ot baiof crampad to gat bar, abould bavo room to apraad Out. and motbara abould aa that tho baby'a ihoea aro mada on thla plan. Tha ahoa abould Jeo ba a trlfla longar than tba loot, allowing room foe growth and motion. .... . Of lata years tha Ida of putting tnooeaalng m tM baby'a faat baa grown In faron and thar la much t command It. And raally soft leatbar will auffioa. tnougtt chamois la tba moat popular. If mada to Uoa wsU up a bora tha ankla. tba moo faslPB ill suy on the aoUra Uttla faat much battar. ' To traat a eat flngar, brasb serosa tha cut with collo dion, and keen tb Up of tb cut togatbatvtlll tb collo dion ArU. . -- . - ' - A erack at thedg of tha nail la oft an varr painful, nd I bast traatad by washing with boraeto aolation. A taaspoonful of tho boraelo powder to balf a pint of warns water la tha proper strength to us. Aftar careful drying of tha flngmr, apply with a dry eameVir-nalr brush a Uttla flexlbl collodlan. A fotir-ouncs bottl of fleibl eollo dlon abould always b kept In tb boua for cuts, ato. Skin Rough and Coarse Will you kindly give me something for m tnKss.'-SSTriB veryottgtt and cosrtw li'iklm r I would like If yea would print la ant week's paper the formula for the erease flower cream. Pleaas tell ase the way t , see It, and hew Ion. - Also, If a drussir t will put it up for ma F lease sive ma a remedy for dark elrelas sneer the eyas. , . PEAHL. Tb orange-flower cream will Improve) Jh condition of your skin. Rub It well nto th pore with th tips of your fingers, and then wipe off with a soft cloth. Any druggist will fill tb formula) for you. Oranira-riowar Cream, on of sweet almonds. easesst wait Wax. drams; spermaceti, ( dramas boras, . drama; glycerine, lw eunoee; orange-aor-er water, 1 ouooee: oil sf aeroU. 14 drupel oil of blssrade lorans-akln, U arose ; ail ' ot petit grain. It drops. Ilelt the Orst three lasTidleats, add the 'glycerin te the orange-flewer water and aieaolvs the borax in the mixture; the rtV. suaueuatf PufyEyelids I have beea interest rd la readtoa? ta the ' t"Pr .of BO" yu help people who seed help. Is there any remedy jreu eeuld reo ommend for swollea eyelluslf My eyee are swollen ever the upper lid. which ssakes the eyes look smaller. Thev have enle k. ' - . nurina ui imm rw r Bfx i Would i vary tha: vwrr iiwiuuui if you can help ma Pleaas send me the same ot a good lac powder. RUTH. One aunoe sack as white wee -- . macetll soe-euartsr pint of ell of aimuooa. C "r t a.m""ar wnica Baa eeee eated , by being Immereed sine time la boiling water. Verr gradually ad.1 thr.Z ounces , of roeewster snd sue euaee el witch Rassl. and aaelduoualy etlr the mis. tare until aa smulaion Is lormed, and sitae, ward until the mixture I nearly aoid. r To BeneMhills Uair Fl tell aaa what will ataiia .w. grewtfe ef my little sirfs hair, it a tut Sry. uneven and.lslls out couuauanv, ih.,i Is llttis dsndruff sa the scais wnica Baa e amp. sticky appearance. " " " Hav aruanea her aair tea minutes dally for assny month, and the last tee monms bays massaged wltk vaseline snd 0, tuned V MAka'"','- i',,T ".".uV "wtl provam.,,, imL )i..a cut, but triaa at aace earn mnntn. Do you think 1 shswld ess your daadrt fer lpe before using ths quinine hair tuaiaf If so. I hsve both recipes, end you oe4 pubi'ih them. Hhe Is only 4 years old.' If you think something hair, will gladly loll. els Is better for has ow yeur Use th dandruff cur until all Sign of dandruff have dlssppeared. Than sham poo thoroughly and vommeuce treat ment with the quinine toulc. steep ta ' sods carefully trimmed. MRS, A. V. M. You can bleach enpr fluoua hair by making frequent eppuca tlons of peroxide of hydrogen. I. B. Try the est rlr. sent lotlos for which 1 sm giving you formula. Astringent I-otlon, Alum, la tmlne; a'moed milk lihl't). I I un'-e. rue-ei-r. S euif l'l)lve the .Mini In 1 your enily In'e ie aim., stanl as'ietit'O. MTTITt r., 1 1 v .fM,d and I 1. waia-r. -ft ('-