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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
THE , OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 10, 1905. " Beat Valueo" PORTLAND'S FASTEST GROWING STORE " Best Valiieo" Tlie MOST BEAUTIFUL ItUJBONO AM BIU AT SXSUCZS ICZ. FANCY SILK RIBBON t-ln. wida Fancy 8111c Printed, Warp Ribbon, suitable for Opera Rasar Bach, etc. All colors and tints. Bpeclal, Monday and Tuesday, per yard ..08 BILK TAFFETA RIBBON 8-ln. wide Bilk Taffeta Ribbon, rich and luatroua, every wanted shade. Special, per yard 184 FANCY BILK RIBBON 6-ln. wide Fancy Bilk Printed Warp Ribbon, In handsome-floral designs. Special, per yard. .... .35 WOMEIS LEATHER BAGS Large assortment of Leather Bags. 1n numerous new styles. Made of real morocco, walrus seal and patent leather. Special prices J rant-ins- from f 10.00 4ow& to ...... r.,,r,r:Tv $1.00 OUR GLOVE ORDERS We Issue (Hot Orders Make a safe Chrlstmaa Gift: If ym' are la toast sbomt tae else, parchase m Olor ordsv taa recipient fets exactly the article wanted. ' rwu xtn oziOTzb, $ijoo t-clasp Kid Gloves, tn all the newest colors, sixes IM to TVi. Special ' , fl.OO - $9-00 ID OIiOTXS, $1.00. l-claap Eudore Kid Uloves, msde from the finest selected skins, every pair guaranteed. , Special, per pair ...-.91.SO . MOOXA US QX.OTZS. WIS. Women's Mocha Kid Oloves, absolutely guaranteed Just ltlte velvet. ' all slses In a full line of colors. . Special values at ... ...f 1.23 V nil M ft' - for ml off Portland. EVERYBODY WILL ENJOY SEEING OUR IMMENSE CHRISTMAS STOCKS - FILLED to overflowing with beautiful and interesting things for ChristmasToys, Games, Books, Dolls, Jewelry Novelties, Art Goods, Toilet Sets, Dainty Apparel ' and many other miscellaneous" lines. Thousands .visit the store daily to see the beautiful things. Christmas buying has begun in earnest and grows heavier every day. Only , 10 more buying days until Christmas. . ';;.; . w, 7,:- - "'..' v- '-'"-' . ''' 1 :'; :'; .' OF IMS WE INVITE YOU TO START YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT ROBERTS BROS.' TOMORROW. Dolls and Toys to Bring Gladness to Thousands of Homes Those who take time by the forelock will find a complete assortment 'and escape the hurry and confusion the final days will bring. Our Toy Department is in our large and commodious basement.'' Come and look around. This is the greatest toy department we have ever had. Buy now before the assortments are broken, and we will hold until you require them. SPECIAL VALUES IN DOLLS FOR MONDAY. Thousands of Handsomely Dressed Dolls Samples No Two AlikeNow on Sale at the Doll Booth at ONE THIRD OFF Regular lances. . $1.25 KID BODY. DOLLS 70 Five Bargain Lots 70 f Kid Body Dolls .; X - $2.00 KID BODY DOLL $1.59. --Xi'-Lot 1 25-inch Kid Body Dolls, made of best quality kid leather, cord filled, with fine bisque heads and arms, mov iner mi. nrettv mohir curls, shoes and stockincs : ii ' .- : 75c DOLLS. 47. LOT 2 18-inch Kid Body Dolls, same as above ; best ?5c quality. For this sale, only i'.-.i....; .r... 47 $1.50 KID BODY DOLLS ?1.09. Xmas Offering in the Domestio ;'' .Section $8.50 moat Mbafactory mer- chandiM at satisfactory pricea. That wa hare succeeded in doing , so is mde evident by the con stantly increasing crowds , who throng this section daily from early in the morning until dosing hours. Note the follow- , ing offerings: . ' - ' 8-4 Linen Damask Table cloth and one dozen 24 inch Linen Napkins to match beautiful new goods that win deiignt any housewife specially oriced for this sale at, per set. 8x10 Linen Damask Table- ' cloth and one dozen 24- inch Linen Napkins to ' match, handsome new pat terns to choose from; un- - . usual value at, Jf . 8x12 Linen Damask Table- . cloth and one dozen 24 inch Linen Napkins.-our own importations, attract- ive designs, superior qual- ieyt."t:!::.....$io.50 8-4 ' Damask Tablecloth 'and one dozen, 18-inch ' Napkins v to match, large assortment of new i pat terns, hemstitched, special ly priced for this sale at,- feV..... ..... $6.50 8x10 Damaak Tablecloth and " one dozen 18-inch , ' Napkins to match, hem stitched, good heavy " duality, unusual vslues at,' Kf.. . ,-......$7.50 . Lunch Cloths At Very Special Price. Hemstitched Lunch Cloths, 36x36 inches, full bleached, all linen, extra stood quality, unusual val Ses, at .fl W l-50' "Wool Blankets ' White Wool Blankets, good generous-size, strict ly l wool, finished with fast colored borders in - shades of. pink, blue and red; a Christmas 'present of this sort will delight any housewife. Three un matchable values on sale at per ' pair f 8.75 T.T5 M Tanestry Table Covers, iiandsnme two - toned -effects, reversible, Very use ful cnnsimas gins, rcgu- I lor Lot 4 20-inch Kid Body Dolls, same as above; reg ular $L25 quality. This sale. .... .. . . . . V. .. .79 ' 35c KID BODY DOLLS 25e. Lot 012-inch Kid Body , Dolls, light and darkhair, jointed at hip, closing eyes; regular 35c kind. Spe cial for this sale............ S5 IXoll Dishes, Blocks and Games, Extra Special 25c Doll Dishes .-. . . . 10 85c Doll Dishes..;.. 274 -OcDollDishe ' 75c Doll Dishes. . .;. .50 85c Doll Dishes. . . . .69 $1.00 Doll Dishes..... 83 5c 10c Games Games at at.......; 0 I 25c Games at..... 3 50c Gamers at ...39 15c Blocks at........ 9 25 .Blocks af. ...... .19 I' I U 7 Lot 8 22-inch Kid Body Dolls, made of best quality kid, moving" eyes, fine bisque head and arms, light and dark hair ; exceptional value at $1.50. For this sale $1.09 ; Dress Goods. and Silks " Some of the newest of Hit swell Suitings, most at--tractively priced. From such a stock as this" the most " undecided woman can select with ease. " ' ; .; Woolen Plaids-VVe are showing the most attractive line ' ofi Plaids to be found anywhere in the city. Every piece ; new and hobby.- For tomorrow they are arranged in four special lots at the following prices 25, 39, 50f and.............'...,........':..... 95t German Broadcloths Special prices for Monday and Tuesday-. . ' ' ; $1.50 quality, 50 inches wide. Special, per yard. .81.00 $1.75 quality,-52 inches wide Special,-per yard, -.J 515 $2.00 quality, 54 inches wide. Special, per yard. .$1.62 Cream Mohair 38-inch Mohair, in neat small figures and . pin dots, neat and pretty for waists and suits. PA. Special for Monday and Tuesday, per yard. .... . .. OUw " Cream Waistings 30-inch Cream Mohair in heat colored , .'" embroidered figures and dots. One of the newest PA- things for waists. Special for Monday. .....OUv ) Crepe Albatross 38-inch French Crepe Albatross, in all the new .colors. One of tlfe most popular fabrics for this ; season's gown ; regular 85c grades Our special . , Cflr price Monday, pervard.'... ......... OUw 'y New Plaid Sillw An attractive showing of rich new plaid . silks inoft taffeta and Lduisine, in every desired com- , bination of colors ; regular $1 and $1.25 grades. Special prices. . ...... V'.t .. i '. . .65, 75, 85 Snakeskin Moire One of the very latest conceptions for the silk department. Comes in all the pretty fall 7C shades.. Special price for tomorrow, per yard.... Ov ' Louisine and Messaline Silks, in small figures and stripes," . very suitable for suit of separate waist; regular ib 75c and 95c grade. Tomorrow all at one price. . . . 40w Lining Satin 36-inch heavv Lining Satin,' in all colors, fray, brown, castor and black ; sold everywhere at H ? -1 and $1.25 per yard. Special tomorrow, per yard. I OC ' Extra Sized Knit Undorweor v ' . For Stout Women.- : ... 50 Dozen fine combed peeler Vests and "Pantsin extra large sizes, a splendid winter weight garment, lined with a soft fleece. Vests 'are silk trimmed, have high neck and lone sleeves, ankle length pants with French bands: -excellent 40c quality, any size,- 7, 8 or 9. On sale- f r : SomO Shoo Hints for Gift TiTrtlriTiry tomorrow at 41 w - i , , , . . fin. tf th icrpntionallv eron thirtcra w are offprinir rfnr. . . . JTl' M ,, , -rjr r 5-.l O. a opienoia iiouaay unering ot - , . WomcnV All-Silk Hosiery :. .c. All Colors pfBest42 Quality Tomorrow 1.19, A Great Bargain Salp of Wagons . ; V The best and most durable Wagons made at less than cost, as long as they last. ' We're closing them out and they are going fast at these prices: A Grand Holiday Offering of Women's Umbrellas A aiAUi or ts.oo Q Trauma, na wzirsbw sxsnAT. tout nr ina rom iolisat oitzvo. Thta ' offeiinir repreaenta the vary top notch of Umbrella ffoodneaa, Wa mlg-ht tell you of handles of allver, of han dles of sold, pearl handles with cold bands and eapa; but whatwould be the soodT Tou must the Umbrellaa to ' appreciate the uniqueneta of their beauty. All of them are of the finer, more elaborate klnda, such aa are usually sold '. for Xmaa slrlnc-at double the price asked. Umbrellaa are - full I Inch, are of extra quality, piece-dyed, selvage ads Bilk and Linen Taffeta, on Fare son framea of the beat cru cible steel. -The handlea are of exquisite and novel dealfma. a artlHtlo aa the Umbrellaa -themselves are worthy. . Each ' Umbrella packed In a neat box, making a moat dealrabla and -handsome Xmaa Gift. We . contracted almost a year ago for anlmmenee quantity from America's moat prominent manufacturer with the understanding that . they were to -equal the beat 15.00 Umbrella on the market.' The shipment has Just' arrived and will be placed on sale tomorrow atr each wrjtDOW SIS PLAT. WTSTDOW BIS'LAT. No. 22, $1.75 kind.. : 984 NoT26, $2.25 kind..S1.69 No. 24, $2.00 kind.. fl.25 No. 28, $2.50 kind.. 91.08 No. 30, regular $3 kind. Extra special at. .. . . . . .$2.25 Mechanical Trains, Boats and Toys of all descrip-' tions; Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Rocking-Horses, Wooden " TahlesTHorhsTTopsTWhtpsrand" thousands of other Toys too humerous to mention, all at temptingly low prices for ' this great sale. ; Sale of Waists, Skirts, Knit Shawls, Fascinators and Petticoats Shirt-Waists In this lot there are a great many.different V. styles, materials and colors. -Not having a complete line ' of sizes in any particular style we havehunched them to gether and will offer them "Monday, and Tuesday at only . a fraction of their true worth. Your choice of $1.50 . to $2.75 waists for. . ......... . . . . ; .81.00 ' Knit Shawls and Fascinators A manufacturer's sample ; v line of Knit Goods at wholesale cost. Don't miss these -bargains. On sale Monday and Tuesday. ' Silk, Wool and Cotton Waists Plaid, plain and fancy " taffeta silks, wool batiste, nunsveiling, mohairs and linen waists. A-flreat-assortment -of -new -dainty- garments, Priced at $1.25, 91.50, S2.25, 82.75, $4.50 and ,...85.50 Silk Petticoats Heavy rustling Taffeta Silk Petticoats, in black, white and all the desirable colors, flounce formed of accordion plaiting and sectional attached ruffles, some ' with all silk, others with nearsilk underlay arid dust ruf fles. Positively the best values shown anywhere in the city 84.50, $3.00, 85.50, 86.50, 87.50 and ...88.50 y Gifts for -Ttlen )ar $1.50 values, priced 'this sale ' . fljl 3C - at . . . . .. .jV lOu 8-4 Tapestry Table Covers, extra heavy, two-toned ef fects, fininhod with deep priced' for this OA - nd V1 a gift? 8pldid value at $2. ; 1 in Two-Day Sale of Walking- Skirts - Prices, and values vare offered for tomorrow that should enable us to do a week's business in. two days 500 New Walking Skirts for you to choose from, in all the desira ble colors and fashionable materials 84.00, . , ?3.00 and ......,....,..................-..82.00 Great Sale of Women's, Misses' and Children's Winter Coats -,.:Y:. We place on sale tomorrow and Tuesday a very large and attractive assortment of Women's, Misses' and Chil- dren's Coats at specially low prices. You will find no time equal to this to make your selection of Winter Coats. Women's Winter Coats Made in several different styles, cloths and colors, in 42 to 60-inch lengths; $12.50 . to $15 values, at . . . . j . . . . .77.. .810.00 Women's Winter Coats-Made from extra quality Kersey cloth and Scotch mixtures,4n the pretty gray .. colors; $17.50 and $16.50 values, at. ... . .814.50 Your choice of 50 Children's CoatSr-niade in a variety of, stylesa'nd cloths; values up to $6.50, sizes 6 to 14 years. " Special price. .82.08 " Corset Department Complete stock of latest R. & G. Models, from 50f . up to , 3.00 20 Dozen Imported French Hosiery for women, all silk, in black, white, champagne, red, navy or tan, a handsome' selection of colors.- Stockings are of the finest spun silk ' ing these gift days is 2,700 pairs of Women's Shoesfrom C P. Ford & Co., Rochester, N. Y., at the special sale price of . . . ... . ...... ..-.82.12 Scott's Bustles, in ill sizes and colors 77777:23 ajd 50 la Xew lines oi nana maae noes, maae expressly , , ; . . for this season's holiday trade at....,, 83.50 and 83.00J x fluslin Underwear Department Girls' and Boys'' Shoes that are solid leather and V " ' Specials for Monday and Tuesday. stylish'" . . ................. ,-. . . .. . ...... . . .81.00 Women's Outing Flannel Gowns at. ......... . . .... C.1 Women' Felt Juliettes that are decidedly different "Women's Home-made Mur.Iin Drawers at. ........ .4 from our competitors' at 00S- Women's Daisy Flannel Cr.vni et .t Everything in the line of Men's Furnishings is here, ail the common every-day requirements are - beautified and made more elegant so as to serve as Christmas gifts. Bear in mind thatjpfludon't-pay-" anything extra for styla ' here all the best things are at moderate prices. FANCY SUSPENDERS. 75c Fancy Suspenders 50c . Men's Fancy Suspend- , ers, one pair in box; splen- ' did assortment of hand- v some patterns to choose $1.00 Fancy Suspenders 75c Men's , Fancy Silk Sus penders, in a large assort ment of patterns, trimmed with fancy buckle, 1 pair, in a pretty colored box. ......?..75c. HOLIDAY NECKWEAR , MenB 75c Neckties 50c 1 Men's All-Silk Neckties, in large shape .'English,' . squares hand styles; a large as-, sortment to select from; regular 75c value. fA Special ',. ,.JUw !' Men's $1.50 Neckwear $1 Men's Extra Large Shape English Squares, made of extra heavy silk, in the latest patterns, both light and dark shades. $1.50 Special..'.....'. ; $i.oo SILK MUFFLERS. Men's Black " and White Brocaded Silk and Satin Mufflers. Special allies 1 st SOf, 65, fl.OO. fl.25. fl.SO, fl.OO and f 2.50. " "Men's Extra Heavy" Black burin siik, reeler-style mufflers, with hemstitched ends. Special :.,T5 fl f 1.25 Handkerchiefs Women's. Fine Linen Em broidered Handkerchief; special, each 4.,60$ Women's Linen F.mbroid- -ered Handkerchiefs; tte rial, eachVj.. . .. i . . .2$' Women's Linen Initial Handkerchicfn; special, each 25 and 15f Novel NeckweV Women's " Lace Collars and Jabot. hnniUi'iurly tTimml with chi.ii'fi an.l braids. raniriK!' Ir f l.t! .! - Fra"' -yi