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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, 1 DECEMBER 10, 1C05.' j '.--.-r--,; ' - h JTITK . OREGON SUNDAY i . - Mlt OF RESORT FOR THE YEAR People's, Institute Reports Show Great Results From Season's , Labors in North End. OLD AND YOUNG ARE ; GIVEN; HELP THEY NEED Amusement, Education, Moral Train - ing and Employment lor Those Who WW Accept These Field Be ing Greatly Broadened. ,Y 'x ,;' 0 . . . .... , , The Men's Resort and People's Insti tute was sUbSlshedSrunder the auspices of the First Presbyterian. church shout 1o year ago sad .since then it hs offered reef ana-eoraTorf tomanyinen f the north end, who have .not he usual comforts of home. The building is situ ated tn the heart-of the alums. Realis ing the need of a similar effort for practical assistance " among the women f -tbaX-partuof. :town. some . desultory work on the line of the aoclal settle ment was done , by the . women of the Presbyterian church till finally organ feed effort was dec led .upon and the Institute club waa formed. - That waa a year ago and the first' annual meeting took place last Tuesday. . ' .The club was organised by the Pres byterian women but the work is em phatically non-sectarian and there, are many interested worsers ouiaiaa .me church which began the movement It has perhaps one of the wldeat circles of interested and prominent workers of the various similar institutions in the city. , Mrs. Helen Lsdd Corbett, who Is an Indefatigable Vorker In the cause. Is the president; Mrs. T. B.?Wlloox and Mrs. .J. O. Oauld, vice' presidents; Mrs.. W illam Mackenste, secretary; Mrs. C K VM. treasurer; Mrs. Fletcher Linn, chairman finance committee; Mra. A. H. Tanner, -chairman .women's department; Mrs. C E. Curry, chnjrraau children's department; Miss Valentine ' Prlchard. director. - The- advisory board' conalsts of Dr. B P. Hill. Rev. jA. D. 8oper and William MacMaater. : " The membership Includes all who con tribute, either . financially or by active service to its support. The finance com mitte Mparts that all funds for- the year's support have been raised by sub u.rlntlnna from the women and no id. peal has ever been made to men or the business nouses or me city Departments of Werk. "The work Is divided Into finance, worn' en's snd children's departments. These departments are supervised by commit tees. The visiting committee of ths wtmAM'a i1n. W m Ant fn, Initann, m.H, 175 calls during the year, giving aid in time of sickness, want and death; gath ering children . for the klntergarten, Sunday school and classes, and helping to right family troubles. There are, be- miAmm tha Bfwlat MmmltlM. whlnh has given II suppers, receptions and enter tainments during the year; the program, rclla-toua. decorating, furnishing and clothing committees. The children's department la divided similarly for facility In work. Eight large social entertainments have been given. Including a Thanksgiving party, "f nPlsTffle.l' pull)",. Tftiwri 9 WSSIllfiKlUn'S birthday party, a spring picnic and a fair excursion. Then a number of small parties and trips have been given by the various teachers to Individual classes. A corps of 41 teachera and as engaged in regular work with the classes. Four of these are - paid. , .The . kindergarten . was opened with a class of II children.. Now there , is a uniform Industrial school tn Its place, with an enrollment of 621 chil dren for the year. . Xladergartea Work.' " ' kiss Virginia Borup conducts ' ths dlstanoe. The youngsters spend two and a half hours dally In ths klnuergar-ten.- - There Ma a playroom kept open from s to o'clock every afternoon, and here the many children who are let out of he classes because of lack of room are amused by voluntary helpers. There Is a children's chorus, which meets once a week end with It there is a rehearsal for the vested choir of boys that sing at the Sunday evening services. A class in basket work Is of special interest to the girls. , i Cooking School foe Boys. ; The cooking school for the older boys, where "they learn camp cooking and mili tary drill, has a very enthusiastic class. The girls have their cooking school, too, which is divided Into the classes for otter and younger glrla. Waiting at ..1.1. i. inohiiimi In the branches or study and a diploma is given at the com pletion of the ours, im -r . .li-ia and on for boys naaium " : - . . and a club for boys and a sewing school for girls, where diplomas are also grant ed them when fitted to enter a dress making shop. The kitchen garden work ' " r. l..hin. ironing, sweeping. dusting, making beds and all such work and It Is the mont popuisr m v' the little girls. The class for deficient children is one of the t"" ures. Here sre enrolled those who " . -.., m.hiin schools. A little deaf girt and a boy with both feet am- outated attend ana nre , B"" stru'ctlon. ' . ' , . , Other lines or wora sn timw n itt. h nrlnelDls of brother- ClUHM.y ...... - m - i. h.infulness underlying all. The wom en are always seeking opportunities to find employment ror women na although no regular employment bureau Is conducted. During the year 1.07! ar-ttclea-of- clothing- nav been received , and S7S given away, so thst there is a goodly supply for the winter needs. A bathroom 1 run In connection with the club for the poor who have not other facilities. . . .VOULD MAKE EACH TOWN SANITARY CENTER State Board, Will Consider Plan to Organize Thorough Quar v ' antine System. ' v T PRICES HERE WILL HOT ADVAIIGE Increase In Cost of Silver Bui lion Not to Affect Holi day Goods. DEALERS BOUGHT BEFORE V INCREASE OCCURRED People Buying" More Silver and Less Plate, Sayg E. J. Jaeger-Some Mines Shut Down When Market isaas Low Decline Expected. II nr. ; Robert -E. Tenner, secretary of the sute board of health, will reepm- m.FiH in hu renort to be read neiore tne nnual raeetlnsr of the state board of health tomorrow In Salem, that all com munities throughout the state organise boards of health and that all towns snd villages take atepa toward providing; for quarantining -cases or conisgious u la- cases In ' ttieir localities. - - v,f.l in tha la ran cities and towns of the sUte very few towns or villages nave DOaras or neann mra me stuiiutry iwnJiibiA. and eontacloua. diseases are under no reaulatlons whatever. It Is the plan or tne secretary or me wiaie tn hava aeon rat localities oraan- Isa boards and make them, auxiliary to the -county health officer, who will in turn work In harmony with the state board or healin, Tt a.111 taka tlma tn narfaet theaa Or Mnlaatlnna nut It la thnuaht to be an afnnt idea tn nrevent the ' SDread of ..tit.niii iliuau Tha Idaa waa luv. 'geatad to the -secretary after receiving a communication irora w, b. - uirr, county health officer of Polk county, who has sought the state board of health's aid In checking a apread of eontsglous .diseases In the town of Alrlle. IS miles . southwest of Dallas " tn a lffttar In ths aUts Local jirlces on holiday goods will .i k. afrartad aa a result' of the' de cided Increass In the cost of silver bul lion. Jewelers and dealers in silverware In Portland declare that their holiday stock was purchased befort the Increase went Into errect. Circulars from V manufacturers . were received b local jewelers two months am announcing am advance of t cents an-ounc in flatware, such an knives, forks snd spoons; en account or ine in crease In the cost of bullion. Recently market quotations show that' ths price has advanced from 60- cents to ' 6 cents per ounce. Not since isss naa me price of sliver been so high; - v:" ' tn nnna nt the stores with which I sm aquntnted will there be an advance," said E. 1. Jaeger. - t ne price ui tu bullion has Increased from ft cenis io is cents oer ounce, and It la car tain to affect prices soon. ' But holiday buy- - . . .LI. ers neea not : axpeot an auvant uu season. We will not raise our prices at all and I don't bellevs ny other local dealers will. . "I believe the reason ror .the advance ... hi tha. fa. that all nvnr tha countrv people are , buying better qualities of - . , ,, little silver-plated ware now, while the. aemana icr aunu twr aivw..ia -mi -. i nnHi.r iMinn la that a number of silver mines-snut gown some iime ago because there was too mucn suver th marlrat However. I nredict that within a year the prices will hav been reduced to what they were perore wis advance. , . , . - TO CONNECT ST. JOHNS LINE WITH TROUTDALE Nofe These Price Reductions; Then Come and See the Goods We have a big stock of these Writing Desks and Music Cabinets on hand, and more com ing, and we find that they are not selling as rapidly as we expected. ; We re8 b. overstocked unless we can push the sales. ) We have cut the prices all the cost will stand. This is your opportunity to make a goodly saving and at.the same time not feel the outlay, for we are going to sell these ' ? 4 v ' ;': emfiM At $1.00 Down; $1.00 a IVeeff l.'TI ThTe Desks are from our reetllar stock. They are made of golden oak. birdseye maple and mahogany; beautifully JSSlSS hM heavyyFrench plate mirfbrs. It would be difficult to suggest a more appro-, v , i priate present to make any lady. See our Window Display. . Come artd make your selection ana we will now same ; - tor you ana aeuver ai uic sppouitcu umv.. hn. a h. aald that fnr several months the town had been a' hotbed of Inrectioua diseases, sucn aa aipmneria, scarlet . fever v and , whooping cough. There was no physician In the place, no method, of quarantining, and not even a constable or officer of any sort He asked for assistance and advloe'ln dealing with the situation.. k ,- ' WrottvarhAAd Initiation. .n-MjiJlliwl. tha MfwfIMi Ttpnthan. hood of America gave a banquet Thurs day evening. - A large oiass ox canm- 'Hlss Virginia tsorup conaucis ins i aates was lnmaiea. uuniry uu mini dally kindergarten,-with an enrollment leal features were part of the program a flha haa a nrlnrlnal and four as. I and John A. Jefferv delivered aa ad alstanta. who bring the children from a' Iaiiv a win. v J . dress. . More than 100 people attenaed. Tk Harriman. Riutttment has com pleted arrangements for extending the at. Johns line around the peninsula to a connection with the-main line at T.Mutdala. Tha road will cross tha Wey erhauser tract several hundred .yards further back from the river then st first surveyed, the Weyerhauser com pany having objected to a route that crossed the mill site. A heavy cut will ha n,d. in the hill to aecure a level track. Construction is already under way. The BL Johns route will be usea as a main Una for freight trains, and tha hmm.1 naaw-w a-rada throurh. HilLli- van's gulch will be used only by pas senger trains. HunnlnmentarT articles Of IncorporS' linn nt tha DnUlltl Railroad NaVlKS- tlon company were filed In the office . .tub wawtiwVa-, Tha lew ulSinjtlBl Ut UIBT'uHlimtiy KB! lTuiilla, waruner iu img w.wwv gulch, Idaho; from Ht. Johns to Trout dale, Oregon, and from Wallowa to Jo- aeph, Oregon. Tne articles ars signed by E. H. Harrlman, .president of the company, W. W.- -cotton, secretary, ana 14 other directors.' . The Wallowa extension hsa been sur veytdand much of it fenced as a re sult of the contest with W. J. Cook and the Wallowa Valley railway over the rights of way secured By that company for an electric line. The-Harrlman ex tension will be pushed to Joseph, at' the head of the Wallowa river. The pro posed Wardner extension to Dead wood gulch Is to tap a productive mining re gion in the coeur d'Alenes. " ttltMlMMMvMttMHvvyv AM Presents ; That He X3an Wear A Suit, Overcoat or Furnishings. Here , ybu .will find" si matchless collection from which to make a "pleasing selection. : - . 7 Suspenders , Silk and Satin, Fancy Pattern, Persian effect and solid colors, Sterling Silver and Gold Plated Buckles, each pair in a neatly de signed box ready for mailing , .... ..',' .- 75c to $3.00 $7.00 Was $8.50, $ii.oo Was $13.00 : tWas.$H.OO $14.00 Was $20.00 '.y-.t - aa - 1 . .'Hi $U.OQ Was $13.00 1 TTsia ma liuwa m aliftiwrilll' llf TTVi delignt tne nearx 01 any young misa, "a. a . -9 J $8.00 Was $10.00 38.SO Was $11.00 320.00 Was $25.00 V , , . ... , ' , 1 J mm., a v. a n MMiiiyi Dinets in goiaen oaic, oiraseye mapie sua b-uiwhoui uijr v It is impossible for the picture to show the true worth o! these cabinets. They; - . 1-1 S J ... ' ' ' ' QCllgnt tne near t oi mijr yuuuig uudb. . wuvaokv fr.--. are thoroughly well made, handsomely polished and first class in every respect. 1 I - mm- tv- Neckwear , We selected our assortment with the greatest care and at ever price we have the choicest' that the market' affords. Whatever your taste you will find it here 50c to $3.00 House coats ... ..........$4.65 to $12.50- Jersey Sweaters .... .. 2.00 3.00 Bath Robes 400 to 10.00 Night Shirts .V.....:.VV. 1.00 to 3.50 Pajamas 1.50 to 5.00 Gloves. 100 to 2.50 Umbrellas 1.00 to 10.00 SAM-B ROSEN Reliable Cibthiers COR 3rd and MORRISbN Sts. Was $11.00 $18.00 Was $22.50 $20.00 ; Was $25.00 Was $27.50 Y 7 173-175 First Street 219--227 Yamhill PATROLMAN DALY SUSPENDED Accused of Having Taken Sun- dry Drinks While on " ; '7iz ; Duty. . ; AND HE PASSED OFF - r A FRIEND AS BRUIN With This Pseudo Bruin the Patrol man la Said toHve Imbibed to the Detriment . of the Inspector's ' Reputation. . Patrolman J- P. Daly was suspended fi"ora the police force yesterday by C'btef .6rHsmacher, who has filed chsres against him with the police -immlsslon. It Is charted that .Patrolman Daly not only-' went off his beat but while oa duty drank Intoxicating liquors on two -oe-Tha haat nf tha Dollceman es- tnds from- FI-4- Twalfta-atreelSiJuth of Jefferson. Sergeant , Hogeboom Wednesdsy night was informed that Daly went a block off hit ;'at-ta -an Italian saloon at Fourth and flherldan streets twice. ' : ' ' On ths second occsslon. It Is said, the AmniaiAiikl mon whom h la staid to vvuiyivii w - - havs introduced to the proprietor of the saloon ana nis patrons as . uuiinuk Bruin. Now,- Inspector Bruin Is rather tall and- inclined toward the blonde. Moreover,' It Is further said. Patrolman Daly and ths supposed Inspector took several , drinks on this occasion. .. . 'Sergeant : Hogeboom Informed Captain Moors of what he had ascertained and Patrolman uaiy was lumaraiw i police staUorv where ne waa rounaiy lectured. . - . Sergeant riogeboom took the trail again Thursday night and this time was-re warded by ocular evidence 01 -tne ponce k..h nr rainilatlons. He declares tnat Daly walked across the street off ha beat and drana a glass 01 wniaiyr u a saloon at Fifth and Sheridan streets. When this report was made 'Daly's suspension followed. "r7I'?r- - ROAD-BUILDING RACE TO KLAMATH FALLS "I have just been down In tha coun try, t miles -northeast from Upton. California, and saw a logging railroad company with 400 men racing for the $100,000 of subsidy that lies in the bank at Klamath fails, onrerea to tne first road that reaches that town," aald A. H. Blrney of Han Francisco at ths Portland hotel last night "It Is a prise worth striving for, Inasmuch as there Is another $1 M,aa' tof- be handed over when the road IS In full running order. "Ths story Is rather Interesting aa 'I heard It Th-McCloud -lumber -conn pany had a logging road running 0 miles Into ths mountains from Upton. Desiring to get that subsidy, the. map agemenf went Into the' labor msrket and contracted with 400 men to .go to Its territory and work-in the lumber mills at .1(0 to. 180 a month and board. and. ths men wsra transported to ths ground.' ' : v ..Hint than thav warn frank ly told ,thst It was not for mill work they- were waniea, dui ior nuiruw structlon. and , they were offered the - . Tha man accented the. proposal and ths company pushed the line 28 miles oeyona xnm nmn immua which was 80 mllss from Upton. At the S-mlle point 18-foot snow stopped operations for a tlms. The men are there, x preparea to commu. tlon work, and Klamath Falla will be ...... tnat as oulck as energy wlk enable-them to get thera. "Captain Burkholder, ' rormeny . a o...i,.wTnifln sunerlntendent. Is in ,JW"...J - - rfiarga of construction, and ths Mo- Cloud company nas pioniy ui ww, push tha road through." o. bv! k M . Harrsytos;.--: Enterprise, Or., Deo. . A party of ten men are tn Enterprise for the pur pose of making ths survey from this point toward Elgin for right of way for the O. R. N. Co. v. '"-' ' UMATILLA' SUICIDE v; - - LEFT NOTE TO MAN .' (Spcdsl Dispatch to Ths Innrnal.) . Umatilla, Or., Dec t. The body of, Roxy MeNeurlan, who committed sui cide by Jumping Into the Umatilla river last night, waa found in the Columbia river this afternoon. It was brought to tha surface by dynamlts. - Her parenta reside near here. She left a .note to. Thad BtSvena. y.-r.-;: - ." :- : EAST SIDE DEPpT. lid Waahlagtoa Street Stmoture meaAy ' foe Ooonpaaoy jea Decembsr is, Daoember U the new Southern Paelflo depot In East Portland. Iocsted on East Washington street,- will be ready for oo cupancy. suitable arrangements having been made for thS' accommodation of passengers desiring to purchase tickets, check baggage and board train at that point. .. . . ' ' ' - . Itmxwd Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip ' Honolulu, Hawaiian Island , : '. I Tots for. . .. . . . .. i. ' ' Thl coupon must be voted on oibefore Deoembef 17, 1I0E. policeman took with him a Short, dark " ,1 s . : . ' . Jl