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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON r SUNDAY JOURNAL, 7 PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. ' DECEMBER 10." 1905. COMPLETE CHANGE IN SENTIMENT IS SHOWN IN vHOGS -AND CATTLE AND PRICES ARE RULING WITH AN ADVANCE POTATO , SHIPPERS , HAVE COMDINED TO FORCE THE GROWERS TO1 SACK THEI3 STOCKS A3 PER WRITTEN CONTRACTS. r . .... . . ... j . . -. LOCAL WHEAT HAS A PRICE LOSS Season Coming to an End and " Trading During the Week V , Is Very Light. v . ' i V- ' HOP MARKET tOWER ; , - AFTER DULL TRADE Chin Buy ' Oregon . Potatoes and Ontons-3Chickens In Better Call With Receipt Smaller Movement 1 in Apple I Heavy. -, . l-rent Street, Ilec. -..The principal feature of tlx fortUnd wholesale market th past wftk were: - ' Wheat market ruling tower. .' Export fluur down 10 cents. Loral floor dull, tat aiK-hanged. ... 1 Cblaa burs Qreon potatoes. . Oniooa alao lent to tba orient. .' . , potato shipper form ceeiMnetioa. . Mop market lower ftr dnlln. . ..' t ' Bllikt vnc hi frees meats. Loral cs firm ; receipt bsa vlar. ' r -"'Chicken market advances: tnrker daO. '. Part Iter advene In dried trait.. ' Sharp advance hi chats market. '"; Apple movement la Terr heavy, , . - - Spirited rlee tn eranberrle. r Lemons and, crsnges are lower. -TkHt Xaxfca SuHmjrl - There wai not mark btt.lsess reflected In, the i", .1 wn ex out nib -. , - -- The aeaaoa la feat Bearing Ha end awl a large . per cent of tbe .crop- )s entlrelv eat f (lie hand of tbe prodnrera and ta en Its way to - fonlia rmnlrlM. - Taken aa s whole, tbe sea son -ties been a er prosperous ooo. for Oregos and Waehlnrton, wheat raisers, too prices paid being quite liberal considering tlx arenas price during the past 10 or 15 rears. Following tbe bisk prices which ruled daring the prerloua see. son, tbe action of tlie marketa ttrf aeaaoa waa rea mors plesslng to the men that grow the golden grain.- Pnrlng lbs week the msrket showed a set decline of t cents, the prlc losing cents. tu.t Sera hied 1 cent later.' The floor market waa llkewles quiet daring the week. The only note of Interest In the ' market waa the reduction la export Tslnss. there being cat of 10 cenU per barrel In former quotations. Will feed was snoted quit firm, with a ..rhsnse In tbe. quotations. , Parley and oats .'qotited nominal, bat atroag. The bar market -had a better tons, but practically no changes, . Wars mads la the quotations. . '.. China Buy Orsgsa Potatoes. The Cbbisss are agala In the msrket far Oregon potatoes. TUelr reappearance la the marks sfter an abeenro of nearly two yesrs a exceeamxr sratirymg v--iocet-wiar It ahows to them that It ' la quality -that Is ' wanted, onus raiaee a eoesHieranie smouni oi potatoes, but they are of ery Inferior quality, and since' the Oregons wore Introduced In thst country there baa been as great demand for the local product. The week shows consider abb) dullness In the local potato' market. There Is ronntderahla dlacnaalon as to what fsnry .quality really consists, sll lsts shipments from this market to tba aonth being classed as sec ond grade wheat reacting their desttnatloa. -Muring ths) week the potato shlppsrs formed a combination for mutual protection agslnst tbeee that woald practice fraud -la In .packing. It 'was 'screed among the dealers that so ether member ,of tbe aasnrletloa woald purchase, eup nlles that bad been rejected by another mem ber. The rsnclstinnJhjAnlnxj i reTifriTrnsTijrTcesna only object belrii to protect Its members as to quality. . Tti Milm eierket eraa rather oulet during the week, but the tone Jls somewhat stronger than a week age. Prices, bowerer, held rbs aaais. Hop atsrkst Lswsr After Dullness. ' After sereral day of eitretne dullneaa, the bop msrket shows a net decline for ths week ' of about Ic a pound. rJhorts bars roeered sll Immedlst requirements snd sre laying back re ' rlew the sltustloa from a distance. Thss Is rather trying on the nerres of the growers and some of them are araln making; efforts - to sell. A continuance of tlita action would bar a eery bad affect apon the market and prices. Just now the market la awaiting with a exeat desl of Interest , to see whst Knslsnd hi going . to do. Beyond tbe ablpment or some snort ssies In that direction there he been no 1st busi ness reported. --It- la now generally sareed hy toe growers thst they won Id not profit by ac cepting tbe offer of Durst, the California grower, to conalrn their hop to hits for shlnr meat ta- ths Kngltab market. Oregna mm era hare experience In plenty to the cnneign- 1 ment dodg and claim they bar sbaolutely ne protection. The acheme seems dssd on at ths moment. , S ight AdTeno ia Trssa Meat.- -, ' Trade in dressed meets bss been quit good along Front street during the pest week. Re ceipt in sll lines here been heavy end good - storks readily btoarht the qouted firs rea. Tbe strength- wss especial in fancy real, bat poor grails did siot sell up to expectations.- bjis'I nogs were In ennsldersblo demand all through the week snd ths price made a fractional gain. Fancy mutton found an excellent call and the price closed about H cent higher than week ItA. local Zgf Tina) Xeoeipta Hoarier. . Receipts of mrst rsnoh eggs during the week (bowed considerable' increaas. Ths demand wsa rery good and top prices were maintained. Tbe . demand for local ranch ergs waa net pea to s great extent by ths falling orr tn the quality We Ik- . . llvb. Ma -Ma rhanm Is expected in to market lor the Ira- . Bwdiat futnrs. Chioksa Xarkst Adraaesai Turkar Dull. The chicken msrket wss stronger this week. Receipt wero not liberal and demand waa tn- . ere a eed. The call waa m all crsdes and prices made gain of shout lo. There wss 'a rery good dsmsnd ruling sll through Ins week fm ' geese snd ducks snd both of these tines show a slight rise la re lues. Turkeys practically dis appeared from the market during tbs week, hut , they weV not missed to sny extent, traders ' not sren inquiring as to prices, Tbe coming week will likely show considerable Improre ' ment in the demand, bat the trade ta general is not expecting such high price ss rnled Just previous to Thsnksglrlng. A cnnaldersbl amount of dressed stock wss placed In storage after ThanksgtTlng snd fir yeeterdey is Said Is bars destroyed- a tares portion of the atocka. This ta itself will likely help the market. - Tafther ' AdTanoe la Dried Fruits. ConsMerable excitement continue in all line ' of dried fruits." Prices are not atshls snd are fluctuating quit' hsdly. A pries made one day I generally cancelled the net t and se many changes hseo occurred la raiues elnce the market .opened that Jobbers do not know where to stand. , Not only. r conllnuno ad- . ranees being made in dried frnlta, but In canned goods lb asm activity is rsgsrd t prices exists. ' ' Sharp AsVaaoa la Ohssss Markst. Fluctuations ta tbs cheese market wee al ways unwsrd during ths part week , Scarcity In supplies sll orer ths coast Is adding to tbs strength previously -shown In ths msrket. Sup plies in' this msrket are of a hand to month character and the newly mad quotations are rery readily nbtalnefl.' " Tbs butter market show Improrement fo the week' bnalneas. As In eheses. ths rscelpts srs showing s decree e and this enabled all ttof dealer to rleaa np. Trice the-sains. -. f : Apple star ment la vary neary. . , The movement of 'apple ia bow rery heavy Receipts are not heavy, bat dealer bar eon- sitieranie uppiie in arnrage gnu are witmirew . Ing them when aecesssry. Batlmats eeenred . fy tno rlnoo Hirer uiscisr inrougu r.. n. oiiep ard of ths .fruit Growers anion and J. H. Us Tlilson nf III Patldann Fruit company place the totsl production of apple- nr tli Hood Uln. .Il.vthle veee mt Imit SA OfkA hn.M II -ma e sllabUy-Ins thsa thlSi bat it Js rery unlikely ta be more.' ' f-eet yeaf the number of boxes ahlpped from ' rhi ctty wss betweea DO.nno snd Itsl.O", snd the srerags price waa II 10 a box. which would make tbe totsl smonnf received from apples shipped from here ft in. nun. The apple crop thls year waa worth fully aa much, for. while iliere - s marked decrenae tn the nnmtiee ef botes shipped, ths srerags prfes was ao much higher, slmoat approxlmatlnf fl 5 a box. thst tbs figures for tbs totsl production will, b about ths same f 110.0UO. Tb hlghsst pries obtained by grower have beeu U a box for Bpltseubergs snd fk.50 for awtoaa. This Is tbs top notch prU-e received fur apple by the 'producer, and hs sever been equaled anywhere. Tbs profits oa a box of Spltsenbergs st tbU price 1 about fl.SO snd on Kswtons Is f2 fist. Apple orcbards bave netted their owner tula year In om Instances as high a f6U0 aa cr. Any one wbo baa bseo fortunat snough ta bsvs bsd wnsny seres of Mils blgb priced fruit la bearing bss reaped a rich reward. Other varieties bsvs also sold for good prices, and tb ff year for apple as not been felt so much oa thst account. Tb gsaerkl apple market baa not had much effect oa tbe price for Hood River fruit, It to la a claas by itself, and will continue to be ao as long ss tlie trait maintain It present standard of icsiianc, '.. Ther wsa a spirited rls la the cranberry markst la this elty during tbs week owlug to a great rise In tba caster msrkst. ' Orange and sum ens arequoted down. Sup plies considerably Increased and price at prim ary market much lower. Quality of fruit ia bat lowly ImproTlng. . Ths following price srs paid ta Front street dealer by tb trad for choice quality in round lot. - Prices paid producers srs as specified: ' . Grain, Flour aa Fsed. . WHBAT Nsw club, Tuo red Btustsn. STe; bluestem. TJc; rslley, TV. BAKLET reed, fl fxliftW 00; rolled. I2S.80 tn.X); brewing, f 22. 60 4(23. 00. CORN Whole, f 37.001, cracked, (28.00 par ton. , , , RYFi fl.88 per cwt. OATS Producers' price Ko. 1 whits, 2S.00 gray. f24.rOS2S.OO. FLOUR New eaatera Oregon patents. 14.83; trslghts, f3.70igs.ti0; siport,; val ley. f3.T0d3.O; graham, fc. fa.50; ry. oOs, fo.00; bsles. n it,. MILLSTUFFS Brsa, flT.RO per toa; mld dllnga. 25.00; abort, country, (18,50; city, (18.50: chip, (18.00. HAT Producers' pries Timothy. Willamette rslley, fancy. (11.O0Q1S0O; ordinary. (T.Ond t oo; enters Oregon, f M OoyiSOd; . mixed. f8.60Qa.00i clover. fS 008.0U; grala.. (9.6OO (.00; cheat, t8.0oe8.s0. , . t ahittar. Egg aa Jfoultry. i BCTTF.R FAT F, o. b. Portia ad Sweet Cream.- 2 He: soar. WHO. BUTTER City creamery, 80ci on raids fascy. S7Hc; ordinary, Z5ei stors, 161Tc, KUCS -No. 4 -teeeb -Oregon, candled, - Sees cold storage and eastern. 27128 Vie. . CUKe.HH Nsw Full cream, twin.. UKQ In Uc; Xouns A merles. laic; Cheddar, lotfe. HAMR Isckrsbbit. ' ' (l.t. per ana.. ' - POULTRY killed rblckeos. llttUVic; fsacy hens. llHJ12c per lb; roostera. old. SQee per Ih; fryers. l.Hil2c per lb; . broilers, llUq) ltc psr lb;' duck. 18$ las pee lb; geese. j 10C per lb; turkey, loc per lb; dressed, 17620c per lb; squabs. flT0(t.O0 per doe. i . Heps, Wool sad BidW .. '.. HOPS 106 Oregon, cbolc. ' lOQllHc; prime. SHttOc; pour grade, THc: Wsshlnstoa. IOVif11e; duoA crops, 7 tt tie for cboics. - WOOL luuS clip, valley, soars to ssedltird. HHt26Hci Sue. MtlZTci ssstera Orctba. I0d22e- MOHATR Nominal. SoeSlc. SHEEPSKINS Shearing. lD2oeearh:.orJ wool. 2Si0r each; medium wouL BOeTOe ssck; lobg wool, TSc3fi:00 each. . . - TALLOW Prims, psr 1U SHOt Ra and greese. t02Wo. CHITTIM BARK IHOSe per lb. - HIDKS Dry. Mo. 1, IS. lb and op, 1IHC 17 He per lb dry kip. No. X, S to IS lbs. He; dry calf. No. 1. anas 9 lbs" lc; ssltsd bides, steers, eouod. SO lbs and orer. lOfjlle; cow, 8tHc: stsrs snd bulls, sound. Q7c kip. IS to SO lbs, Oc; calf, sound, ander IS lbs, lie; Creen. nnsslted,. le lees; culls. Ic per lb less; bcreehldes. salted, each, fi.23kl.TB;'dry, each, f I ooat.80; colt bides. 25"c; goat skins, d-mmon, sscb, lOtgls; .Angora, - eacw, Socqf (1.0a ... t .- Fruit sod Vsgstshlss,. POTATOES Best Oregon. TnifiSOe per sack; producers' price for car lots, WtfOOc per aack; ordinary. SftlitTOe; ' producers, price, 46QOSC; sweete. (1.00 per ssek; f2.OOa42.3S per erst. ONIONS Oregon yellow Pan vers, fl.2; pro ducers' price. No. 1, f 1.001.10i No. 8. T5Q 86c; garlic, SI10c "per lb. , - FRE8H FRi'lTS Apples. - Oregon, - (1.00$ I. SO; fancy. fl.TA32.ftO; oranges, new navvT, f2.O0es.0O: aoeilllng. fl.TBstXOO: bsnsnss, set 4H per lb: lemona. cbolc. S2.2AvJ2.T5 per hoi; fancy, t3.2r.e3.7S par box; limes. Meilcan, f 1.25 per 100: ploespples. (1:00 per doe: grapes, fl.AnUI.T5; pears, f I.2A per box: pomeugrsnates. si so per oox; langeruos, ga-io; Jspassaa ec- r VK0BTABLK8 ' -Turnins. new. , 11.00 per sack; eerrots, tl.00 per ssrk: heeta. (l.ooai.2S per i ssrk; Oregon rsdlsbes, XSc per dox; cabbage, Oregon, f 1.0fl?l.28 per cwt; green pepper. 7 per lb; California tomatoes, tl.00; par, nips. (1 00jl.2S: string beons, SO 10c; cauli flower. (2.00Q2.2S crate: rhubarb,. lb; gre.-s peaa. OeiOc lb; horseradish, Sr psr lb! arti choke. KleSfl.flO psr dosj hothouse lettuce, fl.not1.T5 per box; celery, local. 4.'.B6c per dos; eggplant, (1.B0 per crate; pumnklna, r; squssh, lt: cranberries. Jerseys, 1XbOJU.O0 C-r bbl: Coos bsy and Tillamook, (10.00; rad hea, 2.V per doe. -, DRIED rRClTS Apples, evaporated. -10He per lb: apricots. 1043l3c psr lb: pesrhes, 10Hn)lSc per lb: sscks. He per lb less: prunes. SO to 40. SHe; He drop eech sixteenth smaller else; flgs, California black. BHiSo per lb; California white. Be per lb; dates, golds s. So per lb; farda, (1.SS per IS-lb f . - - . ' Orsesrias, Ifata, Eto. ' SrOAR Sack basis Cube. fs.SO; powdered, fiTSfl; fruit sraBnlated.-fS.SS: dry era aula ted, (S.fiS; Conf. A. (S.S0: beet grennlsted. fS.SS; extra C, (B.nB; goldea C. M.9S: D yellow. M.SS; hbls, loc; bbla. (fie; boxne. BOe advance en oack baal. leaa 2S per cwt for cash, U dsys; msple, HO"Bc per lb. t Above prices apply to sstes of lea tbsn ear bits Car Iota at special prior subject to Soctnertnns ) HONEY (S. SO per crate. COFFEK Package brands, (1B.T5, . 1 SALT Coarse Half ground. 10ns. (T.00 per tea: table, dairy, tor. (11.00; 0Ua. (10.TS: Inv ported Llrerpool. SOS. (17 00; 100s, fit 30; 224s. f IS 00: extra floe. bbla. Ss. Ss. - 10a. ft BOeTS.80; bulk X20 lbs. f4.00Q5.OO; sacks, IIOs. SnsTIWr: Llrerrtonl tnmp rock.. flg.fiO per ton: BO lb. rock. fT.OO: 100a. fs.TB. ' GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. THc. RICK Imperial Japaa. No. 1. Sc: Ko. 1 BQM4; New Orleans brad, Tc; AJax, Be; Creole, 814c. BRANS Small white. (ft.TS: largo white. (4.2S; pink, f 2 TB; bayoa. (4-BO; Urns. (B.OO: kins lean reds. 6l NUTS Peanuts, Jumbos. AHe per lb; lr lnls, THe per Ih; roasted. Be- cocoanuts. kSiwOc per dna: walnnts. inirJtlBHe par lb; pin nnta, I0Q12H0 per lb; hickory nut. 10c pet lb. chestnut, eastern. 15r1Ac per lb; Rraail auta. lie per lb: Blberts, HQlne per lb; fancy pecsas, lomHUUo: abnoads. 1B417 psr lb. . ,4 ralaU, Oeal Oils, 'Eta. R0PR Pur Manila, 144; standard, 1314c; atssl. 11c. COAL OtI-Pesrl or Astral Cssea, StiH per gel: water whits. Iron bbla. 15c nee sal? wooden. IS tier gal; headlight. 170-deg., oaaea. 22Vc per gal. 1. OASOLINa-Sa-dei .. ; cases , B4H per (si. Iron bbls 1 He per gsl BENZINE tWlei.. cased' tBs aor sal. tean bbla, lHc per gsl. - - TURPENTINE la reeee Se par gal. wooden bble Me per gaL WHITE I. E All Ten nta. 19 per lb; 800-lh lota. Sr per lb: lea 1st. SUe per lb. WIRE NAILS Present base st (2 Tn. - LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In B-bht lots. BOe; l-bbl lot (lie; esses, 66e per gal: genuine kettle bulled, esses. BNe per gsl; B-bb lots. o2e; 1-bhl lot, O.TC per gsl; ground cake, car lota, (20.00 per ton; lees than ear lota. ( per to. -Host. Flak and Frerlsoae. FRE8I1 MEATS Front-- etreet Beef steer a, B0c per Ih; bogs, block, T14CTHff per lb: peckers. T714e per lb; balls, 4ehc per lb; eows. BHIKoe per lb; real, sxtra, 7 HOW per lb, ordinary. Ac per lb; poor, B per lb; mut ton, fancy, T97H per lb. HAMS. BACON, E1t Portland pack local, hams. Iff to 14 lbs. 11 per lb; 14 tn 1 loe. 1 2 the per Hr; break fast bacon. ISHfllSHc per lb; picnic, Be per Ibi enttago, Se per lb;' regular abort clears, anaraoked. I04 per lb; emoked ime per lb; clear bark, anamokerl. 1014 per Ibt cmoked. HHclbfUnlon bores J M to 18 lb, anamoked, Sc per lb; smoked, be per Ih; Clear bellies, una rooked, lie per lb; mobed, 12c per ih; shoulders, BHe per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, ins. He per lb: Ss. lltse per Ih; fto-1b tins, 10H per Ih; steam rendered. 10a. 10c par Ibt Ba, . 10)4 per Itif" compound. 10s. 64e. CANNED SALMON Colnmhla river, 1-lb till. (1.N0; t lb tells. f2.Tn; fascy l-lh Bsts. Bl an; H-lb fancy Bate, (l ift; fancy 1-lb ovals. (2.TB; Alssfcs taila. pink, SseBOct rod. (1.B0; aomluai 2s. tall f2 00. FIHII Rock end. Te pee Ih; Sounders, Be per lb: hallbot. Tc per lb; crab. fl.SO per t striped baas. 124 per lb; eetflsb. Tc per lb; aslmoa. sllversldes, Ss per lb; stselhesds. T pee Ibt herring. Be per lb; solee. c per Tn; shrimps, 10c per lh perch. Be per lb; black end. To par lb; silver smelt. Tc par Tht lobsters, loe fresh .avscherel. Beeper Ibt -rrawnsh. 29 OYSTERS Shoslwster bay. par gal, (2.2S nor ssck. tx TB. CLAMS-Herd -shell, par box. (100: cUme, fj.00 psr bo, - . ' ' ' STXBLtll KATZL -. New York. Dee. t Sterling rates: Demand, S0.aoaSo.sO SO da a, ea.SOiJsol.TB. , . FEVERISH SESsion HI HEW YORK 1 ' II . . L ' .. 1 Speculative Markets Are Excited ; and Trading Is "duite . ' " . Disorderly. UNION PACIFIC THE FEATURE OF.THE DAY Wide Range in Quotations in Initial - Trades In Amalgamated and Sugar "-Improvement in Foreiga ' Marts - Entirely Ignored. . M- LOSSES. Amalgamated Locomotlr ..... dp preferred . Peopls's Usa .. press. Steel Car do paeferred . Reading ....... Republic Steel . Atchison, pfd .... Car A Fouudry..,. H Smelter S do preferred,... : Brooklyn ......... ' St; Psul Chesspeaks U Colo. Fuel ,v "5 Colo, southern ... U DeL A Hudsoa 1 Erie..... U MetropollUa ...... V4 Msnhattaa-....... aUty do prrf erred .... Vi Rock Islsna .. do Dref erred i .... IH S. F., 2d prsf U. H. Huliber V. H. Bteel do preferred .... 4 Wlsoousla - -Central. Wabssh do preferred .... ', Anaconda ....... 14IN. Y. Central M Atchlaon , Ui Northern PaeiS .. lit Car A round., prsf. Norfolk Sugar T-.r.-i,.;..-irltOnt.- A Western;. H Baltimore HlPrnnsylrsnla ...... Csnadlsn ..rmor-UlHes Steel, peef-- Orest Westers ... - U Southern Hy H Colo. So., 2d praf. ClSoutbem. Pacific... Vi do 1st pref U Toledo Erie. 2d pref HH'nloa PsrlBc 1 Loalsrille I Wee tern UuloB..... Mlaeourl Psdfla j ; , v (Special Dispatch by Leaaed Wire ta Tb Joarnal) Wall Utreet, New York. Dec. . A feverish and highly excited speculation ' waa conducted oa me etoear exchsng tola morning and within the limit of tbs. brief business session many extensive swings in price- wrr recorded. The trading , might almost . he described ss dls. orderly, 'so erratic were tb fluctuation, and mess too place without any . apparent ex plsnstlon, apart from technical can. At tha opening of business a higher range ef quota tions wai established la many of tb Indus tr Is I stocks with tb railway Hat and th local tract los shares showing brregulsr and generally reactionary tendencies. Inttisl dealings la Sugar aad Amalgamated Copper la particular wero reported orer a wide rang of fluctua tions. Within th conrs of th Srst boor fW wbo Is msrket dereloped a reactionary hone, which was snperflclslly accounted for by th ex pUoatlDn that tb . bank sUteaKnt .1 would snow last week e small surplus reaervoa entirely wiped oat and that another deficit would bo reported. It waa commonly believed, bow ever, that In aucb an event th aecretry of the treaenry would feel Impelled to take soma sxtra ordinary measures looking to ths relief of tb monetary sltustlon. - When th tut. sent was published tt was - found thst Isst week's surplus reserve bad been extlugalahed and that according to today' figures tbs banks sr holding cash amounting to 1 1. 240,000 low th k-sal requirements. Tb atock market wss not msterlslly effected by tbe showing mad. - th trading maintaining th asm character previously displayed. Ths most strik ing feature of th market la tb final dealings wss Unloa Paclfle, which oa enormously Urge . Forslga ImprsrsniautT Igmsred. Further Improrement abroad . wss Ignored 1b tbo market early besvlness. although In banking circles It Is a development of note. Paris ws firm and Berlin quiet. At London there waa conspicuous strength In practically I! sections. Arbitrage desllngs wars moderate win buying on balanca estimated at about lo. 000 shsrs. Tbo bank statement showed a essh los of (T,B4l,loo, or about twice, tbe motint Indicated In. tbe preliminary eetlmate of th known move ments of money. - Loan wero alao decree eed when tha boll speculation and many advances indies ted an actual Increase. . Deposit showed th unexpectedly beery eontrsctioa o (i46T,8oo. ' The decrssaa la- th surplus iiaiti ws fS.Sll.BUO. This resulted ta dencit .la tb surplus rsstrvs of f 1.246,126. W, B. Load ta Roslga.-- - Th somber of shares .-of stock aold today waa 032,000, sgalnst 862,SS0 th asms) day last yesr. - Tbe totsl par value of bonds sold, today waa fi.40T.ouo, agsiost f2,ua,oug thV (am day east yesr. - - Bock. lalsod waa heavy at th atart. It was positively atated today that former President W. B. Leed will real an from, the board, s large pert or his stock ssvlng Been let go. Although not Siring much evidence of th fact It wss said thst Msrgoa Interests were taking a mora arrive part In balling th steels. Ustss A Co. were liberal buyer of tb oommoo. Offlclsl prices: i DESCRIPTION. Ansconda kilning Co.... 171 Amalgamated Copper Co. 9H Atchison, com. ......... Ml do preferred loft Am. Car A Foond., com.. 4 do preferred ,.l"l's 1T4 m 8TH 10S 4m 102 140H i.n 112 wis 174 loiialloi" American pngar, enm... isn American Smelt,, com.. (lor) do preferred ..1.H naitiraoro 4k liblo. com.. Ill Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 8.1 Canadian Pacific, com.. 178 mirago at Alloa, com. do preferred Chicago A G. W.. com..! 21 21 us Chi., Milwaukee A St. P.I177H Iblcago 4k . w., com... I Cheeapeakh' A Ohio, BnH Colo. Fuel A Iron, com.) 4T'i 2n BCH 41 Cc-lorsdo Southern, eom.) 2HV on wa preterrea ...... do 1st preferred Delaware A Hudaoa .... Denver A Rio Q., eon. do preferred Brie, com. ............. do 2d preferred do 1st preferred r:.t.l Illinois Central Louisville a, Nashville.. Metropolitan St. Ry.... Manhattan Railway .... Meilcan Central Ry, ... Minn., S. P. A S. M., pf. Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. A Tex., com. do nrrfwred ......... New York Central ..... Northern Pacific ,, Am. Locomotive do preferred Norfolk A West., com.. I North American N. V., Ont. A Western. Pennsylvania Railway . . Pro. 'a Oaa. I.t. A C. Co. Pressed Steel Csr, com.. , do preferred . Pacific M. Steamship Co. Reading, cm. do 2d preferred do lat oref erred ...... "80 SO 1M 1181 1S2 mi's 'iiii IrlT 10214 1WI, 8 1 itin i6 TOti TO i 117 UT H4I4 Me looi, .M'4 OS 140 HMVkl!4 1MI.I'A Ten. Iriia A Steel, coot. . do preferred ......... Rork laland. com ...... do preferred Souther Ry., com Soothers Psrlfte ....... 8. L A S. F, 2d pfd... do 1st pfd t. St. L. A S. W' com.... - do preferred Tessa A Pacific ...... Ten a. Coal A Iron i-'2 Tn4., St. L. A N, W.,comj ills' Dr f"r red , t , . A Pnhm Pacific com. ... .11.17 V 1'. S. Rubber, eom I M V. fl. Steel tin., com.... I B7V do preferred ......... 104 104A wis. Centrsl. com W. II, Telegraph Wsbssh. scorn do preferred , Centrsl lesther Ttai aalsa for tbsTday, 7,600 skates. HOGS AUD CATTLE SELL HIGHER Advance of Fifteen. Cents Is Made in the Former Early In f he Week. - SHEEP MARKET IS : FIFTY CENTS LOWER Extreme Weakness Is. Shown in the Latter on Account of th Continued Heavy Arrivals Veal Calves Drop Twenty-Five Cents in Price. Portland Union Btockysrda, Dm. B. p. ss. Llvaetock rseslnts: 1 - - - v Hog Cattle Sheep . 4.2J l.WT This week T.........v. B76 - . SH2 - Lsat week n 2"T i revluos week i owu 8 klnnlk. in .' 1.11S 281 B.4M 1,172 Many change war nown ia in uveaum msrket during th week Just ended. A waa tald rinrln the orenioua wssk. th bog mrkl continued Its Improvement and oa hlondsy tuer waa aa advance of IB cents ta tno price, im good tons la 'bog continued all through th week, tb closing bains firm with aU arrtral cleaned ap. , ' Oattla Market Ranges .Higher. Cattle snowed a great Improrement la th ton during th past six dsys snd several ad vances In tb price were abewn. On Monday to quotation advanced from 15"lo 29 cent per hundred pound aad on Friday aa advanc of 10 cent was shown. Voal salves dropped zo cents aa Wednesday .because of th leaser oo- msnd. " ' " Contrary to th general good feeling ta th livestock markst. tbe toa In sheep waa weak all through tu atx day. Receipt during tb week totaled 4.20B head a sgslnst l.BvT bead t weak ago and 2. HS bead a month ago Tw drop In tha prlca were shows during- th week, both of them being during tbo latter part. On Friday there was a- drop of 2S cent and today there fellow ed a Ilk decline. Th closing of tb work a bo we considerable dull nee a well aa weakness ta th sheep market, notwithstanding tb lower Tslues now ruling. Official livestock prices: . m.M.-., Hogs Best saatrm . Oregon, tS.S0a1B.Tfi: blocker and China fata, fo.00; atock era aad feedera. S4.0084.25. , ' - Cattle Beet eaabtra Orsgon steers, BS-BOtl .T5; light and medium steers, B2.B0; light cow. $2.S0; stockers and feeders, $2JBi buUfc Sheep Wether, 4H0c mixed sheep, iUct lam!. 45c. Cslvee Good veal, 150 to 200 pounds, rough and kesvy, 8(38He. - , Arrlrmla ef th Wssk. ' Ths following arrlrala were ibowa la th yards daring the past week : Saturday, December 2 Isn Sarag eama Ta from Amity with one doubl deck of sheep. ., Suaday-rB. J. Becker of Albany brought ta two care of sheep i Frank Dlnges of Junction cam In .with four ear of beep. Monday Mr. Harrington cam In with on car of. cattle; Kiddle Rrothsrs of Island City sent In fir car of rattles Jobs Shaw of Bebt brought ta car of cattle. Tueedax V. B. Ferguson of Amity shipped r one double deck of hog and sheep, mixed: J. xv n.vnoide of Arlington cam ..Jo with foul ear of owtthM Davie A Topssr o tlalsey bsd ta on car of bogs and sheep; 1. v. nsom oi Itsnlsharg cam In with one ear of bp and on of bog. '; . Wedneedar T. A. Cat brought m bog 'Tp"Bn"tnrnMuiw ijwiiig mug mngeHsbii Thursday 4. u. iwusinpre oi S81 sheep: Smith brother at Ohimpoeg brought In 848 heed of hep: W. A. OelUtly shipped In two car of sheep from Independence; J. go Zelglor of Oerral came In with on double deck of aheep aad bogs mixed; A. B. Ford of MeMlnnellle hsd In two car of bogs; M. M. Hoctor of Ooldeodsle cam down on tb Bailey Ostsert with SO heed of bogs. Friday A. I. Plckard of Bagn hd ta tw car of heep; 0. -D. Jones came In from Baker City with two car of esttle; K. Ssogger cam ta from La Orand with one ear of horses, en roatb to Rlreralde, California: J. C. Drl of Sbodila had tn on car of bog. wallqwajcountswool Orastt sttrid ltocls ta tha tmaop Zn4n ry la Xekt Tvrtu Wallowa, Or.'.TJee. "-Wallowa baa tone-Deep noted for It atock industry and lead sny otbek county la the atste ta the production of wooL both ta qualify and quantity. It recelred the gold medal at tb Lewia and Clark fslr for Its wool exhibit. Nineteen million pounds of wool wer exported from this county during tb sea son of IMOfl. Ninety-four tboneand bp -wr aold from tbui oounty during thl yr. Many mora could have been aold, but tb atock men do not desire to giro ap their holding si . i. t-w m MMhw foe sheen and nisei lie. ll te i" - - - - - - wool here been an Incentive te moat of them to keep their otora orer ine wunev. tvv buyers srs now. eves st tbl kt seaaoa. try ing to aegotlst for ewes st salt extravagant price. A buyer recently offered 14 per head, but had ta go out without making a pureba. a.e.e.1 ttumssnd cattl bar been marketed during tb peat month. Beef Mttta her de mand from one ronnn " - , kuk-. ...i it... thnae tn ether cent per pnwui mpw. " - - parts of Abe northwest. Th meet of all atock r . ' - .... mnA a rtnee era In here is more . - - - - tbsn thst of tha stock la other parte of thi state excepting ta th eoeat moaataln. - This country la well adapted to atock-rslslng, a all atock la very beslthy. . . . ii , k.rMn Vft Oon and Al preevm r . S0O.C0O shsep snd about aa many cattl owned by stockmen reeiomg vn.ii A trsnger anvma in MJl-" 1 - lows canyon ii ' ; LmMdJs snd upper rslley to Prslrle creek sUy T dlstsnc of more then SO mile would h plesseo to see we r - - grastrui on ine pvm -- reeent a east wealth and an a beautiful sight to gas upon COTTON CLOSED FOUR TO TWELVE POINTS OFF New TorlT Pec. B. Cotton futures closed 4 to 12 pom's lower. Offlclsl quotation by Over beck. Bran A Cooke company! ... , . - L, Open. High. Low. Clos. lltMH ll7fTS ll4'.v.1 1 202lii0.1 1wf 10 12IJMU 121 SA liaot2 11MU5I January '"4 nun wov February ....mi March .......llf Aiwtt May 1"0 1171 11T0 11H1 1210 line I2a I24 lino HP.t I2B 1210 tuns Juns" July i ia" t.ia August .. December .lin '110 MS0 .11B1-J14S UTXirOOL COTTON L0WIR. IJrerponl.'Dec. .Cotton fnturs closed week st is to SO pnlnU lowsr. Spot easy at IT to 18 point lower. 1 - KIW ORLKARS COTTON. New ' Oriean. Dee. Coltoa apet an chsnged; middlings. 12 1-lQc. - SATURDAY PRICES IN ' - THE WHEAT MARKET r 1 Tr. Mar.' ' 4 Chlrasa ......I .lA. .88 1 A" 4 Bt-'Lenula .87SB 4 -Mrlwaok-.Tr-.MHA .HA- 4 Now York .81 4 Kanaaa Clty.. .81 "aB 4 4 Llyprpool s U& s 10 Hd s 'Mlnneapoll ... ...... - 4 Duluth ....... v-..., . -8HB 4 Ban Franclco. l.H 1.4JH - a ' WHEAT UP DESPITE LOW CABLE Broomhall Estimates,' Argentine Shipments at Heavy Increase .Over Those of a Year Ago. f.-v HARVEST IS ON AND - PROVES SATISFACTORY December Makes Gain of a Half, the Greatest for the Day May Closes Three Eighths Cent Higher Cora Trade Restricted."" SATURDAY'S WHEAT MARKET. Clos. Clos. - Osta. (Toss. u . . v. ki., wv . OTl . May" A Ji?A Xi0 1.11 July JSA Jv3B O - Chicago. Doe. B. Broomhan eetlmate th Argentln wheat shipment at 12.400.000 basb- la. ne el .hnal I Aeal OOO hnslieLs lees tlisrt Isst week. Hmomhsll cab lee that barreatmg In progTsea aad astlsUctory la Argentine. ! spit th lower . cable aad th bearlah aentl. ment, th urtit ctoeea tonigni higher. The (trength aeeroed to com from short eorerin. the bears esrlr In th seestoa detecting the strong ana ef th ball Intareet stretch Ins: out ta support of the msrkst. Tbs fact that tlie armcirjel nun lmsresis m whest led the trade to think- k Is not un friendly to tb markst will llkly bring forth snpport Whs th bear- begin to get sr- B- .. . , " oera xsimosa lhvovm. rbo aanlnme rJ eorn buslnees ws much strlcted with commission house oa both aides, trading being based apoa Llrerpool rales. Tbe msrkst Is weak and eentlsient at tha moment aa hopeful. .. . Official oootation by Ovarbeck, Starr - A Cooke company: WHRAT.. Open. High. Low. Clos. Pec ...,$ May .... July ... .SS I -SnW . JteiV, JWHA . A .Sa .NO St .S44 CORN. .s .4AU OATS. .'. i .St J2K !ew Dee May , .4ita July ... M A Dee ..A , May ... 8114 . Jll A .H2 .82 1J.BT 18.B8 . T.TS T.8T T.42 T.OS T 22 July .., 81 MRSS PORK Jaa .... May ... 1B.BS U.BB t.T9 T.88 t.40 t.os T-sa 1S.A2 1SJW U.6S T TO T.S0 , as. of LARD. T.TS T.48 ' T.48 D .. . . Jaa ..... May ... T4T SHORT RIBS. Jsn T OT - T 02 T.2S . TA0 Ms ... ' . ATBXRA WXXAT SOLS. Athens, Or., Dae. B. Ths wheat In th vicinity of Athena b) practically all aold, only a few holdings being left. Tb average pries received waa OS cents per bushel. Thro hun dred and fifty thousand bos ha Is of th amount raised waa narchassd by th Preatoa-Psrttm flouring mill of tbl plscs, which I two thirds of th crop raised. Th mill paid cent mora per bushel tbsn th regular market price. The mill at operated tu transit, grinding 1.TB0 bushel every 24 hoars, and whsat is purchased by th company from all 'parte of eastern ursgon. 'mo miu nas 70s, complete s ff, 000 barrel ardor for tn orients! trad. - - PRIMARY ORAa M0TIMJRT. . Chicago. Dec, . Primary receipts t . Todsy Tear ego . ' Bush. Bush. Wheat rWtvono 047.000 Corn , ...738,000 1.020.000 Kbipmenta: Whsat S4T.000 258.000 Cora .8W.0H0 484.ts Olearancea: Wheat, 40.000 bushels; corn, bushsbi; oats. 271,000 " bnshli flour, 10, ow Ds-reia. 1 IXTZXPOOL ORACT XAJUEXT. Liverpool, Dec B. Official price : -WHBAT. - ' Cloe. December ...o 11 March os 11 May .as JO 11 CORK. Jsnusry .... 4d March ". 4s Xi CHICA00 CASK WXXAT. Chicago, Dec. t. Cash wheat ' No. S red..'...... No. S red , No. t bard Rid. Aak. ..'. i'V. .w .w . .SB ,M , .SB JT .J .10 . -XS J9 . M .87 No. S herd No. 1 northern No. t northern.... ffo. 1 spring SAJf nAVCIBCO LOCAL ST0CXS. Sua rraaclaca, Dec- S. Official Ins: Contra Costa Water ............ Sprlrg Valley Water Mutual Electric Psclflc Lighting San rrancteco Ga A Electric..., Giant Powder , Honokes Sugsr Hiitchlneou Snxsr morning clos- Bid. 7k 40 3 TSi4 1214 14T4 82 V4 23 U Ask, 4S 40H 12 13 83 SB 6 Mskawell Sugar . I'aanhaa nussr Alsaka Peckers' California Win aeeoctatlon Ocesnle Stesmahlp , Pacific Coast Moral S ma 10 I'sclflo BUtaa Talrphon OYnrxxirr bords. Rrw Tork, Dm. B. Bonds: m.a, Bid. lo-.fc Ask. 10314 lostf 104 104 H loi" 105 1X8 -I33U lUlC No. ,1 res;.. IH.I0 10 . lwoa -isos uo couei ..... No. S reg..... do con 00s 10s' 108 108 108 lo in2 132 sr a .,u !... No. 4 reg 1007 d coupon ltT No, 4 re 1R23 . . ' ton. , iwui., ............. Mmmv Die. of Cohimbls.- 8-6s..i .... I'hUlppio ss ioH 110 fc) . TOMBTOC-TMTiilitO STOCKS. : Ss Francisco, fte. S.9fflclsi price! Rid. RM. Rnllloa t ?? Belcber 27 ton. C1.A T. 1.4S Opblr ... 8.174 Caledonia .... JM Sarag .,.....$ jt Potoal 12 I'hloa Cob. .... .50 Yellow Jacket... .IS exchequer . . .88 . Mexican ....... l.Ho lisle A Norcross. I. If) Ands ......... ,23 I Scorpio .18 BOSTON C0PPXR MARXXT. Bos toa. Dsc. Offlclsl copper clos! nid. Win r A1 ventur ... 7. 00 A Hones 41.BOA Atlantic 24.23 'Osceola , Paevn .. ill. 00 . B2.O0 I BO 10B.00 S.00 84 7S -2 2H 7.7S 124 00 SPTB 107 7j 87 TB ABO B 00 u. 127 Bo . 8S.TS Phoenix Bingham .... S4rl2Vi Oulncy Calumet ...1. STS.IKI Centennial ... So. 00 Copper Range. SI. TB Daly Weet ... IT Bo Kim River ... S.SO rrsnklla 1S..00 ilreene Copper 2M BO (frsnby ...... . 10.00 Mess ........ 10 2A Michigan 17.7B M.awa . tlerada Con... " lo.isj Vnrth Rntre.. SI on Old Domlnioa. 84. TS Hheile lelaad.. Royal 4ant P Shsnnoa Tamarack Tenn. Copper. irtnlty , I'nlted Copper. Ctah Victoria ...... Wloona rV'olverlns ..jr. U, a. Mlalns.s ' '.,. NSW TOtK BANK STAttMIJlT."T" 1 Nsw Tork, Dot, t-Baak statement: Decrease. Reserve .,,, .$3 all. f"l do lea tl. S .-i. B U ('T losn T Vll.,"- Specie i. ................ , A.317 im lrals , 1 S"oi epnelt 14 t" . ' HOP LIEII ARE READY TO HOID General firm Stand ; Taken Among the producersu-f-Not So Easily Fooled. , (Special Dispatch bs Tba Jooraal.) ladspsodenca. Or., Dec. 9. Tbe bop market kaa beva very ulst k. this district tb past week. Th bop grower generally are ataad tng firm and ratnatuinf for another SO days, which woald Indicat that thsy tntesd holding for battsr pries. On as Is waa mad today. Alrla Crarea sold bis crop of SS bale to Urea ley, agent for D. C reman Horat company, for 10 cents. Tbl la tba crop that Toong A Dorcaa clslmsd to bare bought and threatened alt for Boo-dcllrary.. Crarea claimed they bad misrepresented th facta to him. aa ha said they clslmsd thsy war paying tb top plica. Tha aals was mad over the. 'phone, but aftar corn tag to tows aad finding ba had not been offered tbs top pries Crarsn refused to datives tb hops. Dorcas Xonng trted ta nrereni Horst from taking tb bop, but Lfvesley, Horat'i representative, sempled and accepted th hope todsy. Dores A Yosng ar agents for Riaber. Wolf A Nettor company. At the first of - tba-atsaiia -ber-a -aamber-of larg sales wer reported made, bat whoa tb time earn for delivery tha buyera refused to accept th hops, while ta tha mean tune they bed picked np number of amall lota oa tb strength of the large aales reported made at low price. Th growar are now ante raw move sod sr not so -easily threwa ff tbelr guard by th pear reports. Bop Sold st Tea Oeat. En cone. Or.. Dec. B. Mrs. Edith B. Llntoa of this elty bs sold bs 108 crop of bops, 180 bale. e B. Clemens. Horst A CoT, at 10 cent per pound. She recently sold lot of her ISO crop st about half that agar. Tory few sale r being made her now. There t belief among mm of tba grower that th msrkst will b better la to near inure. jrrw tork oomi iijlrxzt. - New Tork. Dec. 8. Coffee tutors eloaed 23 polnu lower, utnrisi prices Bid. Aak -1 Bid. Aak. Jssasry ...SB 20 S4.2B Pebrusry ... S.2S S.B0 March ..... 8.80 ASS July ... ,.( 80 $S. W ,. a. TO ATB August September 8.80 8.88 April U.v .....a .mj .. ,-,- . . . w.w , m Ko w -. s as a -a , , ,.-a SS SIN) SOB fun , ABB AB0I December .. A IS 8.20 BXW TORK CASK OOTTZB. Now Tork, Dec. ' Oaah coff: No. T Bio, S l-o Be. a nanioa, sue. TriwoPAK xnmin) stocks. Sam rranclsco, Doe. . Toaopab atock. fa cial close: - s Bid I ma. Dili .07 Montans .......$2.8214 Midway 1.4T4 Kendall BS MeNamsra ....a .IMS Columbia ML ... .11 Belmont ....... I.BTft Jumbo .88 North Star 7 Rosea ........ .08 Gold Mountain.. .08 Jim Butler .... .88 Narad ........18 TB Red Top S4 Ton. Extension.. f.B0 OordBeld ....... .88 Adam 07 Mohawk .22 Denser ........ .SB clips ......... .81 West End 1.20- Rmplr 04 Uunibo Exteu..., .IS Blsrk Butts XI tiolden Anchor.. .82 Silver Pick 12 Key A O'Brnm.. .00 - Ohio Tooopsa.... .an o. Bun rrog.... ,i IHsmondBsld ... .82 Lons 8 tar ...... .07 Homo .......... .18 Cash Boy .18 Atlanta ........ .iu field Bar ...... .Bl Suras ......... .08 PJISSEDIIT Agent for Unknown Railroad Looking for Bridge Site at ; v Camas or Washougal. BOTH TOWNS ANXIOUS """TOnSECURErOROSSING Prune Seaaon in Clarke County Ends Earlier Than Usual With Crop Much Lighter but of Quality Far Superior to That of Former Years. (BpsctsI Dispatch to Ths Joirraal. ) Vancouver, Wash., Doc. . For tba last two weeks a land asent, thousbt to be In ths employ of ths Milwaukee road or the Oregon Water Power At Railway company, has been At Camas And Washouts, In this county, endeavoring to secure land Atona the north bank of the Columbia rlrer, suitable. It Is sup posed, for a railroad bridge site. , As yet the land agent has not succeeded in closing a deal on any . waterfront land. although several tracts are under con sideration. Unlike the conditions In this city, the owners of waterfront property at Camas and Washougal are anxious to secure the railroad bridge and are 'not holding their land at an enormous price. While this land agent Is at work look ing up a bridge site, right-of-way men are engaged In securing right of way for the Vancouver A -Suburban road from a point east of Proebstel to a point on th Columbia near Camas. It 1 well known that the real backers .of the Vancouver At Suburban -are men Identi fied with the Milwaukee, "hlch glvee weight to the rumor that the site for a bridge across the Columbia ' st Lady's Island is being sought by the Vancouver A Buburban people. Manager J. H. Sugg of ,th Vancouver AY Suburban aa y that he has secured a large part of the right of way for hl road between Hockinson and the elty limits of Vancouver. .J . "Should -th "Vancouver council grant our franchise ai now aaked for we will Onlsh up securing the right of way at once and It la our honest Intention, In that case, to have dirt flying by or before the first of February. - Should the Van couver council turn down our franchise we will abandon the project so far as that part of the line betweea this city snd Proebstel Is concerned." "t Manager Sugg stated that Ti la not yet ready to make publlo the plana of his company, further than to state that If the Vancouver council will not grant the company a franchise the road wlP be built elsewhere. PRUNE CROP LIGHT. SsaseR Bads Barllse Tbaa Vaa-tal WlSk t, Quality ef th Beat. : (Special Dteeatrb to Tb Joarnal.) Vancouver, Wash., Doo. . The firune ViirJCOUVERrMBt OVBKttLSCIC, tiTAR.' ! v. Member Chlcwso F iff' oxaxb, rxOTi; ;;:r c" . - 101 Third ffiree J " ' VT3 D f "a " Contlnurm Marhcts tv j u- , s TiHoi, I ' FRUITS ARE SLOVJ FRISCO Market Makes but Feeble Re sponse to the Extra Satur . ' day- Demand. ; POTATOES ARE SENT TO THE PHILIPPINES Poultry Trade to Quicken Over the Holidays No Drcsssd Turkey Are Now Coming Wheat Options Are Dull. :':' . 7-Trrl ' (Special Dispatch by Leased Wlr t Th Joarnal) rranclsco. Dee. . Tbs fruit msrkst swdo-a feebla rssponss to sn xtra Sunday sa-leeeA oeeoanti- bat there vrse not-- log of special Interest to not otherwise. Ther were ao change of note tn receUbleo and the markat wss quiet throughout. Th scsamer iMrie took mt 4,100 erstae of potato ror Manila. . Mo business wss effected oa th cbng and price and cvBdttkm remained aa prertoualy Quoted, Tbo receipt for tb 84 bow war 12.IM0 pound of batter, 6,5u I okeeee and SATS doaao- egi. Bsaltrr Trad to OalokMk la tb poultry Una will anteksa) aa tbs holiday season approaches. Tbo market wss steady for good and choice offering. No drsssed turkeys came ta tbe commlsetow-housas. ovmo sura os sm ma a miio wuw. 'Whsat Tory Ball, . - .-' : OorinBS la wbast weria ' veer dull todar. December was unchanged and May adraaced H per cental. Th apot market was mi let aad ataady. at anchaaged prices. - Thar was a Rood cash demsad everywhere. New Tork reported that Chicago waa baying freely there. Thirty load were take for export. . Urerpoo declined and Paris advanced. - - - BMambar Barley Osia. December- barley adranced 1 per.cantal and lay th same. Dry weather had a aUffsalud effect. Boot barley waa Srm. Oats, cora and bean were unchanged. Tbs Soar7 shipments to tb orient today war 8, TBS barrel to China. 8.0HO to Japan. A 000 ta Manila aad TB to Keraa. Tb market was ane cbaagad all around. tABTMUl BOOS laOrTBBe Cbtcsgo, Dae. 8 Ltvsstock ' recslpts: Hntre Cattl Rhe Chicago .:. .....SS.onO 8o e A0OU Ksnsas City T.OoO .. 500. ..... Omaha 8,000 - 100 -..... Hogs opened a shade lower, with 8,100 left over. Receipts yesr ago wer 18,000. PHcts: Mixed, 4.tnti.02W4; good, ft 843 S. OH HI rough. 84 B4.oOi light, 84.883.0. CsHW-Stroug. 4 8bp Stroog, ... " : aaJ , minsi n mfliniflO TTSJf. It bss beea snsouaced thst M. B. Bosworih bss wtthdrswn from tbe cemmualoa Srm of Darenport-Thompaoa company. - The Interest of Mr. Boeworth wss purchased by H. C Thompson, wbo will ba la tall aontrol el tb Arm bereattar. season In .Clarke county la over. This year It was of short duration.-. The I. K. ArmsDy, n,euy--iBra, rrenco MIU Plain planta have aU closed down after short runs, averaging about on jjyrdJLJstiftd-g .... The quality of the prunes this year Is far 'above the average, due partly to the scarcity. In growing prune to be put up- aa specimens orchardtsts often thin out the crop one half; this proceaa not only enlarges the prunes but a lea gtvea them a much richer flavor. The prune crope have been so uncer tain POJPS OW TaM "-., growers are disengaging la the bualneea and neat year will undoubtedly" see .... !. a i.a a a a a,1ata,- , ,l0 1 Clarke county. In certain aectiona of the oounty .prune orchards are betas replaced by apples. Peaches to a con siderable extent ar finding thelf.way into the Fruit valley district,- Tire Cannae Oo-xmoHiWm. (BpsctsI Phrpatcb to The Jimaal - - Vancouver. Wash., Dec . Preon in the fvlclnity. of Third and Waabrne ton streets this evening thought, they were to see one of the worst fire. Vaa oouver has ever-had. The cause waa the bunting aut of a chimney la tha large wooden' structure) formerly occu pied by Webber's implement store. In the same block with this building are several similar ones, all of them flr trape. The fire shot several feet above the roof of the building, but. eooa died: out. the -fir department not evaa betas -ailed nnon- for aaalstanoL' tn s iTrnnnfi Trt I MOT A I I VVHIIODUrkU IU IIIOIMkb A FILTERING PUHT . i fl. -I.I ra-.a. la. TK Xoal - - WaiUburg, Wsabj.. - Dee. . Wai ta bu rg haa decided 'to Install a gravity filtering plant at a coox ox swm I.. iniA a cntrent with tbe Waltsburg Eloctrlo Ught company to pump what water the city will tie aad keep the pumps and motors in, repair Cnw a natloai CI t A V.arS fftP BM foliCtlX of the gross receipts of th water de partment. This plan ta expect w solve WaiUburg water probletav : ' ' ' " Bew Bafe Install ed. ' , V ' (Special Dlspatcb to The JoeraaLI - , ' Forest Orove, Or.. Deo. . The a-raf safe for th Farmera' and Merchanta bank waa put in yeaieraay. sinew in robbery the bank baa attended to boel ness without an bour'a delay. Th nets safe will not be lncloeed la th vault, but will be In eight ef passwraby.- It la thought that any attempt at robbery will thus" bo mora easily detected. Oaytos Wants Carnegie XUbrary.. 'Dayton, Wash Dec . Step to se cure a publlo .library for Dayton have beta taken by several prominent buat ness men. ' A committee composed ef Dr.' Pietrsyckl. O. B. Baker and T. M. Hanger was appointed to solicit A dona tion from Andrew Carnegie. -a, aa aa, . Voswak mvns Bohool Tarn. . Forest Orove. Or.. Peo. I. -The sch1 board voted this afternoon a IH mill tax. It is probable that a teacher for the ninth grade will he added the com ing year and th tas la such ss ta moot th extra cspc"- BOWVTsrav orTws s- cov (Astsbllshed lst. . ! WXXAT AXP 8T0C-; T Boom 4, ' ' " CI' Clroulatbai Iwt,-j i