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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
THE ; OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, , DECEMBER 10. 1905. 23 PERSONAL, ln.m.1 nlld ia Hrother William. the ' Ouaker rlalrvuyaBi aad palmlet. st SIS uMHl St., -. Sixth. H tola f mt putrMrueot in w nxarrlaga and b great euposttloa w haw ha from tb ld i-le a ud tee man wn w ao njuco "-'- Tn elalrvovsut tells ' slisll skip nnd ws shall b forgiven f t 1? th nsat Vo know true Ion nvr rune smooth this hss surely Mr blaw ana wrrie one- , m i. nut he arov it an seer. - : much truth It will do you food te go snd eo blm: bo la a wonderful msn im oeei tm eoosulted. Ua gets dsws to ths trutA. Mia charges an low. FRANK K.-C CONFIDENTIAL, mertlcsl sdir to w"-' trest eieeeecs or worn " , ,1 with unvarying sce sU fmahi fna ma eiignien nw , - complicated Internet trouble.: maternity ease given speclsl sttentlou, prlvsi Baspltsl ao comsMdatlua; professional Isdy nurae m tendanos; eoneultatlo and advice Radium Mertlcsl Institute Third end Aider sts.. entranc 151 Alder at Portland. VrflTltal-Fowwl tablets artll ivar roatln eoep, vim and rigor of II vo arc lacking 41 the power f vitality. It Ua resulting from Indiscretions and Bxccaaea, ' send for a box of these tsbleta aad b earn W ot their merit BT,- 81 Tba Armetrong Tablet Oa 'a., awe Telsm blk.. Detroit. Mlrblgsn. OR. ArSPLUND. nM of tam and sue. gW. MS Alieky bldg.. Tblrd aad Mmrlnoa. SPECIAL NOTICE TO WOMEN Det rtah roar live by aa operattoa when yo ena , bTVred by h.rmlees method.; eWctrletty J : araperly applied will aa Ufa wbara opa- tTSTkin.; W. aaaaeaa tba lateat laTaotloa t- to eoatrol Vdtaaaaea twrallar to worn". Or. W J Nara. II. R.. llfttMl Klerfrtrlaa. OI flea Tit niknm bk. Pboaa Bad Offtc . boara -. 1 DETECTIVE AOKNCT Cooddeatlal tBTeatV ntloaa; report nada aa lodlrldaal baali aeaa or propertr: ajlal rrlatlrra lotated; bad dehta eolVerted: rharfea waaooabWsaer. , rranoadaar aollHted. . Orefroa J"" .' Waablna-tna at Paoo Mala Sdla. w :MBS. ANNA H'CKBY aad miBI. WARS ara - aow loeatvd at S. Tarter at.l prtartpala h tha Aaierlnm- Beeaty Parlora. ". a ton , aralp dlaraara; all klnda of hatha alrea; aleo ' ' trie aiaaaara. maolrnrlnf and chiropody: alaa MadaaM Karrow'a faawua ramartlra; aadafar ttua ruraataad. Paoaa Mala aatH. . tr.n. Paltna Tableta aaaka Toa alrap par feet lr; tber mre aarroaaataa aad maka ra at renal ' artca aur a boa. boiaa IJ K! raaraataao. ' All drurlata, nr addrvea Brooka Drue Co, T Nurtm Third at-. Portlaad. . IIANLT algor featured bf Dr. BobaTta "erra ' Gkmblaa. Oaa asontba treatment. $; I jaoatha, IS; ftent aeeorelr aealrd br aiaU. Acaata. Woodard. Clarfca i Co.. aMrtUad. Or. . t.NiilJMH praia paddbita asada ta arder. Phoaw . Main avA. .. BOOK8I Rrra tber ara: "DaCTtrwroa," Ho. Umeroa," "A Hot Taaialr." "raanr B," Twantr Teara a raker." "rorblddea rralt' BOc aaeb; Uata frea. A. Bchiaala. gat tirat at. : VOBT powera rertored by tha raat Dr. LoraBB'a Nerre Tonle Tablets: e per box. ' , boxea (nr fi ts. Write or call at KraarU'a Pbaraue. '327 MMrlaoe, bat. tat aad d. ' LADIES Toa appear reara raancea. ra KMrra an wrlnklra, hare akla Ilka nlret br aalnf Orefoa, Orapa Bkla Food. i'aona 1J67. ; WHT lira aloaa wbea rm .caa aarara a Ufa ermpaatoa br Jolnlnc tha Interatata latro. doeina- Borlat, aad meet or correapoad with re potable . parama of that aaetioe. Baaar wealtbr; the November reirlater. 10 renta. ' Balta M BaaaaU bids. Phoaa Padfla KM. Bl'ITS praaaed while roa watt. 60s. Ladlea aklrta preaaed. Or. Gilbert ln ill U at. aaxt to Quelle. Paooa Clar SOB. DIAMONrXI. WATCHES. JBWEl.RT. BOUGHT, 8rtl.D OR BTCHANOED AT UNCLE MTBPS, PIONEER MONEX LENDER, lid THIRD Xn NEAR ALDER. PREB eample earn, btjntoa and wart rnra. Bd wta U been. dept. E. Taantaa. ltoaa. - TCRKI8H BATHS, on OrrfronUa blif.; kadi el - dara. (entlemea alfbta. Mala 1S3A, - - WANTKD Te know tba arbaraabcatr of William Stepbea Smith, formarly af Loa Aaaralsa. .'. Address KoUmc. has 12S. Bnta Barbara. California. PREB as oat of tows perron. or lateat rata- lotrna af fancy work, pll tone. Me47 aUrftaahltw and twnellrra. Tha- Crsft Shop, SOT AUaky bide, Portland, Or. DOtiUT hoapltal; repairing aad dr Baaing;. Xaaa .. hlU aad West Park ata. BINO CHOONO, importer af Chinese mot medi cines ; sella Chlneee tea that la certain cars ' ' for all dJaiana. . W Seeoad bat. Xaxahin and Taylor. , END B. B. RICH. PORTTAND. ORBflON. Se OR- 3S ASSORTED SOUVENIR POSTAL. BEND for fraa list at rat prices sad eloatrtng . rates oa Bxasaalnan. Jonas' Book Stars, SUi Alder at -DR. ATWOOD. IS Bnassll bbuT.. IARV4 Poorth at. Female dlsaaaea aad oonflDtmenta takca and: cared fori opsa araalags. Ooosaltatioa MRS. Sopbla B. Se(p, earraaraatrlat. auraaa aad nropnetess; aatiy lu to B, I to s: eircies Tuesday and Prtday. S p. m. S4S4 Tarahlll, ear. rwreaatb.1 racinc itaj. aomaar seeni - aaastlnga Draw hall. IAS Second at. 'DBS. M. A. NISBETH. Bwedlea anedaltera. eurea rheamstlanm. kidney, atomsch and Uyer troubles, rhrsale anostlpstloa, obealty aad all , chronle aad nereoaa dlaeaaea; no draga; as , knife: (10 per month. Conaaltatloa and denv eaatratlofia tree. Hood 1822. 41 1 Morrison at HA VB roa Been ear holiday eneclalat (1. Sta- nia, uires. rirta ana wasningion. THB SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO.. 011 De- kam blag., agente for the celebrated Moantala Ross reoedles: cores all female trnahlea, sls ' atomsch aad near troublea; annaaltatloa fraa. ORDER OP WASHINGTON Foremost fraternal society of nnrthweet; protects tha llrlsg. Oil Marqoam bldg., rartlaad. Oregon. airr married: Ideal plan, neat rsaulta; aend 10c , . tor panicniars to (OS raeilia vofraaapasnjenww Linn. Alma, Oregon. BALM OP PIGS for all female diseases. 02r) - East Belmont, Pbooa Main 48.12. . THE CHICAGO DTK WORKS ara atlll doing . baalnesa at nS Waalilngton at, under new management; ladles' and gentlemra'a clothing ' cleaned and preaard: all band work 1 repairing : ox ail ginaa a spacisity; bsthzsctiob guarsn , teed. Call pbona Brown 4X2. Prompt sary. Ka tor -aus sad aeiireries. : BED-CROSS atanda for relief: aneclally treat i . mg diriralc and prlTsia dlsessca. Cor. M and . ... ' ASS, . . . . .., WANTED Tn meet lady between 25 and SO yi-ere of ago. who wishes fa attend tha dancea this winter. Address H 4, Jimrnsl. . DR. WORt.ET BENJAMIN, tba Foot Specialist, 8r4 Waehmgtan at Hood 004. Sore fast " raaue anaoo. TIM. VIGOR. VITALITT Da Pont1 at Ctea , Kola Tableta. Nature's great tonic for either sex. 2Ae by . mall. Albert Bernt. Second Bad wasnisgioa. aaesr, t'orwsna. ur. .' RETIRED dncfor, i. lonely, gettefmia and wealthy.- wlsnee lady eaiereepondeats: nnject mairiawmr. oarraa rtoi iut, uag rark, III 01 Rl attending I-add ernnol wsnts olace tn work for hoard: woman wanu place aa housekeeper se- rssmoerwera. - rnona Vlay 7;a. OKRMAN man with country home dealrea as qaalntsnce respectsbls woman under 40; ' ah- : jeee. anseruejonyi T'-a,fmniBl-- : ' ASTHMA, brnnctittle. permanently eared: akin rsBcers, goitres and molss remAeed: chronic 'diseases a specialty. lr. Vooaa. 1X1 H Plrat - "WAKTED Reenectshle, antnmmhered wamak aood anoearancB. seder 45, aa anuarkeener. widower, plan country home. 230 4 XamhlU. I I -none Main nais. T. R If It salts you better te write, andrest MASEI. Thongbt rm would arentnally learn enmethlna- gtxal. and then yon won 1I not hare anew a bad ofilnlna of me; now. what aay yon to having aa earnest conversation) Frl- gar anils ata. juiiii 1 1 mm u so, ihit mm i niu aiweee kmrw ma to he truthful. If - iteelr eie se a witness tn -mr behalf, let ki know. Tonr letter recelTea ana nnatr etanej iniiy. rit. . . . . a. 1 u-i.w Mil t eeeee MMill stuleV stand you. Hae csrtalnlr tried In arsr taMlhle wa ro nroTS worthy. Send a sur- pejee. 01 H. DAVE That waa a eery pecallar affair and awfntty one litrd It rook tne a lon while ' te yet w tee Now that I know tha lay will act onus uirreeewt j. n. LAMr -Send Ksr sflrer for psrtlcnlars sbnnl anr "I'rotsvuir." - bug S42, Mioneapulls, Mlua. a at a a k I II S 1 -tlt .lalf i'. X ITWifl T. i rft mm 7 ART EMPORIUM. PKOrEHHOR R. MAX METER, S4S Aider. Portrait sad Jano weans artlat and teaeber. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COVET. Fifteenth and Alder, agent for Cadiliar ana tierce antoaieoiies; bm earner rented, repaired and atored. ASSAYERS. QARVIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO, Bad Montana Assay or nee, lea aaornaoa at. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, ana Cnuroerrlal blk.. eoond and waabinitoa eta. rootle Mala Ha B. P. BURLEIOO, tawrer, 121 Grand are.. Eaat rortiana. EDWABD T. TAOOABT, attorney and aelor. 4ia cnamher or com neroa oiag. ACCOUNTANT. B. H. BIOSSOM. PTBLIC AtX.OlNTANT. ' ( ' Batata, corpjuratloa and aeneral acceanta. tl Chamber of Commerce. I'aoos Mala 17W4. CHABI.ES B. PFAHLET Pnbllc auditor aad expert acconntant Roobi 7, Coamner r Commerce bldf . -BLANK-BOOK MAKERS.- HOWE. DAVIS 4JIILHAM. 100-111 Seeottd at Blank book mannfarturera; agrnta Inr jonea Imnrored Loose-Lesf led rrra; aea tba Bew Eureka leaf, tba beat on tba market BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. 8. BIRKENWALD CO.. r4Hn6 Eeerett at Larteat batchers' supply hones aa tba coaea. BATHSMASSAGE. TOUNO lady rteea yannr. alcohol aad medicated hatha. . Parlor 17, 2Wtt start. THB 8NOWKKN BATHROOMS Two lady at tendants; nt "4 AKier at,. Dei. rooriu in Plfth: tab and yapor and naasaca. Pboaa Main 5U. MISS ENGLISH klrea ssedlcated hatha and tnairnetle treatmeut lor rncamauam. , lot Sixth at ..... TWO yoang ladles glra baths aad Hi aaaa e. 11014 4th at., ear. waah. . BLACKING. WERPOOT Blarklmt, absolutely WBterpranf, pre- eerree the leather, makes aboea wear 00 per rent Inacar- Par aals) eTerywhera, 10 Bad 46 aenta. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST JIT. OEOROB ORMONDE. Karptlaa aeor. 2NR4i T. H 11 1 U e ... . WJ 1 Ull. ,u,l., M 1"T1 , U' traDoa median; greatest sdelaer lorr, bual sees, alcknwta. mines, . treaaure. changes, oer nera. family treubles: brings bark Wired one; aaltea aenarated; reading by mall (2, tasa- tloas; tells STerytblng.. MRS. STEVEN SJtoUknd lea dl ng palmist. aetromgiet ana apiniuaj iirereaner, can give Important and reliable facta about tba peat praaeBt and future. ISO Seeenth at. app. Hotel Portland. Phone Padfla "14. MME. WARD, adentlflc card reader, and cUtt- yoyant ; a reading for zne. 301 H Morrison at-, room IS. Pbooa Main IMS. MME. HELONIA. EGVPTIA The psychic life render, sctentinr palm sit. aairomisi. occuii teacher and healer; Kgrptlsa Tarot card res tier. Second, and Morrison ata. MADAMB RHEA, spiritual rardraadr and palmist; resdinga dally: apeclal. ladles xuc, gents one. Soli Clackamas, eaat aide, aeal steel bridge CAFES. THE OFFICE 2SS Washington st 171. Samuel vignesu. CHIROPRACTIC POSITIVELY core sll forma of rhsamattsin Dr. nva Hngaa. ZflS nan at. l-noos Ma is oua. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. EKRERG-OUNST CO. . Dlatrlbutora of PINB.CI0ABR. : Portland. COLLECTION AGENCY. DORS snvbndv owe eon anr money T Wa collect wages, notes, Mats, Dosraniiis ana nna aenrs of sll kinds; gsrnlsbees served: old Judgments collected; so cbsrge an lees successful. Office boura S a. m. to 8 p. m. : Sundays. 0 a. m. to IS m. Northwestern Lew A collection uo.. ya Urarul are., nioma 14 and la, over u sens' bank. Telephone East 4424. DOES any one owe roa money 1 Wa collect bad debts of all linns. va uraua eve, 14 and 15. Phone Eaat 4424. CLEANINO AND DYEING, YAMHILL CLEANING PRESSING CO. Work railed ror ana aeiiverea. a-nooa vej 3H2. 247 Vsmblll. Portland Steam Cleaning Dyeing Works: nrse- tlcel batter la oonnectloa. xii tn. Liay 11c. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed 1 per month. I'utqna Tsiionng is., si wmwh e h. W. TURNER, professlooBl dyer snd aseanar, BOB Jefferson at I'nour Main xois. NEW proreaa lacs carta Is cleaning, DOS to 1 " . mi , If-nun imiamai CARPET-CLEANINQ. STANDARD Carpet Cleaalng Co.. largest plant on the roaat xrbig and 11ardlng ata., tele phone Eaat 2S0 arpeta cleaned, rentteo, aewed and laid: both ateam and lateat aonv oreesed sir process; ranorallsg bmiubbbsb sue feathers a apuctaitr. SANITARY carpet cleaning, awcttoa and cosv . . . . . 1 . la aIumuI fWMW pi 1 im, i ir nnnuiRrni i i-i. . i wimnui rryiiwi. .m, , CARPETS Vlesned on the floor: wa rstsa aw oat PBons cisy wirrea oenannrrno COMMISSION MERCHANTST LRNSCH BROS, commission merchants. Sour, feed, bay snd produce .262 to 200 Front sr. rnona sisin wars. EVERDING FARRELL. pcodoee and commie, alon merchants. 140 Front St., Portland, Or. Phone Msln lTO. - CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE eenckerr snd glssswsr. Prset, ttegeie m to, lisj to liaj rirrn, cor. ntsru sc CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS " WOOn.esrntrrrhnn(leeirTO! Belrtng Snd Johblng- store sad office flstarea nam. anep ami ueramma. aisib nan. WASHRURNB A FLOYD, wagon hwtlders sad gesersl Job ork. 0 5th at Pbona Hood tee 1 1 .1 F. R. V ANDERHOOF, carpenter and Jutbir. JM7 Stark -at. Phona Mala 74T. WV. FISHBKCK, carpenrar; repairing and J..B- blng dune, zwi nurnsioe st i-nooa main nasi, COAL AND WOOD. UNO COAL CO. Kola atenta for tha haw DlaiaoBd roali try It and ra will alwaya bar It. Wy ooilnc and Waabrngtoa hooaa coal. VhrKlnla and Waabltuttoa aoiltlilnc ouala; fall welubt fnaraateed. Tat. Mala 4430. A, U Rteptieoa, aiauaarer.. CnURCHLBT BROS, bare Daeta at. ts 49 Kearney at ar llth: la Bow tba Unreal woodyard la tha rltr. rarrr- la all klnda af awod aad aoaLMaiBMi. GRROORT AV MORRIS, aorraaaora to Cala MrKaaa. dealers la wood and aval at fewest pHeea: aatlafact1oaa?naranteed. Car. Taatk and M. Pbooa Mala 4HT5. WESTERN Feed Fuel Co.. aa Front, beturosa O Ilea a aad Hoyt, dealers In sll kin af boass enaia and blacksmith ess Is. Pnons Msla lOli. - ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la tuidnaad. anal aad green and dry slabwood. R. kt. aad Al bina ara., 1 block aaat af tarry. East S74. STEEL BRIDGB FCEL CO. Dealers Is coat cordwood and dry slabwood. Pbooa East 424. TRY EAOI.B LUMP" COAL, H ton $2. ton T Henka, 14S N. Sixth. PaeiflB S43. ORBGON FTEL CO An kinds of coal and wood. BOS Alder st Phone Msla Bo. KIRK HOOVER. Ml Wata at. wood nam aosi Pbona Msln 4RB4. FULTON WOOD CO. Pbona Pacific aad for dry and green slabwood. - - DANCING. WOuOWARD'S dancing school af tbaWeatarn Aea.lemr of Mualc. Mondar. and TVurertay. Spectators Invited. Lsssnns COo, Dancing to II. enr. Kecoad aad Morrlsos. DETECTIVES. TELL w your troubles; wa never sleep; evidence traced In civil and criminal cases. K. U llenlnger. Boa soil. DRESSMAKING. ANGELES DREHKMAKNNO PARLORS Holi day Specula. BiMrtwalete. T6c up; shirtwaist suits. S3 upj tailored anils. $T up. Madams Angeles. . Phone Psclflc H2. Btora open avenlnga. 242 fifth and Msln. KRISTER'S LADIES TAILORING COLI BO", 203 nnd 400 Allakr bldg.t write for booklet. DRESSMAKING Strictly ap B Satai latest signs. 4 Ctay at. DRESSMAKING, first-class and up-to-date: rhargea reasonable. Tel. Mala 1&22. ; Call 414 Flftk at. 1JLJ DOG "ANDTH0RSEH0SP1TAL. DR.C.E BROWN. D.T.S..D.C.M DoaJlorss hoa Bltal.2H7 Bornalda. Phones: Maio40H6; Pse.440. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. KORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENtHNEEJUNO Compsny. MS Stark at. Portland, a K. for aver thing In tba electrical Una. Pnena Mala 168. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Fnalneeea, coutrae-n-a, repairer, electric wiring, supplies. 04 First, aor. Stark. Msla HO. R. H. Tata, mgr. FURNITURE, FACTORIES. OREGON rami tore Mannfaetnrlns Compaajr . Maaafaetneera at fumltnra fur tha trada. Portland. Or. - .. .. " . - FTRNTTTTSR maanfactaHng and special orders. L. Bnrsnskr's farattara factory. tTO Front at FRENCH BAKERIES. THE cnlr place la Portland to gat French bread. Barrare Maylle. 407 SUth st Dally deliv ery. Pbona Greea 60S. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-air fnraeees ssv fast, J. G. Bayer rurnsrs on., xno nseona. main wju ' GRINDING. Rasnrs. knives, scissors abatpensd tn psrfee, tlon. Karlson aV Co- 40 N. dth. Puctfw 70S. GROCERS. I WADHAM8 CO., wholesale grocers, mano Lfacturera snd commission axoreuauta. aoartk ana van blb. MMMMew.MMH, ALLEN LEWIS. OTmmlsstoa snd prod nee mer chaats. Front nnd Da via ata.. PsrtUna. Or. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co aoltclta opportunity ouote prices. ia 1st at, aor. aioer. msm HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. 4TOOPEB 4V CO. Pots toss, feed ai flour. 128 Union ara. rnona nasi ion. HOTELS.' HOTEL Pendleton. Pendleton. W.A. Brswa. mgr. HOTEL PortUsd. Amsrlcsn plan: IS. IS par dap. HOTEL St Oeorgs. Pendletoai Vssdlng hoteL BELVEDERE: Enroneaa piss; dth and Alder ara. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. " 42B-0 Mohawk bids, aor, Marrlaon and Third. Ladles sr Gentleman. No PnLUdty. If yon borrow f 20 you pay back 11.80 a week. ' If yon borrew $25 yoa pay back 1.05 a wsek. If yog borrow t'0 you par back 2.00 a wsek. It y borrow :i5 yoa psy bark $2.38 a week. If yon borrow fno you psy back 13.00 a wsek. Payments suspended In rasa of sickness. Strictly Salary Loans. -. ms- rardntNT IiliN CO- 428-0 Mohawk bldg, ear. Morrlana and Third. MONEY TO LOAN) rna ImneejeeA eltv nrensetv or for hofldlnS 1 ayirpnsss. Any amount oa from to 10 y Burs' time, with prtvtlsgs to repay all or part of loan after ana year. Losne an , nmred from plana and money advanced aa balMlsv progreeaeei ssartgagaa taken ap and rapiacei. r . FRED B. BTRONO. Financial A goat. 42 Stark Street. TTt STAR LOAN CO. Any Salaried employe. wc -earner, ana gst aa bib not, witnont mortgage - Month, u Month. Week. gnn.fio Repay to (M M ar (A., or SS M 19n nn i,i, h 1111 gft an nr ki ss 119.00 Repay to as i d on or $2-00 at $100 sto Mensy nioar- WHY PAY RENT when wa can tarnish yon money to hoy or rmlld yoa a homel SMALL MONTHLY REPAYMENTS with LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Drop a card, or call on J. H. Hubbard. State Agent. 202 E. Morrison at nturiBT so man, usienea neopie. rmamrm. www.. . without securtty: easy psyments: taixeet ' hnalneea In 40 principal cities. Toixaaa. 22 Ahlngtoa bldg. Phona mala nsor. , MONET to Iran on real, personal and collateral . security; special attention to chattel mart v pges; notes hnnvht C W. Palls,. S04-S rentoa auig, m hixtb bx. HIOHLY rssneetsbl plsea wkere tadfea and senie can irrrnw sooner 7 n 1 . . . . . e..b . Bio ' W,. irenry. leiiiieni tmm iwm, mw ington ex. rnona Biacs ti. CHATTEL Insna la snwinnrs ranging from la to SS.onS; roomtng nonsk a apeciniiy. n Era Loan Trnat Co., BOS Ahiogtoa bldg. wa k . -h at... Imm nm smut security T lowesi rsten: special nip.ui e ' ' - chattel loan. I OS Morrison St. MONEY to loaa la earns of from $3.0" to ga ooni terms to salt thd Borrower. tnO-10. Commercial btk.. . ni'UBl mn wmmn wn iwt.",... . . m. r. ana r. s. Kiisy, mm uu LOWEST rates aa fnrnltnra and planoa. Eaat. " ..a mn 1 k m.lAm 'la BUB. rrn lsis to, see awn ie- w.,,. TO LOANJtamn tn salt oa chatts! sscurtty. Ft. A. Frame. B14 Tha Mart nam. . . MONEY to men cm sll krnds of security. Wax. Holl. ran S. Washington bldg. $l.rm$n.nn TO Inea by tirtvata party on real estate eeeartfy. 402 Commaeclal uig. LOASS. oh cttv snhnrben snd farm property sny smoant. eeay tcrma. B,"K." Duvmosai .730. Cbsmhet Cnmmerea. TO I) AN. $wio Real sststa security; bo agents. Address V 15. Journal. MONUMENTS. NEIl 4V KINGSLEY. ns Fh-et at, Portlaad'a lesuing asarpia Baa graauie worsa. . LOCKSMITH." I. H. BICHABDSON. Bxprrt Isck and ksyamllli; general repairing: eaallroa braxlng: all work Suteed 2tT Hnrnalda at. PUona Pacific 1003. '" '" BROWNE'S IN TOWN-Exsert mcksmlt and blevel rsejelrtna. so piers. ve Clar 82t: sight phnna. Main WW. MUSICAL LB14SON8 BOe Plaao, guitar, banjo, mandolin, . . . . .... 1- Silii Tri r, e noun; inerniniwue w .7s - -Mala. Mrs. Martin. . t - J -r - III in PIANO, elolln, string and wind instruments. Pmfsssor Edwin A. Smith. SS4 Twelfth. Main 4T0S. - ' PIANO tuning. ; perfect work goarastsed. C. W. JoLnssa. Phona Main 101 L J, A. WE8C0. ylollB-maker and repairer; work Brat alsss. xa nasssi aiog.. sis ssa atomsssw MIL THIEl.nOBf. teschar of ylolln, elnla, cornet. Studio, 105 Sixth. Tel. Mala SVoS. FREE lessons on tba aioltB. mandolin, guitar and banjo. Levy" Mist I Houss, 171 Fourth. MACHINERY. THB H. 0. AI.BEE CO. Second-hand machinery, aawmllla. ate. wrana an, INSURANCE. ISA AO Is WHITS, lira Insurance, too Dekna LAMBERT. WHITMER at CO Fire Insurance and real eststs; offices loT-108 Sherlock bldg. Msla 1008: a cot 404 Eaat Alder. East anl. IAS. Mrl. WOOD. ampeyera Hablllty and ln dlvMusI accident an ret v bsnds at nil klnda. ' Pbona 4T. Snt McKay bldg. H. F. B ARTELS COMPANY Fire Insurana 1 44S Sherlock bid-. Oreaos Phona Clay S20. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. AD1X KORTHRrP. dtS-lS-IT Dekwsj bldg.. Third nnd Washington - ata, Phoaa ' Main S40. . Exnmlnatlonn free. DRS. OTIS MABEL AKIN. OS Mscleay bldg. ay TTS. Raa. U. 21BL CooanlUtloa fraa. THB vary beet Indy osteopath te town. Dr. L. O. Johnson, salts IS. Selllng-Hlrsch Mdg. PLUMBERS. DONNERBBRO" RADEMACHIR, - annttary plumbers. 44 Poorth st Both phonos, v - FOX CO.. sanitary plumbers. 231 Be rend, bet Msln and Salmon. Oregon Phone Msln BOOL PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH CO. Tha Pioneer Paint Cs-1 . wlndow-glRan aad gUatag. 138 First st Phone lSad. - ERNEST MILLER CO., Second and Taylor Wall papsr, paint aU at market prlcaat fraa ' delivery. " 1 - BA8MUSSEN CO Jobbers, pslats. aU, glass, sssh snd door. Second aad Taylor. PRINTING. WELCH A DAVIS. Printers Doers of clever things with Ink. and type aa paper- Stearns bldg.. Sixth and Morrison. . Mala 4147. e. ANDERSON DUNIWAT COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blank books. Phoaa Msla 17. 208 Alder st ' " ROOFING. - TIN BOOFINO, guttering, repairing and gimral Jobbing. J. Loall. 312 Jefferson st. MSBBawew8gaa 1 1 1 is iiji jm RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORK", S40 Alder at, pbona Main 710; rubber atampe, eeala, steodla, , bagrags. - trada checks; sand for catalogna Ma. 25. SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling hair, dandruff treated; shampoo ing. BssBlcurlug. chiropody, fans work. Mrs. . B. P. Kyne. 105M Ponrth. oa. ktorrtsoa. loam ax rnona meine boo. SECONp-HAND GOODS. GOODE'S Fnraltarn Hoaas Highest prlcsa paid for aaeond-baad furnltnrs. SIS Banana ax. fbom Ptclfle ,,1; 1 BBiMWBBBnaTsm-!n-rTMM e . . ' . SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES af' very deaertptloai and store Sxtarea man to oraar. Manufacturing Co, Portland. Tha SIGN-PAINTERS. WLM Bllirlo, Winnow lettenng, vwaxa nrnn. economical electric tana ana eigne oi kinds msds quickly. Foster Klelssr, Fifth nnd Everett Phonn Ex change no. HOLIDAY SIGNS Office door and wlndowa lettered at cut prices. . iirngieiwi. e'-Jin Wsah Ington at., opsulrs. Phona Hood 1783. 1 ojietsll SAFES. wai HMiak iut eeviaild sntoeaohllea. aaa angina. printing praaa.a. ttma mess, ssiee, am "7 oata, do all klnda of macblna work. Columbia Oaa Enxlne Ssfa works. J nweono en, Phona Padne 57 u. Frank J. snper, sap. DtEBOLD Meae-ansse aafi t fire and nwrglsr. orocf work: mil aad prison work: lockantg Btwnedl repairs, 1. B. Deris. 08 Third st STREET-PAVING. WARREN Conatrsetlos C., street paring, slda- .walks aad crosswalks. Tin oregooiss niag. THB Barber Asphalt Paving Co. af Portland Office OAS Worcester bl. SPIRITUALISTS. STANLEY. MEDIUM Locates mines and burled . treasurea; anltea tba sepsrstrd; causes happy marrlagest glvea messsgeg from . departed ovew ones, zzstt r irat at. TYPEWRITERS. MEW typewriters, all makes, ranted, aold and repaired, coast Ageacy, si ntsra. tsa. isoi. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, planoa and furniture movaC parked read for shinning snd shipped: all work i guaranteed, large, l-etory. brick, fi re-proof ware boa ae for storaga. Of flee 123 First at C M. Olsea, pbona Msln B4T. THB BAGGAGE 4V OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO, cor. Sixth and Oak ata.; baggags checked from hotel or residence direct to destination; passengers therefor svold rush and annoy a ace at denote. Private Exchange 88. 0. O. PICK. afSc SS First St., between Stark and Osk sts.. phone find: pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping: en tn mod loaa Brick ware boa as. Front and Clar sts. ivnrGirun t nanor nu 111.1 int rnna y Phone Msln 88. Hesvy hauling and Btorsg. EAST MDB Transfer OS.. A. B. Holcomb, prop. -123 East Water st Phone Eaat SS. 4B- POST SPECIAL DELIYERY No. 200 Waah Ington St. Phone Main SSf. a -i-sni 1 mi I..-1 ii S 1 ' 4 I TREES. SHRUBS. ROSES. Wa bare them by th thnnsanda: strong, healthy j stock. Onr IBOfl lllnatrsted sndortced ests. ' Iraras tolla sll. PORTLAND SEED CO, Front "'and Yamhill ata. TjOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, soap, $1 par month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply Co.. Ponrik and Conch, Pnoas 4x. .' Telephones. m. TUB- only exclnalv telephone bones, B. Electric A " T'lermmg Mauafsutartna; -as ny, St Fifth st. WELL B0RIN0. JAMES W. GREEN 20 yeers' axparienc m . well-boring business In snd shout Portland: beat of references. SW Vsncoaver av. East 22. , ' w -w WIRE GOODS. . EA arr rriRrl aivn b-b-mcw a. mtrt ... i ... ' - - - m mm " I n WlilIUI 2W0 Bart Morrtaoa st Phona ksat 8X1. FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TRUST COMPART OF OREGON, r Tha Oldest Trust Coat-way la Orsgou. bESOKUKS 0VKU I.250.0UV, Oensral bank Inr. Exchana-s on all ne.te er the world. Ssvlngs accounta Time or us ee tea, 8 to d per cent; short -call special osrllaV catas. $W0 or over, SU to 4 per cent. . Call tor book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS)" , SiMtb'aat Corner Third and Oak St. Phone Prlvsta Exchsnsa 12. BBN2. t. COHEN President H. L, PITTOCK ...Vlcs-rrrsldcnt B. LEB PAGET .. .Secretary J O. COLT HA Asslstsat Beers terr MLRCHASTS' K ATI0NAX BANK. , PORTLAIIS. 0REQ0S. J., FBANK WATSON I President n r. m vtuu r vLnADM.i.t-n B W. H0YT...V ' Csehler GEO HOE Yf. HOYT Aasletsnt Caahlsr Traasacta a Gene ml Banking Business. Drafta and Letter of Credit taaued Available .-to All Parts af tha World. Collectloas a Specialty. LADD T1X TO iff BANKERS. (Eats allseed is 1IB8.) Transact. wanaral Banking Buslnae. Collections made at all points on favorable terns. Letters af credit Issued evallsble la Europe and all point la' the United Bfetes. Slaht Exchsnge and Telea-raphtc Transfer Bold on New York.- Washington. Chicago,- St. Louis, Denver, timsns. nan rraacisoa and Montana aad Britten Columbia. Exchanxe sold on london. Paris. Bern a. Fri n k fort, Hongkong. Xokahama, Manila and Honolulu. . r v u BITES STAT'S MATI0HAL BANK . OF PORTLAND. 0XTGON. VOBTRvTXST COR. THIRD AMD OAK STB. Tranaacta General Banking Business. DRArTS ISSUED. Avsllabls In All Cities af tha United States and Ea rope Hongkong and Manila. . .. ootircnoxi kadi ok pavoxable terms. President C. Al.NSWOPTH Vlce-Prcaldent.4...... .....W. B. AVER Vice-President ....R. I.EA BARNFJH Cashier,... R. W. SCHMEER Asslstsn Csahler ..A. M. WKKiHT Aaslatant Cashier ...W. A. HOLT FIK8T BTATTOWAI, BK . OF P0KTLA1TD, OXZOOV. Daalgnatod De fail tore and Financial Agent of tba United Ststes. President.... -. .A. L. MTTI-1 Csahler... .....J. W. NEWKIRK Aaslatant tfeshler W. C. ALVORD Second Aaslatant Caahler B, P. STEVBNS Lettsrs sr Credit leaned Available la Europe and tha Eastern Btetee. Sleht ETchanea ' and Telearranhle TTarsrfera arid on New Tork.!too, Chtcagof St.- Lonla. St PanL Omaha. San Fra seises ' ssd the princlpnl points In the Northwsst Slrht and time hills draws In Bums to anil on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort -os-the Main. Hongkong. Yokohama. t:opennares, Cbriattsnls. Stockholm. St Petorborg, Mos cow, Enrich. Honolulu. Collections Mads oa FavoraDie Terms. SECTJKITT SAVTN0S TWST OOMPAJfT. , Sd Morrisaa St.. Portlsnd. Or. Transact a General Banktra nuslassa. KAvntna tjepartmepTT. , - Istersst Allowed on Tim and Savings Dspoalt. Acts ss Tcrmfee tnm IGaratea. Drafts and Letters of Credit Available 1a AO Parts of tba World. C. F. ADAMS....... Preeldent L. A. LEWIS. First Vlee-Presldent A. U MILLS Second Vice-President R. Q. IUBITE Secretsry GEO. P. RUSSELL.,. Asntataat Secretary M OXXJS BROS. H3 Flrrl 8t, Psrtlsad, Or. Offer Gilt-Edge Investment 1n Municipal and Ballroad Bosda. Write ar Call. j-hx coxTmrxTAi compaxt. . ; '( : ' '"VinaNCTALj- AGENTS." T "! STOCKS. BONDS AND MORTGAGES. 248 BUrX Street .... Phona Mala 1074. MOftTOAGG LOANS On Portland Kaal Eststs at Iwaat Kataa. Tltlea Insured. Asstrnots rurnisas , TITLE ODARAXTtK TRTJ8T CO. 840 Waahlngton St, Oar. Seoomd. Mortgage Loans S9b, Upward?. Real Estate City aad Farm. Insurance id All Lines. A. 1 U BIRR aoa-2) XoZsy Bids'. Third and Btnrk Bta. Gilf.lESTERS.TAKE FIRST BLbOD Judge Frazer Holds Multnorriah - Courts Have No Right to y ; ' ,-' Try Them. -' ; LEGAL POINT STANDS IN , WAY OF JUDICIAL ACTION Presiding Judge Holds Statute Per' mittjng One County , to Pass on 1 Crimes .Committed Within aL Mile . of Its Boundaries UnconstitutionaL Multnomah county courts cannot pass Judg-ment on th Mllwaukia sambllns cases, bacauae the clubhouse In which the sambllns is allesed to have been done lie located . within . Clackamas county.'. . -J . " . Buch was the decision of Presiding Judge Arthur L. . Frasar this morning;, he holding; that the state law that save one county the sight to pass upon crimes committed within one mile of its boundaries Is unconstitutional.- Muni cipal Judge Cameron recently held that the court over which he presided did not have any Jurisdiction In , the mat. ter. ' - ..., '. "The .constitution must be followed," said Judge Frazer, "and neither leglsla. ture nor courts have any tisht to set aside its provisions. Often the laws are wiser than the constitution, but that does not change the former's firm position. I think there are too many arbitrary reatrlctlona In the constltn tlorf on our legislature. 1 think that the makers of the conatltutlon should have given the legislature more latitude. Put the constitution ia here and must be followed.' - ' ' tor of the Kald. . On midnight of November 1 Captain Of Police Patrick Bruin and a squad of local detectives made a raid on the Mll waukia clubrooma. In the raid Peter St, Mary, Bush Ready, Tim De Boast and Martin Ready were arrested. - The raid was ordered by Mayor Harry Lane, who aeted under the authority granted by the city charter which provides that the municipal authorities have control rrrwr-imrnbllriX within foilr miles of the city limits. It wag held that the local circuit courts would have power to pass upon the case under the following sec tion or tne cone: t "When a crime is committed on of within one trfile of the boundary line of two or more counties, or when ' the boundary line between two' or more counties is unknown or uncertain, and It is doubtful in which county such crTm"w44 "committed, an Action there fore may ' be commenced and tried in either county." . ( - The question was argued before Judge FTager laat Wednesday afternoon aa to whether or not he, ad a committing magietrate, could laaue warrants' 'for tha arreat of the fijur, named clubmen , as TRANSPORTATION. Astoria. & Columbia" ;"River Railroad Co. Laaeao. UNION DEPOT. Arrives- 8:00 a. m. Fn Msygsr4 Bslnler. 11:80 a. m. Dally. . Clstsksnls Wsstport Dally, Clifton. Astoria. War-4 . , rsaton, Flsvsl. Ham mood. Fort Stevens. . Oearbsrt Park. Ssaslds. ' Astoria sod Seaaaore. , . T:f s. . :v". j . Astoria Egpra-. li ,-.. 1 1 - . C. MAYO, O. F. snd P. A, aaior'Ji. I,'. 0 A. STEWART. Commercial Agent, 24 Alder Bttsst Pbona Mala Sot. . ALASKA f FAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPB , Leave SeattU . - ' 'nErPFKiOH," Daa, t, 80, $1. t a. via wrangle. . . TABALLOk," Dse. , 88 (on trip Daa. 8 earrlss sewaer aaa gasonoei aad gi via WrangsL Me kUai ru t tun AT Katoblkeu. fanaaa. Douglsa. Hataaa, hjg wny. Oesnscts with W. P. A T. root for Atlla, Dawaou. Taaaaa. Mama, ato. t Par All sVmUaastara Alaska Torts. Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful Alaska, "Indian Baaketry 'Totes Poles." 1 , THB ALASKA a 8. 00. -. Praak Wootoe Oa., Agents. '', ' fJH Osk St Portlsad. Of. C. GEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor Formerly Incctsd at . K3 Alder at. eumes Third. , ( Has Moved To tha large - brick building ara. B. sores af First aad Morrison . - ata. , .. - -. 1 "y :;' Eatpsac Sr. 0. Oss Wa, the Orsat Cklasss Dsetot, la wall known and tantons- througbont tha U. S. jaennss his wonderful and - marvelous ears bsTs bees heralded broadcast throughout the length snd breadth of thta country. He treat aay aad all diseases with powerful Chinees root, herbs, soda, nark and vagetablee that ar entirely ankoown tn medical seeeaev la this country aad through the aa of these Jutmles remedies be guarantee to cure catarrh, asthma, king trouble, rnenmatlem. rervousnsss. atomssa, liver, kldna. female troubles and all private TTils fa moos doctor -rare without the aid of the knlfa. without using nolson or drags. Hamdred of tearimontaki ea file at his afOeee. Cstl sad se Men Cheeve msdevato. . . ( . oontrLTATiOaT nu ; y ' Patlente out of tha city writs for blank and circular. Inclose 4c stamp. Addrsss Tha C. Se Ws Chlneee Medic Us C., laSVk is Bu. aar. Msnrxson, Psrtlsad. Or. leatloa thia pap. Fook, Sang: & Co. TXX BKIT.X.T!S CTSXaT S8X JKWBIJIXA, JAT TTJ CHONO. 3Jgr. 231 Alder SL, Portland Pur. Beautiful Jade Jewelry, Oold Bracelet and Signet King of U jeecrlpilona mad to or der. American names engraved In Chlnea characters on sure aold r.,M, ..r t1uy,.lnrlt rlnax engraved, with. tne tnree carainnt viiinoe i-naiacivia, via : ninrv Proaoerltv and Longevity. Charges reaaonable and orders of any design promptly executed and sent pre paia to any part ox xn umitu oiaiaa. . naaaa eMICciiTBTZ'sl gnaLinet ' l-ryLKmAT. Ladlea, a rar14 Ai rTv A m tM'mm rti-va,i arai,il.liiM la KP.s ae4 4teld waianle kaaae. eaaleg MS SlearikaeB. TskenaeAhee, atersee Ifceese, eee SakeUtaMewe kad laalss Ummm. Bv t yr 0rssU. w ar4 4e- Is sieempe tar Partftealsee, Testlaseslsla sa4 Belief far I Mm lee, We, mf rs. nrn MsM. t . T.aMa.alaaa. SeUay Brasslaie. Cklekeesae t keealesj Ow, well aa M. O. Nseiae and laaao Oratton. whs ara said to be tha owners of the club. A demurrer to Municipal Judgs; Cameron's ruling had also been filed by tha city attorney and waa briefly argued at the aama time as the other ques tion. . wnue inewecuon 01 tne cira wan In tha main the fhief claim of the city's attorneys as to the right of the munlo- loallty to act In the matter, other ques tions, such as tha cKy charter act, were cited. , -. 4-.-.... - A contention on tha part of tha plain tiff's attorneys was that tha legislature had the right to change the .boundaries of counties snd the laW in question ex tended the county boundaries one mile in. order to aid in tha carrying out of tha lawa. Thia liberal view was not held by tha court. - Judge FTaser also overruled the de murrer to Municipal Judge Cameron's ruling. - ..' v .v '. '. r TWO WAITSBURG MEN ACCIDENTALLY INJURED t Arterial Dispatch ta Th Journal.) Waltsburg, Wash., - Deo. Two Walteburg citizens were put out of commission this week through pecuniar accidents. Monday Ralph Lloyd, an employ of the Lloyd market, while putting- fS-callber - revolver, in his hip pocket accidentally pulled the, trigger and discharged th weapon. The bullet took a downward course and passed through th young man's foot, -Inflicting a painful wound. . Thursday, Harry "George, while carry ing a trestle down stair at th Odd Fellows hall; accidentally slipped and fell headlong to tha landing below. He alighted on th trestle, fracturing sev eral ribs besides sustaining other pain ful brulaea. . - , ' - PENDLETON EAGLES ., TO DEDICATE TEMPLE ... , - i . i . - -.. (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) -Pendleton, Or., Pec, . -The dedica tion of the 'Eagles' new temple In Pen dleton will take place December It, and will be by far tha most elaborate'serv. Ices ever held by any order In -this city. Del Cary Smith of Spokane, il. H. "Thompson and- John Qort of Beattle and H, D. Davis, grand worthy presi dent of Cleveland, Ohio, will be present on this occasion. - Mayor Matlock has been chosen to deliver th address of welcome, and among other speakers of th day ar Judge Fltagerald, Judge Vea and Colonel-J. IU Raley. :" Boys Inpndrnee Xotel. (Special Dispatch to Tba Journal.) '" Independence, Or., Dec . Th Little Palac hotel of this city changed Jianda this week. Th new proprietor 4a F. Treenor of Dallas. Mr. Treanor la alao proprietor of the Cottage hotel of Dal las and will continue to maintain It along with th Independence hoteL I T 1 1.' - taaa ... -.' . . '-J TRANSPORTATION. -OREGON; SiioixrLirtE IT... mm. V-XTVI e Tralns to the East Daily 3 . ... . , m i uiiu,.. snu anuriai sieen. Ing-csr dally to Omshs, Chicago. Spokane; ..Mr, irtuna-ver ueiij 10 nsnsss t-liyi TiroaA l'ulltnas toarlst sleeping-cars (osrson illy conducted I weekly to Cblcsgo. Reclining UNION DEPOT. Lea ree, Arrlroa. i CHICAOO-POHTLANU " "' T , .'. SPECIAL. :15 s. m 5:75 p.m. Pot tba Eaat via Hunt- Dally. Daily. Ington. SPfrKANB FLYER. . " - ' For Esatern Waahlng- .1 Inn. Walls Walls, Lsw- 8:15 a. m 8:00 a. te. ' tstoo. Coeur d' A lens Dally. Dally. . ' and Great , NorUers points. . . . , ': , ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:15 p. m T:16o.m. . . For the Eaat vli Hunt- Dally. , Dally. r- Ington. 1 1 " ' ' ' ' Oolnmbla Xlvsr Dlylslon. FOB ASTORIA snd wsy 8:nu p. m.. - - - - points, cone acting with Daily 1 About ttmr. for llwaco snd ex Sunday. 6:00 p. ax. , 1 North Bosch. stmr. Saturday, as-Sunday, f- Haasalo. Aaht. dock. 10:00 p m. Tamhlll River Route. y FOR DAYTON. Ore go a I - City and Yamhill river 7:00 a.m. T:80 p. av. . Point, stmr. Ruth andl Dally - Dally Modoc, Ash-st. dock. ex. Sunday, ex. Sunday. (Water permitting.) . . . Bosks Xivar Xouts. FOR LKWI8TOW. Ids.. " L J " snd way points Hn 'f "TniS! Blnarla. Waah.. atmrairiral Trail Dally ? Spokane and Uwtatoo. 1,0 "' ' rtltMS. . srasl Se TICKET. OFFICE. ' Third and Waahkgu-kC- T-I-..I . . . n . -S-. W' TINOER. City Ticket Agaax.--L. CRAIQ. Oeaeral Paaaengev Agent. EAST via SOUTH UNION DEPOT. Arrives.- irsins ror nkb, we- bnrg. Aahland. Basra- MetlA fleden flss KrSB- 8:48 n. B. clses, Stockton. Loa An gelas, El Psao, New Or, T:2S g. at, lean and tn Beat Moralng train ron . . Anndhurn dally except Sunday with train ror biouui AngeL S 1 1 V r t u n 1 1 . a a e I a 8:80 a, at 8: 88 p. , field,- Wendllng and Natron. 4:18 p. m. necta at Wood burn with 10:M a.BX. Mt Anesl nan niivsr- a. m. 4 :80 n. m. 1110:411 p.m Corvallla psssena Sheridan paassnger. Forest Orov pasengcr s nop. n. lea Jfi a. m. 1I1:pO p. m. Dally. a- r?f tuststtT ! IOl0DEN.nAAWJa J Itkl nouTtx Of ltnrUAnd-Osarg gulxaiB BaTto snd Taaaittl ... KinytsM. - . v, - - - iu e. 1.f feeaow nrreet. Leave Portland dally for Osweao T:S . m-l 18 M. t. 4:00. 8:20. 8:21V. S: tlO. lljWJ I. m. pally texceot naoev?. o.o. - 0:2.a. ax. Snnda, r only. 8:00 a. m. a a. m.i 1:M. 8:06. 8:01. 8:18. T:WV. ' : ' ' . . ...ii. Onndavl. II Tie p. m .. iztoo a. lw . - a'. T:23. 8:80, U'4B s. Bk Sunday ooly. from nam depot for Dallaa and Inter mints daily 4:1S P. St . Arrlv rort- tae' Yrider'oVBcMoomorrth efc4r" ' Mne . operates delly to Monmouth and '':'-'-tTTl "i netninr wiin aminira ' - .... - . . it lie I lav ssn inn-pn-i.-.. - M , rtrat-elxss fare from Portland to Sacraments mil m lu. SOTl Keelh IV SeCOnd-ClSSa , fsre 818. seeond-elsss twrtha. 82 Bp. Tlckrta to Eaatern points snd Frteop! aisa Japan. Chink. Honolulu and '- ,... City Ticket riffle corner Third and Wash" ington streere. rraai aiaia en am C W. STINGER, -e-r . Ifc CRAIO. City Ticket A8t. ,0'U. Pass. Agrat, TIME CARD . of TRAINS Portland: DAI; DNION DEPOT. Depart Arrive. Tsllowstons iPsrk-Ksn-sss Clty-St. Lonls Sps el.l foe ( behslla. Cru- trslls, Olympla, Orsys B .S9 . nt 'I- 8:00 p. m. 4:8 . m. Harbor, noutn nenu. ia em, Seattle. SnoksnS Iwlaton, Butts. BI1- hnea. Dearer. Omaha Kansas City. St, Loots snd soutnesst. North Coast Limited. electric lighted, for Ts- T:00a. m. oo, Seattle, epogstia. Butts. Mlnnenpolls, St Paul and the East Paget Sound Limited, for C babe lis. Central!, Taroms and Seattle onlr. 4:80 p. at, - x 10.-60. p. nu Twin City Expreaa. for Tacoma, Seattle. S- kane,-' Helena, tiutte. a-ellowstone Park. Mln. 11:40 p. m 1 ,.' .. 8 60 p. to, neapolla. St Paul aad the Bast. -.j i A. D. CHARLTON, ' Aaslatant Oeaeral Passenger Agent 260 Morrison St., cor. Third. , . v. Portlsnd. Oregno. THE COMPOrTTAILC WAV, City Ticket Of aoe, IM ft Phoaa 8I0.' 2 Overland Trains Daily 2 Tba Oriental Limited, the raatJUil "' grZ-EXTDCD BBmVItTB ' ' TJP-TO-DATS1 XQXTrPntlaTT oovbtxovb xjmpiiOths " LEAVE From , ARRIVE l;10a.m Fortlaod ' 7:00 a.m. ll:4p.m Tin Ssnttle 4:10 p. m. till p. ra. Tia Spokane 8:00 a. m. (q XL 4k IT. Co.) -. ra sTerthara Steamship Co, rjniling I rim neniii S. S. DAKOTA. DKO. IS. 8. S. MX-TaTESOTA, FEB. 1. For Japan and China Porta end Manila. XflPPOST ITJSBsT KAISBtA (Japan Mali ftenmshlp Company) s. s. rro MLABTJ. kalis 'from Heattl for Japan. China -and ell Aarlntlc-rort " About t)ecmbr - II. - For tickets, rates, berth ressr rations, etc., rail on or address XL SIOKSOS, C P. A T. A. Portland, Or . TXXXII, A. O P. A., Henttl. WMk