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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
. . .A THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 10, 1905. 5 Jest JOURNAL Vant Advertising Vitfi a Task. Give It for You--It Needn't be to Do BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-FARMS. TO EXCHANGE. Something : E00MiNa-Bot'8n headquarters. ' TAFT CO. W. H. TAFT. I. II. DIRTS.' ' Offices: K7 stark or Cham, of Com. We a r, ,mi fur riln-a in our new of nt-ee. -' with our usual large Hat of roomlng-boiiere ( and bueln ehance-rth largeat, th beet , and most complete Hit tTtr offered. Many food, genuine bargain are as our Hats. We are her for bualue la a moat convenient juration. no elevator or stair to clloib. " Partial Uat below: . , ' family nonet. 0 mesae, ateam heat, but and eold run : Blue water In every room, verr alcelr fur. Blahed; baa about 40 eteady boardera; cbrip rut. Tbla la aa exceptionally foud buy for OO.OUU. ' 'f-l.-. W. H. TA1T. " J. H. DIETS. I Ofllcee: 875 Stark or S Cham, ot Com. SPI.KNDID BUT. .'. - 88 noma, corner, ateam boat, aztra wall fnrulehrd, boat location la the city fur , tranalant. or eteady ronnmra. Tbla la Ui - Terr poet buy la tba cur. .trie az.niu. W H. TAFT. J. H. DIBTK. - Offlcoa: 376 Stark or Cham, of Com.' - . SPLKND1D HOI SB. IS rooma, central kratlpD, newly far. ? Blahed. modem house' and a floo moner. , , maker; Brat time on th aarht; exclu- . aieeiy wltb u. price $1,000. .. V W. H. TAFT. J. H. DIET. . Ofncaa; 878 Stark or 6 Chim. ot Com. '- ' f Phono Mala 15J. " rf" - MONEY-MAKER.- ' 10 rooma, doors from Portland Hotal; rooma all rented and abowlnf a a lea profit: nicely furnlahed, cuap rant: a vary food toy for $750. W. H. TAFT. ' J. H. DIET. :' OfBcea; S7S Stark or Cham, of Com. ' Phono Main IM. , - . APARTMENT-HOUSE. 85 rooma, furnace- boat, but and . aold . ' water In all rooma: rent only. $128' per mouth: (nod lease; clearing 11(0 Per month ' and . aothlng to do but taka earn of tha - .' ' Balla. Prleo reduced fur onlrk aala to 13.660. W. II TAFT. I. H. DIETS. " Of note: 375 Stark or rbam. of Com, ...j, . j,i0 MONEY-MAKKU. - 48 rooma, now, corner brick, right la tba 1 koala part of tha ettyi a team beat, hot , .. and 00 14 running water la every room;. prl . rau and publle hatha 1 and tba moat tlo - j. fantly turnUbad honaa la tha City. Flrat , tlma on tba markat, aiclualrabr wltb aa. .. Prle M.0D0. W. H. TAFT. 1. B. DIETS. -. Ofncaai tit Stark or Cham, ot Com. . . Pbona Main 11m. - - tWlXL BOAKDINO-HOTJBR 85 rooma; rent 8160 nor month, taaaa; ' ataam beat, but and cold water! nr ala (antlr furnlahed; poaltlrely clearlnc a bore all eipanaaa 460 nor month; to Tarp beat locatioa la tba eitji Terr erntraL Prloa 8s.nuo. -' W. H. TAFT. " J. H. DIETS. Ofncaa: S7 Stark or Cham, of Com, -. Phna Main Iftn. " i '. MODEL HOMM. ' ". 10 rooma, modern bouae; beat kind of a Wat loo for. rentln - rooma; nlcelr fur Blahed; owaar kaa bean In tba hooao for 4 Feara; roa ran ham froa raat and rro " eery and moat bllL and aoma baaldaa; ax 1 clnalnlF wltb aa. rrlca 6U). W. H. TAFT. J. n. DIETS. . Ofttcaa; 87 6 Stark or Cham. (..Com., . Pbona Main 16a. 1 . ' ' OOOD BUT. . - Si rooma. now nrlrk, ateam heat, azrop : tlonallr wall furnlahod; a Terr room fall of , ateadp rootaara; cheap rant with teaaa. Prlca f8,nou. part eaab. , W. 11. TAFTV J. H. DIETS. OfOcaa: 775 Ptark or Cham, of Com. Pbona Mala 1M. . - . -' -.i-' ' '- ? BARGAIN. 10 rooma, beautiful corner, ate yard, aad t Pom: good locatioa for rentlnc rooma; rant oal its per month; a awall bnr for $080. W. H. TAFT. J. II. DIETS. . Ofncaa: STB Stark or Cham, of Com. ',.-... 1 . PHnne Main 1R. , -. r . GENUINE PICK I'P. - , 88 raoma, corner brick oa Third at.. Baking (nod money, bnt owner la obliged to aril. We can aell thla Moadaj for tha fxtnaw tow prloa of 700. . ' ' ... Wa oan aiaka taram aa nrof tha anoro or can loan the money. W, tan ploatr aa hand for largo oa amali loena. . h'a look carafnllF altar tba latoraaU of i both bojrar aad aalUr. Wa (oaraataa all V tltlea.- . - ,.. TAFT CO., . ' W. n. TAFT. ; F. H. DIETS. . . Ofncoe: 876 Stark a Cham, of Coaa. Poo wit I. handlo. firatlaaa bath and maaaago Crlora doing good bualneaa: baalneaa dlatrlct; rgala. Urora. SOT tkndnougb bWg. r0TrTtAXEA"TOTecWJ4uitt lfiimi"trpnW atudlo la Chicago; 8 roara aatabllabod: ap to data la eer- particular; 0ratUaa tern tloa; 8na trade; prleo 8000. For partlca. lara adlraaa H. Frank fnrter. 818 Now Xork - Ufa bW., Chicago. IlUnola. rV ANTED Party with 83.000 to take 1 rnter eet In a awet eacellent manufacturing baaloeaa and maaar 1: arery cent o be aaed aa work tng capital: one of tba moat aaefnl. a well aa arnameaUl. article (patented) eeer placed In a home; ery lady will bar owe, aad the aaalneaa can aaally be made worth . 8a4.0i)O to AM.OOO wltbla two year, Addiaaa . kT 8U. car Journal. , - , ROOMINO-HOVSS BATSOAINS Soma reeloed aad an-to-date prlceet 14 roama. corner, cheap rent, good locatioa. 860i 0-room board Ingonae. 8100; T rooma, 86. 1M htorrtaoa at. PARTNER wanted la a food paying Baalae; eery little capital required; lareatlgato. Port- PARTNER WANTED Thla ator la ceatral -aad doing etrletly cah hoaiaeaa. hat the . Stark at. - ' IMPLEMENT hoaiaeaa with email atock ef hardware, cheap. V 1. car JoaraaL ClOAR and confectionery aa a food at hartal. 138 Third at. a-rtR bent Part of pcodaca arere: heat lor. - tL " nail Tat" JulT batter, era m . baaineea; ahw Urg Ooor for warehoaalng. . AaVlree T 8. Joamal. ' PARTNER wanted, with 80. la a food" mazing !"" wk - 10 V Bitth at. i e. . .iM.t raTBltlH " 80 acre aad ca.h. tot city property. Act aad -room honaa, tor fodglrMj-houea. 11 room realdeare. city, for acreag. Acre.. .ay l1'" rlattCS and bual. . what . har , yeat Phoaa P AMI wis. M VlFTH AND MAW. AROAIN 14 room, foil good hoarder; after Moeniea all P " : prt eaeh will handle thU houae; lota ef good bergalna. ln ,n"r MrT UUIaa DeKeatec. 4 Tayhay at. ' FOR SALE I eae f th beet I V.t. bakery, confectionery. . tkmery. perfumery. clgr and town t the Wweh-y. at a- AAlreaa tech hoi 144. Core. Or. ana RALE Idtn-hoo. 00 no, dobag ; rg5aQ to W W 1 Q- Eaat 4850. Department STORl FOR At TV A rare rFb!!.,ril for. '""- For perttcnlar call at 810 Lnloa are., eot. ' at Falling at. etlF. ' ' ON accoant of atckaee. will aell war two good at a aaerlSce; 8900 dowa. Mhin -oVtlmai tn locatioa: ap competition. Aa dreaa P 14. car JoaraaL AI L half tntereet re weU drill. Addreaa Boa 47. Roate t. Oceah. Or. . WANTErfc-A middle- red woeJaa t tak la tereat ri ld -et.bllald b: ,r required. Call aftemooa. 811 Deknm hldf It's Results Judging from the answer I receive, even from the most remote sections of Orf and ton, in response to my ads. in THE OREUUN - DAILY JOURNAL. I conclude that this yotmg giant among bid-established newspapers is grow ing enviably and spreading out yery rapidly. As the' results of advertising are the measures of qual- 'nri of t-newspaperr THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL certainly ranks among the first. J .. :'. ' : - F. FUCHS; v lWt First StreeL' -n 810 00 MAT MAKE YOU INDEPENDENT. .Wa hare a deed for eight clalnia la tha heart ot tha Kayak, Alaaka, oil and coal dla trlct; tbeaa claliaa are known aa tha Orlaal group and coat tlO.uuO. Wa propuaa to In . corporata a coal and oil conipauy to ba known aa tl4 Alaaka Central Coal aV Oil coin panr, with a capital of f l.OOO.Ooo, dlrltlod luto 1 i.uiai.uou an area at II par raiua each. Of tlila half will ba placed la the traaaury, ' which will not bo .aold at laaa than 10 eauu par ahare I'ha balaaca will no- nromotloa atork and will ao. toward tha aurcbaao of the nrooertv and of thla wa aet aalile halt for edeanclnx too poreoaao price, aamliMg too preliminary bualneaa. atlrertlalng, . legal aipenaea, etc.; tba otlior 800,000 aoaree will ba dlIUed InM memberauliw coating 8100 oacb and which will lra to aacb meinlierablp lfl.OUO aharea of. atock, payabla at rata of 110 per month - (aa faat aa money la required under terma of deed). la other worde, thoea that come In and aectire thoaa aiemherahlna are tba pro- motara and oecura that amount of atork at (oat price uocanao tney are tha promolora. We will ba prepared to Uaue atock at onoa. aa all preliminary work la done toward In- corporatuig wltb non-aaaeaaaltlo atock; In a abort tlma wa expect to ba offering thla erne atock Jn tbla aamo place for tha treaa- ory at 10 cenla a ahare, and It will aell -readily for that berauee It la worth It. Thua your promotion atork will bare aama ralne aa tha treaaury atock. . In order that memberahlpa ba reaejred for yon. mi oat ana mall ua tha below blank, nnrloelng with It a of 10 lor each ' meniherahlp that yoa want, . I hereby auhacrlba for , member. all 1 pa In a ayndlcato bow forming to acquire . tha Or land group of alaht oil and coal elalma In Kayak dlatrlct, Alaaka. a company to ba aurmeu in uh oeer anu ueTciop tueoa elalma. . II.IT. IIU CW KIP, ........,,......, dollara. belnc 10 per cent of tba amount of my aunarriptioa, the balance to be paid by ma monthly. :. Nama.....i. TO GREAT N0KTHEBN'slecb'RITYts7;0',, . 001 Oregonlaa Bldg.. PortUad. Oregoa. ; .''" 1 'v;' AN0ELE3 BUSINESS SNAPS. 1 ISO Adrerttalng; ofnea bualneaa; partner wanted. $ J00 Oenta' tallortnc; ' flu bualneaa -end location. Soft cigar a tore; rant 115; Vorrlaoa at, 8"0 Steam cleaning- worka: not clotbea. , 845 Urocery; rent ftO, Inrludlng 8 room. 4f0 Lnnch connter; rent 8-10; bargain. 50 Photograiih ralleryi partner wanted. "O Vwtier Fourth, clgara and frnlta. XV Rtirnalda at., cigar and confectionery. TBO-Flfth it., cla-ara. fruit aoft drlnia. 1.000 Kaetaarant; Waahlngtoa at; old eeUb- uaueu. IIOOO Ororery; Waahlngtoa at.; bob better. $2.000 Steam laundry; . reliable partner wanted, ... J 13,000 Ladle' tailored ' and ready-made clothe? partner wasted; food (banc for aaleamaa. . 8,600 Ice plant; partner wanted; nothing better. , 86, TOO Candy manufactory; worth arery dol- . ANGELES, S41 FIFTH AND MAIN. ALOON Rera-a a banrala Will taka SS00: bare another for 81 ino and a aothec ao for 83.S0O. - Call 848 Stark ac V0R SALE FlratHrlaaa rooming boaae; 80 . rooma; brick putioing: in Boaineaa part or . cut; peat off furniture; long; prlca, 8.1.800; would trade far city property. Ad- dreea P la, JoaraaL . InhaMtaata. clean atock ef ahoee: Invoice about 84.000. Inquire TS let at.. PortlaBd, Or. IF yoa waat to make from 88 to 815 per day and he roar own boa, aad bar from 8U to 8160 to tneeat, wa bar what yea want; eiciualr territory ta right me. R 8. car ' JoaraaL FOR SALS Mnale and etattoaery atore: towa of 8.000; good rtaaoa tor tailing. . Addrtaa P 13, care Journal. FOR RALE CHEAP A good buttermilk b oal nee aad wagoa without bore, 280 N. 18th at. ALOON la Alblna at lee thaa ot of rtnre. Smith Bra.. 128V, dth at., cor. Wwhlagtoa. DELICATESSEN and lunch connter. oa We ah. . at. at one-half It awe If wild nan. Smith Bra.. 122 1 th at., ear. Waahlngtoa.. FOR SALE Milk ranch end 15 cow, hone, wagoa and can, cheap. K. kV K eater, Laata. FOR SALE Raatanraat. completely furnlahed, atenalla, etc, complete; will sell for or will rent. Inquire 174 ,lt L, between 10 and 11 A. hi. . FOR SALE REAL ESt ATE. A eery 8ne realdewe property which we offer r for aale, it U alt.ted oa 14U t., aad la aaireaaded by elegant home. There are rooma, beautifully ulahed la redwood. The - hoaa la tbomngbly aaodcra. and ta reedy for occupancy. We can mak term ealtahle. PORTLAND TRl'ST COMPANY OF OREOOIT; S. E. Cor. 8d aad Oak Bat. ACRE TRACTSt OUR BPrCIALTT 18 ACRE TRACTS! 'pnlllard atreeta. water t ch aer. TERMS 810 PER ACRR CASH "1 SnPI re " - e l v I can mvnae 8lo PER ACRR PER MONTH. Tea' go to rhee acre - ea th aaaaa ear, . pay th aama 8 far the lot bm Pya. i Jot ma I yowr bet trVted la majority- ef feetaree that- mak Opea Wedaeeday and SatardM , a. o. enmcniLL co.. wa " - ' , 110 Seoend C ' $1,100-15 acre. roe hooe br Mna bay. 81.4001 hen. 1 acre eelert, fralt. Beat fVaTiol lota. T-rooaa hoaa. Thnty-aecoaKl aind Pelmont at a. trnen . 11,4,10 a-roona hoaa.. S lata, 1- rraai ear Obubtton. . w,.n iinn-amom bow. 1 tot. M ia.40O 1 acree, -roou hoaa. be.. tW rchrn ! h,t Utlm Chah-Let ta ' MaBtaelUa. JOalOO. , ItOO lO lot in MoalaTtlla. ' ", BaXKKER HTATT. .' IHO Flrat St. 8 ACRFjS. . cwwr .d .7S to HX! C ear iare. -c- -- : ----- - . -- - Hiat Coiit - - FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. ' 60 ACRES land, all cleared and atreetcar line . running through It : eery dealralile fur acr ate property; at per 'acre; eaay terma; flrat-rlaaa land; a bargain; call early; cloaa in. . Good cotnera near N. P. terminal. , A good reataurant aa Burnald. 8000; a bargain. NATIONAL REALTY CO., 811 Pin St. 18.000'TO LOAN oa good city or farm prop arty for 8 or 4 year at T per cent, F. FUClih). 1484 Flrat. A GOOD corner, quarter block, aear Norther Pacific terminal; good Income property. Call early. 818 Pin at. National Real Batata Co. LOTS, acreage 'and reeldenoe aa Port lend Height. J. a Shofawr. 858 FmhllL ear. Park 11 H ' ACRES, H mil from electric line; ne rock or graral; fin aoll, aay to clear; run ning water, road oa 1 aide; 70 per aer, ' eaay terma. I M, ear of Journal. FOR SALR at a bargain; modern T-room boa on Eaat Taylor, cluee In; terma to ault purchaaer. Apply F 48. ear JouraaL FOR SALE $3250 - A new 8-room houae on Eaat Tambtll t. 1 ther oughly modern, with large bathroom and cloe- tt; the property la a corner lot, tKntloo, with irge fruit trea and garden: baa eewer con. nectlon and atrest and aldewalk lmnrorementa made. Prlc I 83.500. but to anaka quick a.le we can offer at 8-1.o. POKTLA.ND TRl'ST COMPANT OP OREGON, B. K. Cor. 8d aad Oak-Sta. FOR SALE 8 t-room cottar oa eaat aid; baeement and yard, bet aad.cold water, bath; price 81.800. Addreaa 0 40.. JuoroaL FOR SALE Modem aaborbaa cottar, aloa t rarlln. An location, ground lOUafuO. O. W. P. Townalt Co.. 134 Flrat at. TWO fine lota. lOOilOO. eornert good 1ew of enow mouatalnai cheap, Ala new modem furnlahed -t-room boo, barn. . Eaat 418, at ' Mala 1415. BELLWOOD LOTA. 85 dowa and 80 a month; from 75 to 8200. Sellwood Towoelt Co. Pbona Eaat 4T04. - IF yoa want to hay or aell real eotate call oa aa; wa do not deal la inapa. bat Uat your property with a at Ita real value; we will aell It for yoa. Square Deal Real Eatate Co., SM Morrlaon at.. Allakr bldg.. room 80a, Pbona PacISc 501. W. B. Her. maBager. THREE bow boa, rent or aala; Kutp. . 105 Vt Fourth at., room 16. Owner. HOW la thtat A Beat room bona, air lerel . lot 50100, en Eaet 14th at., one block from earllne: th beat hay la Eaat Portland; 11,000. M 15, car Journal. WESTERN OREGON TRUST . CO. (Inc.) Phon Padfle 0M. tl Stark at., ' Portland, Oregoa. Heal att, timber land, rental. ' fire Inearanoe. Take fall chart of propertle. aorura tenant, Traa repair aad collect raat. T ROOMS, Mt. Tabor. 100x100, oa ear Una, barn. plenty rrait. owner. i intra i. KEEP IT STANDING: 10 TEARS One need not be bora wltb a rpn or tne gin or Kronbecy to force that lota en Diweoa t .tween Columbia Park and Northern Hill, bow wiling for 810 per frost font. will, with in 10 year froa today, aell for 81,000 pet front foot. R. KRONER, architect and contractor. Home built In all part of th city nd aold oa monthly paymanta; nlana and apeclflcatlone; building tuperlntended. Room. B, Camhrtdge ' bldg.. Third near Morriao. - - SPECIAL BARGAIN 43 FOR 8L Tract 82 front foot. 815 feet deep; ea bare many front feet a yoa wont from 80 feet ap; tl la cultivation, all level and algbtly, 5 minute' to good 1 0-room school, t grde. near atore. poatofoce, cbarch and car atattoa at Lenta; B-cent far to any part f Portland. Thla I 1-8 price; terma If wanted. O. R. Addltoa. Lenta. Oregoa. ik. Tak Mount Scott ear. S cant. BARGAIN. 81.500 Nw 8-reom hoaa. SI Mrgrtta at., Moata villa. . Eaay terma. . 8375 Nice located - lota, t blorke ' ' to Haw thorne av.; 810 re eh. 810 monthly. 8M5 Beautiful lot, InilOO, block Bora aide bridge: all Improvmnent In. .. f 1.000 Fin corner, walking dlataaee; all i.0"j rine oa Weet Nortbrap at. ' J 150 Corner, weet aide, eloa In. 1760 t room cottar. 1 block Ilawtbom re. ; big lot. bam. fralt trim. 81.000 New t-room modem entUf; 8108 cb. 811 monthly. 81.800 e-rooai modern hoaa, Saaayatd; anap. 82.K00 New. atrVtty modem 0-rooa teaaa), corner. S blocka Burnalda or Wire- 84.500 Superb realdenca, cloa ha, big ear. eMC krti ' F. FUCHS. 14H Flret- FOR SALE $2250 As entire block of groand oa Poet land Height: a very choice laveetaaeBt mat wtu iy doable la rain la th very aoax fatar. htuat b eah. PORTLAND TRl'ST COMPANT OF OREOON, - a. 8. tor. aa eaa va am. BAST SIDR INFESTMENT8. Fnli btnrk. chw to, aoMd groand. fcf paying rood tntereet on lavtmnt la rent la: fin local lo for baalaea or manufactory bunding. T-room modem honaa. Bear ateel hrldgi arte 81.400: half h. ' , A room modem boo, Eaat Washington; prlca 82.100; ay term. - bVroom modem cottar. Beer Twenty -eighth at. carbarna: price 82.100: eaay torma, BAST StrE REAL ESTATB CO.. 404 Eaat. Morrtooa. c . MODERN T-room hoaee. batbrooe. pantry ant tiaarmrnt. good nara. a mil mnm, mi imn tree, berrlee and abrabbary; thla ta a fla home: will aell vary cheap. 34 Hart av Moata villa. STOP PATINO RENT. Nlrw 8-room cottage, lot 42100. aear Haw thorn .; etreet Improved: etty wter; price 8750; term S35 raab. balance (18 month. B. I. Oelaar. 231 H Morrlaoa at. - 82.T50 Rarraln; awartey block aa .Braadwar lima v in, .aoamaa. - 81.BTS Beat rraMeac lot oa anner Ralrlch at., 1 car line: elm peat lot m to nelrtiborhood; aa coaaanamloBa. Addre u ii. Journal. FOB SALR BV ANGELES HOrSES ON BAHT TIF mn. 80 dowa. 815 moathly. 1.500 Forty, thh-d. curaer. e-rooaa cottage aad .lot, 1 blocka from car; nap: or trade. a 8290 dowa.. 820 monthly. 81. Ton Eaet Tblrtv-altth at., 5-room cottage aad lot, aear S cerllnee. . - 8.100 dowa. 82H aanatblv. It. 000 Hawthorn, Corner. 8-rnnm boaae aad kt. ' Mnv other. Call. . ' - ANOELES. S41 FIFTH AND MAIN. EAST WASHINGTON STREET. -r-One of th very rbeapeat bay oa Ert Wblngto at., bet. Xla ave. aad the river: haa the heat future of any property la Eaat -Portland P.rttmlara ee THR HBALT ISTESTMENT Pf.. tl0-tl4 Ablngtoa. 100i Third t. IB ACRES, hilly, rtcaw to renter f city, cfieap. Vt acre. mil ma renrer. rromina Wt1lmtte rrrer. Improveel. 8.W0 nee acre! torma. Apply ewaer. 804 Sherlock hhlg. FOR SALR Oa etoht-remn hoaa aad two 1-; rorwt cattatee oa tww aefa: aannera eewewni encee: will aell part r all at a bargain. .Addnea eeRf V 4. JoaraaL I HATS t new aaadeva home tne at great bargain: I aeea aenaey ana. win to the price la raw; they are worth 82.500; I will aell for Jnwl half that arte: I meet have money; 1 bav on 4-rna cottar for 8-VM. ajd aoat Vrte at 878 each: he ear aJ e th owner. Jo Kaah. at Nhvtll aaVtl- . tet. w th Mt. Scott car . Ua. to the klg win. BARGAIN ON SrCOND STREET. Fall let. IWW aa Seraad at.; haiimi 825 Math: ealy 84.7VK. THE HF.tLT ntVFSTMENT CO.. " 210-214 AMngtsa. IDdSh Third a. S niOIII halMInc hx. East Twearyekrhth tt4 eaa be nn-nt mean ror a rew nay. WESTERN ORWlON TRl'ST CO 991 atarh ttreet. T ROOM men . tJ Vl; 8V dowa, ML to lt. Owner. Fhoa Boat - WIIIAwaTTR . Kltnoted tMe atito or reamearer. r ani loo feet tr.' earn: t"w. .t per month, AMTKiCAN IVI3TVrNT CO.. I 0c SjfvWakl, hraach efc WUIaanHta ttia. $19.000 QUARTER block and 4 large 4 welling a, aortbeaaturnar Eighteenth aad Irving. to.OiKJ lo-aeie farm uear Beavartoa; 85 acrca In cultlrallo. 18 sere beereriiam. 82.6a Fine bouae and lot oa her by at, ' $J,Toc Full lot and 1 houaea. Kearney at., bt. Twnty-ecoed and Twenty-tblrd ata. 81. 000 New houa and lot, 010 bar by at. 1.175 Corner lot. Rodney and Meegly at. 5:uo Lot a Going t-. near atudney. fnav Large lot. Lnloa av., neas Ivy. 1 ' Bl.eoo lloua and lot. 0N1 Clare land ave. 52.750 room new modern boom and large - lot. 4N Rodney av. . 83.150 d-room houa. T28 Rodney av. t.l.iou H rooma, new bouae. Benton at 81.750 Hon and lot. Ivy near Willlama. 81.050 yuarter block, Schuyler and taat Seventh at. ' 175 to $250 Lota la North Irving ton. 1,750 5-room bouae and full lot, HIT Ivy at., oa amall payment caah, balance monthly. Tbla la ouly a partial Uat of prouerty 1 bare ' for aala oa eaay terma. Agent for Oermaa '.Alliance and (ilea Falla Inauranc eompajile. Call or write ' JOHN M. PITTTNGER. ' ' Phone Clay 620. Room 653 Sherlock bids . - - Branch Alblna Office. - Til Wllllama av., corner of Ivy at., la charge of W. N. Carter. Pbona Eaat 413. SPLENDID 0-room boa In good aahorb, Urg Jot; $250. balance monthly narmenta. WESTERN ORHUON TRUST tX)n . 101 Stark Street. . COLLINS LAND CO. ' ' lOOilOO on Taylor at; fin building dt. lOOilOO oa Burnalde at.; nay god rental. -100x100 oa Yamhill at.; good rental. lOOilOO oa Twelfth at.; tine building alt 100x100 oa Lownadal at.; good rent at 50x100 oa Tenth at North; a bargain. nOxioo oa Sixth at.; paya 10 per cent. ' 70x100 oa Tweaty-flrat at : 8 mouara S mnm honae, renting for $75 per month; price $0,000. - - Eletant modem 8-room honaa. ateam neat, everything up to-data, Tweaty-flrat at., aear . Irving; price 84.050. Tbla at th beat bay o the weet alle. New modem 8-room hoaa, Eaat Taylor at. I 84.150. New T-raooi honaa oa Eaat Third at.; 84.000, New T-room hoaa aa Eaat Seventeenth at. I 3.M. Ttmbar. farm, certified land scrip. - , - -- COLLINS LAND CO.. Stoarao Bklg. Mala 3334. HOSIER HOSIER MOSIER. W have 080 acre of fruit land la tha fee tile Moaler valley t offer yoa In any ala tract that yoa want. Price from $25 par acre up. Improved or unimproved. Hood River-Valley.-- - - - Tea acrea ll.H mile from towa. B aeree an der caltlvatVm. 50 full, bearing apple tree. 80 1-yrar-old tree. 9 acre tillabl. On of the moat magnificent view a loo a tba Colombia river - for a home. Price, $2,000. Two-acre tract Inrtde the city limit that to a bargain: aa Ideal place tor a enmmer horn; It I cheap. Aak about It. Twenty acrea B miles from towa. T acre cleared and 130 apple tree; amall houa; th vary beat apple land. Price, $1,000. LANGILLR it RAND. Room 10 Transfer Bldg., 0th and Oak St. BUNGALOW GLADE. Oa B. 80th. one block north ef Hawthorn avenae; lota 50x100, with arment walks; $450. If aot aold In 80 dart, price will be la. ereued IS per cant: they -are worth $1,000. Call on American Inveatment. Co.. 233 Fall ing bid Phoaa Main 5868. . $3. TOO,, A SNAP Comforter)! modem boa, -clow la-oa th t aid. 11 vl nr. rooma. hath etc., ga and electricity, larg buement emv talnlng laundry, twe atore and fuelrooeaai - everything a boot the hooe ta to pe ir; th lot I ISO feet deep, eoaUlne cblcke hona aad yard aad -aumbvr of In frail : tree; aa Ideal hoaa for comfort aad oa- - venlenc. Call er addr th owarr, room BOO. tha Merquam. Phone ltala 80S. 1 to 4 p. am, - - - . . B ACRES vary-- fin land, toas thaa on mil from electric lln. 11 mil from Portland, aa fin road: tber I ao mck or gravl lie level and ea.y to ctr: $5 per acre, any kind of torma. I 40. ear at Journal. I HATH TO SELL my beanttfrrt lot to Haw thorn Park for bare In. Call or ring ap v. . aiorqviet. r ilia aaci rmnaera. FOR SALE Cheep. fa-htly lot, cloee hi. Lower Alblaa - laqalre owner. (00 Market at. ""TR SALE $6200 Elegant home pa Irving at., aear 11a t; B-eoeia bone aad all modem convanleace. Thla lo cation la the choicest lo th city, and If looking for a foaal property e.thla. ' . Z PORTLAND TRl'ST COMPANT OP OREGON, 8. E. Cor. Sd and Oak In. KEAT 4-roora bona aa car line aear city amathry payment. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 101 Stark St met. 8AM SMALL lot 50x100. Bear lamaa- PnahMa mUL Terma. 50S Urand av. FOR SALR New 0-renm .hone aad BOxIOO-ft. lot. aa eaay terme. Eaat. 80th. aear B. Ever ett. Owner aa piaiuhaia. T-ROOM colonial ho, $3,500; $500 dowa. bal- i eait. vwnr. rsoa Knar aro. GOOD COTTAGE, 50x100. fralt. doahl-trck railway two block, clow to. $500; mast sail; ewaer Addreaa P 8. JoaraaL B-ROOM how, aaodera. excellent - locality; brgal If take aalck. Iaajulre 541 BreadV . way. " $1,800 0 room bona, chlrhea-yard. fralt tr.aa. 6115; term. Pearl St.. Moetavllla. I HATR In comer. 100x100, aa Hawthorn are.; will divide tarn,, part er all, at bar gala; buy em aly. P la, car JoaraaL I HATE hetlfl Mldeac tot a wart aid which I will aeerlBca at ooce; hayar aaly; no agent. P T. car JoaraaL FOR SALE NIc B-mom modem ottag ta ele gant abap; IB minute' walk to towa. 830 Baa Rafael at.. I'pper Alblna. r. . HEW -room boaae. hard Onlab: S lerge lota; good bare end chicken bou; a agent' prof- It: will aell at cost- Tak Mt. Scott car to Tremont Sunday er a ay day. See boat aad bollder. 1 block weet. A. Helaey. . TtAROAIN $l.o0 a-room bob lad email lot oa Mrkt, aear 14th; locotne vm per BKnrtb. $1.150 Beaatlfal aaartor Mock aa East Tbtrteeath St., sear 1 ear Itosa. . $8,150 Beantlfol reeldeoce lot oo Kiev nth. aear Uarrhna. F. Abrahaat. 118 Sd rt. NEW room hoaa at Purtaumath. arrlrUy modern ami at price leaa than coat to build. WESTERN OREOON TRfST CO, 301 Stark Street. MODERN cottage, eaat aid; term asm aa raat. B 15. JoaraaL TO NONRESIDENT TAXPAYERS. CarlTngt no nr get depta' property ili ar pell ttntloa: w have bargain la prop erty ; ear rtfereer: Ldd A Til ton, hank er. R. H- Bh la it, $! Chamber ef Cea ACRES All catttvatcd; 1H acre eood-year atrawber t lea. aaaall b-mea, ctatera. faaced, ' at a. Bargain: trraaa: will aaaa a very valu able U 11. car JoaraaL HOB H'U. hoax at a bargain; comer: -fair conditio, te at owe. I B. ear JoaraaL TERT dlrahl Saaayald keen: atddera: good rar aervk? tort; very resoahle. C 1A - ear JaaraaL .. - ' - - ,a $7,80044 BLOCK aa Omnd av. 8Hoo Frsctlocml lot la MeMillen'e ad dl tloa. $2.1o 4 blk a Broadway, el ha. 01.750 MS 1 10 a l nloa v cbw to. ' lH.-Uilo aa Tartar .. with 14 lata new aamlera roominc-ao; thl asm loci ode famltirre and tvtaraaa enmplet. WiMUiN ROWS, 12T Chamber Comaaarm. WAREHOt'SB pmr-rtv. H blh. ew Fifteenth 4-romw hoaee at rlonrel'te. rhee to Car. bet. Thirty (If tb a4 Thlrty-aUth; fall lot, BuxlOA; $l.r; term. W h ether aiupevty la all porta ef dtp. Ooaee aad aa foe ab-k rotor. , Romb 420 CommerHel kUtg. , . H. F. CLARsl. Masager. FOR SALE ft bvmv T-enoat haaal aa Rxistaento at., t eats I0WI125 feet; ewaer leavtog city; thl hi to s gone) totality end hahiw market arte at ai n wedlnt pinperty. fl.yiav-imaMe boa. f Bch at.l B feoan a aid: tot 550: ret $1; a food aaaall laveetmeet. L. T. PEBRT. 93 laaaen at IP TOU wleh to learn of cheap apple and pea htad; addreaa for a few days, li 18, JoaraaL - FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. FINE farnv 80 acrea. 36 la cultivation; bonee, bar, and orchard; oa good road. 1 mile from railroad atattoa, ature. poatofflce. achoo , and church; 2U aheep, 4 bead of cattle. 1 boga, 70 hue he la wheat, 86 ot oat. 4 tuna of hay, aonie pot. toe; all goes for $8,800; $1,500 caah, ba lane 1 to 6 yeare 6 per rent. Fin farm, 150 acrea, 40 In cultivation, 10 la orchard, good houae aad 1 barna, other out bulldlujra, running water; 10 mile from Port laud; $55 per acre; real anap. Fine farm of 60 acre. 40 1a cultivation ; food houa and bard, fine orchard; Ilea well, . Bear arbool and railroad elation, only 10 mile' from Portland; $M6 per acre. - One of the flneat quart block ea aat aide, wltk fine 0-room bona, modern In every way. ateam heated, cloee In; Swell locality; - bona cost $,iai0 all for $A,000, $3,000 cash, bal. tic long tlni S per cent.' Fin cottage In Sunnyalde modern to every way, electric lights": lot OOsiOO; I blocka from . ear; $1,450, half caah. , Beet bargain In town. 3 fine lota ea Twen-ty-eerenth. 3 blocka froot car ouly $l,100t must b sold at one. Lots aear S. P. eltopa, $22.1; tnatallmenta. C1IARLESQN A NIC ILL, 810 Allaky BWg. , . Phon Wt 881. I ACKB oa Montavllla earllne. near Wlberf lane: very alghtly aud dealrabla. '2H acre bet. Mount Scott and Woodstock carlluea; fronta on two atreeta. B acrea on Thlrty-aeeond convenient to ttreet ear; don't fall to Invaetlgate thla. IS acre; good aew building, Vk mile to earllne; froot on two roe da. ' IT acrea la flne atata of cultivation; Bear R. R., bet- Portland and Oregon City. 2N acrea a weet aid; convenient to rivet and R. R. . It will pay to Inveetltate the bargains. DAVIDSON. WARD A CO., US Chmbr of Commerc. $1,000 will bay 100x100 oa Best Oak aad Baal Twanty-nlnth at. ' $1,200 will buy 100x100 OB East Pitta and Bast Twenty-ninth ata. - - $1,300 will buy 100x100, Beat Stork aad Ea.t Twenty-nlntb ata. - $1,850 will buy 100x100, tb corner of Eavt Oak and Eaat Twenty elrhth ale. $l.35o will buy looxloo, corner Eaat Twen-ty-elghth and Eaat Stark. $1,300 will buy S Iota, Eaat Twenty-ninth and Eaat Burnald. $3,000 will boy 50x100, comer ef East Elev enth and Eaat Oak ata. $8,000 will buy 100x100. corner of Eaat Flf taentb and Eaat Stark eta. $0,750 will buy corner -of Eaat Pfn aad Cnkm are., paying 10 per cent oa $7,000. " ... J. L. WELLS As CO., 04 Grand Ave. TODAY'S BARGAINS. $1,850 for aew 5-room cottage oa Divlatoa gt . .. $1,700 for a 00-foot lot oa Kearney at. $8,400 for a T-room houae oa Mill at., waat Ida. $2,000 for T-room house oa Johnaoa at, - weet side. 00 for corner lot oa Hood at. 1,000 for 100x100 aa Fourteenth. t wast aide. . TTSON EINSELLv ' 003 Commercial Block. Phon Mala 3838 BARB BARGAINS . $aoo 6-room boost, lot 00x100, front on eat line. ' ' $1.400 5-room hoaa. Jnst flnlahed: wood abed and outbuilding, lot 50x00; B blocks from ear line. $uoo 1 room boos, lot 60x150, aet ta fralt . and berrlee, 1 block car Una. $1,425 0-room 2- lory boo; barn 13x10, with hayloft; kit 100x150, aet to fruit aad berrlee; 1 block from car tine. 810 Quarter block In Laarrlwnod Park; level, about 13 blocka from 3 car line. 7 $1.330 0-room honae. bath and pantry, small bars and outbuilding: S lota, aet ta fruit tree; front oa car line. $75 Hot, harneee and backboard. -By William Cantwell. at CANTWELL A CO.'S OROt'ERY STORE, - West ave. and Montavllla Car line. FOB SALE 1 BY ANGELES. INCOME PROPERTY. $3,800 Terma: waat aide. Bear Fifth at,, rw T-room modern hoe and lot. $6,500 Terms; 8 boo. Eaat Twelfth It., w 1 0CT tort m annt earllne. 811.000 Terma: weet aide, etc In, 4 Sate; Income $130 monthly: Seventh at. I --ANCELES. 343 FIFTH AND MAIN. FOR SALE $4500 ,.. o. A 11 ,km. Kltl . fortable T-room hooe and good etabl. Thla la a choice part of the city, and all Im prove men (a are aud. We caa make eaay PORTLAND TBrST COMPANT OF OBEfiiON, S. E. dor. 8d and Oak Sta. B-ROOM boa sr ateel bridge, walking dl taacr: $2.0"). WESTERN OREGON TRl'ST 00, i 301 Stark- Street. MODERN aew B-room boaae. full cement ba. . ment, gaa. corner lot 60x50. Sn towa, ceawat walk, splendid local lo. 8 block to new hlth arbool. PrW $2,400: $1.4no caah bel. ance 8 yetre:- Call aftarBooa. 040 Eaat Star at., cor. Seventeenth. ' A MODERN home, hoaa of B raoma. tttle. full baeement, furnace, electric light, large reception hall, fall eoraer lot. eirell-ut lo catioa. aear la oa eaat aid, for fS.mNA A Sn taodera hae. near la a th weet aid, t at or! re. large attic, t room, fall beee aneat, gaa aad electric lights. frac-, thla houae to new, eubatuntlat and Bp ta date; alee lot. eseellest locatioa; $8,000. A well-ballt S-room booee. wltb every mod era eoavenlene. ga. electric light. Ifctrle bell, good furnace la be ee meet, eaat froot. beaatlfal lot, to good aelghreirhood. Irving- ton. AO feet to rare, tar $4.T0. - - -rienod toom boas and 3 fall We. eae block to car. aat ld. for aaly $1,250; eery a' '"Jajy.ajpY.MELRATH CO..'...'. 245i Morrlaoa BL FOB BENT - ANOELES riiu.E ra iriv e-.. B-mnai cot tare. 0"$ Nefaoa. B 8J10II Boom Sat. 614 E lid B-rora flat, furnished J? B-room Bat. 30H Colombia, west a-ronaa heoa l4 B. ISth i-'mii-- 10-room boa. 14th and E. Bamelde 8ft 00 Uat year vacant hen. Bat r ator with the leedlng reoul agent ANGELES. 143 FIFTH AND MAIN. FLATS. . poar 0-room fl. cW to. aa eov 13 ar rent Bet oa price. $10 O0. . THEHbTlY INVESTMENT 'CO... 310-314 Abtngtoa. lo1 Third at. .Bony boa, tot 100200, fruit tree, etc., t .auini faa. en , .,ae It. blor rroea rar; e -' " r-jr Many Mhera at vary tag prlcea ad to all k "UU--r. t, BTRINMETS At CO., 108 Morrtooa. . SNAPS IN ACREAGE. HOISES AND UJTS. Ilntnea x reaen o. r $100 to P.?- . MILLER. rw Pacific T75. 2T8 Taylor St- BARB CHANCE Btlfal ;hoato. aew . JM. W: 6 rcnxia, aaodera. 8I.7"0: S rooma, lot 100x110, 8X700. Inxralre BiO Foarth t. . Wl MEAN BCSINESS. l . . . . umm el,lene Int. charming array ef rosea nd ntTirwery. n Eaat F.leweth et.: will aell IwfcwIlM hoaa coat to balla. or e.ct.ere hi pert lur cSasaer eabarhan eot fate property. Apply T1H Dl NX LAWREXCB CO., , . 140 Flrat St. B ACRES to Kenflworth; a food ptoe. fof ai mo wltb tern). ' " . F, JTI-CIIS, 140H First. a.arv By owner, a aew .avjtera T-room hoaa. a-lth attle. fireplace, levfte wtra. ta. -raj .Eaet Twawty-eitaia T! 7 " "' V . Madhwrn; a ansa. Apply 1&4 EMt Tawaty igklh at- Phoa Rest 01X ' 10 ACRES, with fto Invse. bra. etc., krat car line: terrain: M W- , WESTERN .OREGON TRUST CO., - 301 Stark Street. J ' FOR SALB) 4 or rant tr tb" rght partlee). a ll-mom rawmlng aad hoarding boa: a wry desirable axetloa. all nd lvetltt. - Port land Re Eatsto .. htorrtooB . P- rlOr n. - loo FARMS. mn traet aad me: brglne oa Oveeia ' Tak Moaa Scott ear. 8. FOR SALS 1 nnsinn. to Tobeeeo addltloa. Inoolre at 8a Eaet Slat t. FOR SALEFARMS. FOR SALE 40 acre very fln lnd, H In ciltlratlon. Be- ale and rvl, rich Mack loam; It ad join Claekama atatloa and R. . It : only 10 mllea from canter ef Portland; win offer It f one week only at $15 pet aire. Ad dress it 14, car Journal A.-' SNAP BCY8. A farm eaay lo get to party wanting te . . ..m ewr-itw nerve ui i n - and laya alonaalde of tba county rood; tlil. uu vs an n cultivated, woe re oier. xuere J Hit 10 acre well-cleared with a guoJ bearing orchard on It. a fair bona and two good barna. a good lotting atrram oa bark l pl4c. There I enouth good radar oa the ular to make lial.utio cedar post, near crecL beak: ahw 3)10,000 feet yellow fir tliulier an-l 500 piling poire; achoul one mile: ahw 1 i-d cow, 2 helfera, 4 tone bay, AO aaeka earro!.. . 10 sack rutabagoa. 10 aacka paranla, S4 -aark putaloe. 1 8.1a. wagm. 1 plow. 1 harrow. I cook atove: plac aowed to cIovmi nd grata. Price $2,200; $rai0 or $1,000 down. . balance long time at 6 per cent lntret. . Tlila place caa be divhled nicely for two faro: II lea. 3.1 ml lee from city. 3 nillee from river and rallnad depot; good BetKbbor; 3 aaw- - nillla 1 mile or leaa. . EHPEY-CHAHK REALTY C0r: ,. Room 1, H.pilltoa Bldg. .. . - FOB SALE. BY ANGELES ACRE TRACTS FARMS. 1 'here 0-room bouee. city limits, $3,400; "ay terma; ne rarlln. 1 acre In cherry trrra: pear car aad city Umltai $; big snap. . 10-acr Italian irniu ranch, near Tanoouvff, " $2.5(il); worth f.l.taai. 16 acre, plattwl In acre tract; fair ' ground.; 8.1.200. or trad. - Have many othera: ll.t voura with me. ANGELES. 242 FIFTH AND MAIN. $3,100 BUYS TO acrea, with 30 In eulttvatltm. balance brnah and 'really cleared, all tool oil and lay well, running water the yeul round; rood 5-room house and a aplendfd ne - barn; fine orchard, very choice fralt; towa. plga. farming Implements, hay In barn, nil go with place at price named; echool within 150 yard: convenient to good river town on th Columbia, and to tb city ef Portlan.l; terma If wanterl. COMPTON it GIBSON. Phone Red StwM. . 100 Ablngtoa Bldg. OOOD FARMS. - 300 acree-Tlah-y, an Colombia river. all forked. $13,000. 40 acre In Clarke county. Waahlngtoa. IS mile from PortUad. $2,500: well Improved. - 30 acre. 4 mile from Ore goa City; good' boa and barn: 83.0U0, fl ; acre, near Hogan. Oregon, $1,800; will trail. We bare other. All klnda of prop erty for aale and trade. ' STANDARD CO.. 385 Burnalde St. A RELINQUISHMENT - of -100 scree of choice epple -sad- timothy land In tb Whit Salman valley; 30 acrea awale for clover and timothy; balance tne fruit soil: 00 seres brnah, eaay to clear; bal ance good timber: peer county road, store -and poatofflce; price. $1100. if takee within IS day. Whit Salmoa- Land Co., Whit saimoe. waaa. , - FOR SALE On of th heat little farm ea th markat. eonaletlnt of 15 -acrea adjoining - the towa of Heavertoa; every foot of this plac fa under cultivation. 3 acre ta orchard: new 4-roora bouae. good hern; thl 1 a beaa tlfal bom, only S mile from Portland? caa be bad for $2 500 If taken eoon. Boom jri60oodnoagt Hldg. : HOMRSEEKERS AND FARMERS. If. yoa want acre a re near" Portland, or good farm of any ala.. kind and locality tn Ore gon or Washington, humect my Hat of attrac tive baye for poor or wealthy. Tell ma how much yoa will Invest, what locality you prefer, anal what kind and alee' or a rarm yoa want, ana 1 caa pica yoa out on to yonr Mttafnctlnn. F. PITHS, 1401, First. CHEAPEST FARM IN CLACKAMAS COl'VTY. 52 cre. 43 h ultlvallon, new huildlnt. rnnnln water, A acre orchard: good road, leea than Vi mile "to Damaaen. 18 mile oat: atock. crop and Implement! $4,300; terma. If yoa know what a anap to, thaa yoa will Inveattgate thla. F. FCCHS. 14BV4 Flrat. FOR SALE 100 acre flne entL good rattle country; plenty ontalde range: a bargain. Addreaa Mr. A. Bohulenberg. Lenta, Oregoa. 80 ACRES land, ad cleared and atreetcar line running thronth It: very desirable for acrea r property: 8200 per acre: eaay terma: flrat elaa lead: a bargain: can rsrlv: cloe In. , Good corner near N. P. terminal. A good reatinraat on Boraalde. 8800; . hargala. NATIONAL REALTY CO.. .' ' 313 Pine ex. Ifo-ArRII farm, IB mile tof Portland oa Sandy river: 40 acrea ander goon Improvement. acre aa Powell Tlly rota. M mil aonth ef reservoir: abort dta- tance from 3 earllne. -IT acrea food, level land adjoining Motor addltloa. W. B. Feca helmer. 227 Fating hldg. $10.000 FARM ef 400 acrea. 320 ealMvated. bale nee pee tore; 80 acre clover: boose, tw barns; won Id eetl la lots of 40 aeree. AA dree E. Rcll. Route L Rick real. Oregoa. er 408 East Twelfth St.. Pert la ad. FOR SALB Stock ranch of 3 fiO acre Beer Cnhorg. 8 mile aortbeaat at Eateoe. Lee coanty, Oregoa: price tow and torma eaay. F. D. Chamberlain. Labb hldg.. portlaad. A 30-ACRE fanxu. all la caltlvatloa, B mllea from ronetbone. I mile from 0. W. P. A Rr. Co.. $S.onP: terma to milt, or win trade fn, bo and tot. Joha P. Sharkey, 701 Chaa her of Commerce. FREE LAND IN OREGON aader the Carey trrt ratio Act. Deed dlract from ata te. . Writ today. Booklet aad map free. B. B. Cook A Co., 351 Alder at.. Port la od. Or. B -ACRES to fto tat of ealttvetioa. ea fto road. 4 mil from electric line, old boas. 3 acrea In Valine orchard; there la a rock er gravel: price 81 300. M 14. care Joarnal. BARGAIN AO-acre Improved farm mile eaat ef Portlaad. LeCompt. 22T Fraat, $100 PER ACRR Tea-acre tract, fronta ea car line aad Improved road: 10c far; beat soil; terms. TJ 5. JoaraaL FOR SALE B acrea to. Mllwankle: -small bow, land clear; good soil; prtc $1,100; $700 cash, balaaca eey term. BLAIR A HrRLBfT. S15-SIO Abington Bldg. IMPROVED ao-arr farm: altbtly: aew honae, orchard. Hvlrur water. Addreaa Box 06, B. F. D. No. 1, Vaneoaver, Waablagtua. 40 TO ion acre ehote anple land: heat f anil: B h-r I ratios reqntred ta ratee any kind crop; only I miles White Salmon. Washing ton: splendid view: sa Ideal eammer borne; beet buy oa amrket: worth doable present price eoon aa north bank R. R. b rompMt. M. WALTON. 370 Waahlngtoa at. 10 ACRES for aale by owner; an clear; boa, bara: cloa la: price $2,200. C IS, Joarnal... 15 ACRES at Bcaeerto. all ta culrtvatton. $ are to fralt. 8 acre beaver A ana land: new boas and bam: elo to depot; prlc 82 500. 404 East Morrlaoa et. COOS meaty. 44V acre. $m0: Dnngla ennaty. no acre rim her. $: Oreaham. 40 acra. 81 4 vi. See I let. SOW Foarth t. FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED erlp. aay ale piece; lowest price, w. . BoweU. 830 Chamber at Com- POS HOMFWTEAns.- tlmber etalam aad arrlp pply to ami Commercial blk.-. . , TIMBER LAND WANTED -. I ma handle a aumher of good timber claims to IVacbnte timber belt, at one: tttle mast he perJeet. J. 91. Hunter. Bead. ' Oregoa. ' - - - HORSES AND CARRIAGES. OH your driving mare, weight 000 the I also n daliverv ee workhorse, weight I OuO lb., ea. Call today 6-A Fifth t . bet. 3 and 4 p. m.. er later; 213 Allakr bl.lg. Phoa Weet 803. . THE MODEL STABLES. Browa A Footer, prop. , Phoa Mala 047. Boarding. Uvery and aale; eipree and baggate tranafer. llwV-lala at. TO EXCHANGE. mvi M H acre, all tlllnble Mt 80 acrea gnud bnlldlnra, telephone ami K. F. II. I plenty of wood and wale; will take good rcuWioe property In part payment, thn on balancei prlc of frm, $5.fi0: tlila le barialn fW aoma one. inn win rci ne tm mr eniri en. KOllTHWy'T LAND CO., 20 Gonilnonth Bldt. T KXt'llANliK- (hole anhnrhan home, farm land: district; prl.e gn.inai. tall iViia McKay bldt. fn or Malio for heanllfol nomea In e,in-' CiilKurnla, pcarlnt yirb""t !" rl aile ctops. Land l;,liam, -IS" ' lMg. AUTOMOBILE For anything f $300 value. Ad- wi u e, .uam.1. EXCHANGE A Sd.iiOO choice aabarba b"me t"t uuimprovea utaiu property. , tall Sup Mr Kay bid. . . - I' ILL txchanR a OO-room hotel with bar, worth $2.00u. for real eatate; rare barf .In for eoni on who wanta a paying Csll 24 Stark et. NICE l-cr plac at Newberg: all la raltlva- ,,.,h. i i ...i...... w..,. v., wri, . wa.,w for $1.B00; fur food re Idea o prop erty In Portland. -, . F. FLCIlg. 140 V, First at. $150 TO $ In rkwe-ln lot. - for fnrnrtare carpenter work, building material a smalt bualneaa. v m, car juuru!. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. AN0ELFS Dreeemaklng Parlor Holiday Sp. cl.l Hhlrtwalala. 75c ap; ahlrtwanit an It a, 8:1 np; tullored anlta, 8T ap. Madame Angeles, V phon Pncl8c fD2. ' Blore open evenlnga. 343 Fifth and Main. ... v WE print yoer aama ea SO eslllng-csrds. proper alee and style, met xno nactnra carna, ai, Browa A 8cmU, 320 Flrat. Port la ad. Or. FOR SALE OR RENT NWW -AND SBOnltf). HA ND SEWING MACIIINra. STANDARD HF.WINO MACHINE. AGENCY, ' H. D. JONliU, ISO YAMHILL ST. - MAOtllNERT of all klnda repaired. Ceatoanl! iron at Bteel wort. ZKS una at- LARGRST atork of bottle la northwest! ardor, nild promptly. Portia ad Bottl Pwr-pty Ua 801 North Etehtoeath t. Mala 2aV. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to order I wood ha ad goods for l. Carleo at Rait from. SAO Coach at. Pboae Clay STL BILLIARD AND POOL tables for reat or for vale en eaay payment. TUB BRUNSWICK-BALKS COLLENDEB CO. 40 Third L. Portland. M. RARDR A SON. having booth t the canv plet atork ef phimblng atatertel oa the Trail and Government Inland, offer all the pipe and flitinte and eery reaanaable flgoreo: ala th Alectrle flitarea of the America Ina Co. which will go to' tha Buy at leaa thaa half of coat prlca. ..... . . FOR SALB Fear No. 8 Amerteaa hotet here power and tot of ernnd head donkey glnea, aoltabla for logging or hoisting par. rps. For Information and prlca apply to D. Kaettaer, Aatorla. Oragoa. WF STERN OREGON MINING gt MII.LIN'1 CO. beedqnartera; atork for - al and la fomntlon at 1AQ Flrat at- Pbona Mate 1A. BOOKS bought, aold and exchanged at the ' Old Booh Store, 320 YamhUl et. HORSES ef all kind for aale at very reasonable prlcea Inquire 176 Front at TWO Imported southern bear boanda for Bale. BOO Delay t PortUnd. Or. DIAMONDS, watches and Jewelry at a savin -of 23 per cent. H. M. Lffert A Bro.. whole, aale and retail jewelera. Office 80T Allaky ( bldg.. Third ad Morrlaoa. LARGE stock aecond-haBd Remington aad Smith-Premier typewriters, from $40 ap. Underwood Typewriter Co.. 301 Stark at. FOR SALB New Fog typewriter, only ased few--tlmoe; going eaet) alee .AO-AO Sparta! Wla eheater rlfl. Bog 307, city. BULLDOGS Oa femal. year aad half old. medium alae, aolld dark yellow.. $10i . tw pup, male, B week. 87.50 and 810; also few choice S. C. B. Leghorn cockerel, ex tra good one, at 83 each. At tent, thre block north ercmatorrnm, SeThrood car Ua. Addreaa Box 88. Sell wood. . FOR SALE A aew, flrat-claaa steam tn. AT feet 0 Inebee long. 15 foot beam, depth of bold 4 feet: x!0 hlgh-preaeara aew engine; 64 Inch by A4 IscB boiler. Addrna Joha La Biont, Skaaaokawa. Waah. PARTTTIOhh eaonrb for 12 room and 13 door for aal very cheap. Inquire '' Morrl ' aim at. HORSES, haraeaa, aecond-hand wagon, as good Jack: also rlga for rest or 420 Hswthora. Phoaa Eaat 72. BEAR SKIN (stiver tip) rag. S feet long by feet grrnas, moanted la pmab: exceptionally Ao. quit aew: worth $150; handsome Chrtaf ma preeent. What off-rat R a. care JoaraaL FOR SALE Full-blooded awl Scotch terrlee : 4 month old: a beauty. Apply at 1110 Eaat Taylor. Phoa East A3nrl REMBRANDT NIGHT WATCH Tb famoar ptlntlng by Hendrfh Khrya. Amtrdn: 15x20 feet; include frame which wa a x hlbltloa at th Lewis aad Clark fair and which I a precis copy of th eelrlnsL to for aale. Apply M, I. Park. 434 Harrtaea et. Pboae Mala 1370. . , - For SALE Time payment: Chickerlng 'grand ' gi.utw piano tor pais, u la. joarnal. FOR SALR Coaoeer graad plana for 15f; per. ten cot l tloa; ciecoast tor rasa, u a. car JoaraaL FOR SALE I'ncltht olano. ah ell. U 13. JoaraaL FOR SALE On KxT case AAM.'or lOXO Wliltaa-a ap. Call 8500 NEW aprtrht plan. $135; Ftorhev. . $751 orseo. e-w. ..ifl en. n., tw. alia, os- stslra. . . FOR SALB CHEAP Tw. proof asfV. eed aaa log ishr. umber, oil tommeirlal but. PARTIES aeelrlMt a cheap place eaa hay alt or part furniture ef 0-romw hessa, with hath. 30 Sooth Eaat Srveath at. t. , . A PAIR toe haraes (hay and hi rat, welt matched, about l.lts) each, si sale r dewbee. to flrt-el coadltloa; will sen cheap, 504 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALB 1 row. a stoake wswa aad I tocabatar. Phoa Bat 2315. WANTED Roomlng-haase. M to - SO mmmm: meet be to good tocnllty and ae bastneaa renter of city. Room 30 ll.atamgb butg. Phone pBclac 430. . 3 TOI'Nrt Jersey ewwa. $ each. !. D. Hoot, Tremoat. nregna. can Bror i. m to day, r later 313 bMg. Phoaa West SOS. - ' FOR SALB CHEAP Fine hallteevW pop. fa Monday or Taewtoy after. 2B Harrlaeai at. NEW Jewel gaa wag with warmtng oven at tchd. cheep; party leaving eltv. (.all at SP Eaat Eighteenth, before Txanwtoy- - I WILL tll 50 ah are Hrtret Bwttrb ator for 8 10, If tskea an. a. B za, ear Journal. AT cloatng eert prtrea, arveral asm pi gsweiiw price. Retevao MaHUawry tew Port lend. TO SF.LI. CHEAP A very free M.aaeito K. T. -anlform aott; everythmg eomphere; ele B, 4l to., W. an. call anal ac ft. 4X1 rirm . 800 .YARDS In nan. I and Mnnnetto carpets. WEATEKX IU. 3T B Waahrattaa St. Pacrfto TM. NAGI.R enrfoe. 11x15. eemplst. laafalra feat of Madlana et. dork. TWO haadeome. parlor cerser te Bale, very cheep, at 811 Wet Fsrh. PERSONAL. MY Dear Mr. Wsrraa Plega allow at m writ and tell yoa w thank (ot I amMtiai mr another.. Mrs. B. Botcher, sent the r- Bvontb'a treatment f yooe vhehl M.nai Rw, which did me as mch good, tb la- aent m thre mohtha trtmet aed I a happy to ear that I aow feel Mke a ' . woman. I bad nw-d Vise! tw. yee aad It W aot to h compered Wl'b the M-we'eln and I wenld adtle all fcrig, glv it trral. l am w riy '- All hkum Refecesc. Ml. B. Hetcbee. MEN t WOMENIReymoed- !"" , rart aerv.wao-a. and ! sf hnxee $8, Plammer "'. .- IjT'll B Hc(.H Sliofl.-T " - ' V,"." v.-,r no- ' . giw.l . new.. . ' 1 ' ' . .,' i hb-b I "i - . ' . 1 BlT P- ( n . J,",' ., t'. .-.,. S 41 I.'