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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY. JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10. 1903. 21 IPG VIA K L k b m mi j. u u Ealcred at txa postofflea at P"U Oregon, fat ueuUllun ulrveah lbs malm " aiettec. : ' ,. m a la s l Pesteae tor single pl"i i " T. jt bis paper. I Mt; 1 w W wi -u t 44 HMt u. . . . ' '" mBom 7 M.m' Fdltorial Roeum.. ..'Eli kH ji Hainan Office..... .."" fobxtob AammnmuwATtn. 150 MM lUM, New llbae BUUd- ;" tof. CkJeage. , ' . ky ounn The Dally. POT (Mk, delivered, aweday pud ...,-....,... 10 Terms ky Tba Da fly liiwub wltk Baaday. I The Dally Journal. I year Tla Dally Jos reel, wltk Saeday , .roo i' TIM Dally Journal, a mui. lb. Dally , - Journal, wltk Sunday, S asoothe. 10 Toe Dally Journal 3 mentha.. ...... . L Th Dally Journal, wltk Handay, 1 aoath.. The Dally Journal, 1 month. ........ " The Sundry Journal, t year. .............. J VJJ Tba Bandar Journal. 6 moutbe . l 0" Tk Berni-Weekly Jamil -Tbe Beait-Weekly Journal, to IS pegee aack leaae lUaa listed. Ml market re port I year. ...... ........... .... l.3v Remlttsnrea ebon Id ka Blade b draft, postal notee. crprroa eraere and email amounts at ' Beceptabk. la I aad 8-ceeP potare atampe. . THB JOOsUlAJ. : P. V Bo iti: Portland. Oregon. TEZU THX tonxil, ataT SI .fOTmi Tba Joarnal eaa ba 'teasd a aato at tka fnllowlof plaraa: r " - LOIHB. IDailU B. Saltat Oa.t W. m. Mav Intyra. CHIOaOO Toatofflea Maw aoanpaayi ITS Dw . horn atraat. . . DFNVER, COLORADO J. Black. SUtaaata aa4 KANSAS CITY Taa Ho Kawa caapaa. ' MINNEAPOLIS M. J. KaaMOga. M Boata Third atrrat KKW YORK CTTT Frontano'a. Oatoa aqaara. OMAR A Millard Rotal nawa at aad; Mafaatk Ktattoaary eompaoy. l0k raraani atraat. ALT LA KB CITY Kan yon Hrtal aawa ataafl: Barmw Broa. 4S Waat Barrnd atraat, Boaitk. ST. LOUIS Philip Boadar. 16 Loeaat atraati K. T Jt ana mim aar AN FRANOISCO W. m. Ardln, Pa1aa Hotel aawa alasd aad lor) klarkat ' atraat; (Jold- amltk Braa., ZU Bnttar atraat and. Saint PranHa kotal: Poarar Oraar. farry koll hir: N. Whaatlay. moaabla nawa ataad. aor nar Market and Kearney atreata. 8BA1TI.B Rainier Orand am ataadl W. U Phaeka. Hotel Oeattla aawa ataod. 8POKANB. WASHINOTON-Joto W. Orabaa r. n , TACOVA. WAaHTKOTOt Onfral Mawa aa pan: Hotal Taroma aawa etend. TICTORIA. BR1TIKH l.nklBIA Ylctorla , Bnnk atatkmery enmnaay. WEATHER REPORT. Pair and nodentery eold waatber prenlla thla rrenlna In the nortk Pa-lfl atate aa a reanlt T an Immenaa klab preaaara area, the renter of which a now central or er the Intarmnnntaln rmrloa -of the Pacific nnrthweet. la California lr weather ah nraealla. eitk taaiparaturaa enaralhr ahora tba normal. The Indtoatione are for fair and aaoderatal cold weather at thla dlatrlct Buariay. lhaeratlona ap ka p. ta. Mailman, tem perature 'lee-reee: mtalmnm tcmparatnra. SI derreea. Rlrrr readlnc at a a. m.. 1.2 feet; ehanre la peat 34 noara. 0.1 feet. Total nrerlpl- taflon. I p. m. to II p. at., n nek: total praclpl. tatloa etnea ntemher 1. IA09. 1 1 .73 Inrhea; aor mal precipitation abiee entember 1, 190ft, 13 TO hirhea: deflclenrr, 17 Inchee. Total anaahln. Deeemher ft. lnnft. 4 knnra, aitnutee; pnealhl anmhlne, Deeember S, 100S. S aoora. 45 Blaatee. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. William C. Van Deraal S3; Ella K. alorri aoa. 22. . . J. C. Pleailnf. Centralla. 'Waahlnrtoa, S: Blaaek Btephena. IB. , Lawrence P. Pink. tS Bella Haworth. I. - On.t.ff B. Vail So: Delia Behlaa-M. 1. -JnaiJKrtJ..L. Henry P. Tlram. S3; Allra V. Dowllutv Wad dine Oarda. W. O. Bmlth A. Co.. Waan tnrtna hW1.. ear. Ponrtk aad Waablntrtoa eta. Mlaa Bertha Martin, mom SIS Allaky klda. Btanplna and fin needle work t leaaona plrea. FUNERAL NOTICES. ALT. aetabnora of Georre Waahlncron . Camp, . Sn. W. O. W.. are renneeted to attend tba . fnnenl of Nelrhnor J. W. Todd. Snndey '. afternoon, t o'clock, at Dnnnlnr'a andertaklac perinea. Beat Blxtk and Beat Alder atreeta. yJRNNFTT In thla elty. December 1905, al (12 RlTtk- afreet. Rer. Ooree W. Kemwtt, red a yeare. Prlenda and ar nalntancea are reepartfnlly Inelted to attend te faaeral aerr. cea. whlck will be held at Flnle-'e ehanel at : S:S0 p. m. tndar. Tba rematne will be ahlnned ' to Corrnllla. Orefoa, for latarnwat, Monday, December 11. UNDERTAKERS?' J. P. Ptnley Ana. fonerel dtreetora and ewHalmera. earner Third and Medians atreeta. Office f enaaty twanat. Talepboaw Mam 0. Punulna. McKntee A Ollhaarb. andertakera and ew ihahnera: awden a m eavrr detail. Serentk and Pine. Mala 480. Lady aaalatant. Piinet al wraatba and eat fin ai era a apec laity at Boee City flrconhoaae. Twenty aaeood and Beat Maniana. opnoatte eametary. , . The Bdward Holme a Cndertaktag company, foaaral direct ore aad embalmera. 220 Third at... Pkona oOT. -, . A B. Hematock, andertaker and mbalmer. Paet Thlrtaantk aad Umatilla era. Pbone Beat 4T8L . - .. BODLEY, THB PLORlirr. 124 PIPTH rTTBBBT. ;. . BrVXBTTXYf CEKtTEBT. ' 1ne-!e gnrtm II (V- Pamtly lota f70 tn tl.onf). The only eeaietery m Portland which per petually matntalne aad carea for.lota. Par fall lnformafloa apply - to W. B. Meekeaale. War. . reeter Mock. city. W. M. Ladd. prealdant. fiat year I own ranee and abatrarta to real ee tat from the Title Oaarantee Trnet com pan, 30 Waablnaton atreet, eorner Baeond. NOTICE. "Wl, tbe aaderalaaad raraltara aad piano avrr era, will reqalr tlx payment of all cfcare a pea delivery of aooda. after Dae. I, loo. H. B. Haak. C. P. Harder, O. P. Baaaey, Onaaroea Braa.. Portland Dellrrry Co., Poet . nertal Delivery Co Paekaaa Dellrery Co, -: Holman Trnnafer Oo.t Nnrthweet em Tranafer : Co- Oreroa , Aato Deepetrk Co Joba Hamp ton. Jamea HeLlndea. Owen MclJndea. Paclfle - i Traaafer Co.. Oreaoa Traaafer Ce, Portlan-I ' yea Btorata Co.. Wakemaa-Moree Tranafer i ' Co., Beat aide Traaafer Co., C. O. Pick Traaa - fee A Storare Co C. M. Olaen. Raaaan aV Omnlboa Traaafer Co- A. J. Marpby. . KoMIOAL axKIAL Under anenleaa Knlrbte of Waenbeea, wiw bMt.. 14 Grand aee.t d eaab prhw for araat comical ebaraeter, ...jnaaked or anmaaked: a deltehtfnl prnaram: aliialnr. daarlna. nioanted pillow flebt, baa I punch m by Maerer eitarck. Y, M. O. A, Btnaoloaneai plannran the policeman will pre. aerre order, and lat. kof not leeet. a raa- - chewlna match ketweea two popular Trlah. men frrrm Alhlna. . Admlaaloa, (cta 3S ernta. ladlea li eenre. LOST AND FOUND. v LOUT One Mack ahennerd dor, hok itall, wltk fellow epola orer the eyea, aom yellow and Ittle white on breaet and noma of kia feet C-liow- a rewartt, Hebry Hrocnar, 4d WU metttf baaterard. - I"T remele encker epanlrl pnp. Retara t i jo iMMiney Bea.r-rewara. Iw)T arhirpln wltk hlacft atona) pleaaa return to Mahar a rraak to. e ornce, Hewara. . HELP WANTED MALE. BP a Bit ho re warmil to- teem PMtanSleaT trade. para IS day after enrailetln( eoaras of prm'tlcal tea tract Km at home or la aeir ' ecnm-ai; rradaatca admitted ta anion and Maetr PlMenltere' aeettatlon: poaltjnnk ao eared. ( oyne Bma, . Plitmhlnc Worka, K.w York. St. Lou la. Me, Clactaaetl, 0. Irea eatakarae, - .,.,. ' T.rn Tl Dstly Journal, wltk Sunday. 1 '" , J, .Tua Dally Joaraal. I year. ...... Vlllllii ' "The Dally Journal, with Widtf. oath. s.l TlM Dally Journal.' 6 BMmtbe............ The I Sri 1 j Journal with tiuaday, S.ematne. " Tbe Dslly Journal S aiouthe. J" The Dally Journal, with Kunlay. I "OBtV The Delia, pic week. 4tUw, Sunday b,. ......... wt M ore ; Y aloable Ban Money 'Portland Home ' Mooar ander erdlury etreaantaaeea will nw at (rota d per nt to d per rant yearly. Portland yeal aetata purekaaed today. In the right location and at the rlht prlra,.wlll In eraaaa rapidly wltkla the acxt yew or two. Oat llat f ( . es'FotSale- la parttnlarty cbolpa, and ear taraaaaoa. able.' We kara alaa aeaeral rood racaat loM aa walck wa aaa build to ault, . . , THE PORTIaNB .IIUST . I. COB. M AND OAK TS. 7 I0MES -for-sale: $2000 Portland Belfhta corner, 100x100 feet. i wltk 8-roona cottage; food -lew) aa '' ntakaaraw to ault. (9000 Ollaaa at.,' Bear Sad, BOxlOO. wit. 8-room bouaa; a bargain at 'eur prtc. , HB0 0 room kouea. B. 11th ' it., porcelain .. t pumDtnkT, uwronaniy noarra. $4800 Poll corner oa Northrop at., with eom . fortabla hooa and good liable ; eaa be , aoia aa aaajr tarma. PORTLAND TRUST COM PANY OF OREGON-v ' - . I. COB. D AND OAK BTi. . Open Eyennj:s to 9 rhitaTiiept. ' ; . ANGELES - ' SEAL ESTATE. ' BTT8INEA8 CHANCES. 242 Fifth, Corner Jlaln I WANT EYPRT VACANT HOrSB, FLAT OB .. BTUKI LaSTEll WITH MGELES , RENTAL DEPT. Open Sundays to Noon Of- 'MriingStock i: ' Absolutely Free ,1 BOMB OF IT PAYING DITIDENDS.'. "' THIS INCLUDES 100 aharaa Creat North era. , . 100 aharea Bterllns Gold MInea, ' -. 100 here. Preelaod ConaoU4ttad. 100 harea Crooked Creek. For partlcnlira wrlw the X;C.Lee:Co, Inc. (37 STATE T.. SALEM. AREIU;;GG? OB THE EXCURSION , , , . Up the Columbia, on the new railroad. In tha famous KENNRWICK VALLEY, known aa the CALIFORNIA OP THE NORTHWEST. Trala leavea at 6:18 Saturday evening. - returning arrive Portland T o'clock Monday morning. For special rat. a and further Information aee branch ofSc. HOVEB LAND COM PAN P. 122 Sixth St., our. Washington, Portland. Lbbl'-50i:i00rFc Hlberala Savings Bank, owner, will aell with at reaerve, a limited number of cboloe and deetrable Iota oa the earlloe for 38 each. Title perfect. For particular Inquire at room SOS McKay bldg.. Third and Stark atreeta. Any psrsoa will bay tbeew lots on sight... FOR A GOOD TIME Don't fall to attend tbe benefit entertain ment and ball given at the Auditorium. IMS Third street, by the Oregon Benefit Degrea, T-k-keta. 18c. - FRED C. KINO, President. :M for-loans r mt l-Mt nmt that way. V. 0. WARD, Attonwy, HELP WANTED--MALE. WANTED Pnplla to leera telegraphy; growing demand for opera tore : pneltlon secured grad eatea. 484i Third at., room S, after 8 p. m. WANTED Clerke aad wlndow-dreaeeew ta atudy eboward wrlHag at Y. M. C. A. alibi cbonli peraoaal laatractloa. Apply for par ticulars. . MEN WASTED 100 awn to gat rooms and n-Mrd at Golden Wear, Seventh and Everett ; - tnveetlgate; It will pay yoa. w- Portland Barber College. Tuition .reaaonaMa aa any arnooi aa enact. SAT Flanders at. WHAT la tha Red X Oroaa Dyapea.aryl At 43 H Third, comer Ash. ' - i ' i i . 320 TO 888 per week ewelly ma da selling sick - aad aennent -beneata- te aiiut am Aes'a 700 Marquam bldg. WANTED flood, reliable man to handle cof fee ami tea mute: mast bar capital enough to owa hla own horae and wae-on. STANDARD Corpus Sl'icl MILLS. , ., 803 Becood St... ; HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Barbara ta know that O. N. W Wllaoa O'Bipeny'a Bra aale la atlll foins a at aaa Ankenr at., ncott itoiei pHiar. Hbartn euap of all klnda. 75c to $t per boa; ' brllllantln la beet eoodltloa, SI.TS per doe; talcam powder, 10 per lb; Bueeaf cream, the beat nude. SSo Ber tar: cold cream, fe-lb. eaaa, 26c: (Yike'a abarlnc eream foam. S&c nee Ih: rWaa. for auatttna a aalkia of . race waaa. ane per ran; goon wiiet euone, per Ooa. ; taerttm powoer ui eaaa, n: pea doa.) eft a ai poo, joe per is; iaaer umnia. raaor at rope, blacking. aplttooaa. whlek broome. bath aaana. abarlng muge, wltehbeael. All abnra artlrlea at greeny reooceo pn. On. 2-chalr comblnatloa Vaee, Sift; bootblack tanda, fl; ning caeca and ale ode, S3.60; raanra, 2Rc to Boc each: barbera' coat a and reati. 26 each: varythlng to ka rmaed out at eery low prices, as wa will ouea la our old tore. TS Slxtk at., wltk all new good. Mall rdera will recelre prompt attention. BLACK MARVRU-Wtrproof fnr hoM, do a. w - T. a. lea MH atliraallllBB kat. Tor NO man to take charge of department of .... . . . . . Mnntnc. re n a Die rrai eeieie n'. J - re fa. with replyj each ecorlty renulred. V IS, car JoornaL . - -' TEACHER of Oftfl toorth"?l , bo!JkklIhIJ --k.k.l-i . Akr a -f-TWi Mnnira-di. . W. A. AlblUa room S. fld Slxtk at. .-,.,..' WANTED Boy wltk wheel, ioaea' Book 8 tort. xui au at. WANTED Men to latrlbot earn plea, tack alma: sa dawyt no ranraeeiug. vou.iuto Dlatrlbatmg Berrlca, Chicago. . - WANTBO Office nor la architect's office. B. M Laaarna. aoa worceeter diub. WANTP.D Yoong man wltk aome experience. wood-working maewnery. roriiaou ; opriua Bed Pura. Co.. Iu6 N. llth at. OMBTHINO NEW A winner for Indoatrlal agenta; ten-year ennowmeni; awu wuw,. at TOO Marqoim bids. -Moaday. , - WANTEIWPow amhltlona atndenta to take dic tation and advanced matmctioa m ahortband renmg elaaa. B 31. Joarnat WANTKD Yoong maa to leera bar her trade; fine chances anion anop; lerwa naweuai Bm Waahlngton. . ' HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LAD1P.S' AQBNCY. 84JH Waahlng ton at., Cor. BereniD. patam, row. aaaia Sottj. Prmale kelp wanted. WOMAN, ever SS. eaaegetlo. reliable, to tak. charge or ! oiiiea. vau w laww. room xa. xatwor oiog. PORTLAND .BEW1N0 - SCHOOL Pa ah lone hie dreaamaaing. -(ij jaomaoa au, ww. am room C. Byitem taogai. 01 RI- for light hooeework. Apply SSB Bait Aiuer ei. TEACHES of bookkeeping or ahortband to Join me In condnctlna private Bcnooi; mo.i nan aoma money. Addreaa Koom a, tw bixib ai. COMPETENT itenogmpher. living with parente permanent pnalttoa If aitlafactory- Apply by aatograpk letter, giving refrrancea. Addreea B a, car. journal. - ... ' WANTED Aa elderly lady to take obarg at bom for mom and board aad aoma pay; per. manetit. i'aone aat oui..J.J YOl'NO girl wanted tn-help with general kooae- worS at Sll west fan. WANTED Domeetlca, rnambermilda. 1 dlah- waaher, ahort order reoa. roruana c.mpioy meut Co. Phone Pacific SSB. WANTKD Immediately, . experienced aeeond .1 -i . r. i -u nri.. r m raminrr aim - r refereticee reuulrad. 230 Vi . Yamhill. Phone Mila MIS. 60 OIRUt, between IS and IT yeare. Apply it enperlaUnitent'a office, Olda, Wortman WANTED Lady cook. .180 Madlaoa It. WANTED Toong Udy ta work In atom. Apply aaa Ankany at. WANTED Olrl for general homework; family . 4; ao mall cblhlren. Apply iso avaax nit teentb t.. Bear Taylor. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. PERSONAL rnetrnettoa In ehorthand, bookkeep ing, penraanahlp and Engllak it a tuition fee ', leaa than required By tne nuainaaa oojjexea Addreea M. A. Albln. Slxtk at. , .:. . WANTED At once, a bright, energetic, pre. oratable maa or woman, a good talker, ta take ap aa -attractive pronoaltloa. Inquire nj iDamDcr or vommarca. a a. am. WANTED S good agent, aalary or eommlaalou Call room S. Lahba hldg. anooi a Drake. 306 Waaklnctoa at. . Black 133. WANTED Beeponaihle maa or worn a a to man age advertlalng department of Portland peri odical; 32AO required; experience anaereeaary; libera proflta. Addreea k 10. car Journal. WANTKD Teacher, 10 per month. Tha Plsk Teacbara' Agency,. 121M WUllama are. But 844. ' SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. SITUATION wanted by a grat-elaaa engineer from the esat; no objection to leaving city; -can furnish bast ( references. Addreea B 8, Journal. RELIABLE, handv mm aa etorkkeeper or lan Itor; no Uae for tobacco or liquor; beat of references. Trudgiau, Bel l wood. WANTED Sltnatloa tor mia aad wlf en farm. Addreea R I, care Journal. BOOKKEEPER Young man with several years' experience seek office position. Addrss U 3, Journal. - YOUNG man, edncated. handy, will for two numthi do any light work for Juat hla board and mom; nib-factory reason given. , Ad dreea V 14, Journal. MAN with good horse and wagon wants deliv ery to do for aema arm; price mod. rate. U T. car Journal. POSITION by man, expert stenographer, general education, three years' experience; private ecratary'a work preferred. R 84, Journal. A CAPABLE, active man want work, night or day. V . car Joarnat SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Position aa working -companion by refined, edncated yunf lad) reference. B 2, care Jooraal. ' WANTED Ironing or work by day. . Call 48 15U at. Phone Mala 4078, . - REFINED eaatera Udy, neat, reliable, wlahea , position aa hoaeekevper In widower's home; city or country; give particular!. U 4. JournaL - OIRL attending Ladd achnol wants placa to work for Board; woman want place aa house keeper or chamber work. , I'aone Clay 730. WANTED A poaltlna by young lady as aaalat ant bookkeeper or office (IrL Addreaa-U-in ,. Journal. TI.DW . n , .n,!,. Im. V ... with pleasant' boma. ohi YajnblU, - Maui. a-t.e. . WOMAN w tehee work washing and cleaning hf the day. 184 Bbermaa at, room 17. Pkona Hood 14S. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RATIONAL Employment aad Labor Agency. .813 Pin St. Pbooe Mala 1804. - . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPPICB. 30B MEN. 30 n. Secnad at. Pkoae Mala 1838. PACIFIC Onaat Emn. Co. (tellable employs egret 13V B. 3d at, Pbooe Mate 607a JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Heary Tahara, 807 . Everett at. Phen Pa- . elflc 840. .... BIG FOUR BMP. AGENCY Help mtpplled fre. 10 N. Second at. r Pbooe Main 1018 SCAMDINATIAN-AMRHlrAN EMPLOYMENT Co., 8 North Second: furnishes all klnda ee. plomaat tug Bias aa4 womea. - Mala sub, , EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES." THB Portland Emplerment Co., 300 H Morrlaoa at. Pkon pactne i WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agente; otnethtng aew; good aallcr. big wagee. sua aicaay nrag. AGENTS wanted to eel nn retry I took; new and complete catnt rarnianea xraei eaaa weekly. Capital Ota, Mumery. oumpaay, Saleas. Oregon. AGENTS to eell the beet In elck and. accident Ineuranc. racing Aid Aaaociatloa. ouu v kuro bldg. i WANTKO ,In and aronad Portland, agenta to aril tba Kncyciopedia ttritaniuca; njuet be adacated aad well-dreeeedi agenta required to call oaly anon people who have written for ptlcee. Apply, atatlng- age and expert. ncea. to "American Newapaper AaaocUtlon, No. 4tiO Parrott building. Ban rraaclaco, CaU fotata. ' t - WANTED Pirat-claaa advertlalng aollcltor: ex ceptional opportunity orrereo. raiklna Kewa. paper Syndicate. 817 Chamber of Commerce. AGENTS on aalary or eoromlaalon; the great er arenia aeuer vc - produced ; every neor of pea and Ink boya It on aluht: 300 to BOO per cent profit; on agent' aale amounted to H20 In all daya: another 312 In two hours. Monro Mfg. Co., X-344, La Croaae. Wla. a SALESMAN Experienced ta any tin, to ell general ainrea in Oregon; an unexcelled prop. oeltlnn; commlaalona and SIS weekly for ex- peaaea. Tba Continental jewelry Co Clere iand, Ohio. OREGON AND WASHINGTON Aa koneat propneitlon: either men or women; send 18c for ample. P. MURPHY, Lenta, , Oregon. AGENTS WANTED Ladlea, holiday apeclalty; ecua on aigni; every ooa any; a money-maker. (I S. care Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. - WHAT . HAVE YOU OOTt AN EASTERN CAPITALIST WANTS PORTLAND PROPEBTT 'W bare aa tietrrn client woe writ to aa aa follow: --"What I the BEST Income property rn veetment In Portland at the preaent time that 320.000 CASH will bny or handle, either hue! neaa property, apartment booee or bnalneaa property and flat above 7 We have 32O.OO0 In raab that we are thinking about Investing In Portland Income property, and would be glad to have any Information you ran aend in regarding the advantarea of Inveatln In Portend. AS WB THINK PRETTY. WELL OP PORTLAND." .. THIS MEANS Bt'SlNESS , WHAT HAVE T0TJ OOTt ' MOrT.TON SCOBET. ColumMa Bldg., 865 Waahlngton St. WANTBD. Wa are ta the market ouraetvea and era alao bare rllenta wanting acreeee an I table for plat ting, cloee to car line and la tba growing part ' of the city; same moat ha a bargain and eo . ttr term. . we alao want aoma good realrtenoe property , on the west aid for eazb eaitomcra. If yon ' wish to eell. llet with US. We also have cllenta who will porchaaa a block or more of enod lota at a bargain. , NORTHWEST LAND. CO, . . , oos Ooodnoagh BalMlng. -'-- f RATI bo t era waiting to hear of email In or near Portland, any direction: ir yon are ready to eell addreea F S- ear loarasL . WANT lot within walking distance of Portland hotel: hair mf will do: cask paid; no agent. Pbos Main 0278. . WANTED A sightly balldlng lot or new B tn S-mnm boom and lot; walking diatanca, west side; owners aaly. " P 18, Journal. WANTED At a snap, eeven-mom boo,, full kit. caat aid. SlS Chamber Oommerc.. WANTED Rentabla . realdenea.. fan raeb, la good- condition; haa to bring f 1 per 8100 per mnnra income; - giva exact .mention in arai letter.. F. FtTCHB. 14014 -Plrat . WANTED TO RENT. WR want deetrable houaea anjiata. alt parti of the city ; bare blgb-claaa client watting; rant collected, pronerty cared for. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 343 Stark at. Phone Mala ltTS. W ANTED To rent by 3 adulta. a fumlahed 8-mom cottage, east aide; mnet he reaaonabte. Address C. - H. O., 080 WllUsms are. WANTED To rent 'arm, 18 or. 30 aerea, neat city; bona aad barn. M. 0. Morgan, 879 , Mllwaukla t- .. MAN wishes nnfarntehed mom 84 per month, fumlahed 88 a month, near Washington at, tn private family. Addreea R 32. Journal. WANTED To rent, booee of alx apoma, weal aide. Addreea R 10, Journal. ' WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED To borrow 2.400 at 6 per cent on ecreere cma In. R T. care Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE the Lewie and Clark fair at home; send - 40c dn etsmps for nannaome pnoto oooa. - nearly Son photos of fair. THxBti Inches. I western view oooa o- vix-ilmuh. . bkni awe. PAINTING, core vine and whitewashing tree. baeements, berns. docks, etc.; largest gasoline aoraylng nutflt en the coaet. M. O. Morgan Co..- 070; Mllwaukla at. Pbone Eaat 801T. HIGHEST cash price paid for bottles aad yank of every description. Portlsnd Bottle Supply CO.. 801 Nortk Eighteenth. Phone Main zzkh. OF.; FINANCIER To sell a lot of ground for $50 less than it would bring1 if $5 were' expended in' advertise - ing it is 'very common if not very wise hnancienng., , To sell a shop or store for ; $2,000 when $10 worth of ad ' vertising would have found the ,man willing to pay $500 more for it that is near-sighted financiering. - " " ; s To allow a house-Of apart ment to remain tenantless for three months.. jwhen $3 worth of - advertising would have rented it in three daysis not ? -a "' GOOD way to , "manage property," .but it is a' very juual .--way I; . 7. Through all the little affairs of daily life we are apt to thus trample upon all of the Finan cial Commandments making ourselves : the poorer, and no body else especially the richer. WANT ADS WILL HELP YOU 4rUNA6E THINGS,' . " r ' i . .. .7. . .- i. .; WANTED MISCELLANEOUS F. t. BYDEB. prtater. Second and eWaahlngtos ta. ' Phon Main 0880. w WB WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD . IMIPlll. " r. i r. BAuinun v.., , vet ' 'jn uraantNiiTON. Pacific tss. HIGHEST CASH PRICB PAID for. furniture la any quantity: aa taxa eama on commieaion and guarantee beat reeulta. Tha Portland Auction Rooms. A. Schubach, prop., 311 Flral at. Phone Main 8888. - WHO IS M. 0 MORGAN O0.t ROLL-TOP desk. Western Salvage Co., 607-008 Washington, rsciri iva. - WANTED;Wboleasla ptic on 100.000 feet 'of mixed lumber. Auareaa wa e nwui Mortn. ' A. Lan. IF YOU have furniture for aale and want a good price tor your gooo, "P ""i Main 604. COOK atovea. ranvea, mlltop deeke, ahowesaas. WESTERN SALVA0B CO.. 827-S Waahlngton St. Pacific TPS. WANTED, SECOND-HAND On good top bug- gri atara price, aiwrna e. " Oregoa city. Or.. R. M lim FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT nil KING S0 Jefferaoo at. aew building. bandeomely furnUhed, wltk every nxoern on--venlenc; all ootalde mo ma, with heat, gas cr electric lights, porcelain bathe; rataa from SS to $18 par month; apecUl rataa t 3 atara yargaaaV . -i- . THE HAMANN. 188 N. tSth., cor. Hort Newly turnlehed rooms, fl.oo up; convenient locaiKia, 18 minute' walk to fair gronnds; Morrlaoa car at union depot direct ta souse. Phone 8410. CHEAPEST and beat located rooms la Portland. fl ana up. unman, rirsv sou eviuav BBAUTIFUL front Butte and S other desirable fumlahed moms In modern noma ( private family: phone, bath, furnace heat, walking distance. 880 Fourth at Pbooe Paclfle 810. MARQUAM HOUSE, 14614 6tb Rooma aa salts or aingie; . nooacaeepiiig-roome; gee. ewwa, bath, eleetrle lights; trsaslsaU solicited. FURNISHED poosis, single or en enlte, 3 per month and up. Hotel rairmouni, twenty sixth and Cpshnr and Y a ugh a eta. THR GRAND Newly fumlahed room bp the week or montn. xaam wrana eve. NICELY furnished rooma at moderate prices for rent la large private nouae, caoas aa. vsu at 147 Tenth it., near Alder. - HOTEL NORTHERN Single room, rooma and board, and rooma for bouaeaeepiag; aiu per month a p. 12th aaa Mara nail eta. aaa in io NICE rooma, reaaonsbla. 875 Aider, oppoalU Arllnotnai ehlh. Main BOflS. ... THB BENNETT, 861H - Murtlaua Furnished moms, ooe per day. az.oo per wees ana ap. THB DORMER. Thirteenth and Jefferson Els. Kntiy rurnisnea .rooms, dhhht. wiw, at. bath;- reasonable. Main 46a. THE OTIS. Beet Burnelde at. and Union eve. Newly fumlahed rooma racing aoutn; prices reeaooable; electricity, bath "and phone free. HOTEL MONARCH. 868 Stark st. Mrs. Acklsy, Prop. Neatly furnlabed rooms; trsnsienis. THB BELLEVUB. SlSlf Fourth at. Neatly Turniaoaa rooma; eiecu-iv hsdm, yv.v.u, bathe; very low rataa by week at mouth. Hood 701. FOR RENT Fumlahed rooma; free phonos price reaaonable. 388 North Tweirin n. THB RICHELIEU, MU NORTH SIXTH c-T ELEUANT rUBMKHEU suiuiui !" HEAT AND BATHS. THE HUB, 8 Eleventh t, enr. BUrk Newly fu rata had. steam beat, gas lignt ana Dstoa, one block from esrllns; rstee reasonable. THB TEMPLETON, 308H 1st at. Deetrable housekeeping, also single or en suite; transient solicited; price reasonable; new xsinia-ai. WANTED Msn and wlf to rent two rooms and take care of little girl; caU morning or evenings. 800 Harrison at.' NICELY furnished rooms at low price; thts Is -T once. Transient or permanent. FOR BENT 8-room Set. furnished for boose - kajminei hot and cold water, enemeled bath. uae of piano, to responsible parties without cniiaren. oio neimont. rwaa h wh. FOR RENT To gentleman, nicely famished front room: gss. nest sna nata, reiereecee re- ' quired Pbone Mala 6418. NICELY fumlahed rooma. sultsble frs? two; bath, gaa, pbone. lov rara. near aaomsow. NEWLY furnished, every convenience, select nelghborhooa, ror one or iwo inuesias ' Phon Main 6400. - v. FRONT and back parlova for 3 or 4 nice bust ' wmm mt nhona. hath, hot and Cold Water: close In, ear on each side; 330. U 30, JournaL wtTaNtRMRn front room la private family, central locattoar gaa, bath, phone, 1. block from library . bids. Call forenoons. 83H Weet Park St. . BBSXSBBEaaBBBaaBaBBnBB9BSaBBBBBBl FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB RENT Fumlahed hoosekeeplngoom la . li k a m .4 . ... aaneee. oeat urn a iwn ww - . . . . - ... . t, mi Bytltl. pa in, eic-i w r..., - - IrfHfaa pis., iimj in low .... Alder. Pbone Eaat 4834. ' ip (i . uprcniM. runAwa and SaMrcnth ateOBM honaekeeplnf and transtnit; convenient; prices sessoosbl. THB GLADSTONE 61 2H Savlev at, furnUhed rooma; nnaar new vauagsiBeo.i "" aonabie. a va bb vrft-tjiaa cleaa : furnished housekeeping-rooms; laundry aad bath. , 184 aoermao, nouta roviiaaai. ins ' i-o, i7 .fi - j " - ly rurnianeo. noa mw, nlencee; hoaarkeeptng or single rooms, from 31.78 per weea ana ap; isoie owa . WOoa Or gss SIOVOS. rairaa n. NICELY furnished boueekeeplng moans, with gas, bath and phone, ia o ' REOPENING of the Linda Vlata: fumlahed bed and boueekeeplng rooma; gaa ""' ;;; lng, electric llglita; w rente. 346T Fifth. FURNISHED, anfuralshed, rmjaekeeptng. ileep lng moms, cloee In, 81 week; bath. SS Tenth at", near Stark. Also 84 North Twenty-sixth, cor. Ssvler; W ear te Twenty-sixth, turn to left 100 feet. THREE, five or alx completely fumlahed honse- ahl": r sfternootij. 6A3 ilsf at. Phone rront ioio. - CNPT'RNIsnBD bouaekeeplng-TOpma; imall family; cheap. B Kearney st. Phone Mala 8176. ' -" 4 UNFURNISHED honaekeeplnf-rooma, does tn, cheap. Inn aiarset ai. . . FOR RENT S, 8, 4 or 8 -room honaekeeptnf suites rurnisnea. oo xsmuiu. 3 NEATLY furnhibed front rooms; gss. bath, best; modern aad reasonable. HO Harrison, TWO or three large, airy fnrnlabed housekeep ing rooms; rent reaaonable to right parties. M clsy. ' FOR RBNT-t-A suite housekeeping rooms, feeing , II II at, V ll mrw vw, . - - . FRONT housekeeping rooms, well fnrntohed, , . i - 1 . L. . .k . ImLAuIi m. IJ. CieCTrH- HSU., ytmFiww - " , .MwwMwaw B01M -Water. . Fl RMffllKD honae, five large rooma, bath, gaa, phone, on S car tin, fnr rent, reaaonable, te responsible parties. Phone Msln 6136. , FURNISHED housekeeping, 3 Urge moms, ground floor, 3 small bedrooms, apstslrai wood stove, water, bath. . Phone Mala 8813 885 Montgomery at t tINFl'BNISHED housekeeping-rooms: atrlctly central and cheap. 106 West Psrk. NICELY furnbihed hose. keeping: hath, piano; , rent reaeoaahlr; near car. 1148 Eaat Alder. Phone Eaat 8810. - i I ' ' PUBLISHED boneokeeplng-rooin for.reaL Ut& -North Seventeenth at . . . . FOR ' RENT 3 "nnfumlahed rooma for house keeping, with hath, and 8 furnUhed rovm. 1-hwuo Bait iXQt .'"-.'' ' ROOMS AND BOARD. - - i-i.n. .i i ii "li "I i i i 'i " FIRST-OLA SS room snd boart for permanent people, 83.80 and 328 per month; table board 84 per week. Aetor house, Tth and Madlaoa ala. Pbone Mala 8281. ROOMS with board for permanent tenanta, reaaoaahlei first-claa horns eooklng. - 381 Sixth st. . - LINDELL HOTEL,' Fourth and Market New ones, eiegsntiy mmiBueu. aavwerai wa--out; rates ressonabla. THB STERLING. lth and Osnch Under new management; thoroughly remove ten; iirai-ciaee hoard and rooms; single er n eulte. THB COMMERCIAL Select family hotel; nicely furnished; alngle or eo suite; tame nrst claaa; free bather ateam heat; rate reason able. 4HS Waahlngton at. . SOS SALMON, bet Front and First Board and room 84 to 88 week; moosra nrica oiog. . BOARD and room at reaaonable rataa. Apply at 82S Taylor at. mala eae. BOOM with breakfast or board; 10 mlnntee i . . ... . itr..i.l . . . . .u Vila eu ! aw n uwiujwa ,a(e ' awn tth at. North. . WANTED Board In private family, near Doera- becber a rurniture rectory, a. u, eournat. WANTED Lady with pleaaent home wanU child to board by tne monin. t an up ruoos East 8388.1 228 Curtis at., Montsvllls. Or. . BOOMS aad board, S 14th at.,, oppoelt Belaaos theatre. 3236a xnonu. . lacmc bio. neror. nc required: . . . - r BOOM suitable for two, with tsbla board, boma cooking; ruraaca neat, nam. prnw, for Ubto boarders. Msla lauO. 308 Salmon. MISS CLARA CARLYLR baa two more rooms to rent with hoard.., eiti 'iayior. . . LA RGB' light room for two, with board: tele phone, gaa. porcelain nam, ruraaca i man pri vate family; 328 per nwoth each. 843 Sixth at. Phone Main 6a4. BOARD with or without room: alao rooma; reaaonable: borne com rone, aou mxta at. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Modern 8-room booee. with or with out furniture. Apiily 8.U.UM, lis oecona etmet, -. 8 ROOM Buedera cottage oa carllae, eaat aide, gaa inquire Z3 waanington ax. . 18 MODERN 6-room cottage, nice loratloa; vara. Data; sail Anaeny, iwiaiivauia aw. 80S Nelson. Dr. Darling. MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSB In Hawthorne Park for rent or will aell. Apply x 1 vaie, 113 Second at, ' . Houaea For Rent Rente Collected. EDWARD U HTNSON. Boom 1 Hamilton bldg. Phone Blaek 81SS. HOUSB, 3T North Twentieth. T rooma. porea- lain hath, farnace. cement basement. basement. at. s Gllaan, 430 Chamber of Commerce. HEW 8-room booee and quarter block, Heneerk snd Eaat Twenty-el itn sts, axT.SO. at. ax. Lombard. 814 Chamber ef Oommaeea. KADDBRLT TRANSFER 0., prompt aad ra- llable piano and rurniture movara; aiao aiov sge. Phoa Mala 1686. - Of flee, 110 N. Third. MODERN 6-room cottage, porcelain bath and oeac meat, rioiiaaay soaition, near . stnei bridge. Inqutre room 301. the Dehum.. TeUv pbone between 3 and 8. Pacific 488.. rrRNTSHED 8-room modern cottage, near Woodlawn, 818 a mouth. . Inqutre 304 H ' Washington at . ' QUARTER block, 7 -room modern bouaa, eaat aiae; rent io. riwm anil auee. SEVEN-BOOM hoes for rent, 330. 878 Madt- TO BENT Modern 6-coom bona In Wood mere, on Mt Scott car line. Inquire M. B. Ooldea, "l block Boats of ar Hue, - - HOUSB of 8 good rooma, room apaca and gen eral conveniences, oa ground Boor. 863 L'p hur at :.. "-- NEW modern cottage, 818. and T-room fur. nlehed bouee. can ha Baed for 3 famlllea, 30. 881 Eaat oaa at llliaBl luwian. 1 ltia1lt1rfyr'TMrDta1h'e'a'"un- fumlahed. at your price; owner leaving dtp, 818 Chamber Commerce. t HOUSE for rent; 6-roon modern boose on eaat - aide la good location, 828. Hartman, Tbomp- aoa aV Powers, 3 Chamber ef Commerce. TO RENT Eight-room - bouse la Montsvllls, newly papered and painted, on car line, oeef : school; 10 per month. Pkona Pacific 033. FOR RENT New six-room booee. walking die . tance; no children: 323. 141 Orand are.. North, cor. Bast Hoyt . .. NEW 8-room cot tags with bath and cellar, one block from Orand a vs. and Dlvtetnn st, 813.60 per month.- Tbe Bnrreil Investment Co., 7 Flrat at 4-ROOM hone tar rent; furniture for aale Cheap. 800 V, 7th. SUBURBAN home ea ear line; One for chickens, - . i ii. riu.u u . eatoi MODERN 7 -room house, completely furnished, reasonable rent t Call today 88S Fifth at, bet 3 and 4 p. B. . - 7-HDOM bouse, full be ae ment. hot and cold water, quarter oioca iron, i.nmi mm block) high land, east sloe; 1 15. Phone Scott 1043. FOR BENT Five-roots hens In Eunnvalde; rent 310 a month. I nostra room 14, Mulkey bldg. Second aad Morrison a. arnnaiDiif MmilnMA enrtaeea . for rent. In nulr 418 Beat Eighth t,' ear Grant Phone Eaat 298. ( 8-ROOM house. 427 srrerett St.. nesr Tenth; rest 317.on; kay ta saloon. William Denbolm, Falling bldg. - ' HOUSE for rent, 6-roera. 310; cor. East SOth and Ellawortn. inquire ami ai u FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT Modem 6-room Bat, gaa, beta. Call grocer j. NICELY furataned 4-room flat! bath; 318 per month; no objection to children. 003 Front NEW modern B-rootn Bat, one bloc north eleel bridge. irontinajjiT - UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HOTsX. FAIBM0UNT. t '' North Twenty -sixth St., frets Upskar to Vaagha. .' Boaana foralshed and anfnrnlehedV alngla . and ea enite, 81 Per wek and ap. ' A reajanent axodera 'building.-' plaatered ' and with batbrooaaa sod modem plumbing. PIPED FOB OAS FOB COOKINO. " ALL OUTBIDS BOOMS. TO LET, UNFUBNISHED 3 large rooma and - kitchen for boueekeeplng. Apply 386 Fifth at UNPURNfSHBD rooma tor lent 483 Eaat Ankeny at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOB RENT About Janttary 1. t-etnry arlch building 100x100. 'nortbeaat enr. Third and Madison; will remodel aad lease whole of part to desirable-parties. Apply te R. T. 7 Cox, No. 7 First St., room 10. FOR RENT 8-e tor y wirebnnss, lornion, e trarkase. northwest cor. Fourlh snd Hoyt Apply J. R. I sal, 314 Worcester hlk. Mala , JOURNAL "Wait AC Rates jrBSXB ANT CXA38IHCATI0K Five Cents per Line Ne ad takes foe lees tha a IBe per day. Sevea words, aa a ruls, eooatltuts a line, but each Una Is charged' regardlea of the number of wards. - WEtKIT RATE 1 toaertlona ' (Ineludlng eaa SuUtUy Issue) 30 CENTS pee Use pee weeh. MONTHXT BATB ftnoludlnt all Sunday ieeiiee). 81 00 per Una per meats. ABYERTISEMEMTB meat be la fearaal buatnes ofSes by 13 e'elaok raea dsya and by 10 o'elosk Saturday evening fee the Sunday issue, ta eeeure elaealSostlee. Display sataa given upaa applleatloa at the ef See. THE JOURNAL v BRANCH OFFICES V AD Y EBTlUaTXBTS. ' Wftl be received kt remlar mara-offle rataa. Followlna. la a llat ef authorised .rents, who will forward your edvartlee ment la time for publics tloa la tha seat Issue I '.''; B0BTH SXBS. B. A. . preaton, draggtat, ' Tweuty-thh-d nd Tburmin afreets. Nob Hill Pharmacy. SO OUaas atraat. eorner Twenty-flrat ' A A. W. Allen, pharmacist. Sixteenth and Marshall afreet. McOoromoa' Pharmacy, Nlnetoenth and Waablcgtoa streets. . S0VTR StDB. P. Foaea 4k Co., dragglats. Front and Olhbe streets. . Oottel Drue company. First and Great Streets. FsbUa Bverley. drugghrt. 400 Jeffsrsoa erreet. eorner Tenth. - Bettman'a Pharmacy, eorner Sixth and Harrison atreeta, Plummer Drag company, SSO Third atreet. comer Madasoa. , , . . IAST sroi. W. B. t-eva, draggkrt, eorner Orand aveaaa aad Faet Bumalda atreet. Nh-hola Thorn peon, 138 B Basel Street, eorner Albtna avenue, Janrke Drag company, eorner Hawthorne and Orand avenaee. I W a Cable, draggart.' eermer Holla day evenaa aad Larva bee atreet. Bear a teal bridge. B. A. WTlaoa. 183 Orand aveoua. near Beet Morrlaoa. B. W. Ball. S8S Baaf ahyeDth atreet eorner Stephen. ; '"if.'-. HTOHLAJfD, F. 7. CUrk, druggUx, 1001 Berth TJUns vena... . ., ,. lVHHTSfh'Bi i a 7. B. Worth, pharmacist. 003 Bslmont etreet. . - ''' BROOXXTaT. . . Brejokrea Pharmacy ooxnpaay, Powell aad MUwaakle atreeta. . . ; ' ABLETS, eaxoov. ' r Arlet Pharmacy, More and Featat SUaata. - ' ;,-' ; S1XLW0OD. Hemetock's Pharmacy, 844) Umatflla ave aua, earner Esst Thlrteeatb atreet. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOB beat reeurta aa - FUBNTTtTRsr Whether to boy or sell, ring ap Vata 808S. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. ; Sll Flrat at ' ' " PARTIES leavine moat aell aew mod am fornU ture of B room cottage; eama fur rant, Phone . Eaat eoZB. '-... FTBNITURB of rooma at bargain; o-reoat . Sat cheap rant, new, modern. . Jefferson - nesr llth. Psdfle oav. FOR SALB Entire furniture ef neat, modern . cottage, 376; eaey pavmeate: alee 8-room eot- tag. for rent, 818. Pbone Main 6174. - BOOkfTNQ. HOUSE lo-room boose, eiegsntiy fumlahed, beet locality. SUM. " ; ; , OTTO A CROCKETT, ' ...... 34614 Washington Bt. - , BOOM h"tae for rent and turnttnre for Bale with or without piano; complete and neatly NEW fnraltnre ef 8-room house, bostaaea eentag , Waahlngton at.; a ana If taken at once, Pbone Paclfle 01T. FOR RENT OFFICE ' ROOMS. OFFICES, unfuraUbed. and aampla-roema: slae , baU 60x30. Ooodnoagh bldg. Apply at tha elevator. CENTBALLT located offlce-rooms, with phana. light and heat 87.60 par month, fc. L. Cat, 113 Second at PART of store and of rich; good light, 140 Front - at. Phone Main 6488. ONE half completely furnished eulte office) taeladlng eteara neat electric lights. new mlltop desk and Smith typewriter; cell Monday. 813 AlUky bldg. Phone West S3 TO LET For storage or esrpentsr'i or pramh ers store. Urge lighted cellar. Apply 363 Fifth st. FOR RENT FARMS. FOB RENT Farm ef 30 aerea, S mllea from Reevertna; good bulldlnge; well fenced; rent cheap to the right party) Japa preferred. Phone East 8618. - BUSINESS CHANCES. IF Y0D want to bay, sen or exchange any kind of pronerty. Hit It with us. Ws have a nice list of Improved and unimproved city and euburhaa property, and want mora. Call or addreea, NORTHWEST LAND CO, 306 Gooduoogb Bldg. GOOD CHANCE FOB A MERCHANT. General afore, doing a aplendld bnalneaa, fa county seat; 810 rent monthly; clean atoek, ' from I2.RO0 to 38,000; sickness ranee of aell . lng. . Thla will ataad your closest taveetlgae. OOB P. FUCHW. 140H First St, PARTNER wanted tn a good real estste office! , smell Investment required. Apply 331M Mor. Mson, cor. First, room 8. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A 00.1 A RESTAURANT ea Birth st. doing a good . business, also ene oa Burnelde st. ; both sre bargsln. SIS Pin at . National Real g. tat a Co. ' FOB- SALB Oa account of eirkneeaf alee, clean, money-making boalneas esst side) sale from 316 to 8H8 per day price 31,400. er will Invoice; ao agenta wanted. O 68. care Journal. . WANTED Your business to . sell: wa sell all ,hds property. 3M Bnrnatde st WANTED Responsible msn to msnage branch effle and depot for Urg coffc and epic . company owning tta own mills; salary 32aj monthly and commissions; reterancee and ln vestment of 81,000 reniilred. ' Addreea man ager. IS River at. Chicago. , t A OOOD paying millinery tore for aale at The Dallea, Oregon. Beet location In th city, Fumlahed boueekeeplng room Joining etore. Good stock, good trade. Reaaona for eellmgt ' want to give time aad attention to koaie. Call or addreea, . -, THB DALLES MILLINERY PARLORS, 308 Second St, . The Dallea. A SNAP 30-eoom lodging-house, doing good hnalness, for sale or trade for realty or fruit atand. 300 Madlaoa st FOR SALB Samoa at 800 Flrat at. eorner of Columbia : three u patella and one lower floor fumlahed moms: have te leavs elty ea account ef aleknesa; price reaaonable. SALOON with good laboring -elaaa trade for aale: will -aell hel half Interest to the riser party. .Address P S, car Journal. 60-ROOM hotel with or without bar for aele; . will eell helf Interest to right party. Ad dres P 1. car Journal. FOR SALkl Grocery doing a good, strictly csatl bnalneaa: fine location; cheap rent; a 11. aew stock. Phone Best 8H18. FOR SALB One ef the best equipped hotel ) reatiursnts In the city, doing a hue business; 1 seen nearly 100; owner has money enongk te retire: price 12 ano. PORTLAND REAL FJSTATB CO., i , OI IkfRstloal IlUe. ' , ' ' aVdeaB emWaaSfJ IMwl ilBAyt - V