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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND' SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1E05. HOLIDAY TIME PUTS TEMPORARY STOP TO REAL ESTATE ACTIVITY Brokers Say, However, Entirely Satisiactory Immense Purchases of Warehouse Sites Are to Be Made. , During th past week the realty trana ' Actions recorded have been mostly ths ' actual transfers of property sold prevl- ously. ' Ths holiday season baa wrought . tha inevitable Quitting of tha mark at. "'and brokers' without exception say that . the conditions ara entirely satisfactory, ' but that comparatively few new deals . are being made. ; There was one large aala last week, when B. B. Huston of Hlllsboro bought from Hugh McQulre and T. N. Stoppen- bach of tha Pacific Paper company 80 S0O ifeet. running from First to Front : street, between Stark and Oak. occupied by Peaalee Btos. and a wholesale house, for $67,600.- This property was bought six months ago for f (2,000; so that tha , advance In value has been ' more than to per cent In half a year. Other new sales have been eompaxa ' tlvely small in volume, although the transfers recorded during tha week to tided $160,661, Including deals previous, ly announced. In which the papers' Were filed during tha week. The total by days was: December 4, $15, 676; Decern . ber I, $17,616; December , $$8,$6t; De. oeraber 7, 1140.014; December I, $,406; December . $1,$6L . v ' -Slg Seals Moving. 1 ' Although efforts nave been made to keep It quiet, a number of Investors ara . understood to ba preparing to make Ira- manse purchases of property Just back of tha water front on tha east side. where extensive fli;s ara planned by the . Kaat Bids Improvement association. Notwithstanding the plans referred to are not yet. worked put, and the situa tion la somewhat chaotic; It la said on good authority - that capital la In bsnd . to secure control of the larger part of tha land Indicated, which la known to be available for warehouse uses at fair, ly high valuations as soon as tha fill ing shall have been done. t- . Tha East Side Improvement-association has accomplished much In prelim- ; Inary estlmatea, and haa. In tha opinion of many well-informed men. almost as sured tha fills. Tha promised high val- .: ties cf that territory for warehouse uses Tests largely on the growing demand for - room at points removed from ttie ter minal company's grounds. The freight traffic has Increased at Portland to such an extent that It Is physically impossl- bla now to handle tha business at tha terminal grounds. , Shippers ara experi encing difficulty In getting cars switched promptly, and fault la not 'attributed to the company. - :..' r - - Tacllltiss Outgrown. , , It Is a case simply of growth far be yond the capacity of tha present facllfH . ties. - Were tha east aids lands be tween Burnalde and Madison Oiled, ot even tha streets, warehouses could be - built, where freight could bo handled conveniently from additional switches, . and many cars now held on sidetrack wauid ba disposed ot without waiting a Choice Lot ' Where there is no shacks, in the New Alberta Street Addition, take the Alberta Street Car to isiili The Best Chance to Get a IlighF Sightly Lot F or a Home in the City; and on Payments of Only $1 A Amr and Aleut U I T w . on the Croundr HARMS W have recently added a number of rholce farms to our already large list and are In a position to offer special Inducements to Intending pur chasers. We are selling farms right along and ara in a position to be of special benefit to those seeking properties, and refer Intending pure ha s ' era to the Portland banks as to standing and methods. Call for Information, or write for our list of farms, 'advising of about w'hat you want. ' " . " ' ' - ' --" ACREAGE '' We have rholce acre tracts en tha Oregon City car Una at very raa- . 'sonnble prices and on easy terms. Theae acres yon rtn have at prices of 60xl00-foot lots In other suburbs. These -tracts will - certainly ad vance rapidly, as development progresses, and make an excellent, In vest ment for small savings. Put In a modest amount each month and you . will have a substantial sum saved at the end of the year that w6uld otherwise disappear and with little or' nothing to a how for It. Start a savings account that will beat bank Interest and ba tha safest form ot Investment known real estate. ? CITY PROPERTIES - We have a number of substantial city properties in ino most ravorea investment localities snd with compensating rentals, particulars of ; which properties will ba givsn to bona fide purchasers. , We ajwv, mention the following as desirable purchases: . "A choice quarter block In Holladay'o Addition, facing south an4 east, for 12,100. No other In this locality lees than $1,600. Brick block, ground 100x100,. for $10,000, leas than present actual . value of building alone. ! Brlrlr1)lock;-wlth- goo-antaVl45.000, - . . Another well-located, and good rental $10,000. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 243 1-2 STARK STREET 1 That Conditions Are several days, as too often Is tha case now. If plans carry for the purchase of the property referred to It is expected tnat there will be lively dealing in the near future., Property there has scarcely an established market valuation. Compare tlvely few transfers have been made. Tha disposition to hold at too high prices by many - Portland owners has In part prevented the greater aotlvlty that haa been looked for by good judges of realty conditions. It Is claimed that numbers of owners are naming prohib itive figures which ara frightening away buyers at tha moment; on the other hand, tha demand for property Inevitably will cauaa tha market to break loose soon after the .first of the year, when wonderful activity Is looked for. , r ' Things Dull Bight Bow. : There Is no. use, however, to try to disguise ths fact that there Is not much aotlvlty just now, that Is, actual sales of property. Tha transfer records of last week were lower than tha week be fore and even then were mostly of pre vious deals, . .. . , ,.v i But that there is any cessation of Inquiry no one w"l assert. - In fact, tha brokers are fairly 'loaded with checks, drafts and mall and telegraphic orders to find good Investments. Hundreds of thoussnds of dollars Is waiting to ba exchanged for Port Ian -Malty: The owners of the money are anxioua to possess a portion of this town's area, and moat persons who study tha situ ation with unbiased Mind believe that tha brief Interim between tha recent flurry and that which Is coming sfter January 1 te a good- time An whloh to "get down to brass tacks," as one dealer expressed It Doing so. one la carried to tha Inevlt able conclusion that Portland landlords are. holding at too high figures. Buyers want a chance to make aoma themselves. And probably no one will deny that nothing will so effectually prevent the legitimate movement In the real estate world as owners who refuse to sell at normal valuation. Scores of blocks of city land ara held at so much mors than Is nqrma) that buyers will . not touch It, v, , . - ..... ' BrodnetlTo Property - Wanted. It is recognised that productive prop erty la mostly wanted by solid Invest ors. They demand - that ' the market value b appraised on the basis of earn ing power, the basis of a certain per cent annual Interest, net, plus a fair Increase, . If property will earn only 18.000 net. for example, and If per cent is acknowledged as the normal In terest basis, owners cannot Indue the aala of that property at 1 160,000. It will bring slightly more than 1100.400. It should bring no mora, for that Is all U will earn Interest on. Twice the past week large sales were prevented by tha owners Insisting upon more than tha Interest basis Indicated as tha value, and In two other tnatanees, WEEK U i 111 M CITY OfTICE $ i-m m i wj 246 STARK ST. . AAAAA A A A AAAAAAA AiAstissaswsissVAA A. fW WWWW WWW W WWWWWWWWW WW WW W one with $7,000 and another with $175 000 Involved, aalea were prevented' by the misrepresentation of tha amount earned In rental. Jf. O. Rountree, f Whiting Roun- tree, said, XlUlng ths Ooose. "Portland property ownera are killing tha goose that laid the golden egg. They are holding properties too high, higher than values justify. There is plenty of money here to buy property, but the Duyer wants a chance for his life. Thi money - belongs to local and outside people who are endeavoring to place it to advantage. The mistake made at present Is that. ownera are not content with a fair Increase ovsr normal earn Ins s power, values, but srs asking for the buyer to discount ahead- for 10 years. There has been a healthy rise in values recently, and It was lusimea by the conditions. But there's a limit and property owners would better real ise that they ara exceeding the limit in many Instances and asking too much for their property." An offer was made last week of $1,500 a month rental for the (0 by 100 feet at the corner of Washington and Fifth streets. This equaled giving the property a valuation of $$,(00 a front foot, and there ara no brick buildings on tha property, only" wooden struc tures without upper stories from which to realise a partial return to those who lease.- Ona Zive Xzamnla, Just down the street one block stands the 71 by 100 five-story brick, building owned by 3. H. Peterson, who last week gave an option on It for $150,000, or at the rate of IJ.OOO a front foot. Too high rentals will be tba other and of tha problem and will Inevitably tend to scatter business to outlying streets, relieving tha pressure In the center and consequently lowering mar ket values there. Realty experts ars studying all these phases of the situation during the pres ent holiday cessation ot salsa and they are preaching tha doctrines herein set - - .... 1UI lib An Instance of profit from leasing and then subletting Is afforded by the Vial Drooertr at tha northeast corner of Washington and Sixth streetBTwhlch Is said to have been rented by tha In- veatment . company of which - George Heuaner, C. H. Carey and Pierce Mays ars members, for $16,000 a year. Tha company, according to report, puts In $15,000 of Improvements and sublets to tenants who pay an aggregate of about $24.000 -a year. . Tha Oregon . 8a vlnga bank Is ons of tha tenants and pays $7,200 a year, reletting enough to make Its net rental $6,000 a year, or $500 a month, 1 i. Watching tha aniwaukee. Realty men ara watching the Milwau kee Railway company and endeavoring to uncover Its plans for tha acquisition of terminals. If thst company were to go Into the market to buy It would causa another flurry such as tha North ern Paclfio purchases caused. It ii known that hundreds of thousands of dollars were placed, at tha disposal of a representative of the Milwaukee several months ago, pending .the decision as to how the road was to gain entrance Into Portland. , Some optlona were taken, but none was closed, . Building operations. continue uninter ruptedly, for , the weather baa been Ideal. All. tha big structures that ars going op ara employing many men. There, Is fear that when the spring work begins and tha many large buildings ara well under way there will ba a scarcity of workmen. The Immense de mand for men on tha railroads will affect tha market for all klnda of labor. MMUW 'the; aitlsiilis1 amiiply nsssssllil laps over onto that of the common la borer. Thousands - of man will . ba wanted In this city by March 1 In ad dition to those now hero. BaitmbllMhed In 18SQ . For Inside Property ; See ' . GOLDSMITH&CO. ; Real Estate : ; Brokers ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL 442 Sherlock Building BsitabIIflhad In 18SS 5. D. Adair Real Estate. Rentals and Insurance ' Desirable Inside Property 1 both Business and Residence 365 Washington Street Room 303 htm xy& v ; A lf Yon Want t V Stat! W IT INVESTIGATE OUR BUILDING PLAN Lots 10x100 feet $10 ($$.00 down $$.00 p a month). - - - - vv1,: '- EffiMID An opportunity for tha wage-earner, . homeseeker and rent-payer. fiomes built to gult ; - BOBT. A. TATSVOB, OfflM ' rtrlaaA Mtattoaw Buy and Sell all Kinds of REAL ESTATE . Ws have customers for tha following: We want i 00x100 on Union ave be tween Holladay and Ruaaeu. We want several small tracts of acre age iir,iiKj, on ppth 'id f th ' We want "farms, as wa have large list of eastern people who ara coming .to Oregon-and Washington. , . We want four sections off good wheat land. We can sell your timber land. We want 5 to -room house on east Ida. worth from $1,200 to $1.400 have cash customer for same. List your property wiut vs mo juu wlU get a square deal. , . . Blair .5: Hurlbut le-ai abibotob buo. Portland Property Is Cheap Now But la sure to advance toon. Six-room. new. modern house: cement basement X full lotEast Twentieth street; ?2,800; terms. . . Eight-room house; . corner, 50x50: South First street; $2,300 ; good terms. . ; Six-room, new, modern house, now in course of erection; East Thirteenth streeet; 91,900; terms to suit purchaser. A. H. BIRRELL 202 M'KAY BUILDINQ ' Corner Third and Stark Stop Paying Rent taoO 7 BOW gives yott ' WABBABTT DECS to a . beautiful $l,4O0 new home on the Alberta street car line, East Twelfth street, sis blocks from Highland school. Mortgage (principal and Interest) paid off In montniy pay ments to suit purchaser. Don't fool with contract. We slve you WAV BASTTT DXXB and abstract. Wa have owned thla tract for 1 years, and manu facture our own lumber ana sningies. hence can bolld and sell cheap. Ws will build you a fine cottage with 50-foot lot for SlOO. - IU$II BULBS OOKtilT, " rnonoajCaU UTT. ' 103 Bharlook Bldg. REMEMBER That there ara 14,000 houses on the Bast ids, and only 10,000 on the West Bide. This means that tha Oreate Portland must ba on tha Bast Bide. Hoiladay's Addition Is tha geographical center of tha city and la the most desirable residence dis trict, and much of this. wlU become business property. Ix not overlook theea facts when making tnvestmente snd call .and Inspect tha property, for seeing la. believing . Oregon Real Estate Company ggti 'Third ft. Boons 4, Portland, Os. How Is Thls? 100100. Both streets Improved, snntbeast corner Kaat Twenty-eeoond and Ash atret. for $too. . m. sa. wiuva, SOS McKay ldg. - -: VERNON Know Any More Sea MOOR1L INVESTMENT CO., Street, Who WIU De Very pt to Sell Yoa Lot hi VERNON. ALLIUCHT HOMES FOR EVERYBODY r.r".v'. TAJOI SET. SCOTT CAB, AJTD AXJ purchasers; monthly rent rate: Installments will pay for them. .- . A chanoa for tha .speculator. ... . GEO. W. BR.OWN BARGAIN 100x100 feet with eood brick warehouse building covering en life ground Southwest Corner 14th and Kearny St , Possession can be given within 30 davs. "- WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 229 STARK STREET . EAST MORRISON STREET Choice piece of Improved business prop arty on East Morrison atraet; good In- ma-$14.000. t Thi Healy Investment Co. glO-il Aslngtoa, 10H Third trtreet. J. r. Ogilbee Room II, 14SM First Street Sine I H acres In fine stats of cultiva tion, about s DiocBS irom n w , Una on east slope ot ML Tabor. " tSflO t lots, with 4-room cottage, 'tn , Kl Scott park; cheep UtUe home. MOO U block with S-room cottage, in Cole's addition (eaet side), near Lowell street; good nargain. Have You $60,000.00? A corner on Third street will net you 10 per cent on that aneount. . It may ba sold before this la In print. If not you MM Mt it- A. P. SWENSSON & CO. ' So, waaalagtoa aH. CORNER LOT 60x60, Kearney and 22d Sts.' A. F. SWENSSON & CO. 233 Washington St. . TWO sew tnw flats, will all .SMMtars Imt mnanti. m Unrxr st, betweea Sis' imts aa4 S.trl tta. HHnora skhWb aqulppea bssae. Fa. sg Wrt Mala, twi Kins at. ImiTlilo ea ami t brut ortV"Ttt TM1 Parlfls . wlih larse fmrtte bll' . f BMrljr eresplM hf Ire plant; haa f w.ll and ccnMSt fosadatUia tut a. . , , u"ATnrii a. Ktnn. .With BusmU 4 Slflk, US, Tblr4 I . WAREHOUSE 15 1 Your Present Rent Honey Will Boy Yoa a Home. k Best location! II minutes from city I Mt, Boott carllna, far 5c MLM1 Beat water; streets graded: beautiful . . surroundings. TaUbia Bldg, Third and waahlagtoai itav - - , For Sale By The .'. .. - . ,T .- , . v PortI andReal Estate Co. - CR.DE BUROH, Manager. omoa sis abibotob avzunrts. raoae BaatfJo TTX ',. SUgWO That Hna U block on East , MtArlaoq and sixth sts, N. W. , eorner; look at It anyway; $$,10$ flg.OOO 6xl00 feet on the N .B. corner of Morrison and Sixth, Improved, fine three-atory building and ' j 7-room aottaga; $$,900 sash naif l- dlee it. - $6,00040x100 feet on Park at., bat. stars ana speaks for gon notei : I U bloc This pays at old-time rents 10 per cent on price asked: $30,00 handles it. S1,000 Fractional lot on- Alder, near xitni ft.ovw nanaiea it. Fractional tot on io in. as reel north or Washington. SO,600 60x100 on East Alder, bet fth and Ttb; two cottages, Thla Is fine for flats. 1 SMOO Very fine block on East 11th and Market. fS,B00 60x100 lot on Williams ava, two good cottagea, all Improva- ments in; $1,000 cash and $ years, $3,100 7-room modern house snd one S-room, on Oak near tld; good lot and nice shade; . $1,600 cash. $$4,000 60x0, with -story brick, on Front near Ash. $aXMMO 65x160 on First ft, 1 -story Dries, near uu - -$960 14 block on Grand ava. and Shaver; fin fruit. PROPERTY FOK SALE ON INSTALLMENTS $600 New S-roora bouse at Laurel wood . . No. i; 160 eaan, ntuanoa easy monthly payments. . $080 New 4-room house on Mt Scott canine; (zev eaan, oaianos i yt month. ; . '.'""-. : $1600 " t-rootn bona at lurlewood No. I, on MX. Boott evrune; vmmu, balarfce easy monthly payments. $16610 lota at Myrtle, on Mt Scott - canine, ize eeuju, pw nnui. $lap 6 lota at 1146 each and at 11$$ , 'sjaen, aiao at siyrtiet va waiau, menu ot $S par month. $160 JK acree on tha O. W. Pi A Ry, eaai ox Biiworo, m v ! easy monthly Installments. Khapp :& MacRcy BOOM S, CKAMBXB OT COMMBBOB. T" 4"!C flrtrt Comer lot, aaat side, new AJUW building; Inooma $$ per mo. ttC OrtA 100x100, East Morrison st; tAJaUVv leased to responslbla Unants; v pays s per cent net. $12,000 2&22S -rto.-t tin CTfl $0x100, OUsan street, between vawv sixth ana eievenin. $7s500 $5,500 $?.200 60x100, corner' First and Hall sts.; stores and dwelling. Modern 0-room house. South fortiano. ioi loxiee. New -rrxm house, Stanton st. lot inziva. $2,200 T-room kousa, Tlnarnok st. near inion ava, io smijs. 6-rwim rottage an East 11th atraet nortn. ... roAna cttare near O, R, N. Co. Shops, j i r ? i Oak. Thla property itself; adjoining Ore- LVlo.eoe eaan nanaies it. on First snd Salmon. Are In Our Wizi: Cere Are a Few: A quarter block sight In tha heart of the city, with a flne brick bailldlny, now paying interest-at the rate of BIX AND A HALF PER CENT on three huaSred thousand dollars. Thla la a rare bar- Kln, aa for very good reasons It muxt sold soon, with a very little audi- lonsl sxpensa this property will yield $10,000 rental per year. Another Cse: A full block close to the Terminal yards, only $60,000. Will be worth $100,000 before a year, as the "Oreat. Northern will make their terminal In that neighborhood. Don't miss this if you want a first-class investment A SNAP ' ' A gaarte Moo a llsti and Hoyt streets, with warehouse, only $16,000, now Darin s ner oent on this amount Terminal sidetrack to warehouse, Thla la a good Investment This la a Peach Half block on Front and Salmon streets, with warehouse sml docks, only ona hundred' thousand dol lars, now paying mora than 6 per cent on thla amount, and increasing In value) every day. Investigate-this at once. One q.iurtox- block on Twelfth and Flanders streets, with bulldlnss and basement suitable for warehouse or lac lory, vary desirable and a bargain. - Only a few lota left on King's Heights near $3d and Washington streets. This Is by far the most desirable residence property In tha city, surrounded by ele gant homes it Is extremely exclusive, aa only tha ultra faahlonabia can afford tha luxury of a homo there, and yet the prices are very reasonable, as this prop erty must be sold aa soon as po.nible a In order te settle an estate,.- If yoa want -any of this don't wait Wa have a number of good building lota at list and Vaughn streets, very cheap; also a few near Fair grounds. Any one wishing really desirable prop erty should see us. as ws handle only first-class property. , A full block en tha Saet tttda, right on deep water, also on sidetrack. For factory or dock this cannot be equaled, only $0,000; will ba worth double this amount inslda of ona year. A tnartsa block, also on track and near river, only $10,000. It will pay you to look thla up, aa property on East Bide tracks la advancing ataadlly. ; Wa hare other East Slda property at bargain ptioea.. . s - A Few Bargains la Erases: Fifteen room saodera homae, on Ever ett street between-list and lid, only $,600. A very deelrable property... Bine room feonse, on ml! atraet be tween 10th and 11th, only $t.600. Lota alone are selling In this neighborhood for $6,000. Look thla up at once., ) Twelve room house, on Ponrth and Caruthers, lot 60x106; bouse coet $11,000 to build, only $1,000. Good reasons for selling. ' A full block, with 104 feet sidetrack, on East Bids. Tha best bargain la tha ' city. . Price confidential. 116.0OO.0OO feat of rod and yellow fir on the Columbia river, only a short dis tance from Portland. There la nothing like thla to be found anywhere else. It will pay. you to lnveatlgate this. GEISER - HENDRYX Investment Company Ms a agar Bsalty Ieparenet Temporary Quarters 16 oiagontan Bin... 7MM Hals H1L You're Right BtTBB-lVAWBBBCa' COStPABT XATB TBB BBaTS BAB0AX6TSV . $6600 Fashionable S-rootn rasldatice.; swall locality, close In, west side. $4600 Quarter, with one of tha swalloet s-room resiaencew on in eauic aide; grounds that ara a picture) to behold and ths house a marvel design. It'a aa $6,004 place. , $4060 Swell, new. atrlctly modern 6 room reeiaenoe, eorner wi, cioee In, east side. $3000 Strictly modern, 6-room, beantl $8860 New, stylish and strictly mod ern, s-rooro coiiac. coraaw ia East Flanders. $8800 Highly Improved 16-acrs place. s-room aweiuns;. B"" Darn, choice fruit rich soil, living wa ter, -1 cows, horse, wagon. Im plements and feed; dose to rail way station. 16 mils out $6000 Beautiful quarter block, .le vant i-rwiu Ejovwi. m vuonpi-iv borne, near Mllwaukla avav. MiO way. v.., . , $1680 Acre lot, beautiful T-roam house. S Diocas aianna nan. $ TOO Nice 6 -acre poultry ranch fa Oak urova. . GDI 146H THE DUNN LAWRENCE CO. PARR1SH, VATKIIiS G CO. . BstakUsned 1871 V1 :lr ommmamBasn6 REAL ESTATE nrsTBABoa bbbtax. . , ABB 1.0AB AOXBTS 250 Alder Ctroct i: - Weatitlful h J ' grounla. liBie t' f.-r o"" tr . r of '