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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
MORNING. DECEMBER 10. 180J.: 3300,000 FIRE OH NEVJ FLYERS FOR HARRIS AN LINES We Guarantee Wear LOWE .?w- J;:;yt;.vW.,vp,,, .... j.-,v,-'.vi:--,'. and a Saving of 50 Cents to $1.00 " oh Each Pair Crossed Electric Wires Cause v.- - Blaze That Sweeps Away Electric PowerHouseT "6. II r OBSERVATORY SAVED ; BY USE OF DYNAMITE .w BUILT FOR OREGON , t THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,CPORTLAND. SUNDAY llil L10UIIT Lenses Sunk in Well for Protection Swiss Chatelet on Echo Mountain Burns and Hills Are ; Aflame ' Tourist! Cut Off at Hotel : (Special DUnatck hr Leased' Wire to The JoornalT by crossed electrio wires caused m,' loss of fully IJOO.OOO to the Pacific Electrio oompany, swept away tbe power house .of the company, the casino and Swiss chatelet oi) Echo mountain and threat ened to destroy the timber on it and Mount Lowe, within a few hours after He start at f :!0 o'clock this morning-. The fire Is now thought to be under control, although Superintendent Lukens of the forest reserve thae sent a call to Pasadena for men and dynamite. Al ptne tavern te now considered safe, but jka Flores canyon has been swept clear of herbage by the flames. The observ atory was saved Ay hardest work on the part of the forest reserves and men of the electrio company. Superintendent Turner of the Paclfio Electric company, who is in charge at Pasadena, says the loss on bridges, treaties. Incline build ings and machinery will be 1100.000 without counting the, timber that has gone up In smoke. Twenty horses were sent tip the moun tain by the company thia afternoon and the cable will be straightened ImmedU ately.. The incline, with horse power to pull tbe cars. will , be running. Mr. Turner says, within three, weeks and perhaps two. , At the first alarm of. fire the lenses of the telescopes In the observatory were sent to Las Flores reservoir and sunk In the water as was also the front glass of the searchlight. The reser voir gave much concern and dynamite was freely used' to revent the flames from catching the wooden wait - The cause of the fire, which many thought to have been Mexican- campers. Is now known to -have been the blow. Ing off of the roof of the dancing pa vilion. This structure. was wrecked by wind at :10 and tbe roof fell on the car Darns. Crossed electrio wires Bred thia and it and the power house were soon burning ' fiercely. The flames spread to the bridge of the trestle and destroyed It and the buildings at the" top -of the mountalnH Then the Are spread In, every direction, and both mountains were In danger of being swept clean. Bands of workmen, directed by - two superintendents and General Manager Schlndler, are fighting the Are with dynamite to keep It from spreading to . Mount Lowe and Alpine Tavern. "Huge volumes of smoke ob scure the workers, and the wind is car rying sparks for miles. - All the mem bers of the forest reserve are out, and every effort Is being made to check the (Ire before It sweeps the two mountains bare of trees and. herbage. . ' Dynamite was brought' into play. Rushing up' as nesr the line of flams s -Uiyyu.aaren wsn men m se. Behind tnem tney len a (ran or sucks of dynamite, and as the flames ap proached the heat would detonate the explosive and a shower of rocks and trees went spurting skyward above the smoke and flames. Hundreds of guests st the Tavern are cut off from the outside world, as every telephone . and telegraph wire la down. .,'.... TEAMSTER KILLED AT IMBLER IN RUNAWAY (Special Plapatca te Tbe JoemalJ ', Elgin. Or.. Dec I. -I. M. Blackledge, a teamster met death at Imbler Friday - evening, while stepping a runaway team. He Jumped in front of the team as they started. He was knocked down and crushed by the wagon loaded with lum ber. He lived only a few hours. Mr. Bleckledge was (S years of age. He has one son In Iowa. . . -. .: Castle Bock Xastsra Star. (Special Dlspatrk te The Jeans!.) Castle Bock, Wash., Deo. . The Eastern Star elected officers last Tuee day evening for the year following. The following were chosen. Mra Mary Ho gan, W. M.: Mr. William Sheldon, W. '. Mra 8arah Sheldon, A. M.! Mrs. E1 mer Huntington, secretary; Mrs. E. T, Lane, treasurer. California Prune Wafers 1 TjT Only Fruit Laxative, Bowel Regulator and Liver Viialirer. Pleasant and Painless, yet Positive in action , ........ , 1 Don't force your bowels with harsh ' 'i mineral pills which leaveV bad after"-"?" 4 effects and in time wreck the stomach , -- . and bowels. . Use -r : TVV' .. ' ;; y California Prune Wafers , . ' nature's true dissolvent and liver regu- . , r ' lator, which act on the contents of the t 1 stomach and bowels and not . on the ; organs themselves. f . :",r ' ' ' They positively cure Constipation. - , Biliousness and 'all disordered condU ; . . , "tions of the liver and bowels, without - ,.' inconvenience, gripe or pain. 100 Wafers, Tor CAN fT TTHaT TOO PI.BASB roHNIA . PUtNI WAFta. ! enllr anal 'lp in rarrr II thrnash ana eat o MINI, WIIBOSI ISC tllSBlaai pais, fripiuf m mwwm. " Si C. Skid more &. Co., Dnjti?istJ, 151 .Third St. Sol Agents for Portland, Or egon - - One of the -.Among the new. equipment of , the Kurrlman lines are four balanced com pound locomotives that represent the highest . mechanical, aohlevement ' In modern locomotive building for power and speed. They nave been placed In IMIEIIUSIIIG TOO Berkeley Professor Declares That Society Ladies Smoke at Social Functions, V CIGARETTES ARE PASSED AT MODERN PINK TEAS Modern Life" Becoming.. Too Com plex Mothers Spend Their Time in Going to Cluba, Leaving Their Children to Run Wild. '"'. . (Special tnapatch by Leased Wire te The Joarnal) Berkeley, Cel., , Dec. . Profeesor George Holmes Howlson thinks that the modern woman spends too much time In elub and social Ufa and. not enough time at home bringing up-her children. 1 Dur ing the course of his remarks to his class In ethics tbe distinguished philosopher said:-;.- -v !..; i "Modern life la growing too complex. Mothers are getting, to have their clubs and children are left ' home to bring themselves up. The effect of the club among woman la easily seen by con templating the moral and Intellectual Meals of the youth of the present day. Tbe spectacle of -children on trial for their Uvea for murder was never .seen when I was young. x "The reason for this Is not hard to And. The modern mother epends ro much of her tl-e In the w of mod ern society that she neglects the moral training of her children. To train the minds is not enough. The heart must be trained. The public school trains the mind, but the heart can only be trained by the hearth and at the mother's knee. , "Men are largely responsible for the existence of women's clubs. They spend too much of their time at clubs and lodges and women follow their example. Modern life Is getting so complex .that most parents neglect their children. The home is the thing. ' It Is the place for both mother and father. ' "There la another bad tendency that I have noticed In the women of the pres ent day. That la the use of tobacco. It is considered a stylish thing to pass tobacco around at women's functions and for women to smoke. I cannot ex prees myself too strongly against this practice. -Decent society should ' os tracise such women." . I m II ' e ,; CHINESE SHOOTER HAS YOUNG WHITE WIFE - Lee Una Oum wes arrested last night by Detectives Welch end Hartman on a charge of attempting to kill a country man. Kip Sing Lung, a member of the Chinese reform association. Lee entered a ro m on Second street two weeks ago and shot four I'meS at Kip because, he BAys. the latter owea htm IMS and has refused to pay.. ' X... lf was found with his white wife, aged U years. In a cellar room at 1T West Park street, , 25 Cents If jwa WWw earb with' a CALI-. elsaalws tb men -aattjllhle (no4 tse jratm la a sutle t4 haaitknil MUCH TOBACCO O. R. & N. Co.'e New Monster Locomotives. service -on the X- R, fc- N., between Umatilla and Huntington. No other. Una In the Harriman system Is said to have Jm service locomotives like -them. On a level grade they will attain a speed of IS miles an hour. Here Is tbe YERKES' $75,000 FENCE IS - StOLEN BY THIEVES Imported " Bronze Ornament Made Away With at Night While the Family Slept. .. (Bpertat Mipateh bs Leased Wire te Tbe tarsal). . New York, Dec . Charles T. Terkes. tho traction magnate. 'has appealed to the . police to save from entire., spolia tion by thieves the I7(,000 bronse fence surrounding his Fifth-avenue mansion at the southeaat corner of Sixty-eighth street. In desperation, he has built a thick board palllsade clear around the magnificent ornament, hiding It from view.. When Mr. Terkes bought the ' house two years ago he Imported the fence of quaint design from Europe. From that day his residence waa marked- by thieves and souvenir, hunters. Piece by piece the precious ornaments vanished. A year ago Mr. Terkes complained to the police. Special detectives were as signed to watch his house, but the acts of vandalism ' continued. At last noth ing was left but the bare bronse skele ton. Even that waa not Immune. With in the last two weeks the fence hes been unbelted piecemeal and carried away In wagone at dead of night while the. household slept Hr. Terkes, realising' that It would be only a matter of daya before the fence would be all gone, hit on the novel Idea of building tbe board fence as a shield, and there It Stands today, looking so out of place. SIMS' FUNERAL HELD AT " HOME OF DESERTED WIFE (Special Dispatek by Leasee Wire te The tarsal) ' Berkeley, Cat, Deo. t. The funeral of J. Fletcher films, the capitalist. -wnws oeatii mm nm result ot an auto mobile accident revealed the fact that since leaving his wife in Berkeley he has been living in Alameda with a sec ond woman, who Claims to have been legally married to him. waa held today from the family home in Berkeley. Rev. EL R. Dllle officiated. The body was cremated. , : ' ' Although. 81ms had beep a stranger to his wife for years and left hie daugh ters when they were little school chil dren, Mrs. films Insisted that the body ehould be burled from the ' Berkeley home where the flret happy years of their married life had been spent. The funeral waa ! very simple. Mrs. Wil liams of Alameda, who claims to be. Mr. 81ms' wife, did not attempt to claim the body or arrange for the funeral. NEW. TURBINE STEAMER REPORTED BY WIRELESS (Special TltBatch by Leased Wire te Tbe tarsal) New York. Dec. I. The new turbine steamship Carmanla reported herself by wireless telegraph to the - station at Slasconsett lightship. She ' said she would dock In New York, probably about I p. m. tomorrow. In Ihe new liner a giant step forward has been taken in the matter of propul sion. The turbine, that form of engine is predicted will reduce the passage between the two hemispheres to two day, has been eubstltuted for the old screw, which has been In use prac tically tflnce steam was first applied to ocean travel. The Carmanla, according to wireless messages, has Indicated a speed of 20 knots an hour, but two additional knots la expected from the turbines later. , DOG TRAVELS MANY - -iWILES TO RETURN HOME (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire te Tbe Journal) Frjderlrktown. Mo.. Dec. . A dog belonging to A. E. Kinney, a ranchman of thia eectlon, has just completed a trip of 100 miles, returning to his for mer home here from western Nebraska. Kinney left a month ago for Nebraska to ' reside, taking hla ..ousehoid goods overland in a wagon. The dog followed until western Nebraska was reached, when he disappeared. - A few days after the animal 'turned up at his former home, having traveled 109 miles across mountain chains, deserts and deep streams which he waa compelled to awim. f ' ' SENTENCED TO PRISON : BY CHEHALIS JUDGE "'(ffpeelal TUteateb ts The tarsal.) Chehalls. Wash.. Dec. . John Mitch ell pleaded guilty today before Judge Rice to assault with a deadly weepon on Andrew Hllburger recently, and was sentenced to sis months In the peniten' tlnry. 1 .- City Electrician "Lawrence, the victim of last night's stabbing aflray,Js rest ing 'easily. No dangerous reeults are feared, unless blood-poisoning sets In. WHIPPING POST MAY BE THIS MAN'S FATE T r ..I. Ma ltt hla arlfa at a boarding-house at 10H North Sev nisenin street, wsnt noms oruna night. It l alleged, and, breaking down a door, beat ber because she had tried to keep him out -of the room.. The land lady Interfered and waa knocked down by Matter. Patrolman Inskeep placed bias under arrest, lint of main specifications: Weight on drivers, 118.000 nounds: weight or en gine, I2C.000 pounds; total .weight of engine and loaded tender, ssi.000 pounds: capacity of tender, 11 tons of coal and 1.000 gallons of water:- cost, about 117,000. COIIIIELL SENT TO WHITE HOUSE Secret Service Agent Who Was . Stationed at Portland Dun ; ing Fair Is Promoted. ; I, IS GIVEN CHARGE OF " " THE PRESIDENTS HOME New Position Considered the JMoit Important and Responsible in the Service Waa Bodyguard for Ex ecutive Dunns; Western Trip. (Special Diapatcb ts Tbe tarsal.) Seattle, Wash., Dec 9. "Steve'1 Con- nell, of the United States secret service, who, with H. - D. Kerfoot of .the San Francisco mint, succeeded In securing a - confession from . George Edwards Adams, defaulting cashier of the local aasay office, has been chosen as chief secret service agent at the White House to succeed Frank Tyree, who has been appointed a United States marshal in one- of the West Virginia districts. . Mr. Connell will leave for the east In a couple of days. . He Will proceed im mediately to the national' capital and there assume his new duties, consid ered 'the most Important and carrying with It the most responsibility of any In the government service. n Mr. Connell. who has- become weir known In this city through his work of running to earth the aasay office frauds; Is well known to ' President Roosevelt. He has several times acted as body guard j '.TI" ,H"lt ani1 r-"""'r,'lJ him in ,hls trip tnrougit tne west tnree yesrs-ago. - He waa stationed at Port land during the Lewis and Clark fair, where he watched for counterfeiters and made several important arrests, -. Director Roberts of the mint bureau will reach this city early tomorrow morning. , ,, MANGLED BODY FOUND AT FOOT OF HIGH CLIFF (Special IMapateh by Leased Wire te Tbe tarsal) San Francisco, Dec. . At the foot of the precipitous cliff at the foot of Green street, where that street Is Inter sected by Bansome street, where is situ ated the quarry owned and operated by Gray brothers, the crushed and mangled body of a man was found by children playing In tbe quarry early thia morn ing. Papers In his possession Indicated that he might be one Peter Slovln, for. merlr of Anacortes, Washington. . Ha was a laborer, to Judge by his clothing snd appearance, and was about 16 years old. - ' - It Is the belief of the police that he went to the vicinity or the quarry whllo looking for work and while, at the head of the. c'lff In some way missed his footing and fell over. When the body was found It was badly shattered. Gray brothers have been the subject of criticism on account of their blasting on Telegraph hill for some time and oo many occasions have been haled Inte court because of the damage alleged to have been done to property by their blasting. There have also been several deaths due to falls from the cliff over into the quarry. .'. POLICEMAN ASSAULTED BY OPIUM DEN LOOKOUT .. .. ., . ... i While trying to enter a Chlneee opium den at Second and Stark streets. In ac cordance with ' Instructions Issued by Captain 81over, last night Station Of ficer Price was assaulted by Ah Wah, the lookout, and hurled down a steep flight of stairs. Price "arrested the Chinese. i ' ' '' Carpet Magnate Bead. New York, Dec . John Sloane, pres ident and director of W. at J. Sloane, probably the most . widely known carpet dealers In" this country, Is dead. He was a multl-mllllonalre, the oldest car pet merchant in the United States, a di rector or trustee of some of the larg est financial and industrial organisa tions and active In Neef York'a clvle end jihllsnthrople llf. "lEI 01I60I WaTEB POWIX -, BAH. WAY COXtAa-Y. HOTEL EvSTACADA RATES t ni irricr nog vorntstB a. ieaeine wb breakfast..., 1 f Boo eea Wrf Pr a.y.. t oo Basal aa4 few per week M.M Breaaiaat, lee. Lasekaaa. see. - - tMsaae, eOa. veHal TVkei. SMteelag rsas4-rbV (an aas slasee SLH Spe-4 Ticket. teelsata -wbs fan. eas ssjat s Hafua ... CARS LEAVk Ticxrr omcx mn at aldie sts. Dally a 1:S, t , U-M s. at. I lies, :, ,40. Isle e. m. I ' Fbone or Write ' ? . L. O. MacMahon. Manager , - ZSTAOADA, OkEOOV. i rtim A RTTTTv A TTTi TTTv vx li ll ll ALL THE GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIR FACTORY in Connection. Largest Up Y. H. C. A. Building fb) Cor. 4th and Yamhill fb) 1 1 H. BRUCK, Proprietor I,. 1$ ssaasaaSiaBaWsWBsBSBaBBlBSiaBMBMsWBBMBSaWsBsaWaB t t AAtStt MANY PEDAGOGUES GATHER AT GANY0NV1LLE Local Institute Proves of Most Successful Character to Visitors - ' - '-i-"; (Bpeelal Dispatch to Tbe JwormaLi ranvnnvllla. Or.; Dec. t. One of the moat Interesting- local Institutes In the history of Dougtes cpunty was held here today. 'Count1' nuperinienaeni xunmu presided over the daysesslon, snd a number of subjects of an educational nature were ably discussed .by- the teachers present. . At the close of the afternoon session a basket ball game was played between the hlgn scnooi team ana ihckvu of teachers, which resulted In the de- va na.n.ii. acors "tit IS to S. - In the evening President Camp bell of the state university iioi " iii. -nKii fnf uimleiu sis isius ui euu ration. Other visitors besides President Campbell were President Briggs of the Oregon Central Normal school, Profee sor Sanders, superintendent of the Roeeburg school; principals from Drain, Oakland," lllards. Myrtle Creek and Olendale, and teachers from most of the rural schools In this section of the county. " ', INTERFERENCE WITH JURY IN THE PAT CROWE TRIAL (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire ts Tbe Jonraal) Omaha, Deo. . There Is a possibility that the case against Pat Crowe, charged with the kidnapping of Eddie Cudahy. will never come to trial In connection with, Crowe's acquittal on the charge of shooting Officer Jackson In a atreet revolver battle In Omaha last September before his arrest in Butte. Montana, County Attorney Stabaugh de clared that he has direct and positive evidence that an attempt waa made to Influence the Jury, and that he will to morrow file an Information agatnat the man alleged to have made-the attempt. The county attorney said further: "As a result of this. I feel Justified In stating that when the robbery charge against Crowe, In connection with the kidnapping case, eomes to trial next month I shall not try the case unless the Jury la kept from separating until the verdict la reached. CONSCIENCE FUND FOR STOLEN COLLAR BUTTON (Speda! Dispatch by Leased Wire to Tbe Joornal) Eldora, Iowa, Dec. . Troubled and worried by a guilty conscience for more than 21 years, a Sacramento, California, man lust remitted 12.(0 to the psstor of the First Congregational church-of this elty and haa requested him to pay the money over to a Jeweler who had a store on Marion street.- this city In 11(1. The writer, who falls to sign his nsme to his letter, states that he was In Eldora In 1881 and that he entered the Marlon atreet store 'snd aaked to look at some collar buttons. He purchased one and says that he purloined another worth about 2i cents and that his eon science all these years haa been "much worried, pricked and troubled." Esra Nuckolls la the Marlon street Jeweler from whom the button wae taken and he has accepted the money, turning It over to charity, . CASTLE ROCK MERCHANT ACQUITTED BY JURY - fftpeclal Dlsrateb to The Joersal.t Caetle Kock, Wash.. Deo. t. The trial of the. Sunday cloalng contest held here Wednesday, In which' E. Mansell was arraigned on a charge of keeping his place of -business open on Sunday, No vember 1. and selling goods, resulted In a verdict of acquittal. Ikrth aides were represented by eminent legal coun sel and numerous witnesses were ex amined. 'While one wltnees examined elated he made a purchase on that date, others could not remember what oo- Sl rtgnt WUl Sa Bitter. . Those who will persist In closing their eare against the continual- recommenda tion I Dr. Klnee New Discovery for Consumption will have a long and bit ter light with their troubles. If not ended earlier be. fatal termination. Read what T. R Reall of Rehll, Miss., Tias to say: "Ijiat fall my wife had every symptom of consumption. Hhe took Dr. Klne s New Discovery after everything ele had failed. Improvement came at enre and rour Dottles entirely cure.i ,rr. M. . - m .. K w BblAmAM Vt-. i I 1(1 Third street, price Ive and 1 1 . fecial bottles free. li FOR MEN POPULAR STYLES AND tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttAtttAa 9 '" lV,A;j 'l. ... Sohmer - Cecilian WHAT COULD . YOU GIVE YOUR FAMILY THAT WOULD PLEASE THEM MORE THAN A FINE INSIDE PL ANO PLAYER? C A L L A N D HEAR THEM . PLAYED. CASH 02 EASY PAYMENTS Manufacturer's Piano Company 350 ALDER ST. J. Fred Kessler, President. , W. T. Shanahan, Yice-Pres. Kmlneat Judges, Ministers, Congressmen and tbe medical reea declare air ure Mrmsneot. I euro after others fall. II floean't matter bow severe tbe ease, I can -cure It. 1 want to sane you the proof. I will send you my booklet on F.ullepty by return mall FREE. Write to-day. Dr. W. Tawne, read 4m Lsa Wis, curred while they were In the store. The Jury was out but a few minutes and a verdict of not. guilty waa ren dered on the Or st ballot. - . THREE SUSPECTS PLEAD NOT GUILTY AT EUGENE (Special Diapatrb ts Tab Insrsat) Eugene, Or., DwcS. -The local of ficers have secured enough evidence against Victor Fitsner, William Caveroy and Charles Brady, the three men ar rested -on suspicion of robbing W. W. Scott, the Creawell farmer, the other night, to warrant their being held for trial, and the men were todity trane ferred from the city Jail to the county Jail. They wer arraigned before Jus tice of the Peace Wlntermeter thin forenoon on the charge of robbery and pleaded not guilty.. "" Their examination wm te lield Tui ay. - ' : -- - MerrteeY at aTeppnse. llerrier, Or., lec. -H T. Humph reys end IJsxte M. llowird, both well known end renctd young rr'" of )lr:n.r, mu! rld at I'-1 it,n of ; (M f'rs. I -nk T -lie n city f ; '1 i.o THE r;eaaass, r.URFfl TO STAY CURED LEATHERS - to - Date Shoe Shop on the Coast t D I acsina Cra njtc Co, .267; Third Street 1 ''fMJ' ssjtl-ssiisJ Watches! Vatchest Watches! '. A VAT RSBAC' ", Watches, Diamonds, Jewelryr amver- wars and Bilvsr sTovslUsa, Solid . Oold, Solid RUver asd SO ' Teay 14X. rilled. We keep thst kind, end that kind only, at all time and at prices taut go rlgit down to the bottom. ' We guarantee every artfc'.Ie we aTl and we save money for you on every thing you bry. Take a Xmas chance ea. the goods ?ioed la this AD, 147 Rogers Bros. Knives and Forks set ." 1147 Table Spoons, half dosen. 1 1S4T Teaspoons, half dosen. ....... tie 1S4T Sugar Shall . 50 1047 Berry Spoonr", .- ..- 1J47 Heat Fork So 1X47 Pie Knife ...,..t. 1147 Butter Knife tOo 1S47 Soup Ladle .... ....... ... i - . - '- W1TCIII ' 1 else. 80-year niled case, T-Jeweled. F.I (tin or Wttltham movement.. 12. If else. !0-year caao, 16-Jeweled. Elgin or Waltham l.5t slsa, 20-year filled caee, Elgin or - Waltham. ladles' watch .,$19 tt slse, 20-year, 14k. filled case, Elgin or Waltham ladle watch IH.a Girl's watch, gun . metal or silver, sum wind and set II 14k. eolid gold watches for tha wom en ' Bolld gold fancy etlck pine. II i Bolld gold fancy etick pins, with gen uine diamonds 11.- Bolld gold link cuff buttons..... :v e. With genuine diamonds ......... Bolld gold baby rings ,.'..v...... 1X0? 1 ooita on AaTO AU. METZGER & CO. Ill Sixth. Veas WaeAtagtoav . CASK o CAXSIT. $1X0 Doers Boo rear Week. " Uall orders promptly attended to 8end for Catalogue. FIRST tjt abiutt xar axrumizirOB. XaT BErDTATIOsT, IaT XQtTmrEsTT. XJT EKOWUIDH, vm svocbss. ladder Tronbtae, Hydrocele, Tarteooele. Tlmples, Cloers, Kidney Complaints, Blood rotsoa, Vervoas D.bVUty, gtrtcture, heamsUsia,- mvate Diswsee, Ues Iat TitaUiy. All manner of Chronic AfTll'-tlons of men and women. Moat mo.u-rn an.l i entinc trentment. No ruttms No l" ful oper-itlons. No detention from N"-'-sjesa. No mlsreprewntJillon. Ivi ii." "i esntllehl for lion.-t !. I f " "-- " ' tttt ell imUeala. C'onu.( ' 1 '" 1 " -Vl-e free. si. n Coe. f 1 1 i -