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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10. 1905. DIG PREPARATIONS RflMfl LIKELY FOR BOY BATTLE III SEIIME ROBBERS : LMPRISOn POLICE AND CRACK A SAFE . Band of Bandits Hold Up Offi cers and Handcuff Them and Then Rob Vault 66 .10 SAVED TRAIN . Wei OVER RATE BILL AT:W00DBURII ', , :j i " 'Queen City of French Prairie Much Interested In Coming , ; ! Farmers' Congress. , ; MANY PROMINENT MEN ' WILL LEND THEIR AID Noted Speaker to Talk ' on Topics i , - Relative to Benefit of Oregon and ' ' Session to Close With Banquet to i"- the Visitors and Delegates. -. ' ' 1 '.. ' (Special Dispatch t Tba Joeraal J .W-oodburn, Or, Dec . Much Interest ' ts manifested In the farmers' and ship- ; -pere' congress which meets in. this slty nex! rrluay, iwremDcr ii, unuor auspices of ths Willamette Valley De ' velopment league. Ths program will be ''mm follows! At 10:10 s. m mualc after v which the convention -will be called to " order by Colonel . E. Hofer, president of . the Willamette Valley Development league. An address of welcome on be- ; Corby will be followed by "Development ' ff Oregon," Governor George B.' Cham , berlatn: . ''An Open River and Free IocaVV by. Captain A. .B. Orsham of the .Oregon City ' Transportation com- pany; .zaquina jwy aau r"im v 1 a-on," by B. F. Jones of . Toledo, and i "Development '. of Western Oregon by ' 'tv4rt VailMarf.11 hv UlTA, IT W ,- Waters of Salem, come next, followed . At the afternoon session.. "Needs of ' Oregon and - Her People. by George C Brownell of: Oregon v:lty. will ,be the , fret Address, followed by. tha report of she -Committee on tax k code, by J. A. - Carson of Salem. "Coos Bay and Har- . bor, -by Mayor L. J. Simpson, of North . Bend. Is nert.'followed by "Battle for he Oregon Producer. by. J. IX Lee of PprtJand; "Tillamook Bay and Rall . road," by Fred C. Baker, editor, of the JTMamook Headlight, and reaponsea "'. from representatives of the principal , tvallejc eitle In" attendance; "Greetings ; From pld Yamhill." by Judge William Oalloway of MeMlnnvllle; "State High way From - Portland to San Francisco; .by L. R. Webster of Portland," and re sponses fiom mayors and delegates from. MarshneloV Gardiner, Florence. ". iBandon and Weddeburn; "What ths Jtailroads Are Doing for Oregon," by tPaul Shoup of the Southern'Paclflo com 1 "panyV Reports from other valley cities ana greeungp iruro eastern uregon nu Sow. ' .'-Tr '. A banquet will be tendered the vis- .Jtor and delegates from ail the, western tLTPun cities Dy me people or wn burn, the Queen City of French Prairie. - WISHES HE WAS DEAD - AND WISH IS GRANTED t raBMamaWaMassieBSSi .'' '' -', (8pil DUpatcs by UaW Wire to The Joeraalt U' New York, Dec. (. Seorg Gels died : today ia tba alcoholic Ward of the Belle i .vue bospitai. - -Gels-was so years of age ' He was admitted to tha ward Wednes i dy on a transfer from ths German ' iiOspitaL Shortly af ter - noon today he was -walking up and down the ward. " Suddenly he sat down on tha M r hi eSttnagti'inrShim knees, rested hla. bead on his hands, which .were In an upright position, and ex : .claimed: - . . . . - . . ; "1 wish to God I were dead." Hardly bad the words left ths man's ' mouth, when bs fell back, dead, on his ) . The sudden death caused great com motion among the other Inmates of ths ward. t 1 OotvaJUs Wool nUpmeat, j K 1 (Spertal- Dtauatefe ta The Joareal.) I 1 CorvalUa, Or., Dec I Saturday, 8. X - .Kilns sent to the dock In this city three .tens of fall-clipped wool, which goes to , , Portland on Monday's boat. The price -paid was from SO to It cents, and the trcjuallty .Is'Arst-rate. This la. the largest ' -wool shipment from Corvallls In a long Urns, tor a alngle dy . . -. f sf- Ddu oiomacn I, Xesscng the usefulness and mars the bap jlness of Ufa. i f It's a weak stowacb, a stomach that can ' not properly perform ftp nincUons, . Among Its symptoms ars distress after testing, nansea between meals, heartbarn, v belching; TOmlUng, CsUUencs and nerroaa head sens. m avsvs vs ijww taa aaaws "Cures a bad stomach, indigestion and dy pepsla, and the core Is permanent. ; . AcceDt no substitute. r b , si? w.. ; -m r; t Eleven-Year-Old Vincent Mc- ,KInnon Warned Engineer of . Obstruction on Track. . . nl1 nf tha Northern OsMiflu h.a H.f n directed t tha AmA ii-.Mt-iirf Vtiuunt Mclftnnon of Carroll's Point, Washington, whose r Vincent McKinnon. bravery and presence of - mind are thought "to have prevented a - serious wreck last Sunday night It ta. likely that the lad will be lib erally recompensed for his heroism. C. M. Levey, vice-president of I'te North ern Pacific, who Is stationed at Tacoma, was Iq the city Wednesday and was told of ths Incident In which the lad ran through the darkness- for two miles and a half to warn an approaching train of Impending .danger. He .said that the affair would be Investigated thoroughly, The boy was walking from Kalama to Carroll's Point Sunday night when he discovered two horses Imprisoned on a bridge over the Kalama liver. He knew that two passenger trains ware due to arrive within a short time and be knew also that a catastrophe would result If a swiftly moving train ran into the obstruction. He ran back : to Kalama and. succeeded In -warning train-. DR. MACKENZIE HEAD OF ARLINGTON CLUB The annual election of offlaera of the Arlington club took lac last night A' large attendance of members was preeent to partake of the feasting and good Uisui. TUB SUIIlierTIVeTrTTnTBI tlon nlgbt la one of the gala events of local clubdom, and last night's fes tivities were most enjoyable. Ths fol lowing are the new officers of the club: President,' Dr.' K. A. J. Mackensle; first vice president, Thomas Kerr; sec ond vice president, John M- Gearin: secretary. W. H. Dunckley;. treasurer, H. Ia Cor bet t; directors, C. R. Wlnalow, D. C. Lewis, F. S. Stanley, Zera Snow and 8. O. Reed. WALLOWA HAS MUCH -TAXABLE PROPERTY (gperlal Dlaeateb ta The JoereaLti .Enterprise, or., Dec. . The ment roll for Wallows, county. Just completed, shows 70.1BS acres of till able land, valued at 11,274.406; Improve ments on deeded or patented lands! $135,740; Improvements on town and city lots, 226.810; town and city lots, $74,805; Improvements on lands . not deeded or patented, $60,760 ; number of cattle 22,$42, valued at $SI,430; num ber of sheep and goats 176.142, valued at $440,120; number of swine. 7,156, val ued at $22,520; total valuation of tax. able property In Wallowa county, $4, 681,615. . - Basaa at Saered Heart. - . A basaa r will be opened next Wednes day evening In the Sacred Heart church hall, Caywood and Mllwaukle streets. On Wednesday evening a musical enter tainment will be given. Many beautiful things . have been procured for the bazaar. The hall is beautifully fur nished and everybody Is heartily wel come. ' S Upper House Preparing to Crip- pie Powers of Interstate. Commerce Commission. STEEL TRUST DELAYS I WARSHIPS COMPLETION J. P.' Morgan and Seligman, the Wall Street Banker, Call to Talk Oyer Financial Situation With ' Secretary Shaw. ("pedal Dbpateh by Leased Wire to The Joernal) Washington. Dec. . Senators and members of the house are today enjoy ing the holiday till Monday that they gavs themselves on Thursday. Ths two great bodies of congress found ' that while there "was plenty doing" nothing could be done; so they gave themselves a rest from labor, but next week they are . expected to tackle -such ' things as the emergency appropriation - for - the Panama canal, and get their bills before committees. A few - senators were in their rooms al the capltol today, but most of them were abroad dolng'pri vate chores, such as Christmas shopping and visits. It Is certain, notwithstand ing the present calm, that there will be some spectacular . things In both houss and 'Senate even before Christ mas. The committees of the house will be announced Tuesday. One of the leading Democrats of the senate Interstate commerce committee will propose some amendments next week, which seek to enact legislation which will make It Impossible for the supreme court to say that the Interstata commerce 'commission baa or has not exceeded statutory powers. Senator Elklns also has some favorite ideas which "he will seek to engraft on ths same bill. These are Intended to weaken the powers of the Interstate commerce commission by giving the special court, or the existing court, means and opportunity to attack any findings of the commission. ' -. Slap at Waits mouse. . Incidentally Senator Bpooner, who la to be heard from largely on this rate problem before it becomes law, resents the Ides that the Interstate commerce commission should frame a bllL be tak Ing the ground that congress ha brains enough to do that iteeir. f Soma people are not surs whethef Mr. Bpooner did not Jt7 this expression of unconstitutionality, take a slap- at the White House, where the Each-Town-send bill and some others were evolved. The battleship Connecticut, building at the navy-yard at New York, missed mak ing a record for being built within record time but for the' delays of the armor trust In his official report made , pub lic today. Chief Constructor Capps said that but for delays In ths delivery of armor it Is mors inan probable that -this vessel would have been completed within the contract time. Constructor Capps recommends a new shop at the New York yard, because the preeent building la so crowded that ordinary work Is done with difficulty and extraordinary work would be Impossible. ., Morgan Visits Capital. ' The president's little' yacht, the Sylph, W-V41 TA Iff ta tie j j -J - "I sailors, C Marlow, colored.. was removed from ths ship on the 8th instant to a local hospital, and It has been discovered that be has smallpox. Two big Afianclers of New York J. P. Morgan and Seligman, the banker- are in Washington. . Mr. Morgan came here and had a talk with his former as sociate. Mr. Bacon, assistant secretary of state, and will attend the Gridiron dinner tonight Mr. Seligman called to see Sec retary Shaw. . The secretary, says that tha. talk was not on finance.' It Is ex pected, however,-that early next week Mr. Shaw will make an announcement about putting the Panama canal bonds en ths market THREE CRUSHED IN RUSH FOR BERNHARDT TICKETS (SDeelel DUpatch by Leased Wire to Tbe Journal) New York, Dec. . The advance sals of tickets for two weeks' performance of Sarah. Bernhardt at tbe Lyrlo theatre, beginning next Monday - night which started today, reached such vast pro portions shortly after noon that hallf a dosen policemen, who were present. were unable to cope . with the crowd and. the reserve of the West Forty-sev enth street station"- were sent to the theatre. At that time there were fully 1,000 people in line, extending as far ss Eighth avenue, along Forty-second street .Although the utmost expedition was. used to sell tickets, tbe people be gan to get Impatient broke the lines snd crowded Into the lobby. In ' the crush that followed three women were overcome. , Ths house wss sold out at s o'clock. . Le.Maire Opera . Glasses quarantined for- fumigation. One onTfTarg lUBU III seuuis uis iuuiliihtov-w uperb 1 The rich' and beautiful designing the effect of platinum the superior making of mountings all lend their efforts to make our mounted diamond jewelry an exhibit of splendid magnifi- : cence. The combination of diamonds and colored stones in the various ideas are so blended by their arrangement as to show the brilliancy and color to the height of perfection.' At an ; article of value .there is nothing .that retains its worth so permanently as a diamond piece. .. r And our moderate prices together with the real merit and quality will surely meet your approval Necklaces, Collarettes, Bracelets, Pendants, Brooches, Clus v Princess Rings, Scarf Pins, Earrings; MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Expert Opticians- Diamond r ' (Joeraal Special service.) . ' . . Reading, Mass., Dec 0. To be ' Held up by robbers, handcuffed and locked ' in Jail while .the burglars, proceeded with tnerr roDDeries was wnai nappenea tne two policemen which this city boasts of at an early , hour this morning. At I o clock eight - robbers appeared on ths streets of the city and en countered Patrolman Mannlnt 'They held him up at the point of their guns, took away his revolver and handcuffs, putting the-manacles on the officer they took him to Jail where they locked him up leaving two of their number to stand guard. - The other six started out and rounded up Patrolman Orr in the same manner Orr made more resistance than Mannlnt had done and was knocked down for his trouble: Both patrolmen were found In different cells by the Jailer this morning with their hands manacled. The gang of robbers then went to the offices of ths waterr works opposite ths police station and Smashed in the door with a' sledge hammer. , They blew the safe to pieces with nitroglycerin. A small sum belonging to the water company was secured and $200, the personal prop erty of the treasurer of ths company, was also stolen. , . - One of the cltlsens living near by was awakened' by the noise of the explosion that wrecked the big steel safe and h peered from a window of bis borne Just as the burglara emerged from the build ing. Ha hastily secured a revolver and fired one shot at the gang as It was turning the corner of the building and then hurriedly alarmed others. Before a posse could be gathered the robbers had completely disappeared leaving no dues. It la thought that had they not been discovered by "the man that fired the shot at them the band t ould have entered numerous -other offices In ths town. . .,.'. STANDARD OIL (Continued from Page Ons.) headquarters, would practically dictate .the Investment of the compny's funds. ..Another argument advanced In sup- ?ort of Mr. Truesdale's candidacy is the act that ha is now chairman of the Mutual'a own Investigation committee and that as the permanent successor of Richard A. McCurdy he would be in s better position to. carry on ths "house cleaning.' . , 1 1 8tuyvssant Flan Is known to be very desirous of becoming ths president Of the Mutual, and hs has the deciding vote In the committee of five appointed by ths true-tees to aettle the question. ' It la believed, however, that he will yield his position to Mr. Truesdale for tha benefit of the "house-cleaning"' process, rather than see an outside man brought In. The Question of Thomss F. Ryan's defiance of Inquisitor Hughes, the steps which will be taken to force um to answer ths questions put to him by the committee and the disclosures which will .result if these questions are answered. Is of even more Interest than th. Standard Oil fight for the control of the Mutual assets. ; '" Byea Will qnsei ;. - ' . Ryan left town for Washington today, but It Is said-that bs will return to New York early In the week. , Before steps steps 1 dig. ikaaaHaseagadVkrWi ' intuit .a,, - - the, -arand iurv Ms 'attorneys wui be given an opportunity to signify bis willingness to answer all the questions put to him by Mr. Hughes. .. The counsel of the Armstrong com mittee today was in consultation with Assistant District Attorney Nott Mr. Nott communicated with District At torney Jerome at Lakevllle, and he de clared that he would return to town early Monday end take personal charge of the case.- Early In the week, and possibly on Monday, Mr. Hughes Will recall both Mr. Haniman and ex-Governor Odell to the stand.. They will be asked to disclose the secrets which Ryan Is guarding' so "carefully. Har. rlman . will . be questioned along this line: - r ' "Did you threaten Mr. Ryan with leg islative investigation If he did not let you In on the purchase of Hyde stock?" Mr. Odell will be asked; . Did Mr. Harrlmsn make any- request of you with regard to the legislative In vestigation of life insurance, or did he have ' any - conversation whatever with you on tbe subjeett" Sndeavorers Sold Meeting." , ' (Speelal Dlapatrti ta Tbe Jwnal. Castle Rock, Wash., . Dec. . The Christian Endeavor society held a. busi ness meeting and social at the Preeby terlan manse Wednesday evening. The following officers were elected for the ensuing term of six months: Rutherford Scott, president; Miss Nellie Holmes, vice-president; Miss Anabel Bowan, sec retary; Ralph ' Fraldenberg, treasurer., Following the business meeting several selections of music were rendered and s short time spent in social games, sfter which light refreshments were served. . - Reliable ' ' . French Mantle Clocks ;- - m and urn THE LUSTING HOLIDAY GfT Because of Llquozone," is a Tale Told Everywhere In almoat every hamlet every neigh borhood there are, living " examples, of what Llquosone can do. ' Wherever you are, you need not go far to find soms one who has been helped by It. , . Talk' to some of thoje cured ones; per haps your-own friends are among them. Ask If they advise you to try Llquosone. Or let us buy you a bottle,' and learn Its power for yourself." If you need help, please don't wait longer; don't stay sick. Let us show you -as we hsve to mil lion what Llquosone can do. ; . What Llquozone Is. The virtues of Llquosone are derived solely from gases. The formula Is sent to each use.r. The process of making re quires large apparatus, snd from S to 14 days' time. It is directed by chemists of the highest diss. Ths object is to so fix and combine the gases ss to carry into the system a powerful tonic-germicide. . . " ; '- Contact with Llquosone kills any form of disease germ, because. erms are of vegetable origin. Yet' to the body XJquo-." sons Is not only harmless, but helpful ia the extreme. . That., is Its main dis tinction. Common germicides ars poison' when taken Internally. ' That Is why medicine has been so helpless In s germ disease.. Llquosone is exhilarating, vi talising, purifying; yet no disease germ can exist in It ........ We purchased the American rights to Lhjuoxone sfter thousands of tests had Arthur Strong, Companion of Wife-Murderer : Hammond, : -, Tells of Trip With Slayer. STOPPED IN PORTLAND ON WAY TO MONTANA Did Not Know That Cousin Had KiIUdWife Until a Few Days Be fore He Escaped From His Society y Feartfd Would Meet Same Fate. (Special Dtipatea to The Journal) -Helens, Mont., Dec. (.Arthur Strong of Rouses Point, New . Tork, cousin of the self-confessed ' wife-murderer, John Cross Hammond of Albany, New Tork, ia in Helena, where he arrived several days ago after escaping from Hammond) bis cousin, at Missoula, only after a trip extending from New Tork to Montana, by way of Colorado, California, Oregon and Washington. Strong Is only 30 years old and did not fTIfTr" 'Mini nr it 11 route eastward, that hla companion was a-murderer. Strong expects to leave for the east within a tew days. Upon his arrival' "here Strong placed himself In communication - with htf parents, who In turn notified the Albany police. They requested tke Helena police to locate Strong snd arrest Hammond If possible. Hammond Is alleged to have killed his wife In November, dismembered the body and locked it In a trunk, where the body -was later foundr' Hammond drew . $2,000 from a bank and fled, in ducing Strong to accompany him. , Strong tells a graphic story of their travels scross the continent from New Tork. They went to Montreal snd thence to Chicago, and from Chicago they went to .Denver. Strong desired to stop In Denver, but Hammond re fused to . permit him, and - they next visited Los Angeles, going by way of Kl Paso. Hammond refused to permit Strong to speak to relatives residing in Tucson, Arizona, From Los Angeles they went to San Francisco and thence to Portland. On the train en route east from Portland Hammond showed Strong newspaper ac counts of the murder, which waa his first knowledge of her death. - Ham mond made Strong buy all the tickets and traveled under the name of Jones. - When they reached Mlseoula, Novem ber 28, Hammond wanted Strung to go Into the mountains with him, but Strong declined. - Hammond, who had been drinking heavily during the trip, went out for some liquor, and Strong escaped and came to Helena. The police have been unable to find further trace of Hammond, although a most determined search Is being made. "I think I had a lucky -escape,',' said the boy today. "If I had gone to ths Sole1 Agents v for Tiffany Glass ACROSS COUNTRY WITH MURDERER Our Umbrellas . make -Fine Gifts Jewell: er -.jL . - ' l .., . been made with It . It power had been proved, again and again. In the moat difficult germ diseases. Then we 'Offered to supply the first bottle free In every disease that required It And over one million dollars have been spent to an nounce and fulfill this offer. The result is that 11.000,000 bottles have been used, mostly in the past, two years. .Today there are countless cured ones, scattered- everywhere,' to tell what Llquosone baa done.' But so' many others heed It that this offer Is published still. It late years, science has traced scores of diseases to germ attacks. Old remedies do not apply to them. We wish to show. those sick ones at our 'cost what Llquosone can do. .-: . .....,..(.'. Where It App'ies. There are the diseases In which Llquo sone has been most employed. In these It haa earned Its widest reputation. In all of these troubles we supply the first bottle free. And In AH ho matter how difficult we .offer each user a. two months' further test without the risk of a penny.. ; . Avttama ' , Ahac Anemia. KroiKhltU : Blood Potaoa ' Kowel Troobles ' . Orach! Colils ', ; 'CHMum1tlou ' I Ouatagioue Dlaeaeas Caaeer "atrrh I!terr Diarrhea TrpepU IDlruff Rraenie Rrvslpelaa ' reran Call Stones - ' Goitre Coot . . Ooeorrbea 3leet ' Bay Ferer lnfluenaa La Orlppe ' . .. . IeuoHTliea Valeria Nenralgla r Ms (julnay ' RlieafnaUem -Hrrufula Mrphllta 8k In IMaeaaee TiiberoakMilB ' -Tnatora Ulcere Threat Troubles bills wmnilm asTie wIshedrTie would have killed me." . v Hammond had about $1,100 In -Mis-souls. -; i NAN PATTERSON'S SPOUSE PROMOTING A NEW HOTEL (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire to The Jonmall New Tork, Dec t Mrs. Leon J. Mar. t1n,fonnerly "Nan" Patterson, and her husband are again in New . Tork and are making their home In an uptown hotel near Broadway. Martin, formerly a $26 a week hotel clerk, has become a pro moted ,- . - ' ; - It la asserted that he Is looking for a capitalist with $40,000 to Invest In a new hotel In San Juan, Porto Rico, to be managed by Martin. He says tha New York- and Porto Rico steamship Una- has agreed to put I6l). 009 Into the hotel, which la to coat $100,000. Mrs. Martin has confided to several friends that after her mariage to Mar tin, a relative, who is a wealthy banker In . Providence, Rhode Island, gave her a wedding present of $600. and later gave' tbe couple an additional $2,600. They were to have gone to Honolulu to live with this money, but instead vis ited Porto Rico. SCOPE OF AID SOCIETY ' ; ' IS. BEING WIDENED The work ef the Travelers' Aid asso ciation in Portland la of Interest beyond this city. At the meeting of the board last night 's letter was read 'from- Mrs. Baldwin, who. is now traveling In. the east and studying the methods of work ainuus tna iirli. Blie Has been istsnsd by the branches of the association which she represents and all have been most Interested to hear of her work. She spoke before the meeting In Rochester Y- TITTat ACT STAJtK BTS. X UQUID LIFJT. LENGTHENERS Taste for yourself a bottle of our Pure Multnomah'Jftye. Full qt. IU9 HUlwood Bourbon, full quirt....; v. National Fine Port for the sick, full quart TBo National Fins Sherry for the weak, full quart...; .- ." Too,; All kinds of Wlnea in bulk, & gallon BOo to la.00 National Wine Co. Sy store . rirrK ajto staxx sts. ' . Tiruraon kaxbt moo.- . Delivered Free to All Golden Thoughts .. .. ' -. v'-.. '. "- . Necklaces -1 Neck Chains . ." Bead Neck fiphains Brooches . Beauty; Pins . Bracelets ' Lockets " ' Lorgnette Xhains ' 'Lorgnettes - ' ! Scarf Pins " . Link" Buttons , Match Boxes -. -Key JRlngs Cigarette Boxes Cigar Cutters Fobs 1 ' Ringss Alas BMt forms of the followtnc: , Kidney Tronblee r iver Troubles 8tooiact Ttoables - Women's Dlaeaeas . Fever, lntlammatlna or catarrh Impere or poisoned bluod ueuauy Indicate a.gera attack. Is nerroaa debility Uqnniooe acta aa a vital law, acconpllaliuig remarkable results. , , 50c Bottle Free: V If you need Llquosone. and have never' tried It. please send us this coupon. Wi ' will then mall you an order on a local druggist for a full-slse bottle, and will pay the druggist, .ourselves This , is our free gift, made to convince you; to let ths product Itself show you what it can do. In Justice to yourself, please accept It today, for It places you under no obligations whatever. . ... Llquosone costs 0o and $1, " CUT OUT THIS COUPON rill It eat and mall It to The Mqnoaoae 0oa pan, MMM Wabash Are, Chicago. ' ' ' l . v- My disease la. . . T. .'. ................. I have never, tried Uonoaooe, bat If yon Will 1 rapply osa 60c bottle free . I will, take It. ;, . -vo . ,. 4 4 . TB0A Giro fall address write plainly.',' 1 1 ' I Vote Ibat this offer applies to sew seers enlr. Any physician or hospital not yet aslsf Llqao one vill be giadly supplied (or a test. . and New -Tork, and was expecting to speak In Boston, Brooklyn and Philadel phia. ; .-. A special meeting has been called for the national committee of the Travelepa' ' Aid association In Philadelphia, to hear her,' "report of the Portland work, and they have decided tp send money here to'cover tbe expense of having the de tailed report printed In nook form. Oil this committee are Mrs. -William Shore Stewart of Philadelphia, Mrs. Margaret E. Songster, Miss Grace If. Dodge and Mrs.-R. A. .Dolman of New Tork, "Mrs a B. Stringer of St Louis.' Mrs. J., S. Griffith- of Chicago .and others equal) y prominent n tl)e, charitable work of .the nation. ! -'.'V ' --T Mlss M. R Brown,, who-hss been do ing. Mrs. Baldwin's Work during her absence gave her report last' night of the month's work. Over 100 people have received actual assistance from her. 17 of whom were children. 40 young women, 20 women with children, IS old women, ftve men and 16 unclassified. The work haa decreased noticeably since the exposition, but this Is considered good month's work. -The meeting waa adjourned to meet at the call of ths president after her return, January I. ; ..- , - GREEK SECTION MEN ON ; RAMPAGE AT JOSTER (Special DUpatca te The Joaraal.) - ) Echo. Or., Deo. t. As a res alt of j a Greek being discharged from, a section gang at. Foster,-. three miles west, the entire -section- gang of nine Jumped, pn one Greek supposed to be the Cause, cut snd nearly killed him, and assaulted W. Wilson, the section forma n, who hail ' ing gHn arri'steii. as suim1" tn srruir became known at Echo a posse wss formed to arrest the. Greeks, and two were captured and the others are being searched for. - ' wswwee4f nuraon kaist asst. A Pleasing Point I About our Wlnea and Liquors Is ; tha quality, which Is always what' It should be. . - , . ', - WINES AND LIQUORS Are more than useless If made ef inferior materials -they are In jurious. No such trouble with our : : parts of thoj City. Silver Novelties Colognes . " jewel Boxes"--' , Puff Boxes '. ' Picture Frames '..Pin Cushions . Ink Stands ' Soap Boxesr . Pocket Pencils Penholders . Match' Safes Card ' Case S Vanity . Cases i ', Pin Trays r.- Stamp Boxes "z Table Bells Salts and Peppers Tea Strainers ' ARTICLES RESERVED FOR FUTURE DELIVERY. a : i.: ' . . I