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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
1005. 16 iiliffKy SEASJM OF EMI THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10. 3 IS ITH church 'baaaars'fnd n (rfilnmtiiU society has f been Kept busy the past week.. Surely a larg up- "Pl of band-made Cbrlatmaa preeent have been laid away for early giving ; for the purchaseable disappeared from the -tablea with surprising rapidity at all the fairs, and there roust have been as many as a dosen, large and small. . Met in the part week. Of curse the . Vnltarlan baxaar Wednesday and Thurs . day was a large one and waa engineered , t through by a number of. prominent ; women. A refreshment room ! ducted In connection. The First Baptist tsaartnougirlHsttng foe only one " ernoon and evening, was large- and well attended and the same was true of St. David's Episcopal fair, dinner and . tea Wednesday and Thuraday. Mlspah Presbyterian and Piedmont Presbyterian were two other churches conducting their fairs 4at week. There are about s many again, announced . for this week.: 'l ... Preparations are being made for the Christmas entertainments which will tsoon follow.. The People's Institute will doubtless have a large one for the ' o children. The Trinity entertain went which rwaa to have been given : perere the holidays has now been put off till after New Tear's day -and noth - Ing la made known of its nature yet. 4 Ladles' night at Multnomah club at, tracted a number of visitor last night . A. number, of prominent young people are connected with the Work and theae j occasional exhibitions, are enjoyed as pretty affairs by many friends. ' t the leading event of the week, was f' course, the Woman's exchange bene - fit given at the Belasco, A large sum pf money was added to the treasury of 1 this worthy organisation, so the effort " succeeded In Us major principle. But aside from that It waa a browning sue ceas socially. - Everybody wenfand i everybody wore -her--dressy gown.-so J. that the scene was much more elaborate thanv tlie-theatres of Portland generally (offer. The" prettiest-party there was . t the Failing! party.' which occupied two tof the boxes.' All were dressed for a dinner which waa given by Miss Falling before theatre In. honor of Mr. and Mrs. . Fred Strong, who have recently returned from their honeymoon. Her guests ' were' . besides . the Strongs, Miss Msy tailing, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Lewis, Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Miss Nan Wood, Cheater Murphy and Roderick Macleay. , The JrouhfC bride was charming in pale pink sllk-dalntlly trimmed with white '. lace.' Mrs. Lewis wore pale blue crepe de chin and Mrs. Corbett white; Miss T May - Fallings wore . an exquiaite . soft lavender silk snd Miss Wood was In "white and oarrled a huge bunch of vlo- Jots. .The hoatess wore light gray. , Another box waa occupied by Mr. and Mr. T, B. Wilcox, a relative of Mrs. Wilcox who has been visiting her, Mrs. C. E 8. Wood and young Mr. Holbrook. 7 Scott Brooke entertained a few of his young frleids for his niece. Miss Gen - vieve Psrk of Vancouver, and among them .were lllra Margaret Morrisonand Miss Nan Robertson. The H. U.Plt took had " another box 'with some friends, and the Meiers and Franks, Including. Mr. and Mrs.A.,Meter, and Mr. And Mrs. Slgmund Frank and Mrs Abe Ueier were In another.! ..' .' . -.Mr, and Mrs. JB. Bl Hoge. their daugh ter. Mss Alice v Bansbury. j and their - guest, 'Mr Swift of 'ev lork, cam to ; the John 8bepards made another small " party. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Nichols .. and, Wirt - Minor srere together. .JLH tbe McCrakens, Mr. and Mrs. Richard ', Xoehler, Mrs. C. F. Bee be, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mears. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hop t kins. Mrs. A. L. Maxwell. Mrs. and Miss ' Montgomery were there.. Mr. and Mrs.. ! Wslter Burns were present and their . daughters. Miss - Kathleen and Miaa J Carolyn, with Tom Robertson and Oer f aid Beebe. Others seen were Mr. and ; Mra. Gordon Voorhlea, Mr. and Mrs. George Good. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Llnttttciws Miss Clementine Wilson, the Morton Insleys, and the Zera Snows: Mrs. Henry W. Corbett. Mrs. H. W. ; Mason, the W. B. Ayers and the N. E. I Ayers. Miss Williams, the William and t wesiey imaau and the John Kollorks, ) the I. N. and Marcus Flelsohners, Mrs. 1 Heltshu and Miss Heitshu. Mrs. Sol '( Hlrsch and Miss Ella Hlrsch; Mr.- and ( Mrs. E. T. C Btevens, Mr. and Mrs. , Frank Warren and Miss Grace Warren. Miaa Jewell, tha Fred Psges, Dr. Jef I fords, the Robert Lewises. Miss Hoyt, t Mrs. K. A. J. Mackenzie, Dr. and Mrs f Whiteside. Mr. and Mrs. James Lald j Jaw, -the, John Eben Youngs, Mrs. War J ren Houghton and the Misses Houghton i and the Ralph Wilburs. . The first snnual meeting of the Instl- ' tute- club of tb Men's Resort and Peo j pie's Institute, Tuesdsy afternoon, waa followed by a delightful tea which was largely attended by most of the ZOO ( members. The business was disposed of . la -the gymnasium snd afterwards all , i went to the kindergarten room, which ,' "was charmingly decorated with ferns : ' 7 tuid evergreens. .. ' i The tea-table wss especially pretty " With a centerpiece of yellow chryssn- i tbemums and Oregon grape. Mra. W. . tS. Ladd, Mrs. Henry W. Corbett, Mra ; Edgar P. Hill and Mrs. E. P. Mossman i poured tea. They were assisted by lit '. tie waltera and waitresses. 11 boys and : :. 1 -a-l-la... from the 'Institute cooking ' school In their uniform regalia. Miss ; : Strlckler, who conducts the cooking school, wss In charge of them and Miss - Susie Stott, Miss Claire Thompson 'and , , Miss Carolyn Burna assisted. Among the members present were- Mrs. T. B. f i Wilcox, Mrs. Helen Lsdd Corbett, Mrs. Charles Ladd, Mrs. William Mackenzie, . Miaa Valentine Pritchnrd, Mra. Charles ; V. Curry. Mrs. A. H. Tsnner, Mrs. , Fletcher Linn, Mrs. . Chapman, Mrs. B. F. Riley. : Mrs. Klosterman, Mra. "''.Butterneld, Miss Emma FaiUng. . T11" Alice fiibson and the Misses Moore, v Misa Failing and Miss Slbson. by the l way. are known as the "kitchen gar I deners." for they superintend the - ' kitchen garden work. . . ; . ; .. ir it - ' -The Institute club of the Men's Re , sort and People's -Institute Is planning . J a. Christmas entertainment for the chil- ' dren who attend the kindergarten. The ; nature of the entertainment has not yet boon definitely decided, though It was talked .of with great In treit at the an . 7 nual meeting last week. Last year It was a .red letter party for which nun : dreds of invitations on red paper were , x. . Issued to the children of the north end. A kindergarten entertainment with muslo and story-telling and marching was followed by. such an Ice cream treat , as feW had. ever seen before. While the s Institute is a Presbyterian Institution '' many society women and girls assist In J the work each year. The offioera of . tha club which . undertake the social wettlemeflt work-t eld weaaen mJ ehtf ' dren arei- Mra. . Helen Ladd Corbett, president: Mra. Theodore B. Wilcox, " Brst vice-president; .Mrs. J. O. Oauld, second vice-president; Mrs. wnilnm Maekanaie, secretary; Mrs. C. 1 Ladd, KEISTER'S' anrra- virtnsrva fuT t rnt. ; A erhm.l wker ladle leant to draft their frwa llm and rut an aiafce Uiir ewa tot wl to Aliaky iU-. ear, M aad Karrlse Orraara. rlt tnt taaifelel. treasurer; Mrs. Fletcher Linn," chair man finance committee; Mra. A. IL Tan ner, chairman women's department Mra C. K. Curry, chairman children's de partment;- Mis Valentin Prtchard. dl rector. The advisory board Includes Rev. Edgar P. Hill, Rev. A. D. Soper, WUUam MacMaater. . . W : There waa s beautiful aceae of color ana vivacity at me ocoviian ah caina dral Friday evening. The Masons' func tions are popular and exclusive and the attendance Is fashionable. The beautiful tempi Is a perfect plao for entertain ing. An Informal reception of abort duration, was given In the handsome dark library and then the guests passed Into the card room the mualo room or the ball room. Th latter waa Deautirui with larare calm and the mirrors re fleeted the soft lights on the women's dresses; Parsons' orchestra playeo. Punch, waa served from a tame in the refreshment room decorated with yellow chrysanthemums. - ' Noticeable among in guests were Mrs. . Nichols of Portland helg-hta in a handsome gown of black and white with lace and Persian applique. Mr. Whltehouse In black Spanish lace over white allk, Mrs. Alan Welch Smith In flowered black net over pink silk, Mrs. Elmer Colwell In white mull over pink. Mrs. Pelton Reid In black grena dine wltn nanasom iw n..u. Mra Richard Martin In yellow allk. Mra. Charlea King In whit crepe de chine, Mra. Mlllett in black lace. Mra, Kadderly In blue silk with white ap plique. Mrs. Robert Lutke In black lac over blue. Mrs. McKlnley Mitchell in white. Mrs. Polivka In an Imported gown of black, hand-woven lace. Miss Polivka In whits batiste with hand-worked flow ers Mrs. , J, jeV Booths In mauve ta mine, Mra. L. O. Clark In whit and Mra. Buftord In opal llk with pom padour appllqu. ". 'Rootet la looking forward with aom eagerness to the arrival of Mrs. C. E. Wolvertori of Salem," who Will accom pany her husband, - th new United States district Judge, to Portland. Mrs. Wolverton will arrive about th first of the year, giving up her handaome uatem realdenc where she haa entertained much and led society, and making her home at th Hobart-Curtla for th nrasent. She Is well known In Portland and has visited a number of prominent women. Mrs. James F.. Falling was a classmate in Albany college. Other warm personal friends, aorae or wnom Mrs. Wolverton has known from girl hood, are Mrs. Frederick Eggert, Mrs. George E. Chamberlain, Mr. C B, Tem pleton. Mrs. Ralph Wilbur. Mra. Willis Dunlway end Mra. w. u. r emon. every where aha is known aa a gracious woman of charming personality. Intel leotual and deeply Interested In charity work. She will P warmly weicomeq here. ' Mrs. C. P. Bishop entertained In honor of Mrs. ' Wolverton the Chaftag-Disn club - which was organised. In Salem three rears aro. Th other guest were Mrs. Wolverton, Mrs. A N. Bush. Miss Bush, Miss Elisabeth Buah, Mrs. Claud Oatch. Mrs. F. I. Dunbar, Mra. J. R, Whitney, Mra. T. T. Qeer, Mrs. J. t. SutherUnd, Mrg. Will Brown. Mrs. George H. Buraett, Mrs. H.- B. Thlelaon, Mr. Oallbreath ana. Mrs. Adams oi Calif orni-. t' -.i..:'.;i Mrs. Theodore Nicola 1 and Mis Nlco- to a bo at 100 of their friends, at 4! Holladay avenue. The home was a pretty scene of. festivity in honor of ths many gueata who caueo. f romineni among the vlaltors wer the members of the Patton home troara, oi wnicn Airs. Nlcolsi la president. The reception rooms and library were elaborately decked with cedar boughs. bnnches of Oregon grape and bamboo plants. Vases . of pink carnations lent color, in the hall an effective screen for tha musicians waa formed of bam boo plants.1 Green tulips shaded the In candescent bulbs. Miss D Bevols re ceived with th two hostesses. In the dining-room Oregon grape and whit carnation were used for decora tions, and brass candelabra with red candles and ahadea lighted, the table. Mrs. D. H. Rand and Mrs. M. M. flpauld-, ing poured tea, and Mrs. A' H. Wllltt snd Mrs. Robert Kennedy served coffee. Miss Maud Jones served toes. Ths girls assisting were Miss Leste Spauldlng, Miss Agnes HI1U Miss Beatrice Hill. Mrs. Melvtn Plimpton and Miss Edwa De Bevolse. Miss Ada Souls served punch' In th library. Webber's orches tra played in th hallway throughput th receiving hours. ' - ' Mrs. C A Dolph spent a good part of th- week attending to details con' nected with th basaar ajid reception at the Whit Temple Friday. She Is presi dent of the Ladles' Aid society and had the overseeing of the fair. It goea with- but aaylng that tha event was most successful and pretty, aa la everything that receive a share of Mrs. Dolph's energy and taste. Ther wer several prominent society women connected with It. Among them were Mrs. J. E. Bladen, who poured tea, Mra. C. Elmore Grove, who Superintended the doll table and Miss Hazel Dolph, who assisted charm ingly at the lemonade atand, M'ra. J. T. Brumfleld. Mrs. Fred Johnston and Mra, 8. W. Wlngate had charge of the house keeper's table. Mrs. E. M. Runyon, Mrs, Grant Phegley, Mrs. W. H, Selgner and Mrs. Robert Berger sold home-made candles. Mrs. L. H. Rounds. ,Mcs.Jda Helnts and Mrs. A. B. Graham dis played the fancy work and Mrs. C El more Grove, ' Mr.' J. ' W. Besrdsley. Mra.- W. J. Guy and Mrs. William Wilder, dolls. Lemonade was served by Mrs. C A Chambers and Miss Hasel Dolph snd tsa by Mrs. Bladen and Miss Mary Hawkins. ' ' '. Mr. Thomas MeCuskeT and her slaten Mrs. W. O. Foueh, entertained delight- fullv at the latter a home. 6S1 East Tay lor street Friday a week agd. Five hun dred was the. game played at 10 tables snd-, Miss Evelyn Hurley won th nrsi prise, a pretty water color none oy miss Mabel Fouch. and Mra. c w. nyson xns second. compote of . Boheman glass. Th horn was beautltfully decorated with palms, smilax, white and yellow chrysanthemums. ' Miss Hurley and Mls Edna-Oates sane for th company. A few of-the sueats were: Mrs. Alan Welch Smith. , Mrs. Herbert Brsdley, Mrs. Wlnslow Brsdford, Mrs. Richard Martin. Mrs. N. M. Orant. Mra. F. 8 Oranti Mrs. Stnford Whiting, Mrs. A J. Olesy. Mlas Evelyn Hurley. Mrs. Tyson. Miss Gates. Mrs. Clarke. Mini Jeffreys, Mrs. W. H. Cake and Mrsk.W. M. Cake. ' w A number of email affairs sre being given In honor Of Miss Frieda Rsu, who Is popular with her set and whose en gagement-ws announcsd ' sums tlm ago. Mlas May Onnenhelmer gave a amall theatre party for her- Wednesday afternoon, entertaining beside Miaa Daisy Rosener of San Francisco, Miss Mabel IJtck and Miss Gertrude Bteln- hach. An- Informal supper followed. Thursday afternoon Miss Mildred Rheln atrom gave a tea at her home. Hi North Eighteenth street; for Miss RaU, whose marriage will take clare about March 1. Ther wer 10 girls. Intimate friend of h hostess and her. honor gaast, wbo brought their sewing and spent a social afternoon. A -luncheon waa aerved from a pretty table decorated wlth Ore gon grape and red carnations' and lighted with red candles and shades. The hostess told' her guests' fortunes whll mt tabl. . . Tb largest home affair 'of the week waa , Mrs. James McCrsken's musicals at her home on Johnson street, which was attended by a great many society women. There wer 1(0 Invitations sent out. The program wss given by Miss Ane Watt, soprsno; Mrs, Walter Reed, contralto: Arthur Alexander, tenor. and Dom J. Kan, baritone, with B. E. Coifraen at th suno, The comnesny was a nanasomeiy dressed aasemblsg and Mra. MtCraken was especially attractlvtrln blaok velvet embroidered with silver: and Jet. Four omen assisted her III receiving all gowned iu white. Miss Williams was In whit lace:- Mrs. N. E. Ayer In white brocade cren with lac garnitures; Mrs. Cv J. Reed In whit broadcloth embroid ered with- gold; and Mrs. Frank Hart In whit satin mbroldera wltn chrys anthemums. ' The reception room snowed beautiful bouquets Of pink chrysanthe mums , and blush rose and tna music room, wblch was thrown open Into the others, showed decorations of holly. The program was delightful ana at its cioae ice wer served. - :.-.. .' f ...)' . Mr.', and Mrs. Fred Seller will sail January for Europe and they plan to leave Portland before . the holiday There-; has been much entertaining for Mra. Seller th past few weeks and laat Thursday evening about ti of the young peoeple surprised her and Mr. Seller at their home. It wsa a sheet-and-plllow caaa party and the guest cam equipped with consistent plans oi amusement All broua-ht littl gifts for Mrs. Selloi and late In th evening an elaborate aupper, by no mean as ghostly as the bearer, was enjoyed. , - ? . . One 'of the delluhtf ul luncheon of th week waa Mra. Robert Lewi Wednes day. ' The table waa beautiful with a new flower resembling th honeysuckle In opaleacent ahadea. Th guests were: Mrs. Warren Houghton. Mra. Samuel Meara, Mra. Ralph Wilbur. Mra. Gorg Oood, Mra. W. B. Ayer, Mrs. Norman Lang of Oregon City and' her guest, Mrs. Pierce of Oakland. California: Mrs. K. A J. Mackenzie, Mrs. George Whlte stdes. Mrs. John Sbepard and Mis May Falling.. ..." . - - i Th young people of Trinity church are whispering mysteriously . of some thing funny that la aoon to be given by them under th auspice of Trinity guild. Th entertainment will be"1n the nature of private theatricals and though the title is iot yet given out, it' alone suggests th mirth that I contained In the play. - It la to be given at th parish house the first week In January and a number of tb society girl will participate. 4 it Th Irvlngton club gav an InformaJ evening of cards Thursday at Ha club house. There waa m good attendance and delightful- evening- waa passed. Mualo and dancing were lndulg-edn and about 100. people were there. Mrs. Frank Raley was In Charge. Th club plan to hv Tegular Thursday night at home. . - - '- -' f ;--! About C00 invitations have been 1s- hop at Hill Military academy next Fri day evening. . These dances are popular with the young people, especially iromi th academlea and many of the older one attend a well, Mrs: Hill will b preaent as patroness. . ; .- .- ' ( Mra I. M. 8. Morris and Miss Mor ris left yesterday for San Francisco to Join Fred 8. Morris. Their trip is to be on of rest and pleasure, and they may atay through the holldaya Their plans will b . decided by Mr. Morris' engagements. ,. - - w ft Dr. Charles Chamberlain and bis bride will arrive home this morning after a short stay in California. No definite arrangements have yet been msde for a reception, but a large one will be given oon probably. "" Mrs. " Charle Feldehhelmer enter tained 10 women Wednesday afternoon at an Informal tea She . is giving a series of these affairs, entertaining hei girl friends last week and her young married friend this week. - . ' w The Peter Kerrs are now in southern California on their honeymoon and write of a delightful trip. They may not re turn till after tb holldaya :to. make their hom at Rivera. , Mr. John Shepard entertained one of the early week bridge clnbs and Miss Susie Stott another. Mra. Art ur Mlnott and Miss Whalley entertain them this week. . " . . w . The Bridge club met with Mrs. Marcus Flelschner Friday afternoon. Prizes were swarded at each table to Mrs. I Lowengart, Mra 8. Llpman. Mrs. L N. Flelschner, Mra Slgmund Frank. '.. Mra. L. Allen Lewis has put off her California trip till after the holidays and there la the possibility - that she may pot go at all. ' 'ww' . r Miss Daisy Rosener of Bait Francisco Is the guest of Mrs. 1. N. Llpman and Is being much entertained during -hei stay hera ' (.' ':' . W" Mrs. C. 8. Jackson Is "plsnnlng for a southern trip about the middle of the month and la to be gone over the holl daya , Mr. Herbert Holman has lasued In vitations for Wednesday afternoon for caras-ana an aiiemoon lea comDinea. 'WW Mrs. Samuel Ker. entertained at bridge last week at her home on Main atreet. The bazaar given 'by th Woman't gulld of 8t. David's church Wednesday and Thursday was a moat , successful affair. The proceeds assumed a prom ising figure and th entertainment gave a novelty of arrangehient that pleased alL Th bazaar opened Wedneaday aft ernoon and continued through th two days. Wednesday evening tea - was served with delightful Informality and Thursday evening supper waa served. Mra J. N. Oraham was th , general chairman and her committee wer as follows: , Mra Samuel BullockvJn charg of th bag table; Mra N. K. Allen and Mra David Ra'fTety, aprons; Mrs. H. B. AdamsT Mr. H. Richmond - and Mra Bhaw, art; Mra. Fred West, Mrs. Fran cis West, candles; Mra Adraln Oakes, Mra Frank Sellwood and Miss Glass pool, dolls; Mrs. N. II. Kntler and Mra , Kirk Sheldon; delicatessen, Mra An drew Ksn and Miss Raohel Joseph! had charge of th tea booth and tea tables The supper was under th charge of Mra Gardner. Ther were six tabl EVENTS OF THE WEEK. J each carrying out a different color schsme with flowars and candle. .Th women had made th table dainty in appearance with th us of their own table appointments. Th table wer In charge of Miss Joseph!. Mrs. Melvtn Plimpton and Mrs. T. L. Perkins, Mr. Simpson and Mr. Auterson, dra. James Burnesa and Mrs. John Talt, Mra. David Mackl and Mra. James Miller, Mra Moor and Mrs. Warren. 1 ose In charge wer assisted by young girls. Th Portland auxiliary to th rail way postal clerks waa delightfully en tertained by Mra. W. F. Cas at the home, of. her mother, Mra Llnebaugh. After the buainesa of the Club bad been transacted Mra. - C. O. Tipton read an interesting book . review of "Les Mls srables" followed by a piano solo by Mrs. Watklna, "A Pur as Snow." Re freshment wer served. On November IS Sirs. James Zehrung entertained with an evening party to the clerka and their . families. Th even ing was pleasantly spent with .games and stories. . Mrs; W. Zehrung delighted all with her rendition of "Th Country Juatlce" and "Th Legend of Dragons At 11 o'clock refreshment wer served. November tl Mrs. N. A. Ambrose waa hostess to tb club. Mrs. John Butter worth read an original sketch. "Th Discovery of America," which waa lis tened to with great interest. After adjournment th hostess, as sisted by her two daughters, served refreshments. , . .. Th Tuesday Afternoon club was en tertained laat Tuesday by Mra, J. D. Hayea at her cosy flat. HT Sixth street. An elaborate luncheon waa served at lt:S0 by th hoatess. assisted by her slsler, Mrs. Helen Ouerlo, The table wer ornamented -with - amllax and vases of chrysanthemum. Th subject of th afternoon waa "Elizabethan Lyrlo and Sonnet Writ ers," and was in charge of th hostess. Quotations in response to rollcall ware from Elizabethan poet Mrs. Bailey gav a history of th lyrlo and ipoke briefly of th principal lyrists of th period. Mrs. Miles gav, review of "Venu and Adonis." "Th 8onnteera' was th ubject of 'a paper by Mra. Dun ham. Mrs. Manley, Mra. Hlrsch, Mr Hayes and Mrs. Chapman read speci men of th sonnet. Mrs. John M. Lewis was a guest of th hostess. . Th club will meet, next week with Mra. Otto Hlrsch, Hi Sixth street, at 12:8( o'clock.. . 8. H. Allen-Ooodwyn gav a delight ful musical In hi studio. (9 North Eighteenth atreet,. Thuraday evening, to which about 60 of bis friend war invited. H had his studio decked prettily with fern and red carnations. A number of his friend played, and sang In addition to bis own" alnging. Fruit, punch and 1c and cakes were served by tha.bost and a number of hi men friend. Th . venlng i was thor oughly Informal and nJoyabla A few of the truest, noted ther wer Mrs. Ror B. Norton, Mra W. A. Selkirk. Mr. Warren E. Thomas, Dr. and Mra. C. R. Temple'ton. J Mra D. Halley Nor rle, Mr. O. M. Smith. Mra Brown. Miss May Brown, Mra Millie Perkln. Dr. John R Barber, W. Qlfford Nash and Harold V. MiUlgan. . - - x , . . ,y;: ,. ' ''-' Mrs. D. -J. Gregory entertained th rekand the first prize waa won by Mrs. P. Planch, tb second by miss fl and the consolation by Mrs. C. C. Wlaa Refreshments were served at the card tablea." The next meeting will be with Mra A Schad, 147 East Seventeenth street, Thursday, December 21. A nnlau affair was given Friday evening by the Firet .Congregational youiig people In th form ot a oiatnci singing school. ' Th - program, on brown wrapping, paper, presented the evening's entertainment in clever old fashioned slyla Rule to b observed at th "great metlng" of th school wer carefully given and tn attendants were allowed aix minute in th middle of the program "to re-obtaln theyrs breath (wh they , do orely need) and eat of y doughnuts and pickles . wh they msy have." Mra Jordan Furvine as Mehltable'LPurvln. and Mr. Reno Hutchinson as Sister Luclnda Dorcat Hutchinson were among the. prominent singers, and W. D. Scott as O. B. Joy ful Scott was th schoolmaster. - , . Th Alhambra club gav it .first series of dances Tuesday evening at the Western Acadsmy of Music The club was congratulated on the success ot Its party ahd all who attended look forward to the next dance.. Th club 1 composed . of the Mtsse Josephin Curran, Cathryn Covach. May Flnnegan, May Robinson and Mamie Curran. T. W. Callander. F. J. Belger. D. E. Studler, A B." Moore and A. L. Olanelll. The patronesses were Mra William Flnne- can. Mra George Co vac n, Mrs. u nomas Duffy. Mrs. William Brandes. Ever est's orchestra plsyed th programs w vV; The Banarjee circle met with 'Mrs. James WIckersham. at 100 North Eight eenth street. Wednesday - afternoon, with Mra Abigail Scott Dunlway In the chair. An excellent program was given and . Interesting letters-, from Hope school, Calcutta. India, were read. At the close of - th meeting a- delightful social hour waa paased and the hostess served refreshmenta The next meeting 1 to be held the second Monday In January at the home of Mra Nathan Harrla. - w. Th Third' Presbyterian Missionary society held It monthly meeting Thursv dnv sfternoon at the church with Mrs, Josephine Hutchinson,' acting hostesa "Korea" was. tha. subject for discussion snd Mra Cherry Wagner read a paper on It. "Mrs. Haldan Dickson contrib uted a delightful sola Friday after noon th Ladles' Industrial society of the earn church gav a tea at th home Of Mr. Dickson for the, purpose of In creasing the fund for pews and pipe- organ. Ther waa a good attendance, '- ' -Th women of Patton -M.- E.- church will hold a bazaar 'on Wednesday next .Th public generally will be much In terested and the usual good tlm, which ha always characterized these gather ings, I assured. Miss Nina Kllllngsworth as president of. the society Is In charge of. the event, and ho th actlv support and help of a acore of willing workers who have been making , preparations - for many weeka . 'WW' ' . Mr. and Mra J.' D. Leonard enter tained -theWhist dob of -which they are member Thursday evening. Quests Invited In to make up a fourth table wer Mr.' and - Mra W.-B, -Moser and Dr., and Mra Alan Welch Smith. Prizes wer .won . by - Mra Moitr Severn china plate, and Arthur C Spencer popular book. , j , : ', ' . W '-'.'. ,' - Miss Bess! IC Luckey gav ah en joyable bridal ' shower for Mis Ethel Durham on Wednesday afternoon. About SO young women wer present and a delightful musical and literary program was enjoyed followed by re freahmenta , ; wi f. " Cprnpany F. Third Infantry. O. N. O., gv It annusl ball at th armory Wadnesdayplght The hall was deco rated with flans and evergreen. Punch was served and Everest', full orchestra of 0 piece played. About tOO eouplea wer present. J WEDDINGS. A Salem paper - glva ,th following wedding notice:- , '. ' -' ! -, "J. W. Lindsey of Portland and Mis Rent V. Amend ' ot Aumsvlll wer united in marriage at th lovely cottage horn of Charlea Cameron, at 147 Marlon street. Wednesday evening, November 29. ' Th ceremony was lmpreastvely performed by Rev, David Errett of the Christian church. The. parlor of the Cameron, home wer beautifully deco rated with Oregon grape, rerns, enrys antherauma and hearts Miss ' Alta Cameron played the ''Wedding March." The young couple stood under a beau tiful white bell suspended from th cell lag by a rop of amllax twining around th boll vry prettily. ' . "Th bride wor a ooatum of pea green taffeta allk trimmed in - narrow band of velvet of th same shad and carried a bouquet of pink carnation After . congratulation light - refresh ment wer aerved. Mr.. . and Mra Lindsey left on the 11:16 train Thurs day for th bride's home, near Aums vllle, where they will visit for a . few daya After January 1 they will be at home to their friend at-215 Morrlsoa street, Portland,"4 1 - At th . realdenc . of i the bride' mother. . Mrs. -Alexander, Oaburg. 461 East " Everett - street, on Wednesday evening, ' Decembar- El raer . M. .Walla and Mis Edith J. Osburg wer united In marriage by Rev, Albyn Eason of ailverton. This waa a quiet home wed ding -In th presence of immediate friend and relative. Mis Viva Os burg. sister of th bride, was niald of honor" and Mis. Minna Hoffman . was bridesmaid. A E. Wells waa beat man and J. A. Osburg gave- th bride in marriage. The "Wedding March" was played by Mis Bessla BrldewelL : The bride wor whit crepe de chin and carried a bouquet of Bride roses. " Tb maid of honor wor blue silk mull and carried pink carnation, while the bridesmaid appeared In white silk chif fon and carried a bouquet of pale pink carnations. Th decorations .wer in excellent taste and th ceremony was followed by a .bountiful wedding supper. . Mr; ana Mra. Wells wlU - reald at -4 East Everett street. i" - . - ..: ' , ' , - Th marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth Henderahott and Charles H. Breck. which was solemnized at th Episcopal church In Baker City Wednesday "even ing, was on of the social event of the Reason. Rev. O. Taylor Griffith per formed the ceremony. The bride was escorted Into th -church by Judge 8am uel White and met th groom at th altar. She was dressed In a beautiful gown of whit crepe d chin and car ried a bouquet of Bride rosea Th fcrijMnuM -Mlas Raton, of Union, was dressed in light blue crepe de chine. carrying white cernations. Ned Parker of Sumpter attended th groom- as best man. The bride's home was formerly in Union and she ha been a resident of Baker- City for several mop tha .The groom fs a member of the wholesale firm of Blackburn de Breck. After th ceremony a reception was -given at tha home of Mra Anna McKay, for which some 80 invitation had been issued. ... : " ' , , '' " The wedding of 'Mis 'Eleanor Cam eron to Charle Edward Red field of Heppner was solemnized at tha Church of th Redeemer In Pendleton Wed nesday evening, th Rev. Henry Nixon Jonea officiating. The groom was ac companied by Judge Alexander Bweek of Portland as beat man. , Misa Jessls Hartman waa -maid of honor, while Mis Ethel Johnson and Mis Edn Thompson acted as bridesmaids. Th bride was given In marriage by Judge O. A Hartman. Harry Thompson and Fred Lampkln wer . th nshera - Fol lowing the ceremony a reception was held at th homs of th bride' mother, Mr. Eleanor Camron. ' : Many invited guest were present, as both th bride and groom are widely known. Miss - Cameron ha lived in Pendleton nearly all of .her life, and Mr. Redfleld is a prominent attorney of Heppner.: w w . . . The marriag of Miss Maude Ham mitt and Henry Rowland Presnell. both teachers at tha State Reform school, took place at the home of Mr. and Mra William Begvey In Eugene, Wednesday evening.- Rev. J. S. McCallum offlclat ing. About 40 guests were present and the home waa elaborately decorated for the occasion. Miss Pearl Stafford at tended th bride andJohn H. Hammltt the groom. - After a short trip, Mr. and Mra Presnell will, reside in Salem. . w w ' Miss Carrie HIbbard and Fred H. Irwin wer married Wednesday sfter noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hibbard at . Montavllla. Rev. i William S. Gilbert officiated. -- Only immediate relatives and friends' j wer present John Hibbard attended the groom and Mra' John Hibbard the bride. Mr. and Mrs., Irwin received their friends-at their own new homeon Halsey street In the evening. : , , - -..,.' w w -V- ' ui-'.. ' 1 E. Q. Tergen, a 'prominent hop wer of Marlon county, and Miss Ruse Win ger of Chehalem wer married at th Hotel Purdy by Rev;, Jerome M. Bar ber of Forest Grove. - A large number of guest were in aiiendanc. Mr. and Mra Tergen will realde on their farm after a Portland trip. ., . . . ' ,- '. Mls Emma Harm and .Charles Peterson' were married Saturday, De cember 2, at, Calvary. Presbyterian manse. Rev. W. -8. Gilbert - officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson left at-one foi their new hom in San Francisco. w W A T. Barneg.of Los Angeles, Califor nia, and Bessie Ssyler of Portland wer quietly married In Lo Angele Thank, giving eve at th hom of Mr. and Mra M. P. Bayler, Maple avenue and .Twenty third street, . , .... ' alias Bessie Armstrong and W. I. Bauer, both of Oregon City, were united In marriage 1 by rrDr: pJ,' IVhltcomb' Brougher In ills reception room at th Whit Tempi on December f . w w --'.-.: - - William B. Bauer, -a prominent mer chant of Barlow, and Miss Bessie Arm strong of Macksburg were married De cember at Oregon City. TUey will Uve at Barlow. . WW- ,-'..'.. . At the White Tempi in th pastor's reception room 'Harry It Scott and Mlas Sadl A Wheeler were married Decem ber 6. Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher of ficiating. ..,. ... -. I MUSICAL fjoTES. The second of th Allen-Ooodwyn and Montelth ong recital will b given at th -tudlo,r 60 North Eighteenth atreet, next Thursday evening. TboM who attended th. former on and en joyed the artistic work of the singer in "The Daisy Chain? and "In a Per sian Garden" will be- glad of thla an nouncement. Tha program will includi Liza Lehmann'a cycle, "In Memorlam." by Clair Montalth. Von Flellts's cycle. "Ellnd." will be givn by Mr. Allen Goodwyn in the costume of the "Order of Bt. Dora into, .snd Mr. Montelth will glv the anawerlng cycla "Schoen Gret leln." ' Four Indian lov Jyrlcs by Mr. Allen-Ooodwyn and a duct. "Lov and War." will conclude the program, Th patronesses ar a before: Mr. A E. Rockey. Mr. . Abigail Scott Dunlway, Mrs. Ralph W. Hoyt, Mra D. W. Wake field) Mrs. Edyth Tozler Watherred, Mra '.C. R- Templeton, Mr. Whitney L. Bolsei Mrs.. Warren H Thomas, Mrs. E. L. Thompson, Mr. A M. Oakes. Miss Mart Soul and Mra D. B. Mackla . w w Mlaaea Grace Wilton and Wllma Wag goner wer hostesses at a ' delightful musical given last week. Th numbers wer creditably given and greatly en joyed by tho present. Those taking part- wer Stella Bow- bly, planlate; Mabel 'Mini, contralto; Marguerite Egbert, reader, ana Liouiso Qullllam, K child pianist. , . Th following program waa given l Valaa "On. 4. . No. f (Chopin) ; "Scarf Dance" (Chamlnade); "OlUsando Mazurka" (Bohm); monologua "Enter taining Her Sister Beau"; duet, "11 Trovator" tVrdi): "Vals Chro- matlqu"Leschtlzky) "Narclu" "Orac - Etude -' Melodlqu"-4 Mayer); song. "I Know a Loviy uaran- tie Hardelot), and "Spring Ma torai (Maud White); reading. -Romancin-(James Whltcomb Riley); duet, "Hun garian March" (Kowalskl). . . W W .. In Chicago, ' where Harold Baur has given series, of recitals, th pianist seems to hav created -vn more of a sensation tljan -in th far wast. "H In iecta a wonderful personal not an in dividual tamp Into everything that he doe," declares Leon Langdon. in tn Examiner. "I think in th day to com, when all thea geniuses have pasaed in review, people .will talk of th 'Bauer tone." "Velocity, under hi wiry finger. Is Ilk a string of pearls, even and of -uniform dellcat tint HI pianissimo ar gossamery, but . they never ' lose character. - ' - -' - "HI pedal control seems to make another instrument of th piano at times, so wonderfully does ' It merge snd def in phrases and sustain whole passages with a legato, organ-Ilk ef fect." " i -- . ;..': r-- Th third of th aerie ot? monthly organ recitals now being given by Fred erick W. OoodWeh will tak plao in St. David's church, Eaat Twelfth and Belmont streets,, on Tuesday evening next at 1:15- o'clock, with th following ( Meyeirber overture," '"William TeiP (Rossini), solo, "Agnus Del" (Bizet), 8. H. Allen-Ooodwyn; largo, "New World Symphony" (Dvorak), Christmas pastorale on th hymn. "Herald Angela" resques" (Massenet), solo, -As When th Bun- (Handel), - 8.- H. Allen-Uood-wyn: variation on an ancient Christmas LITT'S , Fourth '' and i Washington ; ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF ' Ladies Coats9 Suits, Waists, Skirts, . - Evcningf Gowns and Coats SPECIAL . , Gommendnf Mondsjr ' , 0 AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF -Tailor-Made Suits :s '"'-' i ;. " ' -. ' , For Ladies and Mlaaea f $33 to $43 Valu, : 1 ' - '; ',: ' -; ; Special,', $25 ' ' . ; Extraordinary Values in Suits at $10 and $13 ' Pretty Oriental Rugs tor Christmas " Tirnely'shiprnents have just been received of Oriental . Rugs the most beautiful weaves we evef have displayed purchased ton the most favorable L conditions and w Know oi noming tnat.wouia APPRECIATED FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT We show all kinds of Turkish Novelties i and Darnajcug Urassware, and being THE ONLY PERMANENTLY LOCATED RUG HOUSE. IN PORTLAND, businegg relations with us are sure to always be of the most satis factory character. ' " "WE RECEIVED -A GOLD MEDAL at thB'HA- POSITION for our magtiincem aispiay, ana ;i yuu win call and examine our goods we are sure you will say that jwtj des ervedjt fie h onor. . . '. , . ; . , . -' ATIYEH BROTHERS 411 WASHINGTON" STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. ... -. - carol, 'O. Dethler; Morceau symphonlo, "Homage a Mozart," T. B. Calkin, - W ' ' s Th mualcal department of th Port land Woman'a club met Thuraday after noon ' with Mra F. M. - Branch. The choma rehearsed, by Mra Hamilton and Mra O. B. Thornton, gav a piano num ber. . A vocal duet was given by . Mra Branch and Mra. Hampton and Mra -George Cutting Flanders sang "Fao to Face." , Recitation wer given by a lltU girl, Mai Eggert The next meet ing will b wltb Mra J. a Hamilton on Thursday, December tl at -her home, 2i6 Chapman street r ' . . - Th ' musical part of Bt Andrew' society annual celebration was under th direction of'J. Adrian Epping. On of th principal features waa th sing ing of th Macleajr - Qle club, com posed of soras of th most prominent of our Scotch oltizena Mr. Epping ha , been training them for th past two monthe and on this, . their Initial per formance, they mad an instantaneous hit The numbers rendered wer "Hall to th Chief" and "Soot Wha Has," Mr.' Epping sang "Th March of the Cameron Men," "Stirling Bridge" and the prologue front "Pagllaocl." Mor daunt A. Good no ugh was an abl ac companist. , -,1 . " w w : V' - ' ' : -, - Mis Mabel Barker, th popular con tralto, left yesterday for San Francisco' on a short visit with frtonda' Thence h will go to Chicago to resums aer church work. .Many will remember Miaa Barker, a h sang at the First Con gregational church when Dr. Frank W. ' Ounaaulus lectured her laat spring. Sh is a personal friend of th great preacher and lecturer and visits with his family when in Chicago.. - :w . ,v.;V At the First Christian church on Friday J. Adrian Epping sang with dra matic power and fervor th aria from Masaenef s "Herd lads." This aria de mands an extended upper rang and Mr. Epping clear, rob us to tone filled -th large, auditorium to completenesa -He aang th famous aria propecatus, "Through th Darkness," - from Ros sini's "Stabat Mater," at Tempi Beth Ierael in th venlng. ' . w w . ' Th Astoria Budget ha th follow ing to say of Mis Laura McCann's singing at th Elk' memorial services of that cltyr "Mis Laura MoCann aang 0 Rest tn th Lord.' -, Miss McCann possesses a rich contralto voice that Is , always pleasing and her rendition of ! (Continued on Pag Seventeen.) SPECIAL HOLIDAY - S -ALE ..--".'" Silk. Pillow Cord with Tassel, regular 0e; special ts. . Pillow Ribbons, all colors, t-yd. lengtha 'regular $1.26; special Tc Beautiful lln of hand embroid ered Sofa Pillow just H Wc. r A11 kind of embroidery work don at short notice. Prices rea sonabla " , ' . . . -.' , , MRSTWHITITS f.-T NEEDLECRAFT SHOP ' Allaky Building. ' THTRD AND MORRI80N 8T8. Over Satn'l Rosenblatt's Clothing Stora . . FourtH'T' : and Washington ot moft.,,.. , i . 1 .