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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1905)
Cft I PAGES 15 TO 28 SECTIOir TWO PORTLAND. OREG6N SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1905. Eyery Child Has Its Hobby Men and women being but children grown up have hobbies, too. And how we all do love" to ridel Each his or- her own particular hobby. ' What could give greater joy, then, at the approach of Christmastide, than to add to some loved one's pleasure by grooming the hobby she or he loves best, and. bringing it forth for her or him to mount anf;ride? tetr"Atti lay aside our cares and be children again. What happiness the word "Christmas'' conjures up I What a wealth of meaning it has alike for the world-weary heart and , the child! It holds in its graso sacred as love. Ties that ties that bind our tiearts together irr fetters strong as steel and yielding have power to draw us at Christmas time from the remotest corners ot the universe to the dearest spot on earth Home. After all, then, home is the hobby we all ride and all that home contains - from the toddler up to grandma. -We've a wonderful lot of home-bright eners and. heart-gladdeners in this Christmas shop of ours and what gladdens the heart is sure to brighten the home with the glow of Christmas cheerfulness and joy. The whole in dustrial world has studied and toiled to make your Christmas a perfect one this year, and this gnat cturc fntirfKivrg mith gifti practical, beautiful and full of heart-interest for every one . from Baby 'to Grandpap, at prices that make Mem gifts iiT double sense, COMB . TO THE CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL THIS WEEK! WELCOME I ' - -. ' ,- , .J J- J -1 .WAS H I fM qTON ST A CHRISTMAS STORE ' . RIGHT IN THE HEART OP THE CITY AND ALL RIGHT IN THE HEART OF THE PEOPLE ALL CARS STOP AT OR TRANSFER TO OLDS, WORTMAN A KING'S BED COMFORTERS AS CHRIST. MAS GIFTS. Fourth Floor. COMFORTERS SOFT AND - 'A, , WARM.'." - , . White cotton filled, silkoline covered, each .1.25 1.35-1.50 -2,0O A USEFUL GIFT FOR A HOUSE. : .'; ;'; "- V WJFE. - - . - Fourth Floor. WHITE WOOL BLANKETS At 5 f 6 7.50 8 9 to , aaPalr What Housewife Wouldn't Like One v v of These Fourth Floor. GENUINE- DOWN ALINE FILLED COMFORTERS FOR XMAS. Tied, covered with fine quality silko 1 line, warm and fluffy, at, each......' 2.75 f 3.25 3.50 to 4.00 A Timely Christmas Suggestion , : . Fourth Floor. . EIDERDOWN FILLED COMFORTS Covered with fine French satine and silk at v.6.0O 6.60 f 7.00 7.50 9.50 11. OO 13.50 16.00 to 25.00 each A Christmas Carnival IS ON THIS WEEK AT PORT LAND'S FOREMOST, FAVORITE CHRISTMAS STORE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING'S I "A SEA OF GURGLING GLEE. WITH ECSTACY ON TAP" on every floor, thro' every aisle, in every nook and Lorner; from the great Holiday Shops on. first, noor, wnere great crowasi. congregate daily, away up to the roof, where the rafters ring with merri- ; ment. WE'VE BUILT A WONDER FUL TOYLAND up there on -the fourth floor A Santa Claus realm of the wonderful, the marvelous, the mvstical. the awe inspiring. Our rep resentative has traveled thousands of miles, crossed mountains and gone thro' dells, traveled and tramped until he reached the innermost secret -workshops of jolly old Kris Kringle, and persuaded him to bring his best to the hosts of children who ' call OLDS, WORTMAN & KING'S "My Store." Every thing in TOYS, GAMES AND DOLLS you can think of and hundreds of things you never heard of are here.-' Come and see everybody ome-rold and young you'll all enjoy it alike. We print a few thought-joggers such asr 7" - : BUILDING BLOCKS. Architectural Building Blocks, Log Cabin Blocks, Stone Building Blocks, at, ; set ..............i 20 to S4.SO Little Carpenter Outfits, at, each , .6 10 and 16 DOLL FURNITURE. Including Dining-Room, Bed-Room and Parlor Sets at, each. ......... .......V... 12 30 60 85 f I.IO and 1.50 1A : " WASHING MACHINES. Just like mother's at, each,. ..60 to 1.25 Folding Ironing Boards, each .......16 Toy Sad Irons, at, each.. lO 15 and 25 .Rubber Footballs at, each 60 60 65 75 85 and S1.0O MINIATURE . KITCHENS.. B i Complete with range and cooking outfit at, each 25 and 50 ' TOY ICE CHESTS. Hardwood, :niceljr finished," at,- each.;v.i.60r .Toy. Lawn .Mowers at, each..,.. ; . .,30v Doll Swings at, each .-. ... .50 and 75 . DOLL BEDS. ! -.' . ; Complete with mattress and pillows, each. 25 PRINTING-PRESSES. Complete with type, cards and ink' at, each; f 1.25 -to 3.00 REAL CHRISTMAS .TREES. ' . With candle holders at. each...... ...... 1.25 1.75 and 2,25.. SELECT SOMETHING USEFUL FOR THE ! ' , , HOME. -; . :.""...': Two Timely Suggestions SEW1NO MECHINES. ORIENTAL RUGS. OLDS, WORTMAN ft KING SEWING MACHINES. Automatic , lift, drop - head," high arm, ball, bearing, gold 'en oak cabinet, swell front. "-guaranteed --4 or lQyearsi equal to any $75 machine; our price, each... . ..26.O0, Same as above, with hand lift, at, each ........... 824.90 MAGNIFICENT JORIENT A I, . T?UGSL- We've just received a new line in Choice An t:1"i "' '"'"riTigtTPnhhiyaSjhirvans, Daghestans. Cabisbans, Kaiaks, MossoulS; 3a vouks, Beloochistans, Kirmanshahs, etc. all at " prices modestly placed, A grand Christmas gift for the homerone of theses ; Christmas Table Nape ry HANDSOME LINENS FOR HOLIDAY -'." GIFTS. ,- First Floor. Hemstitched ' Linen Sets Consisting of one Table Cloth with one doz. Napkins, many beautiful patterns in the showing a Christ-" m gift which, w Ulj surely please wite 'or mother. Priced at, the set 7 7.50 8.60 f 9 f 9.60 and f lO HAND-EMBROIDERED LINEN DOILIES AND CENTERPIECES SPECIALLY . PRICED FOR XMAS , , J .: - ' SELLING. Linen Doilies ' and Centerpieces, with scalloped .edges, round. shape, and- hand-embroidered, ,spe- riflllv nririH fix follow! Our 35c .-alue special at, each.. . . cially priced as follows: Z5 Our 45c value special at, "each. ....... ,...34 Our 50c value special' at, each. t!, .Vi.38 Our 60cvaluen-8pecial at, each. r;. 45 Our 65c value special at, each. ..,.49 Our 75c value special at, each..,.-.. 56 Oiir. 85c . value -Ipecial at, each.,.'. 64 Our $1.00 value special at, each... 75 Our $125 value-special at, each. .,,.. .....94 Our $1.50 valuespecial at. each r.. ....... fl.lO New .Arrivals' in Elegant Batte'nberg and Cluny ...... Lace,. in Scarfs and Centerpieces. MEMORY - JOGGERS OF GOOD THINGS . . FOR XMAS GIFTS, IN THE -r Women's- Knitwear i'-rr"-: Shops'' fw, : Fancy Garters,' Silk Underwear and Infants " .Sweaters as Suggestions. WOMEN'SROUND GAR - TCRS. , " A ,Iarge assortment with fancy mountings;' pair, from 25 to f 1.00 Women's - Round Garters, with sterling silver mount-, ings, fancy webbing, all wanted shades, . in fancy, boxes, at " ; pr. f 1.50 f 1.75 to $3.00 INFANTS' WOOL ' . i SWEATERS. Infants'' Fine Australian ' Wool Sweaters, splendid line of white-4ind, fancy mixed shades, at, each.;; 81.75 WOMEN'S FANCY WHITE SILK VESTS. Low neck, fancy sleeves, silk-crocheted yoke, at, each v...y.1.60 f 2.00 83.SO and 83.QQ TO -Hello! Suits , Reduced ? - - ' 1 Second Floor. ' . . ' ') - ' That's what they are Any three-quar-' tr length suit in the house, for three flays, plain colors ,or mixtures, at HALF TRICE! , 0c-r STORE CLOSES AT 6 P. M. STORE OPENS AT 8 Al.M. . V ' t V The Olds, Wortman m King Store .::;r .; . . -. : "good morning" ' ; ; "THli lDI?FERENT STORE" FIFTH, SIXTH, WASHINGTON The-Store'sXhristmas A 'Kerchief Box ' OLDS A SPLENDID SHOWING OF BEAU ? TIFUL CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS, PiratJPloor Shops. A vv X . complete . i lins ct i and the prices, too, are right. Pure Irish Linen . .. of the famous Richardson ' ' They are of finest quality, Plain Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with H and A inch hems; priced at, each.... 10 and 12j Sheer Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with; and Yk inch hems; priced at, . ' ' each 12tf 17 and 26 Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, extra fine, with inch hems; priced af .jeachlL. ,,.2025 35 and 40 Beautiful Scalloped-Edge Embroidered Handker chiefs; priced at, ea.25 35 and up to f 5.00 Dainty Hemstitched and Embroidered Handker chiefs; priced ' at, each .... 15 20 25 35 60 up to f 5.00 Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with beautiful hand 1 embroidery: priced at, ea.,60 up. to fl7.60 Daintiest of Handkerchiefs, with lace edges of Ar . menian and Bruges lace; priced at, "each ;..75 up to 5.00 Xmas; Furs Reduced T Second Floor. ' ; RICH. - ,-. , SUMPTUOUS FURS, k "v Every One in the House Reduced.' Coat and Neck Furs, in ,' ties and boas of all the wanted lengths. A spe cial line of furs for misses and children r the. finest . pand best selected line of c h d i c e , handsome furs shown by any' Portlands hoiAe and ALL drastic ally reduced.-, for three -days' Christmas selling. . 0 ' -:' HANDSOME? HIGH GKADE PETTICOATS ' LOSE A FOURTH OF PRICE. : - . Second Floor. . ; Our entire line of charmingly beautiful and ex quisite Silk Petticoats. - Splendidly, adapted -as holiday gifts. Choose from every-ilk Petticoat in the house from $16.50 up at A FOURTH OFFI Christmas Umbrellas v- First Floor Near the Big Elevators. A Grand -Showing of ', ' , Handsome . New Umbrellas For both men and women all styles, suit able for Xmas presents; priced, at, each down from 15 to 50 Hindinm Umbrellas k1 For "14.00 , SSJSBMSSBBaSkSBB ' SSBSMSSBSBBMl I A lot of Ladies' Colored Silk. Umbrellas, in navy ; and red, with fine boxwood handles, our $5.00 value; special sale-price, each 3.00 The Best Year-Round - Man'3 Shop ? IS APT TO 'BE THE BEST CHRISTMAS M . PACK TO PICK FROM. A Sixth Street Annex First Floor. We have an expert in New Vrtrlr uihn iy harH pt, ynrlf all the : time : selectinu toggery for you to select at our Man's Shop. He's a tasty,1 wide awake fellow, wwho knows just whafidrtssy men want. He goes to best-makers for the goods and he. goes thro the lines critically. . It's our ambition to sell the best Haberdashery in the city and we do at prices less than other stores ask. The Christmas stocks are grandly ready. Monday we offer special-ralues. MEN'S $8.50 SMOKING JACKETS $6.89. ' . Meft's Handsome Smoking or Honse Jackets, in ..olive, seal brown, oxford and navy blue, regu lar value $8.50; special, each 6.89. MEN'S $1.25 OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT . x ROBES 98 CENTS. Men's Outing Flannel Night Robes, trimmed with white edging, extra full, long and welf made, regular value $1.25; special, each... 98 MEN'S 12c HANDKERCHIEFS 9 CENTS. A line of Men's White Mercerized Handkerchiefs, ' with large silk-embroidered initial in corner, regular value 12j4c; special, each 9 MEN'S $1.00 SILK MUFFLERS 69 CENTS. A line of Fancy Colored Silk Mufflers, in striped effects, regular value $1.00; 'special, each.'. 69 MEN'S $2.50 SWEATERS $1.25. .A small. iine of Men's Fa4cy Wool Sweaters, honeycomb weave, in black and red and pink, reg. value $2.50 special to close at, ea..1.25 NEW ARRIVALS FOR XMAS; Richardson's Irish Linen" Handkerchiefs, plain and initialed. ' a Handsome New Neckwear.' . NewjXmas Gloves the Dent's, Derby and ' ' -' Monarch. Silk Night Robes and Pajamas at. from ., 3.50 to 12.00 Hosiery' in Plain and Fancy Lisle. ; -Fancy Stiff Bosom Shirts at from 1 to 1.50 Pretty Xmas Suspenders in fancy boxes from ....,..... 75 to 5.0O A Million Miles . of Xmas Ribbons . - At the Mites of Prices Youll like to Pay! 1 PRETTY - RIBBONS FOR FXNCY WORK " AND FOR TYING UP CHRIST : ,7.. , MAS GIFTS. r The best ribbons you can buy, jio matter where you go or' what you pay. There are cheaper rib bons, but we sell only the best. . Fine AU Silk and Satin Taffeta.. Ribbons. In all colors and widths. No. 1 Prices, the yd..l 2 3 and 4 No. 14 Price, the yard .....4 No. 2 Price, the yard.' 3 and 6 No. 3 Price, the yard.. No. 5 Price, the yard No, 7 Price, the yard No. 9 Price, the yard No. 12 Price, the yard I s .8 .10 .16 .18 .23 No. 16 Price, the yard..... ........4.28 No. 22 Price, the yard... 32 No. 40 Price, the yard ..............40 No. 60 Price, the yard..........;. 60 A full line of Wash Ribbons in Nos. 1, ltf and 2, and in every color you could need. , Cushion Ribbons in a great variety ot "colors; priced at, the yard, from. ly oi comrs; ,30 to 75 Lingerie Waists a Fourth , Less Second Floor Subtract a Fourth From the Price of Any Coat in : - ' y the House - y - ,' (Second Floor) . Pay us the remainder, and well give you a "quitclaim deed" of V the coat. . Our stock' is large , tv to pick from two to one ot any other in Portland. . Everj coat and every suit is made by expert msrrr tailors, under clean, healthy, sanitary, modern con ditions. ;' We include every sort A of coat and every coat' in the l house' mjthis sweeping Christ mas sale $7.50 to $175 Fabric Coats, Fur. Coats, Rain Coats, Fur-Lined Coats and Opera Coats hip, three-quarter and full length; black, plain beautiful colorings and handsome mixtures. The largest, smartest line of Women's Coats in Portland for three days at ONE FOURTH OFFI Our regular prices on the above garments are the lowest for equal values on the Pacific slopes 1:. ENTIRE STOCK OF COSTUMES REDUCED. " Second Floor. Our matchless line of Women's "Costumes for so cial, functions all included none reserved. Re duction trends this way: . $38.50 Costumes for 28.85 45.00. Costumes for. .k ,.33.75 $50.00 Costumes for.'. .............. .,..37.50 $75.00 Costumes for....... N.. 56.25 A very special reduc tion of one fourth off regular prices will rule for three days, opening Monday. Our magnificent conven tion of beautiful and exclusive Lingerie Waists, in 'rich, Hand some silks h and ex quisite laces, is too extensive for detailed description, and too well known to need it. 'Ti by far the grand est and largest collection on the coast. All waists at from $20.00 upwards will he sold for the next three days at ONE FOURTH OFF. 11 A beuti- ful Christmas gift?" Of course I The suggestion is a good one. Witchery in Dainty Veils and Veilings SPECIAL VALUES. - Attractive Conceptions for Christmas Giving First Floor Shops. - The smart and saucy new Veils Veils modest and retiring Ve i 1 s of every wanted sort and Veiling f th-4 o t - thai dressy women-''- want FANCY VEILINGS FOR 25c A lot of Fne Veilings, in black or fancy colors; , values to 75c Special at, the yard ...25 PATTERN VEILS FOR 47c. A lot of Beatitifwl Pattern Veils, all silk, with fine silk -chenille dots; our $1.(K) value ncoiat at, each 47 ,-.- - - Attractive Articles in Woman's Wear v AT- SPECIAL -BARGAIN PRICES. Pretty and -Useful HoUday Gifts. Second Floor Annex. WOMEN'S $1.75 BLACK SATEEN PETTICOATS FOR $1.19. t li Women Black Mercerised Sateen TeTTI . w , , iu u j .... ' very full, with double lock-stitch seams, deep ,.x flounces with straps, ' accordion pleating and' , ruffles; our $1.75 value. Special , sate price, each ........ 1.19 $1.79 FOR WOMEN'S - FLANELETTE ;" GOWNS WORTH $2.50. ' , Women's Flanelette Gowns of extra fine quality, in dainty pink or blue and white stripes;, trim-' med in a great variety of styles; our $Z50 . value. Special sale price, each '. 1.79. $1.73 FOR CROCHET SHOULDER SHAWLS WORTH $2.50. . Ladies' Shoulder Shawls, of fine Shetland zephyr crochet, in fancy stitches and with fringed' borders; come in white and .chinchilla only; our $250 value. " Special sale price, each'.. ... r 1.73 Fill Up the Woman's V Glove Box ; ' FROM ' CHRISTMAS ASSORTMENTS. First Floor Glove Shops ' Our Kid Gloves are sent to us direct from the fac-. tories in France and are" everything that could be desised in style as ,well as.' quality. . " We have a most com- plete line of Kid Gloves in both long and . short lengths and in street, dress and evening shades.. Our Two-Clasp Monarch; in - dressed s'or v suede the "best Kid Glove in the world" for the money: 'Price, the pair. . v.i-i :.'.2.00 The "Derby," in both glace-or suede--has no equal at this price, the pair .1.5 Our Three-Clasp Eskay," a very dressy',. real Kid Glove is, very fine.' Pricc,'the pair ......'...... ...........r....1.50 Our Two-Clasp "Magnet," is a big .value at, the pair. . .:v. ..1.00 Sixteen-Button Suede (undressed) Kid Gloves. Price, the "pair.... '".V. .260 Sixteen-Buttori.Glace Xdressed) Kid Gloves. ' ""r- Price, the pair... ....3,00 Twelve-Buttoit . Glace- Kid Gloves.'' ' Price, the pair ...... ......... i... .:.".'.. ....... 2.75 Eight-Button 'Glace: Kid Cloves. - Price. the pair 2.00 The Three-Clasp Black Reynier. Price, the .....1.75 rpair Women's. Smart Neckwear Latest Holiday Novelties in the - Christmas Pack First Floor. PRETTY IDEAS IN NECK WEAR. Beautiful JS'ew Embroidered Linen Stocks, with front tabs the famcvTT "Karser" make. ' Prices.. 75 1.00 to 2.50 " LACE STOCKS WORTH J5c OR.23c "A"tr)t -nf NVhireTnd tnrn I.sre Stxk CoJlars,"some nilr with front tab; our 35c value. Special at, each 25c 'TURNOVn? CCLLV White F.nibrr.i.lrrr.l l'i in-.v. r ( straight ar..!-"!. ' r (Irsiral'ic a" I -'' " l! '-i''1''; t-.ocinl ' " - 1 rcri nc i j s. . u.e. rn.i'te I .'! urr rry I J.'-: v... - i . '.-:: t