THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY" EVENING, DECEMBER ,7. 1605. TOWN TOPICS TOBIOXrS AXTJIZltZBTS, - Blim.. Knil'lre.... Haktir Uttt. liberty ... (Mr ...... Uraod .... ."Tie Olrl With the Orm & "A Jolljr amerlras Traiap" .MualcaJ Burlesque ."The Sum aud Strip.." : Vudllle Vaudeville Vaudrvlll, , Not one cnt will D. Halstrom receive "from the Paclflo Hardware A Bteel eora ' pany for the lose of an eye while In the employ of the corporation. He had ued for 110,000 damage for the lose of hi - cye on May IK. At that time Ilalatrom waa en Raged in caatlng window weight for the company and had aa an aaaiatant a workman who he allege waa unfit for . the work, although he had been ordered - to do It by the company aupertnten- -dentrWhll pouring the metal Into a mold, some of. the liquid flew up Into - the faoe of Ilalatrom. The accident waa aald to have cauaed the loaa of an eye. The caae waa tried before a. Jury In Judge Sear' court, waa aubmltted. yea terday afternoon and the aealed verdict - read at the opening of court thla mom Jng. ,, ' , . . The following .officer have been elected by Bumner post No. 12. O. A. R.: Commander, It H. Pierce; aenlor vice commander. O. A, Prentice; Junior vice commander, AV A. Braden;' chaplain, Charlea H, Campbell; aergeartt; W. J. "Ilenderaon; quartermaater, Qeorg H. Kllner; officer of the day. A. C. Ed munda; officer of the guard, Daniel A Turly; council of administration trua teea, M. I Pratt and A. D. Sharno; employment and relief committee, N. I ' Smith and W. J. Hendereon; delegate . to the atat encampment, W. J. Hender eon, Oeorg A. Prentice, J. A. Braden, 3. W. Brock: alternate delegate. ft. -IIMUU. D. Weaver. Charlea H. Campbell, Oeorge P. Merrill. Officer will be In stalled at the firat meeting in January. At the recent meeting of the Evening Star grange No. IT. Patrona of Hus bandry, J. J. Jobnaon, who . ha served "a maater for two years, waa reelected. Other" offlcera were chosen a follows: Mia Hilda Buckman, overseer; Mrs. IL I Vale, lecturer; Plymptoir .Kelly, ' chaplain; Mia Julia Spooner, aecreUry; B. J. Spencer, steward; Carl Emery, as sistant steward; ' Mr. - Nichols, gate keeper; J. W. Brdck. treasurer; Mrs. K. Nlblln. Ceres; Mrs. Beckner. Pomona; Mrs. Jenema, .Flora; Mrs. Eaton, lady assistant steward. Reports to the state board of health from thepenltentlary and Insane asylum are to the effect that condltlona are . more favorable . at those Institutions than for years. There tire comparative ly few caae of tuberculosis at .either - Institution. The annual meeting of the board of health will be held at Balem Monday, when reports will be read from the different Institution , The board will then make Its recommendation fer the coming year. J -- Winnie Lelseert. a Carman girl. IT years of age, waa injured thla morning and ha been taken to tne oood Bman tan hospital. She waa stepping from a atreetear and aome one evidently placed hla foot on her dreaa accidentally, caus ing her to fall to the street Her head . vu bruised, but when Dr. A. C. Panton, - - th physician of the company, examined ' the girl, he found nothing serious, and assurance 1 given that ahe will recover quickly. - -- ... r The iCoonctt of Jewish 'Women held It monthly meeting yesterday afternoon "" at the Belllng-Hlraoh hall, Secretary Mrs.' Blgmund Blchel presiding, in the " absence of the president. Mies Mae ' Hlrsch read the paper on current events. Bhe spoke feelingly of the Russian massaeree. Mia Boskowlta gave an interesting Pgnor on Prrvfiia Entirely new paraphernalia has been installed In the E. w. Moore photograph gallery, Elk' building. Seventh and Oak, thua completing the- equipment that places thhr famous art atudlo In the front rank of such Institutions of the world ; There I absolutely nothing that ran be added to the gallery to enhance It capabilities. Tlje railroad announce rates of one and a third fare for the round trip to enable atudenta at schools and college to go home for the Christmas holiday The rate on the Northern Pacific are effective returning to January 9, and apply only on tickets having a minimum fare of ft. Thomas N. Strong returned from the east yesterday. He reports that the bnalnesa outlook there was very bright In New Tork. Boston and Philadelphia, notwithstanding the little money short age, the feeling was that 190 was going k. a imp nmtfi.miil .... The Multnomah Prohibition Alliance will hold Ita regular monthly business meeting Friday evening, December I, at the T. M. C. A. auditorium. W. 8. U'Ren will peak on the Initiative and referendum and the proposed constitu tional amendment. 1 Penney Bros. Friday Special Four big bargains In wine; $1.60 grade of White Port at II per gallon; 11. to Ma deira, II per gallon"; 11.10 Angelica, II per gallon; 11.60 Tokay, It per gallon. Phone East zht. Free delivery. , I7 181 East Morrison. , v Auction! Auction! Everything goes oh second bid. ' No limit; .no reserve. Diamond, watchea. Jewelry, cut glaaa, silverware. Sales dally 2:30, 7:80. Beats " for ladles. Loewensteln, SOttt Wash .Ington tret . - ''( -.. .tollman Bhenherd " introduced resolution before the city council yeeter - iMKiina tha chief of notice to at tend the meetlnga of the council in ao- -enrdanc with the provision or im city charter. - : . , .. Ill eearret it If VOU mis th baxaar at Bt. Patrick' Jmll, Nineteenth and Savler treet. Cloe Saturday evening. . . . ' ... . ' p.umnhiii aitvirea tell of the mar ries ves tarda v In Council Bluff of TEX OtZOOM WATI TrOWM (tAILWAT COhWAHT. .HOTEL. ESTACADA " . RATES t n ittxct raoif sotxkbib a. totting with hrsakfaet 9 1J9 Beon and boat fat day ".00 Eaota aid Board ..., .0 Breleat, to. Lonchaea.. Ma. Biaser, tOe. pwial Tloka. taaladUf r4tily fare aa4 tlaas peetal Tlokat, laaladlnf rwaa-trif , far. ea alckt'e Mta eae Una aiaais K.00 CARS LEAVE ' . tickit ornoi rtmtT axd alsei its. Daily at :W. to, it to r m.f DM, t0. v 1:40, tilt . f ' lhon of Writs - L. 0?J"crf'th. Manager i ( - f now. Restaurant COX. TCKD AWD COVCX UTS. . Opea BT and wight. ' v Some Special Short Order , . Dishes ' Steamed LitUe Neck Clam.. 20 Clara Bouillon v with . Toat and Coffee .4 f Scrambled Brain ..SCO Cod Flan Ball IB Corn Beef Hash with On Egg... .15 Spaghetti and Cheese. ........... .IS Pork and Beans 15 Liver and Bacon...-....,.' ..15 Pork Tenderloin ....25 Coffee. Bread, Butter and Potatoes with all orders. . - . Blalagroom torn Xrftdie. BANNER niOIJTH AT r. CITY LIBRARY November Was Largest Irf At tendance. Circulation and" .. New Membershipa TOP FACE CHARGE : OF L1URDER KInta Kasaoka and John A. Hogan Arraigned n Presid ing Judges' Court. JAPANESE ASSERTS HE STRUCK IN SELF DEFENSE Hogin Sayt He Threw Up Umbrella to Wd Off Blow From Voman and Did Not Know Ht Had Killed Her. ' "'. FIVE HUNDRED NINETY- SEVEN NEW MEMBERS Percentage of Fiction Heading Falla to Sixty New Book Displayed in Children' Room to Give Mother Ideaa for Chriatmas Purchaaea. '" Th , Portland Library asaooUtion director last night listened to the most flattering report of growth that has been given since the birth of the organi sation. Mis Mary lom, librarian, re ported that the month of November waa the largest yet In attendance, circulation and new membership. Thirty more books were taken out . on an average every day than In October and the larg est day numbered a circulation of 726. The total attendance for the month was 11.016,' and circulation 12,141. During the month J7 neJ members filed carda. so-that the entire number la now almost 14,000. The percentage of fiction reading, too, has fallen again to 60 per cent. The attendance In the reference-room was larger than in October by S00, mak ing It 1,07 S. u The children's room haa been -receiving- many new member aod it attendance the paat month waa 4,603. with a circulation of 4.102. The fiction percentage Is only 48. - Preparation- are being made for tne approaching holidays. A large collection of new booka la to be put on display to morrow afternoon and. will, remain for a week to give suggestions to mother for their Christmas . purchases. . They represent all classes of books and will b marked with the price snd th local Starrs where they may be bought. The travel stories will - be abandoned ' for the rest of this month, and for the next three Fridays Christmas stories will be told by Miss Hassler to imbue the chil dren with th Christmas spirit. A Tula log I talked about a a possibility for theugo firejHace, Two accused ' murderers - sat In the courtroom of th presiding judge of th circuit court thla morning. They were Klnta Kasaoka and John- A. Hogan. th former accused of murdering a, country man and the latter of killing Mrs. Louise Jenkins. Both of th alleged crimes occurred last October in ' th north and; both of the fatal assaults were .made near midnight, and both vic tims died within- a short time after the attack had taken ttlace. . This waa tha third and last day or th Japanese trial and the beginning of Hogan s. Th former waa tried before a Jury In Judge Clelnnd'a court. ' Hogau face a Jury before Judge Bear. In closing his argument before th Jury this morning in favor of th ac cused Japanese, Henry IS. McGinn de clared that the blows which cauaed the death of Matau Sasaki were struck In (elf-defeana. The attorney said that the dead man Was a bully, a leading member of a gang that terrorised the local Jap- anese colony; that tha bully had been angered bec&uae the boy. Kasaoka. had taken the part of a waitress "whom the gang were bullying; had assaulted the lad. and In the fight that ensued bad been stabbed to his death," . Telia of m Grudge. Deputy District Attorney Harry Adams closed the argument for th state. He declared that the accused man had grudge against his victim, and that the clrcumatapcea tended to show tbaj . he had followed Basakl and, when . the chance arrived, killed- him. While Henry E. McOInn, who plead ing on behalf of hi client, and dining the argument by Mr. Adams. John A Hogan sat calmly and listened to the questions propounded to his peers, who were to paaa on th fact presented as to the death of Mrs. Jenkins, The Jury waa selected Nin a short time: Hogan Is charged with murder in the second degree. He Is defended by 8. H. Gruher, while Deputy District Attorney Ous C Moeer appear for th atat. The-crlme of which Hogan la accused wa . committed In a. hallway leading to rooms above the Acme Reception saloon, corner of Fourth and Davl street, on the night of October 7. It is alleged that "Mr. Loul's Jenk!na Was serving drink to Inmate of th place,, when Hogan. approached her-and offered watch for sale. Bhe 1 said to "have become offended and to have raised a heavy 'tray she. waa carrying a If to strike him. Hogan claim that he threw up an umbrella .to ward off tb blow. Th point of the umbrella . entered the eye of the woman and pierced the brain, ' Korea 0a Self' ITp. '." Although detective and pollcamen scoured the oity In search of the al- ii;e .co:.:pui:it cn -A LITTLE 100 LATE " . : ,BaaaawsaBsaaaaaaaar ' Little Egypt, of Seely Dinner Fame, Too Expensive for Baker Show, Anyway. , Bom one. who slrns himself .Th Watch and Ward Society" haa objected to allowing the London Gaiety Girl burlesque show to enter the city on the ground that It la corrupt and lnlqultoue. But alas! Ilk the pardon, the protect came too late. It rr ached the city coun cil yesterday afternoon through the mail. The ahow left town last Saturday arter noon at the close of a prosperous week's envnrement at tha Baker. . The author of the objection mar oe perfectly sincere, but his 'letter sounds more like the effort of somebody whose request for a paaa was turned down by the manager. It reads: "There Is a com Dan y of so-called play ers booked at one of your theatres; the name of the company 1 th London Gaiety Girls. V - ' - , "This company should not be allowed to play in your eltyc It Is of a low character. The manager of this com pany la a low fellow and make no pre tentions of giving a clean performance, but lust the reverse. ..- "He carries with hi company ' th notorious Little Egypt, and a cheap lot of vulgar people. Hla advertising mat ter Is lewd In the extreme. The show should not be allowed to play In your city. W stopped hla disgraceful per formance twice In Brooklyn, alao Boa- ton. Toronto and several other cities. We ere determined to drive uch people out of theatricals. "WATCH AND WARD SOCIETY." -r- The -city council - ordered th com munlcatlon filed. . Manager Baker wa extremely disap pointed In not having learned sooner that Little Egypt, a I sow per week topuner, wa In th caat Patron of the ahow will -regret also that ahe was not pla carded ao that they might have atlfled their curiosity concerning the heroine of th Beely dinner. Football. One of th season's beat gam. Oregon Agricultural college V. Mult. nomah. Saturday, December - 9, Mult nomah field, 1:10 p. m., rain or ahlne. Admission fiOo. Get ticket at Schiller's. Nau's. Row 4V Martin' and Hotel Perkins. ' APOLLO ROLLER SKATING RINK ; December 11th :Z Dofi't ml th opening. Learn to skate with the crowd. Bee the exhibition In trick and fancy skating. Catering to ladle, gentlemen and children. Amuae- went ty T MERRILL'S HALL SEVENTH AND OAK. Admission 10c. Bkates 26c. Union music. New' Cook added to th library last month numbered 602 and 626 werai catalogued. ' In the periodical-room there was an attendance of 6.008.. The school collections have ill been sent out. There-are .60 school to which they are ent, making 117 collection in use since the class-room library haa been adopted, The books numbered 2.200, and 1.400 have been sent out in the 20 collections for adult reading at a many station. A Hat of book ha been arranged and published for reading on the subjects given by. the Sons of the Revolution for their competitive esftay contest . These have been sent to th principal of the school for posting. , Th changes among th assistants In dud the transference of Miss- Hnge from, the periodical to th cataloguing departing. Ml Ooetsman succeeds her. Miss Miriam MacRae Of Toronto has Joined the stsff. .... The library I to be closed to the pub lic Wednesday. December 20, and the morning of Thursday, December 21, for purposes of Inventory. Everett O. Starr and Miss Minor Crane. Mr. Starr la a member of the local brokerage firm of Overbeck, Starr Cooke company 'and 1 well known throughout the Pacific coast statea. Miss Cran was a resident of Council Bluffs. A tour of th country will com pose the wedding Journey. Afterward a trip to Honolulu, i planned. Mr. and Mra. Starr will make their home In Port land. ' , r ' -- tSO rewaiM will be paid for proof that any talking machine equal an Edlaon phonograph. Complete stock, caah or Installments. Portland Phonograph agency, 141 Sixth, corner Alder. , Cash or Credit Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry and Bllverware on easy weekly payments. 61 down, 60o per week; open evenings. Metsger A Co., Jeweler and Opticians, 111 Sixth street , . - - Bankrupt Bel Clothing, gents fur nishing goods, hats, capa, trunks, va lises, boots, shoes, etc., at greatly re duced prloea. To be old in 80 day. 232 Firat street . ' Eye weak Doe It pain. them to read' thl type? Be George Ruben stein, 181 Fourth etreet, scientific op Jone loose leaf ledger and Eureka sheets; first prise st exposition. How, Davis Kllham. Ill Second street We are still selling, those collar eye glasses; perfect fit guaranteed. Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street ' Berk, the jeweler, sell ladle' 10-year filled Elgin or Waltham watch for 112 and up. 1!Q7 Morrison street Merchants lunnh 15 Sunday chicken dinner 16c Palm rea'aurant, II Sixth. ' Portland's best danrlhg school,' 201 AJder. Prof. Rlngler.. Miss Buckenmejrer. Dr. Wells Uobart-Curtla. Maln 1622. Dr. Theo Fessler. 41T Ablngton bl.lg. Fine chicken dinner 16c 112 Third. .Th Vegetarian cafe, 1 OS Sixth. ' Frits' tsmnle are th best .". 1.; Where to Dine. Merchants lunch.- 18 cents; special chicken dinner Snnday.4S6 rente." Craft'! restaurant, 186-187 Fourth street. until October 10, when Hogan walked Into the police station, informed Chief of Police Grltsmacher that he had read In Th Journal of a woman having, been killed by an umbrella thrust and that he might have been the man wanteo. "After ho had visited the aaloon in question, had thrown up his umbrella tn want off tha trav. Hoswn went to his room." . said Attorney Gruber in his opening remarks before the Jury, "the same room he bad bean occupying while in the city. He stayed about the town for three days afterward without any attempt to conceal himself, and then when he read In a newspaper of the death of - the woman he west to the police station and Informed th chief that he might be the man they were looking for. Do theae appear to b tb act of- a murdererf The following ara the Juryment -leeted to paa upon th guilt or Inno cence of Hogan: M. Veretelg. J. B. Kel logg. J. E. JJLathbun, C. C. Erlckon. D. D. McRrlde, E. P. Walte, Alexander Mulr. Charlea J. Allen, J. C. Scott John A. Bell, Charlea Cleveland ana u. u. Flaher. The first witness called . wss C F. Egby, a barber who is said to have ahaved off Hogan's mustache on the J night of October 7. On the wltneas- stanu tnis raoruina iar he wa not sure that Hogan waa th man whom h had haved. '-""'. " PAINTER OF. GAME BIRDS AND ANIMALS IN TOWN R, La Barr Goodwin, on of th moat famous American artlats, is at th Portland hotel with Mra Goodwin. Mr. Goodwin hss won distinction chiefly a a painter 6t gam birds and animal. He la engaged at present InTproductng a picture to be entitled "Oregon Game," which will be exhibited at the Manhat tan Athletlo club in New Tork and later In Boston. Samples of Mr. Goodwin's work are on exhibition at th Portland hotel and the Commercial club. The pictures hav attracted a great deal of attention. : . J ' Mra Goodwin ha alao achlvd dis tinction a a painter. Her specialty la fruit, and in reproducing currants she 1s said to hav no equal. Mr. Goodwin has studied thoroughly th game of America. In recent year he has visited Canada and the western part of he United Btates in purauance of hla studies. The - past? three years have been spent on th Pnclflo coast H I orlgtnully from New Tork, wher he achieved prominence In art circle. He later lived In Washington. D. C. but ha pnt a number f year In th wot. ... ...... ...j Not Selling Out But treating every one of our patrons so as to be sat- icfiavl nl rati 'spin. ft we expect to remain in business. Our motto is good quality and small profits. We offer you a Man's or Boy's Suit or Overcoat for $6, $7.50, 910. 12.50 and 915. the same kind you pay from $2.50 to $5 more for at the high rent stores. We offer you a nice line of Hats from $1.50 up to ?3; big assort ment of Pants from 91.50 up to 95; fancy patterns in Shirts from 50t to 91.50; big line of Underwear from 50 to 9150: a general I' line of Shoes from 50 to 93.50 ; complete line of Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and Comforters at 20 per cent less in price comparison with other stores. Strictly one price; goods marked in plain figures. , JOHN DELLAR First and Yamhill and Third and Davis TRY IIS TILL AFTET CHRIST, LI AS Anyway, now that you ar buy preparing for that happy day. W will do your . 1 Washing at 6C Per Ponnd About th price of your op suda and send it horn to you nicely .ironed by steam. ,. CALL IP 111 ALU 333 And we'll tell you all about It We call f6r and deliver. Union Laundry EOOXO AJTD OOLVMSU. , Xf AjnTCTlCBSfTS. . .' Tonight! 5th'Niht! 13TTZ7UrATIOsXAXi " ' TUG OF WAR CONTEST EIGHT NATIONS - SEVEN DAIS Merrffl'sHfdl 6ZTE1ITH AsTD OAS STaXITS. TEAMS Ireland, JTorway, Finland. Sweden. 8r : many, Sootlaad, Canada, Amerloa, Owittnaln Each Nlsht to aad lacladlag ueeeuiue . Costest for Cbsaiploashl sad Gold Medals. Admission SSo. Kesarved Beats SOo. Marquam Grand Theatre rrlil.y and Katrrday Xlrtta. Kev. a e a, 1'iif LL.AK j'HU a atAiinaa uiuv liavcrly's Mastodon Minstrels BI'lOER AND BETTI5B THAN STIR, PHIPEa Nlfht. 2Se, We, Kx-. TBe sad 81. Matinee, adnlla, Scie; gallery, sSe. CJII- dren, 8Re anr plaee. WATCH FOR PARAHB AT HIOH KOON. SKATS KOYf BKLMNU. Beiasco Theatre Shx BELASOO MATES. VKOM. lata aad Wash. ata. . U Saekejlt, . Mgr. TOinOHT MATIltES SATITSSAT, The Greatest Drama tie "Sacersa af the- aecaes. ' CITD1 riTCTI'S 80CIETT COMEDX, ' "The Girl With the Green Eyes" PRICES Klght. ISe to TBe. Mats.. SB-BOe. -,. Btartlng With Mallae. Meat. Boadty. . . , THE OEXT WAT." : BaRcrTheatre Oregea neatr Oe., Leaaae, Oee. L. BaJur,.MT. TtBhlTl and Third Bts.' Phone Mala 1BOT. " SATURDAY EVENING, DEC. 9 Grand Benefit Miss Anna Loubet I The leading slssers, reeltatloalsts and general r.n'f"ln'if "fi ''"r"'IMt V1 I ennrrllmta. 1 TTcketa, 50 ceota, escnaueahle Imoiedlatelr lor reserve 'seats st boa erane, a sale at OLDS. WOBTMAS EJ0 . WOODAKD A CLAEXE AXO BXISMOKK DEUO CO. .1. Milwaukis Country Club. Eastern and Seattle racea Take Sell wood and Oregon City ear at First and Alder. , " - ' ' . To Orgaals Boys' Olnb. A meeting will be held Friday, night at t o'clock at the' Fourth. Presbyterian church, Firat and Qlbbei tret, South Portland, to explain th work that I k.i. .., tha r M c A There will b a lecture; inutriea oy aiersop- tlfon visa's, and Miss Kufth will .sing After the lecture a Boys' club wllUb! orgsnlsed under the auspices of the I Hunday School and Library association. , It m Ihit all tha bovs and young men In South Iortland attend and help the organisation. . ' i '-- - . - lrf erred Btock Cashed Oooda.' J Allen Lewi' Beat Urerjd.. - ' : I -' ' " . "" Of Grover Cleveland if,. bat EVERY young man of the present day-should poises a sound com mercial training. ' ' " . We are of the ame opinion, and know thaf. a man' futur wholly depend "on his education. Wa teach all buaineaa branchea. WeTeachADWRIMG : We have the LARGEST tii neM college in the northwest. "Our eiuipment tiniurpasned anywhere.-Coma and lea us.- -r - .. Behnke-VValker Business 'College" Elks' Bid., Sevanth and Statk Sta. " OPEN DAY. AND NIGHT. Empire Theatre! lltb aa4 MorraMa. Paone Mala 11T. MILTON W. 8EAMAN. Managsr. TOaiUHT U W(U, THE MABTEU MKLODKAMATIO COMEOT- DRAMA, "A Jolly American Tramp" ' By Edw. B. Kidder, Author of "PtseefBl Valler." "A Hoof Relation." ete. HOMELI nt'MOR. TENPKR TOUCUE8, riRKKIPK FACTS. A Parennlal pet with Thratre-Qoers Thraagboat Aaierlra. MATIKEB RATt'RDAT. Evening Prices 18e, Efte, 6Be, 60e; awtjaee, 10e. 15e, 2fte. Beat Weeh-"The Slri rresa Swedea." Orsgea Theatre 0., Area RnkcrThffltn UUllVI B IIVUll V i Mar. THE HOME Of Mf-RICAI, BI TII.ESQCB. ' ToaioHT-roMoaaow bioht, Reslsra Msttne Batarday, Laat Pertbraaaee Miner's Merry Barlesquers More glrle, nor soars, stare knmor, e mix ture of all good things In burlesqae: 6 etimptete bvrlettas. "A Nlsht oa the Bow ery,' and "Dr. Bbs.' As alio - eympTlelnf American sod Earopean vasdevllle artlats. KVK.JN(I PRICEH 2Se. kV, 60s. TOe. Bat nrdaT end Busday natlnees, ISe, Me, One and 60e. Wednesday nstlnee (speelal). ifte to any seat. Next week Carr's "Thoroughbreds" Burleaqoe Compeny. Phone IsOT. Lyric Theatre WZXX BTASTnta MOEDAT, DECEMBEB 4 THE STARS AMD STRIPES A FATBIOTIO SSAMA IV FOBS ACTS. ADMISSION lee, RESERVED BEATS, We ' Liberty Theatre IIS - Maaasemeat ef Seatlag rioeA. . JOHN MAVDT, the Oraat Faatare Aot, r . THE EL1IOTTS. C1BCILLIAN. ISO WHITE. -j : BOYD AND TAN NT 8. BIOOEAPK BELECTED OBCHESTBA. Ptrfnrinanres dally at t SO. 11 sad p. M. ADMISSION TEN AND TWENTY CENTS. GRAND THEATBE WEEK or DECEMBEB. .4. . rrleae- Matlases, 10ei ev' TEOttET CAB TBJO. TBASK BOOEBB. WOODSON a WOODSON. BABY HAWTINB yOLLT HA2IX. ATLANTIS. Harold Horr. . OBANDIBCOFE. 'g. 10a, ao) bamas. Me STAR . THEATBB . , WTEX or SECZMBEB . . rrlesew, ... WEBT LA BITE. Blebard. Beklnssa , ana Biehard. SO WALL A-IBTTNO. MISS XITTIE WALSH. EDDIE BADOEB. EBED PTJSINTON. TABOSCOFE. - Katiaeee, 10a I av'fa, 10s, 0c besas, fa Miss Edith Kelly roraaerly ef Chleago. srfll reeslve nlane pnyll al studio, lrl ItwtMdale (rihaaath) at. 1EBCHETIZXT METHOD. Pianoforte Teles Prndnefloa. Pipe Orem. Mirwnef sr. r..mpoelll.n. Studio of IBtiatCE W, .D aUClt, bott BelaMat street, i'hum Be .. A Piano-Player For a Third of Its Cost Tbe stare b epe rreainr. T bad battaaweuaM la earlr Wf lbs fbM rea vrsat Is bum. if yos Ilea eat Mrtland. write aa a televbaaa as sad we will re serve s pUm t-w yoa. Aa siatire f fart, yo vttU aftaks ao siutafce If yea bay east ef th-ee rtaiM i ear mr ee." without aeeta tbe InetraBirnt et ell. Several plauna were bonsht that wr Snrins eur Uold Medal" aeto br' eat-o' tow people. Ibost rab are anion eae beet-pleaaed KUUtmm. We take Krttealar palne . wtlb aet-ef-tews tlaaaa. , ' . , Do you want a piano-player for a third of ita onginal cost? We received in trade aeveral piano-playera.. They ara all of atandard make and all of the best known ones will be found in tha list. lnea piano-playera sell for $200 to $350 by the respective dealers who handle them. . ' .v .. - . 1 i ' Theae piano-playera are all in excellent condition and are abao- .llitely.aa good as new- ' - i - '. ' .''- , ""'-i-'- 'We Will sell them for from to.Bisu. .-. f - iIf you want a piano-player cheap, come in and look over these "exchanges." , , ' ' ' , ' " " :'" ' Remember the prices, $75 to $150 original coat $200 to $35q. , V EXCHANOED PIANOS We will aoon ba able to add a few more pianoe. to the "ex changed" list. M -'"'-!.. ".- " We have five beautie from our Salem branch. They will be out of the shop tomorrow.- Watch for announcement of makes and pneea., Partial list and prices: ' 1 . f ' - These Kimball Pianos ar prac-; , FilfD ' ' ?icaUy ?tw- T,hey we, t!,.Ulie!J EEchanged Kimballs in Kinmburv. Tha regular agents of the Kimball ask $J8S. Our price leaa than half. All nice catea. : -v - Regular price $300. SS:$16S. ..... , Exchanged Sale Price $190 Cable (Tbe weestoel - Linderman & Son WcIIihgtoa Rice-iiiiize Haines . Smith : : Regular price $400. ' Thla li a beautiful Piano with s fine case and a splendid tone Regular' price $450. Regular price $325. Exchanged Sale Price $265 ' a ' Exchanged Sale Price $290 Exchanged Sale Price $21 5 We got this Piano in s trade with Willamette University. This Piano ia in fine condition. Sella regularly for $325. It & Barnes Kingsbury, s Ellington Him Regular price $400. Exchanged Sale Price $100 :' u" Exchanged Sale Price : $165 ' Exchanged ' Sale Price Sella' regularly for'SpJJjf. $272 Exchanged Sale Price -' $218 Almost new. and n a Piano bargain at price. . - " . -: -- ' . -"-V al: -, Exchanged Piano ia in fine condition; regular Sale Price price is $350. ' $225 gtnt for t'l ri"o .Sale PnaL-i price it at $300. -EASY PAYMENTS $137 Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co. ; Sixth and Morrison The Oldest, tarweat aad Braeet Siaae a4 Orcaa Keea la the VaeUe Verthweat. . 5 CUT GLASS FOR CHRISTMAS W save our order for, cut a;tae mbnths aao. with th distinct underaUndlnc that concession be allowed that would enable -n. to offer the best valuea in Portland for th holiday. - Thl assort ment 1 th hlsheet Brad American cutting and by th moat highly-skilled artisans, cut from the clearest of crystal blanks not cheap-looklns" piece) In th collection. We hav very pretty celery tray, bon-bon" dlabe. cream tray, cplv dlsha,'berry bowl and an endless variety of beautiful little piece. ... "'.-.. . Don't wait until th lsst moment, -when crowds of Chrlstma ahnnnera are selecting their purchasea, but com thla. -week or early next, while th assortment la com pie t a. . W ar at your ervlce and will Uy away until called for any article you select , Don't torget that we have an endless variety 'of silver novel ties and Jewelry of all klnda appropriate for Christmas giving. . 4i . . mxzzzzxzz2zzza err: For the Holidays 17c Clizr the Mowing Baroains Crystallized Rock snd Rye, a bottle. . ... ............ 50 01d Californis Sweet Wines, a bottle.......... ....... 25" Full Quart Mellwood Whiskey, a bottle. . ......... r,91.p0 Full Quart A. D. G. Rye, best made, a bottle. .. . .. . .91.-5 , Q4d and mellow Gold Spray Bourbon, a bottle 75f? Claret, Zinfandel and Burgundy, per gallon. ,C0 to 91.00 California Port, Sherry, Angelica, Muscat, perjfallon ?1.CD j Finest assortment of Cordials and Importf i Li-ors, Scotch, i Irish, Norwegian and Swed;:h V.: " ;