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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1905)
'.-. PORTLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1005. 1 1 f!. THE .ORE G v . . AN a a. Acxao' PubUshed every evening (except Sunday) and every 1 Sunday morning. .- . streets, Portland, Oregon '.' FULTON AND MATTHEWS. ENATOR FULTON'S OPPOSITION to the eon- O . firmation of C J. Reed is United 5tates marshal it the theme of an article in the -Oregonian, winch ia remarkable for its gross misstatement of fact. Fulton is represented as the tool of it is even asserted that he owed t United States senate to the former head of the local Republican machine. '-' - ' v . ' - 'Through Matthews', influence," says the Oregonian, . "Senator. Fulton secured enough voteafor an election in the legislature of 1903." . " -"' j Nothinir could be farther from the atorial struggle of 1903, Fulton was persistently opposed by Matthews, who strove in vain . to defeat him. As . everyone knows, it was in spite of Matthews and not by . his aid that Fulton was finally elected. '."It was Matthews' plan to . elect Multnomah county in that contest," continues the article . in question,, "or with the aid of only so" many Multnomah . votes as were needed. When the hour fof election came, this was accomplished with the aid of two Mult nomah legislators, one of them W. W. Banks, - who shortly, afterward was made assistant United States dis trict attorney, through Fulton's efforts." ; C W. Nottingham was the other Multnomah legis lator whose vote helped to elect Fulton. Both Notting ham and Banks steadfastly refused to take orders from Matthews, who did: every thin g;jnJiisT power ta, whip thern into line and force th'em to vote for Harvey W. Scott From that day to 'this both Nottingham, and Banks have been the objects -of Matthews' enmity. Banks' declaration that he would not be coerced into giving his vote, to Scott was one of the sensational in cidents of the closing hours of the senatorial struggle. Since that session Nottingham hat been one of Jhe. rec ognised leaders of the forces opposed to the Matthews machine. He 'ran as an independent candidate for Jhe legislature last year, defeating A. A. Courtney, who owed his place on the ticket to Matthews. A '" It was in the senatorial fight of 1903 that Harvey Scott took-the second degree in practical politics. The experi ence was not a pleasant one to him) and his version of the details has always varied considerably from the facts. It is indisputable, however, bat Matthews was really working for Scott's election, and it was in response to the crack of the boss's whip that all but two of the Mult nomah delegation lined up in support of the editor. The influence of the Oregonian is now being exerted to keep United States Marshal Reed in office. To this end, Fn1toTt,vhor1iOpposing" Reed's confirmation, must be discredited as much as possible with the administra tion. Under existing conditions there is no other way to do this so easily as bjr creating the impression that Fulton is merely the agent and -mouthpiece of Matthews, who is regarded by the president as the embodiment of all that is jnost obnoxious in Oregon politics. But the facts as to the. senatorial struggle of 1903 are too fresh in the public.recollection to allow such a distorted version to gain acceptance in Oregon. .' Senator Fulton will probably see? the political wisdom and common sense of doing the precise contrary pf what ever the Oregonian suggests to him. , f ' - .,. ;' RUSSIA V . HE ELEMENTAL PASSIONS are at work In Russia. 'Qcumilum Uf .repressions, 6. chmcs ' that cried to high heaven for vengeance, of frightful impositions that cause the blood to run cold in the mere contemplatiton of them, of heartless indif ference to homan suffering of barbaric splendor and effeminate luxury on the one hand and the most bitter poverty and degradation on the other areat-last bear ing their .legitimate fruit "' . ' . . There was a time,, as in all such movements, when a small concession, honestly made and honestly lived up to, might have stayed the progress of the revolutionary feeling and insured temporary if not permanent peace. But never has there been any intention to grant legiti mate, concessions, to give up a tittle of the arbitrary power. whose, exercise has driven, the people to. despera tion, to lighten to the least degree the heavy load which they have so long borne with something more than hu man patience.'.... . '. v . The news which now comes out of Russia- it frag mentary; it is suggestive rather than satisfying. But the faint and fleeting glimpses which are caught are strangely suggestive of the stages pf that, hitherto un precedented uprising,' the i French ' revolution. Unless the signs are misjudged the movement must speedly get beyond the control of mere men and if it does it will run its appalling course. Nothing that, human history has to far recorded will equal in horror what is in store for Russia, but at the' same time the ultimate outcome of human progress and human .happiness is just as in evitable as the rising of the sun or the waning of the moon. , .... , ; ., : Y Since legislatures will not do so, the railroads are do ing; a good thing in abolishing passes. They are a source of no end of evil. - ESTIMATES AND REVENUES. iSo RECONCILE the desire and demand for an I '.. efficient, progressive municipal government with i : - - those for a lew taxrate and a light tax burden is no easy task, and never-has been and- probably never will beaccomplished except at the sacrifice of some im provements that-we all would, like to ee made on the ' one hand, and a heavier burden than most taxpayers like, to assume on the other. ' The result is usually in this dilemma,"as with irtany" pieces of legislation and .'many civic problems,, a compromise.-The, city doesn't B all it wants and could use to good advantage, and the tixpaying people ofthe city pay: more for its support - than they like to pay. What they desire and ask for and think they ought to have collectively, they object ... to paying individually. This human nature the world ' over. . What is needed is"some statesman-financier who will devise a way whereby a city will grow and spread itself like a forest of green bay trees, and carry on large works of improvement and the citizens, thereof go untaxed". What fancy prices corner lots in such a city would bringl But we fear none of us will ever see one until he gets to heaven and perhaps not then. ' t J.This annually -recurring problem is up now before'the mayor and council, and they are wrestling with it the best they, can. There are the estimates of the different departments of the amounts needed, and probably none : of them is Unreasonable or ;extravagant. Oh the other hand there are the probable revenues for the year 1906 at a certain tax rate.. And between them is a gap of home $97,000. But it will not Ido to have a deficit of any considerable proportions, we must pay as we go: -the gap- Mit-b bridgedThia-wiU-ineprbaWyr-n-l as-m-Californtar the usual svay, by" cutting down the hand, and raising the tax rate a Then nobody -will be satisfied, but ryin" taxes and the, expenditure of "ever aalitfied, anyway,,1 ; .-u e - . ' ", '" '-V. ON DAI L Y INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL PUBLISHING Ca at THE .1 R the first .t.fU. Jack Matthews and his election o the facts. In the sen visions of the bill Fulton without rauthority in case sion can betaken The public baa railroad rates, as it in specific cases -where .unmistakable cause for interfer ence is shown. The interests of the public and the rail roads are or should be to a great extent mutual, but in self protection the public must have a supervisory and regulative , power. mean to do about no harm. We suppose the house early this winter, will make slow progress in the senate, and not 'come' to a vote till late next spring or some time next summer. - This is the senate's way. But in the meantime people, and what bilL ' ..' A few days since we published a clever little human interest storv of which "Basket" Brown wat the central figure. It wat clipped from and credited to the Blue Mountain Eagle The real author of Huffman, editor of public apology is COME W HILE tie a man. He has estimates on one The time is rapidly little on the other. when it omes to revenues, nobody, is . JOURNAL nro. . eumou The Journal Building-. Fifth and Yamhill RATE REGULATION BILL." eaeaeses. ' " EPRESENTATIVE TOWNSEND has improved opportunity to introduce a railway reg- ..,t.;t. u,;n K regarded as an admin- istration measure. It appears to be substantially the same bill that passed the house at the last session, with the important feature of power of inspection and pub licity of railroad accounts added. The bill will tn all probability pass the house, as it aid last wimer, turned over to the senate, where the fight on it, which promises to be determined and protracted, will be led by Elkins, Aldrich and Foraker, who will be supported by many other Republican senators unlessthe railroads give up the fight, "lest a worse thing should happen unto them." ... . . ,: : : - - ' , To the average citizen and business -man the pro seem reasonable, especially in view of the well known facts that while rates are not always too hit-h. the often are to. and that the transportation vice of favoritism to special shippers is evidently ineradicable unless some, cower aside from the railroads have the of complaint, and on evidence ad duced, to fix rates, and for this purpose tne power to examine the railroad companies' books and into their business generally. Nobody supposes that the inter state commerce commission will fix unreasonable . rates in any case, but if it should an appeal from the commis to the courts. the right, or should .have hV to regulate should not have to regulate the price of lumber or beer, because transportation is in its nature a public business, concerns the whole people. The presi dent's argument on this point is simply unanswerable. There is no intention, either on the, part of the presi dent, or . of the general public, to do . the railroads .any injustice or harm, or eyen to interfere with them except If the railroads really want and the right thing, the law can do them ' r . '' " Townsend bill, even if it passes the the senate will be hearing from the they hear may be effective to pass the ' : ' appeared as original rnatter. the article, it now transpires, is Bert the Pendleton- East Oregonian. A due from the Blue Mountain Eagle. WEST, YOUNQ MAN. esstert, pprtipn iif .the- country is j prospering, and opportunities for young men of eneigx-and ambitioh are many, "the advice, Go west, youYig man" is as good, even better, .than it was in Horace Greeley's day,, , . . What Ved to be known as the Great ' American Desert, including not only the ttill arid regions,' but most oP'KeTSWsTca. Kansas. 1 Un. Dakutasi Ohlshftifta,' Tnrlian Territory and Texas, has been proven, to be resourceful of riches almost beyond computation, is producing hun dreds of millions of wealth annually, and yet the devel opment therein, taking these vast regions as a whole, has been but well begun. . . The .mountain states offer numberless opportunities for strong hands.-clear braint and ttout heartt in minet, in forests, on elevated reclaimed arid lands, in mills, and in the pastoral industry. This side the Rockies, from Vancouver to San Diego, is an immense region; the finest and fairest, the most varied and prolific, the most enjoyable as to climate and scenery, abounding in the most undeveloped resources and. offered, opportunities, of any equal portion of the United States,' or of any country or combined portions of countries in -the yworld. Mountains, plains, slopes-, rivers, forests; behind, the backbone of the continent, the mighty Pacific ocean before; a' land of infinite climatic, vegetable and scenic variety, everything from perpetual sunshine to weeks of winter mists, from giant cacti to great but perfect pansies, from mountains of granite to seashore black sand glittering with gold; a land of en chantment, of year-round comfort in work or play; a region with only 5,000,000 people, yet capable of sustain ing at least half the present population of the United States.' - - And now begins a rlew era for thia- great region, es pecially for the portion of it embraced in the state of Oregon, ah era of great and rapid development, a cause and a part of which if and will e the building of rail roads. All the great trunk lines that do not already possess an outlet on the. Pacific are preparing with all possible rapidity to get one, and Portland is just now the point toward . which several of them are striving. The youth of today who lives to be old will see greater changes, in one' aspect of them, greater in degree if not in kind, than those that the early pioneer has seen. The development of this best land on earth has but just begun. "" '.Greeley's advice of half . a century ago was good; even better it our. advice to eastern men of melons, en ergy, enterprise and character: Come west 'way-Vest, and not merely, grow, but spring up with the country. . ; - Secretary Shaw congratulates the country that the deficit is not. as great as it has been many times before. Aldeficit amounts to nothing; anyway J the next con gress taxes the people to make it good. - . PARTISANSHIP VS. SQUARE DEAL. THE . PETTINESS of partisanship, as compared '.'.. with" the tioble proportions of statesmanship, is exhibited in the opposition on the part of Re publican senators to the, confirmation of Franklin K. Lane of California to be a member of 4he interstate commerce commission.. In appointing Lane the presi dent showed that he meant tj? give both the pacific coast and Ihe Democratic party a square -d??.!. Both are entitled to consideration in the memtrtrship of this supposedly ' non-partisan or bi-partisan body. 'The Democratic party is fairly entitled to the new member." Sois the Pacific coast: The president recognited this. Lane is "ah entirely "competent and trustworthy man. But uprise on hind legs a lot of senatorial partisan! who object to' Lane because he is a Democrat. We thould have preferred a man of the Pacific northwest, but next best is. a good man from California, and Lane is such lived in the Pacific northwest as well and is-familiar-vpith-thewhole-eoast. coming when men who play partisan pohtict On, every possible occasion, instead of consider ing the best Interests of the country and of their Several states and showing at least some signs' of real states manship, will not find it easy to get into congrest lk. SMALL CHANGE Almost anybody could be the weathet predlcter theie days,. ' ; ' In om of the bllard-awpt atata Jack Front will become during the nxt few months nearly aa araat an agency of death aa rootDaii naa Men thia rau. Two doscn, one of rhem a baker's doien. Republicans have declared for harmony, which therefore seems aa- sured. . ... ' The Dolitlcal harmony fathering of tt resolved on a uttering or some kind of a committee of li. What was the mat ter .with the other man. , . Russia is a, country in which an archy. -If it- turns itself loose, can have "ample room and verge enough." "". - . . .... A Chicago girl won first prise in a New York beauty show. It is supposed her feet were concealed under the large platform. Ex-Governor Oeer says, he would rather be the governor than a senator. But If he had been a senator Instead of the governor once, he might think dif ferently. The various city elections in Oregon "passed off quietly,'' of course. , . , e- a The majority of people are not oom- plalnlng about cheaper beef if It Is cheaper.- . .- (. The Initial vibrations of the "throes" of Oregon's political campaign are being felt - ---- - . w ' Resigning. Is on , thing; refunding another. . Vp to the present writing the Tanner creek sewer has not broken out beyond control. , . . t t i . -r - , - - Chairman Baker will soon make a tour of the state for no other purpose than to preach the gospel of peace and good ness, taking as his text: "Behold how good and pleasant It Is for brethren to dwell - together . In unity." No collec tion (T) . f . . e . .... College students may get" a few hours for study yet before Christmas, Admiral Togo la to come. ' ' ' ' e -." It Is reported that Norwegian has discovered the northwest passage. But really "we have no use for It at this season of the year. e e ' "' A railroad regulation bill originated by Elkins and advocated by Foraker would be a daisy, no doubt .-" .' ';.''.''. To escape being held up, stay within locked doors, or go out with no val uables In your pockets. If you have been Industrious at It you should have the -mesage nearly read through by this time. v: - ' . : e e . . ' -i . . .:: . The president's -Thanksgiving turkey. or one of them, sent to him by the Rhode Island man who has sent a tur key, to the president every Thanksgiv Ing slnoe the war weighed 11 pounds.' That was beaten by one up In Jackson county that weighed, dressed. If pounds. '' " The Chicago Tribune says that elty has either too many people or too few UuuLiaim l'uihaps sslhi i i . A similar experience to that of a Portland tea merchant occurred last week in Lakevlew, where a drug-flat locked up dog In his store and before the marshal let him out a, 1 a. m. he had torn up' a lot of linoleum, broken bottles and made a mess of things gen erally. " e e ; Campaign good-natured In Albany. .' -'! ' A Lakevlew man, relates the Herald, chopped wood-last Sunday, and by do ing so desecrated the Babbath, and but ted tn on a piece of work that a mar ried man has no business "monkeying" with. His place was In the house, roast ing his shins by a warm lire, smoking a cigar and reading the newspapers. The ax slipped, struck him on the head. he struck the ground, the blood flowed, he was dead, he came to life again, he sits by a warm fire and his .wife chops the wood. ' e ' e - - New - town at - Black - Butte, - on - the railroad to Crater lake. . . " : ' Dr. . Dryborough of Portland may lo cate in the dry borough of Fossil. ' ' . 1 .. -'.'' . More snow Up the country; sign of big harvests next year.. 'A Portland apple packer who has been up there says the John Day apples are the' xleaneat,. biggest and best he ever saw. ''"' . ' ' Mayvttle grange la flourishing; has 115 members. - . k ...... : . e. . ... ' ' ' ' Attendance at Columbia college, Mil ton, ts greater. than ever before. . ... . '. I ' .' Wheat growing nicely in Umatilla county. v t i ' . - . ' i . . '' . . . Pendleton- Presbyterian church ladles netted 1200 In a two days' fair. '- . A rrovel way of "swearing off" was agreed upon Friday by two of Echo's leading young men. They each Invested In a bottle of -champagne and treated their friends, and then they put money in bills amounting to 1100 in bottles, corked them up and deposited them tn the Bank of Echo. A friend of these two young men is to receive the $200 In the bottles snd will be allowed to' publish their names In the newspapers If they take a drink In the next II months.- - . ,' ' . ' e e Thjs Is the Lebanon Criterion's tlms tahle for the train between that town snd Albany:-; -' - - I Leave Albany: ', . Some time during a. m. ' - - - Arslve Lebanon. . . ... ... . Two and one half -hours after leaving Albany If all goes well. Leave Lebanon: s ' Soon as possible-. Arrive Albany: As luck may decide. ' ' 4 " The afternoon train stops from sn hour to sn hour and a half to "Watch Tallmart grow." . . .. ' . - - Noted Hotel Owner in Frisco. From the San Francisco Chronicle, De- ': eember t. , - It L. Pit took, owner ot the Portland hotel. If at the Palace lr- 1. OREGON SIDELIGHTS DINKELSPIEL " ANSWERS QUESTIONS By Oeorge V. Hobart. ' ' . rVnTrlht. 19(A. bt W. B. KMntl Many times during der veek does der postman bring ma letters vlch should be talked back to, but not always is it convenient for me to haf on hand der Inflammation desired. But such Is der number of letters now before me dot I must response to soms or dem or be accused or receiving post age stamps under false eggspences. Der falrst letter I find is from Silvio J. Loudbugle, und in dls lstter he asks such a question as dese: (1) Should a dark chentleman marry a blonde lady. (I) If so, has she any money und vare may I meet herT (3) if dls is true, sup pose a brunette man marries a blonde lady, und after marriage she gets tired und stops using peroxenlde, vas ders any. redress T (4) Vot sort of a girl should a young man marry mlt nodding tn his pocket but a gold-headed cant' und a ticket to Boston? ; . I vlll pass ofsr der jfalrst questions, Silvio, because dey vss too mercenary for any . place but der ' advertisement columns. Der last question I vJU re sponse you to uer test or my agility in dese vords: Alvays remember, Silvio, to marry a voman smaller den yourself, because in- desoretlon Is der better iwrt of value. Alyaya marry a vomarl vlch knows a Joke ven she sees It But it is not neo eary for her to tell you who It be longs to ven you make it. ' Alvays marry a voman philosopher, Silvio, because heaven knows vat mo ment you may lose your job dess days Ven a roan vas ould of vork dere vas r.uddlng so nice to have around del house as a phllosopheress. She can alt dare py der hour -und told you vot you could do mlt your money If you had It. Alvaya marry a voman mlt perfect health und a large, broad appetite. She should have charity In her heart und room next to it for erery dish dot grows In der kitchen. It Is so distressing for a pleasant chentleman' to sit at der table mlt a small, timid leedle vlfe und hat her throw der plate of hot spaghsttl ould der dining room vlndow vea eaat egg spested to. ' If you vas ould valklng mlt a young lady und you should slip on a banana's ofercoat, vatch her closely. If shs doan'd giggle, marry her at.vunce. Shs has selfcontroL If you should meet uo mlt a vouna lady for her . fairs, time wich refusals to eat Ice cream ven you vas willing to buy It marry hsr at vunce. She Is f good, thing. . j Und. Silvio, If you ask young lady to vsnt to der theatre und ahe refuses, marry her at vuncer She la der only vun or her kind In her vorld. Nefer fall In luff in a hurry, because, like der - Inimitable - proverb- of- der Greeks, vot Is to be has to be,, unless uddsrvlse. . to - Mm, a nan h.. Inat all Ant lfte happy und sveet und ehoyous be cause he married mitould finding oud had, der girl enough money to support dem both. . Many a fair young man. perhaps der pride und choy of two or three doteful parents, has chumped Into der ssa ot matrimony und frose to death vile valt Ing for a check from der cru,ef father-in-law.- - j Ach.-Himmell A obstinate father-in-law, mlt a padlock? On his check' book, has done more to put frost on her holy bonds of matrimony den all der udder evils combined., Mlt dese raw burning vords from der heart I must leave you to your own de- goot advice vlch Mollle gafe to Napoleon yust .before der final curtain, "A wold suspicion, leave during der danoe! , Claudia H. Blnglebauer writes me a noisy leedle letter from vlch I hsf re moved der following chermst- "Unkind Mother Nature neglected to give me a pink complexion. .. Could you suchchest some artificial 'means py vlch I could secure a permanent blush, please!" Tes, Claudia. I dink I could. ' ' Valk ould In. der garden, Claudia, und pick a fresh lemon. Itemove der shell und squeese It ehently ofer der forehead, at der same time, tapping both cheeks mlt a teaspoon, i Another goot-idea Is to ride uptown on a Scrubway eggspress should stgs o'clock, mlt IT chents atoodlng in front of you. Der only reason dls Vlll not give you a blushlngness Is because you doan'd live In New Tork und cannot took der Scrubway. I have a letter here from a chent vlch signs himself Chorge Bebanowskl. vlch says: . "I am a Russian actor und I live In constant fear und dread dot Ber nard Shaw vlll write a play for me und I vlll get pinched. Vot can I do to be shaved? Also could you please suchchest soms ray to cure an ould growing dou ble chin vlch t'reatens to obscurs my beauty T I would enclose a two-cent stamp for reply, but I hate to break a large bill." Dare vas no answer to your falrst question, Chorge, because man proposes und Shaw eggsposes. Mlt regard to der second -question. Chorge, a double chin is vun of der piti ful results of a severe attack or appetite followed by a rush of restaraunt to der gullet , . -r- To cure such a situation you- should carefully remove- der head .mlt a can opener. Den mlt'a paddle beat der chin twice a day till your respiration Becomes anxious. -';',-., Ea-rserclse der face less during busi ness hottrs und more In der open air und drink no lntoxlcationments rplt your, liquors. , - Now sew der neaa on again una you will And dot your chin ts no longer lead ing a double life. , I ours mil lurr. T D. DINKELSPIEL, : Per Oeorge V. Hobart Fairy Protector Piatt' : From the "Minneapolis Journal. The nress reDorts say It was a pathetic sight and so It must have been Sen ator Piatt, feeble, shrunken, old man, atttlna- curled up In the space a tabby cat might flu, answering In hollow vole the, searching questions of the Inquisitor. He testified quite frankly it has al ways been Plstt's method to talk boldly when the policy of eecrery was no longer possible of acts which should make him ashamed and which certainly made the people ashamed of the fact that this old man is a senator of the United States. ''"'-. Tear after year Piatt made pilgrim ages to the lnsuranoe company offices and held them up for campaign contribu tions. At 110,000 a call, he was reducing' the surplus of the companies and saving the country Whenever funds ran low. Piatt would put on his hat and 'take a wander over to the Equitable building and draw a few thousand on account He knew where the eaey.njoney was and got It -: But Piatt is no mendicant He was doing .business .on business principles. For every dollar-he absorbed of trust funds for the state campaign he was prepared to render, an equivalent . In service. - "The companies looked to me to protect them from any Rostlls legtala tlon." It would be Interesting te kaow whether this legislation from which he protected the conyianles was hostile lo the ordinary sense of the term or merely hostile to the clique which had obtained possession. ,-ProbabIy both kinds were represented. There would be many bills Introduced by members having for tbetr object the forcing of the Inauranoe com panies to put up some money for peace, There would also be bills honestly In tended to Improve the Insurance bust ness. Neither kind would get by Piatt In his disguise as the .fairy' protector, The big green dragon of hostile legisla tion came out of his cave and fairy Piatt waved the wand and lo, he was not This was very cheap at 110,000 a cam paign. The state oommltte was snti tied o more. , SAVE A LITTLE MONEY : EVERY WEEK, GIRLS ' By Beatrice Fairfax. Are you-saving money, or are you liv ing up to every cent you make? If you are a working woman, obliged to earn jour own living. It is absolutely necessary that you. should save a little of your earnings.. -.v Of course, ypu like pretty things. What woman does not? But pretty things won't keep the wolf from the door If you should lose your position. And pretty things won't pay the doc tor's bills If you should be taken 111. Money. In the bank Is the only volution of those difficulties. If you have not a bankbook, atari one this very day. , If you have only 10 cents to start it on, don't be discouraged. A penny Is ths foundation of all fortunes, and the first dollar saved Is the corner-stone.'. . Tou will soon grow so Interested In the building of your fortune that you won't miss the pretty things as much as you suppose - " '. " On payday make It a habit to lay aside a certain sum, and let nothing but sheer necessity tempt you to break your rule. Tou are young and strong and hope ful now, and feel equal to any task. But the day may come when you will be old and tired, with neither strength nor heart for work. That Is the time you must provide for... ' Tou may marry, and X sincerely trust you all wilL - . - - But even in that case It will be very pleasant not to be 'obliged to go to your husband empty-handed. , : A little money of her . own gives a woman a very, satisfactory feeling of Independence. And all men respect the woman who Is able to save-money.. . ? - They reason to - themaelvea that shs Is a capable, economical woman, who will make-a good wife. I do not advise you to go without nourishing food thers is no economy In that -nor to go without warm, sensible clothing. " - But see if you can't save a little on the useless finery you buy. I -am sure some of you can dress nsatly and tastefully and yet spend less money than you do now.' I aee so msny half-starved, miserable- looking women. I know- their ska out a wretched ex istence on almost nothing. - Perhaps 1f they had saved, a little . In their youth they would be more comfortable now. ' Touth can stand more discomfort and hardship than old age. - . - Touth has hope and ambition for Its guiding star, but old age has left hops snd ambition behind It and craves com fort above all else. ChlflkBirthls -over very carefully. girls, and I am suFeyou Will TtfSMIS IBS Importance of ssvlng your monsy, Tou will probably say to yourselves, "Oh, what is the use of trying to save the little sum that I can put by?" but I tell you that every penny counts. Suppose you are taken 111 tomorrow. Who will pay your doctor's bill, or your board. If you have no money saved? - Tou are business women. Try and take a business view of the ease. . Bare " every penny ypu possibly eau and begin to do it today. . LEWIS AND CLARK On Netul river. ' . December T The weather ts fair to day and we therefore loaded our canoes and proceeded. - But the tide was against us and ths waves were very high, so that ws were obliged to proceed slowly snd cautiously. We at length turned a point and found ourselves In a deep bay. Here we landed for breakfast and were Joined by the party sent out three days ago to look for the six elk. In seeking for the elk they hsd missed their way. for a 'day and a half, and when they reached the place, found the elk so much spoiled thst they brought the skins of only four of them. After breakfast we coasted round the bay. which is about four .miles across, and perceived, besides several small crseks, two small rivers, called by the Indians, the one Kllhowankel, the other NetoL We called It Meriwether's hay. from the Christian name of Captain Lewis, who was no doubt ths first man to survey It. As we went along the wind was high from 'the -northeast; In the middle of the day "It rained for two hours and then cleared off. On reaching the south side of the bay we ascended the Netul for three miles, to the first point of highland on its western bank, and formed our camp in a thick grove of lofty pines, about 100 yards from the water, and to rest above the level of the high tides. - . King Alfonso's Bride-to-Be. v From ths Nsw Tork American. Unofficially, It has been known for months that ths Prlncsss Ena, aa she is known among her Intimates; Is to be ths future queen of Spajn. It was not until yesterday, however, that the formal an nouncement was made. - The wedding day was not announced. but the semi-official newspaper, La Cor- respondent de .Espana, has already de clared that the marriage will occur on May U,-- . u Th princess is oniy is years -old. Brie made her debut at a function tn her honor given by her mother last May. Ths Princess Ena is the only daughter of King Edward's youngest slstsr, the princess-Beatrice, as she was known In England before her marriage to Prince Henry of Battenberg. - i The princess wss ths queen's favorite ohlld and her constant companion for years. The -Princess Ena shared -this lffVe. , , . ,. . ..The future queen of Spain is fair and slender. She Is not beautiful In the strict sense of the term, but is declared to have a very sweet disposition. Shs Is highly accomplished and speaks five languages.. That she does not lsok for vivacity and daring was shown at ths Isla Of Wight two years ago,. In prlvats theatricals conducted by her mother, Princess Henry, when Princess Ena ap peared as a vlvandlers, gave a skirt dance and. sang a song. - Two of her brothers, one" of them dressed as a negro, aiso sang ana uanoea. . . v. .t LETTERS FROM THE ' PEOPLE J. fw"l will nut publl.b any anearmoin - " the wrli mmt n r,, r,M ,,,,,. ft..,,t, tB,wgh n.,t aiew..rtl f. p.ili- Sa.Vi.aVI " " " Protect Multnomah Falls. Los . Angeles. Dso. 1. To the Editor of The Journal please allow me to most highly commend your recent edl torlal advocating state ownership of Multnomah falls.. Ths people of Ore gon do not realise what a magnificent , creation Of. natural rranan th... in those falls.. If they did they would un aiopa io xorever secure their ownership for ths people, by tb people and . to keen them In unit r nature. - - . -. .. - . If anv such fll w,,itnn.w ' blessed this southern California country ' mey wuuia do mane one or the greatest - -public resort on earth, Unfortunately '" this section can never heve -such Hat- . ural wonders. - . But every day now Is bringing ths . ' grand domain of Oregon more proml-, nentlv intn the vnHH'i v an hm. Son's flraiant Mrtnla ahnnU ,n h.l. grand future by possessing and pro lecung sucn natural grandeur aa Mult nomah falls. For soon the sawmill man and the electric power man will come, and then good-byo to your falls forever. ... JV. II. Hlaiw, '' Why aa Occupation Tax?' Portland, Deo. . To the Editor of The Journal At one time the "exlgen . clea of the case" required an occupation tax so our. political allies told ut-Wi think now, however, that the exigency no longer exists. .,-.'.. Business men and property owners are complaining of this additional tax. A business man owns a lot upon which hs ' erects a building. He buys a stock of goods and oommenoes operations. Along comes the assessor who levies a tax: First Upon his lot and building, , Second Upon hia stock of goo'- This for ths cit7 and county. ; ' And then if his company Incorporates " our great state throws around , him the mantle of incorporation or tax No. . . And now our merchant breathes for a spell. : But ere 1c ig he sees In the dls-. tance another object What shall ws call It? Some call it an occupation tax others a steal or a graft Perhaps ths latter definitions are too severe. But Why not lop off this last excrescence? Our lolly mayor and the city fathers . would receive the plaudits of r vsst con stituency should they - quickly remove this last tax from ths elty s laws. - VOX POPULL . ' " The ProhibiUoB suae of It - Portland. Dec-. To the Editor of The Journal An open letter In The Journal some days since, signed "H.," and containing some wholly unwarranted; ststements pertaining to prohlbltlon, does not perhaps deservs an answer. And yet I recall that sometimes even such assertions obtain credence.- "H." declares that prohibition has nsver been enforced. That a prohibitory law Is not automatto Its best friends will acknowl edge. ' That it contains - no "mysterious r power of self-enforcement msny of us have learned. . That- it like ether laws. must have behind power, and that an official In flesh Snd blood, with back bone and patriotism, we have, long since . wellsed.- ..- -r-jt That an official who does not believe in a law Will only give to such law an Indifferent support is probably the ar gument that has driven more voters to the use of the temperance ballot than any other. . , a not al- wiyp pariecuy enxorceu . I : o declare that any man who says that prohibition -states do not snforce such law la slther Ignorant of the conditions in- those states or is wilfully misrepresenting the facts. I am wondering how long H. has lived in a prohlbltton-state. . If he. . has been such resident how much , he honestly Interested himself In the en forcement of the law. It was ths good 1 fortune of this scribe to hsve lived In Kansas 10 ysars or more under prohibi tion and to travel largely, not only In that state, but all other . prohibition states since that time. And from knowl-. edge gained during thia residence and travel and a pretty thorough knowledge of conditions In Portland at the present time, I can truthfully and conscien tiously assert that never thihe darkest days of law enforcement In any prohlbl- ; tlon state has the prohibition law ever been so defied, spit ' upon, trampled " under foot and held In such contempt as are all of ths provisions of license law In the city of Portland at this tlms. ' Boys ars drinking here, women are fre quenting saloons, habitual drunkards stagger In and out The saloons are openly and defiantly keeping open on Sunday,, and yet be cause a godly governor . xrf Kansas whose conscience has not been seared by familiarity with the saloon," deter mines on a better enforcement of the law that has been of auch benefit to the -state an Oregon man holds up his hands in horror at the implied confession, Verily Brother "H" we Oregonlans bet-, ter pry the sswlogs out of our own , eyes that we may the better see to aid our brother to remove the cobweb from his. I grant you that even the flagrant , violation of the law by Portland saloon keepers does not eondone violation of law In Kansas, but the facts ers that the prohibition states are enforcing the laws in a manner that astonishes those who are at all acquainted with the -tricks of the liquor trade. ; On a recent visit to 'Portland. Maine, I spent much - time in searching for signs of violation and found none. Then "H" asserts that '.the Ultra prohlbltlonist Is ths best friend that the saloon-keeper has. Strange, Is It not, thst the saloon-keeper, so shrewd in othsr particulars, has failed to recog- "... nlse this vslued friend aa such? I con fess to havs hsard this statement be fore. The facta are the whole letter reminds ons of ths desirability of , gathering chestnuts. ' But really, since prohibition is (by . "H's" assertion) ths Ideal condition for the development of ssloon- buslnsss. Is it not panning atrange thst ths saloon keepers, "forsaking all . slss, do not cleave" to the Prohibition party? If l" were a saloon-keeper and believed that Prohibitionists werrf my best friends, how I would gather them to my 'heart (metaphorically speaking).- I'd rlsa up t early In the morning on election day, s and seeking a pocket full of Prohibition ballets, I'd continue until night voting them and In all ths "lurking plaoaa - the village" I'd seek others tov vote -with me. I'd join every temperance organisation, especially the Prohibition party, and support It with a will snd my "pooketbook. " Brother "H," the saloou-kseper hates prohibition and Pro- ." -hlnltlonlsts and we all know It - ' They are cranks today, .ah,- yest -Who wss It who said:- "When a' man stands In ths advooacy -of an unpopular oauss and stands alone he Is s crank, when - by the force, of his splendid courage he draws othsrs te him hs be comes an enthusiast but- -when ths crowd goes aftr him to- vtftorythen he climbs to the heights where he Is . .. acclaimed a hero"? .. . Tours for prohibition. ADA WALLACE UNIIUH, I,