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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1905)
FORTY GUESTS EAT POISONED MEAT A Dastardly Attempt at Who! sal Murder Mad In Hotel in ' ' -. 'an' Indiana Town. . ; PLOT ALLEGED DUE TO t COUPLE'S MARITAL WOES Hotel Clerk 'Fails to Get Divorce and ; Moves to Hostelry Wboae " Owner Is Sued for Fifty Thousand ; Dollars by His Wife. r (Journal Special Service.) " ' : Middletown, Ind,, txo. T. Forty guests at the Welch hotel were poisoned, at dinner yesterday, and 10m of them ' have not recovered yet. While no one ' .la charted with, placing poison In tha . food served at dinner. It la believed - the .attempt at wholesale murder is ; connected with the I marital troubles of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper. - Cooper recently sued for a divorce, and after It was granted tha decree was set aside. He filed another suit, mak ' Ins charges Rains t his wife, and Mrs. Cooper sued Mrs. Anna Welch for (60, 000 damages for alienating ' her bus band's affections. ' Mrs. Welch Is the owner of tha hotel . and Cooper ,is the business manager. 1 After filing the ' suit for divorce 4 Cooper went to the Welch hotel to -. - boards taking his - two daughters -with . htm. Mrs.. Welch and Cooper were, both among the number, that suffered i ee " verely from the poison. v. : IIEWLY APPOINTED RANGERS : - IN FOREST RESERVE Y - .. -V-. TT Successful Candidates of R- V I cent Examinations Three . . ' ...V . for Oregon.'- '-.-' ' : :''"' 4" " (Journal Special Servlea.l " ' Washington, D. C, Dec 7. From ; among the successful candidates of the V recent rangers' examinations, the forest aervica haa appointed the following men, ' who have been working as forest guards during the summer, to the position of assistant, forest ranger on various re- : serves: - In California Frank Harley, X Am- . mnn and Oeorge W. Kali. Trinity and '.. Klamath reserves; V. U, Bonner, J. O. : Stelner and Ernest D. Payne, Modoo and Warner mountains reserves; Oeorge E. Boot, Santa Burbara. reserve; . Malcolm , McLeod, J. E. Res." and Andle Wofford, Sierra reserve (northern division); Brewer A.; Colburn. . Sierra reserve :. southern division)! William AntoninU ; Oliver, P. Brownlow, W. J. Rushing, , Thomas C. West and. Wlllard U 8ears, Btanlslaua reserve. , In Idaho A. H. 'Jamison, Bitter Root y reserves- James F. Bach and Fred- H. Crltchfleld. Cassia reserve U.C Pogge, F. J Steele and Thomas Wesson, . ' Henry's Lake reserve;' David Ming, - Rlrhard H. Rutledge, Carl Jones, J. W. Jors-D, Emll UranJJuun, U. L Klggs, ' William McCoy and W. I Payne, Wels ' er. Sawtooth and Payetta reserves. In Oregon Harry O. Hayes, Cascade " reserve (northern division); Ernest H. Leaton- and Ralph W. Gordon. Black Hills reserve.. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ' HOLD BIG JUBILEE '(Josrnai Special ajifcs.l Baltimore. Mr., -Dec T. The Jubilee celebration of the Knights of Pythias, which opened here today, has attracted about 16.900- delegates of tha order from 11 parts of the country to this city. Tha local lodges have been preparing for tha great event for many weeks and the arrangements are as complete as could be wished. The arriving delega tions, msny of which are accompanied by bands or drum corps, are received by reception committees and taken to their quarters, where they register. The program for the Jubilee celebration In eludes a parade In the Afternoon and a large meeting at the Lyrlo In the even ing, at which- Governor Warfleld and Mayor Tlmanua will be present to wel come the delegates. It Is expected that fully 1.100 sew members will be initiated Into, the order on that occasion. , An elaborate program has been prepared for the Jubilee meeting. Senator Beveridge will deliver the Jubilee addrees. RIGHT IN THE NECK That's where ' a cheap ""overcoat will catch yoif " every vtime. . ; A good coat (our kind) ' sets close and snug around he collar. -7; ' . v .' . v. - v i ,' . . 'Ai we offer special 7" values iri good Overcoats, Raincoats and Suits. See the ..window display.;- :" Irion CiiOTHina Q CtU3 Jufm-Proty ' Oatattaoi io Men 4 Srav 1S Ml 1SS Third Street, Mohawk BolMlAg. THE LARGE GAIIISIY Miss Parsley ' of Roseburg Se cured Sixteen .Thousand . -'Threj Hundred Votes, t 'J. MANY BALLOTS .,' -FROM PORTLAND Activity Marks The .journal's Ha waiian Trip; Contest Miss Flor ence Heavren of - Vancouver ; and Miss Effis Mae King Advance,' Very large gains have been made dur ing the past two days by, several of tha candidates In The -Journal's Hawaiian trip contest : Among those who have gained remarkably are Miss Edna Par slay of Roseburg, who strengthens her hold on first position in tha eighth dis trict In two days Miss Parsley gained lt.SO votes.) In tha fifth district, by ' Miss Florence Heavren. making a gain of 14,100 votes, MlfS Florenoe Heavren of Vancouver again gains first? position in her district, and she now haa a, total of S8.146 votes. Miss Effle Ma.e King of Ontario gained ll,41f votes in the past two days. In Portland the voting contlnuea very eo tlve. Tha leader. MJss Minnie" B. Phil lips, haa a total of 104.79S votes. Bee ondjOBitlon Is retained by Miss Sallle Madigan with 98.0SJ votes. Miss Sadie Wlnterraantle la third with IS.ltt votes; Miss Laura "Baty fourth with 71.871 votes, and Miss Xlretchen ' Kurth fifth with S.I00 votea . In the second district Miss Katie Nash still leads with 74.485 votes to her credit, while following very closely Vs Miss Mollis Proebstel. who. hss 71.187 votes. Miss Agnes Fletcher holds third place in this district with 7,4S4 votes. Miss Emelle Crossen still leads In the Miss Edna Parsley. her credit. Miss Luclle Crate la second with 11,804 votes, and Miss Stella Rich ardson comes third with 18.600 votes. In the fourth district Miss Effle Mae King of Ontario Is the leader with 46.086 votes, a gain since the last count of IS. 411 votes. Miss Hsttie Barton holds second place In this district with 14.(17 votes. Miss Gertrude Tlce la third with 10.498 votes. ' Miss Florence Heavren of Vancouver jumps to first .place in the fifth dis trict with 88,146 votes, Miss Katherlne Oore takes second plsce with. 18.700 votes, and Miss Amelia Williams la third with 10.(54 votes. The voting In this district has been very heavy during the past -two days. In district number ( Miss Blanche Brown Is still leader with 81.48 votes. while Miss Madge Battee comes second with 47.848 votes to her credit, and Miss Maude Blair third with 17.2(7 votes to her credit. -. , The leader, of; the seventh district Miss Bertha Courtemanche, now has S1.S7S- votes to her. credit. Miss Myrtle Butler is second with 19.807. votes. Miss Hssel Kennedy is third with 17,221 votes.. In the eighth district Miss Edna Par sley of Roseburg still leads with 69,997 votes . to her credit Miss Louise T. Jones takes second plaoe In this district With S4.18S votes to her credit, and Miss Maude Berry comes third with SS. 8(4 votes y ner credit , r . ' i . - ' ' ' 'J Takatilra's rareweU. ; i (Jnerael Special Service.) 1 " Wsshlnston. D. C. Dm. T Mr'. Yak. hlra, the Japanese minister, who expects to leave snortiy ror Japan and to be absent from. Wsehlngton for the seaaon. has Issued invitations for a small stsg party this evening to say good-bye to his friends. It Is possible that he may re turn to Washington next spring, but It is not at an certain that he will do so. "1gh WUl.Bs Bitter. , Those who. will persist In closing their earn ssalnat the continual recommenda tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption wilt hsve a long and bit tes fisht with their troubles. If not ended enrller by fatal termlmtttani Bead what T. R. Beall of Beall. Miss., has to say: "Last fall my wlfs had every symptom or consumption, nne loos Itr. Kings Piw-Dlseovery . after everything -els had railed, improvement came at once and four, bottles entirely cured her. Oueranteed by Fkldmore Drug Co4M Third street. Price 60e and 1.00. Trial botUes free, .... - , ' CANDIDATES y 1 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. BllllKS OF COUIITRY IE Flourishing Condition of Coun try Reflected In Rldgely's Annual Report V ; NATIONAL BANKS SHOW INCREASED RESOURCES Net Increase in Bank Capital Ex ceeds Thirty .' Millions Few Fail ures During; the Year, All of Them Due to Fraudulent Management. William 8. Rldgely, controller of the currency, submitted his annual report today, covering national bank affairs. national and bank currency and finances in general. His statement shows all to be In a flourishing condition. Tha re port was as follows: "National banks have lmada nva re ports during the period beginning No vember 10, 1104, and ending August 18, 1006, and there has been an Increase In banks In that time from 6.477 to 6.7S7. Loans and discounts -representing over 60 per cent of the banks' as-grewate' re sources steadily Increased from 11.771. (SS.041.6t on .November l6, 1004. to tt.tS.600.m.(S on August 16, 106. The increase tahonda on deposit as-se curity ror circulation was from 1416. 760,010 to . 1477.601,100, the Increase being approximately tt2.000.000. . The banks' total Investments In government bonds that Is, as security for circula tion and - public deposits and amount held represented approximately 7.6 per cent of their resources. ;--.-- v "The holdings of specie and lagal-ten- der notes aggregated, August IS last. 1495. 00, 000. . . "The paid-in capital stock August 15. 1006, was t7tl,t70.!2l. and the earn ingssurplus . and other undivided profits 1410,100,000. Qn November 10. 1004. tha capital paid In was slightly In excess of t77t.000.000. and the surplus and other undivided profits t55,!00.000. "Of the liabilities on August 15. 106. 61.1 per cent represented Individual de posits, which latter amounted to tt.llO.- II1.71I.IS, an Increase since November 10. 104. of tlll.000,000. The govern ment deposits, including - deposits of United States disbursing officers, de creased from tllOOO.OOO On November 10. 104, to ttl.000,000 on August 16. 105, ' - Composition of peeta. ' The composition of the eMote held by the banks on November 10. 1094. was as follows: Gold, 66,000,000: silver, "The deposits on which reserve la re quired that Is. Individual deposits and net balances amounted on' Aurust 16 1905. to 64,716.000,000. The. law. re quires banks In the- central reserve cities New Tork, Chicago . and St Louis) to maintain a cash reserve of it per cent, and on the date In question the rata was exceeded by O.0S per cent of the proportion required. Banks lo cated In other reserve cities are author ised, to scarry one half of their It per cent reserve with central reserve city Danxs, ana tneir - reserve with such banks and on hand averaged 15.10 per cent, the average for both classes being 16.47 per cent. Banks located elsewhere than .In reserve cities are required to uuuiii -i - lif Ti lit H ns nsnt three fifths of which may be on deposit with reserve city bsnks and the - re mainder held In their vaults. The av erage reserve held by the banks of this class was 17.01 psr cent making an av erage for all banks of per cent "Of the total amount of funds -loaned by the banks, namely, 11,998,600.161, de mand paper, with one or more individual or firm names, amounts to tS10,051,42; demand paper secured by stocks, bonds and other personal securities, (864,115.- 721s time paper, with two or more indi vidual or firm names, 'tLSI2.26t,6(l; time paper, single name (one person or firm), without other security, (689,114. 7; time paper secured by stocks, bonds and other personal security, and mortgsgss. (752,858.941. "In the. past year there was a gross addition to the authorised capital of na tional banks of (59,186,140. of which 6(3,611,600 were from banks organised since October tl, 104, and (26,808,740 from old associations Increasing their capitalisation. The net Increase, how ever, wss but (10.(99,740, as there was a loss of. 128,416., 50ft as a result of vol untary liquidations, failures and' reduc tions of capita of continuing banks. "The average capital of the 1.617 na tional banks in existence on March 14, 1(00, was 6170.000. At the close of busi ness on October tl, 1005, the average capital of the 6,(51 banks then In oper ation had been reduced to (138,000. the reduction being due to the organisation of banks with capital of less than 50( 000, under authority of the act of V, 1- 11AA ' ' . ITatlonal . Bank Circulation. "The outstanding circulation secured by bonds on March 14, 1900, was but (6 per rent of the authorised capital stock, the latter being the measure of the max imum amount Issuable. - By reason of the granting of authority to Issue cir culation to the par value of bonds de posited, and the reduction by one half of the semi-annual tax on circulation secured by 1 per cent consols of IttO, the proportion or ..circulation secured by bonds to authorised capital, had in creased on October tl, 105, to (0 per cent .. Dividends rata by Banks. ' "From 1(6 to 1876, inclusive, divi dends were paid at an average- rate of approximately 10 per cent . The liquids tlon following the stringency, of 189S Is reflected In the decline In the rate of dividends on capital from : 7 V per cent In the year named to 6.7 in 1(97. Since the laat date there has been a gradual recovery and the dividend ratee have fluctuated from a minimum of (. per cent In Kit to a maximum' of 9 9 In 1904, with a alight falling off In 1106 to l.t. "The. history of the national "banking system has been marked by very few failures, only 6.6 per cent of the total number of associations chartered from 188S to "October tl, 106.. having been ctosed as the result of Insolvency. The failures, with few exceptions, were due to fraudulent management or violations of the restrictive provisions of. the na tional banking laws.- The capital of the 4(0 Insolvent banks, liquidated, or In process of liquidation (Including 11 restored to sol vency), was (74,717,410, the assessments thereon to mske good deficiency In as sets amounting to (42.2((,4(0. Assets coming Into possession of receivers were of the nominal value of (19.664, 1S classed as: Oood. (140,6(1.(61; doubtful, (88,(99,421; worthless,. 1 60,- S.47. 1 "Including one association plsce in voluntary liquidation TJrror-a-octobsr tl, 104, but not reported until subse quent to that, data,-144 national bank ing assodstlons with capital stock Tf t2t.744.60 Were closed during the yea, PROSPEROUS PORTLAND, THURSDAY RY Cheap Prices China Crockery Dolls GlassvvAro Christmas Holiday Goods COME EARLY I jj See Our Tempting Prices H Greit lmcrlcu IsporUsl Tea Co, El whWa ) 'Qrtlaad. ended October tl,- 105, : of which 0 f with capital of 1(.I40,Q00 were closed by voluntary liquidation; tl with capital stock or l6.esi.suo oy expiration or corporate existence, and 11 with capital of (1,015,000, exclusive of one bank closed and resumed during the year, by failure. ' . - 'Conditio of Private Banks. "Through the courtesy of the Brad- street Commercial Agency . this , office haa been placed In possession of Infor mation relating to the number, assets and. liabilities of state and private banks which failed In the year ended June to. 1(06. The total number of fall- urea during the year waa 67, tha as sets of the banks being $6,970,145, and the liabilities (10.17S.02S. "The principal Items of resources and liabilities of savings banks,- both mu tual and stock, are as follows: Loans, 1.514.114.811; bonds, stocks and securi ties, (1.616,164.104: deposits, tl.098.077.- S67r and aggregate resources,-$S,ttt, 17.l(7. "There are 4,641 school banks In op eration located. In 1,08 schools ' In 10 cities of the United States. The num ber of scholars registered in these schools Is S47.895, of which 11.00 are depositors In the school banks. The amount collected since the Introduction of the system Is shown to be (1.711.011, the amount withdrawn 11,165.07, leav ing a balance due depositors of t(l(,940. Honey of the World. "Under direction of the director of the mint there -has been recently compiled statement based on the latest Infor mation obtained relating to the mone tary systems and approximate stock of money In the principal countries of the world at the close of the year 1(04. The summary relates to 47 countries. In all of which gold Is the monetary standard. with the exception of the Straits Settle ments. Bolivia, and the Central Ameri can states. . . ,' .-.ft "The aggregate stock of gold, silver and uncovered paper currency - is re ported as amounting to (11,610,000,000, olaaslfled as follows: Gold, (5.987.100, 000; sliver, (1.180,400,000; uncovered pa per currency, ((,192,500,000. The gold represents 48 per. cent of tha stock, and the silver jind uncovered paper currency 26 and 17 per cent respectively Com paring this statement with that relating to the stock of money at the 1oe of l0t; It appears that the holdings of gold have Increased to the extent of (951,(00,000, but that sliver and uncov ered paper- currency have' decreased (71,000,000 aad 61,000,000, respectively, the net Increase In the stock of money being (1(. 900,000. The greatest mass of gold Is held In the United States and sfnfeil at Frn""tng to (1.148, 200,000. France is second In t ns TTsT"w ItKi'SrWfci of (910,400,000; followed by Germany with (886.700,000; Russia, (781.700,000; Cnltetf Kingdom. (SSS.tOO.OQOjAustrla- Hungary, (106.000,000; India, (268.900. 000; Italy, (111,400,000, and Australasia. 1118.600,000. The leading countries with their stock of silver are as follows: United States. (885,100,000; India. 4at. (00,000; -Franca, (411.100,000; China, (160,000.000; Germany, "-t210.200.000; Spain. 1 171,700.000 j United Kingdom, (111.400,000; Russia, (101,900,000. With the exception of Colombia, which has (741,000.000, the United States leads the principal countries of the world with a stock of uncovered paper currency of (669.900,000, followed by Brasll with (1(1,100,000, the next In the Hat being Argentina. (2(6,100,000. Germany's stock of uncovered paper currency is tl. (00,000, and that of IJaly 1160,700,000. The amount of this kind of currency In Spain Is tll6.100.000. the next In the list being the United Kingdom with 1118,100,000; Belgium, (111.900,000; France, tUO.tOO.COO, and Japan. $10L 200,00. Per Capita of ITatlona. . "The greatest per capita : stock of money Is held in France, namely, (17.11, followed by the United States with (11.41; Germany, (21.46; Spain, (19.83; United Kingdom. (17.66; Italy, (9.20; Austria-Hungary, $9.04, and .Russia, $(.0. . '"The countries reported have an ag gregate population of 1,198.600000 and an average per cplta holding of money of t.t." A GREAT WEAPON Portland . People Cannot Fail to Appreciate the Value ' ';.'' of It Only one weapon to fight backache. The weapon that strikes the cause. Doan's Kidney Pills reach the root Cure backache by curing the kidneys. "And keep ths kidneys welj. s" Here's an example of their euros 'In Portland. ; '. , F. A. Moore, motorman on the Port land .street R. R., and living at til First street says:' "Last fall I had considerable trouble from a lame and aching hack. ' X paid little attention tO It at first but It kept growing worse. and my work being very hard , on the back, I ' got so" that' I could scarcely bend over 'or straighten up. Doan's Kidney Pills came to my notice and I got a box and began using themf They cured .me of the backache In a short time and I waa soon able to get about aCny. work- with my usual vigor. I am sure If any one Is troubled with back ache which arises from kidney com plaint they can depend upon Doan's Kidney Fills to cure It" For eale by all deal era Price 60 cents. Foster-Mlburn Co., Buffalo, N. eole agents for.lhe. United States, Remember the name DOAN'S and take no other. EVENING. DECEMBER 7. "As HonpIuIu - t ONLY TWENTY-THREE, HERE IS Votes received np to CONDITIONS ..- Of The Journal' Hawaiian Tow CONTEST - rntS-Aay yoaag lady ever It yeeie ef ese stsr Be aaeilaateS st say ttnw sa slinks provided by Tee JoarssL wltk the en4omsst ef twe weU-ksswa sttlssss ,. of the district la which see resMss. ' SIOOKD Three tsdses sgreesbls '"tm the gmereat esadldates sssn be ssmmw eMHaUy aaaoasee the wtaser la aseh Sto- . Met ene resag Isay te be cstsra tress each district ; . . TKI1D AS ta otter elections.', eseh OS ' trtet shsn vote eeperetely. v The vete Is ese caaaot arfec tts ether. Msttsrs sres crlf eoseerslng the aistiiet wtU be settled by the wishes ef the saajorltyi The wls aer shsU hsve the right bssm s snay If enable te etteae ksraeU. . L yOtraTB Vetlsg win enesnn Thste tmr, Aosmt S, UOS, asS eloee Stsrlr. ' DeeesilMr So, st S o'clock B. si., IKS. Cosposs Best be voted wtthia ecvea ears " after Issae. Oessoss eat frost the Dsily . Jesraal rat be sestla- tnaiswa. All eeapoas, whother stsgle ar sports, sisst best the bssm sC ths eaaataate te he voted (sr. iioinroiri AMjsjrwLAioixowij,' ' niTH aiagls eospoas, eat froei the ehny paper, sre good (ar ess vote. Babeertptloa to the Ironing Joeraal sad SnMay Morning Joorasl, throe swathe, (l.SS, s spsclsl eonpoa ef 160 votes (pels' la sdvsaes). Bsbscrlptloa to Bvoslsg sbS Baaasy stars- , log Joarnal sis SMatbs. (S.T6, s spoclal eoapoa of ISO votes psid m sdvssee). SB serlpttoa ts the Kvenlag ssd Ssnday Mora- '. lag Josrasl IS swsths, (T BO, s speetsl eoapoa of TOO votes (paid sdvaaee). Sabacrlptloa to the Vvsslsg sad ssdsy Morsisg Joarsal. three swaths by suit (l.SO, s special eospoa of 1M votes (pel 4 la adrases). Sabocriptloa te the veslsg sai 8aaUy MoralBg loarsal by Ball sis sxiDtb, (S.TB, s spoeisl eoapoa ef BOO votes (paid la eovsaae). Bsbscrlptloa te ts ' BToalag ssd Bssdsy stalsg Joeraal ky stall IS BMSths, (7.00, s special eoapoa ef TOO votes (paid la s4tsbco. Boatf-Weesl? , Josrsal. (1.M s roar, spseisl eoapoa H 10S votes (paid la adveaee), SIX TS Cos poos saeald be voted et the . hesdqaaKsis Bosrest roe er Bullod ts the ' eospoa eepartatoBt ef The JobtbsI, er st any Botst BSBMd boIow. Totes will be eoaatod Btoedsys, Wessosdsys sb4 mdars ssd the totsle ssaoaaeed te the psbUe the ' (eUowlDg Sar. ! ,r - Any candidate wltticrawtag tress ths aoe test eaasot have ber votes eoeatod (er aa ' ether. . , ..,.' KXADO.Tr AX TTXI AID TOTOIB fXAOISi rint DisUluti '.Muifosish ss CIsckasMS ', eoosttos. Voting place, Oospea Depertsisst ef Tb Joerasl efSoa. ' Beoend tHatrtet Csloa. CaattUle aad Wallowa eosatlos. Third District Wasco, SbarsMS. OlDlaSa, Morrow, Wheeler ssd Crook eoaattes, feorth Slariot Bakes, . On at Bsnsy sad Mslbsor ooestJes.,. - tiKk. ftUUtot- OolnaMs ssd CUtMp eoaoIlM, Oro ; Klickitat. Oowllts, Clark, . Paelfle. Wahklskaa sad Skasusls eosatlos, Wssblngtoa. Sixth SiaHctefartoa, Una aad Una ScosUes.; ; ,. i v svatk Wrtrl Waahlnf toe, ' Tinaawek, Yamhill, Bastes. Polk ssd Useola cesstloa. ' Xlth PlaUlffa-Donr laa. Com, v- Csirf. lesopbtse, Jaesses. , Klssieta. sad Lake eesstles, Any Information regardinf con ditlons of the Hawaiian tour should be addressed to the manager of the Contest Department of The 'lournaL ' .:y:;i Coupont-Free Ha wall an Trip ' Honolulu, Hawallaa Islands - " - -.. ;' 1 : - 4 ' ' r , , , I VOte for... ..weaeaeaeae.aaae .... aeee.-aeeevartfeeeee I r - " ' - 1 - - Thls coupon must be voted on or before December 14, HQsV 1E0J. Appears as tlio rwr? esajrrsy v -map w mm?, -e DAYS MORE AND THE GREAT CONTEST IS AT A CLOSE THE WAY THEY STAND Wednesday evening In The Journal's Hawaiian Trip - BISTBJOT Miss Mlas Mlas alias Mlas Mlas Mlas Mlas ' Mlas Mlas IMlas Mlas Mlas Mlas Miss Mis Mies Mloj Mlae Mlas Miss Miss Minnie 8. Phillips, depaty clerk elrrolt Sallle Madigan, Olds, Wortman a King Badle WlnUrmantlt, Cltj Ix works W. " can naiaoi mmm.... ,i. Tl,fiT Oretcbea Korth, telephone operatur Portland hotel ........................ 6a 3110 Rath Lee, endorsed by Pcdrratcd Traooe Coo sell 8S,K7S Boss Sharon. tlO Bast, Thirtieth sttwat 8I.S:t Hnrltte Wlnkhman. SOT East Couch street .... ST.2r Marsarrt Smith, em Williams Svenae 2A.2M1 Edith Bern, 10 Stark stroat..... 36 iT" Laura Derbyshire, AttO Water stseet , tSKll Sopbls Olaoa, 3U8 Ivr atrwt 22.918 Else OrlHcl, Sua Eait Thlrtr-Pliot street 22.810 Alvens Hnm. 4rgoa City................... ,, , , , , ai.Biia BIts Hurlbert, St. Johns .......7. - .......... 20.5i'4 fiurilTK, Db ,oan .............,.........,. ....,. U.Ot'S OosevlfTe Holmoa. Old. Wortmas King tore .......................... 1H.4' Nellie Monaar. 64 Ralolcb street M.rM Oeorsla NInk. S2S Bumalde street.. ......t.;..... , 18,.fliT Core Jollr.- T6S First street 14,l Marios Leshr, Wondard. Clark Drag company 1.IW4 Cornells Barker, Sxe Grand ereau, ............. ............ 10.SH4 Bars Beddlrk, Oregos City ...... T.TiTT . .o(iHg .riace, voupoa wparunani. eoornsi viace.J ' , , -,. - .';-' -'-,- ..lttBXaMCIjrO.. . .: r- ... . . . ' Mlas Katis Kash, La Grande, Oregoa. . ,.,....,............ V4.4SS Mlas Mollis Proebatal, Le Orsnde, Uregaa ........a TS.SOT (Voting -Pteco, La Orsnde. Btrlnbeck Blever Coafecpoaery.) . Miss Asue rietcber', Pendletos. Oresoa. 7.4J4 Mlas Pearl Hani,' Pendleton. Oresoa... , 16.144 Mies Orso Hawks. Pendleton, Oresoa 14.5(8 Miss Mabel Johasso, Pendleton, Ccesoa. .................... .........,...... 4.T4S (Voting PUce, PeadUton, Brock McOomaa' Drag Store.), . ... Miss Lillian B. O'tlarrs. Athena. Oresoa ..... ....1. M. 10.64 (Voting Pises. Athens. Dell Bra. Store.! .. Mlas Mlaa Mlas Ml Mar Callahan. Walla WalU. Waeblnstoa vans it? ci aiueier. waiia nana, waanmstoa Bosv Toons, Walla Walla. Waabtnctoa Hattl Brows, Wails Walls, Waeblnstoa Aueiia jsarr, nana nana, nHDinfiaa (Vottns Plsce. Walls Wslls. Wsbugtota Mist : Mlas M1M Mia Mlas Ml ; Mlas Mlas y Mlas euiis jS lanos, westoa, uragon , BIBTK20T sTO. s, : ' " Knllls Croasea, The Dalles, Oresoa........ 41.TVT Ladle Crate. The Dalle. Oresoa ....... Sl.eo4 i Voting PUe. Tbe Dalles. Blakely Drag Store.) - " . r- ,-- - tells Richardson, Hood River, Oresoa ........ asnng Laurs Cratnor, Hood Ktrer, Ores. ................ 1X20S (Voting Place. Hood Rtror, Wrlcbt'e Star.) ... 1 . Florence Oeorse, Arllnstoe,- Oresos . .. . 110,111. . ..., juuniue, snuH. Lena Rae, Henpner. Oresos....... Grace Haser, Hnppner, Oregon. .. voting i-iaco, neppner, rattersoa m Gertrude Shsssos, Coadoa, Oregon (Voting Pli lace, oonooa, Jackson a Horalbrook's Btore.) fl&tm, frlneTlll. Ororoa y....-... 8Sg DMTMOxTroTir Miss Rme Mae King, Ontario, Orogos. Mlas Hatrt Bartos, Baker City, Oresoa, Mlas Gr trade Tlce, Baker Cltr, Oresoa Mrrtle Brattoa, Baker fltr. Oresoa..; (Voting Place. Baker City, LeTtnger's Clar Swain. Burns, Oregon MhN (Voting Plaes, Born. Welcome Pharmacy.) Mies Miss iwiay Miieriey, vaw, Oregon. ................. ...... Oorsldlae Dorko. Samptar, Oreros , ,. (Voting Placer Bempter, DeNt Clgsr ssd X sweet and.) DISTRICT BO. 6. Florence Hesvtvn, Tsncoover, Wsahlnatoa ' 1 1 1 ' n 1 1 , , SS.14S kvoiins riaca, vancoaT,-oi Main mirww.g atherin Oore, K a la ma, Wsshlnstoa , . ,m ...... SB.T00 i Voting Pisco, Kalama. Coffey' Btore.) .. . ,. , me II William. Ktlso, Wsahlngtoa , 1 ,., 1S.SH (Voting Plae Kelao Confectioner.) Ml Bts L. Tndd, Astoris, Orecos . .,.... ! Mbi Rohlns Cofman. Aatorts, Oresoa.,... ........... 8.6U Ml Bather Amlersoa. Aatoria. Orcso. ... aoeg (Voting Plaoe, Aatorts. Owl Drag Btore.). - , . , Ml Mry Berge, Bom v-it-r, - wK'"g Vt 1 ii -i .... tl ll.f-t Miss Dlr Watkins, St. Helena. Orogoa ...... ...,MlMV..M 0,006 (Voting Place, St. Helen. Oray'a Btore.) Annie Perrlne, Clitakanle, Oreson.... .... .-. - ZstOO (Voting Place, (lataaanl. Simmon Co.'s Btore.) , Oertrad Randall, Caatle Bock. Waahlnstoa - - , , , l.aa) Grace Wrlsht, Cacti Bock, Waahlngtoa , - - , - - , 1,421 (Voting PUe. Caatle Bock. Aider Drag Xtar.) . , Alice Perry, Rainier. Oregoa L 1,(01 (Voting Place, Rainier, rrUdbarg's Coafectloaery.) , SISTUOT BO. B. Miss Mist Mia Ml Mia Mls Ml Ml Mlas Mia Miss Ml niancne nren, eawia, urtsja Mlnnl Ireton, Salem, Orrron. Marr Dsvldaoa. Salem. Orecoe.... l Ball Darby. Salem, Oregoa. ......... li.SAO Pearl Shelley. Salem, Oregoa. ,......................... ... T.4M0 Mlnnl Arbenhseh, Salem, Oresoa.. ...-.....e...MeM.......M.....M l.KTO Nettle Beddekoop, Salsm. Oregoa ..Me.e,....M.e..VMM. 1.22S (Votlsg Place, Salem, Haa' Drag Btore.) Madse Battee.. Xoen. Oregon , 4T.S4S Emuis Moffctt, Kussne, OtM Mi,HrMrMM,n,NM.n..Mn 13.4TS Stella Bean, sgeno, Oregon 1,466 (Voting Place. Koseoe, HuU'e Drsg Store.) , , Mand Blair. Cottas Orov. Or-roe , . , , ..w...-. ..... m.. m 67,2ny Kr Btewsrt, Cottaf Orovs, Oregoa., ...... e.e.e...... S0.811 Ltasl Vtch, Cottag Orov. Oregon ....... 11,021 (Voting Plica, Cottas Oror. OIU Confectionery.) Lacy Morcom, Woodhurs, Oregon........... ,..mim..mnmn 88.TM Mrrtle Traak, Woodbura, Oresoa.. ,M.ea mmmwm 11,110 (Voting Vlaos, Woodburs, Beebs Whitman' Btore.) Pearl Sarafe, Albany. Oregon....... ., .. 1T.0T1 Massi Chamber. Albany, Oragoa... ..............,... 1O.60T Alice Lock, Albany, Oregon ...e.e., 1.6M i Voting Place, Albany. Dswsos's Drag Btore.) . .. athrrs Oarrls, BIlTtrtea, Oresoa. 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 -' 11,606 Mlas Ml Mia Ml ' Mlas Mlas Miss Miss Miss - Mlas Miss Miss Miss Miss Mlas Mls Mls Mia Mats Mist Mlas Mlas ; Voting rise, Bllrerton, Brook urug Btor.) ddl Slmpcne, Lebanon, Oregoa. ,-w,Mnoi (Voting Place, Lebanon. Cotton's Btore.) Nnndi Olesy, Aarora, Oresos. ............ Fay Cooley, Brownsvllls, Oresoa DISTRICT BO. i, " -Berths Conrtemanch. McMlnarllle, Oregoa ,..., (Voting Place, McMinnTiiie, llonaer a Myrtle Bntler, Foreat Orov, Oregon (Voting Place, roreet orove, l oeorse's Head Kennedy, Lafayette, Oregon. ...... (Voting rue, lamiyett potornc. v. , . , Marie Hoetetler. Hlllabore, Onfog,,'',MP,tl.M,MuMMM.H 20.11 i Has B. Bowr, Hlllabore, Orrson. . . .V. 11,260 (Voting Plsce, Hlllsbero, Bcbufmorlch'6 Btore.) ' . , . Orc Starr, CorvalUa, Oresoa .....,.... . 11, WO Cor Spangle, Daytoe, Orecos .............- . 16.60S (Voting Place. Iartos. Harris1 Drug Btore.) , Minnie Boy, .Dalle. Oregoa... 11,000 (Voting Place, Dallaa, BUat's Coafectloaery.) ' OHt Btratlon, Newnerg, Oregon . -..- ...... .-.m 0,040 i Voting Place, Newherg, Caldwell A Co.' Store.) . , 1 llllan Webster. Philomath. Oregon B.10S Roeal C. Holsbelmer, Bearertoa, Oregoa 6,870 (Voting Plsce, Beavertoa, Thomas Thing Ccafectloaery.) SISTUOT BO. s. .:..-.'.. tMns Parsley, Bosebarg, Oregoa. ............ ......1, ........ ............... BO.OOT Dal Harmon, Roseburg, Oregon ti,Kt (Voting Plaos, Kooebars. Hatnlltna's Drag Btere.) Maude Berry, Oranta Pa, Oresoa.,... ........ 88,KV4 i Voting Place, Oranta Paaa. Smith' Drag Store.) . ' oalae T. Jon. iacksnnTlll. Or, cos M. 84.1)8 Jennie Worirird. Medford, Oregon., ......-..,..... K1.4U0 (Voting PMC. Medford, Ruawll s Confectkmery.) LydJ McCll, s ah land, Oregoa 61.011 Frances Oebors. Aahlaad. Oregon. ........ ..... 8,011 (Voting Plsee, Ablod, Button Newaetend ssd Bsyles'.) , . Ml Miss Miss Mlas Miss Miss Ship Ccinoa In 1 J XTO. 1. :- :.'-' - Total Tot. court ..M.M.n...MM....M....4.104.Te store . . . SN.oes .................................,, S3. l.U l.Ml ... ........ . !.( Mt ,...... Book Mook. POX .W 1.11B . - '-.4i.aMea.eeMe.",.. 11.084 ' www Wl J . f - ' .... -w . l.sitt ..... 474 aim sure. : 11 1 . 1 t j l ' 1,874 S4.62T Bt),auO ...... lO.OUS Drag Btore.) ,1 ,. r 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 16.00T S.T 4.0US a e eeei miw - , S1.4SS M 11.43a 184 S.0T8 1,640 11,070 Bior.) . ... ....1 noeii.M tS.SOf" store. ) ....... 8T,(3S Cotmting Is done on .Monde y i, Wednes days and Fridays and the standing of the candidates announce! to the public tha fol lowing day F iff V:-