The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 07, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    - i j.,-.. J l-:THE-OREGON ; ' "'Z.''" Zj"
'Captain Spencer Ready to Build
- On for Service Above -v;
Portage Road. ;
'attitude of shippers r 'I
- v ; ; Will decide question
' They Must Giro Assurancg of Need
of Boat,' Says Captain la Going
1 With Family f or : Extended Trip
FThrouglrEaat. ; , : . - '
.. ' If given sufficient Inducement, Cap
. tain B. W. Bpencsr,. owner of ths steamer
Charles B. Spencer, will build a boat
(or commission en the upper Columbia
river between tha portage road and th
baad of navigation. Ha saya ha has
machinery 'or a easel suitable (or that
'.route. Whether he puta on a veesel
' or not, he explains, depends altogether
on the attitude of the shippers. If they
' give him asauranos' that they Tieed an
additional boat up that way ha will
build ana have one reaay , tar uywrw
., uun or eanr epruis. .
t Alter a moat aumj uu piwiaun
son. the Cbarlea R. Spencer baa been
' taken off The Dalles route, but the cap-
i tain aaya ana wui resume wmr-w mm
i annii tha traffic conditions warrant
It In the meantime she la being over
, hauled thoroughly and plaoed In the
K best of shape for active work. For
; eight months she waa operated regn-
.uci Ht hmit mliittir a, . slnele trltx
During the season It la eatlmated that
; aha covered a distance of oO.OOS -miles,
a. record that no other boat In local
' waters has to her credit Those In a
' llln. Ira mW fth. rilirlfl thlS
umiuun v vw -j .. - -
. period she netted her owner no leas
than I2S.000 In clear profit .. .
3 Avninalilal bv his Wife and BOB
Charles, Captain Spenoer will leave to-
, morrow on an extenaea eastern wur.
They wlU Visit New Tork, Washington
, and points on the Ohio river, where the
captain steamboated In the palmy days,
when railroads were not so numerous as
' now. He Is familiar with every bend
' In the Ohio from mtsourg o n. uiuii
and probably will make the trip over
" tha -old route before ha returns. The
; captain expect a to be absent a couple
of months at least wnus in uie '
ne may jei a comraci ir .w w-
tion 0 a boat to run on tha upper Co
rn li. Ti J kla BunM ha 1 . t .Tlri
' to keep In close touch with Portland
Twelve reraer Boys stake Short Wort
' ; of Stadia- Troplo Sir. .;.
Twelve sturdy 'fanner lads, nona of
whom Is mora than JO years old. are
"lnain tha barken tine Tropla Bird at
Bt Helens with a lumber cargo. F. P,
Baumgartner, local ageni oi tni toikh
who waa down there yesterday, says ths
tivalv Industrious and
are shoving lumber Into the craft at the
an aaa mmt m. dir. 8o emcart
they toMnake a good showing that they
naraiy wait. iur nm uni
away before they returns their task.
It is' said that c :penencea tongsnore
men will not perform a greater amount
or wora in m uj uibu .ua
from tha farm. Not enough cargo ships
go to Bt Melons lO jusuiy ivnganura
. wn in nvin r T n.ra ana lonowina tnai
' line of work and occasionally great dif
ficulty Is experienced In securing crews
.: for -tha (sw vessels which do visit the
-.. port. .,
Tha boys loading tha Troplo Bird are
paid 40 cents an hour, "egular union
wages, and they are talking of forming
on organisation with tha Intention of
trying to get -tha job of loading every
vessel that drops In there this winter.
, Saved Bailors on Waking; Tessel by
' " wiaunlaa to Then With m Una.
In tha northern part of Scotland Uvea
the world having money oepositeo in a
' bank to his credit His name Is Pope
and he has a history. niitir t( the British
'ship Fall a of Dee, now . at Portland,
knows all about this famous dog and
bow ha earned his baokxolL In fact
Pope's master. John Talt la a relative
- of tba capUln. In speaking of tha dog
,' and bow ha happened to spring Into
prominence the skipper told tha follow
ing story to a group of Interested
About dv years ago a small brig was
wrecked In ths English channel. She
I had been blown against a rock, had
leak and waa sinking fast
' Eight men were on the brig, and al-
though they were only about to yards have been drawn by Richard
Martin, architect, for the Homo "Tele.
rhone compMny's headquarters build
lng at tht son th weft corner Of Burnalde
and West Psrk atreeta It Is to cost
bout 119.000 and will ba hurried to
iLn... It is to 'be two oterles
with basement, of pressed brick, with
were doomed to drown like rats in a
trap. The sea wss rough and it would
hays been foolhardy for any one to at
tempt to swim ashore. v
The predicament of the men wss ob
served Anally by their friends, who Im
mediately begso to plan for their rescue.
Tha faithful Pope was among them. A
strong stick was placed la his mouth.
To this was tied one and of a - ball of
twlna Tha dog was shown the wreck
and told to swim to It He did as bid
lighting his way through the . tossing
billows and finally reaching tha ship too
weak to stand. i
But ha had hung tenaciously on to the
ball of twine. By means of this string
a larger line wss nauiea aooara con
nscting with the shore and every man
was soon saved. This deed waa her
alded all over, tha British Isles snd a
collection waa taken up and placed in a
bank to the credit .of Pope, the rescuer.
The dog Is a cross between a Newfound
land and retrelver, and Captain Blanco
says he can do ettorythlng else but talk.
Hot Snouga Book Space for AH
Ships Thai Waa e Id-
Two grain ships have completed their
cargoes and will leave down the river
In a day or two bound for tha United
Kingdom. They are tha French bark
L Hermlte and tha British ship, Euph-
rosyne, tha aggregate cargoes'of .which.
comprise- close to ive.vvv ousneis - m
wheat Tha work of loading tha French
man was completed last evening ard
thi morning aha moved out into tne
stream, while tha Eupbrosyna, UnJshed
at about noon. '
Including those which havo reached
Astoria bound for Portland there are
14 ships In tha river suitable for grain
loading and all but about three of them
are under charter. In fact the fleet is
i.rn for the dock facilities, and It
ts Impossible to give all quick dispatch.
It ts necessary or vessels iu awa.ii
their turn In going into certsln berths,
snd they are shifting continuously from
the docks to tha stream and then back
again. - ' - - -' ' 1
' Shippers admit that tha greatest need
of this port Is more docks. Slnca last
season three of tha structures havs been
destroyed by Are; and the work of re--building
them has not yet been com
pleted. . Even when they are ready for
us It la said there will not be a suffi
cient number of docks to anawsr the
requirements of such a busy port as
Portland. ?
Twenty-three ships wilch will carry
grain from here are on tha an route
Hat and will be dropping Inf about as
rapidly ae those which are In the harbor
get ready to leave. So tha Indications
are that ths harbor will not be depleted
of IU large fleet until lata In tha spring
Tissinb mark David '
Other galling Teasels From Baropev
While she did not break any records,
tha French bark David d' Angers, which
arrived yesterday afternoon from
Southampton., enjoys tha distinction of
h.vlna- mad the SWlftCSt PSSBSgS Of
any of tha cargo ahlps to reach Port-land-thta
sesson from' Europe. She
completed the trip In 110 days snd tha
captain says he waa battling with wind
and wavea a good part of the time. The
average passage for tha wind-Jammers
thla year has been about ' five months
The David d'Angera brought a cargo of
pig iron and Are clay consigned to
Meyer, Wilson Co. Tha freight will
be-oiseharged es-eooa -as-a. berth has
been made tor tha vessel at Columbia
dock.- -H - - -.
rk. vivnch bark Emma Laurens and
BrTTTsTrTbarsr Hyderabad, .which reached
anchor in the stream, b the former
will move to tho Mersey aoca mis auer-
noon. Botn oi inese .
San Francisco In ballast and are under
charter to take out grain cargoes. Not
withstanding ths fact that sne naa oeen
lying Indie at the Bay City for mora
than two years, the . bottom of the
Hyderabad is comparatively clean and It
will . not be necessary (or - her to . be
placed on the drydock. . -
"runs aground in fog.
Pomona Stsikes at jramnlagW tanolng
Other Aooldesta Barrowly Averted.
In the dense fog last night tha
steamer Pomona got out of ber course
while bound from Corvallls and went
aground near Jennings landing on this
side of Oregon City. The Or"gona was
sent this morning to bring the freight
nil naasencers to Portland. When the
freight Is removed It Is believed that tha
stranded Vessel can be hauled out into
deep water. It ta said that tht steamer
Is not damaged and will be ready to re
sume her run up the river either to
night or tomorrow morning.
. Tho fog which overhung tha river yea
terdsy came near causing-a number of
serious collisions. The Lurllne ran Into
a log raft which was In tow of the Sarah
Dixon, but fortunately escaped with
only a few scratches. The Incident oc
curred near tha mouth of ths Wlllam
Shortly afterward the steamo- Iralda
and Undine missed colliding by only a
few feet while both were under a full
head of steam. Reversing their en
glnes In Just tha nick of time Is said to
have been all that saved the craft
Steamboat men say there has been
more fog oq the river thla aeaaon than
neadquarters of the Home Telephons Company,
terra cot ta ornaments. v Ths Srst floor
will contain tha general offices, which
will be fitted, much In the styls of a
bank. On' the upper floor will be the
rows of tablsts used by ths automatic
telephone system Instead of the ordi
nary . exchange with girls to attend Jto
the-wants of patrons. --v
Manager Stows aaya that tba com
; That Scott's Emulsion
should act so quickly and
satisfactorily in all cases
o lost flesh'and continued
wasting is not surprising
when its food value is un
derstood. With pure Nor
wegian cod liver oil, hypo
phosphites of lime . and
soda and glvcerine, there
is combined -in Scott's
Emulsion the best ele
ments of nourishment and
strength building known
tojnedical science. Any
physician will tell you this.
The use of these ingredi
ents in the-proper propor
tions ; the employment of
only the purest grade of
each, arid to combine them
perfectly is the secret of
the .... success of Scott's
Emulsion. You will not
find a more certain way to
stop waste, build flesh and
strength and supply nour
ishment than through
Scott's Emulsion. . ;
SCOTT Jt BOWKS, jog arl St, Hew Tork
ever before. Tha fog has caused the
boats to arrive all the way from several
hours to a day late. Tha coast liners
havo been subjected to the same Incon
venience. ..
Coata Bice's Amuuremeat for Comfort
of Paaesngara a Xlndranee ta Borta.
Altered i somewhat In appearance ths
steamer Costa Rica arrived last evanlngJ
from Ban Francisco, wane lying at tne
Bay City tho open spaca between her
upper and lower decks was enclosed by
means of bulwarks,-and from now on
she will not ship so much water while
breasting the turbulent seas. Before be
ing pieced on the Portland run, tha
Coata Rica waa operated- In the placid
waters of the south and the open apaoe
f-wss made so that passengers might be
fanned by the cooling breesa. The
steamer brought 1.000 tons of general
merchandise and will aall . tomorrow
night with a full cargo of freight Tha
Senator of the same lino sails tonight,
Astoria, Or.." Dec 1. Arrived at I
a. m. antl left ud at 11 a m. Bteamer
F. A. Kllburn, from Ban Francisco and
way ports, i Arrived down it 1:19 and
sailed at 10:20 a. m. Steamer Redondo,
for San Francisco. Left up at :40
m. British shl
Wray Cs sll9 Jnd
Voonera ErioT for -San
at 10:10 a. m. Schooners Eric, (or San
Pedro, and Volunteer, for San Franclacev
Ban Francisco, Deo. T. Arrived at l
a. m. Steamer Cascade, from Columbia
river. 1
Astoria. Dec t Arrived at 11 a. m.
British ship Wray Castle, .from San
Diego. Arrived at 4 p. m. musn oars.
Invergarry, from Coqulmoo.
' San Franplsco, Dec. Sailed at 1:80
p. m. Steamer Asuncion, for-Portlsnd.
Arrived at 11 p. m. steamer Aurella,
from Portland. :
. Yokohama, Dec. I. Arrived British
steamer Knight Errant, from Portland
and Puaret sound.
Bandon. Dec J. Balled Steamer
Elisabeth, for Columbia river.
Astoria. Or- Dec 7. Condition of the
bar at a. m.. moderate; wind south
west; weather cloudy.
. .
Carrying 11.000 barrels of fuel oil, the
ateamer Whlttiar. Captain Dixon, ar
rival last night from San Francisco.
Nine thousand barrels of the product
were discharged Into the Portsmouth
tank and the balance was brought to
Portland. While the steamer was turn,
ins- around at the gas dock this morn'
lng a hawser line got mixed with the
propeller and a diver had to be sent
down to extricate it
The steamers Redondo and Eureka
sailed for San Francisco last night ths
former carrying 100 tong of wheat and
100,000 feet of lumber and the latter
2.900 tons of grain.
Towing 12.000 feet of piling, the
steamer Resolute arrived i last . night
from Stella. " The timbers ' were ' con
signed to tho Oregon Railroad Navi
gation company and will be used In tha
lark and Burnside, Richard Martin,
pany Is making every poaaibla effort to
rush Its work of Installstlon of cables
and getting ready for connections when
the system begins business next year.
Large forces of men have- been am
ployed In all parta of the city, and so
licitors Mrs been busy obtaining slgna
tiireS td"Orders for telephones." They
report good success, and ths manager
Hymen Wean Chauffeur's; Uni
form Vows Heard and Knot
Tied in Gasoline Wagon. '
(Journal gpectsl Service. V '
. San Francisco. Lec 7 .Hymen donned
a chauffeur's uniform last night and
attended the wedding of Miss Eva Stern
and Calvin 8. Elbe, which was per
formed In the tonneau of an automobile
at Golden Oate park. Justice of ths
Peace Thomas F. Dunn heard the lovers'
wedding vows and tied tha marriage
knot In tha gasoline wagon. .-'
After the novel ceremony was over the
blushing bridegroom and bride, sitting
together In the front seat of a big
motor car, went speeding down town,
where a party of friends were waiting
to congratulate them.
. Mss Stern and Mr. Elbe, although
they have known each other for more
than two yaara. declare theirs waa a
case of love at first sight Both being
ardent motorists, tha automobile played
so 'Importsnt part' in' the courtship.
Mrs. Elbe Is a daughter of Dr. C Stern
and her husband la employed as salas
msti for tha Plonssr Automobile com
pany. '
(Journal Special Berries.)
Dublin. Dec. 7. If todsy's proceed
ings of ths Nationalist convention are to
be taken as a guide, the only condition
by which the British Llbersls can gain
the Irish support is (or tha former to
declare for borne rule.
All compromise ldeaa wars rejected
and the Moderates howled down and
their speakers forced to leave the plat
form. Resolutions dsnounclng the gov
ernment of Ireland were ' passed and
outlawing William' O'Brien and his sup
porters unless they signed tho party
pledges, pledging absolute support to
John Redmond as leader of the Irish
parliamentary party. The purport of
the resolutions passsd means continued
opposition until absolute home rule has
been granted Ireland by . tha govern
Rumors of an authoritative nature
convey the information that Lord Aber
deen la to be appointed lord-lieutenant
of Ireland and that Sir E. Grey has been
offered and accepted tha post of foreign
secretary. ...... v
Fifth Night Tug-of-War.
rtmrta alsht was best ef toerasBMnt crowd.
Increasing slsstlr. Three contests tnslsht As
enthaeUitlc crowd assembled at the tug-of-war
eonteet last alfrht asd rsen snd woaws ef all
nationalities yelled themselves hoaree, encourag
ing tbelr respective tesms. Ttts- rust pan was
between the rins snd Swedes, sod s most ss
eltlns contest It wss. For mr 15 mantes sot
an Inch was gained by either team. With s
mlshty arrort . the wu-rrainea team mm
Sweden, after strnffllng eontlnaoasly, gained
one cleat which bronsht the red taps to the
edge of the center lever, where H remained
antll the last twe annates. Tne sweoes man
made another . prolonged strnsg Is. snd whes
ths Dtstol was fired. IS Inches over the arm
was credited to the Swedish team. .
Then came the atrncsle or tne ng oermaaa
and the determined-Amertrans; The Utter at
the crack of the pistol pirsea ep toe aiacs r
the lever.- serins ths sdvantare for 10 ta
stes. Then s mlshty snd prokmsed fragile ef
nine silaatee of a terrible strain, when the
Oermss anchor ma was seen to rue rrom tne
lata and the ronieat -wsaPTor, the. Asterlcaas
I I-- Kw Dim. f.t. - . ' "
py,i,M, welrh- the flWh ef Uis Ultima
ment, the csstaina hsvs atreea tsat ins run
flTe teams shall nalL snd. three eostests will
decide tonight's tonmament; with tbs same pre-
gram for tomorrow nigni. ine cnampionsuip
cannot be decided until the last night ef ths
There will be s social dance on rruiay even
ing, ImsMdlately efter ths tournament at 10:JO
o'clock. Kay's full orchestra will tarnish
Ledies are especially Invited ta witness mess
tournaments, which are In nearlae brutal
almnur a teat of strensta. science sndwnd
anre ot weii-rraineo sten oi oiiiereni sation-
alltlea steeling In friendly eompetltlon. Adma
sioa K esats tonlgbt and tomurtow sight.
Alblna dock. Tha tug will leave down
this afternoon for the aecond raft ' -
The ateamer Elisabeth sailed from
Bandon, Oregon, this morning for Port
land. It la supposed that she la coming
after a cargo of lumber.
With 160 tons of freight and SO pas
sengers the steamer Alliance arrived
last night from Eureka and way porta.
Tomorrow tha oil plant of the steamer
Ottawa will be Inspected by United
States Inspectors . Edwards and Fuller,
and on Saturday tho vessel will be
Disced In the general towing trade.
Local agents of tha line report that
the steamer Humboldt has been taken
off the Alaska route for tha season,
leaving only the Cottage Clfy and Al-Kl
In service. It Is the Intention, however.
to Increase tha fleet in a Couple of
One of tha sesson s best ' gamea.
Oregon Agricultural collage s. Mult
nomah. Saturday. Ds camber t. Mult
nomah field, 2:0 p. m., rain or ahlna.
Admission 10C Get tickets at Schiller's,
Nsu'S, Rows aV Martin's and Hotel
Arcniiecr. , . w
says that ths company will begin busi
ness with an unexpectedly long list of
subscribers. - There Is much publio cu
riosity aa to. the manner In which pa
trons are to operate the automatic tele
phones, and tho solicitors havs dsvoted
considerable time to demonstrating tho
mechanism of tha contrlvanoee.
Principal Portland
Artistic Picture Framing
Sale of
Wonderful opportunities are presented during- this tale,
aa this is the final cleanup of bright, clean and desirable mil- ,
anery. ' Throughout the stock, choose as you' will at prices In
many instances far below cost of manufacture. Our object
AT THIS TIME is to clean up the entire millinery stock be
fore your thoughts and time are devoted entirely to the holiday -:
neeaS. incrciorc aon ucmisuc;
LOT 1 Misses and Children's Hats, in a va- LOT 2 Women's Ready-to-Wear and Trim
riety of styles, felt hats, ready-to-wear hats, , med Hats, embracing all the new and natty
etc. All colors; regular prices up to ahapes, fully trimmed; former prices .7
$1.50 Sale price.... ............... .s7C to $3. Sale price:,.... .4.. .......... I JW
Doll Hats, on sale in Millinery Dept.; 75c
Upman, IVpfe
summer, just as
. Our 430 auit
turned out.
and '
The prioo win suit
The suit will fit. .
Wa handle no Ready.
at from 120.00 to iSM the
n' I
Agtnts Dr. Jaegtr Underwear and
. Hlgh-Grade Watch Repairing
. . '.,''.' -a
LOT 3 Women's high grade hand made Hats, some chiffon with
t-atit-r nf Tan lilies, etc A full variety fP ts f?
of leading colors; former prices
; .. . a .... . '
m 1 A A . .M 4 t
. i a great sssui itiicii L w piiiv tui iiwi ii.i.vtj ...j
the most desirable shapes and colors. . These are without ques- .!
tion the biggest bargain offered this season; former CO CQ
prices to $6. . Sale price .... ... .. aPaCi Us7
LOT 6 Felt Hat Shapes. -The balance of this stock, including
small, medium and large shapes; mostly all French felt;, also
- misses' flats of best quality French felt; all colors; for- TQs
mer prices to $3. Choice..'.;...'......... ... ... ........ I aVC ;
..... -vr
& Co. Lipmah, IVofe & Co:
'aa-d) " :i
Sensitle Present
If you have been dissatisfied in years past for having paid
good money for foolish Christmas presents, read this. . ,A
For $2$ we will sell a certificate which entitles the holder to
a $30 suit made to his measure. ; y '
The holder may have his suit made up right away or next
he pleases.
to-vour-measure cannot be duplicated in Port
land for less than $45. y't
We will make up the suits on these certificatea from our
- regular $30 stock. r The hojder of the certificate may choose from
our stock or ask for a duplicate of any $30 suit w have ever
... . .
Our regular $30 suit is a long Australian wool latest pat
ternslined with imported Venetian cloth hand padded hand
sewed with silk. 'i,-l.,-:r ,:. ; :'s:- "
Our certificate , is a work of art. It is hand illumined-
hand tooled and is. inclosed in a neat, tasty cover. The cer
tificate will please on Xmas morning. :
? The splendidly tailored suit which it will secure will please
with its faultless fit and wearing qualities for many a long day
It I -IV M es-' .aasO''
' .... '
EU.s B'ld'n
suit. A',i " .
, 1
Dutterick Patterns
Very Reasonable Prices
t -
' . " . 0 J ataa al
to $5.j Sale price... 4? I 7
- :
CM1 f .1.... TT. .a intlllini nnlv
. V
, 1
7th & Stark .
. T" f - r -