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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1905)
0 X THIS ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7. 1905. READY TO. EXECUTE Mary Rogers -; AI! Arrangements Completed for Hanging Murderess at 1 Windsor, Tomorrow. ONLY TWELVE CITIZENS TO WITNESS THE EVENT "Minister, Counsel and Relatives Visit " Condemned Woman for the Last C Time Will - Wear r Black V Dress ! Made for Her Last Winter. ; (Joeraal Spatial sVrvtee.1 Windsor, Vt, Deo. 7. Sheriff Pecs ' and the attendants of the state prison . her hare practically completed all ar rangements . for the ex emit Ion of Mrs. Rogers tomorrow.. The gallows has been tested and found in perfect working order. Sheriff 'Peck la to conduct the ' execution and the deputies ssalgned to assist htm are the prison wardens, .' The number of cjtisens to witness the execution wlU be strictly limited to Is. MrsI Mary Sogers,-Who Murdered ' . ; -rT: '"" The casket will be placed almost directly under the trap, when executed Mrs. Rogers will wear the black dress made for her last winter, and her mother and sister will claim the body. ' The mlnlstes, ooonsel - and relatives were privileged to-'visit ithe condemned 'woman for the last time today. An ex ception .will probably be made ' in the case of her spiritual -adviser, who will be permitted to aocompany her to the scaffold should She so desire. ' -, E ROBINSON DYING. Curd cress aateiwed to Solitary Cos flasment fos Xdf at Death's Boos. ' TJnanal Bnri.i Service.) ; Boston. Mass'Dee. 7. It Is sa In teresting coincidence that., at the very time - when the pending execution of Marr Rogers in Vermont bas started anew the discussion of the vital ques tion as to whether a woman should hang. Jans Robinson is reported dying In hey cell In the East Cambridge Jail. where she has remained in solitary con. X Inement sines November 11, 1888, srltli out .having had a glimpse of the out side world. 'A little less than 20 years ago the case of the Robinson womsa attracted as much publlo attention as now centers In the Rogers .case. . .The Robinson -woman was sentenced to 'be executed, "but after. one of the, greatest legal bat tles In the annate of Massschusetts thS srk and WsshUigton,- Portland. Oregos y Ta School of Quality" P. jA.riristrbn LL., Principa Thousands of graduates W posi lions; Ciundreda placed each year; more calls for help' than we can meet it pays to attend bur School; larg est mo. modern, . Dt equippea Departments: Pusiness, Shorthand, Typewriting;. Penmanship English. Open all the year. Catalogue, pen work free. Call, telephone or write. s " " 3 ' ;'. j 1 . )":.':. .'." ;. ,' K"'' ; The. cqmpleteaeiss -ancl'variety of our stock make this possible.., ' ' "T '' 5 "'"'. V - V : " 1 I ' v ; I . . the question of expense, can we make it proper for you to pur- I .. P, f ; . ' bg'-; ' :. T"; I ; . - ' V I . - chase at this store. , 4 I ' ' XrM:J: The Arch Crown Setting Is the latest idea in ring mounting. ' By.the series of arches the fight encircles the entire Under part of the diamond, adding great brilliancy. It also enlarges the appearance pf a stone and by scien tific construction adds great 1 security , to the . , diamond.' ' - ; . '....' , -, . '... i-- ' SUGGESTIONS IN '. v.' - ' - .. . Necklaces , Bracelets Brooches Scarf - Pins ' Link Buttons' V Neck Chains Back Combs ; Lockets Chains f 4-K , ..... w mi a 1 m ISs, mm Her Husband. Her Baby. Whose Birth In Prison Postponed ' - edition. Ia Also Shown. . ' V " . . ' sentence wss commuted to solitary Im prlsonment for life. ' It is believed toj be the only case on record In this coun try where a woman was seniencea u solitary confinement for the remainder of her -day " .. -, '-: - Mrs. Robinson poisoned her brother- in-law. Prince Arthur Freeman, and was indicted for the death of five others. She Is now 18 years old.. The 'motive for her murders was to obtain the In-. surance money, for in srr case those Who had lin1 h.n Inwtee BT7T CharTea C. Beers and Thomas R. Smith, who boarded with Mrs. Robinson were indicted for complicity In the crimes. but their cases were not pressed. Mrs. Robinson wss found guilty, snd on June 22, 1888, she was sentenced to-be hanged. November 1 of the same year was set for the execution, but on November It Governor Ames commuted her sentence to Imprisonment for Ufa in solitary con finement flh la afflicted with heart trouble snd the prisqn phjrslclans ssy U Is but a question of days, perhaps hours, before the snd comes. ' ' NEGRO TO HANG. Baker Oonaty, Oeorgia, to Witness Its , jrirst fcegai Zxecatloa Tomorrow, (Jooreal BDeetal Bernce.) ' Newton. Qa Deo. T. If the sheriff Is not restrained by an order from a higher court. Baker county .will have Its first legal execution tomorrow, when MUtqn Brown, a negro, will bs hsnged for the murder of his wife, Nannie Brown. Dur ing ths 77 years of Its existence there bas never been a legal execution In Baker county.' "there have been several occasions when lynch law prevailed, for one finds ' single, double snd triple lynchlngs in ths county's history. Only ones before the casa of Brown has there been a death sentence passed on sny msn in the county, and that was in ths casa of a physician many years ago who sscaped the "gallows by taking -poison a few days before tas aaie set xor nis exe cution. . Rlne strawberries and tomatoes In Oold Beach last week, elalms the Globe; The Plain Watch Cast , Shown in all sires, pol ished or satin finish, ac companied with handsome' engraved ribbon mono- G013 JEWELRY Hat Pins " Bead Neck Chains V Lorgnette Chains . v grams. t jurgnciics Match Boxes vin 'ClgaT'Scissors Promptly . and Csrefoily 7 . Attended to. Beauty Fins Barettes ' Belt Pins ' DIAMOND ' IMPORTERS . . -m x s i He Ex. ANTI-PASS AGITATION WILL KOI EXTEND VES1WARD Experiment Would Not Be Suc- cMsrujijie4)iaJUOUgrr-on- . . . certed Action. (Journal Special Serrtce.) . . Chlcaro. Dec 7. The anti-pass agita tion which started with the Pennsyl vania road 'in the east will not be ex tended to western roads. No road in the west is consiaerwg me aaviaaDuuy n cutting off all free transportation and It la not llkelv that any will do ao soon. Ths saatern experiment, however, will be watched with great Interest snd If successful it is possible a reform will be inaugurated by the western roads. ' It Is stated today that no sueh ex perlment could be successfully ytaken by any one road in any competitive ter ritory and that sucn undertaking wouia be successful only through concerted action. Railroad officials doubt if ths rail roads will over be free from ths pass evil, so far as politicians sre concerned. unless rigid stats laws are passed and enforced. . , Stockmen reeding Sheep. ' Monument. Of., Dec. 7. Msny of ths stockmen in Grant country are feeding their sheen ss a result of ths Iste snows. which fell to s depth of over five Inches in many places. Ths weather is some what milder sna tns stockmen express no arrest fear for the cattle that are out in the mountains. Cured Paralysis. . W. IT. Ballv. P. O. True. Texas, writes: "My wife had been suffering Ave years with paralysis in- her arm, when I waa nernuaded to use Unllard's Snow Lini ment, which cured her all right, I have also uaed it for old sores, frostbites snd skin eruptions. It does ths work." Woodsrd. Clarke A uo. . . j Patek oaraai 1 CAM- V- sVO f7jm)n M ?JrrM BIGHY SAVED TO F Monthly Report of Portage Road Superintendent Shows Its Value. ' FIVE CENTS A BUSHEL SAVING TO GROWERS Outlook for Future Business Is Very Promising and Entire Inland Em pire Will Reap -Much - Benefit Therefrom, (Special Dlapateh te Tbe Journal.) ' Salem. Or., Deo. 7. Five cents a bushel has been saved to wheat growers of the inland empire as a result of ths portage road.' Superintendent U B. Cook of ths portage read, in his monthly reports, shows ' that 18.1SI sacks of wheat wars handled laat . month, al though more eould have been secured If contracts hsd been Sought, ths wheat thus handled realised a profits to the fsrmera , who took advantage of the road of 12,000 or more. It cost l40. to maintain the road during ths month, bus as a switch was placed and several otaer permanent im provements made, tlie expensS of the coming month will not be more than 1760. The outlook xor pusiness ror the future Is promising and Ss soon as shippers are familiar with the rates and mors boats havs been added so ss to give prompt service the road - will undoubtedly prove ofi great benefit to the entire inland region. Mr. Cook states that Captain Spencer Is to build a boat Ao connect with bis boat on the lowerriver, which will be placed on the upper river for ths next season. J. S. Cochran, - owner of the Telephone, will' -also havs a connection on the upper river. .Considerable busi ness Is expected for ths Northern Fa- clflo during7 construction of ths north bank line. Government contractors have also' promised their .business. Ths receiptsfor ths month were itSl.Dt. : . .. . WILL INVESTIGATE (Continued from Page One.) ard OH company, which hss large Inter eats not only In Alaska oil but In copper there, la preparing to eatsbllsh smelters snd refineries In ths Paclfio northwest as well ss smelters at some tldewster point In the Copper river district. It is said their experts some months sgo made a " careful examination of Van couver lake- and the shore line along ths Columbia at that point with a view to establishing s smelter. Afterward they went to - Tacoma and - made- a Imllar Investigation, it is reportea thst they hsve not yet made final decision ss to locations of smelters and refineriea. and that Portland probably will receive a shsre of these enterprises. .. Steamship Uaa Bsseatial. In any event a steamship 11ns between Portland and Alaska ports, via the most direct outside psssage. Is regarded as absolutely .essential to promoting Port land s commercial prosperity. urnnwi trsde is dliHW"jLnlLtJb'tl 1s,f"", nt theTacirioafe good feeders, but it Is said the Alaska trade will in a few years reach a volume that will aqual that of all other sources of water trsns- portstlon. ' Ths vsst country of Alaska, which until recently waa almost entirely neglected by the federal 'government. has come Into ths llmeugnt in tne isst few years by reason of ths irrest coal. oil and copper discoveries, "piese fields are located siong tns west - cosst ana favorable to exploitation by Portland. The government bas taken up Alaaka commercially. and a cable has been laid, wlreles telegraphy , also hss been in stalled, a large corps of gsologlcal ex perts have been placed In the Yield, and many surveys, investigations snd re ports ars bslng made. - A bill to bs In troduced at the present session of con gress probably will be passed providing for a congressional delegate from Alaska. After thst country has secured permanent representation In congress, development of Alaska's great resources will. It Is said, be still more rapid. Ths showing mads by Alaska at ths Louis iana Purchase snd ths Lewis and Clark expositions Is said to hsvs hsd a strong Influence in securing federal recogni tion and aid la development of the coun- try-. ' ' ' - ' - ' ' ' ' " ' Football. One of ths sesson's ' best games. Oregon Agricultural college-vs. Mult nomah. Saturday, December , Mult nomah field, 1:10 p. m., rain or shine. Admission 60c Get tickets at Schiller's, Nau's, Rows at Martin's and Hotel Perkins. Holiday Goods. Hsvs your plcturs framing dons now snd svold the rush. , E. 11. Moorehouse V Compsny. ail Alder street. MS SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEE!! Artd we will assure you all of timepieces that have the real merit and value with the greatest saving in the matter of price. Handsome Gold Chatelaine Watches, exclusive designing in the rose finish. Many are mounted with precious stones. ;An ever- lasting gift. ' SOU AGENTS FOR , , ; ; Philippe Wafchesi JUSTLY CELEBRATED Corner Third and Washington Streets . STORE OPEN EVENINGS ELOPERS WATCH CLOCK FOR BRIDE TO REACH 18. Lovers C&imly Walt. Until Girt Becomes of Age In Order to Secure License. 1 ' ' (Joaraal Special ServUs.) Baa Bernardino, Csl.. Deo.' 7. While Mrs. Q. C. Hutchlns of Pasadena was worktnr ths wires overtime to Impress ths county clerk's office that no license should be issued to Frank Hllllard, her brother,- and - Miss Helen Fate, who eloped from Pasadena because Miss Fste was not of sge, ths two lovers were calmly sitting lri a hotel here watching the hands of the clock suae slowly around until tbe dawning of the morning,' wnenMiss. r ate couia writs hsr ags 18. ' . ,":':r"r When they . arrived at - ths county clerk's office yesterday Mrs. Hutchlns' telegram confronted them. The- county clerk figured .out the bride's exact age, and finding 4hat Miss Fste lacked but one day of legal age, the lovers were advised te wait until today. - - Bright and early they appeared at the clerk's offloe and 'the license wss issued. ' Ths ceremony"ras performed on the spot by Rev, Mr.-Wllhlte -of the Christian church, whom, ths lovers brought, with them. , . V.: A PARTY AY KOOSKIA y Work In Bitter Root but Identity Not ' Made '. Known. . - Will rsoetlal Dim tea te Tbe learaaU Lewlaton, Idaho, Dec 7. A party of Is surveyors In charge of Engineer O. J. Hayes passed through' Potlsch Junction yesterdsy to - either - Koos kla or Ahsahka from which point they will take the field for a Survey of the line toward Lolo pass. It is outfitted for the winter's work and the msn are known to bs employed by the Milwaukee road. Mr. Hayes Is sn old employe of that line. Ths party will remain In ' ths moun tains until ths work is completed. If the. survey Is mads from ths Kooakla line, it will be run up the middle fork of the Clearwater to tlte Locksaw branch which leads to Lota pass. If ths intention is to run the line up the north fork, the survey will start at Ahsahka. Ths hesdwatars of this fork sre 11 mikes from Lolo pass and lead to Fish creek divide. -Either-pass,- however, can be used, but Lolo has always been consid ered the more favorable by engineers. It is stated that the party will go to ths pass whsrs a crew from Missoula, work ing for the same Interests; coming this way, will meet It. TWO EUGENE LODGES CHOOSE NEW OFFICERS (Special tHscateh te The JoemaL) Eugene, Or., Ded. . 7. Pvanhos mandery. Knights Templar, has sleeted new officers for ltOs as follows: Dr. Q. E. Smith, EL C; Darwin Brlstow, gen erallaalmo: B. 8. 8Dencer. caotaln-sen eral: B. O. Potter, prelate: Vr. George n'B sewioi wsidsu. W. M. Prea- ton, Junior warden; F. W. Osburn, treas urer; James P. Robinson, recorder; John M. Hows, wsrdsr; W, P. Cheshire, sentinel.- ' . 1 Ths Fraternal Order of Eagles has elected ths following' new offlcsrs: .A. Lombard, . president; J. Ploni, - vice president; Herman Brysr, chaplain;- T. W. Bloomfleld, .secretary: F. C Potts, treasurer: William Neusbaum. conduc tor; Frank Wood, Inside guard: W. O. Day, outalde guard; I M. Travis, 3. J. Rudeand George W. Hunter, trustees; F. E. Sslover, physician. . .. MANY ARTISANS MEET 1 AT FOREST GROVE "' ISoeelat tnspatek to The Joaraal.) Forest Orovs. Or., Deo. 7. Ths Arti sans held a district" netlng here isst svenlng. Delegation front Portland, Gaston. Csrlton snd Dllley were In at tendance. Four candidates were Initi ated and the work of the Portland axempllners is reported to havs been very fine. Bupreme Master -Artisan Hudson delivered sn ' address and was followed by Dr. Manlon of Portland. Mr Peters of Carlton, E. X. Hsrdlng of Gaston, Dr. J. S. Bishop and Professor Jsmes R. Robertson, both of this city, aU of whom msde short speeches. A supper was served to-!fe visitors by ths members of the local lodge. After the repast a social tlms wss hsd. A Costly- Mistake. Blunders sre sometimes vsry expen sive. Occasionally life Itself is the price of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills for Dyspepsia, Disslness, Head ache. Llvsr or Bowel troubles. They re rentle yet thorough. , 25c at Bkld- more Drug Co., 1S1 Third street. The Decorated Watch Case An extensive variety to choose from, in all the lat est and best designs of the ". " "ARTZOUS 11I1BTID Tor Pators ' '-" Delivery. MMACTWUNa IEWZURS 7 Go a great way Clothes v: First impressions are best Clothes will. Try them and observe the result Our fall and winter.linei OVERCOATS. CRAV- ENETTES and SUITS of the FAMOUS CHES TERFIELD make are now complete' They com-.;, prise everything new in style, choice in fabric and select in patterns. There are many excellencies you -will note in CHESTERFIELD CLOTHES lack: ing in other so-called fine makes. Al look, and a try-on of a few coats will settle the question for you. The true gentleman's clothes must be stylish, throughout and there is one way to be sure onthis , point, and that is for us to outfit you. Try it once j and see how well we will please you. These fa mous CHESTERFIELD SUITS and OVER. COATS," while they are the btsi in the world, are not so extravagant in ! price. ' Prices range from $20.00 to $50.00. - Other good makes of clothes. .Priced $15.00 to $25.00, suits and overcoats. ; '.? ir- - : If the" front o coat of any CHESTERFIELD suit CURLS back at EDGE, breaks or loses shape in pne year's wear customer gets a new suit free. A CHOICE SELECTION of sensible GIFTS for CHRISTMAS for the gentleman !s found at this store. ; uv..;::: ' 1 -: ' . VV" Pleased to have you look them over today or any . 'day. """""" : -'" '" v- 1'.' A- 269-271 MORRISON STREET JUST STYLE SALE ON BEST ORIENTAL CURIOS! There are only 15 days left for Christmas shopping. Now is the time for you to select something in oriental art (or your friends in """the east or anywhere in the United States. Things in all designs , and patterns, things that will please any man or woman. We feel . quite sure that we can save you money by our reductions, if you will call and examine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere Owing to the receiving of a large shipment of goods from Japan, and which inehidea 200 doxen silk, hand-embroidered, handkerchiefs and 125 smoking jackets we have( dispose of them at a gfeatsacrifice. " ' . ' ' ' ' SPECIAL ON THE FOLLOWINO Friday and Saturday Only 24.1nch Oentlemen'i Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, reg. $1. apeclal. .63s Smoking Jackets, special... ...... ... ....... ...... .". . .. . . . . . f , Silk Lounging or Bath Robes, regular $20.00, special.. .... 9.SO WESTERN ffilPORUNG CO. 329 Washington, Street. REDNER BEGINS TERM IN THE PENITENTIARY iinuiil manateh te The Joartal.) Salem, Or Deo. 7 8herl Taylor of OPERA GLASSES ; , World-Famed Makes Including the 'Celebrated Le Make An extensive- display in the white, golden or , oriental mother-of-pearl. Imported Opera Bags richly mounted and in " : ' elegant shades v .1 French Mantle Clocks ' For the parlor or library, a gift of this kind be comes more appreciated , as time gdes on. But -they-must-b depehdabrfcOurs-havhcfmest-grade of 8-day movements, with rich cathedral gong, encased in crystal, gilt or wood frames. THE' W DAY CLOCK day X :. . . ' . ' ; Makes help to make the man - - clothes do it anyway J AND QUALITY . Umatilla county today t brought . two prisoners to -ths enltentisry Oeorge Cramer on sn Indeterminate ssntence for larceny from a store, and Allan . Redner on a three years' sentence for embesslement. Redner Is the default ing express messenger of Pendleton. a. most beautiful gift. ' i