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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1905)
'' ' K ' r 13 -THE-OREGONJAILY-JOURNAU-PORTLANDr THURSDAY-EVENrNO. DECEMBER-7.1P08. OrfQ0njL.fDimial JOURNAL 44 WanfAd"Rates j Entered at the aosfcarfte At Portlaad. Orea-oa. Aw traoeportauoa Uiroah th alalia " u naiur. , 1-oatags (or slnrle amiss: For aa a, page paiier. 1 Mat( HUH pages, S la, pass. seeta. -1 ' TTtrinim. Fdltorlal Nonas, MM..Mata 01 tin... .....jaam sv foreiob atjyxrtisuir ntrmixmrm. Vreeland Becjamla Special Advectlalng agency, low Mail soeet fiew I fx, him .- ia. Uilcaga. . . miCUPTIOV BATES. Th THtly Joarnsl with eSMday. 1 yr...fT. Tbe ball InanuL 1 rear u0 Ilia Pali Journal, with Sasday, 0 months. 8.JS Tho Iall JouroaL months.............. Tb Dally Journal with Kuaday. month. 1.J4 Tb Dai). joaraaL 1 atoalka ... Tlie Dally JnsraaL with Sunday, I month ' J"- f .. .7..'" j Tb fxiir, par week, delivered. Saaday as- .......... The Pany Joeraal. wltb avada, t faa.. Tlie Pally JoaraaL, I raar Tae bally JoaraaL wltb Sandaj, Bootl The Ilalla JoaraaL 4 BMSntaa. ........... IT oo . . an laa JoaraaL wltb ftandar, 8 aaoatha. IZ ine laiir joaraaL a BMOtaa. n-. rwni i .. a... i k . ah The " " mimmM. w I . ' Tha ftaiuta t it ? Mar i f -" aiil Tba Bandar JoaraaL exmttaa.... LW I ...... 1 The Saaai-Waaklj JaaniL Tba Benl-Waekir JoaraaL I to 11 merit kaa lilnatrataA fall BBarka fW. port. 1 rear Baailttaama aboaM be Bade by 4 ran. paataj aotaa. einnaa erdera aad amall aammta are aeMpUble la 1 aad S-oaet poetic atanpa. TH8 JOVBJIAi. P. O. Boa IM. Port land. nMUmmmmxm VIUI TEX e-oUBXAI. BUT U jT0tni& The Joaraal eaa be, Coamd ea aale at. thai rnllowtaf nlacaei KuIMIt. IDAHO H. flenar A Cb. imyre. CHICAGO Poatofflea Kewa bnrn atraet. i company; ITS Dear- I DENVER. vOliORADO-X Black. Slxtaeath aad tLurtia eTrrrta. KANSAS ciTt Taa Hot Mewa coauiaaT. MINNEAPOU8 M. J. karaaaasm, Ml loath Third atraet. KEW T0KK CTTT Braataao'a. PaVar anaara. OMAHA blllUrd Hotel ten ataad: Mat oath Utatloarry eomnasr. isoa rinin atraet. SALT LAKB CITT Krnyoa Hotel am ataad; Harrow Brae.. 48 Waat 8rnd atraet. Boat. ST. LOUIS Philip Rnedar. 1S Locnat atreeti B. T. Jrt. " Oil re atraet. AN PB4NCI8CO W. B. Ardfnf, Palace Hntel . aewa at and and ions Market a treat: Uetd enltb Braa., tM Sorter atraet and Ha I at Praacla hotel: Poater 8 Orear. Perry balld bir; N. Wbeatley. ameable aewa ataad. ear ner Market and Kearney etreeta. 8EATT1.B Rainier Grand aewa atandl W. L. Kiiaara. Hotel iVattle aewa etand. . RPOKANB. WaSHlNGTOH Joha W. Orahaa TACOMA.' WATrr"0TO Central Mi pan: noeat Tacnma aewa etand. TlfTOBlA. BRITIHH IALUMBIA Ttctoria Book PtatkaiarT eon near. WEATHER REPORT. Bala acearrrd generally dertnr tba la at U ncera ta ntrem Bortbern California, w rat era Orea-on, eraahlnpton. aortbera Idaho and por tlena of Brltiab Colombia, doe to tbe Infraence 1 or a erorm apparently central off tbe British Columbia roast.-' Eleewhere la tbe states wrat of tbe Rocky mnnntalna fair and noderatrly cold weather eontlnnea. Eaat of the Rte-ky mnnntalna fair weather alan preralla. except alma- the west rulf osaat. where llcht rata la reported. . . . ladar the Inflaeace of the dhttarbanea off tba coast aaaettled. rainy weather will aoa tlnoe In this district tonight and Friday, with bat little rbanae la tempera tare. . . Obeerratlona ukea at a. at.. Pariae time: - Temp. Ktatlonav ... Mas. . Mia. Predp. rtostna. Maaachaaetta......ael ts jH fblraae. UUnnl .. SO - ,a Kanaaa City. Mleaoort ...... .Tit (t ; .0 Los Anrelea. Csllf.n-nla......7H (10 J. .0 New. Orleaaa. Loalalaaa.....M ' 40 .0 lr York. l"w York .40 W .0 meetum, (iiagini 48 .If Kt Lon la. Mlaaonrl f M .0 8sn Prandaco. California.. .88 48 , .0 - -Ppokane, Washlnrtna.......M 80 ; .18 x Tacoma. Washington. . ... ...80-e-r 41 .18 Walla Walla. Washington.. .44 " T Waahlnartoi D C.. .48 84 .8 MARRIAGE LICENSES. - Tra-tV Baeb. 8V Marraret Wlrni. 88. Henry Poynonen, TJ; Hilda Alholio. M. Elmer M. Welle. S3; Kdlth J. Osburg. SO. Wadding Card. W. O. Bmith j-"fe., Waab- lngtoa bldg.r enr. Fourth and Waahlagtoa ate. Mia Bertha Martin, mora 81 Altsky bldg. Btamplwg and fine needlework: Isssnas glren. BIRTHS. M A SO N November IT. ta Mr. and Mr. Oeorr C. Maarm. 2111 Bt. Clair street; a aoa. ROCK WOOD Koremher IS. to Mr. and . Mr. M. Rock wood. Portland Maternity hospital: a danrbter. - DEATHS. LOT December 1, M. T. Ley. aged TB rear, at Mount Tabor; raaae, dementia producing A tianatlon. Bortal at Chleo, California. ' , ' MACKENZIE December 8. William Kenneth Marr Mackenxle. aged 18 year. Sr.l King treat: ranee, mngestloa of brain. Burial at KlTerrlew cemetery. ten M ID December 4.- Margaretba Behmld. ared 88 Tears, fiH Delay atreet; rsnaa, netie- , Title. Bnrlal at Blrerrtew cemetery. ' UNDERTAKERS. : J. P. Flnley A Bon. funeral director and emhalmer. corner Third and Madlaoa atreet a. Office of county coroner. , Telephone Maui 8. Donning. McEntee A Ollhaagh. undertaker and emhalmera; modera In erery detail. Bcrenth and Pin. Mala 430. Lady aaalstant Funeral wreath and cut flower a aneclalty at Roar City Oreenhoua. Tweatyecond . and Eaat Morrtoon, opposite cemetery. . The Edward Holmaa Undertaking compare, funeral director and etnbalmera. ao tilt! t. Phon SOT. , : Lrm?rk- "hdertsker and embslmer. East 4TSI JLimaUIU are. Phon CUrh Bro for Sowera. Um Morrlaon atreet BODLET. THB F LOB IPX, 114 rrrTH STREET. "; RmTTEy CTMRTEBT. ; "Ingl gmre 810. Family lot 870 to SI 000 The only cemetery t. Portland which per pettially maintain. nd care orW For fnU information apply to W7 R. Mackenxle iiw eeater Mock, city. W. M. Udrnrden. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. PV.M'rarry to , p. Haddey. lot 8. block ,J4. Albtna ...... "r g Montgomery to Mr. N. T. Bnu- Title Ouarantee at Treat company to 6 . Delano 3 . acre BarthweVt V eec'. lion IX township 1 north, r.ngil Arlet lAnd' compenr to NV'B.' 'BVnet'tl lot 13ft. Arleta park , V '"J. TI?lt Jnreetment company to t. iloelsl Height K. Moor to A. n. Ellis, lot . block' jit Aloln Homestead .C. M. O'Leery to C. Ha each et aL, lot S. block TS.! Blephena' addition A. H. Wrnslry. Jr., sad wife, to E. I fllranl and wlf. lot , n, block 8. Midway addition . I. N. Plelechner e't l. to N. E."Brke Iota 17 aud 18. block 15. North Port land ....., 8 K. tterteleew t C. E. Ooaeeft and wife, jv, crr beginning northwest corner enethweet i eei-tloa So, towa ahtji 1 ri'irth, range 4 eaaf ....... 0. W. Chsnihcrlnln and wife to 8. E. - Unlit, east 4 of e.t u of north H of ennthraat . eectloa 81, townatalp 1 nietb, ranre 4 es.t , . , 0. W. Brown tn J. F. Wk-kham, lot IT and l. block 1. Wooilmcre. I. M. Kmlth and wife to II. ti. Coltoaj, M I. Bnmn addition' , Klrlaed eompsny to J, Logan and wife, k-ta 8 and A hbck II. Plrtand ...... P. . l"--k nd wife to F. T. Dirk', lot 1. blush L.Jrown'( ;(tlti : . . . ...... Ariel land rcnipany iii J. Nrirslierioi . d and 8, block 8, Arleta Park Ne. 4... 800 ;tS0 1 130 1 - TOO 1.1M t.00 1300 J. - T8 too ... 5. 1 800 .1.000 390 I INTEREST SAVINGS BANI OF He Title Guarantee V" jPays 4 per cent, on. Certificates, of Deposit. Paya 3 per cent interest on . I daily balances of deposit accounts, I - euoiect to check. I B ankin g hours . . . . . . . 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. baturdavs ....9a. m. to I o. m. I Saturday erenings... ,...5toooclock DIRECTORS: i tif r t.jj t ti i t I V . l . LUUU. 1 . 1 1 1 1 IT I 111 T II HOB A - r T Rtirbhar Frank M. Warren. George H. HilL 240 Wasliliioii Street Corner Second. PORTLAND, OREGON. lortliwesteni ?;"Iiitel'Life" CF MILWAUKEE, WIS. The people' aeeda for Ufa ' laanraac ' were awTer aroaier tnaa now. The principle aadarlytaf tha boslneaa are anqtiaauoaeo. This company ha no Walltreet alllaaeea: M purely mutual la the beat sense; has no foreis-a boslneaa: baa ao extriyaaancra. either la borne eface or la arenclee. Brery Inreat- eat la la strict conformity wltb tbe lawa. Life Insurance nrotect Ion In tbla roaanan aaa con leee in ine paat ana- la coating seal aow than In any ether. Tbeea are some of tbe reasoca why any nollcr- holder are so well satis flad. Trj ret North weatera satlafsctloa yo Boat earry Korthweatera pollclra. ;S.:L;LoCaCwoM'&vSoii . GEMSKAL A0KTT8, '. 00NC0BD BCTLDINOV PORTLAND. 0BKQ0H. k New;Beparture THE PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON ANN0UNCE8 THAT IT HAS ESTABLISHED I - - OF WHICH . . . HARRIET E M00REH0USE . ' HAS BEEN APPOINTED SUPERINTENDENT r Tt9" Ndies or l"ornrJT".r "T.l ' l. 1 rlted te rlslt em? new and elegant banking I bbua. S. K. cor. Third and Oak I where MISS MOOREHOLSR will uke pleas-1 aee la welcoming . them and In explaining I tb many way la which tb "Oldest Trust I company u uregoo - caa b of nse to women. THE com: Phone Exchange T2. Xmas Gifts to to ; M -Country' Wa transfer money to all part of Eorap ana otnar coanttle. ?MM .Trust ; Compaay Sou threat corner Third aad Oak atreet. Phon Exchaaga TX ARE-TOURING? OK THE EXCURSION ' HoYcr-tlie Kew. Town'; Up the Columbia, on tb new railroad, la th famous KENNEWICK VALLEY, knows aa tha CALIFORNIA OF THB NORTHWKsT. Trsla lesre at n:li natnrday erenlng. returning anirea Portland T o'clock Monday morning. For s perls! rate and further Information see br,ncb .of tic, HOVER LAND COMPANP, 12Si Blxth at., .cor. Washington, PortUniL. ' We Issne a domearle letter of credit for tourists aad trarrler. payable throughout tbe l'nited states, Cand, Mexico and Gra ftal America, . Portland Trust Company. South eaat corner Third and Oak treat. ' Phon Exchange 72. -r Lots .50x100 Feet' Eacii '.' 1 1 nihernta Baring Rank, owner, win sell arith. oat reaerr a limited anmber of choice and uesiraoie torn on ine canine for 80s each. Tltl ferren. ror particulars inquire, at ruoaa 808 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark atraet. Any Pro will boy Ibeee lot on sight. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. L. !,. Leadbetter to F. W. Leadhetter. v StsMtlou feet, block TI. city 80.000 A. W. Lambert to 8. U Woodward, oathjsst V. and eaat H of eomhwrat 14 of aectloa M, townshln 8 north. nZ!!?5'J'"."t Vl.B nroperty....... i000 Lambert, aoutheaat H and east V4 of aouthweat 44 ef section 84. township 8 north, range 3 west, and 1 acre section 3d, . township 8 north, nan rieriicrs ana wire so rs. K. SJ. Rhodra. 3 aerre beginning 3 . ehaliie- - eontk ef northeast corner of ermtb eaat k of southeast of south east V, eectlon IT. township 3 south. range a east , I, TOO wi " ' r fl ower i nwa rite company to M. Middle, lot 18. block J3 Illy lcw Pjth , 380 w. r. meaner to n. riienner, 1 serif - beginning 'Hll.T feet went ef eeclkin .xsrorr aretloua J, a, 17, 18, township -. 1 emTn, iihr, rs. , C C. Poole In W. It. 8Ukea rt a!., east ! jiK in r..r l. "!i-T.C..t j East I'prtlaad REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C. B. Smith aad husband to O. Anderson. tot a. weat 15 teal lot T, block 3, Croalar'a addition ' T, Brugger, adnilmtrator. a G. Kaleeae, " acree aoaioaaai H aeetioa v, lewa ahlD 1 south, ranee 1 eaat H. O. ShaburoBi aud wife to J. La aw bert lota 61 81. block t, Hoae- lawa Annas 40 B. O. Shaletram and wlfa ttL 1 Pat terson. Iota T to 11. 14. 18,. 19 to 18, block 1, and other property. Maple wood B. O. Sbslstronnnnd wife to L. A. Peler- eon, lots 6 aad 8, block 1. i lot To, mora X Hoaelaws Annex anil It too . F. Robertson tn T. W. Leadhettrr. lota a and 4. block 816. 'ell a. 18.000 B. H. Dsns and win to at. li. utaoatl, Kits 1 to 4. block 8. Fair view addltloa. BOO m. t andVrmeer and wlfa to C. W. Potter. nulheaat 44 lot X. block 41. J. Johns' addltloa 1.400 u Harold to J. B. Keller, lota 3. a and 4. block 6. Alhee's aubdlTlaloai lota 28 and 29. Gleuhaven 1'ark ' 40 Oak Park Land company to P. KrcTtaa ana wire, int X, . black 1, Madeline aditltloa C. Blasic and wife to F. Gananeder. -lots 1 aad X. block 10. Mcuolaoa'a addltloa 8.100 t. - I lata fMI fka TlllA UMniltM A 1Yat nmUB. I Waafalnrton atraet. corner Second. NOTICE. IN THB MATTRR of a Bpeclal Term of tba Pbv trlct court of tbe L'nited titatee lor ine me tric t of Oreroa. It ta ordered that apeclnt . . . . . . ...... . . . t. T I . I ml us I II mnriri aj.i . ui in. lhi.w j Biate ror ine iiiatriet or vrepoa oe nau ine rooai tnereort at roriiana. tb ami a aiainci, Monday. December 18. 180B. at 10 o'clock . and that notice or aucn aneciai term or aid coart be rlren by tbe l'nited 8tatee Mar anal for ask district, by pnblLslilna Botlora of tbe time aad auce or nohllnc aaia apaciai term, for at least ten dare prior to tbe eea- Tenlne thereof, la tb following newspapers onbllshed at I'ortlanfl. m aaui oiarnct. to-wit Tbe Mornlnjt OreconlaA and Tba Ore coat Pally wouroai. CHAB. B. WULTIETOif, JnOga. Dated at Portland. Or.. Dec. 8. 1B0S. WB. tb anderatcaed farBltar and !ane me. era, will require tb payment of all ehan I CDarrM 1, lsoa. apoa dellrery of foods, after Dee. 1. 11. Haak. C. P. Harder, o. p. Huaeer, CnarroT Bra., Portland - Dellrery Co., Poat Ppeclal Dellrery Co.. rackace Uellrery Co. Holmaa Transfer Co.. Nortbwaatera Tranafar Co Oreroa Ante Despatch Co., Joba Hamp ton. J a ntee McLlndea, Owen McLlndea. Paclfl Traaarar u,, uregoa Traaarer uo., rortiaiui Van 4k Btorar Co., Wakemab-Morae Tranarar Co.. Bast Bide Transfer Cov, C. O. Pick Tra De fer At fltoraaa Co O. M. Olaea. Baaraare A Omalboa Tranarar O A. J. Morpby. NOT1CB OP PINAL ACCOUNT. Tb nndVr. almed baa filed la the county roart of Ore gon for Multnomah county bt final account as executor of. the will of Ana McLaunllln, deceaard, and .Haturday, tbe sixth day of January, lMVt 8.SO o'clock a. m. of aald day. baa been act for the bearlnr of the eantei Dated and first pabliebed tbla aeTeotb su4- a siecamner, iwoo. " JAMES OLKABON, Exaentor, MEETING NOTICES. , WBBPOOT CAMP. No. 68, woodmea or the warm . Meeta a Terr Friday algbt at W. O. W. ball. Tenth and Washington atreet. Rrfreahmenta will be creed. All Tiattlng Baiga- bora welcome. . - 1L T. WOODWARD. C O. ' A. L. BARBUB. Clark. 161 Third Street. COLUMBIA LODOB No. 114. A. P. A A. M. -Stated communication thl IThnradayl erenlng, at T:M o'clock. Maaonle Temple. Work la F. O. degree. All F. C. Maaona to Tltad. B. 8. PAOIB. oec ELLISON ENCAMPMENT, NO. 1. I. O. O. P. Memnera will please meet tnta cmnreaay. Fellow' temple, to pay fraternal Tlalt to Mlncrra lodge Wo. 18, I. O. O F. K. B. BdAKUil, sent. . LOST AND FOUND. LOST Fog terrier, female, black bead. Finder will nlesse return to ct earner Aatonaa, foot of Jefferson at., end recclre reward. LORT Watch fob. bet. Thirteenth, Tillamook. RleTeuth. Broadway '.at; reward. East 8870. LOMT Bible,- si bum la back. . Return to 443 East Clay at. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Rarber to know that O. It. W. winoa tompany a ore aaie m ami going ea at 3.18 Anheny at., Scott Hotel Tldg. Bhaelng soap of all klnda. 75c to 82 per box; brllliantln In best condition 31.76 per doe.; talcum powder, toe per lb.; maaaage cream, the beef made. 28c per Jar; cold cream, -lh. can, 25c: Coke' (baring cream foam, 35c per lb. 1 Po-eep-eo, for making a gallon of face wash, 25c per can; good toilet Boa lis, 10e per do. ; talcum powder In tin cane. In per doe. ; shampoo, SO per lb; lather brushes, rssor e trone, blacking. eplMoona. whisk brooms, bath soap, abarlng muga. wltchhas' l; 11 abore 1 article at greatly reduced price; one 2-chair omblatloa rase. I5; bootblack Btanda, 81; mng caaea and stsnda, 83.80: raaora, 25c to 60c each; barber coat and rests. 3Se each; everything to be ckwed out at eery low price, a we will open la ear old tor. 73 Sixth t- with all sew goods ea December 16. Mall order . will receirs prompt nttentloa. MEN and hoy wanted to learn Plumbing trade. pay 88 day arter completing pours or practical Instrnctton at bom o la our schools; graduate admitted to onion and Master Pmmbere' aaeoclatlon; noeltlon se cured. Coyne Rroa. Co. Plumbing Works, New Tort. St. Louis, Mo., Cincinnati, 0. Free catalogue.' WANTED Pupil to leer telegraphy; growing or in ami inr k" " "''- ' " ' ' e natea. 43 H Third at., room 8, after 8 p. m. WANTED Clerk aad window .dresser to tndy snow-card ennui si 1. am. v. m. sum school; peraonal fnatratloa. Apply for par ticulars.' , MEN WANTED 100 men to get room and bmrd at Golden west, nerenta ana strarvui Inresttgate: It will pay yoa. , - , Portland Brbet- College, Tuition reeaonabl aa any acbool oa coast, 307 rianoar at. WHAT I th Red X Croaa Dyapenaaryt At Ash. 43 tt Third. $20 TO 805 per week easily made selling sick ana accident nenenta ror union mutual aw Ass' a., T08 Msrquam bldg. " SECURE A GOOD POSITION. Wt assist competent office men. bookkeeper, tenographera. cashiers, collector, bill clerk, general clerical, technical, commercial mea, Boslneaa Mea' Clearing Houa. 110 Second. BLACK MARVEL Waterproof for shoe, doe not waebot t. ror ai. stno nomaioe ex. Agent wanted In erery town oa cosst. WANTED Good, reliable nun to handle cof fee end tea route; mast asre capital enongu to own his own horse and wsron. STANDARD CiKKKR RPICB MILLS, -. 308 Second St. WANTED Strong hoy to work In lath mitt; earn 61.1" per day. peyanie weekly. Apply 7 p. a., 12R Grand are., eaat aide, room . HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Ladle to aell coffee and te llhersl Inducement, Standard Coffee Spice Mill. 2U0 Second. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. 843H Washing ton Bl., cor. srTnris, npnaire. I DUS. SB BIB ttWS. Female help wanted. WOMAN,' ever 28. energetic, lettable, to take charge of Vlsrl of flea, .. Call or Iddraa renet 88, Lewis bldg. PORT1.AND SEWINO PrlTOOI-FastitonShls dreaamaklng. 27m Morrlsoa St., corner 4th, . room C. System tanght. WANTV;l (lood girl for general booaesrork, email family: good aelary. Dr. Murray, rare lr. B. E. Wrirlit. dentist. Seeenth and Wash- - lngtoa st.. tall between 5 end 8 o'clock. GIRL for light housework. Alder t. , . ' " . t, Apply 888 Bast MALE AND FEMALE HELP. PERSONAL tnstrnctloa In ahortband. book keep- Mi, peuuiaaauiu hi s.uaiieai si a tuition tea leaa inan reuuirea 07 ine ouai bualneaa SBltaM. Addrea M. A. w oiam as. WANTED At eace. a bright, enargetle. aenubie Biaa or woman, a good talker, to take ap ao attractive propoeluoa. . Iniiulre taa t,oasnoer es wotssict, a. as. WANTED S good agent, aalary or oommlaalom. vau room , lam niag. EELP wanted and snpplted, male or female. w. uraae. aiaw waaBinirtua at. Black 188a. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. TWO rarpearere waat work by day or lob; by day, woo 10 contract la Mild boua or Mala sutft). . EXPERIENCED hotel clerk want . poat t Ion Orateclaa referenee. , Addrea M 30, ear journal. WANTED T keep a eat of book or do soma accounting at nignta ana odd I ion re; exporl- uw pvauiaii. w 11, journal. . TOL'NO colored man want altnstlon a butler or porter with good rererencee. Addrea I a.. Main ana inirteentn ate., city. - SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE BITI'ATION wanted) to do cooking or general nonaawora, py Bweuisa girl. AdUresa union 107B. - , . WANTED Position by widow. 48. with beat ef rererencee, to take cnarge or w Mower bom crnatomed to refined (urroondlng. Addrea r 10. Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOTM JBNT 2 OFFICB. roa ME 88 N. Bacon d a. Phone ftala tBSS, PACIFIC Cosst Kmp. Reliable empleyaaeat genu 13 N. 3d Phone Mala 83T0. JAPANESEHINEKR EMP IMPLOTMENT OFFICB. Henry Taker. . ivy Phon Pa- rtne oeu. BIO FOCR EMP. AGENCT Help atrpplled free. IS N. .second ac. I'Boa Mala 1H1D. NATIONAL Empl loyment and Labor Ageecy. 813 Pine at. Phon Mala 1804. SCANDINATIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co.. 8 North Second: furnlahe all klade ploymeat for mea and women. Mala 80S8. at for rnd THB Portfind Employment Co.. tT30H MorrUoa at. Phone fact ft gsn. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agenta; anmetbrng aewi good sailer. big wage, aoe McKay bldg. - . AGENTS wanted ta Ball aureery atock new and eomplet outfit rornlabed rreei eaaa weekly. Capital CJty bieraery , eampaay, Salem. Oregon. WINNER for agenta Health and accident buurence 00 popular monthly permeate. For liberal term, addrea 0. A. Lyman, mana ger. Continental Casualty. Co.. N. W. DepU, t2 Mohawk bldg.. Portland. Oragoaj. WANTED Agent: 82.50 day or commlsalou. ohm a-asi aiorrssoa ST. AGENTS to aril the beat ta alck and accident Insurance. Paclfl Aid Aaeoclatlon, 800 D knm bklg. WANTED In and around Portland, agenta to ell tbe Eneyeioriedl Britannic; -most ne educated end weU-dreeaed; agent required to call only apoa people who bar written for price. Apply, at a ting ax and experi ence, to American Newspaper Aaeoclatlon, No. 4W Parrot t building. Han rrancMeo, Cau fornla. WANTED REAL ESTATE.. ' tPAVTf.D. -" . W are ta th market otirealrea and w Io bsre client wentlng acreage anllahl for plat-, ting, cloae to ear Una and la th growing part of tb city; earn most be a bargain and ) easy terms. W glao want nm good neldeoc property en the west aid for cash customers. If yog wish to sell, list with as. . We a too hare client who will parch) 8 block or more of good lot at a bargain. -Vfe NORTH W BUT LAND CO - . 80S Goodnongh Building. WANTED Some good propertlee for lnceet : ment or Income; w hare number of clients now with rssh for investments; come In snd tell ss what yoa have to sell, large or txaaU. Henkw at Baker, 21T Ablngto .bldg. WANTED To bny for rssh. good mod ere boose la Portland. Henkl - Baker, 31T Ablngton bldg. ' . . . ' f HAVE borers waiting to bear of amall homes la or Bear Portland, any direction If yoa an ready to eell address P 3, car loarnaL U"T TOUR LANDS WITH DS FOR QUICK RETURNS. FARM LANDS A SPaXIALTI. CREGO BROS, 317-818 FENTON BLDG. WANTED To hay or Vesse a bnlldlng hat ctaa la, MrPhsrao. Gllmaa hotel. First aad Alder. WANTED For 82.000 caab. S-room rot tag oa full 'lot. 818 Chamber of Commerce. WANT lot within walking distance of Portland hotel: half lot will do; cash paid; bo agents. Phone Main 0278. r WANTED TO RENT. WR went-desirable boose and flat, all part ef th city: bar high-class client waltlngi rent collected, property eared for. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 343 Stark et. Pboa Main 10T8. WANTED To rent farm, 18 or 20 ace, neat dtr; bona aad bar. M. G. Morgsn, 870 Mltwsnkle St. WANTED FINANCIAL. 83.000 TO I.OAN on good eecarlty for or 4 year, si 1 per rent. r. FLCHR, 140H Flrt St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS BR the Lewis aad Clark fair at-home; ernd L-.40e la etimp for bendsom phot boob. nearly 2"0 pborna or tsir. thxov incnee. Westers View Book -Wo.. Portland. Bog 384. PAINTING, art raring and whitewashing tree, baaementa. hern, dork, etc.; IsrgeetHPssollne praying outfit en the coast. M. O. Mores - Co., 8T0 Mllwsnkl at Phone East 381T. STAPLES. Tn) JEWELER. BUYS OLD GOLD AND SILVER. BIGHE8T eesb price pstd for bottles snd Junk of every description. I'ori - Co., 881 North Eighteenth. Portland Bottle Sopply Phon Mala TiK. P. J. RTDRR. printer. Second and Washlngtos ts. Phone Main 6080. .. c WB WILL BUT. "ULL OR TRAD ANT OLD Tnlrtn. wr;?crr;rin nAi,viiin w. 01 -828 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 708. WANTED 3,400 cedar pole. Apply to O. I. Brawn, chief engineer Oregon Water Power At Railway Co., First and . Aider ata., Port land. Oregon. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAM for fnrwlfm- In any quantity; also take earn on commission and guarantee beat result. Th Portias. Auction Room. A. Scbabacb, prop., 311 First at. Phone Mala 8858. . WHO IS M. a. MORGAN CO.? WE want good need eoffe ai TY. 308 Second St. ROLL-TOP neef. Western Balrsg Co., 007-808 Waablngtos, Pacific TM. WANTED Wholesale prlc on 100.000 feet of mixed lumber. Address 932 Esat Ninth St., North. A. Lane. WANTED 8tmrtc second band trunhv, cheap. Aililreee P 8, Journal. ' ' : . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE KINO 8n Jefferson et, new bnlldlng, . handsomely furnished, with every modern con- ventenee; all outside rooms, with beat, ga cr electric llghta, porcelain hatha; rates from 88 to 31R per man thi spsatsl rate to 3 er more EOTEL MONARCH, M Star st. transients en. llcitsd: price rtasooabls. Pboa Pcioe 306, tcesrei FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB HAMARN. 188 N. 18th.. ear. Hoyt Nswly furnlabed rooms, el. 00 spi conreoirui inrmnus. 16 mlsotea' walk to fair grounds; Morris., Car at union depot Oirecx oowee, rains eaiu. CHEAPEST and heat located rooms la Portland, 31 and an. Oilman. First and Alder ate. BEAUTIFUL front salts snd 3 other deelratile rurnlshett , room m Bsouersi msi v. v 1 . i. aniuyt pnone, mm,' . u, w , -ua MARQCAM HOUSE. 146H 8th Rooms mitt Or Blnglc souseseoliuaruosue ww.ra, bath, electrl lights; . trsnslent solicited. FUKNINHED room, slnrl or en salt. 83 per mouth and p, noiei rairmaaini, Aarsnty' etxth and Upshur and Vangbn at. NICELX furnished noma at anoderate price for rent In large priraie nouae. cios aa. uui at 14T Tenth St., near Ataar. THB GRAND Newly furnished room by the week er soonth. ia ursaa are. , HOTEL NORTHERN Ring I room, room and board, and mom for nouseieepmg; a 10 pel month an. 13th and Marshall ata. Main 14fis. NICE reome, reaaonable. 878 Alder, opposite Arlington club. Main anaL THE BENNETT. SCIH Morrlaon Furnlabed rooms, 60 per day, 4-1. DO per week and ap. THE DORMER. Thirteenth and Jefferson Ele gantly furnlabed ran ma, modern nrick. Steam neei new, reaaooasHav- aie wwq. THB OTIS. Eaat BnrnaMr at. and Unloa are. Newly furnished room racing south; price roasoBsbl; electricity, bath and phone free. THB BELLEVUB, 318H Fourth at. Neatly mrnlabed rooma; electric iignta, aorceiaia hatha; rery low rats py weeg or auouia. nooa tui. FOR RENT 4nrnlshed room;, free phone) print reasonable, gbg riortB Twteifta at. THE RICHEUEU. SSti NORTH SIXTH ST- EI.EGANT ' FURNISHED KUOMa; 11X111 HEAT AND BATHS. ELEGANT front room, modern homo, nelect hoard, same eooxtnr: ntann; cnean winter rate: 3 block from Port land aoteL 313 Keren th at. HOTEL MONARCH. 888 Stark at., Mrs. Aekley, rrop. neatly rurnianea rooma; transient. THB fll'R. 80 Ehrrenth at., ear. Stark Newly rurnlanen. steam beat, gas llgbt and nataa; oa block from car line; rate reaaonable. 423 RVEBBTT One furnlehed room, ST; on front room, rnrawbed, 812; ry dealrahl. eaay walking distance, only fir black from Washington. riVB FT7RNI8HRD ROOMS, bath, pis no, yard. nry water, conrenienc to car line; reasonable rent. 1148 Eaat Alder. Pboa Eaat 8318. FOR RENT Large room with board; nrlrata laniiiy. roooe stain nun. aaa MonlgODaerr. TUB PRINCETON. J. W. Carlson. Proprietor new mrnienea rooms: aiectTic ugnta, pot ana -eold waterj price 31 week aad pp.- 186 H Mom son at., near in ornira. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR RENT Furnished honaekeertlng-rcjorn T near onra Block oa east aiae; gas ranges, bath, etc no transients; price moderst. Logs blk.. 10i4 -Unlo ra., , corner East Alder. Pbone East 4824. THE MITCHELL. Fundere and Seventh Rooeaa, pouaekeepinc aad traaelent; eonvsnisnt; prig THE GLADSTONE 612H 8a Tier at, ftrrnuahed rooma; oBaer new Bunagamaot; price ree- laoie. - . If.71 PBhV WEEK Larg clean rnrniahsd boaeekeeping-room: laandry aa hats, , 1A4 BBerasaa,- aoata ronuM. KICELT farnUhed houeekeepln ronms; ss s 111a la room. McKay tilk.. woss nassiu st. gvnillgllasl kee single room. 820 Fourth st. FOR RENT Hoeaekseping-roome, furnlabed or anfn rule bed. as desired, on ear Una. - 14 Fifth u. - 4 THREH aararnsihed honeekplng room la era new flat; rest cheap. Sb8 ruth st. FOUR furnished front room. 810 per month; also sjirurniaoed rooms, vot ldiob ava, S00H FOURTH Nlc front mom In eulte of two, class and ocstrsnie. gia; rood neignDor- booor and clnee to nosineea eeater. NTCELT tarnJabed front rooma: ras. bath. furnace heat, laundry; 818 month. 848 Har rison t. 177 THIRD RT- Nleelr furnished ' room for boose keeping; Cloee in; reaaonaDie; amg w FOR RENT S furnished or onfurnlehed booee- keenlne rooms: very deairshie; modern: rent reaaonable. 483 Eaat Washington at. PLEASANT front room, with alcova; alas cob- nected aultea tn permaoent; phon. oslD, as ef laasdry. 33 North Eleventh. . PrVs rea aonable. 460 YAMHILL, Bear Twelfth, one or two ee- atrable feousekeeping roosna; pout wood ana gee range. ' ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS' room and board for permanent people, 622.00 ana gzo per OKmrn; tani ooara 84 par week. Astor boa, 7 th god Madlaoa ts. Pboa Mala 823L ROOMS "With hoard for permanent tenant, res sons hie; Drst -class Boms eooxing. ggj Sixth at, . . LIN DELL HOTEL, Fourth and Market New brick, elegantly rurnisaea. amors xnroogn oot; rate reeeooable. THB STERLING. Mtb and Conch Under new management; thoroughly renovated; iirsi-ciaas board and rooms; alagla or ea eulte. THE COMMERCIAL Select family hotel; nicely fnrnlabedr- alorle or an auire; ianw nret class; free he the: stesm beat; rata reason able, ens waaaington su WANTED Children to board. Call or address E.. MacDoweU. 1406 Eaat arveratt t city. 308 SALMON, bet. Front First Board aad room 64 to a wees ; moo em orics eiag. BOARD and room at reaaonabla rat. Apply at 628 Taylor st. siaia ees. ROOM and board, hem cooking, 31T 8 month: also rurniauea Booseaeepinc rooms. ni Front St. FURNACE-HEATED room and board, 328 par - month. Heaj Taylor at. i-non t-aciiie no. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Six-room cottar. 811 Market at Inquire 258 Chspmaa at Phono Front 80S. POll RENT Modern 8-room bouse, with er with out furnlrar. Apply B. L. Cat, 113 Second treet . 8-ROOM modern cottage on carllne, eaat aide, 620. Inquire 386. Washing toe at $18 MODERN 5-room cottage, nlc location; yard. hetb Feat Ankeny, Twenty-eighth car. 60S Nelson. . Dr. Darling. MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE tn Hawthorn Park for rent or will 1L Apply B. L. Cat. 113 Second t v Ron For Rent. . Rent Collected. RDWARD L. BTNSON. Room 1 Tlamlltoa hldg. Pboa Black 8183. HOUSE, 2ftT.. North Twentieth, t moms, norca laln batb. farnace, cement ha semen t. k. L Gllaaa. 420iOhmhr of Commerce. , NEW 8-room honae snd rmartar block, Hancock . and Eaat Twenty-sixth st. 8.17.50. B. la, - Lombard. 814 Chamber st Commerce. RADDKRt.T TRANSFER CO.-, erompt aad r nrile"plsno and furniture movers; alae etnr g. Phone Main 1885. Of Bee, 110 N Third. MODERN 8-ronm cottage, porcelain bath and baaemenl, Hnlladsy'a addition, near at eel bridge, inquire room 801, the Deknaa. Tele phone between 8 aad 8, PadSe 486. " FOR RENT 312.50 per month. 8-room house, not new, Burnelde and Eaat Thlrty-gret low - rent; ae It 443 Sherlock bldg,j;,.-r.j- S-4-ROOM ottsgee, 10 East 340S Phoo FOR RENT HOUSES. Fl'RN(HHED 8-ronnt modern . cottage, near Wood lawa, 316 a swBtb. Inquire 204 weaningioB m. NEW 8-room house. 3 floors, newly tin tad; fur nace, via gieinioat, . QUARTER block, T-mom modern bouse, eiue; rent io, mono ocott ixo. SEVEN-ROOM boo for rent, 20. 6TB Madl om t. SIX-ROOM bouss. 427 Ererett at., near 'Tenth - rent i: key. la ealoon. . William Denboim, railing ning. ...... . . HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI- TURE FOR SALE. ' POR beat twialt oa ' TURNrTURB" . Whether to bay or sell, ring op Main 0855. PORTLAND AUCTION HOOMS. 211 Flrat at. PARTIES Icarlng mast ssll saw modern furnl. tnr or n room eoiisg; m lor rent. I'bou Kaet oogs. - FOR RENT FLATSr- 0NR 4-mom flat. ; 474 Belmatit St. Phon ESSt 1X7". ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS. H0TBL FAIBMOUNTS Earth Twenty -sixth st., . froai '. Dpshor . t aaagaa. .. ... Rooms fwratshed aad aofnmtahed. single ana ss euiie. f 1 par wee a ana up. -' A pel maeeirt gsodera bnlldlng. plaatered aoa wits oeureom ana asoaerm piumoisg. ' PIPED FOR OAS FOB O0OKIN0. ALL OUTBIDS ROOMS. f FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. OFFICES, unfurnished, aad Bam pi a -rooma; a la osu nvxau, . woodnooga Mag. Apply at th eiavarer. CENTRA LLT located with nbo light and beet. ST. 50 Cste, 118 Second St. month. R, FINE. LA RGB FRONT ROOM, suitable for stn- die or larg offle. wU lighted. Room 8. so oixib at. - PART of store and office; good light. 148 Front t. fhone Main tvtss. STORE FOR RENT Oa Wasntn.toa at., la bnalnen center, cheap rent; less and flxturea tor sale. Addrees r , journal. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT About January 1. 3-tory brick building 100x100. aortheaat enr. Third aad . Madlaoa! will remodel aad iesss wnoss of -. part to deslrsbl partle. Apply to R. T. Cos. Ne. T First at. room 10. FOR RENT -etorr ws re bona. 100x100. track a as. Borthweat cor. - Foartb and Hoyt Apply J. M. Teal. S14 Worceater blk. Mala 868. BUSINESS CHnNCES.' FOR SALE Reetaornnt. a map If take at once; other bnslaeea taks owner's time: must ell; farst-clsas location, doing good nosineea. vubol at Bherwood. auois Harrison, room 8. CONTINUED tllneee compels ms te Bell chsng furnlahmg and boslneaa or neat 85- room hotel la Portland; central location, good M. eiimaa hotel, f irst and Alder. PARTNER wanted ta a aond real aetata office t amall tnveatment required. Apply 321 Va Alor- rieos, cor, rim, room 0. WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A 00. t A RESTAURANT ea Sixth t.' doing a good hsaineae. also on oa Burnelde at. ; both are bargain. 818 rw st National seal tato 0. ' - FOR SALE On account ef alcknee. nlc. clean. money-making bnalnes oa seat side; sale from $18 to $88 per day; price $1,400, or will in vol re; ao agent wanted, u w, ear journal. WANTED Tour boslneaa to sail; wa 011 all klads property. 888 Burnalde st 100 SOUVENIR post earda, lOr; etampa er liver; join onr exchange. Yale Poat Card Exchange, bob ibis.- aow Hares, con. WANTED Reepohnlhl man to manage branch office and depot for large coffee and eplce company owning Ita own mills; salary $2f) monthly and commissions ; references nd ltv vestment of $1,000 required. ' Addrea man agar. IS River st, Chicago. AT year owa . price; cigar, fruit and candy ' ' store, for rev ' living room In rear: cheap rent Owner, I0h MortD roarta at. A GOOD paying millinery store for aale st Th Dalle. Oregon. Beet Iocs t Ion tn , tbe city. Furnlabed housekeeping rooms Joining store. Good stock, good trade. Reasons for selling; want ta give tlm and attention to home. Call or ddree. THB DALLES MILLINERY PARLORS, 306 Second St.. Th Dalle. A SNA P 20-room lodclng-booa. doing good bnalnes. for sale or trade . fur realty er fruit ataad. SUVtt Maauoa at FOR SALE Salooa at 800 Flrat at., corner of Co ram hi a : three upstairs and one lower floor furnished rooma: bare to icav city oa eccouui of aleknea; prlc reaaonable. FOR 8ALB Stesm bath parlors, wall equipped, doing good bnslne; no experience to run It; leaving city; $300. Addrees P 6, ears Journal. $800 TAKES BUSINESS centrally located, clear ing $100 month: owners leaving city; will pay to Inrestlgst. Otto. A Crockett, 24fiVx Washington. ' , . - .- SALOON with good labor! rar -class trade for ssle; will sell hslf Interest ts th tight party. Addrea r s, car journal. SO-ROOM hotel with or wlthont bar for sale; will sell half Interest to right party. ; Ad dress P 1, - rare Journal. - HOTEL, 100-roota new hotel, all well furnished com. filet, modera conveniences. In a good grow ng Oreroa towa, 8.000 population, making good money aow will exchange for Portland nroperty or good fsrm. ... HENKLR A RAKER, r '. 217 Ablngton bldg. $250 RUTS hslf .interest In good paying rest 1 . . . , . ., . i . 1 i ili.ui esinie nasiiieMr h.ww,s"v.vm Address P 8, car Journal. - - $425 WILL bny furniture of 8-ronm bona, near posrnrrics; rent e-'-1 1" -"- . 1 1--wnam sewing mschbi. nw raage. B. i. Geleer, 221 H Morrlsoa St. - FOR SALE la on of th beet town ta th tste. bakery, crmrecrionera, yeweiry, ata thmerr, perfumery, cigar and tobacco; no opposition: elckneea Is th csus of selling. - Addrees lock ho 144. Covo. Or. BEST tmetnee chance in Oregon; only hart- ware etore in town; line line, pinmmng. rw ttculare, box L 414. North Bend, Or. FOR SALE Lodrlng hone. 80 moms, doing good boslneaa. 4fi Eaat tiaa. Eaat anno. DEPARTMENT STORE FOR SALE A ear Imslneaa ciiane cor a man witn gn.utw or p-rer. For partlculara call at 810 Cnjon are.e cor. of Falling at., city. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A GOOD earner, qnerte block, neer Northern rscin terminal; goon ineome properxr. isii eerly. gig fine at National Real Bat at Co. UH ACRES. Mj mil rock or gravel; fin soil, eaay tn clean fan- nine wafer, mad en 3 sides! 876 nor acre. fer. way terms. 1 60, ear of Journal ORDER AJTT CLA3SIIICATI0R Five Cents per Line ' Ke ad taken for lees than 18e per day. Seven words, ml, constitute Una, but eerh line I chsrgad regardle ot th number of words. WEEKLT RATE T tneertten flnelndln ees Suaday las a. 30 CERTS par Us per MONTHLY RATE flndsdlng all Suaaay sJLV.i'1-,l 00 " or meath. ADVFkTI8MEllT8 mast ha la Journal hualnaa cfSo by 18 o'eleok 'reek dsv aul W .j. 1 .i i- o - . . 7 .wis Mturasy ersning lor I the Sunday Issve, t aeeure elaaaioatlec.4 r-r wmwml s'-" 'ea - nppiieaiisa ax tha afSoa. THE JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES . ' "' ' - ADVTaTISIsTEaTsV. , '" '. .' Will be received at , rerular mem-effle fate. Followlnr In a Hat of authorised A rente, who will forward your dvartlae ment la tlm for pablicatloa la tb ssxt !al 1. .-.:..... - B0RTH STDH. ;" R- A. Prestm, druggist Twenty-third Bd Tburman etreeta. Nob Hill Pharmacy. 880 Oltaa atreet. corner Twenty-flret A. W. Allen, pharmacist, Slxteeafh aad Marehsll street. McCommon'a Pharmacy, Nineteenth sad Wash lngtoa atraet. . S0TJTK nSB. ' ' ' B. P. Jon Oo druggist. Front nal Ofhh streets. - Cottel Drag company, First and Grant fsreta. - - Fabian Byerley. draggiat 400 Jsffereon treet. corner Tenth. Bettman's Pharmacy, corner Sixth gad Herri sob streets. Pluromer Drug company, 300 Third strsst, corner slodlson. , - 1 : BAST nB. . Tf. S. Lnva. drngglet. corner Grand avenue and Fast Burnetii etreet. Ntchola A Thom neon. 138 Russsll street, corner Albtna avenue. - - .. . Janrks Drug compaay, corner Hawthorn snd Grand seen nee. W a Cable, druggist, corner Holladay svenn and Larrabee . atreet aear steel bridge, R. A. Wilson. 183 Grand avenue. Bear East Morrlaon. R. W. Ball. 858 Rest Seventh etTMt, eornor Stephens. t -- HTOHXAIID. - -'-' P. J. Cmrk. drogglsl. 1003 North Oaloa SURMTSTDB. J- B. Worth, pharmactof, 808 Belmont street, 1 ... - - BR00XLTB. ' ' " Brooklyn Pharmacy company, Powall and Mllwaakl atracta. - n : ARLETA. ORZO0V. ' ' Arleta Pharmacy, Moro and roster street. .. ixLLwooD. . Remstork'a Pbsrmsry. 548 Umatfil a sua, corner Eaat Thirteenth atreet. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FIFTY-FOOT LOT on Keamry atreol, $1.7i)0. Tyena ' Klnsall, 903 Commercial Mock. Mala -3823. .. . . rr" - FOR CHRISTMAS' GIFT TO TOUR FAMILY. A new 6 room cottar, mil lot, 3 blocks good car line; 31.000. $200 cash, balance $13 every month. Get your owa bom and anjoy Iba holidays. . 637R rm-cted lots, $10 cash, $10 auonthly. ' f7uo rm mta, waixing oisianca. All im- F. FL'CHS, 1404 First Sf. IF yoa want to bay or rent s bona. e wa. ' w aav oargaina in improved ana nmm. proved property la all part, of Portland and suburbs. - "WnaT" CAMPBELL A sTWILLAN, 376 Fifth (t ' Pacts 634.' FOR 8ALR at a bargain, modera T-room boase ba East Taylor, close in; terms to sun porchsser. . Apply F 43, car JournaL FOR 8ALB 8.8-rrmn cottage oa east etd basement and yard, not and cold wstsr, be til I pries $1,300, Addrees 0 40. JonmaL BRAND-NEW B-room eottsg on Dlvlslo st. wita Bstn. Basement ana porcn; mi ouxiihi; only $1,850; snap for small family; eeay terms Tyson KlneeU, 003 Cdmmrrclal blk. Main 3823. FORSALE Modern su barns a eottsg. clew to csfllne. One location, ground luuxiuu. u, w. P. Townslte Co.. 184 First at TWO fine tots, 100x100. earner; good 'view of now mountain; cnean. asm new moaeni furnished 6-room bouse, barn. Eaat 428, or Main 1415. 8ELLWOOD LOTS. $6 dowa and $6 a month mm gio- to gzuu. , aeiiwood aswosit to. Pboa Esst 4704, LOTS, acreage and residence ea Portlind Heights, j. o. Bborner. 305 lamblll. Cor. I'ark IF yea want to bny or aell real estate call on a; w 00 not aeai in enana, out net your property with a at Its real valuei we will ell It for yoa. Square Deal Real Estate Co., 308 Morrison at.. Allakr bldg., mom 806. Pbons Psdfle 601. W. E. Her. manager. 8 ACRES, all clear and In cherry tree 10 year old: 6e car far; rot adjoining giuu to gluot $.150 per acre. I 61. car of JoaraaL THREW new bouses, rent or aale; man. Foartb at, room 1. owner. -.. ' ANY ONE wanting aotng la Wood lawn, call Esst 10. HOW Is thtet A nest 8-mom bone, nice level lot 50x100. on F.sst 14lh St., on block from csrlln; tb best bny ta East Portland; $1,000. M 15, csre JoaraaL f -ROOM modern bonse, fs,ll bssement, part flnlsnea tnroagnout. gss, electricity; erne in, esst aid. Addre W., 488 Bast ecr nteenth at. WESTERN OREOON TRUST CO. (Inc.). Phone Pacific 0B3. 201 starg at.. Portland. Oregon, Real estate, timber land, rentals, fire Insurance, Take full charge of properties, eecure tenants, ovarec - repair and collect ' rent. . $3,700, A SNAP Comfortable modera boose. close m oa tn esst side, iiving-rootns, ostn. etc., gas and electricity. Isrge naeement con- -talnlng laundry, two (tor nnd fnelroomsi everything shout tbe bonse In Bret-else re pair; tbe lot I 150 feet deep, contains chicken bouss and yard snd number of 3ne fruit trees; Ideal home for ' comfort and con. venlence. Call or address tbe ownrr, room 800, the Msrquam. . Pboa Mala 80S, I Is 1 R m. ACRES very fin land, tea thsa ms mil rrom electric line. 11 mitee irosa r-ortrsni. on fin road; there I ao rork or gravel; lie level and assy to elesr; $ne per act, any kind of terms. I 40. car of Joaraal. ROOMB, Mt. Tabor. 100x100. on csrlln, barn, plenty fruit Owner. 120 Third at. LOTS In North Portland on Vangbn and Wlkma sts.1 corner lots gl.mio. Inside lots B. M. Lornlwrd. 614 Chamber of Conwoerce. HAVE TO SELL my beautiful lot In Raw. thorn Park for a bargain. Call or ring ap C. R. Borqnlet. Fifth and Flandera. MAKR an offer on half Mork en Twelfth,, Hot. laday a add. swart sia mamner commerce. -' . ACRE TRACTS! 0UB SPECIALTY1 18 ACRB TRACTS! , ' Fall-slsed street, wstsr to aaeb acre. ",' TERMS $10 PER ACRE CAH . $10 PER ACRB PER MONTtL. Tea gi to these seres oa the same ear, nay tbe em 6e fare the lot axaa pays. Th lot mil I your neighbor, bot hJg re. trlct'.dTi ThaJorlTy" of Jesfure that makg g trns stihnrhan. -borne. Open Wedneedsy snd Saturday venlng A. a churchTll A C0 IJttJ.' r ; 110 Second st FOR SALE) Corner- inrtxinn, on Fourth st. SIS.- ewspr,- iwaiuu, :as BMSIM x I OOIU nttt " huslnese property,-. In th hesrt of the cltyi fine Iocs lion for sn story brick bulldliat. Adxlres u 13, car Journal. A.