The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 06, 1905, Image 1

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Fair and cooler tonight; Thursday
generally fair; winds mostly westerly.
Journal Circulation
VOL. ,IV. NO. 236.
nrnfn mirA rrMTC 0 TlUJTt two KVWS
fxAW. wi.sw. ixAiiij. rive cia-ra.
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' 7
Senator Resigns
ship as He Cannot Serve
- - ; on ?e Committee
Administration Rate
2ttQUseJyJomsend Changes Are ;
Made From the Old Measure
, (Washington Bureau' of The Journal.) . '
Washington, Dec! 6. Vice-President Fairbanks received a tele'
gram from Senator Mitchell of Oregon yesterday resigning the chair-
-.- t . ... .. ' . i . it. r i l
, mansnip oi me senate commiiiee
probably be succeeded by Millard
Y Senator Mitchell's" resignation of the chairmanship of the
. ' ...... . I . 1 .' ' V . . ' i
lSinmian committee was sent dv telegram yesterday.
'" "I came to the conclusion that as I couldn't take any part in the
7 work of the committee I. would better resign. ' That's all. there is
. to it," said Senator Mitchell today, when asked for the reasons .for
: his action.'- i - .:.'" . '." - :, 1 V . :,
" (Journal Special Servfce.)
' Waahlngton, D. C, Dec 4. Both
houses mat at the usual time thla jnern
ing. Tha galleries- were 'crowded and
there - waa a large attendance of both
aenators and. representatives.
Representative Townsend of Michigan
introduced Into the bouaa today. In an
amended form, tha Eech-Townsend bill,
regulating railroad freight rates, which
passed lb sweatiest sesflton. The bill
' , still baa tha auuoort of tha admlnlatra-
Unea of , last year'a bill, making -It
clearer that Jf la Intended, to Include
private and refrigerator-car llnee under
the jurisdiction of tha Interstate com
merce commission. ..,..,... ... j.
Tha blU Incraaaea tha Interstate com
merce commission to seven members,
with salaries of U0.000,00( a year each,
ad glvea tha oommlaaton power Vto de
clare and order a maximum rata. . The
railroads can appeal from (the decision
of the comrataalon to the supreme court
Tha measure provldea for tha Inspection
of all books and accounts of railroads,
and Is designed to five publicity to all
, tha affaire of the corporation.
Powers of Ooaunlsstoa.
Tha bill provldea that when a com
plalnt la found to be well founded the
commlaalon baa the power to fix maxi
mum ratea. Whan a low rata baa beea
(Ivan favored ahlppera tha commlaalon
la cloaked . with power to make tha rata
the maximum for all ahlppera Private
car Unea, Industrial roads and refrlgera
' tor chargee are put under supervlalon
of tha commlaalon, Tha -railroad ac
counta are to be examined along- the
Unea that national bank aocounta are at
present examined and the commlaalon
ia given tha power to Compel trunk lines
to give fair treatment to lateral and
branch Unea. ,'-....
Tha bill provldea that the commission
muat determine whether the railroad
rate la reasonable and Juat, and after a
full Inveatlgation the - board can pre
scribe the maximum reasonable ' rata.
This decision to go Into effect within
a reasonable' time, subject only to re
view by tha courts. - The general In
tention Is to make tha Intaratate com
merce commlaalon a regalatlve board,
rather than one to originate ratea ,
Tha first sign of a spilt between tha
president and tha leaders of the party
In the senate upon the railroad rata quea-
Fire department
Police department-,
Street lighting .........
Btreet-repalr , urn it n
Park . . .....
Bonded Indebtedness "interest fund.', t
Improvement bond Intereat fund
special onagv lunu .,..,,,...
Total special funds . .
City engineer's department
Health deimrtment
Street cleaning .............. , ., . ............. .
Poundmaater'a department
Civil service
Harbormaster . ..,.r,...4,..,,
Municipal court . .......,.,,
Plumbing Inspector , ., ,
City auditor's department,
City treasurer' a department i..;
City attorney's office
Litigation . .
Mayor's office
Councllmen'a salaries
Council's sxpenses ................................
City hall ,
Advertising . r..
Relief .
License tags . ..,..... . , . . . ...-...............
Improving city property...,
Viewers, street extensions .'............,..........
Ktationery, and blanks
Furniture,' city hall .., , mi,. ,...., . .
Building inspector .
Insurance . . ..A...
Repairs Tanner creek sewer ........ ,.
Redemption .of Warrants ,.......,. 4ii. , -
r:iertlons , , ..
Codifying ordinances
Working prisoners ..',,..
Purchnns of property ,
Return of surplus Improving streets. ...... ,. -
T' eflnm(vt gi nrnl fund ..J.'
the Chairman-
Bill Introduced in the
on lnieroccanic canais. , xic win
of Nebraska. -7 t , -' -
tlon Is manifest by tha audden and de
termined opposition to the confirmation
of Franklin K. Lane, aa a 'member of
tha lnteratate . commerce ; commlaalon.
Lane'a nomination waa sent 'to the sen
ate and referred to the committee on ln
teratate commerce. - Lane ia a Bryan
Democrat. . When thla became known
there waa instantly vigorous objection
on the part of Senators popularly - re
garded aa antagonistic to the plan to en
large the powers of the commlaalon
t yniuTot Jure laeiiatorAmonThema,II-T
rich, Foraker, Qalllnger and Fulton,, ware
arouaed by tha appointment. " .
Jk Ovea Peaaoerata.
Tha Republlcana In the aenato de
clare that railroad rate legislation la the
political question before the administra
tion and that tha Republican party . la
responsible to the country fdr the en
actment of legislation and -the execution
of -laws. To place the. control of tha
interstate commerce commlaalon In tha
handa of thr Democrats -would be a
fatal blunder from a political aUndpolnt.
Soma of tha aenators are Inclined to re
gard the' appointment of Lane aa a bid
for Democratic support In congreaa.
The'nominatlon la certain to be held op
and efforta made to) Induce tha preaident
to withdraw It, and if -that falla tha
committee will report . agalnat Lane'a
confirmation..., . . . . -
, mhlletty Feature.
In addition to last year'a bill, tha new
measure has the publicity feature, and
glvea tha commlaalon Jurladlctlon over
terminal charges and directly prohibits
the carrier from granting any ahlpper
the privilege of collecting product and
than getting a apeclal - rate under the
abort term provision ror changing ratea.
Townaend says tha bill wUl fully ac
complish the things to which the preai
dent particularly calls attention to In
his message aa being neceaaary to bring
about the proposed reform a. . , .
' Considers Oeaal Bill.
The houae resolved Into a committee.!
or ins wnoie ana Began the considera
tion of the Hepburn canal bill, which
appropriates $1, 100.000 for the Imme
diate use of the Isthmian commission.
Senator Heyburn of Idaho Introduced
a Joint resolution In tha Beasts today,
requesting tha president to enter upon
negotiations with the governments of
. (Continued an Page Fourteen.).
Rip. 10S.
0.771.87 '
;. s e
.' esea
Est. 10.
. . ,
k ..... .
....... ......
i $0,000.00
' 15.000.00
-il.a, f ov.vv
. 112.000.00
' 112.000.00
VilNDi "
', A-,
. 1.200.00
' $0 095.00
' S0.71l.00
a. bDi. OS
$.112 60
2.600 00
20.4I4. - 2h00 00
.7J..5 (.300.00
. ,0000 '
S.171.0S '
S.7SI.00 ,
104 00
.10,101 00
10.551. 00.
4.000 00 ,
42. 00
. 760.00
(.500.00 ;
... ....
S.50 00
. . 1.01 J 60 '
11.421 5
J.214 4I
S7I.24 t
' S2S.00
(.400 00
(.100 00
4,500 00
looo flo
2.600 00
(00. oo
7,600 0
c 6"
S. ooo oo
1.4)00 00
1 60 00'
e e
a a
Mayor Recommends Cutting
Down Estimates of Fire De
- partment, Police Depart
( i rnent and Others. ,
Mayor Lane lata thla afternoon pre
sented to the city council tha estimate
of expenses of the different departments
of the municipal government tor
Thla wss referred to the waya and
maana committee, where the flgurea wUl
be scrutinised and tba tax. levy fixed for
next year. .
: The mayor recommended that the eatl
mate of the fire department be reduced
$60,000. the police department $11,700,
tha atreat lighting department $11,000
and the park board $7,000. Ha recom
mends the - reorganisation of tha health
department and tha combining of the of
flcea of plumbing inspector, building In
pector and health of ficera. He la of tha
opinion that a tax levy of 4 . mills upon
an estimated valuation of $116,000,004
taxable property In the city, together
with tha receipts from -. the " airierent
sources, will be sufficient to maintain
tha city government during 1900. - Hla
recommendations follow In detail:
The. Mayor's Message.
"To the Honorable City Council. Port
land. Oregon:;
"Gentlemen: After having carefully
gone over the eatlmatea of tha different
depertmenta, I submit to you herewith a
compiled statement of the-entire finan
cial affairs of the city aa they have been
presented to me."
"In view of tha fact that tne assessed
valuatlon'a of all' properties have 'been
Increased to - about - two .and one-half
times what U was last year, the levy
for the texea for 10 muat be kept
crij iiifiuv..
ratio. The city Is growing rapidly, and
era In. lta hlatory. pointing to a greater
Increase In lta business and population
than It has ever known before, and It
should be properly provided with suffi
cient funds to keep up with the advance
In lta needs! At the same time all ltema
of -expenditure ahould be- carfuUy ecru
tlnlsed, that tha people's money may not
be waated. ,";.
. Four Kill Xvy Bnongh. t '
"I find It a difficult propoaition to
atrlke a balance between the actual
needa and tha neceaaary outlay required
to meet them. At any rate ee near as
I can ascertain a levy of 4 mllla upon an
estimated valuation of $US, 000,000 of
property will see the city aafely through
the coming year. - To do this the esti
mate .for the fire department muat be
reduced to I IJ 1.000 or 160,000 below thai
submitted: In the-report from that de
partment. We need Increased apparatua
for fighting flrea, but by making care
ful selections of sites In outlying dis
tricts snd using half pay system for
call men in some instance, an Increased
expenditure of say $15,000 or $10,000
above laat year will materially Improve
tha present condition of affalra.
"In tha police department a eavtng of
$1,100 a year can be made If the city
will board and keep Its own horses at
lta own a tables. By substituting a pa
trol wagon station on the east aide
In plaoa of a station, soma tt.000 mors
can be aavad. By leaving out the im
provement In the patrol system $3,600
mors can be taken off, making a total
of say $11,700.
( Oast ftave In Lighting.
'In atreet lighting, allowing an In
crease of 100 lights for tha year, we
can save $11,000 from the estimate.
"The park board expended, say $23,000
this year, with much new sidewalk to
be built, with, none to build next year,
(Continued on. Page Two.)
FOR. 19 O 6
General Fund
General llrenaes . ........
Dog licenses . . , .. . . . J
MunlclDal court tines
Muuaing permits . ..
Pound fees . ........
Delinquent taxes'...
aira. ana eng. ......
Premium on bonds ............
Sidewalk repairs
Rale of Junk
'ertinco copies
, . . .
- r rancisea . . ......
inieresi on aepoaiia .......... . ... .......
Fumigating . . .
Plumbers' certliyates
ine ok rollers . .......,,..........
Hants or city nail
Code, 10S .
Miscellaneous costs street Improvements. . . . . .. ......
Redemption of property
Coats circuit court .......... w. ....... ,,..........
Street signs ......................................
Refunds . , ..... ,r. .;. ,
Morrison street bridge .,
Tranafers . . .
Mls'-ellsneous . . ..... .................... i ... . A.
Building ordlnancea , A .. .
loiaia . . ..........
Balances carried over ..............................
.. Grand total
Eatlmate of derartmente. special fund.
Eatlmate of departmenta, general fund.............................
; ..'... .
Total .
General rind fcnd balance -.-s-j-vrvr. v.v.t i rr. .irf; . :. ' i'i
street llshtlng balance ,
Street repair fund balance .i. ,. ..
Park fund balance-
Street repair fund collections, vehicles.
Amount to provide by tax
Taxea on $160,000,(00 aaaesament from 4V
Estimated deflclt . i ............. :1 ...i. ., ,.
Russian' Soldiers Parade Streets
Intimidating Populace New
Governor-General Is Named .
j .! '"'- ) for . Moscow. "
St. Petersburg, Dec. 6. (Bulletin.)
Three battallona of Infantry at Moscow
are reported to have revolted and killed
their office ra. .
A general strike Is progressing In
every city In. the empire Conflicts be
tween the people and troops are re
ported from many places. , -
During the rioting at Kleff mora than
1000 were killed or wounded. Mutineers
Bred the officers' quartera and kept the
firemen back until the buildlnga were de
stroyed. ' .
. All tha higher officials of the postal
and telegraphers' unions have been ar
rested. It ia reported from Sevastopol
that Admiral Chouknln la openly Incit
ing the populace to massacre the Jews.
,- . (Joernsl Bpedal Servtes. - - i
Berlin. - Dec . Dispatches by courier
to the frontier from Bt. Petersburg say
that the chief of the preaa censorship
office haa resigned. BOldlera are parad
ing the streeta at Voronezh, levying
blackmail and Intimidating the populace.
An official note aaya that the govern
ment la anxloua to institute the reforms
promised in tha manifesto, but that It
la Impossible to do so until the laws re
quired by tba reforms are passed.-' Un
til then the old laws must be enforced.
' "Podwolocsyska, a town on the Ruaao-
Gallclan frontier, la crowded with
fugitlvea . from Kleff, .Odessa,. Kharoff,
Voronash and other aouth Ruaalaa towns.
They -relate terrible stories of anarchy
and atrocious eruelty, Famlllea were
I murdered bj.tln wholesale Oo. Odesaa
BunalT taai ana mucn property, as-
stroyed by the Hooligans. . Jewish chil
dran weie teituinl in ilie 1 prtwsinja uf
their parents -and -then killed, the
parenfa themselves being afterward
massacred. Hundreda of corpses are
lying In tha streets, no one daring to
remove them, not even the nuna-offer-lngrro
help the wounded or murdered."
Arfdiapatoh says that the Baron Mo
dem, prefect of police' at Moscow, has
resigned. - General Durnovo, governor
general of Moscow, Is replaced by Ad
miral Dubasof. (
Oraad Bake Blekolas Will Command la
Case Osar does Abroad.
London, Deo,1. . Tha Grand Duke
Nlcholaa Nlcholalvltch, who, according
to dispatches from St. Petersburg, Is
spoken of aa poaaible regent In view of
the reported Intention of the csar to
go abroad, la the soldier psr excellence
of the Russian Imperial family. Fifty
years of age, he la the elder of tha two
sons of the lste Grand Duko Nicholas,
the 'disreputable brother of tha mur
dered csar, Alexander II, and haa been
engaged In active aervloe In the army
ever since his fifteenth year. Ho was
but 10 when the war of 117$ with Tur
key broke out, but ao . distinguished
himself during that campaign, in the
course of which ha received a severs
wound, that ha was promoted to - tha
command of the Grand Husaar regiment
and aubsequently to tha rank of major
general. He Is said by those who knew
him to be a very conacientioua man, a
firm disclpllnsrtan.jn all mattera re
lating to the army, but at tha same
time very genial and kindly to all. of
those with whom ha comes in contact.
The present czar Is known to esteem
him highly snd In view of this fact
the report that the Grand Duke Nicholas
might be nsmsd regent Is regarded In
some quartera aa . not altogether im
probable. ,
. ... $285,000.00
L 14a4V 4Mt
r. " '7. VTVy
1.000 00
, , 1,200.00 ;
' 661. 7(
40.500 00
7,207.(3 . 43,t
. - S36.1S '
. 7.600 00
117 00
, ' 111 00
IS 47
-- . 11S.00
12.000 00 ,
S.l 60.00
. 260.00
06.00 ,
$30.01 64
i (0.00
1. 100.00
: 116.00
. '
S 15.00
f,. ...... .
12.000 00
$140.1197 00
11.000 00
$195,121 A
...... ..i.
. i
7.471 00
; - 20.000.40
$412,416 04
744.117 44
. (64.760.00
- mlll levy. ............
Lady Wnioughby d'Eresby.Who Was Miss Eloiso, Lawrence Bree of:
New York. She I""Worth $1.000.000 in Her Own Right.
Miss Eloise Lawrence Breese of New York-Married to Lord Wit
loughby cl'Eresby at St. Margaret's, Westminster
" ' Groom Is Heir to Earl of Ancaster. " 7
' : (Jcmrail Special Service.)
London, Deo. (. Tha marriage of Miss
Eloise Lawrence. Breese of New Torfc
and Lord Wllloughby d'Ereaby at St
Margaret's, Westminster, today, was one
of the brightest ever seen. The church
was crowded with a fashionable throng
that Included nearly all tha prominent
members of tha American colony In
London. . . - 1
Seldom haa been seen a mora beautiful
dress than that worn by the bride.- It
waa made of Ivory satin, with full court
train of Brussels lace' chiffon.' Tha
bridesmaids, among them Mlaa Annie
Breese and Lady Dorothy Onslow, daugh
ter of tha earl of Onslow, looked re
markably pretty In lavender gowns
trimmed with sable, and picture hats.
Miss Cavendish, a granddaughter of the
(Joarnal Special Service.) ,
; Glrard, Kan., Dec (. JIalf suffocated
by ammonia , fumea and . struggling
against six man, Mrs. Sallls Barry waa
captured about noon' In tha car which
shs has held the fort In since Sunday,
whan she drove air passenners -out at
tha revolver'a point and the car waa
aldetrackad here. She calmed down
after her arrest and told her name, and
told also of her daughter at Northport,
Washington. - She fired one shot, but no
one was hurt. - Shs will not bo ar
raigned on an Insanity warrant unless
her friends full to come to her aid.
The capture waa effected through a
jar filled with ammonia .and thrown
(Jnaraal ftpeelal Bi 4ie.)
Fresno, Cel.. Doc. (.Six weeka ago
Wherry Curtlaa waa a healthy, robuat
farmer residing near Visa I la. Today ha
la totally blind and helpless ss the re
sult of s swish of a refractory oow's
tall. While milking one morning Cur
tlaa waa Btruck In the eyes by , ths
switching tall of a cow. Though the
pain -waa Intense tha fanner did not
think seriously of the occurrence until
blood poisoning set in. He. lost tha
sight of one eye, which, wss followed
by. the other. ; ; ; K; .
v:"' Murdered by Fixates. ,"
(jnarssl gprrtsl BorWe. )
Victoria, B. C, Dec. (. The steamer
Empreas of India. Just arrtved from tha
Orient, brings the nawa that tha Ilrltlsh
steamer Cloverdale haa been foun.l
atrandd on a ahoal In the China .
No trace of the crew Was found, It
Is supposed that tha men were niur-Jwiev)
by Chinese pirates. .
duks of Devonshire, acted as flower-girt
tord Wllloughby d'Ereaby Is SS years
old and la ths son and heir of the earl
of Ancaater. Several years ago he waa
engaged for- one week to Mlas Muriel
Wilson, but the engagement waa broken
qff because the Ancasters . are strict
Protestants and disapproved of Miss Wil
son's liberal vlewa about 8 ah bath observ
ance. . . -.-.,'..-The
earl -of Ancestor Is VTO years old
and though he cornea of a long-lived family
In the natural course of things, it cannot
be long before Lord Wllloughby succeeds
to- the title and the magnificent country
seats that go with It. Of tha latter
there are three Orimthorpe castle. In
Lincolnshire: Normanton park, near
.Stamford, and Druramond. castle. In
Perthablre,.. Scotland. ' - . , - -
Into the ' lavatory . through the glaaa.
Blankets were stuffed Into the hole and
the door broken' open with an ax.
A. Lexington (Kentucky) dispatch
states that - tha woman, who haa been
defying - Kansas authorities Is - Mrs,
James PTBarry: 6t Montgomery county,
Kentucky. Jamea P". Barry, her former
husband,' is .a reaident of Lexington.
This mbrnlng Barry visited a lawyer-
W. C. G. Hobba who has received a
number of letiers, showing evidences
of Insanity von the part of tha writer,
from Mra. Barry, urging him to flnd
her husband. After reading tha letters
Barry decided to take steps to aid ths
woman. Her father Is N. O. Bailey and
realdea at Tulsa. L T. ,
' Barry two months ago married May
Rlrtchner of Lexington, who- wishes
her. husband to aid his divorced wife
The Bsrrys have a daughter, Mra. Stella
Phillips, living at Northport, Washing'
ton. . .
Come On In
A real swimmer given FrlKK with next Pt'NDAT'S ORfTJOM JOTTtN'AL
-OEF5, IT'S GREAT Boys, you will be tickled to death to see a boy after
your own heart making a high diva. Next Sunday's rut-out enini'd
la tha bat yet. tha yun-tar
- V fc resuUr
its rnrE-iv;; r.;xi sr;
Eleven-Year-OId Vincent Mo
Kennon Saves Trains From ' .
Being Hurled Off Bridge
Into Kalama River. '
Then Runs Back, Stumbling Through
Darkness, to Kalama, and Telia
Engineer of Freight,' Who Leaves
Man to Warn Passenger Train and
Hurriea to Remove Obstacle.
At Carroira Point on the Northern
Pacific railroad, five miles north , of -Kalama,
lives Vlnoent McKinnon. an 11-
year-old country, lad., whoaa preaence of
mind and prompt, brave action prevent
ed a, serious -disaster Sunday night.
Trainmen along, the line are telling how
the boy -saved tralna from smashing
Into an obstruction on a bridge and
posalbly from being hurled Into the
Kalama river. ,
It waa dark as tha boy walksd along
the railroad tracks toward hla home.
but ha could plainly aea tha obstruo .
tlons on tha bridge snd rsalixed st one ,
ths - impending danger. An saatbound
and a weatbound train were due to-pass
within a short time.. A freight train
he had lust seen at Kalama. ,
Ha thought quickly. Tha westbound
train waa aometlmes late, hs ramsm
berad; the eastbound train waa alwaya
on time... Ha . decided . accordingly.
Through . the darkness ' he aped.
stumbling along the ties toward the.
neareat atatlon to tall the operator to '
stop tha eastbound train. He reached
Kalama Juat aa the freight waa about
to leave and a topped tha train, which
waited and held the pasaenger. Then
tha lad atarted Immediately back to
warn the westbouad-4xala on the other
side of the bridge. . t. L-..
'7 Korses Caoght oa Traok.
Tha to) walketl fiimi his lnnua 4a
Kalama Sunday afternoon. It was t.iO
o'clock when he started . to - return..
Midway between Carroll'a Point and
Kalama la a bridge crossing the Kalama
river. ' When tha boy crossed the
bridge on leaving home there was no
obstruction. . When hs returned, how
ever, ha saw through ths darkneaa that
there were two large objects on the
bridge. , '
He went closer and found two horses "
across the-trscks. Tha animals bad at
tempted to cross during the afternoon.
had fallen partly through the ties and
were Imprisoned there, struggling vio
Carroira Point la directly on the rail
road and . off era few diversions to
youngsters except the trains. Dally tha
boy had watched the great engines puff
ing and shrieking as they passed hla
home, snd hs knew the time of every
one.'. He knew that Not I and 14. two
of ths Northern Pacific crack paaaea- .
ger tralna. would pane each other , at
Ooble, on tha other aide of the liver.
within a short time.,.
While at Kaiama mat. artemoon ne
watched a alnuoua freight train lying
Idly on a sidetrack, while the angina .
fussed busily shout the station. He
heard ths trainmen talking and learned .
that tha westbound passenger waa lata
and that the freight waa preparing to
reach tha next atatlon before it ar
rived. Xad to tjhoose Quickly. . :
Things paaaed quickly through tha
boyish head as he stood there In the
darkness watching the horses struggling
vainly to ' extricate themaelvea. . He
knew danger waa Impending, that aurh
an obstruction must aurely hurl a train.,
from the tracks. Terror seised him; it
was not a childish fear or darkness or
fear of harm to himself, but a great
fear of what might happen if a rapidly
running train struck the obstruction on
ths bridgs.
He caused only for a moment. ie-
clding to risk the chance of the west
bound train's being late, he turned and
retraced his stepe aa rapidly aa ha
could toward Kalama to warn the east
bound train. It waa pitch dark and
running' was slow. He stumbled fre
quently over the rails, but did not fal
ter. He thought oniy oi tne approarn
Hi tralna that, must craah. Into, tha ob-
etructione unless they were" warned by
Finally he reached Kalama. Engineer
Jaoobua, of the freight train, had
mounted his cab and waa preparing for
tha run to beat tha paaaenger to tha
next station. Hs wss peering down tha
tracka, waiting for the algnal from Con
ductor Rector. Suddenly he heard a
piping voles In the darkneaa beside tha
angina Hs listened Intently.
Tve Oea atom etlibig to Tell Too." '
"Pleaae. mtater, don't atart your train
till I tali; you something," gasped th
panting voice In the dirkness. "I've got
something to tell you."
(C"atlnued on Page Thres.
The Watdr's Find i
rt.n.h hei'l' s ir