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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER ' 8. 1905. 1 TOWN-TOPICS TOXIOXT'I AMVUHZXIUS ,. Ilelaeee.. Kuilre.., ,."Tb lrl Wltk the Oreea Era" .tluatcal Burleeuue Lyrle. ......."Th Bun asd strlprs" . 4 Vl(lTil .... Vaudeville .....Vud.Tlll. Liiortr Star .......... Vrul Two hundred Elks attended the enter tainment of the St. Andrew's society to the Elks' hall laat night A luncheon wss served and an excellent program ' rendered, 'aa follows: . Selection, or : rhestra; Introductory remarks and In stsllstion of orfloera. Dr. K. A. J. Jdac kenale; acceptance of offices and' re mark. A. H. Blrrell; toaat. "The King uoa cava in jung,. ifr. k. A. j.i Mac Xenale; toaat. "The President Amer Ira," James Laldlaw; greetings from alater , socletlea: song, "March Of the Cameron Men." J. Adrian Epplng; ad dress, W. W. Catlln; part Bona. "Scot Wha Hae." -Macieay Glee club; song, W. H. Scott; addrasa. "Our Matlve Land and the Coemopolltan Scot." K. Living' atone; eon;. John day; "8t. Andrew' 80- ety," . John Crant Interval of 10 min utes and pip music J part one;, ("Hail to the Chief," Macieay Glee. club; reel tation. "The Schute Board." J: I Qutnn oh, J. Adrian Epplng; ."Auld Lang Bin." ' Syne." The December number of the Chamber of Commerce Bulletin la off the preaa - - and will ba found on of the moat Inter' eating laauea of that publication, that In lta fourth volume, it contains, be sides a large number of fine llluatra- .. . tiona. " several well-written artlclea oh timely subjects, among them-' the fol lowing: "Selling Civic Beauty," by Cecil T. Barker, a plea for the preserva tion of natural beauties In and around Portland; "The Shipping Society of ' America," by William W. Bates, former united States commissioner of navlga tlon. of Denver; "The Twentieth Cen tury Debutante," and up-to-date de- I scrlption of new Portland, by M. Monem ohili "Banking In China." by United States Consul Anderson. Amoy, China: "Japanese- Trade." an exhaustive treatlae ... . of our present relatione with Japan, by , Special Agent Crist, There aara alas a full account of the work of the chamber and many Interesting Incidental , fea- tvrsa. . . ; - . y- ' While crossing the track St Fremont . street and Williams avenue yesterday afternoon, Mrs. George Helm, of baurel - wood, Oregon, was struckby a streetcar - and received Injuries which necessitated . " her removal to Good Samaritan hospital. She was unconscious for several hours, ' but this morning it was announced that - : she will recover. - She alighted from a U -' car after having attended the funeral of a friend, and, paaslng to the platform. . ' failed to see a St. Johns car approach- lng from an opposite direction.. She was -v--- struck by the St. Johns car and hurled : -rvlolenuy to the street. With the aid of the conductor and Police Captain Moore, , who was on the ear, she was removed . to a dmgston. and from' there to the hospital. . She- waa severely out about "the head and Suffered other injuries. JlL O. H. Skothelm. who. occupies the po- anion or speaisj. lecturer on the eontrl- - button of Scandinavian races to the - world's civilisation... In Sioux : rails, : South Dakota,-college, baa purchased the ' Paclflo Scandinavian, a weekly paper :, published la Portland... Mr. Skothelm formerly waa editor, of the Slgnalet. - published at Albert Ut, Minnesota. land has- consolidated that publication lt&-th enetfKs noma via n. ,the field of the Scandinavian sad axtend ,lta circulation., te Include the whole coast.- - Aasoctated .with him In the ven ture will be P. A.- Peterson, who Is x pectea snortiy from Albert Lea. Mlnne- The Paclflo- Scandinavian 1 th only Scandinavian paper published In . Oregon, although there are a doaen or . mors papers, of th sort in Washington. F. L. Mason of IS First street and T. . D. Jones of 1 Russell street were granted liquor- license by the liquor - , license committee of the city council ' yesterday afternoon. A petition of I. N. Battj who reopened, the notorloua Tuxedo saloon and ran It for nearly-a month and then went out 4t buainess, asked for a rsrnnd or his license through nil creditors. Batt was said to be In Sal Francisco, and .the committee did no) feel disposed to grant the refund unleaa he appeared before the members or sent a direct petition for. a refund of the t money. , ' . , . ; , . , V . Advices received - from the head j quarters of the New Tork Central 'by. W. C Seachrest. Paclflo . coast agent, . are that Warren J. Lynch has been D- pointed passenger traffle managerf Unas west of Buffalo and George. H Daniels has been placed In charge of the advertising department of the sys- . tern, publishing ths Four Track News and other literature. F. Daly takes charge of the psaaenger traffle east of Buffalo. H. J. Rheln Is appointed gen eral passenger agent of the Big Four lines.- - . ..'...-',. , ..... ; '; A banquet celebrating the flrat aanl- Trsary of the Portland Admin's league will be held March 1. It was decided at -' a meeting laat evening that a Jolllfloa- tlon should be held In view of the suc cess of the league In increasing Its membership paat th 104 mark.' A large number of the members will accompany the Oregon business men's excursion to - southern California early In January and will attend the Paclflo Coast Adver- , tilling Men's sssoclatlon meeting at Los : Angeles January II. v - - Unitarian Basaar Ths event of th holiday sales will be next Wednesdsy and Thursday, whn article useful and Lbeautlfultogether. with, delicious aU '. able, can be sn at the Unitarian chapel.- All are cordially Invited, pur chasers and looksrs-on. V The Women's exchange "lr wealthier by $1,800 since the benefit performance BATH , ROBES AND ' HOUSECOATS MAKE STATING. A : ' 1IOMB A OKEAT COM- 1 FORT TO A MAN. HA.VK ' TOU SEEN OUR CHOICB ' ITOCKt. DO BEFOAB TOU BUY. OR'. TOITLL . REORET IT. ' " Htwett, Bradley. O Co. ; luusunu .'' S44 Waihlngtom Jfr ' aTXAS IlilD TMXATMk C 7c Vrc'j cr.llrcn ct Cc That's cheaper thaq a Filipino would do It for you. Wa have steam-heated lroner. tpo. Call Up tldn 333 And we'll tell you all about It - W call 1or ami deliver. Union Laundry - v szooxo avo ooLrmiA. laat svenlng by th Belaaco stock com pany, which filled ths theatre to the laxt row of th gallery. Th audlenc was ons of the most brilliant that ejver has gathered In the popular playhouse. The play, fTh Girl With th Green Eye," waa nthualastlcallr received. It la a capital play, admirably performed by ths stock company. Aa attractive souvenir program, printed In green, was dis tributed. . .-:-"--'--' J: ,-'- .. A lamentation servles for th atroel tls In Russia waa held by the Congre gation Ahavat Bholom In the temple last evening, with about S00 In attendance, Addreaaes were mad by D. Soils Cohan, Rev. M. Moseaaohn and Dr. W. Wllloer. Each depressed profound sympathy for the suffering people in the land of tns csar and denounced the political condi tions which mads possible the frightful outrages. .... . :, j .. .. - . . -. I- "The Juvenile Court: Its Origin and Relation to Public Welfare," was the subject of an address before ths Men's club of the First Congregational church by Circuit Judgs A. L. Fraser laat night. Judge Fraser spoke for almost an hour. He attributed a great deal of troubles of youngsters to the fact that parents rarely make companions of "them. , y ' Ths city attorney was asked yester day to paaa on the legality of ths clalma of John Muchow and T. Karty for f t.TM for alleged overtime work aa laborers at ths city garbage crematory. The courts have hsld that ths claimants could not collect th money. " The Woman's guild of St David's church will hold their annual - basaar and supper .Wednesday and Thursday of thta week. Fancy and useful articles on sal both days. Wednesday . after noon and evening tea will b served by ladles in Japanese costume. An. inter esting musical program in ths evening; Supper. II cents, from :!-to -T:ld o'clock' Thursday evening. No admis sion. Parish house. East Twelfth and Morrison, streets. - - - - Still Doing Business Ths Chicago Dye worka clean, press and repair ladies' and gentlemen's clothing at 401 Wash ington street. This firm Is now under new management and all work In their line Is guaranteed. See their notice un der classified advertisements. Fred C Nessly, -' formerly- traveling freight agent for the Gould lines, has accepted ths position of assistant chief clerk In the office of J. H. Fogarty. as sistant general freight - agent of the Northern Pacific, succeeding T. T. Strain,' resigned. ? "-" - Portland Tamal - Parlor, 14 Park street, between Alder and Morrison, ths only placa - in town where enchiladas. chile con carne - with frljoles. Mexican Style, also th4 celebrated Fritx' tamalea. are made. Open from -'I I m. to II p. m. Bankrupt Sale Clothing, gents' furyf nlshlng goods, bats, caps, trunks. . va lises, boots, shoes, tc, at greatly re duced prices. Tobe sold in It days. Ill nrst street. . . . Ladles First Unlversallst' church Will hold their annual sals December , 3' afternoon and svenlng. . Lunch fro to coles. Auction! Auction I Diamonds, Watche Jewelry, Cut Olasa, Silverware. Um brellas, Clocks, etc Loewenateln, 101 H Washington street. Sales 1:10 to T:H dally. Seats for ladles. Leas snd fix tures for sal. - Cash or Credit. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and SUverwsrs on easy weekly payments, tl down, too per week; open evenings. Metsgerdt Co., JewJr and Opticians, 111 Sixth street W clean and press your clothes ' and shine your shoes for S1.C0 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 147 - Washington. Main lit. . -; A oonoert and basaar 'will be given by ths ladles of th Fulton church in Wbbra hall Tuesday. December i. 'Jones loose leaf ledger and Eureka sheets; first prise at exposition. - Howe. Davis 4k Kllham, 111 Second street-. We are still selling those dollar eye glasses; a perfect fit guaranteed. Metsger Co 111 Sixth street 1 mm m Ws posltivsly do sell eyeglasses 'and spectacles at two-thirds prices of big houses. Ill Fourth street - 1 m i. Portland's ' best dsnclna school. IAS Aldan Pro! Rlngler, Ml Bucknmyr. Merchants' lunch lie. 8unday chicken dinner lie; Palm restaurant. It Sixth, '" ' - 1 a Ting chlcksn ainner-vcr llt-Thlrd. th Vegetarian cafe, 105 Sixth, f Frltrs tamal ar th best- ' Milwaukle Country Club Kaattrn and Seattl rtcea Take Bell- wood and Oregon City ears at First and Aldsr. , t. Where to Dine. Msrchants' lunch. II cents: special chicken dinner Sunday, ft cents, , graft's restaurant, iis-iit Fourth street. Oregon Fir . ' ' . , For sulldVng,' whit "besswood for burn ing., Of th latter an unusually, cholc election, including- soms -large table, tabouret tas, mualo racks, stein" racka, as wall aa box, panels, tc. te., either plain or beautifully designed; also outfits for burning sold complete or In parts, at Sanborn, Vail A Ca, 170 First strt J: The Best In the West It It pleasure to show you our pic tures. W hav th beat exhibit ot oil, pastels, water colors and reproduc tions In th wast snd wsnt you to s4 them. Sanborn, Vsll 4k Co., 170 Flrat Street' :-. . ' - " ' ! :: - i rr ,: Holiday Goods. Have voiir nlctura framlna dona ua and avoid th rush. K. H. Aleorehous ft Company, 112 Alder street . JUST AN ECHO OF THE FAIR PIANOS THAT ARKtlVED TOO LATE FOR DOWNTOWN EX POSITION AT EILEKS F1ANU HOUSE. ' Some Very Costly and Unlqu Pianoi at Unique Price KimbaUs, Ho- , bart M. Cables, One Steck, Letters, - Hareltont,- Schumanna, - StOry Clarko. Haddorffa, a Weber and a , Chickering Payments to Suit Your convenience. . " Brand-new pianos, every' one the Choicest that can be produced, a chef d oeuvre of each representative factory, are to be sold this week at marked re ductions. ' Think of it. Beautiful new KlmbaHs.-Hobmrt M. -Cable.- Hsetn, Stoay dt Clarka. Haddortra, Lesters. Schu mann, a steck, a Weber and aChlcker- ing at cut prices. . - . , 1 Beyond Description. : All these plsnos were selected for unioiuos purposes. - J nia mean uni every piano la the very elneat and moat UD-to-dat In iwrv reanect. and cornea la th very latest and most beautiful of cas .aeaign in mahogany, ctrcaaaian Walnut,' quartered oak. Hungarian aah; among them many designs entirely new and unique. On particularly striking Kimball In dark mahogany. Colonial tyle, of the paiiern. a iitiie oinereni rrom anything ever' shown heretofore. Price te close out, $6t7. A superb Story ft Clark In- rich, dark, Hungarian ash, elaborately carved and handaome In the extreme, a reminder of me grandeur or our Foreatry building. Another -elegant mahogany Kimball, Gothic style. In moat original pattern, entirely out of the ordinary,' and truly artistio. - A magnificent Hobart M. Cable In beautiful mottled walnut, with extrava gant "Empire" ton, three-panel effect. iiuiuwimei' carvea. a aupero evenu mann, the exhibition styls so much ad' mired bv the visitors to I ha finail 1111. nols building. . Price to close out quick, A Chickering, In massive, solid ma hopany case, a three-oval panel effect, with sweeping trusses and novel ' re ceding fallboard: a Weber, Chippendale effect, dainty, refined and superbly fin ished. Space doea not permit of fur ther descriptions. Suffice It to-say that very one is th jnost beautiful of Us aina ever snown. All are to be bought now at a post tlve reduction. 'Twill pay to select and purchase that Christmas piano- now. All are sure to go quickly, owing to the nesrness of the holidays. Coupled with these price reduction- are eaay pay ment, 11 you iia. Aiina to tni today, for you will have the advanUg of chooalne? from the lara-a imnrtinMt Come, write or telephone Eilera Piano uouse. j n rnggest, Busiest and beat dealers,' l&l Washington, corner Park (Eighth) street . , ; " , TEACHERS' PROGRESS r CLUB SMARTS WORK Th Teacher" Progress club of Mult nomah county has completed its organ isation for ths year. ' The committee through which ths work of th club, will be accomplished have been' appointed, and at the next meeting of the organisa tion will make their flrat. reports. County Superintendent Robinson ' ia sanding out a list of th appointment to th members of ths committees ss follows "LlErarr and llteraTnreymTmi 'Ball. Mary Peery. Martha Sturchler. Madge Dunn and Mrs. A. Hodgkine. -' School and home Elisabeth Rlvett. Millie Clark, Nettie Beard, Mary L Per kins and Mrs. Grace Metsger. - Membership Eleanor Blohn, Viola Peddlcord, Janett MacKay, Vlda Ham mond and Mary B. Buxton. . Progress Mrs. H. A. Darnell, Emma Sturchler, Eula Strange, Berdlne Merrill and Kathertn Myers. ' Program Agnes Matlock.' Edith Van Vleet, Ana Mann, Grace Look and Ethel M. McDonald. Service and sslsry Mrs. Margaret Ar nold. Harriet Thayer, Gertrude Tlmms, Mrs. Ida Powell and Minnie Elton. . . Press Mrs. M. B- Hogue. Audrey Brown. . Myrtla L7 Stuart, Katharine Johnson and flrace Gilliam. Freferred mook flannsd Issds. Allen at Lswls' Best Brand. tkb eaxeoa wat fowxr ' aUUZWAT COKTAVT. HOTEL. ' E5TACADA - A RATES t nr xmcr raov woman a, tedrtag wltk areakfaat...... I l it Beam sad Waid par aay IN 111 aad Beard par weak..... M.00 BreaUast, to, teaefcsaa. M Biaaar, e . . ; eelat Tleket, tsehrflag . leead-trip far aad dlaas fl.M paeial Tisket, kuladlac reaad-trip fare, aa alght'i Mgiag aad tan meals ..........S.OO -' . CARS LEAVE ncxrt unci rntrr ass iuiii sts. Daily at Tile, , I1M a. m. lte, I:, , :, I;U B. BW - Pkea r Writ ' J L. O. MacMahon, Manager 1 . UTAOASA. oataow. ' I The latest ' style of Men's and Youth's' Suits and Over coats from $2.50 to $5.00 less In price comparison with other stores' prices. 7 Good assortment of Hats, Pants and Shirts; 20 per cent saved in comparison with , other stores' prices. Com ' plete line'of Shoes from 50c to $1 Jess in price compari son with other stores' prices. ; Pull line . of Trunks, Suit Cases,Blankets and Com- -forters at very low figures."" John Dellar " UWmt HVO STOEES-r , Corner : first and Yamhill sd Corner Tblrd and Davis SPECIAL FOR uUDGEimn TAKES OATH asaBBBBBBssHSBBaSBBassaBMaasa fi Formally Inducted Into Office of United States Circuit . Judged.'. LAWYERS CROWD ABOUTX TO CONGRATULATE" HIM Then the New Judge Take His Seat Beside Judge Gilbert, Who Had Administered tne Oath He Will Hold Court Tomorrow, 7 :7 . Judge Charles E. Wolverton . . wss sworn in this morning ss United States district Judge for ths district of Oregon. In ths presence of many of the leading attorneys of ths city, Circuit Judge Gilbert administered ths oath. Ths pro ceeding were brief and almpls but im pressive, and at their conclusion a recess wsa taken in order that Judge .Wol verton might receive congratulations from ths members of th bar -who war present " Promptly at 10 o'clock Judge Gilbert ascended the bench snd with th brief announcement that th time had com for administering the oath to the new district Judge, he turned to Judge Wol verton, who had come into . th court room with him but had remained stand ing at th foot of th step leading to to the Judges' seats. ' -.- - Judge Gilbert repeated the language of the oath prescribed by ths federal statutes end with upraised hand Judg Wolverton responded, as follows: !'I. Charles E. Wolverton, do solemnly swear that I will administer Justice without respect to persons, snd do squal light to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and Impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me aa United States dis trict Judge, according to the best of my abilities snd ' understanding, agreeably to th constitution and laws of th United States; snd that I will support and defend the constitution of th United Statea against all enemies, for eign and domestic: that I will bear tru faith and allegtanc to th earns; that 1 Uk this obligation freely, wlthout.any mental reservation or purpose of eva. Ion: and that I wllL well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help m God." At thd conclusion of the ceremony th attorney crowded forward to congratu late the new Judg. Among th first t greet him wss W. W. Cotton, to whom th office of district Judgs was one offered by th president but declined. Among -other attorney present were. C J. 8chnabel.-W. L. Boise, J. N. Teal, B. 8. Pagus, Wallace McCamant J. C Moieland. United States District At torney Bristol. D. Soils Cohen. W. E. Thomas, R. O. Morrow. A. G. Soencer. J. V. Beach. F. S. Grant Harry Hogue, jusisiani jjismci Attorney Banks, George W. Hasen. J. B. Ryan, O. F. Paxton, Thomas O'Day and Mark O'NelL court was soon reconvened and Judg Wolvarton took !)! plac beside Judge Gilbert, announcing that he would hear experts motion. Th. ftrst order mada by the new Judge waa in the matter or 11 "II Ulg.MnmetrirreTFe-Kge-I ing ordered on motion of J. K. TeaL Judg Wolverton will bold court to morrow. , . r BOWMAN, ELDRIDGE & CO. Wholesale oiothlera, Oolag Oa of Bus. ; ;', ass,.' . ... . "'"" For th past ysar w hav given the wholeaal clothing business a thorough trial but havs been unable to build up an entirely satisfactory business, and as a result w have decided to open out Immense, up-to-date wholeaal stock to ths retail trade and close out th en tire stock of men's snd boys' clothing at coat. One n hundred thousand dollars' worth of the best lines of ths clothier's art compose this stock.- which ws will sell In quantities to merchant' or in single pieces to those wishing; to pur chase, at ot a suit overcoat or panta Ws hav on hand at present compute line of man's and boys' slngls or double-breasted suits made up for th best class of trade; - overcoata and trousers of all styles and that appropri ate Portland topcoat th - eravanett. light In weight to suit the mild winter weather but absolutely Impervious to the moisture of Oregon "mists." During ths days this entire stock Is to be closed out st th exsot cost of each article. All lines sre of this year's manufacture and thla sal provides sn exceptional chance to buy clothing at the loweat poaalbl figures. - Located aa we ar In the center of the wholesale district ws realise would be somewhat against us In selling to th retail trade, av for th fact that an opportunity to ' buy clothing at th prices for which this stock will be sold, comes only once In a lifetime, and pur chasers can well afford to walk a few block out of their way to aecure a sav ing In cost of from (0 to 100 per cent BOWMAN, ELURIDOB n CO., - - Front and Ash Sta, - TAXES COLLECTED ALL BUT FIFTY THOUSAND - , , Y - . Sheriff T. M. Word today made the fotto-wtng- report of the eondltten-of -the-tax eollectlng.department at th clos of business on November SO: ' - . . DEBIT. 104 roll .1. ...... ........'.IMOMtl Sherlfrs assessments ........ Psnalty -. I.tst Interest .' ' ,! Advertising costs ... 14 . 'Total.. ,.. ....11,214,414 CREDIT. Paid treesurer- .f 1.104.101 Rebate allowed 11.01 i Errors and double assessment ,! Unpaid . 11.198 Total ........ 12,114,414 HEIRS INTJ0NTEST FOR -v MRS. REEDER'S FARM ' S, -H. Heine, a local attorney, this morning ttlfid before County Judge Lionel R. Webster that at the time h draw up th will of Mrs. Cathartns Reeder she was mentally able to have such a document mad although she had been III for soms tlm. Mrs. Reeder died November II. leaving the bulk of her property, a farm on Sauvla's Island, to her son, J- I Reeder. Th will was drawn up on November I. J. Ia ' Reeder . Is ' now being sued by the mother heirs F. B., B. . and D. S. Reeder, Hrg. K. It. Bonser, Mrs.- Joseph Ins Godwin, Mrs. Jjolly E. Aklns and Mrs. Mary C-Crumbly, each for sn equal share of ths estate. Jt Is said that at the time Haines visited Mrs. Reeder. h wag warned by her brother and other Vould You M So-Tar sold ' FlQad Case, Amertoaa More- saeat, atedlaat Slss ' $10.00. JAEGER BROS. swbzxxzzxs; lAITIaa OUTf ITTIJO OOMPAJTT lMIIiS um FdWs Ml Far a Small "ZZZTf 41 ftvJT ' 1,0 . l....71'.: 77" tOir. 7,-., '7-. . . .'..'... ; " ' .. ' t SPECIAL NO. 1 - New effects in Fancy Lace and Mercerized Washable Stock Collars and Turn overs; sortie with tabs and some without; -some able kbe a daintily embroid ered. On sale to morrow, only.... :20C SPECIAL NO. 2 Japanese Screen made of polished oak : has 3 leaves,, each 18 inches wide and 60 inches high. The cloth panels are of very pretty fancy, siikoiine. ' Keguiar jvegmar 80c price on sale tomorrow, only............. TT T w EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. sromi wiiu totb oxsorr oooo "Werrhowingrrngnypeantifgl gnd appropriate-thint;g in Oold, Silver and various other Metals. Precious Stones. Cut Glass and countless Novelties that are sure to pleas and inter est .you. Our prices are the lowest and we safeguard you aa to quality by taking back any article that you find fault with. i . . . visitors wcicomea. - 293 MORRISON .STREET. relatives that ah was not In a fit condi tion to order a will drawn up, but h declares that hs thinks she waa' G, I Banka,fons of th wltnesae to the will, say I that he heard but few word spoken Bi th room whU h waa there.'"'" -" - - - A rrlgkUaed Xorse, Running ilk mad down th street, dumping ths occupant, or a hundred other acrldenta, are - everv day oocMr rnre. - It behoove every rxxly to hav a rallahl Balv handy, and ther' none as good ss - BiH-klmVs Amlra Pair. Hums, Cut, notes, Kctema snd Piles, disappear quickly tiotler Its aonihlng ef fect, t&r. at okldroor lrug Co, 11 Third strest. - - v . Buy a Watch If you oould get a reliable timepiece, a nice alse and a guaranteed case at a low price T Po you know that we make watchea and watch repair ing a specialty? A poor timepiece mar cause you a world of trouble. It may cause the loae of many dollar It 1 our buainess to know th merit of th different grades and makea. When we sell a watch it must either keep accu rate tlm or go back t th factory. If w had a lot of old movements en hand w would find It . hard to live up to such a guarantee. Our ' watches are new fresh from the makers and thrv ar glad to rectify any imperfection la 1TXW movements. That' why OUat cuatomera get the beat there la We never "load up" on any one kind we buy as we sell them that s the reaeon we have HO SHOF-WOKaT OB OUV SaUHO WATOKXS to selL That why you get the lowest price and "the latest improvement. W can get ny old tyl you want, but we dont keep them In stock . W ax selling a splendid lT-Jewel Xovcmeat ta a ao-Tai FUtod Case for fO()0It'" dandy In vry sens of th ahl H word and vry PPul? "1th railroad flft Buy th famous Howard guaranteed 4watch In a 24-year gold-filled case. . A )Ov movement good enough for any one. . Other Watches a BtuUly Xaw Frloea. JEWELERS OPTICIANS I XAWTKUM OUTf ITTUig OOMTAWY E show an attractive line of things useful and ornamental, suit for Holiday Gifts. Twould ntiicATptrson indeed' who could not find a suitable gift in all this great display. And you do not have to lay . down the cash either select what you will pay a small sum down ' - : and the balance $1.00 A WEEK WASHINQTON AIND TENTH STREETS HOUDAY JEWaRY , For asedsra dental wore. Wartd-r. ... aswnMl specialists. . tswsst BTtces sensttnt wltk Bnt-ela ' Oe te the NEW YORK DHNT1ST5 sTOTntTat attd l: :ii-. Opea day, - r - t. f t 1 a. r . TEETH U1RHIHQ Do not use) Wltoh Itlze, An snpartial medgatioa recently conducted oa (be Pacific Coast disclosed the fact that Over 80 pet cent of th witch hazel being sold is adulterated witij Wood Alco hol. (potsan)at Fcnnaldehyde,Gtor son) or both. -This forbidden by the U. S. Pharniacopceta. POND'S EXTIIACT is; and for sixty year has been the standard of Hanwrvtua, (witch hazel). ' ; Avoid danger of rxiitoning by only uung 1 f. h.1"" ---v oocro a-Y JLTIMnx cvtnAI I UHUJ CAIUHU I AxvnnaTTa. Tonight! 3rd Night! -. ' : '' urTSBaTATXOaTATs TUG OF WAR CONTEST GST NAnCJJS - SEVEI DAYS Merrffl's Han XVXBTK AJTO OAS ITaXXTS. ;. . , . TEAMS -; . .- Zrelasd, Vorway, rinlaaa, atweeea, 4re . nsaay, sjootiann! fTsssHa, Aaaerlsaf OuansalBg Back Nlfht ts aad laehidiBg Draibe . -"" CsaUst fo Caasiiltaatils as4 Cola atagala. Dclasco Theatre . BSXASOO SUTXB. nOM. ! Ifta aa Wash. aw. B. U Beckett. Be. Mgr. 7 .". . TonaKTAU wrxz, - TXTDB riTCU S SOCIETY COM EOT. !The Girl With the GceIlEycs,, BENEFIT TONrdHTTFOr WOMEN'S EXtHANOE PBICES Right. , J5e te TBe. Mate.. 35 -SO. . Starttog Wltk Matine Kest goadar. -.- . : HB OBXT WAT." - Baker Theatre OigBjrheet C.. Oei. L. Baker, star. Yamhill aad Tblrd Sta. . Pbooe Mata tSOT. SATURDAY EVENING, DEC 9 li Grand-Benefit- ju Miss Anna Loubet Te leading (agers, rerttatiealats sad geaeral estenalaers of rturtlaad will, enatrllMte. Tk-teta. 0 feots. eickaegeahle laiMdlatelv tor nasi Md aeau at sea office, a eale at OLDS, WOBTMAX 13X9 . WOO DAIS 4k OZABZX ABD BXISMOBX BKtlg CO. L,yrlc Theatre WUJt BTABTDte MOVSAT. 9Z0BXBXB . THE STARS " AND STRIPES ' A VATBIOTIO BBAMA IB rOVB ACTS. ' ' ADMI8SIOB 10c. BESIBVXD BEATS. - SO Empire Theatre! ittfe aad Merrlso. Pbaa Mala UT. MILTON W. SBaMAN. Managr. T0BI6HT ALL Wilt THB MASTKB XKU.DKAMAT1C COMKOT- . vaai A Jolly American Tramp" Br Bdw. B. Kidder, Aatbor ef "Paeft nailer, - A renr KeiatMa." nr. UOMKLI Ht'MOR. TEN UK R TOUCHES. nur.Rinc rim A Psraaalal Pt wlik Thatr-Oaa Tkraagkoet aaienre. MATINEK SATL-RDAY. " . ' Kvealag Trrmbc, 33. Sbr, ; saatlaa. MVTm A.. aww. Vest WttWTW SKrl Tnm Baker Theatre Ongaa Taeati 0 ea, L. Baaar. Bex. TBB HOMC OF MrglCAL KI RTEgOCE. TONIOHT ALX THIS VIII KOTB Bargain ataila Wedaewlay. SBe e ar eeac. aegaiar waium Satuda, last perrornanre. MIKES S MZBBY BTTBLXSairZla, Mar clrla. aaor aonirs, asure kusior. a aU ture of all good ralngs In burl. Mat- g complete barlettas. "A Nlaht ea the Bnv- err. aad "Or. SM." Aa olio eomprMlng Anienraa ana Knrniieaa vaaoeviiie artiste. - KVKMM) PRK E snr. SBe. Oe. Tor. Bat- ardaf and Suwlar aiatlneee, ISe, SAe. SAe and Sue. Wednrada BMtlnee (ap'rtall. Sfte anr seat.. Neat weea-4.'arr'a "Tssroagabreda" Burlesque t vmpanr. raMie iwr, Llbertr Theatre MaaaceMDt et Keating A rknd. "iOH MABBT'tfca Oraat Tfcs Aet;' - THE ELLIOTT. . CIBCILLIAK. UO WH1TK. BOYB AgD TAB BFSS. BIOOaATH StLECTKD OBCHESTBA. TtrtoraiaarM tallr at t an. T un aad a Si. AbMlbHION TE.M AND TWENTY CENTS. . GRAND TatXATBS wbxx or BBCXXBXX , T10LLET CAB TBIO. TRABK BOOEBS. WOODSOg j WOODSOB. BABY HAWimiB ft roLLY HAJC1U. ATLAHTIS. HAAOLD Horr. BAVDlSCOrK. Maliana, 1S yYf. M, S0e kasa. SM STAR , TXXATBB wxtao BXCBXBXB . WXtT LA BVX, Blehard, Beklaaaa - aad BUaad. D WALL iaviy. MISS BITTIB WAXSX. eddib sapors, rain ytrmsToX. siAaoscurg. rU-. aUtkM, tS v'gs, IU. SOei kwi, Miss Edith. Kelly rrirly of Oil-." win at stutlln, II '" LIS' ''T' l (