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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1905)
r STORE' OPENS AT 8 A. M. STORE CLOSES AT 6 P. M.f I THE "DIFFERENT STORE GOOD EVENING 5TH, 6TH, WASHINGTON STS. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 5, 180J. The QLbg-yVQRTMAM Store V tvh , GRAND OPENING TODAY OF Christmas Novelties and Beautiful Jewelry Pieces V Sixth Street Annex First Floor. ; " $2.0u uoia Clock! for $1.79 Pretty Gold ; Clocks, with -genuine "Or-. mula" gold. . plate and first; class oneday movement Are good time- keepers. These clocks make handsome Christmas gifts and here's your opportunity to buy one at a Igreat reduction ; our $2.50 yalue. - . .u Special sale price, each?.., .7,9170 Another assortment in a much larger f ... size; our $3 value. ... ....... 92.15 Large J?uff Jars for 35c Your toilet table is not . complete, without a puff jar. These - puff jars are made. of pressed glasswith fancy oxidized silver tops, "Cupid" de- - sign. Large size jars. Special sale .price, each .....35 Finger-Nail Buffers for 19c and 49c An as- sortment of'ebony back Nail Buffers, with . sterling, silver plate ; our 25c value. ; '. Special sale price, each ............. 10 Same as above, but large size ; our 69c value. : Special sale price... .49 Sterling Silver Toilet SeU for 4.50 We -start our Holiday Sales today with a spe ., cial sale of Sterling Silver Toilet, Sets of" three , pieces mirror, brush and comb ? placed in pretty, white silk-lined, boxes. . Any young woman would be pleased with the gift bf one of these handsome toilet sets. Special sale price, the - , " " 1 "" set ....... ......... ....iv.4:...?4.50 HOLIDAY LEATHER GOODS. ' Men's $2.25 leather Wallets for' $1.89 . Men's fine all leather Wallets, made from finest quality- seal,- walrus and -morocco-leathers, with" fine calf leather linings; 1" our $2.25 value. Special sale price, .-v-. j each, -. . J"-.... .. . . .... ., ... . . . .$1.89 "25C Coin Purses 10c A large assortment of - Loin Purses - in a variety of . different - styles and c6l6rs Of lt?U.Lliei , values up to 25c. Special sale price, each. . . . , 10 Leather Music Rolls 89c A lot of Music Rolls, made of seal grain leather, in black only; our $1.25 value. Special sale', '- 'price, each r. .................. , , .80 IMPORTANT NOTICE Anent the Benevolent Fund Vote ' Commencing today, owing to the long list of charities being voted for in the distribution of the 6tore's annual benevolent fund,; we shall not attempt to publish the full roll, but only the; names of the fifteen organizations that lead in the voting. These will be pub lished hereafter only in Tuesday morning, Thursday morning and Saturday ' morning papers, and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening papers. A strict and careful count will be made of A votes received, as usual, and due credit given for the same on our books. Keejp on voting for your favorites, And their names will appear as soon as they get within 15 points of the top. . : " ; .-- ,-' VOTE FOR BENEVOLENT FUND DIS TRIBUTION AT 10 A. M. TODAY; Patton Home ' ; I .... . . ii . . . ; 15,617 Fruit and Flower Mission.... 14,700 St. : Vincent's Hospital . : .... . , ,.; r. ? 1 1,931 Crittenden Home 11,859 People's Institute ......... :... . . . ; 11,850 Daby Home . . ,!.7. . . . . . . . . .7. . . . . i . 10,521 Salvation Army; ........ '...,.' 8,519 Old Ladies' Home, i . . . . .......... . ' 8.409 MtrSt. Joseph s Home for the Aged - 8467- Ooen Air..Fund. 0,439 2,577 2,381 1,697 1,829 14228 4,594 Visiting. Nurse Association. . . , . . ; . . Good Samaritan Hospital.,.. 1.,... Children's Home . Volunteers of America. . . . r.'. .... Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, . . Scattering i Total U9.684 m Domestic Aisle First Floor. ,1 Now PlaM Waiatinn and Flannels. New Nonshrinkable Plaid Waistings, Fig ured and plain Scotch Flannels; values from, per yard....... 35 to 85 - -V. 12c Outing Flannel 9c About 2,000 yards light blue twilled Outing : Flannel' for 'nightrobes 5 regular value i-k 12c. Special, the yarcT. ..... .... .". .Of V ' 50c Roman Cloth 39c "' , All Wool Roman Cloth for waists and wrap , pcrs," alt colors;1 regular value 50c'.- s Sjccial, the yard. . . ; i . . .. . .30f Specials But 16 Days Away Comes V was the day x kjL via. v never comes. JJon t let a day pass witnout sending tne cniiaren to tne store mere s so mucn to see in l oyiano it nice a great exposition that, even jf they come every day they won't see it all, and Christmas comes but once a year and there are few enough years in the child's life. Let them enjoy childhood to the full Special TTTil I I LJJ Large embossed A POTPOURRI OF BARGAINS : IN Holiday Gifts For Shoppers in the First Floor Xmas Shops A VERY COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HANDSOME STATIONERY - FOR XMAS. KFancy- Holly-Boxe. -ofFine-Sutionery-AJ very acceptable gift. Priced at, the box, 25S 35, 50, 75, fl.OO. , igh-Orade WriUng-Panr Tn fanry, decorated boxes. Priced at, the box, of, 35, 50, 75, ?2 up to ?10. Fancy Holly Seals or Stickers For hol iday packages. Priced at, the box. . .10 Handsome Christmas Calendars and Cards Priced at, each, 5, 10e 15f, S5t . 35f, 50, 75t up to $3.00. Pictured Handsomely framed ; all new sub jects. Priced at, each, 25f , 35, 50, 75f, ?1 up to ?10. PRETTY HOLIDAY BOXES OF . EVERY DESCRIPTION. Handkerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes, Collar and Cuff Boxes and Jewel Boxes, Manicure Sets, ' Toilet Sets, Necktie Boxes, Cigar Boxes, etc, in Celluloid, French Stag, Ebony and Hardwood Boxes. Hand and Triple Mirrors With heavy bevel glass ; in real and imitation woods, ebony, I k mahogany, fox, oak, birdseye maple and Flemish oak. T ' 1 ' Hand MirrorsH-Priced at, eacn, 75, 85, 91.50, 91.75 and up-to 95.00. Stand Shaving Mirrors Round or square shape. Priced at,' each, 50, 75, . 91.00; 915 to 92.00. Fine Triple Mirrors In round, oval and square shapes. Priced, each, 9175, 92, 92.50, 93, 93.50 ahd:p to 910." Military Hair Brushes In fox, real ebony and turtle ebony, solid backs and finest C bistles.: "Priced at, the pair. . . .92 to 98 Solid Back Hair Brushes Made by How t .ard, ;the best American brush maker. - Priced at. each, 75f 85f 91, 915,1 , 91.50,-9210 95.'.; ..:,.' "W i... Kent's Best-English Hair Brushes Guar anteed. Prices, each, 91.25, 91.50, 92 'tO 95a - -. T '",''.-', Finest Perfumes In Hudnut's and Pinaud s makes, all odors,' in bulk of in fancy bot- ties and cartons. Priced at,, the bottle, " from 50 to 95. ; , :lL - - ' " " ' : . . . -Round Fabrics C ' - Prunella Suiting. . . ' Prunella Suiting washable, ' for street and. .- house! dresses, plain , and fancy effects, colors! guaranteed. Special at, the . yard . . ... . . 4 . ;vt i ......... .24f - . .; 50c Wash Novelties 34c. ; Fine silk mixed Granite Cloth, with fancy f Jacquard figure, all new, in beautiful de signs, for evening and party' dresses; : regular value '50c. . Special, the yard.3lf Dip we should hare rTVr1 o tt" Iet' done our Christmas shopping. wuav will Values in Fourth Floor ' $1.85 Building Blocks 95c. Van fiuilding Blocks, amusing for the children; can make ures, letters,' etc.; regular value $1.2&. Special, per box 75c Games 55c: New Combination Games, including game of Pushkins, Spoon and Egg Race, Peanut . Race, Pillow Dex, Young American Target, all in one box; regular valur 75c. Special 55 15c Musical Top 9c nickel finish Musical Tops ; regular value 15c. SPECIAL VALUES IN i400STUNNINGDRESSlIATSINJV "Bijou" Millinery S'alons Second Floor 4 rams. Our expert milliners have been busy the past week conjuring and i creating ex quisite examples of handsome head wear for dressy, critical women. , . The result of their cleverness will be shown tomorrow in a collection of swagger dress hats one .hundred in the choosing. f: These truly magnificent hats are fhacje of shirred silks and handsome-velvets, also chiffon and Y braids, trimmed attractively with large, v beautiful ostrich plumes. The color line- embraces black, white, browns, blues, -', greens and reds. Stunnjng hats and sen sational values at a Wednesday special price oL...UuU, ,iis93.50 O ... 11 Holiday Millinery c.if SALE AT, EACH : WomenV and Children's - Knit Underwear Section : - CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR.: ' Children's high grade imported "Stuttgarter" Underwear, absolute ly pure wool, nonshrinkable, natural colors, good Vinjer weight. Vests or Pants, size 18 ; regular value $1.25. Vests or Pants, size 20 -regular value $1.35. Vests or Pants, size 22; regular value-$1.45. Vests or Pants, size 24; regular value $1.55. Vests or Pants, size- 29 ; regular value $1.65. Vests or Pants, size 28 ; regular value $1.80. Vests or Pants, size 30; regular value $1.95. Vests or Pants, size, 32; regular value $2.10. Vests or Pants, size 34; regular value $2.25. Union Suits : regular value $2.00 Special, the Special, the Union Suits; regular value $2.10. XTnioh Suits ; regular value $2.25. Union Suits ; regular value $2.40, Union Suits ;'regular value $2.55. 'Union Suits; regular value $2.70. Union Suits ; regular value $2.85. Special, the Special, the Special, the Special, the Special, the Gone! Christmas decide we "HPrrY"! ntrr tct do it lor , wi.xa ui iwyv ' ' ' i i. . bridges, tunnels, castles, fig-' .05 ' Special, each. .0 SENSATIONAL STOCK -REDUCING SALES IN THE , Silk and Dress Goods Salons Fifth Street Annex First Floor.' ' r, STYLISH, DEPENDABLE SILKS IN A DRASTIC CLEAN-UP 1 . "Buy "Her" a Dress Pattern for Xmas. .Thousands of yards taken from our stock to be sold at prices less than the cost to, manu- -fjptiiin TIimii mnt nn. ariimnlatirt f.f . old silks carried over from season to season, but every yard is this year's goods. The lot consists of plain Louisiene, plain Pongee, plain Wash Taffeta, neat White Figured Silks, Figured Colored Foulards, Novelty Plaid Silks, neat Figured Chiffon Taffeta, neat Figured Checked and Striped louis iene, plain and changeable Peaa de Cygne. This immense collection you will find in Silk Annex, on bargain tables, divided in three big lots- : 1 ' ; - Lot No. 1 at 561 P Yard, Lot No. 2 at 66 per Yard 1 ' v Lot No. 3 at 83 per Yard Handsome Broadcloths As "Makings" for Tailored Gowns, ' in a Grand Closure Sale. BLACK DRESS GOODS SECTION We find we have too many Fine Black French, German and English Broadcloths in both the chiffon and regular finish, and, rather than carry these .good, over to an other fall, we intend cutting the prices to make a quick turn over, as below Our regular $2.50 grade reduced to, yard 92.16 Our regular $3.00 grade reduced to, yard ...........92.50 Our regular $3.50 grade reduced to, yard ... ..................93.04 Our regular $4.00 grade reduced to, - yard 93.57 Our regular $4.50 grade reduced to, yard ....... ....93.02 These numbers at the regular prices are the best values shown in the city; a fact acknowledged by the best judges to be found --the Dressmakers. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK IN THE dt Union Suits; regular Union Suits;. regular, Special, each; Special, each.. Special, each. . Special, each. . Special, each. . SpeciaJ, each. . Special,; each. . Special, each. . Special, each. . suit.-, . . , , ... . suit..',...... suit., ,k, suit. .. . .91.05 suit. . ...... .82.05 suit. ....... .92.15 suit ......... $2.25 Toyl and 05 91.05 81.15 815 81.35 81.45 81.55 81.70 91.85 81.60 81.70 815 Housekeeoe rs , Third Floor. SILVERWARE CLOCKS ! CUT GLASS CHINA . K BRIC-A-BRAC LAMPS Handsome and Useful Gifs for Xmaa at Special Bargain Prices In Gold Finish Fancy Clocks- New Haven Clock Co.'s guaranteed clocks; gold fin- rv 1 ji Regular $1,35 value. TSiL Special, each.... .9110 t)i Regular $1.75 value. , 37t Special, each..... .910 ri-hn Regular $2.35 value. ; Vuy H'YfiXC Special, each.. ....9188 W0U Regular $2.75 value. Special, each. .92.10 Regular-$3.35 value. - Special, each. .82.67 Regular $3.90 value. Special, each. .93.10 Regular $4.50 value. Special, each.. $3.60 Regular $6.50 value. : Special, each . .95.15 Regular $14.75 value. Special, each. 8 1180 Regular $17.00 value. Special, each. 913.60 Silverware Guaranteed Al, fancy pieces at reduced prices , 1 Sugar Spoons, regular value 40c 7 Spe- " cial, each ................. 25 Buttar Knives, regular value 60c. Spe cial, each .....,............'.......35 Pie Knives, regular value $1.75. Spe cial, each . . . . . . . . .. ........ ..... 91.05 Fish Forks, regular value $1.75. ,Spe- cial, each . .......... ...,.i..... 9105 Soup Ladles, regular value $2.75. - Special, each . .91.75 Coffee Spoons, regular value $1.13. Special, half dozen... ...... "....i. 75 Orange Spoons, regular value $1J75. ' ' Special, half dozen. .....9125 Dessert Forks, regular value $2.13. - -; Special, half dozen. ......91.00 Table Forks, regular value $2.38. ; Special, hajf dozen.... ........... . 91.80 Table Fork's, regular value $2.38.: ; Special, half dozen. 9180 Haviland China Unequaled assortment of Dinner Sets and odd pieces. A choice line 6fcpTecennerts7rom. 100-piece Dinner Sets, from..,. SZl. 99 up 112-piece Dinner Sets, from.... $24.00 up 117-piece Dinner Sets, from.... 929.80 op CutT Glass Libbey s Cut Gtass,-xdtMf Portland Agency; thousands of articles to select from ; unequaled for quality and glass cutting..-:- , i - -v :'. Bronze Figures and Busts New lines Bronze Figures and Busts; values , from 91.50 to 940.00 each. Electric Figures and Lamps, fancy Shades and Portables. ; German Punch Bowls, Punch and Beer Sets, hundreds of Steins to select from. ; Glass Candelabra," -with prism and shade Five-light, regular value $11.75. Special, each 98S0 Three-light, regular value $6., Spe cial, each 93-05 In the Annex-2d Floor Women's $2.50 Knit Petticoat $L73 Women's fine all wool knit Petticoats, in plain, cardinal, navy, gray, black or white or in any of these colors with fancy striped -border; our $2.50 value. . Special sale price, each... ....9173 Women's $1.25 Flannelette Gowns for 94c Women's fancy pink or blue and white striped Flannelette Gowns, with yoke, collar and cuffs, trimmed with plain out-; ing flannel, fancy stitching- a finishing braid; our $1.25 value. Special sale price, each ....... 04 56c for Ladies' White Apron Worth 75c Ladies' fine .white Aprons, made with bib and shoulder straps and trimmed with em- ' broidery insertion. Finished with large, wide strings; our 75c value Special sale price, each 56 value $3.00. value $3.15. Special, the suit... ...:.. 82.40 Special, the suit......i..92. .CO Exchange - 1 , Children's S5c Vests or Pants 25c. , , White Cotton Jersey Ribbed Vests or Pants, sizes 3, 4, 5 and 6 ; "regular value 35c Special, each..V. ...... ............. 25 ' ; Women'a $U5 Union Suits 73c Fine ribbed white cotton fleece lined Union Suits, half open -: front, medium weight ; regular value $1.25. Special, the suit. .73 1 ' Women's $3.00 Union Suits $2.29. High grade fine cashmere white and natural Union Suits, nice medium weight ; regular value $3. Special, the suit. . . ... .92.29 SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK IN THE WOMEN'S AND - CHILDREN'S HOSIERY SECTION. - - . Women's 33c-Hose 23c Black Worsted Hose, seamless, good winter weight ; soM rvrry- . 77 where for 35c. Our special at, the pair.. t ' ...v . .'-Children's 80c Hose KJic. Children's winter weipht black Cotton lf."- ribbed, elastic; regular value 2sc. .c; ' . c -