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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1905)
EVENING, DECEMBER 5. 1P05. 'THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY i , II I JB TAIL OF LOG RAFT HITS ejEflOLA In Accident Vessel's Rudder. Is Unshipped but She Escapes" More Serious Damage. BOAT HAD BEEN TAKEN A OUT OF COMMISSION Machinery of the Former Oil-Carrier Will Be Placed In the Oregon '.Round Lumber Company's ' New ' Steamer, the Beaver." " y Shortly after she had bean taken out of commission, for good ths steamer Olenola k)t her mddr and cam near meeting with a mora eerloue mishap this morning aa aha lay at the Couch otreet dock. -.- rwith a log raft In tow the tug Game cock cam ateamlng up the harbor. It was a long raft and tba tall and of it ' cama training along not far from the dock at which the Olenola was lying. The logs ' awept under . the latter and ' uaahlpped her rudder and almost lifted the atern of the craft out of the water. Many of the loga got entangled in such a -manner that ther became aeparated from the main part, of the raft and ' floated away on the current. Some of them later were picked up, but othera got away and are probably xar aown the Columbia by thie time. The Glenola had Just completed the laat run. that aha will ever make. The ' veaael belonga to the Oregon Round Lumber 'company and tbla afternoon abe will be taken up to . the Portland shipyards, where her machinery will be removed and placed In the ateamer -Beaver, the new boat being built for the Clatakanle route. Her upper worka other purposes. It la probable that the hull will be fixed up and need for a . barge. ....-... , For the paat two years the veaael bad been an oil-carrier, running between Portland . and. Oregon City and to the varioua tanka along the river. Moat -of the cargoea were handled by meana of - bargee, which were towed by . the ateamer. The ownera of the Olenola have chartered' the Fannie to place In thta trade, and during her epare mo menta ahe will engage In the general tnwlnf ttiialnASSL' . " The Beaver will be ready for the Clatakanle route about the flrat of the year. Her woodwork la practically com pleted and her machinery and boiler aoon will be inatalled. Until abe la ready for service the Sarah Dixon will remain on the route. . , TO TAKE OUT, LUMBER. . After a week or IS iron sjauing- vases ... ... .. Za Secured for Portland. - . After a week of skirmishing at the varioua porta the California A Oregon ceeded In closing a deal .thla morning for a Bailing; veaael to carry a cargo of lumber frow .Portend to Bun rdr. The negotiation' were brought enottfat San -Francisco, tha other end -of the line, and the name of the craft haa not yet been learned oy tne local iiiih vi e-cWrrpaiiy.1 -It la explained, however, that ahe la capable of handling 1.100.000 feet of lumber, which would Indicate that aba la among the largest carriers dn. tha const The veaael will leave Baa Francisco for the north on -Thureday and ! expected to arrive here about the 'middle of the month. Her cargo from Portland win be made up principally of. railroad ties. A weekly circular Issued at San Fran cisco by the ateamahlp sssoclatlon waa received here thie morning - and' con tained the following piece of informa tion: . .. ' The demand for tonnage etlll eon- rinues good, witn very . row avaiiaDia vepaela even at an advance over the present quotations." , Thla fully explalna the . difficulty being; experienced la securing tonnage, a all of the vessels are fully employed. More Oregon fir la being aent down The coast than ever before In the history probably be ; Inereaaed- by a third If ateamera and Bailing craft were avail able.' , : . . ; ' .- , MOFE COMPLAINTS. Upper Say They Xavw to Walt a . N Jtoag Time Off Baa for "Pilota. 'Captain Dermody, master of 4he Brit lab ste&msblp Klrkiec who arrived, yes terday, Vays that the pilot service at the mouth of the .Columbia river la moat ahln..kl. m rJt .twinvl Intlm.lM that unless there la an Improvement along PILES QUICKLY CURED AT HOME Inatanr- Relief, "Permanent Cure ; j Trial Package Mailed Free to s - AU in Plain Wrapper. ' PI lea fa a fearful ' dfaeaae, but. eaay to cure If you go at It right An operation with the knife Is dan gerous, cruel, humiliating and Unneces sary. ....... . TherV.Is' Just one other sure way td be. cured pslnleaa, safe and In the pri vacy of your own bome-v-lt la Pyramid Pile Cure. ..- We mall a trial package free to all who write. i . , it win -give you instant rener, snow .you the harmless, patolea nature ef thla great remedy and start you well on the way toward a perfect cure.-" Then you fan ' get a full-alaed," bos from any druggist or ! cents,' and . vii.n qui dux cure. v . - If he druggist trlea to aell you eome JMng juat aa good. It ta because he ronkes more money on the substitute.' Insist on having what fort call for. rapidly until It la complete and perma nent. . You can'TW right ahead with your work and be esay and comfortable all the time. It la well worth tryifTir. ; Just etnd you rename and address to Prramld Drug Co.. 12. Pyramid Build Itig, Marshall, Mich.,- and - twelve - free by return mall the trial package In a pliiln wrapper. ' " , . Thousands have-been cured dn thie eey, painless and Inexpensive way. In the privacy or tne noma. N. knife and Ita torture.. No doctor and hla bllla. . i . 1 1 ......,- t, mm tX7vla Mi for a free package. c lhIe"TJneFdrtlarid wnTfievef become "the ahlpplng port that It should. . Tl waa off the bar SO hours," aaya the captain, "before pilot cama aboard to. take, the ateamer Into the river. A day added to the paaaage of ateamablp like the JClrkle meana a lot ef addltlonl expense, To Improve the. aervlce. I think the pilots ought to have a a mail ateamer on the outalde .the greater part, of tha time at thla aeaaon of the year, when ao many vessels are coming here, Thla la the plan which la follr-wed at all of the principal porta on the Atlantlo coast, Aa a consequence no ateamer are. kept waiting there for a pilot to taae mem into port." Many of tha skipper to arrive lately have made almllar complaints. They ex plain that theae criticisms are not made In an unfriendly spirit, but merely with the object In view of offering sugges' lions to the- pilota 4ft; the hope that they win benefit by tnera. Bhippere aaaart that the pilota will not admit that there la room for Improvement in their work and oolong aa they assume that attitude it la held to be likely that ahlpa will continue to lose time at the. mouth of the rtver. 1 REVEL OF FRENCH BARK. Bjrbormatar Blglla - Quiets Drunken . aad . Quarrelsome Sailors. Ben Blglln, harbormaater. waa rouaed out of bed at about midnight laat night to quell a disturbance on board - the French bark L'Hermlte, which la receiv ing a grain cargo at one of the docka In the lower harbor. - The merabera of the crew had been Imbibing freely during the dey, and went aboard the veaael late at night, and before retiring decided to engage in a flatlo encounter. Before the fight bad proceeded far, nearly every man on board, with the exception of the offlcere. waa taking a hand in It Tha deck waa crimson with blood, and Cap tain Legrand concluded that It waa about time to put a atop to hostilities. Me aent a telephone meaaaga to the har bormaater. who hurried to the acene aa quickly aa poaalble and threatened to place the entire crowd under arreat. Tha men qulckly'apologlaeed for their be havior, and on promise that no charge would be lodged agalnat them the former foea retired to their quarters apparently thovbeat of frlenda. L'Hermlte haa not loat any of her aallora by reason of de sertion aince her arrival from Antwerp on October II. .. !,, ,, j ONLY. FOUR DISENGAGED. Bxportera Clalxa That ' They Cannot - Afford to ray VLfk. rrelht Bates. Of the 11 Bailing veaael in the river aultable tor grain carrlera, 17 are under charter. : and . either are being supplied with or preparing to receive - cargoes. The four on the disengaged Hat ae the oriiisn amps uraoiocn. uiyinswooa. Falls of Dee and EekasonL .Negotia tions are under way for some of them, and It la likely that all wlU be char tered before another week elapees. Some of tba exporters contend, how ever, that the- price of wheat will have to drop before it will ibe poaalble to take preparations for sending additional shipments to feurope. - It Is pointed out that big quantities are being dispatched from the Argentine republic every wee and that the European' market Is be ginning to feel the effects of the heavy traffic For that reason they aaaert that they are not in a position to pay the high freight rates that the owners are asking for tonnage. , Nearly all of the cargoea engaged for the ahlps now under charter in port were disposed t some time ago and consequently the ex porters will not lose on the transactions whtcblreadyhveeeirtOTirummated. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. returned last night on -her first trip be tween. Portland and the head of naviga tion on the Willamette river since laat June. . It la reported that tha stage of water at Corvallts and Albany la ffve feet ''above the low water mark and there is no doubt that the aervlce will be ' continued. Many of the residents along the ftpper river cheered the boat on her appearance after her long ab sence. 8moke wae lesalng from the stack of the steamer Telephone this morning, which is .taken 'to Indicate that the vea ael la preparing to go out on some route. She has been lying Idle at the Haseltlne dock for the paat two months. Arrangements have been mad by the owners to land the steamer F. A. KU bum at the Greenwich. Instead of the Oek .street dock. Agent Oreenough has opened up an orrice at the former place. The steamship Croydon moved from the flour mills to Montgomery dork No. 1 yesterday afternoon and the steamship Labuan from the Irving dock to the flour mllle. " ThiB afternoon the French bark Bre tagne, which reached the harbor yester day from Honolulu, will move to the Barrfleld dock -to discharge her ballast. Captain Henry, her maater, says that when he was at Hobart. Tasmania, early In the summer, the French bark Aale left there, for Portland and he expected that she would reach here ahead of him. Laden with general cargo, the steamer W. H. Kruger will sail this evening for Bait Francisco. The steamer Redondo of the same line will sail tomorrow. The work of discharging cement from the Britlah ahlp Eskaaonl waa started laat evening at the Southern Pacific dock. Advices were received by- the Mar chants exchange this morning to the ef feet that the British steamship Den of Cromble would not be at Portland thla winter as had' been planned. MARINE NOTES. . ', ... ' i ' ; Aatoria, Dec. (.Arrived at l a. m. and left up at 10:49 a. m., steamer Sen ator, from San Francisco. Arrived at t:4l a. m., French bark La Rochejaqj-e-lln, from San Francisco. San- Franclscor- Deo. - S. Arrived at l a. m., steamer Columbia, from Port land. . Astoria, Deo. 4. Sailed at I p. m schooner Jennie Wand, for San Fran Cisco. Sailed at t p. m., French bark Briseux, for Port Parte, Australia. Adelaide, Dec I. Arrived prior 1 to date, British bark Plnmora, from toft land. . . . Port Natal, Dec I. Arrived prior to date, British . ship ' Pytnomene, from Portland. Aatoria, Dec I. Condition of the baa at I a. m., obscured; . wind southeast) weather foggy. RUBE MEADE FOUND i V DEAD FROM A BULLET , (ftpaetal Diana tch to The Jnaraal.t Iluntjingtort, Or., Dec t. Roy Meade;' known . throughout- eaatara Oregon -aa "Rube" Meade, has' been found near Mineral City, Idaho, dead. It was., evi dent from the condition of the body that he had been dead about three days and bullet marka Indicated that be- had either shot himself or had been murdered.- The body was identified by a bill In one of the deceased's pockets. - - Meade waa a mining man of about 40 years of age and lived In Baker City with Mrs. Wells,-who Is now running a hotel "at Pleasant Valley. He was a rltlsen of Bakei City for many yeara and was employed t in tha. different mines. He has a brother and a slatsr ELECTIONS AVI opeiitowii Heavy Votes Cast in Many Cities Throughout the State " Yesterday. ' JAMES A. FEE CHOSEN MAYOR OF PENDLETON Reform Ticket Ooea Down to Defeat ;'at -Hfllboro City - Ownership . Wine at Independence Reaulta at , . Other Towns. : ', : v. . . (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) Pendleton. Or., Dec i. The heaviest vote ever cast In a Pendleton city. elec tion was that of yeeterday. The ticket as elected was aa follpws: Mayor: Jaroea A. Fee Is elected by III majority over William Moore. Trees uren Charlea Hamilton. 71 majority over Ben S. ' Burroughs. Councilman Flret ward, J. Mumm 110, T. J. Tweedy 16; Mumm's majority. It. Second ward, W. H. McCormmach 140, Frank Frasler 114; McCormmach's majority 10. Third ward, Joe Ell 12, C. a Wheeler 07; Ell's majority lit. Fourth ward, J. T. Hlnkle 1.4, Smith 120; Hlnkle's ma Jorlty 4. The ticket which, with the exception of W. H. McCormmach, was defeated, stood avowedly and in the minds of the voters as a "law enforcement" tlcket rep resenting the' policy and doctrine of the suppression of gambling and restric tion as much aa poaalble under existing laws of the more flagrant evils which Infest the place. This Includes ' also Sunday closing, the abolition of the box evil and the more groas abuses of the lodging-house business. The "wide open" element supported the. ticket elected. ...., V CAU FIELD ELECTED. v. ' Aatl-rraaobise . Candidates Oet whelming slajorlty at Oregon City. (Special Dispatch to The Jos real.) Oregon City, Or.. Dec 6. In the mu nicipal election In thla city yeaterday E, O. Caufleld was elected mayor by an overwhelming majority over E. D. Kelly. Jack R. Caufleld was elected treasurer over Frank Barlowr and Willlam-Andre- sen. Ernest P.- Rands. William R. Logua and Joseph N. Harrington were elected eouncilmen. Six hundred and fifty-four votes were oast out of-a registered vote of 860. Tha vote by warda followe: . Flrat ward For mayor, E. O. caurieid 170, E. D. Kelly 6; for treasurer, J. R. Caufleld 117. Frank Barlow 117: for council, WlUiam Andresen 111, W. I Little 71. . . Second ward- For mayor, E. O. Cau fleld 211. E. D. Kelly 81: for treasurer. J. R. Caufleld H, Frank Barlow 124; for council tlong term). E. P. Rands 100. Joseph Lynch 17; for council . (short term). William R. Logug tit ; . ,.. Third wardFor mayor, ..JB. O. Cau. field 08. E. D. Kelly JJ; for treasurer, J. R. Caufleld Tl. Frank Barlow 48; for council, Joseph N. Harrington 116. Total for mayor-caurield 47, Iteiiy 171: Caufleld'e majority. 80S." - . '. - ' For treaeurer Jack K. canneia 164, Frank Barlow 88; Caufleld'a majority, BwaH O, Caufleld, suhn wis alarfed mayor yeaterday, hae been twloe before mayor of Oregon City, having been elect ed for the terms of 1898 and 18. Hla administration waa marked by what la -railed a closed-town policy, and ha- strictly enforced the antl-gambllng lawa. He promlaes an administration of econ omy and a strict enforcement of all the lawa , Jack R. Caufleld. who was elected city treasurer, is only 22 years old, snd la a clerk in the offices of the Willamette Pulp Paper company. William Andresen,' , oounciiman-eieci from the flrat ward. Is a member of the firm of Burmelster Andresen, and Is a responsible and well-to-do cHlsen whs haa lived here many years. Erneat P. Randa, wno is one or tne councilman-elect from the second wsrd, waa born and raised In Oregon City. He Is a civil engineer and Is ths present city engineer. He la chairman of the county central Republican committee. William R. Logua, the other council-man-elect from this wsrd, was also born and raised in Oregon -ity. He la- the local manager for the Wells Fargo and Western Union companies. ' Joseph N. Harrington, who Is elected from the third ward. Is a. well-known clttaen of Oregon City.' ,' The hold-over members of the city council sre H. E. Straight and David R. Wllllama from the flrat ward, A. Knapp from the second ward, and M. Juaton and Henry Brandt from the third ward. . - All the newly elected officers will take their seats Januaray 1. 1906. , ' LACKEY REELECTED: Present Officer Chosen for Third Term , . , at Ontario Yeaterday. ,' ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal.! ; 1 Ontario. Or., Dec I. Conaiderable In terest was taken In the city election which took place yeaterday. There were two tickets In the field. A mayor, city treasurer and three eourTcilmen were to be chosen to serve a term of two years. The regular cltaens' ticket (headed by Mayor J. A. Lackey, who was. running for the third term) was successful. City Treasurer O. A. Martin waa re elected and John Landlngham, William Plugnoff and Con Ryan were chosen eouncilmen. The- Independent People's ticket was headed 'by Judge J, T. Clement for mayor, T. T, Kahout for city treasurer,' and for councllmej Ward, Cashfleld, Dr. O. A. Pogue and J. E. Long. -. . - . CHEHALIS VOTES TODAY. " Uvea ' City XlectW string Ont rni ,akeglstered Tote. i (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Chehalls, Wash., Dec f. Things have framed up for a. lively city election In Chehalla today. M. A. Langhorne heads the Cltlaens' ticket for mayor, the other candldatea on that ticket being: Ed ward Degeller for - treaeurer, W. A. Weetovex for city clerk, John Weat, A. C. St. John and T. L. Devereeae for councilman for two years each, and Ous Donahoe "for councllman-at-large for one year. W. E. Blahop la on this ticket for-attorneyr-Iw. Oeerge- Dow for health of fleer, S. Hartman. Oeorge R. Kemarkabl Cure. 1 waa much afflicted with sciatica," writes Kd. C. Nud. lowaville, Sedgwick Co... Kan., "going about on crutchaa and suffering a deal of pain. I waa Induced to try Ballard.8 Snow Liniment,, which relieved me. "I used three 60c bottlea. It Is ths greatest liniment I ever used: have rec ommended It to a number of persons; all exprese themselves as being bene fited by It I now walk without crutohea, ahle to .perform a great deal of light laoor on tne rarm." - zic eOo and 81.00. ::it torn eves Dealers' Profits Prevents Adulteration 7IFULLDUI!.TS$1 On it ixntii rsEPAio viUU onroLL quarts n on m U FREIGHT fRtPWO I U saw U ' v ' Sand m the abwe newest and we HI ahle la aelaia auM cats, wit as siarU tt ilttw coatenti. Trythtwhla key, rlaveiraar SocterlMtlt If yea o1 (M It all rtrM and the pvmtani bast wMtkay ma ener tatttd, tela tt teck to aa at ear expenai and yoar rn BMnay will be aromato; refunded, ' Voa caa kant either Rye er Bos rboa. Remember, wt pay the exprsM or lre(ht charreai roe me sioney by aroartng 20 eearb) by frtighL If yo cast sat aa naoh yoarwil, gat i ktend k Jo4a yoa. HAVNKR WHISKBT. goes direct to yon from our dlstiuery, one of the largest and beat equipped m the world, thus aasormg yon of eerfect purity and saving yon ths dealers ' bia proflta. It is prescribed by doctors snd naad In hospitals and by half a minion satisfied eostomera, because tt Is good aad pure and yet ao cheap. -,,;;'... warra otra jrsAaaaT omen. TKE HAYKER CISTHJJX3 CO. ST. rUL MINN. DAYTON, 0. ' 8T LOUfs, MO, ATLANTA, SA.. Dtanxxnav, Taov, 0. 1 Baf Anuaaso 1008 sm eaoitai pim ta fM lOtffrUrt TEETH Siave Money - Tha YlAatnn TWintal - PaHora. '191 Morrlaon street, are giving their annual December reduced prices for the pur pose of advertising their American Bye tern of Painless Dentistry. Coma at once and. have Xree examina tion. ; ., . , Vntll January 1 we will extract teath freei sliver filling a, 85o npi gold fillings, roe an; set of teeth, 84.00) best set. 88.00 ; (old orowaa, S3.00; white erowna, 3.8a ,.. .:.: " .. ! ' All work a-uaranteed for ten Teara Lady attendant alwaya present. All work done absolutely without pain by specialists of from 18 to 30 years' ex- perience. , , Boston Painless Dentists 891 H Korrlaoa St., Opp. Meier h Trank I , ana jrostomoe.. HOURS 8:80 a.' m. to c m. Sunday. 8:80. a. m. to 12:80 p. m. . t Walker and John-F. "Dever for two-year councilman and J. JH Balndon for coun-ellman-at-large. ' On the People'e ticket I. Jjiwrence Is the eandUate ta aaaysa, jk,, g, flBpy far treasurer, P. C Beaufort for clerk, 8. C White for attorney. Dr, O. W, Kennl eott for health Officer. 8. A.' Phllllpa, Oeorge Oelsaler . and - R. Fechtner for two-year eouncilmen and Carl Motter for councllman-at-large one year. Of the candidates above named, Westovet for clerk. Bishop for Attorney, Cory for treasurer and Dow tot health- officer, are up for reelection. There are many.local laaues involved. A total of 882 voter la registered and It Is likely that nearly the full vote will be polled of those who will, be entitled to vote. VOTE FOR WET TOWN. HUlsboro meformera Meet Defeat Oor' --"nallna Blected Mayor." (Saaeial Dispatch ta The JoaraaL) HUlsboro, Or, Deo. 8. Two tickets were voted on yeaterday the "Cltlsena' ticket." which stood for a dry town, the other the "Mass Meeting" ticket, which favora licensed saloons.. The lattetJ www. 1 - The following were candldatea on the Citlxens' ticket: Mayor, 8. 8. Barnea; truatees, J. H. Ray, R. A. Carllale, O. V. Doughty; . recorder, J. J. Wipe; trees urer, John Howklns. , The aucceaaful Mass Meeting ticket constated of the following candldatea: Mayor,- B. P. Cornelius; trustees, John Milne, John Dennis and John W. Bailey ; recorder, H. T. Bagley; treasurer, A. C Bhute. , . . ' , CITY OWNERSHIP WINS. tndependenoe . Totes Two to Ons . in v ' Tavor of Oravlty Water tryatem, T ' ' (Special Dispatch. to The Joernai.) Independence. Or.', Dec - 6. The city election yeaterday resulted hi a vote of almoat. two to one . in . favor of the "CltUena' Gravity Water Byatem" ticket. There was elected a mayor, recorder and three eouncilmen, and the vote stood ae follows: For mayor. Paddock 16, Kirk land 72; for "recorder, Bharman 220; for councilman, Huaton 167, Hanna - 121, Mattlaon 141, Tllle.ry 21, Eldrldge tt, Mufalman 88. . : ', The vote was not large and everything pasned off quietly and orderly., The ticket elected declared in ravor or the city owning and operating a gravity water aystem. , QUIET AT SALEM. i. i 'i Oonacllmen Zleoted Troa Saoh Ward Xdttle Interest-Manifested. - (Hpecll Dlnpatcb to The Joaraal.) ' Salem, Or., Dec. S. The city election paaTc'd off very quietly In Salem yea terdae. Though ons councilman was elected In each ward, only a small per centage of the voters went to the polla Of the seven men choaen all were . Re publicans but one. In eome of the -OOL. at JZBC - Park and Washington, Portland, Oregon "TSi School of finality . A. P. Armstrong, LL. ., Principal Thousands of graduate in posi tion ; .lundreda placed rach year; mora calls for help than we can meet it pays to attend our school; larg est, . mo. modern, fcteet equipped. Departments: Puitnesa, Shorthand, TypewritinK. Penmanghip, Englieh, Open all the year. Catalogue, pen suirit ire. CaiL telephone or write. CIric! from Cur C!;'.: iwm DfflSGES1 fi 4f.i trn "flejsasBnusn"" j1 JjHerruAai" 1 .:vt.:'w.. Fit,--, Finish and Fabric aiaranteed. - Th price wiS suit, - and. . ' ''. Tha auit will flC -. W handle) no Ready. Made Clothing, but make tMlV. n1aJa- your Clothes to tout order J,lK$ 11 IQ K at from $20.00 to $45.00 tha suit. O .lwajrda the pemocrate did not even have fa nominee. ""' .V M" ' . . . - r OIIUWLIIS ! R. S. Downing (reelected), JF.Q. Haa Alonso Oesner (reeleoted), WT 8. Lowe. Oeorge H. Jacobs (reelected), E. C h...kiit Maiaeted). John Barns, Dem- Tjcrat reeleeted). y . smith Elected. Taspareea Ticket Sot Wet Tow Tlo. tortona ta oontaav. (KnarUl p tops tea to The JoaraaL) -IbaTmTorVW l.--The city eleo tlon yeaterday at this place was hoUy contested, there being about 80 more votes east than sver before at any city election, the main Issue being the saloon or no saloon. Ths two tickets wsro tne Cltlsens and Taxpayers, ana i --' -ticket being all elected except the re corder. The following er th new of ficers: Mayor. J. D. Smith: eouncilmen. Bogart, Orandell and Boalerj treasurer, Harden; recorder, Randle. ( .- SHARP CONTEST. ' . . . . Albany Choose J. V. WaUaoa for Hay o ' aad W) 1 Thompsom aVeoorder. (Special' Dispatch to Tae JoaraaL) in.. . -.- rw. a Vaatardar'a eleo- r aju.u1 w. , - tlon waa aharply conteated and reaulted In the following new v..--... Mayor, J. P. Wallace; recorder, W. Lair traaaurtr. BL D. Cualclt. Councllmen Flrat ward, C Pfelffer; second ward. A. J, Devany; third ward. W. W. Parker. . ..-.1 - T..nanrl.tlf MCalVed 4SB rotes against Dannala, Republican, Its, and Richards, Booianax, . imp la a Republican; McLain a Democrat, and Cuslok an Independent, ; sprincfieldIs wet. Ticket TaTorlne; Haleons and Traaiohls . Wlna. ,- . ' V..' ' (gpaclal Dispatch to The Jonrasl.) - ' Eugene. Or., Deo. I. At the city elec tion at Springfield yeaterday, the Cltl sens' ticket., which favored the granting of a franchise to ' Rhodes, Blnkler -Butcher for a waterworks, and also sa ri . . . aiat by a lare-e ma jority over the Independent ticket,' The successful canaiaaiee ar; b;ii . Jayne; eouncilmen, B. BL Kepner and H. Sinner; treaeurer, M. M. Peery; recorder, Oeorge MoCauley. ' - - . AT CftANTS PASS, r Aboat Two Thirds of Begiatanred Toe Oast aad Oood Bceleoted. (padal Mspatck to Ths JoaraaL) ' Grants Pass. Or., Deo. I. Yesterday's election passed off quietly, only l votes out of a total of 1,000 -being caat. Mayor Oeorge EL Oood waa reelected overiC'TS. Maybee. Colonel W. Johnson was reelected treasurer.' yrh following eouncilmen were successful; W. M. Hare, flrat ward; Thonrta W. Williams, eeeond ward; F. W. Chausee, third ward. For the two-year term Peter Orarelln waa sleeted for the third ward. LIGHT VOTE POLLED. ' Uttle Interest Shown la BOlwaakee Blsottoa Only On Ticket la Field, : -tnpeetal Dtepatrb t The Jaareal.). Mllwaukla, Or., Dec. I. There were only 4t be Hot a esat at the apeelal -election held tiers yeeterday. Aa there wal only one ticket In. the field the Interest ehown wae small. . The vote was as follows! ,' - -u-. AMermen-i-P. Rtrleb 4, O: S.' Mathews II, George Hlnely 40. For recorder Nelson Cooper . For treasurer Fred Give Tkat Boy a, Tailor-Made Suit for Christmas That young man of yourt to whom appearance will mean so A much, 'make him a present of the beat suit of clothe he ever had.' . .We will donate $5 to such a worthy enterprise. """.':7i,"".".";'r : For $25 we will sell you a certificate which entitles the re cipient to a $30 suit made to W measure. i We will make up the suit from our regular $30 stock not from a cheaper fabric put up for the occasion, r . You may select the suit yourself from our show windows, or ' we will duplicate any $30 suit that has ever gone out of our shops. You may be sure that your son or younger brother will ap preciate a fine tattor made suit better than any other present you could make him. : . ' :' ' '.- During this month of December only we make this offer. " Our $30 suit to your measure cannot be duplicated in Port land for less than $45. Here i an opportunity o make a $45 present for $25. - i -:, "v Lehman 41. JTor marshal, Arthot DUWllUS tl. HEPPNER IS CLOSED. Ticket fee Opea Towa Zs Badly Be fBpselal Dlspateh to The JoaraaL) ' Heonner. Or.. Dec I. The city elec tion was Mid hero yesterday. Frank 01111araa elected mayor for a second term by a majority of 10 Totes agalnat O. B. Farnaworth. .Two tickets were nominated, one for an open town and one agalnat it. The latter ticket carried atralght. The day passed quleUy and a full vote waa cast. ' , i aii i, . -1 - Kurt la Buna way. '' ' fgnactal Dlanateh to Tha JoaraaL) Pendleton, Or., Dec a. .Richard Withers was seriously Injured yeeter day as ths result of a runaway. He was driving a watsr wagon west or tne Prosnect ranch, near this city, and the fodr-horse team haWaa driving became I SICK OR. IN TROUBLE r ZENOBIA The arreat Ee-ybtlan life reader and oe- cultlat. Natural-born clairvoyant She cures with native roota, herbs and barks. I22-U1 Allaky building, I(f Morrlaon street, corner Third. We treat successfully all private ner- vrtus and chronic dlaeaaes of men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troublea. We cure SYPHILIS (without mercury) to stay cured for - ever. We remove STRICTURE, with- out operation or pain. In IS daye. 'We atop dralna, night losses and spermatorrhea by a new method In a snort time. We pan restore the sexual vigor of any man under 60 by meana of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. We Cure Gonorrhoea r , in a Week The doctors of this Institute are all regular ..graduates, hsv had many yeara' experience, have been known In Portland for It yeara, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertaka no case unless certain cure can be effected. We guarantee a cure In a vary caae wrf undertake or charge no fee. Consulta-t j . tlon fra. Lettera confidential. Inatruc- uva &jyjT ruiy aia-n mausa xre in plain wrapper. W cure th worst eases of piles In two or three treatmenta, without opera tion, tun guaranteaa. y . If you cannot call at office write for cessrui. . . - . Office hours, I to I and 7 to I. "Sundays and" Holiday a,v 10 to IS. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. f Offlcee In Van Noy Hotel, I1H Third Street; Corner Pine, Portland, Or, J r OOLEN 7th & Stark All Chances of Uncertainty As to future success by equipping ' . - yourself , . NOW With good Commercial Training. When you are about It. why not gat the best TatB TXBT BMT. We Teach Ail Business Branch, f "We alao .teach Practical Advertising BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Bike Bid, ereath. aad ' Btark. ofbbt bat aid nan. ... . . ? ' ny 'v f'0;. Ion question blank. v v a n iiik. i, Am t : V f T2 '4iJ