The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 05, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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""!H aee
In the Shade of the PalmsThe Royal Hawaiian Hotel
Cravenettes, Raincoat. nd Maclcintoshe freshly unpacked and every one made by the
GOODYEAR RAINCOAT CO., Row Located at 103 Third Street
You know what that meant. Think of 40,000 Raincoats from the best makers in the world at such
slashing prices they can't last long. To begin Wednesday at 8 a. m. . . . k -
Every one was tailored by the best men in the east and made especially for this season's wear. Single or double breasted,
loose or iieht fitting with or without belts.. all colors, all weights and many are silk lined. A visit to our store will tell more
wonders than a page advertisement.
.... v
V " " N-'',
- - -v ;,' - . "c.v v
1 1 ! i
For . .
v 1
ladies' Cravenelte Raincoats
CC rtfV RSular S11 vaiue; Fitted Full Length Rain
, 50UU coats, single and doubled j breasted sfyles.
Warranted all wool, light And dark colors. , .. V-'.
$6.5 0 S7.50 Extremely13 stylfsh VRS-
. coats in Oxford, green, tan and brown, in fitted and loose
belted back; wing shoulder. cape, also triple cape effect;
perfect fitting,' "
A Regular $18 value. An unusually attractive
5)" I O model fashioned in cape or collarless style ;
new box pleated or inverted back; semi ror, tight fitted
style; latest sleeve; colors, olive, tan or gray; hand tail
ored throughout. I ..
- " ' SPECIAL f'-.-- -fl1'7
CAfnCIC HA Imported models, made of
MaV.uU lU VltJeUU the finest cravenette cloths.
We ask that you see these splendid garments, that you
note the style, the make, the finish, that you compare our
prices with others that are asking $25 to $30. .' . v ." ,
Women's Raincoats .
',-V "' ' - - (ape and Coat Styles : t.
d1 Aft In 01 C A Sale Price. Regular $6 to
pL.UU U 4)0. OU $10. Ladies' Raincoats made
of superior quality covert cloths, in tan, gray ; full belted
back, very latest sleeve ; three cape effect ; trimmed with
velvet collars. vj4 ': " l'1, "-- V-
-) Aft inrl 0 4 Eft Fancy Tweedr Brocade or
5t5.UU anQ M.OU Serge; value $10 to $12. .
Mail Orders Promptly Filled If Accompanied by the Money
Men's Cravenelte Raincoats
A A Regular $12.50 values. Stylish up-to-date
pDeUU Raincoat and Overcoat combined, loose swag
ger effect. Large assortment to select from. N
CT AA 'Rfular $16 vaIue- Men's Cravenette Rain
V I UU coat in fancy, or plain effects. New broad
shoulder, full back; close fitting collar, all sizes.
dQ 'IP Regular $22 value. Swell up-to-date Craven
$7. 1 O tte in Oxford, black and novelties, all hand'
tailored, and silk lined; all sizes.
(MT CA anrf J 1 C $32 to $35 value.
VlL.oi) Cim 3)10 Made of the finest craven
ette cloths. .Nothing finer woven by the cravenette peo-
Men's Macintoshes
v ' All Colors
pie. Silk and wool textures, superior workmanship.
Some in paddock style, others loose back, swagger ef
fect concave shoulders; up-to-date in every respect.
CI CA M'' Boxcoat, . (fc J Aft AU Wqo1 Mel
$ldU valued. 44UU ton, value $15.
(57 PA All Wool Serge : ;
. " HL.OJ Boxcoat, value $8.00 ; r ;,
1 OC CI CA ' AA Sale price. Boys' and -'
$1. LU 3l3Ut VL.VV Girls' Mackintoshes
formerly sold at $3 and $7.50. '
or Express Order. State Chest and Length Measure.
Goodyear Raincoat
109 Third St.
reraerly Occupied by Bartland Traat Company,
Bet. Waahingtos aa Stark Btrseta.
--jrr CLARKE
Vancouver Men Accused of
Working Against. Suburban 7
Railway Franchise. ;
Orchards Residents Threaten to
Boycott Merchants If Ordinance Is
Not Passed and Milwaukee May
... Avoid the Town.
I- (IpKhl Dispatch te The Journal.)
Vancouver, - Wash., Dec S. It was
definitely stated this morning by an of
ficial of the Vancouver At Suburban
Railway company that tha road will be
constructed irrespective of tha action of
Vancouver's eity eounclL A new fraoj.
chlaa application has been filed with the
clerk of the council, the only Important
ebance from-- the franchise passed a
short time a? being- that the time for
finishing the entire road within the city
limit. I- Ttnrt1 fn nun wf It is now
definitely stated by ef flclals of tha com
pany that- should the council paaa the
new franchise, the eastern backers of
the road will accept It.
The turning- down of the first fran
chise by the men who are In readiness
to put up the money nas Drought to lignt
a most starUlng fact. This fsct Is no
more nor less than at least me promi
nent men of Vancouver, one of them a
high city official, was the cauae of the
eastern backers refusing to accept the
franchise. ,
- Blade TJafavorable Beply. . '
When the matter was put up to the
capitalists for their decision they took
It up -with the five local men referred
to. " The reply that the local men sent
the capitalists was that the men who
were active In engineering the project
were not men of good standing and that
they saw no merit In the scheme. -
By the 'men who are. not of good
standing are meant such business men
ss K. EL Watte, J. H. Bugs. W. T. Wood,
K. Vt. Green. E. K. Beard and others.
Most of these men have lived In Van
couver for a number of year and have
Guaranteed heavier, stronger and of better design than sim
ilar machinery built elsewhere. We believe what we say and
stand behind it. ' ' ' '' ' -
Willamette Iron and Steel Works
Portland", Oregon u. s. A. - "
". AND LIQUORS are stored and handle in a way
that' conserves their flavor and high qualities. We
- . have a complete line of all the standard brands of
1 Whiskies Rye, Bourbon or Scotch-; bottled Cock
tails ready for uspJiPported and Domestic Port,
Sherry and Claret, Brandy and finest" of Gins.
National "Wme Co.
FIFTH AND STARK the quality stoue phone MAIN MW
built op their different businesses by
hard work.
nam, to Boyoott.
The refusal on the part of certain
local men of so-called prominence to
recommend the project started - by
Messrs. Burg, Wood, 'Walte nd others,
baa caused a wave of Indignation la
this city and county. So. pronounced
ll It thflt, 8lj tTf "'"2 people east
of Orchards ainorCOa""TaT!TttTroMCr
Inson have voluntarily signed a petition
la which they agree to boycott every
business house In Vancouver if the city
council refuses to grant the franchise
as desired.
The announcement Is made by aa of
ficial of the Vancouver "Suburban
that because of the action of the few
local men in turning down the project
to the eastern capitalists the Milwaukee
road, which this official states Is the
real backer of the local road, has posl
tlvely decided to cut Vancouver"" olt the
map. The road, aa It will be built, win
pass around Vancouver, leaving the city
without connection. The Milwaukee
people, say that If one of the most
prominent ' cltlsens of Vancouver Is
down on them coming here they do not
wish to bother themselves about enter
ing the city. - - - -
While the officials of the Vancouver
A Buburban refuse to state Just what
route will be used In getting to the Co
lumbia river In case the council refuses
to grsnt them a franchise, they do state
positively that'' construction work will
begin early In January regardless of the
sctlon of the Vanoouver city council.
One of the officials stated this morning
that he thought the road would reach
the Columbia at or near nailer's Land
ing or La Camas, a few mfW eesof
Vancouver. . '
(Rperlil Dispatch to The Journal.)
Oregon City, Or., Dec I. An Italian
gardener of Mllwaukle was committed
to the state Insane asylum today. The
Italian can speak but little English and
the commitment officers- know no
Italian, so he - was committed In the
name of "John Doe." Town' r Marshal
Dowllng of Mllwaukle brought the man
to Oregon City last night The overt
act he committed eraa yelling loudly and
lustily. He was brought before County
Judge Ryan this morning at 10 o'clock
and on the testimony of Dr. H. S. Mount
was 'committed to the asylum. Unless
some of his friends, If he has any, taks
steps to have him released, Qs wjll be
taken to Salem tonight
Ulrthday Party. ".
(gperlsl DUpatrk ts The Joorasll '
Oregon City, Dee. S. ' Miss Clara
Fields gave a party yesterday In honor
of the twelfth anniversary of her birth
day. . Bljtton little girls were, present
All of them brought their hostess pretty
presents. Refreshment's " were.aerved
and the afternoon was spent In games.
In one of tile contests Frorence Orace
won the first prise and Ilessle Warner
the second; In another-., game Opal
Oeorge captured the first prlsn-and lies
sle Warren "the consolation prise. - "
Shakespeare Club Meets,
(perlal Dlnpalch te The Jonrml.)
, Oregon City. Dec. 6. The Shakespeare
club met last night at tha home of Miss
Vera Ckufleld and continued the study
of the fourth act of Julius Caesar. Miss
Addle Clark led the study. Mrs. God
frey will lead next time and the meet
ing will be atr the same place. r-
' Towa T at A nation.
(Joajrssl Special grrrtee.) "
Qlrard, Kn., Iwc. 6. A novelty In
the" way of auctions was-ofre here
today, where the town of Bruce, or prac
tically all Of It waa put up at public
sale by the sheriff. The Bruce Mining
tt Smelting company,' whtrh owns the
most or the townslle of Kruce, was un
able to pay a Judgment rendered against
It In a ault brought by the Internate
Mortgage Trust company of Parsons,
snd .the court ordered the sheriff to sell
the property to satiafy the judgment.
' (Bpeetal Dispatch te Tse Joerael.l
iiugena,. ur, uec -Harry West,
young man la the Fisher steam laundry
In thia city, had a narrow escape from
death... yesterday afternoon. While oil-
inn the 'biasings ef
shaft imai1 till
celling his shirt caught on the shaft
and be was whirled around It several
times. Each time he went around his
neaa srrucK on trie celling. His shirt
waa of thin material and soon gave
wav. lettlns him fall tn th. v.
he was picked up in an unconscious con-
oiuon, m nis injuries were rouna to
i very serious, xiaa me snirt neen or
stronger material he would have been
aiueu. . - -
By All Means Have a FrL
A fit Is Just as essential In framing s
picture as a hat We fit pictures cor
rectly artistically. We know how and
we have an Immense stock to select
rrnm. So Is the price. Sanborn, Vail
at to;, iiv first street
' A Santa Class Ship.
' (Joeraal Special Sarrlre.l
Ban Francisco, Cat, Dec J. The
transport Logan, which sailed today for
Honolulu . and Manila, Is a veritable
Santa Claur ship. From stem to stern
the big ship Is filled with boxes and
packages containing good things to eat
to wear, or other gifts from "the folks
at' home' to the soldiers and sailors la
America s far eastern possessions.
Towers Seise Lnniot.
(Journal Rptrlal Serrlca.)"
London. Dec S. The island of Lem
nos. In . European Turkey has been oc
cupied by tha International fleet and It
is expected that the porte will Immedi
ately acquiesce In the demands of the
Portland People Cannot Fail to
Appreciate the Value
- of it ; .i '
Only one weapon to fight backache.'
- The weapon that strikes the cause.
: Doan's Kidney Pills reach the root
. Cure backache by curing the kidneys.
And keep the kidneys well. ,
Here's an example of their' cures In
F. A. Moore, motorman on the Port
land street R. IV, and , living. , at 211
First street says: "Last fall I had
considerable trouble f ron a lame and
aching back. I paid little attention. 40
it-atflrst but It kept growing" worse,
ahd my work being very 'hard on the
back, I got so-, that I could scarcely
bend over Of straighten - up. Doan's
Kidney Pills came to my notice and' I
got a box and began using them. They
cured me' of the backache In . a short
tjme and I was soon able to get about
at my work with my usual ylgor. I am
sure If any one la troubled with back
ache which arises from kidney com
plaint they - can . depend upon -Dean's
Kidney Pills to cure If -:
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foater-Mlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for. the Vnited States.
Remember the name DOAN'S and
take no other. .u. '..-. --
u tp:-rv
i. . At I j
is...n r
I 1 J k-J Wasa e4 kav
1 A
TSi Journal Party Wpl Be Entertained at This Hotel Daring Their Stay in Honolulu
Votes ' received -up to Monday evening in The Journal Hawaiian Trip
Of The JoarnaVs
Hawaiian Tonr
rnttT-aar yesng boy ever M
ef ace any be saalnatee at say Ubn as
Masks praelead by Th fanraal. WIU tbe
eaooraaawat ct Iws Trail asows stUsaaS
ef the district la wklra see ruldsi.
SEOOVS Three tadcaa agreeable
Sirfrraat easdlaatas sball
efftrlally aaaoaar the artaaer ts eaek a
trlat, eae yoesg lady ts bs shears frea
sack dtetrM.
TKTBD as la ether ewettona. seek els.
rlct afcaH vote eeperatelr. The vets ts
eae cease affect tbe otbar. Matters prvs
erly coscersisg the district will ba settled
by the wlabes f the sujartty. The wis.
ser shall have' the right te nam a sees
If ssable to sttesd keraetf. t -
TOtniTK TotlDg wlU eaeiSMSee Thsrs
iir. iinrt t. 1M. asd class gatsroar.
, Decestber SO, at g e'eloek " s. am.. ln.
Onopoea amat be voted with I a seven ears
aftar Jaane. Ooonees eat (real tbe Dally
Jsarnal snst be neatly trtmao.4. -f-
rimpatal.'wurniei almla m apulili sulrt bait-
tbe bsbm ef the essdldate te be veted far.
oovpon abi aim ai roxxowti
nns-glngle eeepeas, est fnea the dally
paper, are rood tor eae vote, gsbanlptioa
-to tbe Keening Joarsat asd Snsday Moral ns
foaraal, three Bostka, ll.sS. s spedsl
eoapoe ef 180 votes (paid la advaseal. .
gabscrlptlos te BreslDg asd gasdsy alars
Isg Joarsal els sjoeths. W.7S, s special
eeapoa ef XM votes (paid Is sdvaaee). 8sk
serlptlos to the E railing aed Sasday Mors.
lag loaraal It awstbs. 17. W. a special
conpos ef TO votes (paid - adrasee).
, gabacrlptlos ts tbe gveatsg a ad gssday
Moralsg Joarsal. tbree swaths ky saall,
fl.Se, a a pedal eoapoe ef US votes (paid :
la adTasre). gnbaerlptloa to tbe Beaalog
aad Saudi r Morslng Joarsal by aaall als
swstBS, Sg. 78, a special eoapoa of 9SO votes
' (paid la adeaseal. Babecrlptloa te tbe ;
Kraalag ssd Sasday I: -rslag Joarsal by
stall 13 swatba. $7. SO. s special saepos of
TOO votes (paid Is adTSset). ' tesil-Weekly
Joarsal. s year. spacaU esosoa ef 10S
votes (paid ts advance). .
grXTat Oeeposs shoaM bs voted at the
headqaaKars searaet yos or stalled te tbe -eeepos
departBest of The JonrsaJ. or at
aay solst saswd below." Totss will be
coasted MoBdare, Vadoeadars asd . Fridays
ssd tbe totals sssosBced to tbe eebtle the
I oJ lowing gar.
Asy endldato arltbdrawlBg from tbe eoa
test csBset save bar votes mated tar sa
stker. '
ytrat Diatriet Mnttawsiab asd ClarkamaS
eoaatlea. Totts place, Ceapes DepartBMa
et Tka Joarsal fflce.
Oawtnia ssd
IMstriet DbIob.
Wallowa eosstles. .
Tblrd IMrtrlet Wiaro. gbrmas. (lirtUas,
Morrow. Wheeler .asd Crook eoaatles.
Oraat, , Barsey
rearth Oletrlct rler.
ssd Malbeor eoaatlea.
' rifth Dtatrlet OnlnnMa and ntao
eomttee, Oreron; Ktlrkltat. Cowllta, Clarka,
Pad Sr. WabSlakas asd gkaaasis eosstles,
.' glsth DlatrUt Marlon, Una asd Lass
' erantles.
eventa Watrles Waablngtos, Ttllasmofe
' TamkUI. Bantos. Palk asd Llseola eoSBtlea.
Bltk Bistriet Dosrlaa. Coos. Cnrrf.
JoaepLlne, Jaakavs, Klasaatk asd Lake
Any Information regarding ton.
ditiont of the Hawaiian tour ghonld
be addressed to the manager of
the Contest Department of . The
- . 9I8TBJCT T0. t.
Mlaa Minnie B. Phllllpa. drpsty Hrrk elrenlt eecrt
, mtim eaine aianisaa. . uioa, nortsiaa m e-ing. sun
Mlaa Radio Wlmermantle, City Ire works ...................
Mlaa Lara Baty. Set) Baa Rafael street.......
Mlaa liietehrs Kartb. telriaae eperatiw Port la ad botel .......
Mlaa Katb Let. endorsed by Federated .Trades Cuaacll ........
Mlaa rWea Sbama. SHI gut Thtrtletb street
Mlaa Henrietta WlnkleMas. 4T Boat oack street
Mlaa Marsarrt Smith. MM Wllllama arenaa
Mlaa Edith Bern, 24 Stark atrert
Mlaa Laara berbyahlre. ewi Wivr a treat
Mlaa Rxfiaia Ulans. tu Ivy atrert
Mlaa Elaa Urlrerl, 8t Thirty-Bret street"..
Mlaa Alrma Horn. Oresoe city
Mum EIts Hurluert. BL Jokna ,
Mlaa (rnvleTe Holmra. Olda. Wnrtmaa 4 King store ...........
Mlaa Kellle Mansrr, fted HaMsb atreet...
Mlaa fleorgia Nlnk. WS Borualde street
Mlaa Cnra Jolly, 7M Urat street
Mlaa Marion Leahy, Wandard, Clarke Drag soBpany ........
Mlaa .(Vrselia Barker. Ip Grand aeesae....
. kUas nurae KMdlrs, Oresoa lty.,.-..
(Votlii Flaoa, Coapua Dasartntret, Joomal OtSra.)
-SIBTBUCT 0. i. 1
Mlaa Katie Naak, la Grand , Oregon.......
Mlaa Mullle ITrwbateL La Uranoe. Orreoa
(Voting flare. La Oraade, Steluaeck A Blever Confectlooery .
Miaa Asnes rietrarr, rendwtos. urrcoa....
Mlaa Pearl -Harrte, PendlMon. Oresos
Mlaa Orace liawka, IVnHetv On-aes.....
Mlaa Mabel Johnaus, Pendletoo. Orrcaa . .
Total Tors. .
.... TU.S4I
.... Sl.a.w
. M.aut
. 5.T
. S.1.N21
. S3.SIS
. ti.iesi
. .
. 1H.42H
. la.euT
. 14 OH
. 12.PH4
. 1.131
l Votlns Plare. peadletos. Brork A MrComaa' Drnc 8 tore. )
Miss Lllllas B. O'Hsrra. Atbess. Orrana..n
(Voting Plaee, A three. Dell rlraa.' Store.
Mlaa May Callehaa. Walla Walla, Waahlnstoa ................
Mlaa ivy MrCalllater. Walls Walla. Weahlfirt.
Mlaa Rosy lonas. Walla Walla, Waahlnstoa .......
Mlaa Hettte Brows. Walla Walla' Waahlnstoa
Mlas Lnrlls Barr, Walla -Walla. Waebtngtoa
I Voting I'lare. Walla Walla. Waahlnstoa Book Xeok.)
M1B BteUs La Lsade, Westos, Oresoa
Mlw KnlHe Cmaoes, Tbe TVallea, Orecna
Mlas Loelle Crate. Tbe Pallee, Oresoa
(Voting Place. Tbe lallea, BUkalr Drug Store.)
Mlaa fttella Mlrhardaon, Hood Klrer. Oresoa ,
Mlas Laura Cramer, Hood Hirer. 'Oregon ....j
-Miss r1 ftt.BiJjliI.T'1 oTi's's-' .Btr
4 Voting Plaee. Arllsgtoa. Bra ham a COnferttoaery.
lias Lena Kae, He
.... T4.4SS
......,. 14,81
IS. 144
.......... 10,844
- eVT
. 1.11S
SI ,604
Mlas Lena Rae. Heppner, Orrgna
Mini Oraea Harer. UertDoer. Oresoa
Voting Place. Hi-ppner. Pattrraoa A Boa's Btore.)
(Votlns Place. Condon. Jarkaon at II ornlbrook 'a Saure.
. Miss Gertrude Shorn, Prlne Title, Orrgnn
Mlaa Erfle Mae King, Ontario, Oregon
Mlas Hattle Barton. Baker City, flregoa .............................
Mlaa Orrtrad Tic. Bakrr City, Orrgon
Mlaa Ethel Parker. Bakrr City. Oregon...,,...
Mlas Myrtle Brat too. Raker city, Oresun . '
(Voting Place. Baker City. Leloger Prog Btore.) -
Mlas Clara Swale. Boms, Oresoa .
(Voting Place. Bursa. Welcome Pharmacy.) . r ,
Mlaa Pa lay Betterlay, Vale. Oregon. .
Mlas Oeraldlne Oorkee. aamptre, trr-gonK
'(Voting Plsee, SaBpler, DaSrffa Clar snd Ncwaataod.)
Mlaa Katharine Oore, K a la ma. Waahlnctna ....
(Votlns Place. Kalama. Coffer a gh're.)
" Mlag Florence Hcaarrn, Vancoarer. Waantngtoa ..
i Voting riaca. VaocooTer. 13 Mais Street.)
mclia Williams. Kalan, Waahiugtoa
Voting Place, Keleo -Confeptloecry.)
Mlas Bra U Toild. Aat,-ta. Oregos
Mlaa RnMoa Coffman, 'atnrls, Oregon
Miss Bather Anderson. Aitorlo. Oregon
(Voting Place. Astoria. Owl Onif Store.)
- Mlas Mary Berge. Hobm Valley. Waahlngloa
Mlaa IHilay Watklna,' Bt Helens. Oregon.....
(Voting Place. Ht. Helens, Oray's Store.)
Miss Annie Perrlue. Clatakanle. Oregon
(Voting Place. Clatakanle, Hlmnnma Co.'s Btore.)
Mlas Ocrtrade . 'Randall. Caatle Rock. Waahlagtoa
Mlaa Orsre Wright. Cattle Bock. Waablngtos
- (Voting Place. Caatle Rock, Ander's Drag Store.)
Miss Alice Perry. Balnler. Oregon
( Voting Place, Bslnler, r'rlrdburg's Coerectloaery.)
Mlaa Blanche Brows, galea, Oregos
Mlas Mary Davldeoo, Hal-m. Oresoa
Mlaa L. Bella Derby, RaleB, Org...::'
Mlaa Minnie Ireton, galea. Orreon
Mlaa Pearl Shelley. Halrm. OrPS
Mlaa Minnie Arhenbaeh, galea, Oregon. ,
Mlas Nettle Bcddekoos. Ralem. Oregon ..v......
. e-eaotlng Place, Salem, Haas' Drag Store.)
Mlaa Madge Battre. Kiurrna. Ofegon. i.....
Mlaa Moffett, Kngene. Orvgon
Mian Stella Bean, Engeoe, Oregon .....uuiuj........
(Voting Place, giorene. llall'a Drag Store.) -
. Mlas Maude Rlalr, Cottage, Grove, Oregon
Mlaa Kffle Stewart. Cottage Grove, Oregon,
Mlas Llaale Vratrh. Cottage Orove. Oregon
(Voting Place, Cottage Grove. Ultra Confectionery.)
Mlas Lucy Mnrcom, Womlhurn. Oregon....
- Mlas Myrtbv. Traak, W'ooillxrro, Oregon
( Voting "Place, Wootlbnrn. Rehee B Whttmsa'S Store.)
Mlaa pearl Savage.- Albaiir. Oregon...'..
' Mian Maggie Chaatbere. Albany. Oregon.,... J
Mlas Alice Locke. Albany. Oregon
(Voting Place. Albany. Dawson g Drug Stars.)
Mlaa Kathryn (larvla. rillvmon. -Oregon. .. -
(Voting Place. Sllvertnn. Brooka Drag Btore.)
Mine Addle. Slmimin, U-hanon, Oregon..,
(Voting Place, Lehanon. Cotton's Store.)
Mlas S'unda Gleay, Aurora. Orcenu. ....'....
Mlas t'ay Cooler, Brown Settle, Oregon
Mlas Berths Conrteniesche, McMliinvllle..Orecon
- (Voting Place. McMlnnvllle. Honair's Store.)
Mlaa Mrrtle Bntlcr, Forrat Orove. Oregon
(Voting Place, tor cat Grove. La Courae's Store.) -.
Mlaa llaael Kennedy, Lafayette, Orrgon.............
(Voting Place-, -Lafayette PnetofOc.) " : J '
Mlaa Marie tloatetler. IllllamTirYregoa.
Mlas H'a B. Howaer. Illllalamf. tuewon ..........
(Voting Place. Illllahoro. eVhulrocrk-ha Store.) .
Mlaa Grace' Starr. Corvallla, Oregta.
Mlas Cora Spangle. IHtyton. Oregon ,
I Voting Place. Oaytoa, llarrla' Drugstore.)
Mlas Minnie Roy. Dallaa. Oregon
Voting Place, Dallaa. Staat's Confectionery.) .
Mlas Olive Htratton. Newlierg. Oregon
(Voilng Place. Mew-berg. Calwell Co."s Drug Store.)
Mlaa Lllllas Webater. Philomath. Oregon
' Mln Roaale t Helahclnier. Bee vertuu. Oregon
(Voting Place, Bearer ton. Tkomaa Thing Conrectkmery.)
Mlaa K'lna Paralay, Roaehnrg. Oregon...........
Mlaa Dale Harmon, Heburg. OregMi . . . ,
(Voting I' lacs. Hieburg. Ilamlltass Dreg Store,)
Mlaa Mantle Berry. Granta Paaa.' Oregon....' -...,.
Voting Place. Granta I'aai. Smith's Drug Store.)
Mlaa Lnula T. Jonea. Jaekaonvllle. Oregon ,
Mlaa Jennie Woodford, Melfori. Oregon
(Voting Place, Medtord. Ruaaell a Cnnrecttonrry.) '
Mlaa l.rilla McCall. Aahland. Oregon
Mlaa trances Oahnrne. Aahland. Oregon ,.
(Voting Place, Aahland. Saturn's Ntwstlasd and Sajrlea'.)
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