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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1905)
THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 5. 1905, IB OLD TELL VOUnG GETTING -'.READY TO Blytkeswood Brings ' Cargo of ."RicKmond Goal OF EARLY DAYS BUILD ROAD Near-Shin Excellence for tke Holmes Goal & Ice Company ' li. ,IiIiihiii,...,'i.'iiii ti ii.,. ... . i , , f -J..-,. .;; v ; v- :,.. ... ? v.. - .. ;--vv i . s. :,,;.,. -. - v -. v i : ' t--? ;,;i.- '- :-.--v.- , . ;.,.;rr: .. .. .-. .. fee - V, fi-- . -'n :js -a A T wenty-tkree Hundred. Tons Gome to Port-' land Direct from tke Mines in Australia - Enough Richmond Coal to fill a train of cars almost a mile long reached Portland yesterday on the British ship Blytheswood. If this train was on the Fourth street track the engine would be at Main street before the last car had left the Union depot yards. , t. . The BIytheswood"s xargo.300 tons, comes consigned to the Holmes Coal & Ice company ' of Port - land. - It is the cu&toro of this company to buy large quantities of coal at the mines and bring the coal to Portland by the shipload or trainload. The big mines near Newcastle, N. S. W., supplied the coal for the BIythcswood. She left .Newcastle September 2, and after an uneventful passage is' now moored at the company's bunkers at tbeijfoot of Quimby street v ' : 7" ". ". " ' ' Introdnced here ai few years ago RichmondjCoal has rapidly gained favor among all classes of coal consumers. It i acknowledged one of, the very best coals for general purposes. It has proved success-, fu! for both beating rid cooking and is well adapted for furnaces. 'It makes a hot, quick fire and leaves few ashes. It will hold the fire for a long time, and is therefore 'economical. . j , . Richmond Coal will be delivered in Portland for $7.50 a ton. ' v . , Holmes Coal fe? Ice C 353 Stark Street Pkone Main 780 ompany Historical Services at White Temple in Celebration of Fiftieth Anniversary. CHURCH HAS CROWN FROM SMALL START Cyrus A. Dolph Telia of Men Who Worked for It in Its Infancy, and James - F. Failing Relates Early Struggles of the Sunday School." Of deep Interest to old and young; were the historical services at the Whit Temple last night In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the First Baptist church. . Those who have witnessed the growth of the church through the years told of Us trials, its struggles . and successes. - The series of Jubilee services began Sunday and' will continue' through the week. The historical service last night. the second In the series, was attended by an enthusiastic and attentive audlenc. The service opened by singing of. the hymn, "How Firm a Foundation," ' fol lowed by prf yer by Dr. Brougher, Cyrus A. Dolph was then Introduced to the audience by the pastor. He spoke on- the-subject, "The History of th Church." "The history of this church Is an old atory to most of us." he said, "but there are her now, within sound of my voice. those to whom the- names associated with the early history are yet fragrant memories."; -- ' - He gave an Interesting history of the church, reviewed th work along ' dif ferent lines, referring to the many other churches and mission branches which have sprang from th mother church, which began Its existence In a small frame building at Fourth and Alder streets, a hslf century ago. He spoke feelingly of the strong men nd women who were present at its birth, tended It In Its Infancy and watched lta expanding influence, and paid a high tribute to th many nobis pastors who have served th church. . ' . At th elan of Mr. Dolph's address Professor Belcher sang, "Soft Southern Breeses," which was followed by "The History Of the Bible School," by James F. Falling-.--The address w filled with Interesting and amusing . reminiscences of the speaker's boyhood -experiences and th struggle which the early Sun-, day. school experienced. . . . ! In view of the accuracy of the his tories given, both by Mr. Dolph and Mr. Falling, a motion was mad and carried to the effect that th two records be put in permanent form and bound with th directory and church annual. . ' . Jtfter singing .of ..the doxology,' the benediction was pronounced by th Rev. Mr. Medbury. a -former pastor. This evening there will- be greetings from the other Baptist ministers of th city. Th principal address win be given by Rev. Myron W. Haynea of Se attle, who haa a national reputation.. There will be special music by the choir and a solo by Mlsa Ethel M. Lytic. Willamette Valley Traction Company Expects Some Rails for Road to Salem Soon. WILL ENTER CITY. WITH OR WITHOUT FRANCHISE A. Welch, tyanager. Says Again That , Company Is Acting Independently and Asserts 'That Proposed Road Has 'Abundant Financial Backing. A. Welch, manager of th 'Willamette Valley Traction company,, said today that he was progressing-satisfactorily with his arrangements . to build the electrio road between Portland and Salem and that before many daya have elapsed the rails -for the first 1 miles of track would arrive, , He has bought second-hand steel for the drat .Install ment, but will purchase 80-pound rails for the .remainder of the line. Mr. Welch: said that Baratow Chambers, civil engineers, were allied with Rhodes, Sinkler A Butcher In th enterprise and would be Interested In ..carrying th work to completion. , "Baratow A Chambers."" amid Mr. Welch, "are of strong financial connec ttons in th east, ' their backing being independent of all railroad groups, and they are abundantly "able to bear their part of th money burden." WO Build Anyway. - ' Th Willamette Valley company, ac cording to Mr. Welch. Is going to build th line between Portland and Balem,. no matter whether th Front street - f ran. chls Is granted to that' corporation or to another. .... . "We repeat." said he, "that w want to get Into Portland preferably over, our own Front street line. - But that we are going to enter th city you . may an nounce without qualification. W are acting 'in good faith and actually are ready to build th electrio line. W are In a'poaltion to do ao. I do not think that anyone has ever questioned th financial responsibility of the house of Rhodes. Sinkler Butcher." . Asked to discuss allegations that have been mad regarding th connection be tween th Rhode and Harrt man Inter- eats, Mr, Welch refused, saying: V ,. Operating Independently. - "On that, point w have nothing. to say. W hare given our word that we are operating on our -own account and simply reiterate that assertion." - Mr. Welch haa been in consultation during the Hay with Homer H. -Hallock, who ha been employed In 'the right-of- way department and with othera inter ested, in th" carrying on of bts enter-prise.- . , .." Jc-.J i . . .' . Matter remain in abeyance before th council committee on streets. The consideration' of the Willamette-valley and McCusker.' ' applications for the Front street franchise will com before th committee a week . from next Fri day, when all persons interested will have a hearing and be permitted to pre sent arguments at length. - Th commit tee will the make lta recommendations to th council and that body will act. , If the man of the house is hard to satisfy on Un derwear for either health or comfort reasons sur prise him with a Christmas gift that will delight him. Tell us what he likes and what he dislikes in near-skins, and .we will please him, no matter how. critical he may be, . , , '.;I ,. ;, ..' 1 The following are absolutely faultless. They are shaped on anatomieal lines and are made with the utmost care out of the softest fleece wool and best grades "of silk that money .can buy; PORTAGE Wool $8.50 per suit " , Silk and Wool. . . . . . . .$13.50 petrsuit :CARTWRIGHT: WAIWERi- . 'r. Wool , . h $700 per suit PETER WRIGHT V - . , . Silk and Wool.. . . j . . , ...... . . . $10.00 per suit AMERICAN HOSIERY CO- Silk and Wool..... '.,.?7.50 per suit These lines constitute the ."beau monde of all underwear. .The skin feels thankful when clothed in them. ; , . .""', , " We have several lines of really fine Underwear for $2.00 per suit. - n. 1 HATTERS . CLOTHIERS FURNISHERS 311 MORRISON STREET' . OpposUs) Poatoffloa J j t . The Knox Hat , , ' and Jaeger Underwear - The Newest Things In Neckwear '' - FRAZER WILL WRESTLE WITH GAMBLERS' CASE Presiding Judge Fraser will hear to morrow th argument In th. case of th city against th four men arrested in th raid mad on th Milwaukl club room several weeks ago by Captain of Police Bruin. Judge Fraser haa bean appealed to as a committing magis tral to Issue bench warrants for th arrest of th gambler- Th constitu tionality of th law giving the city con trol over, gambling within four miles of its limits will b attacked, it being al leged that In the present case th club house . was located - within another county-than that In which. Portland la altuated. - - - - - Presiding Judge Fraser tomorrow will hear the appeal case of th city against Peter St. Mary, Bush" Ready, Tim De- Boaaf, Martin Rmav u .n w clubhouse at Milwaukl.; Th flraV four named defendants war arrested during a raid mad on th chib some tlm ago by Captain of Pollc Bruin and a squad of detectives. When th case waa brought before Municipal Judg Cameron th clubmen's attorneys, O. o-. Oaramona and Dan J. Malarkey, filed a demurrer to th complaints, which waa sustained. It la on Th city's appeal that th case will be heard by Judg Fraser. - Deputy City- Attorney - 3. J. Fltxgerald, Henry IS. McGinn an Thomas O. Green will appear aa count sel for th- city. - ' " : Xmas Is Coming. , . . - A good picture a holiday present nothing nicer. E. H. Moorehouss A Com pany, gis Alder street . nmrnmrFEirs f l.OO S)2.00 S2.50 f3.00 fS.OO . Waterman's Conklin Self-Filling ' - THE BOSTON - All Guaranteed and Exchangeable. Fine Art: Pottery Glass LEAVES, BEOS AND. STREAMERS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. Bric-a-Brac -.r.'i'.- ,. . , J IHscTjmjnative taste . is' exhibited in.the ."selection of our 'stock of Fine Art Pottery j-tnd : Glass. They have the touch of jold ! mastersT in 'their . exquisite coloring ''and beautiful designs. Come in and1 let us tell you of their making. The processes'' are interesting tir'kll, especially --to lovers, of ' " this ware. (The display is the largest .ever .shown in this city, and the prices are mod' 1 est, very modest. ; ". AMPHORA WARE A highly poshed? :. gray pottery from a mixture of several mineral earths, which by their chemical - blending in- the baking process produce all ' the exquisite tints of the rainbow. Donff. . up in many odd shapes 4 ROYAL METZ CLASS From the Royal Bonn Manufactories of Cermany. Made in high' and low vases and ornaments. Mount ed by beautifully tinted bulbs. ' AUSTRIAN IRIDESCENT GLASS The first iridescent produced in any country. None other has quite the same rare touch of beauty and design. . v DUTCH POTTEFLY-r-Quaint little pieces, va. feru dishes and ornaments.. Such' odd blending, of colors." Don't fail to see ...them. , -, .- - BUT, MY I It would cover the whole page to" tell you of them all. Come in and get it first hand. Just take lots of time. Admire tfiem alL Buy if you wish. ' ; ROYAL BONN ART GLASS, BOHEMIAN UTPPIAN WARE . IMPERIAL BONAPARTE " FIRENZE HAND PAINTED' . FAMOUS , ARTISTS' - HAND-PAINTED . PLATES " - , - - , BENARES HAMMERED BRASSES ALICIAN PLATES BAVARIAN IRIS PLATES CROWN BISMARCK - ROOKWOOD POTTERY J " ROSENTHAL'S ROYAL CHINA CUPS AND . CASES. ; ' ' , . OLD EGYPTIAN POTTERY ' . . '.. , Periunies ; tfipA : - from ' . .. ' '- .' ' I- .. '. . .... . v -.-...-..- " ' " m. . favorite extract Sn a beautiful fancy bottle yoii have so charming, a substitute that one and wavy fields of flowers dance before you, . . r i i : i i . : : I . . J . . 1. - 1 . -. .'Mur nuiiuay scictiiuii iiii.juucb iut- ui ' n.rffiitt.. Pnorlant nnA P..rmanv Q . well as any of them in bulk, plain or fancy bottles, if you prefer. 'i.; Prices from the beginning on." , i Was there ever a fair ' one who didn't like a good perfume, a really GOOD one, the kind that reminds you of green fields and clover and all that's sweet and delight ful? We think not, for we never heard of any 'one not liking flow ers, and a per fume distilled ,f rom the petal of a rose or violet ' is simply an es sence of the flow er lacking only the beauty to de light the eye. ,We have s remedy for this now. Just " have us out your of your own selection, atrd--needs but to close the eyes ' c from France, .the home of those of our own land. . Buy or get the original package" FINE LEATHER ' Christmas days show their . arrivalfirt by the increased activity in our Leather De-" parfment. . We are showing the most - complete, , most artistic and most varied and yet exclusive line in the' city. The styles in small leather ware change more rapidly than in dress and this year we have many little fancies which are new to Portland and new to New York, for no sooner do they reach New York , City than our buyer there rushes s supply on to us. . That is why we are ' " ... "j ' " more leather wise than some. Come in, look over the display and Judge for yourself.. Our prices' rt no more than for the ordinary kind. , We can prove it." , - Hand Bagsr Purses, Traveling Bags,' Suit Cases, . Traveling Cases, Bill- Books, Cigar Cases, Etc, t IS Tata Mil mm, on: ZSB Disinfect with a Clayton Formald r hyd : Lamp. -, STO aTSCAXroz where thlg has" bean Pric, fl.SO. : ' ; ' i STATIONERY FANCIES Ormolu Clocks . - Keep Terfect Time. .' . f 1.85 a.OO f 2.50 f 3.00 f 4.00 Photo Dept; Off ers Standard Lenses at One-Third y Off Manufacturers9 Cost ' ; e - ' 4 . . Dallmyer, Voigbtlaender, Bausch & Lomb, Clement ft Gilmer, La Vergne, Gasc ft Charvonnet, Goerg makes' in Portrait,-View -and Wide-Angle Lenses. All .fine and selected, at about one third off manufacturers' cost. We are able, to make 'these prices fr'onr having purchased the stock of two of thejlargestTphoto supply-houses in the country who. are retiring from ".his business. Curtain Shutters for before and behind lens. Standard -nubjications on photography, lantern slides, etc., at ONE HALF OFF. This is a rare opportunity that you cannot afford to miss. n Everything the heart desires in Fine Papeteries all tints and shapes. When the paper is used up you have s beautiful glove or handkerchief box. Price.............. .40f up MONEY1 BACK MERCHAN. DISING MAKES SATISFAC TION DOUBLY SURE. MB When you are tired out from shopping, come in and use our Reat-Room. Ws maintain it for you. F r delivery. Phone Private Exchange 11.