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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1905)
THE" OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 5, 1905. 13 TODAY'S MARKETS VilLD AVAR WAGING III OllflijiS Fruit Dispatch Company Adopts New Ruling and Fight Is ' on In Earnest, CONSIGNMENTS OF V -lib FRUITS, REPORTED Lemons and' Oranges Are Lo ". Still Another. Gent. Is Ixst in the . Wheat Market Trouble Expected in Ranks 'of Sweet .Potato Trust. front Stmt, Dee. B. The principal feetnre w tu rortiaaa vHimu market today ere - Buuii war gettiug eerkw. , Lemon arc lower; likewise orangee. ' IN potato carabine weakening. Hop ara firmer, not weaker. -' Large rang In cranberry price. " . ' " recelpta ellgbtly better. lain Improvement In chickens. ' Another cent km In wheat. '- Oood demand sbown la meats. . Fine hothouse lettuce coining. Two care orangee arrive, t ' f" Eastern egg era still coming. , -V'. Banana War Crettlna? Serlana. Another gaea la coming to those produce mer- enants who did ..not teller that - there wee ny thing snusaal.golng to happen In the banana market. There hare been bat two rare or In. dependent bananaa to arrive In tula city of lata ana sow taem were good condition. Tble eo angered the trnat that an Immediate more waa nald to be. the malt agatuat aha offending eiru. an uanuiers or Da nans in thla city, and In act the entire' Pacific auaat territory. here been losing none on ererjr car ef bananaa nanaiea, ine alleged threat of cutting the of. fendera of the dlgnltnoX the treat out of the latter'a calling -sb haa not ereated ao much eoneera aa expected. It la bow announced that ine war la on thla be hi a enrol ao. or nrlcee ' are practically 1 cent a pound lower than before the Independent fruit came to tble market. - All Portland jobbera received circular from the mac pendent bourn, offering the fruit at lower price soma tin ago. but only one firm ac- cepteo, JJire calamity waa eipected to follow thla movement to the offend Ine firm at least. Other merchant were aomewhat Indifferent u he Independent offarlnga. Soma ware afraid to act while othera did not believe " that f the , treat could be bulged. It la now Bald -- that something really wonderful kaa happened to tb truer, not one or the ordinary occurrence, but eomethlng different. Thla la the latest: Tb fruit Dispatch company la now consigning ba nana to Portland dealer, and Instead of the former Ironclad mien, whereby none but tb dispatch company made money, toe commission man will be allowed to make hie eelt. In view of the forme attitude of the trnat thla. la wonderful occurrence. Pre t lour to the advent of the rod pendente Into thla territory no frail . waa consigned to the merchaata. Not they muat par when bill of lading waa delivered. The quality of in- rruit or the condition In which It arrived waa aald to be no matter of mmra to the ah toper. Everything goae at the expense . or ine oarer, mi la tear jnova or tb dlepatcb .company la aald to be aa effort to drive tlx cunpetltoss out of the market with a alula alao. The future of th war la awaited with Intereet ny rue trns Trr general. Meanwhile the eom- neaio men will be allowed to earn their living wee ratals OomMaw Weakanlnr. J - rev a trnat there la nothing on thla coast to equal the aweet potato combine. All grower of the- principal prodnrtng aactlona are allied -together, and to thla data th prices have beea neiii TSPfT inlV0" waa but one place to get them, from the coo Mae It now art peer that th product Inn of aweeta thla aeaaon waa greatly Increased ovet " nrevton year. Thla In aplt of th fact that - price are signer. With quotationa clear out of alght Jm aalea bar not been aa great aa the reduction warrant, and the reenlt la that a irg amount la atltl oa band with no algae of . being moved. Home of the larger grower are getting dissatisfied and are aald lo be breaking 1 ever the traoea of the combiner In any. event lower price are etpected before th week ia ended. A car arrived In during tb day. Hope Are firmer, got Weaker. There 1a a firmer feeling la th bop market deeplte th atteraace of the beara and the at- - tempt of a morning publication to discourage tb growers and get them In the humor to ronalga t tbelr atorks with a California handler. Several aalea nave beea reported the paet week at IS cents, and 11 cent and over kaa been very freely offered, la th reports prima bona ar given as choice m order to glv a bearish tint to th market. Drawers ar ao disposed to be such free eellera. The scheme of the California man to eecure coaalgnmenta to London la being voted dowa eat every eld. "One at enough," la the general explanation. . , Anotaar Oaat last ia Wkaat. retiring the pact S4 boar tb local wheat market ehows another loss of a cent In quota- . tlons, nuking a decline of 1 nt within twa day. . - . , . Tb floor market at quiet, very dull and aa changed in price. The following price era paid by the trad to Front street dealer fe choice quality In round tote." I'rlcee pair prodncara are an epect fled: - Oretn, near and reed. ' WHEAT Jfew crab, eSej red Ruealaa. ode: blneetem. Tie; valley, T8e. ' RAHLEY Teed. 121 Bo21 00; rolled. (21. AO jn.00:, brewing, 82S. 50 tj 23.00. CORN Whole, $27.00; cracked. $38.00 per too. , ;. -v , RYK I1.IB per cwt . ' .' V OATH Producer' price No. I white, 128.00: grey, f 34. HK.i 26.00. ' FLOL'R New eaatera, Oregon pateate. ft SB; . Stralghte, fS.A6t3.70; export. 83.401 vsl ley, IS TOtjiW; graham, fee, HoOT ry. SOa, tSS.Ofl; belee. $2.75. , MILUm-FFo Bran. $1T.M per W; mid dling, $25.00; abort. - country. 110.50; city, llH.So: chip. I1S.00. HAT Producer' price Timothy, WUlamelte vallny, fancy, I1I.0OQ1.1 00; ardlnary, 7.0nJ '.noT eestrra Oregon. IU.0U 15.00; ' mixed, $X 6oa 00; clover. OOU.00? grala. e.6oa S.0O; cheat. $8.ooe-50. , 1 . ' latter, Eggs and Feurtry. . BT7TTER l"AT I", o. k. Portland Saul cream. 24c; aour, !dte. BUTTKK City creamery, trie: outside fancy. STHc; ordinary. Site; etore, ISQ17C. ftUOS No. 1 fresh Oregon. cendled. e; old torag.nd eastern. f Vie. CHKEbB New Full cream, twin. 14 riff IV; Toung America. 15Htl6r; Cheddar. UVkaiOC. UAMR Jackrahblta. 1.TB per doa.. POLl.TRV-Mlied chicken, 10V,r; faacy bene, lie per lb; ronatera, old. alc per lb. fryers,' lOSQllc per lb; broiler. lOHeJ lie per lb; ducks. 1441ne; per lb; grrse. Pe pr lb: tiirkeye, I54il per lb; droesed. liJ20 per lb; snuabe; $2.7uU3.oo per doe. . Hops, Weel and Rids. BOPS lBOft Oregon, choice. 114llc; prime. tr. poor grade, THe; Washington. ' ltmlle; crops, Je-for choice. wool. leuS clip, valley, coarse to medium, JtH(2iHc; An. S6ti27e; eaatera Oregon. - ll!c. ' .. MOHAIR Wotntrlal, -S0f31c. BHKF.rHKI.NH Shearing. 15930c earh; abort wool, 25U40c each: medium wout, sOtJIS each; long wool, T5ci$1.00 each. TUESDAY PRICES IN THE, WHEAT MARKET k ii ii . . v May . e q ChlcdBO . . .JH " MlnneApolla . . Milwaukee) .... . ,U Kansaa City... , Duluth ..... e . ssw .'. t'td q--8t.J Unlirmn I.lvarpnnI I lid e New York..... q Han Franclaoo. J. II ' e pecember barley. ' .A. d 1.4 Hi 4 , - - " JOURNAL'S DAILY i . TIPS ON MARKETS .L. Conalcnlna; of hops to London e by Oregon grower haa proven a bitter experience In th paat. e Financial loaaea have boon ahown In practically every instance and f d growera are no longer willing; to q ' slva their product away. They d feel that If there la a demttfid q :ror hop from txmdon tney will e Set the full benefit of It right at noma, while If there la an lm- provement elsewhere they will not have to pay double freight by. reehlpplng- th atockg front Xiondon. .' , 1 - ;-- ;r- - ;-. - ' , TALLOW Prime, per Tb, SMOsc; No. S and arvasw.' zfaxec. CHITI'IM BARK lUffSe Der th. HIDES pry. so. I, Id Iba and ap, ItHe per lb; dry kin. No. 1, B to 15 Iba. He; dry calf. No. I. nnoer 8 Iba. 13c: aalted bide, teen, eouod. 00 lb and over, 1001 lc; cows, VitHc; ataga and bulla. Bound. To; kip, 15 to SO Iba vc; calf, sound, under 15 lhe, 11c; creen. nnaalted. le less; culls, lc per lb leea; horsetalde. aalted, each, 1 2511.75; dry, eeeb, l.OfKjjl.50; colt hide. 2SW4o; gnat aklua, eemmott. each. lOloc; Angora, each, tica a.w; fruits and Tegetablea. POTATOES Beet Oregon, T0T5e, per aacki produce r' price for car lota, BO&ASc per each; urdluary, 0uy5c; prodncera' it Ice. 40f(S0o; awecia. ai.wo per aacki S2.0OKtz.zo per crate. O.N IONS Oregon yellow Danvera, 1.2f; pro. dncera' price. Nu. 1,; No. 3. 75Q one; garuc. nnioc per lb. FREN1I fKl'ITS Apples, Oregon, fl.OOtl 1.50; fancy, fl.75i2.00; orangra, new never $2.0003.00: seedling. Sl.T3tt2.0O: bananaa, 4H 4S per lb; lemone. choice. $2.2Sijg2.75 per nox: ranrv. ss.ZAfti.l.TS ner twt: lime, uexlcan. $1.2.1 per 100; plncapplee, $4.00 per doa; grape. l.S0Hl.T5; pear. (1.2A per box: pomengrsnatea, $1.2.1 per box: tangerine, $1.75. VEGETABLES Turnloa. new. tl.00 ner aacki cerrota, $1.00 per sack; beets. $1.0001.2(1 per aack: Oregon radlshee. ZSc ner doa: cabbago. Oregon, $1.00QI.2S per cwt; green penpere, 7e per lb; Cellfornla tomatoea, $.OOA1.35; pars- nips. si; erring neana. suiuc; cauu flower, $2.0082.25 Crete; rhubarb, lb; green peee, vejioe lb) oorseranish, Be per lb; arti choke. ner doa: hothouse lettuce. $1.0001.75 per box; celery, local. 4oTUe per doa: pgfDlant. Sl.fiO ner crate: namnklna. lUc: squash, lc; eranberrlee. Jereeye, $12..V)U.OO per oti: coo bay and Tillamook. $10.00; red lehee. 2Tio -per doa. DRIED e-RCITS Apples, evaporated, 101 lOHc per lb; apricots. lOHvflSc per lb; ptachea. 101bc per lb; earka. He pot lb leea; prunes. 80 to 40, d've; He drop on each Bixceenio s ma iter aire; nga. California mars data, (olden, Sc perb; tarda, $1.85 par 15 -lb ' Oraeerlea, Vuta, Eta. . SnOAR Sack basis Cube. $ K0; powdered. $n.e $5.6 no; rruit granulated. sa.BB; dry sranuiatrd. 65; Conf. A, $5.S0; beet granulated. $5.85: extra C. U.OB: aolden C. UM: D vsllow. $4. ho; bbkf, loc; H bbl. 26c; boxe. Boc effrance on aacs -beau, leae ZM per cwt tor cash, if days: maple, 14(15e per lb. - ' 1 A hose pricee apply to sale ef lea than car Iota Car lota at special price aahiect to nurrtiatione I . HONEY $8.00 per crate. -. COFKKE Psrksae nrende. SIR TB. SALT Coarse Half around, inn. $7.00 per tea; table, dairy., 60s, $11.00; 100a. $10.75; irs- norrea uvrrpoot. ao. au.oo; loua,; 224. $10 00; extra floe, bbl. ia. Ba, . 10a, M BOerS fW: bulk - 820 Iba. S4.onxS.OO: sacks. BOa, esstNoe; Liverpool lump rock. $1SJ0 per toa ; no-in. reca. sf.uu; luua. -. ' uRAiH BAUS catratta, THe. ' RICK Imperial Japan, Na. 1. 8c; Kow X. Br34c: New Orleans bead.' Tc; AJax, Be; Creole. Blc. BEAKS Small whit'. $ TH: large white, $1.25; pink. $2.75; bajoa, $4.50; Umu, $5.00; Mexican rede, IUa ' - NUTS enutSi Jemhee. SHe per tt- vTr dnla. Tt4e ner lh: roasted, tc: cecoannta. l5oe ner doa: walnuts. lftrlSe per lb; pine rata, 1012Vje per lb; hickory nuts. 10c pet lb. chestnut, eastern, IBdide per lb; Bra ill ante, IV- per lo; Alberta. )4Qinc per lb: fancy pveana, lOHQiuvjc: airmmaa. ir-rti7e par lb. rainta. Deal oua. Eta. COAL OIL Peer! or A-ral-Caeea. SOU. per gal; water wane, iron now, ine per gal; wooden. 18c per gal; headlight. 170-deg.. ease. S2Hc per rat . OAROLINB 6-dec., esse 24 He par gal. Iron bhla Re Per asL . - . RENZINK 63-deg.. eaaee SB per gaL Iron DDI. ie per gai. f TURPENTINE In caeee 80c per gaL woodea bbl Me per gaL wniTE LEAD Ton lota. 7 per lb; 400-lh lota. Re per lb: lea lot. 8He per lh. WIRit pjaiiji present Base at (Z.TO. LIN8EED OIL Pure raw. In B-bbl lot. BOc; 1-hhl lot, Ble; cesee, B6c per gal; gvaulne kettle hoi led case, B.c per gai; oVbbl lots. 52c; 1-hhl 1st, BSe per gal;-ground cake, car lota, $20.00 par ton; leea than car lota, $30.00 pet ton. Meats, risk aad rrevuoa. FRESH MEATS Front street Beef steers. 8 ft 8c per lb; bogs, block. THe per lb; park- era, Te per Ibu oulMV- tone per id; cows, BHQe per lb: vest, extrs. THQSe per lb: ordi nary. Be per lb; tear. Be par lb; muttoa, faacy, ft 7e per lb. RAMS. BACON. ITC Portland pack (local) hsme, 10 to 14 lh. 12H per lb; 14 to 18 iba, 12He per Hi; breakfaat bacon. ISQIOHe per lb. picnic. 8 He per lb: regular abort clear, nn s rooked, lie per lb; smoked, 12c per lb: clear hacks, noemoked. 10i per lb; smoked, lle per lb: Union butts, in to IS lbs, an amoked. Be per lb: smoked. Be per lbi clear belli ee. ansmoked. lie per tb; arnoked. 12e per lb: shoulder. HC per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s, He per lb; Be, 11 He per lb; 60-lb tin,' 10He per lb; steam rendered. 10a. ine par lb; as, 10H per lh: compound. 10a, 8ec. CANNED SALMON Colombia river, l ib tall, t! SO; S-lb talla, $2.75; fancy l-lb Beta, fl.Oo; i lb fancy Bats. $1.16: faacy l-lb ovale, $2.73; Alaaka tall, pink. BfitMOc: red. $1.50; aomlaaJ Ss. tall $2.00. , FIHH Rock cod, Tc per lbt Snandere, Be per lb: halibut, Tc per lb; crabe. $1.50 per do; atriped base, 12H Per lb, catfish. Tc per lb; aelmoa. ellvenlde. 8c per lb: ateetbeada, Te per lb; herring. -Be per lb; soles. 6c per lb; shrimp. le V '! perch. Be per lh; black cod, Te pee lb; silver smelt. Tc per lb I lobatrra, 13c; fresh mackerel. SC. per lb; crasaSb. 25 ?; . ..,. UXH1 rks rnoBlwaier - esiy. pw a"1., ir sack. $3.T5, ' CLAMS Hard-ahelL per box, $200; rasor clama, $2.00 per- boa. NO ARRIVALS OF LIVESTOCK IN YARDS TODAY Entire Jbsnca of Receipts Dur- Injf- Past Twenty-Four Hours - Quotations the Same. JPoHlend TJaloo Stockyard. Dee. 8. Livestock recelpta. ... . . noes Cattle Sheen today I .. , - week ago .. is , o-' n Prevtona areek iu - u Month ago .- nollday. Not a ettigi bean or nveeiora arriven xa ne yards today. lioga retain the Improved ton asjd advance of aesterday while cattle ar talnf Sheep are stilt holding their ewa. ' urrirlai lueetora prices: , Ilos Beat eaatera Oregon. S3.00nj.T3: blorker and China fats, $5.00; stocker and feeder. $ 00.g4.2-t. . t etlie tieet eastern rregon .surer. e-f.nvvf Sao; light and saedhHSj steers. 82.2r( 2..VI; Viht cow. $2 212-60; (tockers aad feeders, sisSt bolls. $1.50. gheep Wethers, Be: mixed sheep. 4HI strala-bt ewes. Be; lam ha. Be. Calea Deed veil. 1 no to 200 poanda, BQ5Hc; rough aad heavy. $3Hc. , . . XAaTTaJT BOOS STIADT. ' Chics go, Dec- B. Wreatock receipt - - -llog t:sttl Sheen Oilesari .42. one) g.oon 1().(1 Kaasse City- zi.tssi t.isbi 1 o ,i eata ,.....10il 4..VXI r.KX lloe opened sTsaav st yea terns r e cloa with ft.t bft over. Receipt a year ago, were U.O. rrlceeu Mixed. .en.uu; gnon, .a 3.on; ronaa. $4.WU4.0; light, H-ioKd. t atlie iieoy. . 1 Sheep Strong. " ' J : - Sterllna- Sato. '' New York Dee. 8. Sterling re te: Demand. 4S3rQ4.00; 80 day, 8aX.'U4o2.M. . . SHARP ADVAHCE IN WHEAT PIT Chicago Market Has a Sudden Reaction " and All Options Close With a Rise. DECEMBER ONE AND : HALF CENT HIGHER Ms Rises Three Quarters and July Three Eighths . Cent Foreign Cables Were Strong and Helped .All Course Grains. TUESDAY'S WHEAT MARKET. . Close Close Oeln Close ' Tuee. Hon. Toes'. Tear ago Teomber,....S .wH S .ft4B$ .oiu HV May t',B .hriHA .00 1.13 July.......... JMH .MHA .00 1.0o Chicago, Dee. 5. There waa ao doubting the trend of today's wheat market: It being etrong throughout with - the buying Into la tb day concentrated In December. The leading bull Intereet waa more In evidence than for aome time, hla operation being helped hy a strong coarse grab) market and higher rablea, Berlin closed ae higher. The newa from Argentine, while conflicting, nevertheless hae a bearish tinge, while reports from Russia are meager. Today'a market was sbsolatsly In control ef the duii leaosr, responding to Bia wianas readily. Bear Iatereat Buvs Cora. Com baying by the recognised bear Iatereat continued today. Tb primary receipts were fully 400.000 bushels leas than s year age and the percentage of thla In contract continues very email. Thla, undoubtedly bad eomethlng te on witn the changed front of the leaning near, as owes ine small interests la this market. ' Short Covering Helped Oats. Ia eata tb ehort covering a doubt contributed aomewhat to the dey'a advance, but mmmlaatoe bousea' demand lust under tb market wes one of th strong features. A better character of raring was aotieee. la provisions the aggressive buy Ins was not m evidence today and th market seemed to lae eupnorr. Official' a notations bv Ovarbaek. Starr A Oooka company: WHEAT, ' Open. Dec....,. .Hit May .) July Jt4 Hlrk. . Lew. Cloae. S .8nV, '."4 . CORN. .45 H 45 -4H .4n .84 New Dee. .48 .45 .48 At .4514 Old Dec.. .4.1 -.4I1H 5i4A May July Oats. May"."! . J9 .H2 1 .90 .82 0 , .20 J0 2 . .82 .82 1 Jl 1B July If ESS PORK. Jan., 18.T0 13.68 18.77 - 18.65 : 18.88 13.55 I8.6T - 18.BTA T.80B T IT ... 1M May., ' ' IA RD, T.80 - . T.22 ; T.0. Dec... ... Jaa.. Msy.... T.8v) . T.23 T.47 T.SO T.lT T.SB SHORT RIBS. Jn- ..I'T.OO ... T .02. 8 97 T.23 T.1T 6 07 T.lT atay rilXAlT ORAIX XOTXaTZn. Chicago, Decv $. lrlmary recelnta: " VT" ' . " Today "Tear ago , 1 . ' bush. , trash. wheat .".l.ltui.oon 773.000 Corn 683.000 l.OeO.OuO Hhlpmeata: ,. Wheat ...LB48.ono l.Tni.ono Corn 507.000 BH7.tIO t learanceei wheet, 01,000 buahela: corn. lM. - CBICAOO CASxt WHXAT. Chicago, D;; 8. Cask wheat: Rid. . JT Ask. .! .83 .00 .88 -88 ffo. f red...,'..... No. S red .86 No. S hard. ..4 .. -84 .. .K2 .. .87 .. a .. .83" No. S hard ... No. 1 ma-thern. No. S northern... No. S spring ! LTTMLPOOt OKATjr XAJLXXT. Liverpool, Dee. - 8. o facial prlceeC - WT11CAT. Open.. . Close. Loss, flala. May 6s MVid 8a '4d Ud . ... liecember ..6 HWd 6a lid Merck .....6a HVid fm Ui ... - CORN. . January, ...4 4d 4 4Hd ... atarcn .....s ig s .a-au . ... ' cinciao osAiir aa. lots. Chicago, Dae. S. Grain ear lots: Cars .Grade Est. r$ 871 Wheat v...... 5T 10 W SM 4 . Data 15T IS 12 Wheat earn today: Minneapolis 851, Duluth 182. Year ago Mlnneapolia 482, Duluth 168. COTTON EIGHTEEN TO TWENTY-ONE POINTS UP New York. Dee. S. Cotton futures coo tinned stesdy today and closed 18 to 21 points higher. Officials ejsMtstluns by Over beck. Start a Cook company: . - . ' Onen. Ffleb. Law. Close. Jsnuary ........... Una) 1204 11K8 lKantlll February 11 1IWI Iimt 12M'ql U.Mk . 1kl l7- 1IUA 14-UL'lt April May June July December ...... Liverpool Oottoa Btgher. UvsrneaL Dee. B. Cotton fu tares closed S te 10 points up, but barely ateatly. " ": Vew Orleans Cettea. New . Or tears, Dec. B. Cotton I Dot tvadv and aarhaiifed; middling, 12c 1 , 7 irrw- TORK COFTTX atAFJTJT. New Turk. Dee 8 Coffee futnrea closed nnrhenged to B point 4owsf, t Otaclsl prices - - RldAsk.r- Wd. Ask. January ....$o.5S $6.90 July $7.00 $ February .. e-riii , o,n.i .uguar i.tsj 7.1a Msrch ..... 6.70 0.7.1 September .. T.1B T.2H Aurll .6.80 6 85 otohssJL . . . . T 20 7 2.1 May 6 4 S.SOJ Novemher ..aT.23 T.80 Jane 6.90 T.001 December ... 6.50 S.55 - Hew Terk Cask Coffee. New Tork. lc. 6. Cask coffee: No. T Ble, 8e; N. 4 Santos. Sfee. TOROrAH MIRINO STOCIS. Saa PtVwIsco, Dee. 8, Tooopah (tocka, of. ftctsl close: - . .. . j. " Bid. I M!il Montane ..$2.38 Dixie ... .. 1.574 Kendsll ,. .,..$ .OT Midway .31 McNamara .w.. .86 Loiumnin jst... lumho ...... lumber Extea.... Black Butte .... .12 .80 .16 .23 .82 .12 .06 24- .16 .83 .If .14 .13 Berraont ....... 1.60 North- Star .... .86 R.eca , . IJold Mountain..- .00 Jim Butler .... .65 Colrtes As IWlver Pick Nevada 13 Kay a O Br1en Red Tnd .76 Ohio Towoeh..i Ton. Fxteaeioe. O..M8-I.I B.OO .57, .83 .0 t. rraii m.g.... IrlsmondBeld ... Iye Star ...... Home Cash Bur...... Sandstorm ..... A items Mokewk .10 Denver .... HOPS "AT KLXTXjr CERTS. Indeoendencn.' Dee., d. Sj. Clemena.- Ilorat C ' repreeentattva, end Char lea Llveeley bonght two krte of bnps today. 1. R. Taykw sold 811 belee at II Cents and Oeovge-Whrteakt sold 116 beles et lots, and II cents. Mile ror tevfleld an Id Saturday In lwcss a Young 123 belee at 1 1 S4 cenle. There la considerable com plaint mad among th growers about ahertaae of cars, aa It ranaee lots of time to he hat in getting at th hone In sampling, aa than) that ... 1216 125 1216 : 12:lj;:ut ... 1228-1247 ' 1211 12-i.VaM ...1246 1246 1348 12454IT ... 12.10 12M 1217 124HS.-4 ... 11J5 1102 1154 UwfyM ar already (old ar still la the war. tProposltlon of t Durt, thtfCatlf ornia Hop Man, to Secure Consignments of Hops to London Is Meeting With Failure Everywhere MARKET ADVAfJCES Oil MESSAGE i. - President's Note to Congress Has a Bullish Effect Upon Values of Stocks. . S. F. SECOND FOUR POINTS. UP TODAY With but Few "Exceptions the Big List Rises and Closes With Good Profit Losses Are but Nomina ; Today. , : C ADVANfESlV Anaconda . . . 1 Missouri Pariflc ... t Amalgamated .. Atchison do preferred.. Sugar Smelter'... 1 S - A North American 1 N. X. Central Ren. Steel . . do preferred Rock Island.. Ml 8 do preferred.... 1U Tar A Foundry ... 1 Brooklyn ,., Baltimore Colorado reel ...' Ti St. Faul 2 C. N. W. ...... S Cheeaneaka ....... 1 Canadian '.. 2 do preferred 1 S. P., 2d pfd...... 4 Ontario A W eaters lj Pennsylvania ...... Pad tie Mall I'eople's aa ...... -1 Freeeed 8teel Car. S ao prsierrea. . . Reading ooutbern Railway.. 1 do preferred..... Southern Vsclnc.... 1 Tennessee Coal.... t Colorado Southern. " A 00 xa pra. ...... . do let pfd - Denver 1 d preferred.... 1 e 1 Oreat Western .... Illinois Central.... 11. LoulavllU 1 Mexican Central... Katy .... ... x . do aceferred . I'nfcnr. rsclac.,.".. . 1 Locomotive , 1 1 . n. HUDDer ..... Wabaah . do preferred..,.. 1 D. S. Steel do preferred..... 1 I Western t nloa..... -IX1S8K8. Metropolitan Norfolk Wall Street, Dec. B. The preeldenf mesaag waa a moat bullish feature ef the stock market today and advancee were general throughout the list. The largest gain wee In St. Louis and San Franclaoo aecon. preferred, which roa 4 point. Th losses Wert nominal, both la number ana alee. O facial q, Dotations by Ovsrbeek. Starr Cook company: ilTTT DKSCSIPTI01I. A Anaconda Mining Co..... Amsl. Copper Co....... Atrhlaoa, com...,,..,.. do preferred Am. Car At round., com. - do preferred ; Asa, Sugar, eom. ....... Am. Smelt., com...-.,.. do preferred. Biltltnor a Ohio, eom., Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian PactSe, eom,. Chi, Alton, com.;. ...1 do preferred.... Chi. at )t Weat. corn.. Chi.. Mil. St. Paul... I 1W1W, BOU 86 108 40 lOl 1RR 1S24 158 81 8714 101 141 lft.1t, l 112A 151 1152 111 SB ta 73 17414 ITS Chi. North., eom Cheaapeeks. A Ohio...,. Colo. Fuel A Iron, eom",. Colo, South,, eaa,,,,, do 2d preferred....... ' do It pref erred.. Delaware 4 Hudson. .. D. R. O., cos do preferred. ...u. Erie, com do 21 preferred. ..... do let preferred..!.'.. HMnnle Centre I Louisville a Nsshvllle. 3 1fil4l1oiml151', TTejeeseesj Manhattan 1 Rr .182iH8 12S;li Mexican Ontral Ry.... M.. St. P. Ste. 1L, pfd. Mlasouri Iarlnc. ........ M.. K. a T.. eom...... do preferred New York Central...... 24 23 2.1 T4 100 100HI1O2 101 85 67 101 105 72-4 n.i4i sau 67HI 67 lnilli 10714 norwero racinc, .. Am. Locomotive.,...,.. do preferred Norfolk a Went.. Cora.. North American N. Y.. Oat. a West.... 73 118 111 83'4 Ml "4 lot". lull 824 53 4 Pennsylvania Railway.. lWVj 13X People's ., L. C. Co. 108 l IOOI4 MA ios pressed Kteei car, eom A.I do preferred , e 51 V Peel fie Mall S. S. Co... Beading, com 13)H4 13V4 do 2d preferred do let preferred no 01 14 82. Rep. Iron a Steel, eom. prererree 10s Rock Island, eom V 2.-.'4 6614 84 1? do preferred Southern Ry.. com..... pre ferred eouiaern reruns .......i do preferred 12o4ll2o St. U a 8. 3d pfd St. L. a S. W., com... nei z 224 00 Deere! 1 9 11 ........ ( Texss a Pacific ., Tenn. Coal a Iron 1 122 til To!.. St. L. a W.. com. I 8741 RTi( Vnlon Pacific. 131413 V. S. Robber, com .... C. 8. Steel Co., com.... do preferred . . WbeeL a L. Krte, com. do preferred Western I n Ion Tel Wahaeh. com , do preferred. Central 1 e. thee ....... BS I M 874 86 04lll8a 10 do preferred 1 105 108.S4llOB Call money rloeed 10715 per cent, Total aalea 'for day. 1.1H8.0O0 ha res. BAR TRARC1SC0 LOCAL STOCKS Saa Franc leco. Dee. 5, Official morning clos ing: Bid. . Art. Contra Coata Water 47 47 Spring Valley Water . 40 .' 40 Mutual F.lectrte 15 .... Pacific Lighting T4 .... San Frsocfeeo Use a Electric 88 84 Giant Powder...... T6 .... Hnnnkea Hnrar . IS .... Hutchinson Sugar 14 144 82 21 80 Makawell Sugar 81 I'aauhaa Sugar............... 22 Alaska Packera' B8 California win aseoclatlon. . ttceanlc Hteaaiehlp. M Pacific Coast Borax Pacific States Telephone..... ..10$ - 4 104 bostoii conn marxit, Boston, jit. 8. OfBdal eloe: Din. Bid. Nevada Cca,..$ 862 Osceola ...... HO.on Parrot 20.87 Qnlney I'hoenlx 1.37 Rhode Island.. no Hsnta Fe .... 2 37 Adventar...! T.8T Allsoea ..... 41.60 Areadlaa .... 5.73 ' Atlsritlc ..... 23 73 Bingham .... 84.78 Calumet . .... 6X0.00 " I CestennKT- . ij- 2M.8 Copper Range. Dsly West ... Rim '..i Franklin ..... Orauby ...... Oreend Copper Msec ........ Mohawk- ..... North Butte., did Dominion. T 7Khsnoa T.62 ia.Th Tamarack .... 2.5c) Trinity 8 87 l7!('nlt4 ....... 8B5A .871'tab ,. B1.X1A 27.82' Winona ...... oo AO IWolverlne .... 128.M 63.78 IVlrtorla ...... 650 I Michigan ..... 1T.K $4.00 l , ,' . ...t - COMBTOCX atrSTRO STOCES. Saa Freed sco. Dee. 8. O facial cloee. morn ing aesalon: . . s Bid. Bid. Bullion I .31 tSavsg $ .86 Belcher .1 IrVrtoel ,'12 Con.- CaL-Ta... 1 48 frnlon Coo ..... .58 Ophlr ...'.$ Yellow Jacket.... -.15 taledonla ...... .58 Fvrheemer .41 Mexican 1.8VJHsle k NoKrosdf 1.80 4. Andee sU .21 . "Soorploa .14; Bear Tork afetal afarks. ' New Terk. Dee: 8 Metals: Lead, $3.73t) SBO; aspper. 174ei8. , ' JTw Terk-Leadon Suar. New Tors. Dec. 6. Refined and raw tagtt smrhana-ed. yndrei beet evsar nalet and essr, off S with Deceaatft at a 8d- ' . Th ; Albany Democrat ctnlrri . that gnods var sofd cheaper In that town than any wher ! in Oregon.- WHAT IVILL THEY DO WITH IT? No Plans Announced as to Im provement of Marquam Prop ertyRealty Men Wonder BUILDING IS NOT A , - PAYING INVESTMENT Adjacent Lots Will Probably Be Oc cupied bf Brick Blocks So That Some Adequate ' Return May Be - Realised. "... '. r-t-'"' - J. Thorburn Roaa, managtr of the Title Oua rant A Trust company, said today that no plans had been formed for the betterment of the property In volved is the ault with P. A. Marquam, that by a decision of the atate eupreme court was' Riven to th Guarantee com pany yeaterday. . "Durlns the pendency of th suit," said Mr. Roaa, "w did not discus th dlspoaltlon of th property In th event the court gave ua a favorable opinion. It is a large property and declalona made now will be practically permanent, de termlnlns the manner In which th building; and lota will be handled for very many years to com. When all thins hav been taken Into acoount and th wlaaat coura discovered we will announce what wfll be don. W hav several proposals, but have not taken them up." Realty men hav been peculatlna- as to the present value of Ph property, and have estimated block 17$, bounded by Sixth. Seventh, Morrison and Alder, on part of Which the Marquam building stands, at from $1,600 a front root zor the entire 200 feet on Morrison vxnd th 200 feet on Alder, or from 1(00.000 up. Th Marquam building hue bean sen e rally understood not to be a paying Investment, and It la aald haa never brought In sufficient revenue to pay the intereet on th inveatment, ; . Report hav 'bn current -that the lota in block 17$ not occupied by th Marquam building will b built on in the near future. It is ' surmised that soma of th proposals to which Mr. Rosa mad reference are from persona who wish to erect building on theae lots. The property la immensely valuable, lying In th heart of th city wher ar buslnes alte conceded to b among th beat fn Portland. . Jt la aald that the Title Guarantee at Trust company will in th near futur causa th thorough renovation of .th Marquam building. Mr. Rosa has ale ready said that In due time, the wiring will ba mad better. Calvin Helllg hag a lea on th thea tre under th stipulation that it shall not be used Sundays for theatrical or operatic performances, and that thlarul will continue In fore 1 th general be lief, i ., . , PERHAPS SHIPPER IS - PATRIOTIC AFTER ALL For th paat few days a big e t Ore of srlrle and Chlneaa ha e been employed at th Alaaka dock placing the legend "New sTuik Ola drplae" nn hotss nf as aDDlea brought by th' liver atcamers from various points on e ' th, Columbia. A carload of ap- , e e plea bearing this spurious brand d - was sent to- San Francisco on e the steamer Columbia, -.which 4 sailed on Sunday.. ) -e ' Why th company ' shipping 4 them wants it to appear that th 4 fruit was grown In New Tork stat Is a mystery- to those e ; whose attention has been "called e e to the matter. It is explained that th Hood River variety 1 the best In th world and eom- manda th highest price. On e theory Is that the product being sent to San Francisco Is an In- . ferlor grade and tb local ship- e 41 . per haa- enough "patriotism in ) bis blood to want to mak it ap- e pear that Oregon is not responsl- . e) bl for such a production. . e . . BOOSTERS WILL FIGHT -THE NORTHERN PACIFIC (Special Dispatch te The Jearnel.) ' Spokane. Wash., Dwc . At a meet Ins of th "Booatara " cfub, held her last evenlns. It vai decided to fight th plans of th Northern Pacific for ele vated crossings through, th city. Th business men Insist on th company sinking Its tracks through th city and will oppose th plans now before tb city council for elevated crossings. Lleber Comes to Portland. .Mr. Louis T. Lleber of th firm of Louis F. Lieber 4 Co., of Denver, Colo rado, who was conducting on of th largest department store, had arrived In Portland and secured th building at ltt Fifth street, opposite Olds. 'Wort man sV King, wher they will dispose of th Immens stock of clothing, shoes, hats and furnishing goods. This firm was forced out of their premises by th new landlord who had purchased th building, and not being able to secure a room in Denver they were forced to com as far . as Portland- before they could " get ample rorttn enough to dis pose of their stock. Th sal will open Saturday, December t, to th general public at 128 Fifth street Walt for this sate, as you win in this season's clothing, 'shoes, hats and furnisntng -goods at less than any.! ever dared to quote, prices, as they ar only temporary. They will conduct tni aala the aame way they formerly Jisd don in Denver, Colorado, in their- de partment 8tor ' Tour money Dae K 11 you are not aiuir fled with your pure has. , K afcsaasswasassnasaaassaSaTwsjaa . - meerolta WMtoau ' (Special Ptsnetr te Tb Jratraal.l Weston. Or.. Dec. i. The Weston city election held yeaterday resulted as fol low: Mayor.- 8. A. Barnes; treasurer, B. B. Hall; recorder, L S. Wood; coun cllmen two years H. A. Brandt. Morton and L-H. Martlitr- Threw tickets wer In the field. There waa do special Is stfe, and a quiet election resulted. , yteferrea Bboek Caaaaa aoods. " Allen at -Lewis' Beat Brand. " " - OVERBECK, STARR COOKU.CO Members Chicago Board ef Trad. QBAXaT, rBOTISIOBA COTTOB, STOCKS AsTO BOsTSa -lt Third Strwef McKay Building. Portland. Dr. ' . V Wa SO A ITh TaT COaOstlSSIOB BTJSISKSS. Continuou Market by. Private Vlr." Qulk Bervlca; rtr-rFRFNCra Larld TUton, benksra, and L'nl'.fd State National of l'orliand. . , TRANSPORTATION.' Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co, Leaves. UNION DEPOT, f! Arrlvsa. 8:80. a. Dauy. fee Ms rears, Salnler, It SO Dally. natskaale Weetport. Cllrtoa, Aetnria, War rentoa, Flsvel, Ha- asoad. sort Stevena. Oearaart Park. Seaside. Astoria aad Ssaabar. JXI s. sx. Ball. ' gxprsaa Pally. . .' AiterU Kipreaa, 50 p. sv Dlly, i. C MA TO, 0. r. and P. A.. Astoria. Or. 0 A. STEWART. Commercial Agent, 846 Aids ftreet. Fauna aisle Bo. ALASKA FAST AND POPULAR STIAatSHIPS . ' Leave Seattle S a. as. "JTrrriSSOS," Imalu SB. vxa Wrasaal. "DOLPHIS." Severn see a. 17. via Wral "lAaALLON," NeveiVer 10, Sa, via , 'Wraaa-!, atstlaaahtla, .-. CALLING AT Ksteatkaa. ?uaea. Denflaa, Bala, Ska way. Cennaeta wttk W, t. A T. rent fe Atlla, Daween. Taaaaa, Xssas, sa. I All Soathsastera Alaska PsrU. Call or seed fee "Trip to Wonderfnl Alalia," "Ibdlaa Baaketry." "Totem Pelea." THZ ALASKA S. S. CO. Prank Woolaey Ce., Adents. Sflt Oak St. Portland. Or. TFo Portland PORTLAND. ORROON. , . EUROPXAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL - . TRAVELERS. ... Everything to eat and drink, and It costs, no more In th . Portlanl HotJ RathakIIr than elaewhere in th city. Every weekday .night from 8:10 to 11 at.' ft BOWXBS, Kaaar. CHAMBER PLEASED AS THINGS ARE Therefor - Chairman Wheel wright and . Trustees Will r": Take No' Action. " ALL DONE FOR JETTY. 'r THAT CAN BE DONE Ev-Gotrernor Semple . Explains Plan for Canal to Reach Sea as Solu Hon for Bar Problem, but No Ac tion Is Taken on Proposition. V Trustees of th chamber of 6nmrce placed themselves on record at th reg ular board meeting today In regard to th emergency at th mouth of th Co lumbia. They declared. In a formal res olution, that everything poaalbl had been done, and that further action by th body at thla tint would be super fluous and useless. Chairman Wheelwright himself brought up th subject. H referred to th fact that th newspapers .and private ( Indi vidual hav had considerable to,, say on th subject of th Jetty of late, and that there haa been s, tendency to criti cise th board of trustee for not hav Ing fully Impressed th ' officials aj. Washington with tb urgent necs salty of continuing work on th project. Each member of tb board expressed th belief that such criticism was un called for. Inasmuch aa an exhaustive statement of th case showing th dan ger of delaying th work, even for one aeaaon, had been sent to Senator Ful ton. Senator Burton of tb rivers and harbor commute and th engineering department. In duplicate, as early as th fourth of last March. In view of this, th resolution waa passed, stating that there was no occasion for further action at "this tim. A large part of this forenoon's ses sion was occupied by ex-Governor Ku gen Semple of Washington In an ex planation of his plan to build a canal to reach th sea from the Columbia, ac counts of whtch recently hav been published. According to Governor Sem ple's Idea.'" this canal would be about 1 4 mile long and SI feet deep. It could b cut through from th Astoria side and forever do away with th danger of drifting aarids by avoiding th mouth of the river. Th cost would be about I1.&00.600. -- .- A an engineering - proposition th canal project appealed to th board, but It la feared that great difficulty would be experienced in financing auch an en terprise. Th matter was not dis cussed at great length,' but "Governor Semple was' Asked to furnish a written description of his plan, which h prom ised to do st an early data. - Those present at th meeting were Chairman W. I). Wheelwright, Secretary E. C Olltner, Trustees Edward Cooking ham. Hash McOulre. J. Laldlaw. J. Smith and Paul Weaslnger. aTlectloa at Xaactlon. Eugn. Or., Dec B. Th election at Junction City yesterday was quiet, only on (Icket being In tb Held. Th fol lowing wr elected: Mayor, Dr. J. L. Owen; council men. J.- B. Taylor, Prd Kruarerr. C. P. Houston. A. J. Kaiser: re corder, t. W. Clark;' treasurer, F. Moor- head. Ii ..... .- . 1 .l-U, BOvTsTTJrO. BOinCTfTS k CO (Katabllahed Isle.) WatSAT Ajri STOCK BBOXSBS. BMM 4, Sntixl TVer, omAMBBa or comusoa. - TRANSPORTATION. I S:iorirJi!i3 A-na UraorfPACinc 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 Throat Palbnas atandard and tenrlat ate. Ins-ear dallv te Umnha. tblrsro, SpoksBsi ti.ortst aleeulnr-cara dallr to Ksusaa Cltrl tl.rouah Pnllmaa faxtrlat leeplns-cara (pers.. allv conducted weeklr to Cklrsso. neeUulu chatreara (seats (reel te tb leet dallr. a. (lu UNION DSPur. Lssves.- I Arrive. ' CBICAOO-POKTLANU Si'KCIAU :18a. 8 zs . aa. For tit fast vis llant- Dsll. Dsllj. - instanv r i , : ' SPOKANB rr.YRR. Por Ks.tern Washing- 1 ' - ton. Walla WaUa. Ijw- 6:18 a. at S-06 a. BV Won, Coenr d' A lees Dally. , Daily, aad . Oreat Northera OlotS. , ATLANTIC BXPRRSS. 8:18 p. as. T:16a.a. Por tbs F.sst via lluat- Dally. Dally. ronton. - ,' Oclnmhla ftlvsr Ptvarlea. ' ' POR ASTORIA and wr! 8:00. as. points, concertina with Dallr - Anont stror. for llwass end lex Hondas. B oo s. m. , North Beara. atmr. ISatnrdar. as. Sandaf. Hsssslo. t Aah-at dura. 10:O0 n. aa. TasiaUl giver aVeate. POR DAYTON. Oresnal I ritr aad Tamhlll river T:noa,a. T:80 y. av E'lnt. atanra. Ruth andiDaUv Dally odoe. Aa8-et. dneh. isx. Bandar, sx. Snadar. IWaUr permlttlns-l I Snake River stents. - POR LEWISTON. Ida.. " -nd way poluU trnra "T P"" t.!z " Rlparla. Wash., etmra. fj Tra-i Daily . Spokane- and Lewis ton. ax. Friday. x. Sab x i . i . . Telephone Main III. ' C. W. STINGER. City Ticket Agent, Ik CRAIO. General Passenger Asset. EAST VIA SOUTH Leav UNION DEPOT. Arrive. OVEBLAMO gxpKKSS Trains foe Salens, Itoee- barg. AshlaatV. Bacva mente Oeden. Ban Pras 8:48 f. aa. Cisco. Stoektoa, Lea An 1:Sll.a te lea. Kl Paeo, New Ot leene and the Eeet. . Mornlnr train con nect st Wnodrwni dallr except Sunder rtth train for Msut. Ansel. S I I v r t a. Brownsville.' S pf 111 field. Weadllng and Matron. Euseae peasenrsv -connects rt Woedhsrn wltb Ml. Anel and Silver ton local. , Corvsllla naesenew. Snerlden paaaeater. Pnreat Orove paesenser. S:80 a. xa. C-JB'p. fa. 4:1 a. B. 10:18 S.BV T:sn a. 4:80 p. u 1110:48 p . sS-BOp. . . 8:3S a. Bt. 111:80 a.. " enatly. : - --, r IIDally except Ssndsr. ' ' v, rertlaad-Oearsc Saeorbea SecvloA aa TamliUl Division. -' Peped Iriet of Jefferee evreet. i -f Leave Portlend dsll for Oeweso T 8IT a , M H.80. 1:08. Off. 8:10. S SB. S WV 1O10. IJlW p. m. Dslly (except. Snrtdav). 8:80. 8:80. 8. 80, . 10:48 a. fa. Snndsv enlv. :OD a w Mniss from Osweao. arrive Portlend any e n . . i.sjt a na. a oft !. T.HA. S:KK. 8 28. T:. B:o. li:o a. aa. euswss ,0iliav from aame depot for Pallae and Inter. aedlate points dally :IS S. 8.v Arrive irarX land 10:10 a. a. A , The IrKleoesdence-Moanjonta Jfowi epeeataa Oatlr t atennaonth and Alrpe. eow. nectlnc wltk Sonfbem I'srlSe compear tracks " a en nrsi-cieaa lam If'- , - . - " ' and Sen yranetseo 2n. nevths 88; - lass far 818. aeeord-deee Serrtie W . Tlekere ta Eestem potnta and Rurepst Slew Janes, rain. Heoolnle snd AnerraWa. ntv Ticket Office orser Third snd was- Ing toe atr-ete. Phew Mais TI 2. -., 0. W. ST110F.R. , A. L. , Cltr Ticket Asenx. wn. TIME CARD TRAINS 'Portlands DAILY DNIOS OlfOT. V.linwsinoe Park-Kaa- sas Clty-St. Lenls Spe- elel far I nenalw. t-rs- tealle nivsnol. OrSV Harbor, Booth Bene. T eosM. Seattle, apoaane. Iwliton. Bdtt. Bll ll r. Irenver, Omaha, Kaneea Cltr. St. Leals end Sontkraat. , North Coaet Lltnlten. electric llxhted. for Ts !oma, Seattle. Snofeane. Rutte, Mlnneapolia. , St. Fnl and the Eaet. Pnget Sonod Limited, for Cheballa. Centralis. Taeoma and Seattle enlr. Twin City Express, for Tacofna. Seettle, Spn ksse. Relese. Bntte. Yellowstone fark.' Uln ae Belts, St. rial sad the EaaL ' A. D. CHA ELTON. Aastrtant Oeneval . Passenger Afent. 8U Morrlsne at., cor. Third. -Portland. Oregon. ' TMC COMfTMTASU WAY. City Tleket OfSe. Ill 81 st, rhen 80. O Overland Trains Dally 7 'The Oriental Limited, the fast Baa miironi SBBTXCB OV-TO-DATB BQTninraaTT- COVBTBOUS BMVIrOTBS . "LfrAVE from fort land Tla Seattl "risTipokan ARRiVu 7 00 a.'m. 4:44 p, m. ".64rnr Bioa.m 11:45 p. m 4:11p.m. (0. b. a sr. eo.y Oreat STnrtaera Stsamshlp Oo. . Sailing frrrm'Keettle I. t. DroT. Df" 14 S. s. KiBBTBSOTa, rr a. f. For Japan and t'lMria loits end Manila Birrow TOir at A I A (Japan Mail t" -M" "(inp-'ny) m. s. ito h"". tall from htii ' Jsrsn, Clilnn and ail A-mi,- !'. S hT I e.i-e r --r I ' tl. kel . r vnti" i . A a. o. . IS&I 8UNSXT. t I I O (OCOCH xmsuJ lsst SOUTH IOJ Depart. Arrive. 8:8 a. sa-1 440 9. a- t:O0 p. as. Tw a. as. SS f. an, 11:49 pi as S 8Bw, - ... - . 1 - r 1