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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL. PORTLAND. -TUESDAY EVENINQ. DECEMBER 5. 1005. .4 , . ,,...,. ,.r.,,::,.: ...... .., ...c.-. .:-'; i l- ' . i 1 ,. .... Z t I -- . I : i t - f ACUTE STAGE HAS - BEEN feast ; Morrison $trtet ; Breaking ' w Up Rapidly Under Heavy Traffic Strain. HUGE GAPS LEFT TO . ENTRAP- UNWARY DRIVERS 'Extensive Improvement' Must-, Be ' Undertaken at Once or' Street " Closed Need of Thoroughfare Not 7T So dreatTis Formerly. - Tn east aide efriee of The Joaraal to l tb : star of J. M. C Miller. 800 kt Mocriaos street. Tolesbos Et 878.. . , East Morrison street from the bridge , east to Grand avenue la today In a con dition that makes Jt Imperative that a general rebuilding It one b started 'or the thoroughfare cloaed. For weeks the city engineer's force has been try ing to keep the highway In a condition that would warrant It being left open, but the elevated roadway la deteriorate ' Ing too rapidly. This morning a heavily loaded wagon crashed through the u- perstrutcure --at a point opposite the Btudebaker warehouse, near East Sec ond street, and half a dostn plank were splintered before a tough boarld : waa met that prevented the big .wheel going - clear through the roadway. ' The driver ' pried bis load out of the hole and went oil., leaving the big , gap in the center - of the street with nothing to warn truffle that danger .existed, and for aeveral -hours the busiest street on the east sldo held a deadfall that any unsuspecting driver might kill his horse In. For 100 feet near the point where the ' break occurred this morning the road way has sagged away from the slde '. walk, leaving a long gap wide enough to take the heaviest wheel, and no aign bar been placed to warn teamsters of . their danger. At night the danger, -a , greatly increased. ' At no place) on the thoroughfare between the. bridge and -Orand avenue Is there a spot that Is not '.. likely to break through under the strain of heavy traffic, and even the business men chiefly Interested In keeping the , street open are. ready to admit .that the rotten roadway cannot long be left open to traffic, however great the need. The policy of patching breaks with new planks, and of keeping the street open despite Its weakened condition, already '' has resulted In ' tamed ' horses and wrecked vehicles and the acute atage has been reached. More heroic treat, ment ia required If serious accidents are .". to be avoided. - ; : . There Is'not; the .same need for East Morrison street' to be kept open that lies-existed until the last week, aa East w; Water street has been opened to Wash ington street and traffic can now find an outlet to the east aide on- the new macadamised highway. To a great ex- '-Vtent Kaat Water street 4s being -used. " "and only the drivers of lighter vehicle and the teamsters - who d not - under . atand the condition of Morrison street use It between East Water street and Orand avenue. ' Many, however, do not t appreciate ' the danger, and te protect neer will take Immediate action. f ASSOCIATION'S. PROGRAM. REACHED i problems Bast Bids OnraaJaattoa ' Win Ooaalde Tonight, ' What bids fair to be an Important - meeting of the East Side Improvement ' association will be held tonight at 7:10 ".' o'clock In the east side Justice court, - i Eaat Washington street and Union ava . nue. - There are several questions to be considered and some new matters will be brought up. The report or the Port of Portland's engineer aa to the nature , of the river deposits, and whether these ran be handled by the . commission's dredge. Is one of the important things, as this will to a great extent determine the course of the campaign being made for east side fills.' There will be a re port from the committee working for an east side freight depot of the Southern Pacific, and also one from the commit tee In charge of the atruggle for an all-ast-slde streetcar system, and definite - progress Is expected to be reported In ' each af these matters. . The work of the aesoctstlon to secure . a new water main from Bull Run lake, and opposing the purchase by the water '.board of 1300.000 worth of meters to re strict the local consumers, wilt be fur- - - thered. and the status of 'the east side department store and theatre projects will be explained. A full attendance of the committeemen working on the vari ous projects la urged by the president, and auburba not before represented In th central organisation are requested to .. ' Laend'delegates and give the association a chance to help them in aettllng nelgh- borhood problems. - - . i DISTRICT AGAIN POS TED. Third Attempt Made Wlthia a Tea to Oet Sidewalk Made rassabla. " Within the. year three. city engineers "have endeavored to force the residents 'jand property-owners of Multnomah and "adjoining suburbs to repair their slde , walks, yet the condition of the walks Is .' - precisely what It was a year ago, plus the deterioration that has come ,.wjth a J year's hard usage. Notices commanding ; Ihe prxypry-owileTi to repair-Thai' Holiday BETTER ' BETTER Thary you are.likdy 50c to . Look at our lines and be' convinced that our ... ...statement is true"- - .. ,: -,,.- Robinson & Co. walka were liberally posted over the dis trict between Williams avenue and the river, and north of Shaver atreet. by Mr. Elliott, about IS months ago, and the residents smiled, for they had aeu such notices many times before. Then came Mr. wanser. who discov ered the condition of the district and ordered that the residents be notified. For a week city employee labored ana hardly a fence or vacant lot waa left unadorned with a poater recommending immediate Improvements. This"' came along early In the spring pf this year, and a few of these notices may yet be found .There the small boy and neigh. borhood dogs have not discovered them, but theee tew old poa tare are all - that Indicates that an Improvement campaign was planned. . Today the district has blossomed- Into a new flower of notices and the property-ownera are Informed by Mr. Taylor that repaira are to ne made instanter, the notices being dated December-. There are no Indications, however; that the latest warning will be more potent than the two previous ones, or the half dosen more ancient ones that have teen posted since the sidewalks were built or repaired. NEW LIQUOR PETITION. Jokaa Council JEaa Another Applicant wearing May Be Tabooed. ' The purging of publlo conversation, selling of liquor, ..public market and street Improvements, "wer some of the things considered by the 8t Johns coun cil at its meeting last night, though definite action was, taken on none of these except the last named, the body pssalng ordinances declaring the cost of Improving (Thompson, Cstlln and Lively streets, the total amount being $1,400. The question of granting a license to the St. Johns Hotel company came up for consideration and the ordinance was paased to the third reading and will be acted on finally at an adjourned meeting Wednesday night.- " - . An application was received from Sam uel Cochran, manager of the present hotel In the town: for a license under the same restrictions aa those made for the management of the St Johna Hotel company. It was recommended that or dlnancea be passed prohibiting swearing on the streets, snd establishing a publlo market, and a further consideration of these proposed measures will be had to morrow evening. ACTS OF CRUELTY ey wife Mrs. Nellie ; Barden of Corvallis ' Seeking Separation From i A. B. Barden. (Special Dlapatra te T Journal.) Corvallis. Or., Dec B. Suit for dl vorc ha been filed with the clerk of Benton county by Nellie Barden against August B. Barden. , They were married In Polk county in 1900, but have re sided for the last two or three years In this city. Plaintiff, suea for divorce and $50 a month alimony, or a lump sum of money, to be determined by the court. Sit also sues her stepdaughter. Card Barden, for an Interest In the real property, declaring that Carrie Bar den 1 wrongfully -holding an interest deeded' her' by Barden in order to de fraud ' th plaintiff. Th complaint as serts that for three year defendant haa, without cause, heaped personal In dtgnltlea upon plaintiff, - threatening to throw her Into the atreet and using vile and Inhuman epithets toward her. Also TCaTwnerT plaTOTrrwaa reHUei ed alinust helpless by paralysis defendant would mimic her style of walking, apply abut alv language to her. refused to aaalst her In dressing, and that ahe had to de rxnd UDOn her kind neighbors for as sistance, these neighbors offering her the protection of their homes, whsre ah now la. Th property I stated to be of tb probable valu of M.OttO, beside note and other evldencea of debt amounting to f S.400. Th case will be up for hearing at the adjourned term of th circuit court, December It, and promises to be sensational. , . Corvallis A. O. VS W leote. ISnerlal Dlsoatca to The Journal.) - Corvallla, Or., Iec 6. At the last meeting of the A. O. V. W. lodge In this city th following officer were elected for th coming year: John F. Alien, M. W.; E. Holgate, F.i E. B. Horning, O.; Roy Woodcock, recorder; B. u. Kiln receiver; James T. Porter, guide; F. O Clark. L .W.; W. B. Jcy. O. W.; Jesse Spencer, trustee lor three yeara; Drs. Q. R. Farra and H. 8. Pernot, medical examiners; tV. C. Corbett, P, M. W. . Baaaa at Klrhland. Chnrch. The annual basaar of the ladles of Highland Congregational church this year will take the form of an apron sal to be held at the church tomorrow after noon and evening. Aprons of an aorta and alsea will b for sale, a candy booth will be an attractive feature. Music will be furnished by the Mando lin club. Dinner will be served from. 6 to S p. m. The ladles of Highland church take th greatest interest In this work, snd It ia expected that their ba aaar will be exceedingly attractive, es pecially In the lines mentioned. CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO. Special milmaa Eaoareloa "Trala via Sonthera raolflo XallroadT On December"! a special xcurTon train will leave San Francisco via the Southefh Faclflo for th City of Mexico iow rates hav bean made for points on th Southern Paclfla In Oreaon. Par ticulars by asking any Southern Pad fie a cent or writing A. L Craig, general pasaensngent.POrtland.Orgonrr J XOS!!!!9 Neckwear SILKS STYLES to find elsewhere $2.50 Hotel Perkins Building SHE HAS 102,661 VOTES TO DATE .-'.'. ' ssaBsa-waas ,.. Miss '' Minnie S. Phillips Still Ahead in Jourrtal Hawaiian . Trip Contest. . ' " MISS NASH IS FIRST - .."; IN SECOND DISTRICT Others in Every One of the Eight District , Are '.Close Behind the Leaders and the Closing Month Is " a Busy One. : - Voting In The Journal's Hawaiian trip contest Is getting heavier each day. Every mall brings thousand of votes and many other thousanda are brought Into The Journal office and deposited. Only 26 daya more of the conteat re main and now la ' the time when the candidates and their friends are getting buay. A few yearly aubserlptlona to The Journal would change th standing of a number of candidates and give Miss Myrtle Butler. them advantages they do not now enjoy. In th first district Miss Minnie S. Phil lips continues to hold first position. She ha pasted th 100,000 mark and to day ha 103,661 vote to her credit. Miss Sallle Madlgan is also showing great gains and haa second position with V9,ya votes; jhibb oaaie winivranu Is third with SS.61I votes; Miss Lura Baty fourth with 70,41. and Mis Oretchen Kurth fifth with 1.830 vote. After a lively struggle Miss Ktl Nash of La Grand takes first place in the second district 'with 74,481 votea Miss Mollle Proebstel Is second with 7S,s7 votes and Miss Agnes. Fletcher third with 7.4l votea. In the third district Miss Emtlle Cro. Miss Katie Nash. - sen leada with 41.727 votea and Mts Luclla Crate come second with 11.604 vote. Miss Stella Richardson ia third with IS. 506 vote. ' X Mlsa Effl Mae King lead th fourth district with It.SSt votes. Miss Hattl Barton come second with 14.627 vote and Miss Gertrude Tic third with X0,64 vote. , In the fifth district Miss Katherln Oort still leads with 86,690 vote and Mis Florence Heavren I second with 13, Ml votes. Miss Amelia William Is third with 1J.164 vote. Th leader , of the sixth district. Miss Blanche Brown, has 60,967 votes. Misa Madge Battee la second with 47, 841 votes and Mlsa Maud Blair thisd with 87,267 Votes. . Miss .Berths CourtemanCh lead th seventh district with 81,169 votes. Miss Myrtle Butler is second With 29.727 votes and Mlsa llaiel Kennedy Is third with 27.228 votes. In the eighth dlatrlct Ms Edna Parsley still leads with 41.697 votea and Miss Maude Berry la second with IS.- 8(4 votes. Miss trfuls T. J one Is third with 31,660 votes. PROVISION FOR JETTY IN URGENT J)EFICIENCr BILL Th Portland board of trade ha re ceived from Judge C. IL Carey a letter confirming hi, telegram regarding th Interview held -by him and Senator Ful ton with President Roosevelt and Sec retary Taft, and advising th Portland body to prepare and forward to these authorities a complete statement of con dition at the mouth of the Columbia. Th Idea la to convince th president and secretary that an amount of money must be forthcoming between thl dst and thVposslble passage of any regular appropriation to prevent the destruction of th work now temporarily standing at th Jetty. The board will forward a Statement this week, embracing facts and. figures furnished by the United States engineering corps. Relating his experience with Secretory Taft, Judge Crey says: "He agreed that he would. If our statements wera verified by th chief engineers, recommend to Chairman Bur ton that pl-ovlslon -be- made. for auch work "at the Jetty as would be immedi ately r necessary, and would recommend that provision be made In th urgent deficiency " Mil." If-addressed g - letter upon the subject to th chief of engi neer." . v 11"; Krat2 Cafe Opens.' - Krats Cafe at Sixth and Washington street' Is open again to the public, under the management of, August Krats, who extends a cordial to all his old patrpna as well tb new. r ' . .... . . UUKVALLI5 MIM H D0 1 U P OIISATIOY 0. A. C. Eleven . Anxious to En gage Club Men When Chances Appear Bright' ; r MULTNOMAH WILL HAVE A POWERFUL TEAM The Old Guard Will Turn Out In Moleskins to Do Battle for the Glory of M. A. A. C. Special Pric- tk-Ordrd JorTpnlght. ' . , ) - Th wary O. A. C. football team will not be aUyed until Christmas In order to meat Multnomah, but, will trot down here next Saturday and engage their old to on th local field. It ' wa thought1 that tb gam oould be trans ferred to Christmas day, but th Farm er are of tb opinion that Multnomah 1 suffering from injuries received In th Oregon game, and that it waa best to Jackie the eMrbraen at once, hoping to find tham greatly weakened. Thla ia the aentlment at Corvallla Yesterday Manager Watklhs waa noti fied by th Corvallla magnate that O. A. C insisted upon paying th gam on next Saturday, ao the club manager promptly replied. "Bring ou your team. w will play you." While Corvallla backer are chuckling to themselvee about catching Multnomah unprepared, th clubmen are not worry ing over th prospect, but feel confident of giving the Agrtc a ound drubbing. Multnomah win b aa strong, ir not stronger, on Saturday than ah waa against Oregon. Murphy. McMillan, Bishop, Dr. Woodruff, Klrkley, Loner gan. Dolph, Overfleld, Pratt, Jordan, Dowllng. Burt. Saunders, James, Stock ton. Rupert. Smith. Owena and other hav signified their Intention to b on hand to help the' club.-' The team will line up almost th same as on Thanks giving, Klrkley probably playing left tackle and McMillan going to right half In order to strengthen the back field. With thla team th club ought to make a good ahowlng against the Agrlca. Than, too, Dolph and Lonargan may be pressad Into action if their aervlc are needed. - Coach .Overfleld haa ordered oat the entire aquad for a' long practice thl evening. Overfleld ha - several new plays that he la anxious ' to try on Steckle's aggregation and the will be perfected.. WITH THE RUNNERS i ON THE RACE TRACKS (Joornal Special Sei ilea.) ' New Orleans, Deo. S. Fair Grounds race results: Four -f urlonga. purs -Buttercup won. Usury second, Catherine R. -third; time, :--. i ,r -, Six furlongs, purse Harraakla won. Qlin Oa.ll ant second. Era .Flllppo third; -tlm,. 1:1. Six f urlonga Luretta won, Olrdla, second. Mayor Johnson v third i, time, 1:14 . ' - I . . One mile Jungle Imp won, Mont I Tnrnhnlli filrrt- tlma l'U Five and on half furlong Caprice won. Marvel p. aecond. Horseradish third; time. 1:08 l-l. Mil and one-eighth Ethic won. Little Scout scorid. Bouvier third; time. 1:67 4-. " .' - . At Oaklaadt ' rieamal Saeelal nervtee.) San Francisco, Dec S. Results of racea: f Five furlongs Louis Schumacher won, Tom Roberta second, Atkins third; Urn. l:02tt. - - i Six furlongs-j-Mafalda won. Royal Rogue ecOnd,-Dr. Roberta third; time, 1:14. Six and one half furlonga Eckersalt won, Angelica second. Lerlda third; time. 1:2 H. . Mil and . on sixteenth Isabelllta "Von, EHeven Bells second, Iras third; time. l:4S. -Mile and SO yards San Prlmo won. Bannock Belle , second, Jackfall third; Urn. 1:41. . On mil Rightful won, Bombardier Mcond. Otto Stlfel third; tlm. 1:41. At Zos AafUm. ' ' -V (Joaraal Special Sei ilea.) ' Los Angeles, CaL, Dec 6. Summary of racea: Steeplechase, handicap, ahort course Kill Do won. Flea aecond, Caaador third: tlme, .:0H. Five and one half furlong Vino won, Retropaw secend. Rustling Silk third; tlm. l:0TH. On mil Hoodwink won. Golden Light second. Tangible third; time. 1:41. . Mil and to yard Rorghesl won, Nlnnasquaw econd, Ethylene third; time. 1;44H. Futurity course Eacalante. won, Al ono aecond, Orllene third; time, 1:10 V4. Six ,urlongs Alencon won, Oolden Rule second. Whoa Bill third; tlma, 1:14. .. At Hew Orlsn City frarfc. . ' (Joaraal Special Berries.) New Orleana, Dec C. City Park rac result: Flv furlong Lady Esther . won. Poetry' aecond, Rama third; time. lfOH-S. ' Six furlongs La Cache won, Joaeft Second, Tom Crabb third; tlm, 1:17. . Six furlong Magistrate -won.. Im mortelle second, Lauraj Hunter third; time, l:l 4-s. - . Mile and one eighth Estrada Palma -won, St. Tammany second, Laura Lighter third; time, 1:81 1-5. Mil and one sixteenth Yorkshire Lad won. Fox Hunting aecond, Eva's Kill third; time; l:(k. Six furlongs Rickey won. Chief Hayes second, Letta Duffy third; tlma, 1:111-6. . .rr..:.. .... Holladaya Tlotorion. , Th Holladay and Alblna football teams met yesterday on the former gridiron, th Holladay being th victor by th score of 16 to 0. T. Stiver was th star for HollAdays. Farmer did fine work foY Alblna. Th llolladays hav th best record of the city, not having been scored against thla year. Ooaghlnf fjpU Caused Death. " "ITarrv Dtickwell. aged tl --yeara. choked to death early yesterday morn ing at hla horn In the presence of hi wife and child. He contracted a sllsht cold a few dnya ago and paid but little attention to it. Yesterday morning he was seized with a nt or congning wnicn continued for some Mm. His wife sent for. a physician, but before he coi wrrlve another roughing spell came on and Jjuraweu aiea rrom surrocatmn. St. Louis Globe Democrat,. Dec 1st, 101." Ballard fiorcnound syrun would have -saved him. 26 too and 11.00. Woodard. Clark Co. i il 1 11 1 UlUlilli U h ass lsr at i t m SSI BSB SSI Following is the statement of a doctor who puts .truth above so-called "profes sional etiquette," and can didly states his belief and experience for the benefit of the masse s who may read it. That-matt is Dr.-C. F. SMITH, :the, most success ful physician of Olean, N. "I wish to add my professional testimony to the valiiV of your English preparation, known as Acker's English Remedy for, Asthma,- etc. In several instances after I have tried my utmost to give even relief, I have prescribed your rem edy, and it has acted almost like .miracle, not only relieving but permanently curing every one of the patients. I endorse the above prepara tion as one of the most valuable additions to the practice of medicine." ' 1 . ' 7 (Signed) C. F. SMITH, M. D. . Such a frank endorsement as the above is phe nomenal. Cdming from so distinguished a mem ber of the medical profession, it carries with it an assurance which the public will be sure to avail themselves of. ,It is recommendations like this which make it possible to give the broad guarantee that is a part of every sale of for Coughs, Colds. Asthma. Bronchitis and Consumption. It must either do all that is claimed for it or your money will be refunded. Do you know of -any-xther medicine sold on those terms? Do-you-know-of anyother medicines which prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than prescriptions they write themselves? These ''facts are Veil worth considering. They are of special interest to those with sore throatTtrealr1uTrgsrRer guarantee. 25c, 50c, and $i.oo. SOLD BREATHE HEALING BALSAMS KyoBMi, th Kedloated-Alx Catarrh Cora, Bndoned by Fhyslclaaa. No ona should eonfoutid Hyomel with th patent medicine that are advertised to cure catarrh. ItI aa auperlor to them all aa the diamond la mora valu able than cheap glass. - Th'etr composi tion la secret, but Hyomel give it formula to all reputable pnyeiciana. Its baa 1 th famoua eucalyptus oil. well known for Its antiseptic qualities. This is combined with aromatlo and healing' rumi and . balsam, making - a pur liquid which, when used In the Hyomel pocket Inhaler, fills the air you breathe with germ killing, dlaeaaa de stroying and healing powers that re stor health to every part of th throat, noe and lung. -Hyomel I endorsed by physician gen erally. , Many of them use It themselves to break up a cold and prevent pneu monia. It la th only natural and ra tional way of curing catarrh. Would it oe a common aen treat ment to try and cure a corn by stomach dosing? Is It not Just aa foolish to try and cure catarrh of th head and throat by swallowing tablet or liquids? Th only natural way to cuse disease and all dlaeaaea of th respiratory organa is to breathe Hyomel. . If you cannot obtain Hyomel of your dealer, it wrll be forwarded by mall, postage paid, on receipt of price. Write today for a free aampie pome ana con' sultatlon blank that will entitle you to services of otlr medical department with out charge. The R. T. Booth Company, Hyomel building, Ithaca, New York. -.Woodard, Clarke C BILLIARD EXPERTS AfiE - BUSY AT MULTNOMAH -f-' The billiard tournament opened last evening at the Multnomah club and an Interesting crowd watched the young men iperf orm with tha cues. The fol lowing were the first night' result! - M. 8,, Mulford, playing 66, defeated Douglas Clark, playing 70, with an aver age 1 te, while the loser had an average of MS. Douglas Clark won over W. F. Walter, running 70 points for an aver, aga of 19, to hla opponent's 41, for an average of 1.64. W. F. Walter defeated M. 8. Mulford with a score of 60 tot an average of 1.66, to hla opponent' 3ft, for an average of 1.33. In th thlrdclaf match, O. 4a Spencer defeated T. H. Hentley, -scoring 40 for an average of .73, to his opponent's (playing 60) 42 tor an average of .79. ' . - ,v ' ' -i- Try Za la Conditio. . ; ; - Tom Tracey haa let up In hla hard work. From now until Friday evening when . he meet Zubrlck at Vsncouvar he will oontlnu doing light work only. HI last hard siege was yesterday When h went through a busy day at tha hard est kind of work, ........ ... -Admitted. Ton couldn't kiss rlrls of mv time as aa easily aa you do the girls wf today." ''No; I waa a mere child then, ami AND waan't tall enough," . Y. ACKERS GUARANTEED c A Specialist Studied for many years before ,he discovered the perfect - remedy for constipation, -. This remedy does not merely 'relieve, 'it does not' make you a slave to ' the Daily Pill Habitit enres. It is GomsHip (Called Velvets by , Just make it your vocation, -whatever else you do, . "To Chase your-constipation before it chases you I 1r iJ, 25cts. . In watch-shape Dottles that fit vest pocket. Yourdrug gist, or FOR SALE BY WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. 8KIDM0RE & CO. those who know) CHASE MFG. CO, v Newburgh, ' N. Y. - '' SantaiClaus Cannot Cure An ulcerated tooth, but Wse Bros. Mn.- Don't ipoU-your-Christmas bjr ailbwinu snjr disorder of your teeth to interfere with .your enjoyment, as k mi mlhnrl at n res nainlass "ftti-.J4' mm tfUl tuvilivu X. S III II.D9 66V1V ouRhly cientific and reliable. i Wise Bros - Main 2029. ' . Work Done on th Installment Pisa, Y i