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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1905)
-THE OREGON. DAILY .. JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING frgCEMBER 5, 1905. 13 "1 ' n hi Entered t tb. o.torri fto- 22: for ir.unortaUua Uuwwk th" Cl.B nislue. - . in or l. jtai- lor raw r"V'- - , asniai 12 to 4 I. mat. ewT Editorial Roan..... ""mIS &O0 Inula OUtc...., " rOREIOH ADTEBTII0 ""E"ATiM!5' ) Mwi wnl, Mw "ue , big, lua ' .-. : . ; ' ' an - a", rr- anar- The Dally Journal. Willi Souday. I J'r' I'DS in. Dally Journal, 1 VUAAihl' 8.76 1lM Dully Journal, with .Sunday. month. Th Dally Journal. """' VUihi Tw TW Dally Journal, wltk Kunday,,B months. Sg The Dally Journal. aaMtlm.. - The Dally Jouraal. with ! . 1 "f". ' I He lislly, per track, dellrereU. Bandar IB- "Tb tllr1BaaE" d.nrr capta .... Tlie IHIIy Journal, with 8uBuay, I Tlie Dsllr Journal, I I'M' i"i The Dally Journal, with Sandey, moatba. Tim Dally Journal, montb.... Dally Journal, with Sunday, I Dtoatb. " Tlia Dally Journal, 8 aiootba. . Tlie Dally JonrnaL wltk Monday. 1 month.. JJ The Dally Journal, 1 month.. "'boS 11k Sunrise JonrnaL I rear. ...... I f.l J'U Sunday Journal. mooth.V.V.V.., Tim Basal-Wkly JeurniL . lh Sml-Wkly Joamal, to 11 Pe . . jit . . ... 1 1 M.lit M, li lama uiwauaMw, . j. nor, l .ear. .. I,? Remittance abould be mad by draft, postal note, upm aroers and aaiali amounta ara acceptable la I and 1-oent "g P. a t 121. fort land. Oral on. WKIU TXt JOgKMAL. HAT B FOBHO. Tba Joarral caa toaad-ao aala at tkd foilon-lna' placfa: Uoisi:. IDAHO H. Ballar A OaJ B. Mo- CHKAOO Joatatfloa Waara eompanyi 171 Dw liorn atraat. . . DENVER. OIX)BDO J. BUck, BlitaauU ant Cnrtla atraata. KAN8AS CITY V Ho Wwa com pa ay. MINNEAPOLIS at. J. Kavaoaack, M ok Thtnt treat. KKW VOBK CITT llPHitana'a. Pa loo aqnar. OMAHA Millard Dotal newa-aland: Magnatk Rlatlnnrn rnaipany. 1308 Fare-am atraat. 8 ALT I.AKK CITT Kan you Hotal nawa atand: Barrow Brna.. 41 Waal Harond atraat, " ST. LOI.'I.I Philip Rneoar. Old toat nuaat; B. T. Jan. Ollra atraat. . A rBAN01fKX W. B. ArHlnt. Palara Hotrt ' nawa atand and lOftS Markat atraat i ttoid amlth Broa.. V Itattar atraat and Halnt rrnct botlr Pnatar-di- Oraat, Tarry kallH Inr; K. Wkaatlay. wnrakla nawa atand. oof nrr larkat and Kaaraay aliaata. SEATTLE Hit Inter nrand amra atand: W.- L. 8hok. Htr rVattla nawa atand. SPtiKAMB. WASUINOTON Joon W. Orakaa at Vk TAOOMA. WAllII0TO!t Crnrral trwa aMa. pan: Flntal Tarnma nawa atand. irTORIA. BRITISH lOLfklBIA Tletotla - - Bank A Utattnataca awiMBr. . WEATHER REPORT. Ko nrarrpltatlna of mnaatraTra haa aciiirad ' thmacnont tha I'nltrd Htatra durln tax la at S4 Iwra. rurapt alonr tar aborra of Laka Krlr. whara about an Inrk af anow la rapnrtrd. It i nai bn i tkla srnln( In tha Mlaalaalpnl. Ob la anrl Tranraara aall-ya and In tba laka mtloa, but anrwltnatandlmt thta rta In tamnaratur tha wratbar rontlnur anaraaoaabty Vrnld . In all ; arrtfcma af tba rauntry. Hhirn froata ara rr portrd la riorMa and la tba bttarter Tallrya 4it raatral (allfornlat , Tba tramanaa arra nd blrh prfaauia rantral nrar tba BitrMla want atata la adTaorlnc alowly aaatward . loara baa nara a fan-ral dorraaa In -nrraaura arar tba nortnarn anrtkaj of tb partk Parlrtr atatra. Indli-atlnr tha appmark r.f a rlMnrbanra fro an ar. Tbla tnrta will rx.rrtm T ariTan.-a vHiftwirrir iivT an nn arttld. rlondy waatbar. with' rain, ta thla dlarrtrt want of tba Caarada awiantalna tnnlcht and Wadnaaday. with rain or anow Wadueaday aftrrtnon la aaatrrn Waahlnrtna and narthara I'lilwi. lo aaafara Orata and anutbara Idaa gaavrally fair wuatbar wilt arnrfnoa. Mas. Tjain! rraclp. Otarlona J. ' B-atoa. Maaaarhaatta.;,,...'MI (-hiraan. llllnola....-..i..... a T ! -0 20 .0 W .9 4 .0 S2 , .0 2 .0 M ;.0 14 .0 4 .0 1 . . 24 .0 Iw narr. fVlorado. 61 Kanaaa ritr. MraaraTrl.-.....Wl Ina Anralra. CallfYn!a T4 Kf 4Hlana. Loulalana....4 Nrw York. Nrw York......M ' Itoaahura. Orartn......,...5l H Lnnla, Muawuri.. .an Haa rnwlmi. t'allforpla..9A Tarama. WaaBrnrton. ...... .44 Walla WaUa. Waabina-toa...ltl Waahlnatou. D. C 31 "MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' Ilirry H. Scott, 24; ftadle A. Wbealer. 22. Wedding Carrie. W. O. Smith A Co.. Waah fcrgtoa blrig., ear. Fourth aad 'Waehmgtoa era. Mlaa Bertha Martta. mom 111 Allaky bMv. Stamping and fine Deedlawork; teeaona glren. BIRTHS. BKINHART Noeetriber ftn, ta Mr. and Mra. Jauea P. . Belnaart, AST Kaaraay atraat, a daurhter. - BEACH December 1. to Mr. aad Mra. Benjamin lieach of filadetone, a daughter. " RT1MNKON December , to Mr. and Mra. B. 'rank Itobluaoa. 100S Eaat Mala alreet, - a dangbfer. -BAIN Nnramner a. to Mr. aad Mra. George Hem. l?n Eaat Eighth atraat a aim. SCHNEIDER Noreuher X to Mr. and Mra. R. J. Krhneldcr. lit! Mllwankle aeeane. a Ban. yi'ERCK Ikecemlier 1. to Mr. and Mra. I. K. Ynerrk. 402 Nia-tb Ninth atraat. a daughter. DiKG Nor em her x. tn Mr. aad Mra. Cboaf 1ong, "1 ftecond alreet. a eon. MACS December 2. tn Mr. and Mra. Edward Mee, 14T Nortb fourteenth atraat, a nnn. Mr: Alt December B. to Mr. and Mra. Oeorga Mead, ma North Tenth atreat. a ana. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. CANNON December 4. Maggie Cannon, M Eaat Eleventh atraat. aooth. email pot. . BEYNOLDB December 4. Jamee lleynolda, B30 Kaaf Darlg atreat. prr.Ni hie amallpoz. hART December 2. Edward Hart, Ml Eire ntreet. men. lea. 1 DEATHS. M ETEI.B R December . Rudolph Metiler. aged IS ream. 143 Macadam atraat: canaa. typhoid feree. Ruiial at RlTeralew cemetery. HITIH- TWmber 4. (leorge Mutch, a ted 15 .,- yera.7ta Corbett alreet: canae. heart dlaeaae. Burial at Itne Fir cemeterr. SHr.l-IIRARD Decen.t-r 1. By'lra M. Snepheari. aaed Si yeara, at I'ort.month; cauaa, tuliercn- larlaBurliiljat.ColllinbU Aawtary l WINKLEHUEI K Dacemlier 1. Daniel .. Win- klehlerk.-aawd an Tears, at Standard Box fae. , jwy; caoa. fraotnre of knit. Burial at lone Fir cemetery. HANKEN Decemhert. Jamee rianBen. aged tB ' reaea. at TS.1 Mlrhlran aTenue. J MACKENZIE December B. W. Kermetli Marr Markenala. aged in yeara. at 251 Krng atreat. fc. , - .1 JHTSATIEW CEKETcBT. 'Slatle graeaa Sift, Family Inta 170 tn ll.fmo, Tba onlr cemetery In PnetlanA hi netnatly maintain and earea for Ma, For fnll intorniBTiiai apriiy wr-w, u. aiackemla. Wor rrarr nw. nry. w , m. Land, prealdent. J. P. Tlnley A "on. funeral rHraetora and amtwlmera. comer Tl,rd and Madlaoa ntreeln. Office of county coroner. Telephone Main . .Dunning. MrEntea A OIIKangb. andertakera ! anil eirhalmera: modem fn ererr detail. Baraath and Pine. Mala 4.10., Lady aaalatant. Funeral wreathe aad rat flow era a eneetaltr at Roeev City Draenhnuaa. Twenty aaeeud and f'.aat . Mocrlaon. oppoatte cemetery. Tbe Edward Ilolmaa t ndertaklnf enmnane, funeral dlrectora and atulalmera. 230 Third at. Phone SOT. ' Clark Bma for aWera.. jpa Mnerleoa atreat. BOW. FT. THE FIXRI"T. 124 FIFTH STREET. FUNERAL NOTICES,-, H. km 111 At the family rcalilance. um Delay rli-aef. tbla alley December 4. IWlft, Margare. tha. wire or fi. muniio. aaen no reara. ra. aeral arla will ba belli Wettnealay. Decern . bee a. l:.Ki p. at Plnler a rhanel.. Frende Utrltca. jnlernieni la tlirerrarw a-eweiery. - REAL' ESTATE TRANSFERS. . A. King to II, Martal-.ff, lot 4. .block. Ival, (.arulAera' addillua ...... BOO INTEREST "SAYIMBMi: He Title Graraitec ' Pays 4 per cent on vCertificatet "of IJepositr rays J per cent interest-on daily,. fealaaceaLflgpp'tjccQHm& lubject to check. ? . . , Rankin? houri .;..9 sum: to 4 p. m. Saturday!.. . ...,...;9a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday evenings. ...... 5 to 8 o'clock - DIRECTORS : VV. 'M. Ladd. - J. Thorburn Ross. T. T. Burkhart. Frank M. Warren. . . George H. Hill. : - : , 240 Washington Street Corner Second. - . - PORTLAND, OREGON. ' BeNorttwesteri! MntoalJJfo. Of Mwankee, Wls.1 . f nartlralarl daarra to direct mar attaattna tn rba (art that tbara la not nna cant of tha fnnda of tha Northwratara Mutual Llfa.Ja uraora Company tnrratad la tha atnrk of any aorporatloa. It la ant Intaraatad la tha aurrraa or failure of any auoul.Uary or auilllary Inatl tutiona. Tbara la no aaatwlua Intaraat oa a or of tba boada caraad by tbla mmpany." Proai Report of injaraacu tomialaalouar OX Yt laeoo aln, 180S. . -, Our PoUcyboldara Ara Satlaflad 1 . OKNEBAL AGENTS, CONCORD BLDQ.. POHTLAND. OB. BELS OF EXCHANGE Wt IB8UB BILLA Or EXCHANGE PATARLB IN KBARLT XTCBX COL'NTBT ON THB GLOBE. ' .. poRTrArn"TRUsrcoM PANY OF OREGON . S. Z. Oar. Third and Oak Sta. Fhona Zzchaata Tl."; WANTED A Buyer Inmectiately 1 h ItUraalrd mtarlf ,1a the Bunai factor! ne bttaimaa. which will rvuulra my et,tlre time. I will aril By reataarant. located at 1H3-1N7 . Foarlb . at., at a tMrgala ir taken at once; an early lareutlgatioa awana auoaay t rou: bur of owner and aaaa OHnmlaalou: ana word to tba wlaa la autaclant. Lots 50x100 Fcet-Eacii Rlbernla Sarlnga Bank, owner, will en with out reaerra. a limited aamber of cbolca and deelrable lota oa the carlloe for each. Title perfects For partlcalara Inquire at rudaj BoS McKay cing.. ihira ana .stark atreeta. A peraoa will bey theee kite aa algbt. IRRIGATION IS KING Other haYO made fortunca on Irrl Eated land, why not you? HOVER, tha new town la the famoua Kennewlclc val ley, offera you thla opportunity. Sea Hover Land Company 122 H Slztk Bt, rortlaad. Or. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. B. Slgnun to B. U Aldrlch. weat 10 fact kt a. block 10, liollailar Park Second eddltloa.'-'ead other property $ 900 Cortland Truat company to F. Wagner, Inu and 1. block lua, Carutbera' addl- tloa ,r.-.i .......A...., l.flre) Arlrta Land company to Ix M. Lafrootk, Ma 2a aad 2d. block 10, Arlcta Park Ko. t I 0. M. Mlanur and wlfa ta U Knkn. Ma 1, S and . bka-k . P. J. Martla Tract. A. C. liana aad baabaad to i. Tbnmae and wife, lot 4. block 1. Central addi- 200 10 tkia t.BOO t. U Hart man at aL to J. V. Vtocr, lot 2. block , 8. eubdlTlelon St. Johna llelghta 0. J. Owen and wife to H. B. frerar, M T. block 1. let 8. block 1. Highland School addition SO A. Weneler to II. N. Parker. Inta 15 aad Id. block 2. Smith a aubdlTlslon 1,500 M. a,. Marflll to K. H. Marrlll. vxm feet beginning eortheaat corner Brad . ley'e addition, eectloa II, tewnahlp 1 euutli, range 1 eaat, aad other prop erty M. L. Hunter to R. R. Marrlll, north U M 12. block S4. Multnomah . .' 0. P. Barrlnger and wife to A. A. Black, bora. Ma 23 and IIU. block 24, Mount Tabor .Villa .., Arleta Land company to I A. Wkrelrr, M 1(1. block 1.1, Arleta Park-No. 2.... J. C. Mark and wife to A. ilelaer, loU 1 and 2. block la, Lincoln Park addi tion -. O- W. Jdc Arthur and wife to U. M.Smlth et al.. lota B and 8. blurk T&. . Weat tn 100 4M Portland Park 308 M. K. Tbompaoa and wlfa to W. II. Nunn, o( a. block. 8 and ether property la So orta Irrlngton ,000 A. R. Nunn and huaband to A. L. Berry. parcel land beginning eaat line of Twenty drat afreet 4.14.51 feat from Booth line of Waehlngtnn atreet O. lloaen and wlfa to II. K. Noble. Inta 28 and 24. block 4. Colombia llelghta. II. E. I Hit la and wife to J. II. Uihenn, 8. T acroa aeotloa Una, II U9 rhalna weat V, corner arc t ion 10 and HO, tiiwuehlp 1 aouth. range z eaat 1.008 Sinclair and wlfa tn r. Coocnhcfer. Ms 5, 8 and 7, aouth M fact tut 4, block 11. Mount Tabor Villa 2.008 A. J. Ilagen aud wife to L. A. Lankow, Ma T and a. block 2. Alblna . I1onia ataad - 1,208 W. B Starr and wife to J. J. Unas, Mi 1 and 4. block 2:18, Holla day a adill- . tloa , I B. Ryan to F. 11. Barnes, lot 8, block Iv. IrTlngs Harbor View 001 M. Fleck tn J. K. FtcCk. lot 5, block IT, Esal Portland Helghta 1 M. L. Catllu at al. n A. Catlln. nndl rldd M lot 8. bkick 11, Couch ad dition ...t.. Asni IjA. i. Iirrage ta O, Or CaatauMav block - r 5. Burrage Tract , ,. M. iirleroti at sL to K. M. Raamnaaen, , Ma I. 2, 7, 8, block B, Hanson's " addition .J,800 M. R. Moor to H. L. Chapniaa. ,lot 10, block K Sellwood .... ISO C.' NTwall aud wife to P.- U NewcH and-: wife, let 14, block 2. .Mount Tabor Villa , .. 1 N. M. Daela and bualnnd to R. H. Roaal.. ter. M 11. bka-k A Central AHdna .. 4VM at. B. La mom ana wire ta a. M. Mann. lot 8. block a. Coach eddltlna i Mra. a. a. jooea n su to a. J. jonea. Ma 1, and 4. block 10. McMillan's addi tion j......,.,.... 1 Title l.uarautce at trust enmpany to E. U Prtila and wlfa. Ma 15 and Id, mMMt a Oft fret Int 14. block Holla. Aajr fark additoa .................... lUwt REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. hi. U Kram ta C. L. Brubakar and wlfa. tallloo frat brallllilns 10 fart aouth of norlharaat atvnrT 1-arra tract ' of r. W. Uaraolda and wlfa , 1.100 Bona? man Truut Co. to K. W. Ilandrk-ka. AtiaKiu frat bfilonliif H frat waat of ,rthaaat airiuir. hioek KM. Cartar'a ad ' dltlon l.SO C. C. Ioola to W. W. I'attaraoo, aorta . U .t lot a hkw-k 228. .aat furt- land ...V.. .7 U30 S Wlai and wlfa to H. E. Nob la. lota x iiu il. mooa bl wan a LKimoani Armai ... ."rr"80D W. V. Smith and wlfa to Amrrieaa Tniat A JnTratmaiit romuaur. want iiu irat lota 2. a and 4. block TO. ally ' J 11. r'lak to H. W. 8aott, north V4 block ' 4S. Wbaalar'a adillUon 14. A. rlmlth to J. II. Flk, block 42, nvpalrr'a addition W. J. BUnar and wlfa to C. B. Ellla. una I'ara , T J Tvl.n tn If. I' ...Paulara. lot ldk : mart 18. -XIBfgra ' rara : :s r-.Tr.-rrr- am Oat anar Inauranca aad abatrnrta ta real au la t a from tha Tltla Ouarentaa A Treat traaipanj 240 WaahlruTtoa atraat, cornar Bacond. NOTICE, - PROIHISAI fX)B BKI'LENISHJIKNT Or It.nnt Nlnrk Oanaral Daoot or tna uuarrar- maatrra Dapartmaot. S Now hlontnery at.. Ban" Franclaru. Cillforula. Noaeaihrr B. liMlS. Maalad oronoaala In trl plica ta will k ranaiaaJ at thla Africa until 10 o'clock a ParlDr aUodard tltna. Dacambar a, 10S. for fiirulatilnf and daliTerinf at ina nan rran rlaro depot alcohol, atatlooary, plumnar't anppllaa. aabbarrcla. analhaakata, hardware. atoTebolta. borax, wblakbrooma. palnta and bruahaa. nlneattlnaa. narnaau ana aauuirry. burlap, ofSca-chalra, waroa-parta, atoTaplna albowa. rsaalaior. frapniia, uoaa, uranains Irona. Tlacaadaarant lanipa, lya. 'olla. wrap plna-papar. library pa. la. aaucapana. tpa wrltar rlbnona. aawduat. platform aralra. ahrllae. cbamola-aklna. anap, thomblacka. aaoathraad. - turprntlna. twin, a hi pa and mppar wire, at. Tha Caltad Stataa raaoraaa tha right to arcapt or reject any or all blda, of any pell tharenf. Information aad blank propoaali furnlahad on application. Enaalopaa contalnln propoaala to ba narkad "I'mpoaala for Kaplanlahmant of Block. g.71. to Ba Onanrd Iacaabar S. UNA.'' and addraaard to Major C. A. Daanl. Qoartar maatrr. V. B, A.. Depot Quartarwaator. rROPOBALB for tba Altarettoa ef Khaki Trouarra. Depot tjnartermaatar'a lrnea. an New Montiromary 8tret. Baa rranrlaco. Call- v furnla. NoTambcr Ztt, 1SOB Baalea prapoaaia. la triplicate, aubject to tba nana I eunaittuua. will be reeetaed bare antll 10 o'clock a. B., December 14. lttua. and tbea spaaed, fnr tba alteratloa of B.000 (mora or lean) khaki trooaera. . Tha rlht la reaerrad to reject or arcapt any or all propoaala or any part thereof. Sample nay ba aeea at. .aad blanka fir propoaala and fill Information will ba furnlahad anon application to thai afflre. Enaalopaa eantalnna propoaala to be endorecd "Propoaala fur Alteration of Kbakl Trouarra, No. 10 454. to Ba Opened at 10 o'clock a. .. December 14, IS.'- C. A. DEVOU Dapo Quarter maatar. I'nltad Stataa Army. TTE. tba nrtaratrnrd faro II are aad plaao aaaa- are. win require, ion pay men o; au anon dcllrary of1 gooda, aftar Dae. 1. 1KO.V 1LB. Haak. C. T. Hartlar. O. P. Boaaey, CoaaroTa Broa.. Portland Delleery Co.. Poat Fneclnl Delleery Co, Packaro Dellyery Co., Ilolmaa Traaafer Co.. Northwaatera Tranafbr Co Oreon Auto Daapatch Co.. Joha Hamp ton. Jamaa McLlodaa. Owen MeLlnoen. Pacific Tranafer Co., Oregon Traaafer Co., Portland Van A Btoraga Co.. Wakeman-Moraa Tranafer Co.. Eaat Blda Traaafer Co... C. O. Pick Traaa fer A Storaao Co.. a U- Olaeu. Raggag A Omnlbaa Tranafer Co A. J. "Murphy. MEETING NOTICES. IVANIIOR Lndca No. 1. K. of P. Regular con rent km tonight at 1 o-riora m rynian ball, eurbth floor Marnnaal bltlg. Election of nfflcera. Ft err naenilier la einected' to be breaenf. VtattlMrKntghia crillarrr Intllad. . s finrtl'i'tl c n u. n. , in ' iB, v. v. FRED P. HOI.M. K. of K. ana B LOST AND FOUND. aiBIIT in aj In ii n reward. , 818 Lorrjoy. LOUT Camee-ptn. Betara to 812 Mohawk bldg.! rewara. LOUT old watch with "Heralda Btampher" engrared (nalde caae. re - Mlaneeota era. PhiMM Eaat B4S. Reward. LOST A French poodleVaT. Plea a return and reeerre rewara. za oriB awrenia, uex. jsura aide and Couch. . LOUT Rnadar. Boatnn terrier male pun, eara trimmed, white blaae In face. Retnra to City Dye Wnrka, Eaat Third aad Aah Ita., and rerelTe reward of 85. KELT? WANTED--M ALg. WANTED Barbara to know that G. N. W, Wllaoa Company'e Bra Bale la etlll going oa at 131 Ankenr at.. Scott Hotel bldg. Sharing aoap of all ktnda. T5c to 12 per box; brllllantlae la beat condition, ii.ts -per ooa.j talcum Dowder. 10c aer lb.: maaaage cream. tba beat made. 25c per far: cold cream; H-lb. caea. 2fic; Cnka'a aharlng cream foam. 2Ac per lb.; Pn-aep-co. for making a galloa of face waah. 25c par can: good toi let auapa. 10c per doe.; talcum powder In tin raaa, toe per doe.: abamnoo, ziie per lb: lather bruabee raaor Btrona, blacking, aplttnone. whtak . bmoma, bath aoapa, sharing moga, wltchha'l; all ahore artlrlea at greatly reduced nrlcea: one 2-cbalr comhlnatloa caae. 815: boothlark atanda. fir mug caaee and atanda. 83.SO raaora. Ztk to 50c each: barbers' coat a and ata. 25e each: arerrthlng to ba cloned out at aery, low prices, aa we will opea la our old atoee. 72 Stub at., with all aaw good oa December 15. Mall orders will recelre prompt attentloa. MEN and bora wanted to learn Plumbing trade. pays 15 . day after compMtng course of practical Inatractloa at home or la our aihools; graduatea admitted to union and Meater fb'mbera- aasoclatlon: rmaltkm se en red. loyne nrna, vt. riummni hwh, New York. St. Louie, Mo.. Cincinnati, O. Free catalogue. WANTED Puplle to tcara telegraphy; growing demand for operator: poainone aecurea grao' uatea. 4.1 H uiru at., room . anar o p. na. wanted cirrka and wtndow-dreaasra to atody show-card writing kt T. M. C. A, Bight achonl: peraonal Infraction. . Apply .for par. tlciyara, - Portland Barber College, aa any ecbool on coast. Tnltlnn reaaonable V(T Flandera at, MEN WANTED 100 men to get rooma and board at Oolden Weat. Tenth aad Ererett; Inraatigato: will pay yon. WHAT la the Bad X Crone Dyepenearft 4:iifr Third, corner Aah. At WANTED Advertising solicitor; tloa In city. 147 H Front at. beat pro pea I FIRfrr -CLASS woodturner at Portlaad Sash A iieor t hi rrout. .. SALESMAN, allka and dreee goodaj tbnronghly eiperlenred -and remible.- Apply at super- Intendrni a ortice, uiua, n orxmau at oina 120 TO IIUI pef weak easily made eelllng sick and accident benefit for Ifnloa Mutual Aid Aae'a., T(i8 Msrquara bldg. . .-.- arrt-nR A coon POSITION. We aaalat competent office men. bookkeeper, LMwanhaa eashlera. collactnra. bill clerka, ..n.r.l clerical, technical, commercial men. t nttslneae Men a Clearing none, i iv wmn WANTED First -clan sausage-maker and alsnghter-houae man, in go io r.ugene. Ap ply : Firbemaia o. nuicnar ouppi nww, gi4 -awareit st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ri i-m-1 -i - -i ' - -" - WAKTRT.Tji1I--' to roft- rwf t Himtl lnAMnU SUDdard Coffef A flplct BJillat -Ogata MaaWTlal . - HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843H Washing ton. at., cor. seventa. upstairs, raoae- Mais 2HB1. .Frmale help wanted. WOMAN, aaer 25. .energetic, reliable, to take charge of a Vtaal ef flee. Call or addrsee room 23. Lewie bldg. PORTLAND SEtVINO SCHOOI- Fashionable dreesmaklng. 27 m Morrlsua St.. corner 4th, rooai system taught. - WANTRD liwle at Fltewell Factory 78 Fleer, AN atrsetlae line tn aell to -consumers; offer Ing aalary ami enrnnil.aloa ta aaiaalad. aaw. Blfi AlUka blda. MALE AND FEMALE HELP.- PKKHON AL Instruction la shorthand, bookkeep ing, penttiansntp anu sukimb v a iuiimii icu laaa tbaa required by to nuaineaa colic ga Address M. A. Aiwa, oo atxia at. WANTED At eaca. a' bright, energetic, pre- erntable ma or woman, o rum iaar, to tske ap aa attractive pro pue! tloa. lotiulr Cbambar of tommerca. a a. as. WANTED 8 good agents, aalary or eommlaaloa. Call roura a. urnoe orag. KELP wanted and supplied, ma G. Drake. 2Vs Wasblngtoa la or female. R. at. Black 1831. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED SltuatloB by jnaa aad wife; aiaa will work and wire win oooa. i ooue aiaui 6057. - SITITATION wanted by yontiF man well ac quainted In city at any auw-oi wins, srtuui TV aruv-yuHooy- iiwi.ii - STl'DKNT want Indoor work mornlnga, eight and Halurdaja II puawionr. riwiw a.ia JO SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE wiTrni annng lady, position a ataoogra nher. half day: xperieucaa. city. - . BITI'ATION wanted, to do cooking or general hanaeworg, py owaoiaai in. am. 10JA - t i EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOTMENT 0FFICB. kOM MEN. 28 It. Bacond at. Phone Mala 1528. PACIFIC Oast Born. Co. Rellsble employsaaat Vgta 12V N. id at. Pboae Mala 8570. JAPANK8B-CH1NEBB EMPLOTMENT OrriCB. llaary lauaru, a. - " ' el As M0. ' " ' BIO FOUR EMP. AGENCY Help supplied free. 18 rl. eecona si. rsaa KATIONAL Employment aod Labor' Agency. 811 line sr. i-noae asm iow. . SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOTMENT Co.. North aecono: iur V.' i.Va ploymant for awa and women. Mala anna. THB Portland Employment Co,, SOSH Morrlaoa at. Pnoaa racinc n-n.. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Aenta: anmathlna aaw; good aallar. but wagea. mm acniy mm. . AOENTB wanted to aril au carry atoekt arw and aompieta ooini romiwa - weekly. Capital City Nuraary aonpaay, Salam. Orejoa, WINNER for a rente Health and accident Insurance oa popular monthly paymenU. For liberal terms, addreaa O. A. Lyman, nana. er. Continental Casualty" Co N. W, Ipt., 28 Mohawk bldg.. Portland. Oregon. WANTED Agenta: $2.00 a 4aj or eommlaaloa. K4Vt Eaat Morrlaoo al. - AGENTS to aell tba beat ta alck and accident Insurance, ramie Ala Aeaociaiwa, w aw kura bWtg. . . s . WANTED Enenretle. truatworthy - maa or woman to work la Oregon, repreaemina mnra aianufarturlng company: aalary 40 to 00 par month, paid weakly; expenaee advanced. Ad draaa with atamp. J. H. Moore. Portland, Or. PEKBON8 eaerywhere to dlatrlbute aamplea; 2rt weekly and eipenaee. Aaorraa - jianagor, 4 Wella at.. Cblcago. Illlnola. -WANTED REAL: ESTATE. . HAVE buyers wslrlng ta bear of smstl boas la ne near Portland, any directum; It you are reedy to aell addreaa F A care Journal. . LIST TOfR LANDS WtTTt CB FOR QOICK CREilG BROS.. 117 aiSENTON BUXJ. WANTED To boy or lease e building lot eloae la. McPnereoa. unman noiei. aires iw anar, WANTED TO RENT. WE want deelrable booaea aad flsta. all parte of tbe city: Bar nign-ciaaa cuanta waiunai rente collected, property cared for. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY, 241 Stark et. ' Phoae Mala 18TB. LA RUB ball. 50x100 feet, with clear floor epae: big cash rent lor .same: ia row i.auv or orar J. J. Swaaaoa. Jeffereoo. Oregon. W7 k vxrn To rent farm. 15 or 20 acre, neat clrr: bona ana nam. '. w. atorgau. etv Mllwankle et. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE the Lewis and Clerk fair at weasel acrid 4nc ta atamp for nencisome pnoio nro, nearle fv pbotna of fair. 7H5Vi locbea. Waatera View Book Co.. Portland. Bog 294. watwifNn ncarlne1 and wblteweabtna? tree. ha se meats, narn. encaa. ere.; large r""im, enrarlna? ontrlt oa tb court.- M. O. Moraaa A Co.. 870 Mllwankle at Phone East 2817, STAPLES. THB) JEWELER. BUYS OLD GOLD AND SILVER. HIOHEST cask price paid for bottle and yo-riB of errey description, foniami noma ooorir Co.. 881 North Eighteenth. Pheae Mala reae. J. RYDER, printer. Second and Washlrartaa sts. , Phone Main oom. WE WILL BTTY. SELL OR TR ADR ANY OLD TRINU, . wrTTFRS si.Tjiir. w., we. 82B WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 798. wivern a ano . Mle. A on It to O. I. rwwwu. enter angiiiwrT wri a, R.Hwit Co.. First aad Alder eta.. Port land. Oregon. mnunrr C4RII PRICE PAID for furniture tn any anantlty; also take earn on oommiaamn and gnersnur beat reanlts. Th .Portland Auction Rooms. A. Srliobacb. prop., 211 First at.- Phone Mala BA55. - WANTED We want to boy a eecond-hand hurry; It mnst ne a nargsin.. Bisooera Coffee A Spice Mine. i nccona at. - i WHO IS M. O. MORGAN CO. 7 WE want good need coffee urn. 208 Second st WANTED To bay. a. good fur mat to wear U and price. Addreaa north; state kind, M 10, Journal. , ROI .IcTOf desk. - Weeterrr flarragn Ok," 807-808 .Washington.. . Pacific Tna. t MAN AND WIFE want to rent a tofhtahed cottage near iligniana or wooaisrm. tuone Scott 5404. , " i WANTED Plc to board bright, pretty boy. 8 yeara din: some one, wnn ami bit mm tn beat of care and attention. Call Wedneeduy at room 31, Van Noy -hotel. Third and pine eta. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THH KINO 500 Jefferson t.. new building. hsndaomeiy rarnisned. witn erery monera con venience: ell outside mom, with heat, gaa rr elertrlo Itglite. porcelain hatha; rate from M to 116 par month; apeeial ratea to 2 or mare peroon. THE HAMANN. 1S5 N. lth.. cor. Hoyt Newly furniahed room. fl.DO up; conrenient inctttinn, 16 mlnntes' walk to fair grnnnds; Morrlsua car at anion depot direct to house. Phone 84I1. CHEAPEST and best located rooms In Portland, II aod op. unman, f irst ana Aider sis. BEAIITIPIIL front enlt ,knd 2 alter deelrable furnished moras in modem nome or priTsre fsmllyi phone, belli, furnace lieat. wslkrng dlstsnce. f,0 Fourth st. Phone Perlflc lf. Bomo ona Is equally cacer tr malt It to yon If rour security la ample. Just WAtCll ',.' , .- Ho-Matter- t low : Badly Toil FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT MARQt'AM HOCSB, 1451 8th Boom a oult .I..I.. houarkeeplng-rooma; gaa store. bath, eleetrle light traaalanta aoliclted. ritHNiNUKD rooma, alngl or en suit, ,88 per f Mb aad ZTrnM r.1rrno,u,t. Tweaty. alitk aad Upshur aad Vaugba eta. NICELY nirnlsbrd room at moderate prions for rent In Urga prlTsta heie. eloae a). Cn at 147 Tooth t., near Alder. EOTEL MONARCH. 8r Stark at 1 tranaienta i ao. Uclted; price, rsaauuablo. Phoae Paclfle Sua. THB GRAND Newly furnlahad room by, the week or menu. Ta - HOTEL NORTHERN Single rooma, rooms and board and rooma ror uraw.eviiuii , ,iv im moatb ap. Utk and Marshall lis. Mala Ufltf. B.ICB rooma. reaaonable. 878 Alder, eppoalu Arlington eiuo. o. THE BENNETT. 851H Mom bob rnrnisnee reoma. oou per e.w a-., .r- THE DORMER. Thirteenth nd . Jeffereoa Ele. gsntly furnlsnaa rooms, monarn orica, aiauoi Beat, bntb; reaaooabla. Mala 8468. i THE OTIS. East Bornald St. and Union st. Newly furniahed rooms raring ou,a; pricaa reaaonable; electricity, bath aod phone free. THB RELLEVUB, lllVt Ponrtb et. Neatly rurnlehed rooma; electric ugnns, purcwiain hatha; rsry low ratea by week er mouth. Hood T01. . i FOR RENT Fnrnlahed room; free phone; price Nunkl. 2H1I North Twelfth . et. THB RICHELIEU, Wtt NORTH SIXTH BT. EI.EI1ANT nHM!llll.ll uuuaoi iiua HKAT AND BATHS. ELEGANT . front room, mod re homo, eetert board, home cooking: piano; cneap winter rate; 1 block from Portland hotel- 212 Berenth at. 827 THIRD at.; between Clay and Market, nicely furniahed. light rooma. per wean. BEOPENING Linda Vhrta. new management;. your choice, double, alngle aad Housekeeping rooma; gaa er . store cooking; arte low. 24m Fifth at. , HOTEL MONARCH. tM Stark at Mr. Ackley, lYop. Neatly tarnlahed room; tranaienta. THE HVR. 85 Elerentb et. cor. Stark Newly furnla bed. ateam heat, gaa light and natna; on block from earllne; ratea reaaonable. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING , RjrOPENINO Linda Vista, aaw nanaewrnentl yoor rnoico, aaaaoar, aunati .el awvawyi. moms; gaa or afore cooking; prtcea low. 247t4 Fifth at. - - FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping-coo me la beat brick block oa eaat aide; gaa range, hath, etc.; no transient; prices moderate. Logan blk., 10SH t'nion at., corner East Alder. .Phone Eaat 4824a THE MITCHELL. Flander nd Sewith Room. hsoeekeeplnf end transient ; cuuTSuiant; prlcae raBuiiaui. r-r- , THB GLADSTONE 61 H Saaier St.. farnlahsd rooma; andar aaw management.; pneea rea aonable. .--;.-,- - tl.TB PER tVEEK Large eleaa fornlaned aoueekeeping-rnoma; isunory ssa uuiaw ao Sherman. South - Portland. ....... flOf'SEKEEPINO rooma, modern aad reaeoar bl. Tlpnon 5802. 865 Fin et. FFRNISHED hooerkeeplraj reoma, at phoae. 80 per month. 858 Boronth at. of NICELY furnished bouaekeeplng-roocrt: akw alngla rooma. McKay bla, i7h nuaii i. FCRNISHBD hoaeekeeplng mo ma, alao fnrnlahed . alngle room, szo roortn et. l. FOB BENT Hoaekeepln-room. fnrnlahed or nnfitrntabed, ae Oaairea, aa ear una. sis Fifth t. v ONB lerga front room with alcoee tor bone- THREE onfurnkihed bonaekeeplng rooma In mod- era new iiai; reus cneap. rn.M , 111 THREE nnfurnlahed bonaekeepmg room; two cariinea; na cnnarsw. a i.u FOCR furnished front rooms. $10 per month; alao nnfurnlahea rooma. aovt union sm. 4 FI'RNISIIED front rooms. 110 per month; also unfurnished room. n -oion are. ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS room and board for permanent rpla, 822.50 ana zs per asonia; isoi ooaru per week. Aetor konaa, Tth and Madlaoa era. Pboae Mala 8231. ROOMS with board for perm a neat tenant. reaanaabla; aret-ciaaa noma cwaiug. , aoj Slifh st. LENOX RESTAURANT. BOB Salmon; board and reona: modern tinrg aiog. . LINDELL FIOTEXi, Foarth and Market New brick, elegant iy mrniaoau, aejwa u' oat; .sate reaaonaDra. FRONT room, modern, eloee 1n; eelect horrd; home cooking; eao coupie. ra "" iriai arm r.i sin l nth and Cawjcn unfler new management; tnorooeniy renoraiei. board and rooms mngai or en awn. THB COMMERCIAL Select family hotel: nicely furnished: aingie or en uu, wui. diw class; free baths; ateam beat; rata reaaon able. 4H8 Weeiingtoa at. WANT EI Children to board. Call or addreoj BOARD and room at reaeonahl rate. Apply at B2a Taylor at. main o. FOR RENT HOUSES. ana orVT ma su .ment at.. B-room house: gas; bath, window aba dee. fin yards, freshly papered, scrupulously ckraa; (IS. Phone Beat fni7. r,ey aexi ooor. ' Honaea For Rent. . "fT.'" OoUeeted, EDWARD L. HYNBON. . .Room 1 Hamilton bldg. Phone BUck 8108. 8-ROOM modern cottage on carlloe. . eaat aide. W, Inquire Z.K) vTaningto w IStODERN 5-room cottar, alee -location: yard, bath; Eaat Ankeny, aweniy-eiguia car. 503 Nelaoa. 1 Dr. Darling. HOUSE, 207 North Tweotleth. 7 rooms, pocce ' lain bath, furnace, cement baaement. B. L tHIsan. ' 420 Chamber of Commerce. ' NEW 8-room houa and nn alter block. Baaeoch . and Eaat TwentT-allth it. A.t7.50. B. 14. Lombard. B14 Chamber of Cotnmerea. , FOR Rl!NT 11-ronm boos on William t. nd Beach at., Mj to earUae. Iauulre T71 Wllllame ara. ' j - . - ' - KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt and re liable piano and fnrnltora.jnorera: sibo .jor. age. Phone Main HW5. Otflce, 110 N. Third, and aold water: one block to car; large ground fmlt. flowera; eaat III. Highland; I0, l none ocoi. i.e. 12 ROOM hmia. modern, weat aide. Apply 409 Tenth. Phone Weat 4 So. . unnssM hons. nod locality, furnished or an- (' furnished. t your price: owner learlng city , al , na ui in-, v, . . . unnrss a-enom cottSge. norcelsln bath and basement, llolladay'a sddltWm. near ateel ' bridge. Inrjulre room Sol. the D'knra. Tele- phtieie between a no w. nnnt HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI- TURE FOR SALE. FOB b.t re.,U.ronB!fiTcRr, , Whether to boy or aell. ring ap Mala 665 5, . PORTLAND AI CTION KOOMoV - 211 Flrat at. HOCSE 4 rooma. for rent; furniture for Bala chcap, 10l4 8T''nll n , ' I 'n , , M .' . ' FOR RENT FLATS. ' . in 5-ROOM flat. Key aKfU'LaTocetj, eor. Hood and Grant. ONB 4. room flat,' 474 Belmont at. Plsnue ua a. u lf ll If ' W,W'v-, UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HOTEL f AIBM0CMT. "ortSTatylxth st., from Upahatt vangha, Reoma furnished aad unfurnished, alngle and aa aalte. $1 per week and ap. i -A permaarnt modern building, plastered gad with bathrooma and modern plumbing. PIPED FOB GAS FOB CO0KIN0. 1 V AIX 0UT8IDB BOOMS, . . - FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS.' OFFICES, nnfurnlahed. aad eample-rooma; also ball 60x20. Uoodnouah bldg. ApdLt at tha - eleratcr. FOR RENT Deek room and everything fuW anaed. a. a, jacaaoa uo.. sen ntsrk at. FINE offlc for rent, aecond floor; also desk room, aloom a. aa nuth at. CENTRALLY located offlce-rooma, with Phone, light ana neat. it. do par moo IB. u. u. Cat. Ill Bacond et. PART of ator and of fleet good light. 146 Front at. t'none At sin otna. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT About Jsnnsry 1, 1-story brick nuiiding looxioo. aortheaat ear. Third end Madison; will remodel aad leaea whole or part to deelrable par tie. Apply to B. T. Cos. Ne. T Flrat ., room 10. - FOR RENT Hothoua. 1,000 feat of glaaa, hot water punt, on a car lines; nae location: with or without 8-raoea bona; plenty of 5 round: will bear Inspection. Addreaa K 8, onrnal of flea. FOR RENT 8-atory ware boose. 100x100. aa trackage, northwest cor. Fourth and Hoyt Apply 4. N. Teal, 114 Worceeter blk. Mala 558. BUSINESS CHANCEST A UST OF BAB0AINB. 88 room, elegantly furniahed, near Port, "land Hotel: oa account of partner ahlp disa greement price has been reduced to 12,100. Thla place coat t.'t.&no 15 month ago and It the blggeet bargain In Portland. , - SB room Furniture 'all - hardwood;- arms Iocs ted oa block from Perkins Hotel; ateam heet; rent 1180. which Include beat; thla boas clean readily 1 200 per month. Price 83.500., We are Instructed to n en af the. Bneat furnished house oa Washington St. ; brick building, ateam beat, running water la most of rooms: teat 10, with long leaee: thla ' bona clear aever la than 8300 pec month. Price 88,000, . .. - ' .x : SMALL HOUSES. ... ':; . ( You caa make yoor rent and grocery and 1 meat bill tn any ef the following boaaoa and - bar a air noma! - -10 rooma. Mala at. Teat $40 B50 10 rooms, Jefferann at., rent 847.60..,.. 4.V) 8 room. Burnalda at., rent $37.50 825 IS rooma. Oak St., rent AV). 5oO .11 room.. Third sL, rent Mm 17 room. Flanders st.. rent $75........ . SAO 11 room. 14th St.. rent $48 650 , T rooms. North 8th St., rent 117........ 2.10 8 rooms. North 10th at., rent 125 T1S 12 rooma, 12th St.. rent W....r...... l.lxio T rooms. 4th at., rent 8.17 50. ......... " 175 in, as i lei si., i am 1 Jl WR OCARANTEE ALL TITLES AND "PROTECT BUYER AS WELL AS SELLER. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Booma 1 and 2. 13SV, 6th at., cor. Alder. PHONE MAIN 8118. NOTICE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS . ROOMING-HOrSES. REMEMBER, "tbl otflce do not PtJB CHA8B rooming-houses, dhtcoursglng owner by telling them there la no market, and thereby buying tbe honee at a BARGAIN and tbea putting It oa th market at a BIG ADVANCE. W glT a BITTER tb ' benefit ef aay BARGAIN we know of, aad charge only a moderate commission to th SELLER. -. W employ no DI'MMIES." WB PROTECT BTYER AS WFLfc AS SELLER AND ACT STRICTLY AS AGENTS. - , ' If yon want FAIR DEALINGS and NO MISREPRESENTATIONS, yon will gat U la thla office. Watrh.our ids. PORTLAND BE AL ESTATB AGENCY. 1 aad B. lums rifth at., cor. Aioer. Phone Main 8118. - BESTATJBANT. We bare nae of the best. In fact THB BEffT, restaurant In en-f the moat thrlTln town In Idaho. Receipt ararago $57 per day; rent $30, two-year' lease. Now. if yon meaa bualneaa and want a good thing that la not being eold oat because It la a "dead one," and hare II 200. why, aee ne: otherwise don't PORTLAND REAL EMTATB AGENCY. 1 and z. I h.i1 rirtn it., cor. aiur. PHONB MAIN 8118. , " , CONFECTIONERY STORES. W baT two of TUB BEST ptratlon tn thla line In tha city. Ona la taking In between $7,000 and $K.00O per annum.. Es tablished 8 years. Se ns for parttenlsr. PORTLAND REAL ESTATB AGENCY. Boom 1 end 2. 138 14 Fifth at cor. Alder. , PHONB MAIN 8118. WANTED Congenial, partner for well eatah llshed office bualneaa; rery email capital re quired. - Addree M 11. care JoarnaL an o aaT.t rie. tohaeco. news and billiard- ball: buslnaae fining $1,400 a month inrolce stock and flxrure. shont $4.ono. Addrre C. K. DNef f, Bnmpter. . Oregon. CONTINUED Illness anmpel me to sell or ex change furnlablnga and business of beat 88 i room hotel In Portland: central location, good - eM. - Ht Oilman boteL- first aad- -Aluor. PARTNER wanted la a good real estate afflcei email Inrretment renutred. Apply W1H Mor rlaoa. eor. Flrat. room 8. WHO IS M, 0. MORGAN CO.t NOTICE The office of the Northweeti I-and Co. ha remored from room 211 Allsky bldg. ' to room 208 Oondnongh bldg., on Fifth et., . oponalte the pnetofflee. where Wa will be glad tn meet all old natron, also new ones. Any one looking for anything In the real estate line will do well to sea us sod Ion k oror our flat before buying, umrge w. nrmr, manager. A RESTAURANT on Birth St. - doing a good bualneaa, also one na Bnrnslde et. ; .both are . bargain. Bis t in Bl. - national neaa as tat Co. rr)R BAI.n On reount of sickness, nice, clean. money-maklnr boslneas on eaat aide; as Irs frorn I0 to.. to per oay: price si.tou. or win Inrolce; no s gents wanted. G 68. care Journal. WANTED Tour bnTirvas to sell; w ell all kind property. . 2B Bumain t. 100 SOUVENIR post card, 10c: , stamp or sllrer: loin our exchange. Tale Post Card Exchange. Box 1518. New Haren, Con. WATfTErM-Responslhle man to manage branch Sifflc nd depot for large enffe and at-lc cotpnany awning Ha owe Billies lsry $204 monthly and rfrmmlaatnoe; referencee and In- -aestment of $l,0oa reoulrtd. Adores maa ager, 1 Rlrer at., i nicago. - At ronr awn price: cigar, fruit and candy tor, for rent: tiring room In rear; ebeap rent, owner, i"i nurts r,n,,f,i A GOOD paring millinery store for ale st Th Dalles, Oregon. Best location In th. clly. Fnrnlahed bonaekeeplng rnnme Joining store. lod stock., aoud trade. . Wessons for arlllag; ' wants to glee tloi and atteulion to home. CTnBDAirM MI74.INERT PARIX)R8, ' JM8 SecoDd SL, Tb DeUee, ' JOURNAL- "Wait Ad" Rates UNDER ART CLASSIJICAtlOB Five Cents per Line No ad-takea for leaa tbsa 15 per day. Berea words, aa a ml, eonstltut a Una, but each line la charged regardlaea ef tha nnmber of word; WEEKLY ' RATE T tart1en flnoludtn aae Sunday Issue) $0 CtNIB aer Uaa aw week. MrlNTHlYRATB (Inaludlar all v Sunday lasuaa) 11.00 par lia par moath. - ADvyHTIBEMEHTS must a a Joomal biisiaaaa ofloa by 11 e'alook week days aad by 10 e'alook Saturday ereniag far the Sunday issue, to aeaure aluslfloatlee. Display aata girea opaa appUoatloa at th af ao. THE JOURNAL .BRANCH OFFICES : AUVERTISEMESTS. "f"r '7' Wilt b recelaed at regular maln-offle at. Following "t - g - Hat of authorised s rente, who will forward yoar adrsrtU ment tn time for publication la the Mat uwuei .- ... . ; . , V - '. i : - M0BTR STUB.' .' R. A. Preston, dragglet.' Twenty-third t no -iQurmnn arrer. - Nob Hill Pharmacy. 880 Ollaaa atreet. corner Twenty-first. A, W. Allen, pharmaclpt, Blxtaenth aad Msrehsll streeu. McCom moo's Pharmacy, Kloeteeathi aad Washington afreets, V . i " . soutx srsB. V : B. P. Jon g Co dragglsta. Front aad GIbha atreeta. Cnttel Drug company. .Flrat aad Oraat atreeta. Fahlaa Brer lee. dragglat. - 400 JaSareoa etreet. corner Tenth. Bettmaa'e Pharmacy, eoreer Sixth and Raniaon atreet. Plummer Drug eompeny, 200 Third atraat. corner Madlaoa. : ' CAST BIDS.- W. B. trs. druggist, corner Grand arena and Fast Purnatd atreet. Nlrhola A Tbompaoa, 12S Ruanll atreet, corner Alblna anae. Jancke Drug company, earner Baartharae end Grand arcane. .W O. Cable, drttrglst. ecrner Rolladay reeno and aLarrab atreat. aaar tl brtdga. R. A. Wllaoa, 1SS Grand arenua, au Rest Iforrlaon. B. W. Ball. 858 Eaat Serenta atraat, corner Stephen. EIGRUaTD, ' P. J. Clark, dragglat. 1008 North tTnkM aranu. . . SDBBYB1DB. ' ' I. B. Worth, pharroacbTt. " et'T aUlaaoBt " BROOKXYTT. Branklya Pharmacy enmpaay, Powell aad MUwaukl atrweta. . ( ARLETA. ORIO0W. -Arleta Pharmacy s More and Foster Streets. SZXXW00D. ' RemetocVe Pharmacy, 648 TTmatfila are na, eoreer East Thirteen tb atreet, BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Half Interest la flourishing bakery Dasinesa; eaua ror eelllng. slrane, For . particular call at 41S Twenty tblrd t ear. Vaughn. WILL bay roomlng-bon. IB to 80 rooma. If price and Iocs tloa right. Adores M 18, care Journal. FOR SALS T-rootn boa, west side, walking dlslsnc. 82.0O0. 0-room hot tea, , eest aloe, SI.1H0- $400 down, balance 815 month. 3. mom house, lot BOxltiO. 151 i; $125 down, balance $10 month. Portland Real Betot Csv, 20HA- Jdorrlaoa.- Pacific t!a. . A SNA P go-room lodglug-hou, doing food businea. for sals or trad ror realty er fruit atand. JnS Msdlson st. ' First at., earner 4. eMn.l.l.l'mama kin to tear eilw oa. aoeouut of alcknesa; price reaaonable. . - I HAVE a alee cigar and confectionery tore to aall ; i em going to bit hi man iu wm bargain, hecauee I hare to laae the city aoon: erery thing up-to-date and a dandy. 188 Madison at. ' - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE S acre oa car line, fine reldeaoe for good home; pne fi.auv. xuuuir 0. o. Conk A Co., 261 Alder at. FOR sale by owner. 50x125 at 428 North Union, . . . I km.H. a ' InS WHO o-reum mwwm , a-. IF yon want to buy or rent a borne, se us. - W's hire bsrgalna In ImproTed and enlm. prored property la all part of Portlaad and euburha. List yoor property with n for quick re turn. CAMpfinjI 4 aj-MTTT,,, 276 Fifth It. Paclfle 614. FOR SALB at a bargain, naodera 7 -room bono n BSt asyior, rwi .. w. w - -purchaser. Apply P 42. ear JouraaL FOR SALB S B-room cofTajreiJ o eaat ld basement ana yarn, ow im em price $1,800. Addreaa 0 40. JouraaL BRAND-NEW B room eottage on DMslon st.. with Datn. Daseroeni bdu l" , only $1,150; anap -for email family; ey term Tyaoa Klneall, 80S Commercial blk. Msln 2821, ' - ' - l-OR SALE Modern eotjurnarf cott sga, etoaa te' . canine, una lorauon, gnwinu ,v..- - P. Townalt Co.. 114 Flrat St. TWO fine tot, ta. 100k 100, earner) good new et Ulna; clteap. Also new modern .mom boo: bar. Beat 428, fnmlabed 8-ruoea booaa. bar. Beat 428, Mala 1415. SELLWOOD LOTS. $8 down and $5 a month f - from $75 to $200. B 11 wood Townalt Co. Pbon East 4704. LOTS, ecreage and realdene on Portland ... . . , . T.mktll .... Par A GOOD corner, quarter hlock. near Norther . Psctflo terminal; good tncom property. Call early. $12 Pin t. National Real Batata Co. 11 U ACRES. H rnlle- from electric line; ne rock or grant: fin eoll. eaay to clear; run ning water, road en 2 elder: $75 pr acre, easy torm. 1 60, ear ef Joarnal. . IF yon want to bny or nil real satat call on - ar-w do not deal In npa. bnt llt your, property with aa at It real- lu: w will ' anil It for yon. Square Deal Real Estate "Co.,'2r Morrison at., Allskr bldg.. room 808. - Phor PeolBc 60.1, - W. I bw. manager. . 1 ACRES, ill clr nd In cherry tree 10 Tre . old: 5c car fare: lota adjoining $100 to $150 $360 per acre. I 51, rare of JonrhaL ' GOOD THINGS TO BUY. ,- - - 1775 4-room bona and 1U acre ef fruit, an block from car In Oak Oror. - I1O00 7-room houa, all modtrn, and S lot on cornr on Mt. Scott r. 8 fin kit 5ft I no near th bualnea eentet ef St. John for $300 each. . $1,0008 lota and a email bona hi St. Johns: term. .. . .. 11,400 New 8-room booa on 50x100; fruit aad shrubbery: half , t ORBOG BROS. 1 Pboae Main $303. 117-18 Pen tna bldg.- THREE nwbonaea, renter ale; anap, , 185) Fourth St., room 18. Owner.- j ANY ONB wanting home ta Woadhrwa, call 1 East V16. , ' - ' ' HOW Is thlat A neat S-rnorn house-, nfc level lot MixKHI, n iast 14th et., one block from earllne: the beet bny In Eaat Portland; $1,000. M 15. rerrJoornsL S-ROOM modem bonse, full basement, part finished throughout, gaa, hlectrlclty; cloa In, eaat side. -Addree W 408 Eaat San" enteenlh t. ' ; ' WESTERN " OREOON- TRUST CO, -flne.V Ptame Pacific . 201 Htark at., Portland, Oregon. - Real estate, timber land, rental, 'fire Insurance. Tske fnll charge of properties, secure tenant, . Terse repair - Bad eolkct repj. ' v 13 Too. A SNAP Vimfortabl aiodera Close in awn' es", woo,, w iiTina-rnrmw. ain, etc., gas and electricity, larg basement con. tslnlng Isundry, , tw store and fhrlroouls; - TerTthlng shont tb boose In flrt-lsse r pair; tba bit I 150 feet deep, contains chicken. chouse , and yard snd. number . of Sue fruit -. trees; an Ideal home for comfort aad eoa- eenlenee. f'll or addreaa the own. r, roora 600. the Marqoam. ' Pboae alalA 8$, S to I b sa, . . r