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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1905)
TIIET OREGON " DAILY" JOURNAL;- PORTLAND, TUESDAY - EVENING " DECEMBER - 6.-1905." "CONTROL RAILROADS" IS -: THE CRY OF ROOSEVELT (Cop.Un.ued Prom Pag Ten.) ' this territory correspond! with th r. (litest of tbe recent Alaskan convention: ; -I earnestly ask that Alaska be given an electlv delegate. Borne person should be chosen who can apeak with i authority of the needs of the territory. The government should aid In the con struction of a railroad from tbe gulf of Alaska to the Yukon river, In American territory. In my last two message 1 behalf of Alaska. I shall not now repeat those recommendations, but I shall lay all my stress upon the one recommenda tlon of giving to Alaska some one au thorised to spak for lc I shoujd prefer that the . elegate was made elective, but If this Is not deemed wise then make him appointive. At any rate, rive Alaska some person whose business It shall he to speak with authority on her behalf to the congress. The natural resouroes -of Alaska ax great. - Some- of the chlof need of the peculiarly energetlo. self reliant and typically . American whit population of Alaska were set forth In : my last message. I also earnestly ask your attention to the need of the Alas of These at aa mfmr I II W 117 - If VOU have any idea Of buv- - : J J I "t 1UK IflOUUi UUllIC III ailU 1UUK over the instruments in our lake Advantage Piano Barga "Exchanged. Sale" list'. They are selling for about half their real value. We will make the terms so easy that you need not hesitate to buy. Even if you think you are not quite ready, to buy, it will pay you to change' your mind and take.advanage of this sale. Don't be afraid "to "ask for "easy payments. The best people in Portland buy that; way. . ; , : .; '. v., -, Here it a partial lilt of the Pianos: Five Another fine Kingsbury "f,. ","wv ' VlStVIICUf- worked in a makes them -new.,, , Cable (The Oeaalae). Regular price Linderman - ;; & SOIl R'r ri" Wellington ? t ' ! : . Rice-iiinze Regular price ' ; We got this Willamette Taken in Everett cvereit urana Fischer and .is worth prtce. l aken V t iscner urand. Haines Harrington This Piano Behr Bros, Piano ity on ' - Smith v & Barnes "j Almost i ll-J.U..., -Ellington Ilinze Piano is in The regular .. ,i' .- (- tMjViiv -.1 - J v, v. ,.-','.- v. V ' '-. t C a i aa price irat $JUUl BAST PAY11XNTS Allen & Giibert TkeoieaH,' taafwjt saw Stfeaaa Orsaa Hauae la the FmaiSe Xarttwaet. kan Indiana. All India who are eonv Mtant ahouM receive the full right ct American eltlsenahlp. It la, for Instance, a (roes and Indefensible wrong to deny to such hardworking, decent-living In diana as the Metlakahtlas the right to obtain licenses as eapuuns, puou ini engineers, the right to enter mining claims, and to profit by the homestead law. These particular Indians are civil taed, and are competent and entitled tt be put on the same Basis with the whit men round about them. ; Progress in Panama. No radical change lit rega'roT to con struction work on the Panama oanal are suggested, but tbe president new the progres with' satisfaction. He dis cussed the preliminary work to some ex tent, spoke of the reorganisation of the commission, and saidi Active work In canal construction, mainly preparatory, has been In prog, rees for leas than a year-and a- half. During that period two point about the canal have ceased o be open to debate. First, the question of route; the canal will be built on the Isthmus of Panama. Second, the question of feasibility; there 3ft -v.. , The store opea evenings. Tee. had Setter eeme la early Before the plana yea want Is anna. It torn llva eat of Portland, write as er telephone s sad we will re- Burva a plane rnr yea. as a maiur a tmft mm will make mm anlatmke I If yoa hnj one ef thee pianos oa '' I eer"eay so." wlthoat eeeln the I Inetreneat at slL - Several plaaoe Iwm amiDl Wl way . awiae; wv "Gold .Medal" aala by eut-of-towa I CXpieeaeq mlomm. - We take , I partlealar pains with egt-ec-tewa I IuImm i These Kimball Piano are prae- - - - tically new. They were all taken vmmmmm)A ; in exchange for our celebrated siplJKr t . Kingsbury. The regular agents . ,: of the Kimball ask $385. Our ( 1 ff f price lest than half. All nice oak ) 1 a m9 . cases. ' f : - instrument It in fine Exchanged ""S SaU Pric ice VUi uui- 111 I 11 piano factory, and he every bit as good aa 9218 - - L - Sale Pric Exchangwd $400,'' Sal Price v 9265 422 S: sa- , . 290 Exchanged Sale Price $215 $321 V " t Exchanged Piano in a trade with gala Price University. 100 psrt payment on an l"p5nce i ino. $150 This magnificent instrument is practically new. It is in perfect Exchanged Condition. Sells regularly for $500. Sale Prtce- every penny of the $275 in exchange on a Exohanftd This Piano fs fn fine condition. It Sale Price -sells . regularly for $325. 1 6 5 Exchanged ' Sale Price $235 sells for $323. came from Willamette Sale Price' a trade. $125 'Exchanged Sale Price .. . $272 -!! nUilr lor 'f?1K?? t- . , Exchanged fine condition; regular c-i. Price Exchanged agents for this Piano Sale Price - $137 - RamaKer Co. Ss4 . Sixth and Morrison are no physical obstacles on this route that American engineering- skill will not b abl to overcome without, eorloua dif ficulty, or that will prevent the comple tion of the canal within reasonable time and at a reasonable cost. This Is virtually . tha unanimous testimony of the ensjtneers who have Investigated the matter for tha government. , "Tha point which remain unsettled I the question -of type, whether the canal shall b on fit several lock above sea level, or at sea level with a alngle tlda lock. On tM point I hope to lay before congress at an early day th finding of the advisory board of American and European engineers that at my Invitation have been considering th subjeot. together with the report of th commission thereon, and such comment thereon or recommendation In reference thereto a may. seem nec essary, . . Isthmus Was Sanitated. ' Th American peopl is pledged to th speediest possible construction of a canal adequate to meet th demands which th commerce of the world will mak upon It, and I appeal most earn, eatly to tha congress to aid In the ful fillment of the pledge. Oratlfylng progress has been made during the past year, and especially during tho past four months. The greater part or tne. neo- esaary preliminary work' ha been dona Actual work of excavation could be begun only on a limited seal till th canal son waa mad a healthful place to liv In and to work In. The Isthmus had to be sanitated first. This tank has been so thoroughly accomplished that yellow fever ha been virtually eitir pated from 'th Isthmus and general health condition vastly Improved. Th am mathoda which ' converted tbe Island of Caba from a "pest hoi which menaced th health of th world Into a healthful place of abode have been applied on the iathmua with satisfactory results. Thar is no reason to doubt that when the Plan for 'water supply, paving and sewerere of . Panama and Colon and th large labor camp have been fully carried out, th Isthmus win be, for th tropics, an unusually healthy place of abode. Th work la so tar ad' vanced now that th Health of all those employed In canal work I as well guarded - a It 1 on similar work iv this country and elsewhere. . "In addition to sanitating th Isth mua, satisfactory quarter are being provided for employes and an adequate system of supplying them with whole some food at reasonable prices has been created. Hospitals hav been estab lished and equipped that are without eu parlor , of their kind anywhere, k Th country ha thus been made fit to work In, and provision has been mad For th welfare and comfort of those who are to do th work. During the past year large portion of th plant with which th work Is to be done has been ordered. It 1 confidently believed that by th middle of th approaching year a sufficient proportion of thla plant will hav been InataHed .to enable us to re- sum th work ef excavation on a large seal. ' If ore Uoney Needed. . '"What la needed now and without de lay la an appropriation by congress to meet the current and accruing expense' of the "commission. Th first appropria tion Of,0, out of th 11 J5.000, 09 authorised by the Spooner act, was mad three year ago. It 1 nearly ex hausted. There 1 barely enough of it remaining to carry the commission to th end of .th year. Unless th con gress shall appropriate before that Una all work muat cease. To arrest progress for any length of time now, when mat ter are advancing so satisfactorily, would be deplorable. There will be no money with which to meet payroll, ob ligation' and none with which to meet bill coming due for material and sup plies; and there will be demoralisation now working so harmoniously and ef fectively, if there Is delay in granting an emergency appropriation. - Estimate of th amount necessary will be found In th accompanying report of th sec retary of war and th commission." The closing paragraph of th mes sage, which baa about 21.009 words, dis cus general condition of th state de partment and Incidentally th consuls! service, contrary to expectation, no specif 1 suggestions are mad on thH subject, it being treated as follow: Chssify the Consuls. ' "Neither at horn aor abroad 1 there a aufflciant working force to do . th business properly. In many respect th system which was adequate to th work of 15. or vn 19, year ago, la Inade quate now, and should be changed. Our oonsular fore should be classified, and appointments should be made to th v era! classes, with authority to th execu tive to assign the member of each elaa to duty at such post as th Interest of th aanrte require. Instead of the appointment being mad aa at present to specified post. There should be an adequate Inspection eorvlc, so that the department may be abl to Inform Itself how th business ox each consulate la being done. Instead of depending "upo-j casual private Information or rumor. Th fee system should be entirely abol ished, and a du equivalent mad In alary to th officer who now eke out their subsistence by mean of fee, in many parte of th world th lack of suitable quarters for1 our embassies, legation and consulates detract from th respect In which our officer ought to be held, and seriously Impair their weight and Influence. "Suitable provision should be ' mad for the expense of keeping our diplo matic officers mor fully informed ot what la being don from day to day In th progress of oar diplomatia affairs with ther countries. Th lack of such Information, caused by Insufficient ao- proprlatlona available for cable loll an-W forehand quently put our officer at a great dis advantage and -detract from their ' With the inclement aveather come Attacks of Chills, Colds, Grippe and Pneumonia, and if your sys tem is weak you're going to be among' the number. For tify yourself - by- using- the Bitters regularly. It not only prevents the above but also cures Indigestion, Dys pepsia and Costiventss. Start today. ' ' ; 1 ; m $5 i -- f v - i -- Didn't Cart a Bit The Chicago Painless Dentists x 303K Washington St, Corner of Fifth St. Opp.Perklns -Hotel, ,. ; - SEE THE Special Rates on Dental Work . .... ' Full Set Teeth that fit.. .fS.OO Gold Crowns. 22-K.. ....f 3.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-K...... 3.50 GoULFillings fl;O0 Silver Fillings........... 60 ' : , - ;: ." ' ( ' '-- : ' A 12-year guarantee with all work. We do strictly as we advertise. Open evenings and, . Sundays. Bank reference. CHICAGO PAINLESS dentists -aaaa 1 fulness. Th salary list should be re adjusted. It doe not now correspond either to the Importance of the service to be rendered and the dogrhes ef ability and experience required In tha different positions, or to the differences In th cost of living. In many -case th sal arte ar quit Inadequate. THEODORE ROOSEVELT." SON OFVEALTHY PARENTS IS HANGED FOR MURDER Young M An Dies Gamely Upon Betray Family. - fJosraal Special Service.) 1 Bf Paul. Minn.. Dec. 6. The state board of pardons having declined to In terfere, the execution of C. D. Crawford will take Dlace today at-Elk River. .Gov ernor Johnaon ha directed the sheriff to enforce th law relating to execution and not to permit any mors than th lawful number of witnesses. The crime for which. Crawford pays th death penalty waa th murder of Heine Lundeen. Crawford and a part ner named Palmer held up a party of harvest hands in a Great northern box car not far from Elk River a year ago, and Crawford 'was proved to hav fired th shot that killed Lundeen. who waa alow In throwing up his hands. Accord ing to the testimony-at the trial Craw ford was a natlv of Missouri and Spanish war veteran. Prior- to coming to Minnesota be had worked in the mines of Idaho and a a farmhand In Dakota. Th trap waa sprung at 1:41 o'clock. Crawford died bravely, refusing to re veal hi Identity. HI spiritual adviser ars: "Crawford's father 1 worth hundred of thousands, hi mother is . a social queen, his slater la engaged to a wealthy easterner. He could have had money to defend himself, but refused it, The family did not know of the case. They believe he is Wandering. He ran away from his folks and they have not hvard from htm since. Crawford said that he did wrong, claimed that h did not get a fair show, but waa ready to die. MISSISSIPPI CONVICTS ABUSED BY THE GUARDS (losnal Seeelal Servke.t 'Jackson, Miss., Dec . Governor Vardaman hhs discovered a shocking condition of affair la th treatment of 1?.'' t' ping of prisoner. Last week guard was tried for brutality and - th Jury failed to agree. In hi report to Gov ernor Vardaman. W. Calvin Well. Jr.. at torney employed by the stst to prose cute in guara. aectare inai Attorney General 'Williams was an important wit ness against th stats at th trial. I found convicts bad rbeenj brutally beaten." said .Wells. "They ar cursed constantly and revolting names ar ap plied to prisoner when sddrensed by th auarda. They punished convict by whipping them at the pleasure of th keeper. ' . SILVERTON POWER PLANT IS SOLD TO COMBINE - fSaariat Stasetek Is Tbe lean Lf Salem, Or., Dec I. Th Union Light A Power company, that own a plant at SUvarton. and supplies power to Balem, Wood bom. Oervala, Mount Angel .and Bllverton has been sold to th Cltlsena Light a Traction company and now be come a part of the Rhodes, Slnkler Butcher holdings. This company now ha electric-planta at Engefle. Albany, Corvallt, Baker City, Pendleton, Spo kane, Walla Walla and a street railway at Boise. Idaho. At -several ef these towns these peoEla,alsa-Owa ga and water plants. - rd Stestg-m Peartloa. (Deetal Dhisatrh s The Joarael.) Helena, Mont.. tec 6 At a meet ing of the state board ef education, Preside I , N. R. Leonard of tha a Lata school tt mines, tendered hi resignation iPW!' '$7.50 teltcrs Only $5 $1.00 Down 50c a Week As a speciat inducement for three days this ' week we offer these handsome $7.50, $7 and $6.50 Rockers for only $5, oh the liberal terms of $1.00 down and 50 per week. There is a window full of them on display and you will surely find, the style and .finish to your liking. They will make suitable Christmas presents, and you are privileged to make your se lections now and we will store them and deliver later to your order. Note our win do W display, ' ' 7 Liberal Credit to AU You do not need a large income to do business here. Come and choose the goods you need and make a small pay ' ment down, paying the balance of the account in small weekly or monthly payments. ' . Store Open 1 173-175 , The Kind Ton nave hrayt in use for over 30 years n u m ihw'wi " ' "V " " " " ' ii in in Hi i i . i - and ha been made under his por- Z47-. aonal snperrision since its mfancy. -cc4u4 AHow no one to deceive yon in thla. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jasnta-good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Chll&r-: n Experience against Experimena What is CASTORIA Cartrria is a harmless snbstltn'.for Castor Oil Pare goric, Drops and Soothing S Traps, - It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Vareotio substance. -Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms - and allays roverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cares Constipation land Flatulency. It, assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, jiving healthy and natural aleepe The Children s Panacea-The Mother's Friend. v CEHUINE CASTORIA ALVAYO S7 Bears , the lelind You HfeAlways BongM In Use For Over 30 Years. r Every Vcman aawesieaewwawewie ami ar.i in. eotarfal MAtVEL WMrkaej Savar iTss mw Tini )iafc totr. I twavl Mmrfim. lmwk lUf. t- M oe rowreatea. t. lf be mitnutaac Of aaaai Kt as other. Mil aend turni foe lllnatreiMt nna ...W Tt frill nertlflttiar. ae .Itrwi.-n. Im. nlMblern uumm. M tptvai. r ev a. saa s taw eaw roa saxx bt wooBASDt ciAixs a CO. RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH Tanay Wafers Origi nal slid onlv genuine Put ap In yellow v rapper and "Crow", trademark. Tor sale by th LEADING DRUOOISTB. urns a Mn. W' " TrJ'' W aV imlWJ- VUUU LOJlJtv.U' It is not too early to be thinking of Christmas . times,' and we are happy to say that never in the history of the house haye we been so well pre , pared" to meet the holiday wants of the people. Warehouse and salesrooms are crammed full, and during the weeks tp come our show'windows will sparkle and glow with someof the brightest rich-; ;""est holiday wares ever displayed in Portland. ...You are cordially invited to call and hiake your "selections now, or at least inspect our immense stock. ''.: . ' . ' s Until After Gevurtz&Sons First Street 219-227 Yamhill Street "4 34 Bought and which has been baa borne the signature of Signature of 3 Scott's S2ntal-Pc;sl3 Ct5ss:!:s A POSITIVE CUBE FerfeSas iMeaeenaaarrtef Ike la4rfOTml ll.m 1(4- aere. It SUSS BS . lare trkrf aa feaatiy ie m( rw ef Smrrl aa itoe, ae etMr a k ln eteaeies, Ak.eletelr Karaite.. M fc triM rnoe n ra. er bv vitii. sis, sei ae. .. la. TXEUITAL-fraCl SstMantsIa. Ofcaa. Sa I CrreileelaMtr)telM4 tbut.trtyf err 1 H Caorrk. tel. la Hi. Bra, la fcrlWH. t , Seetaraj see He'" Ha lee ear a, i I J Cmtmmimitmm a ftim wrt. Soli tinmrTWrym(lrri- I F. C K 1 1114. W. tWMI1 It iw'saia ta' I M Christmas I t Ai- . WW Hotel Haton OenMV Mbwbh aa4 st tm Straeta NEW nnwat reraMiea, eWaset, t.iala.i. il.iwut, . srfaetae alfe reMB keert a akappta aa kaalaaaa airtrlrt. all lenre, alrv. eetaMe teeaaa. eteeai te4. .Isetrte Nefcts, t.Upbaa. la eee eeenajaa). Larm efsrea, lailn. aawln. wrltli laaies- neepOTfte Ba'Mra, wlf Mtal eT aWWyBVfJW rrrea eatafaas Rm$ fl.OO io $3.00 a Dmt Sseetel Rate t Ceaawrctal M Baa. StAS SATOS. JfiraiBrt, - mt - SMa - BMsef - $1.00 ALL FOR $1.0$ Turkbh I Bath tk aic, aa a a. King's D:lb Seveatfe aad Was. lagtea Sta nee ,s4 fcuweat SaTj CEO. N. STRONG, 163 rest T;:. Zl- txctvtrrt oovmaciAt rnoToasri km cc?Yr3'r."r.:: : Arnfff T r Oi'i.-w.-' a. r - IZ" A to become affective aex Jan.