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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 1803. " TOVi" J TOPICS ' ibUu ...... "lfltkael treaofr . i "Camilla" , Lyric.. i... ."Brolka iplMt Hn.llMr'' urans ......... -Star .............................. VUm LlOartr .. VaaderlUs Fun Aral services for Captain Thorn . Townaend, lata miner of ' ths - British ship Eskasont. wcra hald yesterday afternoon at Holman'e undertaking . ehapcl. British Conaul Jamea Laldlaw, It I ha maatara of British vessels In the harbor, representatives of varloua local Masonic lode and many other friends were present to pay their respects to the memory of the Aead mariner.- The aerr Scea were conducted by Ray. A. A. Morri son, assisted by Iter. A. E. Barneys. Beautiful floral tributes wera sent by . Captain W. McBurnteNef the Eekaeoni, ' Captain and Mrs-.C M. Buruhell of the Owenee. Captain and Mr a. A. Crowe, Mr. andMrs. Oeoraa, Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Armstrong.1-Mrs. J. B. Moore, the 1 Seaman a Institute, the Shipping Supply company. Harry J. Rtrawbrldae and P. Hoaeriateln. The body wis aent by laat j evening's train' to Sydney, Capo Breton, ' Canada, for burial. ' ' Arthur. A Francis, secretary of the trana-MlssissinPi . congress, haa 001 ' piled and printed at Washing-ton a book let on the Columbia river jetty mat ta a powerful argument In faror of an appropriation by congress to continue " the work at tha mouth of the rivar. The memorial was published under auspices of tha congressional committee of tha - trans-Mississippi eongress. of which T. B. Wilcox la chairman. It ia being; dis tributed to avary oongreesman and aen- - .a tor, and to other ofTlciala at washing- ton. Tha booklet contalna extracts from tha proceedings of tha Portland session . of tha congress, and from tha - recom mendatlona of Major Langfltt. relating to tha need of continuing work on tha Jetty. . .-r . '. "ao progress la being; made by the atate road commission In the matter of . tha Interstate road." aaM County Judge . Webster, tha originator of the Idea of . atate highway from San Fran cisco. "The commission," continued tha , judge. la doing it utmoat to set peo ple throughout tho valley Interested rn ' the plan. It will aoltclt tha assistance of ono man ia each county m organising public bodiea. and ao have a center In . each district When people are auffl - clently Interested It will be an easy mat- tor Vp build tha road. Oregon people -' may In a few years have a driveway front Portland o tha California line." More than SO per cent of the eases which were dlspoeed of tn tba atate clr cult court In two months of tho present ' term never came to trial, According to a statement prepared oy enter vepuiy County Clerk Smith, of tho circuit court -.division,' Just OS cases were closed. Of these, 34 were settled out of court and dismissed, and SI went to trial and Judgment. Ordinarily, about II per . cent of the auita begun are dismlaaed upon motion of the parties, and there have been Instances of percentage being as high as 7. but this la the firat time of late that SO per cent baa been exceeded.- - R. L.' Lo Fevre, who la suing for a divorce, denies tha atat anient made by Attorney Charlea F. tord In the circuit court recently that Mrs. 1 Fevre was fnrcaH itit ktan hnraelf anal two-vear-olil son on a mean pittance and that all her hills were stopped from the first of laat September until two weka ago. Ij Fevre ays that hla ertte Is living in tho home ho provided - for her soon after their marriage and that a he haa been aupplied with all the wants of life since he began the ault for divorce. "One month I paid -Oat IA ttnr meats and a-roccTlcg for her." said' Lo Fevre. Speed -of trains within tha lty will be limited to 10 ml lea an" hour' tt the recommendations made yeaterday by the health and police committee are adopted by the city council. Tbo ordinance to regulate tho rata of speed of tralna within the city was Introduced before the council by Councilman' Maatara.. Re cently many complalnta have been- re ceived to the effect that tralna entering and leaving the Northen Paclflo terminal yards run at tbo rate of II mllea an hour and many accidents have been reported at tha croeslngs In tha vicinity of tha yards. .... ,'-, vhe Modern Pulpit" will be Dr. House's theme for the Sunday evening services at tho First Congregational church. Hla aubjecta aa announced are, beginning with .. next Sunday night: "Henry Ward Beecber." "Phlllipa - Brooks," ' "Matthew Simpson" ' and "Charlea Finney," J . : White temple. Sunday. Flrat Baptist Jubilee. Dr. Brougher preaches. 10:10, "Four Looks"; 8:S0, reminiscent and communion service; 7: JO. "Tha Queen of the Home." In aertea "Happy Tbough Married." Baptiam. Elaborate musle by orchestra, quartet and chorus. Portland Tamale- Parlor. 140 Park street, between Alder and Morrison, tha only, place In town . where enchiladas, chile con earne with frljolea, Mexican atyla. also tha celebrated Frits' tamales. are made. . Open from 1 m. to 11 p. rn. All member of. Portland lodge No. J 1 1 B. P. O. Elks and all visiting broth "era are requested to meet at tha lodge room at t p. m. sharp Sunday, December - t. to attend our annual memorial aerv ices. By order of tha committee. . Great crowds getting diamonds, watohes. Jewelry, out glass, 'ailvorwara, ate., at their own prices at Loewen gteln'a. 0SH Washington street. Auction sale dally 2:10 to T.S0. Seats for ladles. Bankrupt Sale. Clothing, gents' fur nishing -goods, hats, caps, - trunks, . va lises, boots and shoes, etc., at greatly reduced prices. To be sold In 10 days. 10 North Sixth street, corner Everett .. - A man. who gars, hla name as R. Hickman, and aald "he wao a eon of J. W. Hickman, of the firm of Penny Hickman, selectvd a-'sult of clothes and Family Washin g at 6c Pound J 'one of the main reaturee of our business. What's the uae of a : woman wearing hari Ufa away and littering up the house with a lot of aluah, when wa will do tho work so cheaply T ' No charge . for Ironing any linen not neces sary to ba Ironed by hand. Speak with ua by telephone and learn all about tha plan. I . . TELEPHONE MAIN JM Union Lcarry moowd cctrrm. KELLOGG LEAVES DALLES RUN Rtgulator Un Will Return Monday to Kellogj , Trantportatioh Company. RIVER TRAFFIC TO BE HEAVIEST EVER KNOWN Bartes Tow4 hy Stearaerg Will Carry, Supplies Between North Bank Railroad Construction Camps. . : ;. The steamer Joseph Kellogg, which has been operated by tha Regulator line for tho paat few months between Port land and points on tho upper Columbia rlvar, will bo turned baek to tha owner, the Kellogg Transportation company, Monday.. From that time oa the busi ness between Portland and Tha Dalles will bo bandied by tbo ateamera Bailey Qatzert Regulator and Dalles City. Notwithstanding the reduction In the fleet. It Is said that tha river-traffic aoon will bo tho heavleat avar known. Much of It however, will be transport ed between -'tba various construction camps of tho north-bank railroad by meana of barges, which wilt bo towed by steamers. Tha Stranger, recently purchased by tho Columbia River at Northern Railroad company, will ba used for thla purpose. While aha la a small craft it la declared that aha will bo Juat tho thing for this sort of work Vancouver will ba her headquarters, but aha will make frequent tripa to Port land. ,. : ....w w1: , .; " Tha Northern Paclio Railway com pany purchased tha gasoline launch Ze bress yeaterday from a local hunting club, to be used as a dispatch-boat She Is one of tho finest launches In the har bor, and on her tho officials of tho com pany wilt ba able to visit the varloua cam pa much more quickly than would he possible by waiting for tba steam boats which are operated on schedule time. ' - In company with tha Regulator line the company will build a largo barge at Alnaworth, situated on tho Snake, a mile above Its mouth. Work on the craft will ba started next week. It will bo 130 feet long and SO feet wide, and Is expected to be completed in 10 days Material on this barge 'will bo carried from Kennewlck to Celllo. The steam er J. M. Hannaford will also be placed' on this route about tho middle of the month. She Is owned by the- Northers Pacific, but has not been In active serv loo for a number of years. LUMBER CARRIERS SHORT. Salliaf Teasels to Carry Oregon llr Can mot Be Bad Aar JTrloe.,, Salting veasela suitable' for lumber- carrying cannot be had at any price. All of them are busily occupied, and ao much In demand that it Is necessary te charter them at least . a couple of months before they are actually needed. B. ' F. Baumcartner.- aaent for tha California at Oregon Coast attaameblp company, enaeavorea to cnarter a ves set yesterday to load at , Portland for Ban Pedro. . But to all of his Inquiries an overcoat at tho Famous elothing store laat evening and asked that they-- be charged to his father. He wanted the aarmenta delivered at his father'a real dence. 000 Second etreet""but Immedi ately changed his mind and desired that the merchandise be sent to the apart' ments of himself and wife In the Heller block. Hawthorne and Grand avenues. Investigation disclosed the fact that Mr. Hickman has no son. and that the pur chaser was a fraud. He called at tha atore thla morning, hoping to secure the goods, but when told that Manager Roa enthal, with whom he had dealt laat night waa out, turned and left tha place. That was the last seen of him. Tha keenest crttie of correct apparel for men will have nothing; but praise for tha garments wo make. Any suit in tho house to order $11. Unique Tailor ing Co.,- 1 4T .Washington etreet ' For San Francisco direct the steam ship W. H. Kruger aalla Tuesday even ing, cabin III; steerage x; meala and berth Included. - C H. Thompson, agent 111 Third street Open sale of convent-made fancy 'art! clea, commencing Monday. December 4, at St Patiick'a church, corner Nineteenth and Savior. Don't fait to attend sale. It will pay. Watchea and dlamonda tl down and lie per week. Goods delivered on first payment Xmas Is coming. Metsger at Co, jewelers, opticians, 111 Sixth. Books of Christmas stories and poems and on Chrlatmaa customs, may ba found on tha new book ahelVea near tho circu lating deak at the Public library. - - "Henry Ward Beocher" la Dr. Houae a aubject Sunday night at Flrat Congre gational church. Morning subject "What is tha Matter With tha Churchr A baaaar ariT contest will be given by the 'ladies of tha Portland Presbyterian churoh at Weddera hall, Tueaday, Do- cemner o. Varno Stain-Lao for chalra. sideboards and rennlshlng any kind of work. Fir aale price 40c quart- tot Front street Why pay 11.10 to 110 for ova stasses when wa guarantee a perfect fit for lit Metsger Co 11 Sixth street Tjkul T..Hanf ihl. mMm .1.. tired at tha new Hotel Aator In New York laat .Monday. ,f -., Portland's beat dancing achool. SOI Alder. Prof. Rlngler, Mlaa Buckenmeyer. Damaged by flreT Not much! Granite floor paint now II gallon, 101 Front St W. JT. Ferrell, the roof man, moved to 10 Flrat. Phone Main 1101. Damaged paint below cost 101 Front Fine chicken dinner 10c 111 Third. ' No wet liends. Necessity dish pan, Frlts'g tamalea are tha beat ' . . Kratz Cafa Opens. Krats Cafa at Sixth and Washington streets la open again to the public, under the management of August Krats, who extends . a cordial welcome to all his old patrons ai well aa the new. . -' Milwaukia Country Club. Fsstern ani Seattle races, Tsk Setl wwd and Oregon City cars at Flrat and Alder. ' at San . Francisco and Puget sound ' he received word that none are available. It ia aald that much mbro lumber would be ahlpped out of hero thla season If fa cilities had been at hand for taking oar of tha shipments. In this connection ' the question Is being asked again why It la that Port land capitalists do not take to the ship building business, as . at other porta This is the only port on tho Pacific coast where seagoing vessels are not owned by local men. Many of the busi aeea men In Sin Francisco and Eureka own an Interest In the lumber-carriers and It Is said that such an Investment Is looked upon as being tbo safeat and moat profitable. Practically all of the lumber used lo the construction of tha vessels Is procured at Portland, and for that reason It Is srgued that it would be possible to build them much more cheaply hero than elsewhere. The barkentlne - Tropic Bird, under Charter tolhe California Oregon Coast Steamship company to transport a cargo of lumber to San Pedro, is expected to arrive from tho south In a day or' two but there la another cargo awaiting ahipment to the earn destination for which no veaael can ba secured. TO INSPECT MAN Z ANITA. Keport of Condition of UgMfconse Tea ts Will o Scatajo Washing-toa. - Under" t he supervision of Csptstn H. T. Mayo, Inspector of the Twelfth light house district and Captatn Hellner. in spector of the local district a thorough examination of the tender Mansanlta will be made tomorrow. When they complete their labors, a report will be prepared and aent to Washington, ac companied by recommendations aa to what disposition should be made of the vessel. . ' " ', Captain Mayo's headquarters are at San Franclaco and be reached hre thla morning from that city. He says that the lightship No. II, which broke looae from her moorings off Cape Mendocino, owing to the heavy seas, reached San Francisco yesterday nonethe woreo for her experience. After aha haa coaled she will return up tha coaat to her sta tion.' She is a new .vessel, bavins com pleted the circuit of the Horn from the Atlantic coast about six months ago, and consequently Is fully sble to take care of herself In the worst of storms. The Inspectors will es,ye for Astoria tomorrow morning on the '"tender Heather, which Is now In the harbor awaiting their orders. . . SERVICE RESUMED. 77 Steamer Femoaa la Put oa Ban Setweos ' Vortlaad and Oorrailla. . - Beginning this morning tba Oregon City Transportation company established a ateamboat service between Portland and CorvalllsV the head of navigation on the Willamette river, by placing the Po mona on the route. It Is the first tlm since tha latter part, of June that an attempt , haa been made to aend a steamer to Corvallla, the low stage of the water preventing. It la believed that It will bo possible to maintain tbo ser vice until next summer. , The Pomona will make the trip up one day and down tha next, transferring her freight and passengers to one of the other steamers of the lino below Albany and Salem If it is seen that she will not bo able to complete the round trip pas sage In a reasonable length of time. The resumption of steamboat traffic between Portland and tho headwaters of the Wil lamette means a considerable reduction In tho freight rates which have been in force atnoe- the middle tof the summer. As soon as it wss impossible for the steamars to get through to Corvallla the railroad company- raised tho tariff al most -a third.. , Tho former rate , went Into effect again this morning and will be kept at that figure until the upper river again becomea unnavigabie. It la estimated that when the boats are run ning to tha bead of navigation the traf fic la about equally divided between the The Willamette river and Its tributa ries have been lower for a longer period this year than ever before, and as s consequence the Oregon City Transpor tation company haa been operating its boats under all sorts of difficulties. Rven between here and Salem tt haa been necessary to "line" over most of the bara. or ahoalB,' and tha eervlca haa been far from satisfsotory. Tha aame plan had to bo adopted on tho Tamhlll river, on which the Oregon Railroad Navigation company operates a fleet of boats. , i CROYDON ARRIVES LATE. British Steameaip Will load Floar aad Oralm for Orient After a alow passage tho Britlab ateamahlp Croydon arrived this morn ing from San Francisco and moored at the Portland Flouring mills, where she will begin loading flour and grain for tha orient ' She sailed from the Bay City laat Sunday and did not reach As toria until yesterday. The vessel Is un der charter to the Portland Aslatla Steamship company, which had been ex pecting her to put In an appearance here for the past three days. Heavy aeas prolonged the trip somewhat but It Is said the steamer never haa been noted for speed. On her run from Ocean Is land to' San Francisco she made a re markably long passaga, and after ber arrival it was necessary to do soma re pair work to her, whioh detained tha veaael about a couple or weeks, . - MARINE. NOTES. T Astoria, Dec. I Arrived at 7:30 and left up at 1:40 a. m, Steamer Redondo from San Francisco. . Arrived at 1:10 and left up-at 11 a. m. Steamer Eureka from San Francisco. Arrived down at 1:11 a. m. German steamer Numantla. Outside at I a. m. A three-masted bark in ballast. -Arrived1 down at 10 a. m. Steamer Delay Mitchell. . , St Johna, Doc. t. Paaaed at 10:48 a. m. British ateamer Croydon. San Franclaco, Dec J. Arrived Steamer Nome' Ctty from Portland. Steamer City of Puebla from Puget sound spoke ateamer Roanoke at 11 o'clock laat night south of Point Arena. Roanoke- waa proceeding under her own ateam. , r Astoria, Dec 1. Sailed at I:t0 p. m. Schooner Churchill for. Ban Franclaco British aWlo Durbrldge for' United King dom for orders, schooner Mabel Oale for San Franclaco,' American amp Henry Vlllard for Manila, and schooner Wins- low for San Francisco, Arrived at 1 and left up at t:10 p. m. British steam er Croydon from San Franclaco. - Ar rived at 4:10 and left up at 0 p. m. Steamer Waap from San Franclaco. San Franclaco, Doc 1. Arrived at 1 p. m. Steamer Northland, from port- land. French oh to Crlllon -from Ant werp for Portland put Into Valparalao with captain alck. ' Aatoria, Dec. I. Condition of tha bar at I a. m., smooth, wind south; weather cloudy. ' San Francisco, Dec 1. steamer Roan oke paased Point Reyei at 1:30 a. m In tow of tug Defiance. V. Astoria, Dec S. Arrived down, at 10 a, m -Schooner W. F. Jewett . ... ' i Tn tow of the Orklahama, tha schooner Wr F. Jewett left down this-morning from West port with a cargo of lumber for San" Francisco. . . With a full cargo or general freight tha ateamer Columbia will sail for Ban Franclaco tonight ' ' IIMIfU TO POT ON FIFTH DOAT Still Another Steamer Will Be Added to Portland-San Francisco LJne. STEAMERS WILL ARRIVE EVERY ALTERNATE DAY Believed That Unusual .Activity Is Duo to Desiro of Southern Pacific Interests to Entrench Thcmselvei Against Rival Roads. Determined to take care of the In creased traffic between hero and Cali fornia, tha Harriman Interests are nego tiating for the fifth steamer to place on the Portland-San Francisco routs. Until tha deal haa been cloaed. tho local offl claia of the steamship Una decline to give out any information, further than that an effort la being made to get an additional, vessel and that tha deal la likely to bo closed any day. It Is slso given out by tho officials that tha steamer for which they are dickering ia a combined passenger and freight boat and - la considerably larger than tho Columbia, generallyadmitted to be one of the fastest and best ateam era on tho coast The vessels now be ing operated regularly by tha San Fran cisco Portland Steamship company, which ia tho Harriman , line, are ta Columbia, Senator, Cneta Rica and Ho mer. ..They are providing better' than a three days' service, end when tha addi tional roraft Is placed on the route one of the ateamera will ba arriving here at least every other day from the Bay Cfty. Thla will be Tnohe than double tha number of ateamera that tha company ever before operated from Portland until recently, and will make the water rout down the coaat a popular one, It Is inti mated, that the big Increase. in tha fleet Is principally due to the fact that tha company Intends to secure auch a firm bold on the coast business that the Hill and other opposition interests will be unable to wrest tt from them when Portland la made tha western terminu of their railroads. . The Senator was chartered Only about two weeks ago to ply regularly on the route and the .Homer-was taken a few weeka previously. There la consider able apeculatlon among the shippers aa to the name of the fifth craft which I described aa being one of the largest and moat handsome' on the coast Some are of tho opinion that she haa been pur chased by R. P. Bchwerln and is now en route from tho Atlantic coaat . FRENCH BARK DELAYED. Orlllo stag to Put Xato YalparaUo to Secure Kedleal Treatment for Captain. " 'Another cargo ship bound for Portland has been delayed, a message to the .Mer chants' exchange this morning stating that the French bark Crlllon had to put into . Valparaiso to secure medical treatment for the captain. ' The vessel has been out 111 days from Antwerp tot Portland with a general , cargo con-J signed to Balfour, Guthrie at Co. Tha majority of tha square-riggers complete me passage in lesa than that time. Th vessel Is In command of Captatn Lasage. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. - Trie following ahtp movements oc curred In the harbor yesterday after noon and this morning: French bark Bdmond Roatand. from the stream to Montgomery dock No. t: British" Shis Dunboyne, from tha Oceanlo to tha Greenwich dock; German ahlp Tarpon- dck, rrom Montgomery no. I to the Oceanic dock, and Freneh bark. 1 Her mits from tha Mersey to tha Oceanic dock. ,i Tha ateamer Aurella will sail for Ban Francisco tonight with 190 tona of wheat and 125.000 feet of lumber. Captain Donaldson, master of th ateamer Homer,, which arrived last night from San Francisco, saya ho did not alght the Roanoke, although ha kept a close lookout for tho disabled vessel. He reports that ho encountered a etrone. southwesterly swell nearly all tha way to the Columbia river. Tho ateamer will leave tonight on tho return trip with a full cargo of flour, grain and potatoes. Tha ateamer W. H. Kruger Is receiv ing a cargo1 of lumber today at the Kant- em at Western mill; she will sail for th Bay City tomorrow. , ESTABLISHED 1865 THE DeckerPiano Embodies . all the essentials of the highest grade pianos at a fair price. Cash or easy; payments. Call and examine. , '7 Maniifacturers" Piano Co. 7 550 AIDER J. F. Kessler, President W. T. Sbanahan, Vice Pres. Tonight!; Tonight! ummnoiu TUG OF WAR CONTEST EIGHT NATIONS . SEVEN DATS Merrill's Hall OITIXTH 4KB OAK STattTS. tV teams "-7';;: tralaaa, jrorwey, rinlaad, tweaea, eHr maay, eetlaad, Oaaaea, AsMtiea, Coaaesrtnf Tonlrnt. rVmOaelna Ctrl Klfkt ta aa IbIuOIb Iwcciuixr t, Can teat far rtaaptanshl ts Gold SaesU. Admission SSo. ateeerrea Seata see. EVERY ONE OF THESE : INS' A GREAT BARGAIN: ,'s Our "Exchanged Piano" Sale is in full blast. Several of these pianos have been sold, but you will be in luck if you succeed in buying the last of the 30, even, because'they "are certainly all great bargains. . . . Qf course, the sooner, you come in, the . greater number of pianos you will hare to choose from. Better come in today and . look these pianos oven The list in part: . . v Rice-llinze Behr Bros. Everett Haines Six Kimballs Hinze Fischer Ellington Kingsbury Harrington Smith Barnes Hamilton Kingsbury AUen&Gilbert-RamakerCo. The oldest, lafgett and strongest Piano ' and Organ House in the Pacific Northwest. . Astvaataarn. Belasco Theatre vaou bzlasoo at Mini. Y-aors. Mts eae Weak. sis. a. U Baekstt. a. lift. last ront ToirioiT. TBS OKKAT BCSSIAN DBAMA, MICHAEL . STROGOFF. . BIO SCESIC. rRODUCTlO. PRICES Nlkl! K te TKe. Mats.. lt-IOe. (IT A It Tl NO WITH MATIKEB NEXT SUNDAY, th oral, wm vn eatzx aTxs." Ueaeay Xrtnlnf, Dcrwbr V-SeaeHt tor Womsa's Kacfcasc. -r Empire Theatre IStk aaO Bt FVm Mala lit, StlT.TOM SIAMAW Maea asr. the rori i,A THr.ATaa last rxaj-oaMAVCE toiot. Lansing Rowan rortlaaO'e Favorite Aetreas. la-i Ona4 Ipeeitl froOwtloa of Dms' raaege EstotlAeal Prams, "CAMItLI." t MATTKEE TOMORROW. lafular Kvplre Prirae IU praesll Kvee tut : le. SSc, 3e asA OOe. 'AU Matlssee: 10r. Ike. . - Klt ws, ntamsff TnauMrn Matfi "A JOLLY AMERICAN TRAMP." Liberty Theatre Bast ' VsaetTllle Mnt(atst riood. or ASK eC Keetiag , MOaolT A Banavia . " Tke Twe Oaakelle : Travalaa KtrWi Okaata aa4 Oanaaa Widaw Crt.r La Vkhita " Te Btaanavh OaleateO OwAaitia fntnrmmKrtm flallr at i Ml, IM and V a AUMlSSIUi tSN SB4 IKtMA Caata. TRUMENTS We got this piano in a trade with , Willamette University. This piano also came from Vil - tamette University on a trade. ' Taken' 5n part payment on an Everett Grand piano. ; . - . . .7' ' , ' 1 ' . - . ' This piano h in fine condition, (t sells regularly for $325. ' Thesr Kimball pianos are prac tically new. They were all taken , in exchange -for our celebrated Kingsbury. The regular agents for the Kimball ask $3o5. Our ,' price less than half. All nice oak cases. u.- ;." -:r. il71.... The regular agents for this piano - price it at $300. v 7 . This magnificent instrument is practically; new. 7. It is id perfect condition. 4Sells regularly for $500, and ij worth every penny of the price. Taken, in exchange on - a Fischer Grand.. ;7' 7 , Piano is in fine condition. Regu lar price is $350. - Almost new7 , Sells .regularly, for $375, and is a piano bargain at, that price.. , . This piano sells for $325, Regular price $400. ' The Hamilton sells -regularly for $375." This one is better than new, because it ' has been used judiciously. - Another fine instrument. Is in fine shape now. Was pretty bad ly scratched, but our finisher has worked in a piano factory, andvhe makes them every bit as good as new. - ''.''-'- EASY PAYMENTS '. . . -. . .. . ' Sixth and Morrison HEALTH RI01ICE Waurnlns iviiakt the ut of Witch Haiti. Vtk ECENT investigation has disclosed an alarming condition, of Ft affairs existing in this widely known family remedy. ;; 1jL It has been proven conclusively that unscrupulous manufac turers have been selling Witch Hazel not only below the recog nized standard of strength, but which is adulterated with WOOD ALCOHOL (poison),' FORMALDEHYpE (poison) or both. These conditions prevail throughout the United States and are especially alarming on the Pacific Coast. Of thirty-three samples of Witch Hazel bought of retail druggists and department stores in ' San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma. Spokane and Seattle, twenty-seven were adulterated with WOOD ALCOHOL, (poison), FORMALDEHYDE (poison) or both. " The sure way to avoid the danger incurred in using these poison ous witch hazels is to use' the onlvstandard extract of Harnamelis (witch hazel), sold only in original packages as bottled by the man ufacturer. , ' IT IS I" POND'S EXTRACT " ". J; It costs n.ore but It b Wortb the dTerenct. AVirrxsXlCBjTTS. CMld i. . c r Mot. rna- t MATT a f raa. .! I t. ' i v r rr l S. iiA f itri Tha storo is open voningg. Com oarly and look thsaa .Pianos over beforo tho on you want is taken. " - : : ' , - - Exchanged Sale Price . Exchanged Sale Price , Exchanged t Sale Price . ' Exchanged Sale. Price $100 $125 $150 $165 $185 $137 Exchanged 8ale Price Exchanged Sale Price Exchanged! $275 sale Price -Exchanged $225 sale , Exchanged $235 Sale Price Exchanged, $235 sale Price " Exchange!! -Sale - Price i 'Exchanged, $225 Sale -.Price Excflanged Sale Price - $218 AanrmrxsTTSL r