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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY ' EVENING; DECEMBER ' 2. .1905. ; FIRST COLLEGE Y. M. C. A. HOME IN NORTHWEST. AT CORVALLIS MIPM V ; Collegtf t7 M. C. A. Building at Corvallli, It Will Appear Completed. , w4prlat Dlapatcb to The Journal.) . Corvallls, Or., Deo. X.tJ round was re cently broken for s new T. M.I C. A. building to be-erected Just outalde tha campus of the atate agricultural college. 'The Intention la tp complete the build ing; by next June and dedicate It during the commencement exerclaes of the col- . lege, f : . The building wlU be the flrat to be owned by the T." M. C. A. College aaao ' elation in the northwest and has at , trarted attention and comment through out the state. It will cost about $15,000 and wilt be very handsome in appear ance. The-meterlala used wilt be preaaed brick with atone trimmings. The con tract for the basement has been let to C. Is. Hockart. a local builder. - 'The building will be headquarters for athletics, literary societies, the college paper and- the' students' social life. A remarkable feature of tus affair Is that between 14,000 and St.OOO has been con tributed to the building fund by stu dents who are working their way through the college but who are deeply Interested In the college work of the T. M. C, A. . . . v.- t- OFFERSJDjTOR AS Senator Ankeny Quashes Libel Suit by Discharging Journal-' , isOnd'PrTntingApoTdgy. POLITICAL ENEMIES OF , LORTON SECURE SCALP B. D. Crocker and George Stevenaon Join Councilman Glaiford and Se cure Written Agreement 1 From " , Washington" StatetmanT" J- (Sperial Piapatt-h te Tba Journal.) . Walla Walla. Wean., Pec: . As a fault of the libel suit brought by Coun- -' - ....... .11....., t . W iiimaii niiiiRiu , l l " i l iw, inn Walla -Walla Unlqn, Senator Ankeny'a paper. , Eugene Ixirton, for two years maiuiglng editor of the paper and chair man of the Republican county central)' committee, resigned ni position loony. Norton's ret Ireme'nt- from the edltorahlp of theUntnn hsa ereeted a. big stir In political circles as he haa practically Been u neaa or ne Annjr wing or ine ,Rrpublican party ever since be came (o , Walla . Walla two yeara. ago to. take charge of the Union., -. . Back of the suit .Is a story that Jor- for by"levefaTweIl known polltlclanX of the same political faith and the libel suit brought by , Councilman . Olaaford was used as a club to force the" retire ment of Lorton from the ln Ion. . Attor neys for Glaaford made a proposition to withdraw the ault provided the Union . would retract the alleged defamatory ar ticles, the paper had printed about him Cars by Dynamite. ' c Sometimes, a flaming city Is eared by dynamiting a apace that the fire can't long you feel aa If. nothing but dyna mite would cure it' Z. T. dray of Cal houn, Ua., writes: "liy wife had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights. Two phyalclana could "not help her, so a he took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs jsnd Cold' which eased her cough, gave her sleep, snd finally cured her." Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis snd La Orlppe. At Hkldmore's drug store, 161 Tnira street, price sue and ft no: gusranieea. irui wnui iree. and Senator Ankeny' would dlamla.LOr-f-j ton from the oaner. ' This Senator Ankeny refused to do and LOrtOn'a political enemlea, " taking advantage of the opening, brought pres sure to bear on the senator by enlisting the aid of B. D. Crocker and Oeorge Stevenson. - Crocker, It Is said, waa will ing to lend his aid to deposing Lorton, sa the young editor .waa opposed td be ing dictated to on political matters by the once Walla Walla boss. Stevenaon'a enmity TUtea hack several yeara. - Olasford'a offer to withdraw the suit If Lorton waa deposed haa been under consideration for a couple of weeka by Senator Ankeny and hi representatives. At first the senator refuaed to llaten to such a proposition, but- the pressure brought to bear by Crocker and Steven aon. backed by aeveral Walla Walla Re publicans antagonistic to Lorton. be came so strong that Senator -Ankeny finally consented to dismiss Lorton and make a retraction of the articles pub lished about Olaaford In Sunday morn ing's Union. An agreement was formally drawn , up het ween ' the attorneys of Senator Ankeny and Olasfdrd and Lorton notified of the deal. ( A-R. Burford. Senator Ankeny'a rep resentative In the- matter, refueee to irtate who will succeed Lorton aa man aging editor. Thomas Cavanaugh, Jr., J. 8. Seoby and Oeorge Madge have been mentioned aa Lofton's successor. STATE LAND BOARD REPORT SHOWS INCREASE -fgnectat .Ptroatrt t The loureil.) Salem, Or.? Dec. 2. According to the report' of Clerk 3: O. Brown of the state Martd - board- - the department bas turned over to the state treasurer dur ing the last month the sum of 121.04.21. This Is an Increase over the correspond ing month last year of I2.11I.M. This sum was collected from the various funds. The monthly balance aheet , shows there Is still outstanding on land con tracta the sum of 728,69.S. which if due the varioua funds as follows: Common achool fund, $s:M22.0; Agricultural colle-ge" fund, 2S,i3I.S2; university fund, 60(; common achool farms, 14,62.H; Agricultural college farms, ft.sOO; unlveraltyf arms, 11.170. These aums are in addition to and In dependent of the sums that have" been loaned, out from the a tats treasury de partment.' im ii. Big Timber Xnd Sale. (Special Dt.patdi te Tltt Journal.) Klamath Falls. Or.. Dec. t. 8. O. Johnson, repreaentlng the XlcCloud rail road company, haa purchased 11,500 acres of timber on the east side of Aapen lake and has an option on about 20,00 acres more on the weat side. Be cause of the natural slope of this vaat belt of .timber , To the very, ahorea of the Upper Klamath lake, which will READ TIIIS CAREFULLY FOR IT LS YOUR LAST CHANCE FOR TDK GREAT OFFER The tremendous popularity of the Portland Journal Graphophorie Offer has ' : necessitated' another immense shipment of graphophones arid records for Jour- nal subscribers, and The Journal is now prepared to supply all of those who ; , were ' too late to secure one on our last offer. We have renewed our contract L " with the Columbia Phonograph Co , and anyone whq will subscribe for one : - year will secure. ( by: paying the express charges and buying one 25c record ) . w p f?-; V('e' swys'.'S' 'tT"i ""tT The only perfect Talking Machine - in - the world ' playing gold-molded Co lumbia 25c Recordif Never sold for less than $7.50 and given absolutely FREOFREE! ,? ,;. -.-".-- ...... To Journal Readers WITH A YEAR'S , SUBSCRIPTION The Columbia Phono- ' graph company, the larg est talking machine com pany in the world, will give you $5.00for this machine, on a larger one. This is proof of its worth? MA; kVllif ' ' wfei-4f$ 40 3-1-1. -- - ' r" . . . J . 4 '1 . i J . ' y .. i .: , . ..". Kjai. ejfo Z j The long evening - at home are on the way. , Do you diversion? want a little You can have - -The Minatrela ' 4. : The Vaudeville .-. J The Comic Opera -.' - The Latest Song Hits The Latest March The Grand Opera : : ' .' 5 Anything your heart . desires. All for 25c if you take ' advantage of this great and final offer " Id become a 7 JOURNAL READER And secure a $7.50 Co lumbia Graphophone ab solutely free. BY SPECIAL ARRANQEMENT WITH At :;365-37l Washington Street, Portland THE JOURNAL IS ENABLED TO RENEW THIS OFFER v Mail this coupon at once to the Circulation -Department and we will send ' a representative to your address: INQUIRY COUPON V Please have your solicitor calf to demonstrate the Great Free Grapho phone proposition. .' ' ' NAME.. .......i. J..-....:............. ADDRESS ..... W. .... M . make the Inffins; exceptionally eaajr, and because of the amount of - sugar plna this haa long been looked upon aa one of the moat dealrable tracts In Klamath county. The price paid Is aald to be about l an. acre. giefeued Mtoek Canned Ooods. Allen ft Lewis' Best Brand. pi nnif CARRIAGES WAGONS HARNESS mmm-mm n a a ami in ss-sassssssssssiasawasaBBasssss We Have Created a Demand for "The Celebrated. Studebaker That Can't Be Beat V Come In and Look at Them. ; Let Us Show You Our Carriage Heaters and Storm Aprons. STUDEBAKER BROS. CO. Northwest H H JJO-335 EAST MORRISON STREET. PORTLAND OREGON 'XaTsnMSSSSXaSSSSXX TEACHERS HOLD SESSIONS AT FOREST GROVE, Many Prominent ' Educators Take Part in Discussions at ' County Institute. (Special Otaeatck to Tke Joaraal.) Forest Grove, or., Dec I. The County Teacbera' Institute met In this city yes terday with a large attendance consider ing the' Inclement Weather. ' More than to teachera listened to the addreaaes of the Instructors. County Superintendent M. C. Caae of Hlllaboro haa arranged a most Interesting program for the vari oua sessions, which are held In Marsh hall -and in. Academy baiL The speakers are: . ..." . - J. ' H. Ackermait, 1 superintendent of publlo Instruction; D. A. Orout, principal of Portland Ladd achool; Dr. Oeorge E. Coghlll, Instructor of biology In Pacific university, r and Charles K. Bradley, In tructor - of chemistry . In Pacific unt- veralty. C. F. Jonea, editor of the lire gon Teacher's Monthly of Salem, la alao In attendance. , The program was as .follows: L&ngUage "Complementa,' . Ti A. Orout; '.'Physiology of the Nervoua Bya- tem," Dr. t:oghlll. .In the afternoon J. H. Ackerman dlecuaaed the "Course of Study." Dr. Coghlll gave aa tHustrated lecture on the "Physiology of Reaplra- tlon and D. A. Orout spoks -on "Ln guege, -'Restrictive and' Non-Restrictive Clauses." At the evening seaalon, which was- held In Brtlrhton- chapel,- Professor and -Mra.-F.-.T."Chapnian,fOf ;thi-unt-verslty conservstory of music, rendered a mualcal program, jshlch waa fallowed by an addreas by Superintendent J. H. Ackerman on "The School, and the Home." STRANGE. DISAPPEARANCE " OF ENTERPRISE MAN (Ipada! DUpatck to The JearsaLt Enterprlae, Or., . Dec. - I. Several months ago Mr.. Avery moved bla fam ily from Enterprise to North Dakota. Mrs.' Avery and her children have Just returned here. She relates that short ly after going to Dakota Mr.-Avery had occasion to go to on of the Banka for the purpose of Withdrawing a aum of money with which to pay his employes, and that from the time he was in the bank no on haa seen Mr. Avery. She says he haa. not communicated with her and that she Is unable to state jrhether ha Is alive or dead. . Mrs Avery la un able to account for his abaence. It it thought by soma of Mr. Avery's friends that he haa met with foul piny. It la a complete mystery what has ,beoome of January 1, 1906 Prices of All Lots in. , SOUTH ST. JOHNS Will Be Advanced Ten Per Cent . . Better Make Your Purchase ': V NOW. ; Small Cash Payment ' ; Down, and the Balance In - Easy MONTHLY- PAYMENTS Jhe Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 240 Washington Street, Corner Second i; ; PORTLAND, - - - - OREQON VICTIM OF WHIPPING ARRESTS ASSAILANT fSeed.1 IMepatrs to The Jtaeraal.t Walla Walla. Ween. Deo. I. Deputy Havlland and Conatable Peterson yes terday a treated O. W. Oeorge. the atate line farmer, who held up at the point of a platol laat Tuesday night, William Wll aon, a young Walla Walla river farmer, and beat' him wUh-4he butt end of a buggy whip. Oeorge waa found at hla home, tlx mllea weat of Walla Walla. Oeorge laughed and aald he waa expect ing the officers when they drove up. Wllsoa ba sworn out another war- Sixth SL 2 Quarter block, with new rk Improvement, ass,- OOOk paying lv per cent. Also a corner lot for $94,000. Both big money-makers. . ; , BlirnSldC St. n'y'brk. Mftooa uuiiioiuv ui Thl. loclUon u . sure winner. IfART LAND CO, 10 Sherlock Wdg. rant agalnat Oeorge, alleging that the atate line farmer haa threatened to kill him on ale:ht. Oeorge will be given a trial Monriity afternoon and a til) M gntlon of atate line reeldenta sr r pecled to be on huid. , CITY and SUBURBAN PROPERTY irdrs-jgVDOlf modern House, lot InxtAO, corner, one of the moat desirable homes in Portland, and In the choice ' realdence district, $7,000 terms. XIOXT-KOOX house, full brick base ment, with six lots each 10x103. barn and chlrken-houae, $4,0001 terms 00 down, balance at per cent.- " BJOXT-xiOOaC house, plastered through out, lot (0x1 17 H, SUSOOI terma 4w0. down, balanos at i per cent. XIOatT-BOOat new modem house on Twenty-eighth street, furnace, gas, electrlo light corner lot 70, price $4,0001 eaay terms. An elegant home. Ova Of TMM BUSY residences la East . Portland for sals on Tar liberal terms. m-noOK modem homo oa lvsjoy) for sale. SBTXIT-XOOK new up-to-date house, on. csr line, $1,4001 terms t0 down, lie per month.' XX-BOOMI new modem horn on Twen- ty-elghth atreet, $a,aO0 easy terms nx-kOOM new bouse at fib - Jobna $950. LOTg rOB UU on monthly paymetitaa on car line. BTira 1CIM, Improved, with t-roorm house, cloae to olty timita; price. u STEVENSON-BROWhCO no noon rrmxxT. RENTER. i i BUT A IIOMB IK ' FIRLAND WITH TOUR RENT MONET. - a H 1 1 -FIRLAND Is the choice tract in ttis center f Mount Scott dlatrtct, mlmife frnm thm rltv. nn the Mount Pvotr- txtr lln. Houses built to suit you and sol t coat wlth lota) at rnt rt"a lx' 10100 fet sell for $iaO (It l'n, per month). All invenlen'"a In Flritn-l - rM.l.fl clinl. tliiH.lii. ! i roumlinff. TiiKf ' I S-' ' ' ' " strta. !.-. - '" I aSltl 'H frtu''. V.i 'I "'''h '. til - -.I-" ' A. '. I . 1 . I .1 r A ' ' I i 1