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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY ; JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 8. lSQt. POINT TIE LOGGluG (IllLROi TO HEIIllLEfil DARGM. TUlii'H! IKE PLOTS PRESIDENT SEES WEST LMOO IS FOO HOT GUILTY. REAL LUXURY TO KILL CZAR ANNUAL GAME WITH i j cousin PROVES GRAND DU ANNAPOLIS THROUGH 1100 Charles Wright Civet Two Hun dred Dpllars to Woman With V , Hard-Luck Story, " f ' SECURITY GIVEN BY - HER PROVES A JEST She It Cousin All Right but the Rest of Her Statements Appear to Be Somewhat Mixed la Now Via iting the JaiL . . v fc ' TJvlnv In iuxurr at the Belvedere ho f tel on money Mid to have been obtained t from Charles Wright, one of the propria. tor of the Hotel Ornon, Mrs. R.- A. Blythe was arrested thla morning by Detectives Da and Vaughn. Wrlfht J says she. played on hla sympathy by p telling Mm that she was his cousin and h In aerioua trouble. It develops on In i vcstlgatlon that she told the truth about " her relationship to him but doubt la . cast on the rest of her story. It was a i good story, however, and Mr. Wrlaht donated 100, which ha wanta returned. Mrs. Blythe ts said to have come recently front Winnipeg-, Manitoba, with her husband. They reaiaterad at the Belvedere as Mr. and . Mrs. Edgerton Smith. - On Thanksgiving day Mrs. Blythe want to the hotel Oregon and In formed Mr. Wright that she was his i cousin. She convinced him of this, t thourh he had never seen her before, by I telling him ail about the other members ' of the family and recent events In 'eastern Canada with . which they were j connected. She then Informed him that : her husband had Juat met with an aect- ( dent It. Chicago by which his leg' had ; been broken, while he was on his. way : to meet here here. 1 "I have $1,000 on deposit In the Mont . real bank of Winnipeg," she said,' "and Will give you security If you will let ins ' have $200. I must hasten to Chicago ; and remain with my husband." Being In a hurry to go to th football - game, and satisfied tho woman was tela , tng the truth, Mr. Wright bad her sign a sight draft for $100 on ths Montreal bank, and gave her that amount. When he returned from tho ball game ha wired " tho bank at Winnipeg and discovered that Mrs." Blythe had no funds on de . posit' there. ' A complaint charging the obtaining of money by falsa pretenses wss filed and a warrant of arrest Issued. , Detectives Day and Vaughn located the t -woman this morning. ( Mrs. Blythe took her Arrest with an j .air of nonchalance, and declared that t she deposited the money In the Montreal j bank last July. . . . I ' "It really must be there-new," she ' 'said, "otherwise I don't see what can : have become Of It." When asked why eho-had said that V hr husband waa lying In a hospital In : Chicago, with a broken leg, she relapsed . Into silence. - She was placed In the ' rare of Police Matron Simmons, whom . she told she wss a visitor "Just seeing 7- thejatl. that's all."- Mrs. - Simmons tnAk lfiik nrOTsiitlnn. Ia o nnwAatalra inrt ' - lfarn that the woman waa charged with ' a. crime: otherwise she might have es- 7. caped from custody: -r . ... . . The husband Is a tall, beardless youth, with rosy cheeks, who wears a long tan F voat and a cap. He went to polios head r quarters to see officers relative to the ; arrest of his wlfe. He will not be held v In custody. Both Blythe and his wife i are said to be members of wealthy and . : aristocratic families. : - t FRANK WATKINS QUITS PLACE WITH t). R. & N. W. Prank Watklns, for two years past private secretary te A. I Craig, general passenger agent of the Harrl- ., man lines In Oregon, has resigned to accept . a similar position with J. H .Barbour. Inspector In charge of Chinese immigration at thla pork E. C. Flem . lug. for several years a stenographer I In, the general passenger department, will succeed blm In Mr. Craig s office. Mr. Watklns entered the employ of . the Hivrrimsn lines five years sgo and has been continuously In the passen ger department. He recently passed the .. federal civil service examination. Hs begins work tn Mr. Barbour's office next Monday. . . v ' PROMOTION COMPANY RAIDED BY POLICE r ':".;",:' IJnnrssI Special Bervlee.) Chicago, Dec. 2. The offices of the r Pacific Underwriting Trust company, . rlalmlng headquarters at Ban. Jra ncisco. v . -u. 1 , . l. i r i.iucu vj 1 iiw yvum uis ui 11 , 1 1 ( . , li C. Talmadge Was arrested snd charged with working a confidence game. Miss Frances Mason, sister of ex-Senator 1. Mason, and several others are the com plaining witnesses, alleging that Tal- madge offered to finance companies needing money for development and pocketed the preliminary fses.- ' . The police declare that the operations . of fhe company' extend over all the country. It Is claimed that the office of 12 like concerns will be raided. MEXICANS INSULTED AT APPOINTMENT OF NEGRO .,!. ., (JwmI Speclst Serrire.) 1 - Ouanajuato, Mei , Dee, ' 2. A hegre hss-'st-Mved from Chicago with creden tials showing he has been' appointed 1 'tilted States consul, displacing Dwlght Fumes, wrte of the wealthiest and most - romlnent .Americana .in Mexico. GuanHjUstovtm population of H.000 peipl'". Including many Americans. It' ,.ls th greatest -mining city. In Mexico. American 'vend Mexicans 'alike ere greatly aroused ever the appointment of negro as consul. protests are being prepared against the appointment. - . Kay tOaasatk meal Setate. . (Heeelsl Dictate ts The JoaraaL) Klsmsth Fills, nr . rtei. . u u w nwuriw, iniuumis, nil J I PI rurclis-d .three Main street properties . aggregating' $ 14.008. someof It bring . Ing ISO a front, font. On one of tfiese a fine stone. or brick business block will he erected In ths early spring,-and he Is considering the matter of erecting a large hotel end rooming-house on an other. Hawkins Brown of Hoilis- ier.Cs! I forpla, promoters of the Klamath Canal company, recently passed Into the hands of the government, are back and have made large purchases of real eatate the .last -"week and . are contemplating bidding on the first section of the gov ernment eanal and tunnel. atoreeae Oeaunlt Suicide. , (Jmsrssl Sserlsl gerviee.) Tokio, Deo. 2. 'Three Koreans, leading statesmen, committed suicide yeeterdsy In despair because of the Japaaeee ton trcl at Seoul.. " ' t ; "'.'.".; Emperor's Cousin, Demetrius Constantinovitch, Is Reported . as Would-Be Assassin. ;' POLESnARE WARNED NOT TO PAY TAXES TO STATE T ' Patriotic Societiea Threaten Death to TKbae Who Disobey Command Hundreds of Teachers Run Out of the Public Schools of Poland. (Joaraal Special Sarrlre.) 8t Petersburg. Pec I. There seems little doubt of the truth of the rumors regarding the attempted assassination of the csar. Confirmation cornea from several quarters of the grand dukes' plot to get rid of Nicholas and so per haps declare a dictatorship. ? Reports today state that It was not Vladimir who made the attempt upon the ,csar' life, but the emperor's cousin, the Grand Duke Demetrius Constantinovitch. But little news Is coming Into the cap ital from the Interior. The tie-up of the wires la most complete. . Reports from Poland . stste that ' three revolutionary parties there have agreed to send a warning out to all . roles not . to pay tases under penalty of death. Hundreds of Russian school teaohers .have been driven from-Poland and school - books containing pictures of the csar burned.. At Warsaw 11 Cossacks were killed In riot growing out of the strike last night. ' The workmen demanded that ths employers should pay them for the time they had lost during the strike. Three thousand workman started . to make trouble, -troops were called out and casualties resulted. Mutmes are; -reported at Astrolenka 1 and at Vllkovlchl. where the soldiers set fire to their barracks and threatened to murder the offlcera unless better pay waa given them. .The' Fourteenth regi ment lof dragoons at Eydtkuhnen has also mutinied.- -All these ' posts are In Polapd. BLOODY SUNDAY. XatematVnuU Soelalist OoaaeU to fexete Anniversary of ataasaore. - ' (Jeorsal Special Barries.)' Brussels. Dec. 1. The , International Socialist council today adjourned after consideration of a proposition for help ing the Russian revolutionists. Beyond agreeing1 to the suggestion of American delegates to celebrate the anniversary or- the massacre or Bt. Petersburg on January II next la every city in the world where Socialists are active, but iitue wss accomplished. ; ' REFUSES TO USE OFFICE AS COLLECTION AGENCY Governor r Chamberraln : Wants , Assurance 'That "Utaht Au ' thorities Are Right ". Fred H. Perkins la not to be taken beck to Salt Lake City by Sheriff C. Frank Emery unless It Is shown by Monday that the prosecution le acting In good faith. On the othet hand, the father of the prisoner must prove thst the bondsmen of his son aa agent for mining companies are willing that the charge of embeslement agatnat htm be dismissed. This la the ukase of Gov ernor Chamberlain. Telegrams which conflict In almost every particular were shown the governor by Sheriff Emery .and the senior Per kins this morning In the extradition pro ceedings taking place before the gov ernor in his office at the Chamber of Commerce building. The father reached here thla morning. 1 . - ' "I do not Intend to . allow my office to be 'used as a collection agency," aald Governor Chamberlain. "If thla man has committed a crime and the intention te to prosecute him, well and good. But I shall not order him returned to Utah, so that his relatives can be forced to pay back money which he may have eg' Bended." . Perkins father declared that he waa willing to pay back the money hla son had used which belonged to the mining companies. . EVANGELICAL CHURCHES MEET IN CONVENTION The Portlsnd branch of the Christian and Missionary alliance la meeting In Its annual convention at the First Chris tian church today and will continue to morrow, having opened sessions yeeter dsy afternoon. The alliance Is made up of members of any of the evangelical denominations, end alms to promote fel lowship, work and prayer.. It supports a large number of missionaries lo va rious countries. This morning. Rev. R. D. Nichols of Ka lama. Washington, spoke on "Our Co operation With QodV!.and presented the aims of ths alliance and the methods used In spreadlrrg-the gospel. Rev. A. B. Eddy of Seattle epoke on "Cornelius," msklna- the meetlnr with" Peter the theme of his sddresa. Dr. Henry Wilson of New Tork will preach this evening and tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, and In the afternoon at 4 o'clock he will ad dress the T. M. C. A. SECURING. RIGHT-OF-WAY TOR PILOT ROCK ROAD (Sneehil Bliss Mil te The Jearssl.t ' Pendleton, err.. " Dec. I. Efforts are being made by Clinton K. Roosevelt of this city to secure the right of way to build a railroad from this place to Pilot Rock, a distance of II imeai Mr. Roose velt Is one of the msln promoters of the project, end It ie likely that If the road la built aa fa as Pilot Reck It will soon be built on to the timber belt In the southern, part of the stste. The road will be a regular standard gauge line, and will be built In a solid nd sub stantial manner. The read will pase through a rich farming district, and is tributary to large -stock ranches:! . Salt Stoag-ht ea Votes. - Oeorge W. Holcomb thla morning brought a sulk.. In the ' circuit court against W. A. Currle, Helen Cooper aad Ulllan Brong for 11,276, alleged to be due on two promissory notes.. . Korea Killed la Wreck. , (Jnarsal SpeHil, Bervlee.)t .' ' Madrid. Dec. f. Eleven wera killed Ie a railway, collision' t 1- today. . v'"',.''' GAMES OV ARMY AND NAVT. r- IStO. ... .Navy tl. Army. 0 1(91 , Army JJ, Navy It liJ... Navy It, Army 4 1 &93 e,e.eesea 18&ees4ee 100 1901 ,.. 10S 10S... . .IS'avy , Army ..Army 17, Navy . I ..Navy 11, Army 7 . .Army II, .Navy I ..Army 12. Navy-" . .Army 40, Navy I , .Array 11, Navy 0 rVArray 1, Navy 6 If0. 1101. (Joaraal Special Berries.) Princeton, N. J.. Dec. 1. The "football special" from Washington, carrying President Roosevelt. Miss .Alice Roose velt and other, members of the presl dent's family. Sir Henry Durand, the British ambassador. Secretaries Root snd Taft, Admirals George Dewey and Bob' Evens and many army and navy officers, arrived at 12:23 o'clock this afternoon to witness the army and navy football game. There were elx coaches filled with officials, diplomats, senators and representatives. Secretary. Bona parte waa unable to attend, but was rep resented by Assistant Secretary New berry. "; There waa an Immense crowd early POLICE RELEASE MAN HELD - FOR KILLING 'hysicians Decida That Edward Wheeler Died n North End . Dive of Alcoholic Epilepsy. ; Acting on the report of Dr. T. Cau- thorn. city-phyalolan.-ndmrniay MT Mat son, city health officer, who per formed an autopsy on the body of Ed ward Wheeler,' their finding being sup ported' by the written recommendation of Coroner Flnley.-the police last night discharged Thomas White - from cus tody.- He wss arrested -yesterday after noon by Station Officer Oolt onthe Itrensth. of statements mads by eye wit nesses, wbo asserted that Wheeler's death was due to blowa administered by White. James Campbell and a Inegro asserted positively that White struck Wbeeley on the head and face and lnthe region Of the stomsch. The physicians examined him and were unable to find a mark of any 'kind showing that be had been dealt a blow, except a small cut on the forehead that easily could have resulted from a fall. , . ... 'Numerous patrons - of Tom Fallon's saloon, where the death 'occurred, volun tarily went to police headquarters and said that while White slapped Wheeler with a towel and ordered him from the saloon, he did not strike the man. with his fists. The verdict or the physicians wss that alcoholic epilepsy . was- the eguse of death. . Campbell. Harrr Howard, and John Johnson, held aa witnesses, were also released from custody. Ed Garrett, an other witness-was held on a charge, of drunkenness and this morning fined 22 oy .cung ronce Judge Young. EMBEZZLING EXPRESS ' r . MESSENGER CAPTURED (Sneels! Dlnstrh to The Journal 1 PwndttronrOr.rDeo.-2. Boyd Rednor, the express messenger who stole a 11,000 package from the Pacific Express com pany In this city a month sgo, "Was cap tured and returned here today by express officials. They will not divulge where he was captured. Rednor Is being "sweated" this afternoon In the hopes of securing a confession. . .... STEAMER AND CREW OF NINETEEN LOST . - . . (JesnMl Special Berries.) . . '- -Chicago. Dec. 2. The steel lake steamer Ira H. Owens Is believed to have been wrecked during the big storm and her entire crew of It men are thought to have perished. The vessel waa Isst seen off the ' Aposile group by the steamer H. B. Nye Tuesday last flying distress ' signals. Today a mass of Miss Martha Craig, Arctic explorer. ' fat - ,,AV!Sb of gravitation is wrong; that wt need not die if we thoroughly under stand the laws of nature, but can cause ' our bodies to dissolve and leavt our spirit free. ' " - , " ' . 1 ; on the ground, the distinguished guests vlelng with the two teams as attrac- . ths nubile. The president was entertained at the home of presiaent wimuu 111 m " verslty. The army and navy visitors were entertained at Princeton Inn and the cadets at the gymnasium of the university." All the gate receipts sfter A,tettn sinenses will be turned over to the fund for orphans and wives of those who served In the army -end navy. A driisling rain began shortly before 2 o'clock and dampened the ardor of the football crowd. Thie mornings maica tlons wcie clean, so few had brought umiirellaa. The delay in the train service kept part of the stands empty until late. The oresldentlal party - arrived on the grounds promptly at 1 o'clock. Aa soon as the prealdent was seen by the crowds a great cheer greeted him. , He waa es corted to seats directly opposite the cen ter of the field and the game started. The score 'for the first half stood Army (. Navy 0. The game was fast and there waa much , punting. By a series of rushes and! short gains the ball was taken to the1 Navy's one-yard line. . where Torney was pushed over for a touchdown and Week'a kicked goal. wreckage waa sighted by Incoming boats. nearMichigan Island, among the debris being chslns, the top of a cabin and a number of life preservers bearing the Owen'a name. She waa built in Cleve land In 1S87. carried a. cargo of 11 0,000 bushels of barley, end , waa insured for Advices from 'Detroit giving figures of the great destruction wrought by the big storm place the loas of life at 110 persons snd more than TO vessels wrecked, the total loss In dollars being $7,000,000. ; - . iNDiANsnrcouNcir TO OPEN RESERVATION (Special Dispatch to The Joereal.) Spokane, Dec. 2. Two hundred Indi ans met government officials In council over the proposed opening of the south half of the Colvtlle reserve t Ion at old Fort Spokane. '"The agreement proposes that the Indians' shall recelve from the government ' $1,600,000 or lands pre viously, ceded on -the north half, the Indiana not already aflotted lands to be given. (0 acres for each man, woman and .child, . The mineral lands are to be sold by the- government and the pro ceeds held In trust for the. Indians. As sooaae the agreement is approved the Sum -Of 1100,000 ia to, be appropriated from the 21,500,000 and distributed pro rata among the Indiana... PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE UP THE LITTLE SALMON (Special Dispatch te The Jserasl.) Flora, Or., Dec. 2. -Rogers Brothers, owners of a large trsct of land at the mouth of the Grand Ronde river, and foandera of Rogersburg, have had' a sur vey made up the river to the Little Sal mon for an electrlo line system. They wish a connection wlth theWallowa Valley railway system " ,?'V. .' - . . " . z : V ' r ., .... injure 7 ajaw. v l V -(Special Dtspatek to The JearasLl 1" . Newbergj Deer- VSeday-. Joht Sher wood, while helping to. adjust the saw In the Spauldlng company's mill, caught his left hand In the saw and three lin gers were all but cut off. He Was nrntignt in tna nrrme or i.imexiam at Romlg. They have hopes of saving, the lingers. - - ' Vsw Bank at rreewaaar. ' (Special Dispatch te The Joaraal.) Free water. Or., Dec. 1. J. I Elam of Walla Walla announces that he will establish a bank at Milton or Freewater In the near future, plana for the build, tng have ajrebdy been approved. Overrules SeiaarreT. United Statea Circuit Judge Gilbert thla morning overruled the demurrer in the case of M. T.. B. K. and J. R. Flan gan and M. E. Jesseph against "the Fargo Gold Copper Mining company. The suit waa brought recently t6.Keep the defendanta from obtaining a patent to mining properties In eastern Oregon. North Yamhill publto school building being considerably Improved. She alleges that; ths whole theory i ... ? S Benson Is -Building Une to Market Great Tract of Valy , liable Timber There. . six Miles of track READY FOR OPERATION Route 'Is Up Clatikanie River, Through Low Pass Across Divldt and ty an Easy Grade on East Fork of Nehalem. ' S. Benson, the logger, will have a rail road in operation for 12 miles toward the heart of the Nehalem country with' In a year. Already he baa atz miles built and has rails ordered and ready for shipment to construct the other six milea. ' . V . " ' After building that portion, then by extending his road three miles further. Mr. Benson will have entered the center of the rich Nehalem, where he - now owns 21.000 to 40,000 acres of fine tim ber landa. ' . .- Mr. Benson operates under the atyle of the Benson Logging Milling com pany, but he owne every share except ing one, and haa built hla aix-mlle road with funds from his logging business. Hs has Issued no bonds, and does not owe a dollar. "I have a route tip the Clatskaate river to near the summit, .a" low pasa across the divide, and an easy grade along the east fork., of the Nehalem river," said MrBenson todayJThe maximum" grade for 'the entire route is one and one half per cent" .- v The fiver end of the road connects with the Astoria A Columbia River and the projected Inland terminus is Pitts burgh. That town ts in ths center of the rich territory which cruises 0,000,000 feet to the quarter section, and the land has been reported on by timber and railroad eirperts as -fertile. With a river landing ojt the north terminus, Mr. Benson is in an independ ent position with reference to other rail lines. He has Just bought 1.S1I acrea of fine timber landa from John Dobaon and Francis Donahoe In the Ne halem valley. E. A. Frost, A. U Mat tlngly and Frank Manning of Chehalls were intereated In the tract. The lest lands-purchased are the key to the logging situation of that portion of the Nehalem and gives Mr. Benson the-command of other landa not yet bought.-. - . FEAR. OF HUSBAND WAS IYHY SHE SOLD Mrs. Simmons Wants Quarter. Block Back Which She Sold Under Compulsion. -v . ..? , - 'r ... - r... ii ;v r .--;;;. 'VCti. Margaret Simmons occupied the witness stand In Judge Clelsnd's court several hours this morning, answering cross-examination questions asksd her by Attorney Ed Mendenhsll. Mrs. Shn- mTOsiruthaTrthir-ernair-for quarter block on the northwest corner of Sixth end Flanders streets, which she deeded to him October 21, 1202. She al leged .that ehe waa forced to sign the papers by a former husband. C 8. Fer rle, whom she feared. The property was sold for 111,710. . v During the direct examination yea. terday, Mrs. 8lmmons Is averred to have said that during the year 1202 she did not remember specific acts done by her. But during that year Mendenhall, who Is Klernan'a attorney, stated that the woman' had been an Important witness in a lawsuit, and proved a good one. Mrs. Simmons seld that Ferris left her soon after the sale was made, and that for this reason she would not have anything more to do with him. . Men denhall produced two letters sold to have been written by Mrs. Ferris to Ferris, one dated February 4, 1102, In which aha told her husband that she wanted to live .with him- and that they could be happy, aa her folka are said to haver been the cause of the fam ily troubles. Several daya afterward, Mrs. Ferris sued for . and received divorce. The witness said that during 102, ahf sold Union avenue-- property to W. H. Casey but that she would not sue him to return It because ehe received full value for the aame. BOY'S MEMORY IS SUSPICIOUSLY WEAK . Though only 11 years of age, C. H. Bonner took the witness chair. In the police court this morning before Acting Judge Young and gave such testimony thst Deputy City Attorney Fltigerald. In disgust, dismissed a charge of selling liquor which the lad had preferred against Frank Aylwtn, proprietor of the Mass cafe, end asked that the witness b punished. Bonner waa arrested drunk. on Alder street about 11S0 o'clock Thanksgiving morning by Patrolman Cole. He In formed the policeman that he had been drinking at the Mase cafe, A complaint waa drawn against Proprietor Aylwln by Mr. Fltigerald and.8igned by Bonner, under ostn. : This. morning, when the boy topk the stand to testify hs said! that he could not remember what he drank, nor where he procured It. He was questioned by Mr. Fltigerald, who finally grewLangry anTT asked the court to dismiss the charge against Aylwln. Judge Xoung Imposed the minimum penalty of 110 and the boy wtnt to Jail to serve five days. He was cautioned by the court against repeating the crime of perjury. , - , YOUNG GIRL DIES ON SCOW IN RIVER Bessie Cameron, aged 15 years, 4 months and 10 days, died this morning at 1:20 o'clock. She was living alone with her father, on a scow on the water front. When Dr. Edna Floano was sent for a few days ago the klrl wss found destitute and 111 with paralysis. Some young women became Interested in .the case, brought her a Thanksgiving din ner and did what they could for her. She wee to have been sent to the Mag dalene home today.. . t , Depew Will Keep Job. (Joqrnsl gpselsl Service.) New Tork, Dec. 2. Depew saye the report that he hss resigned his seat In the senate is absurd,' and declares that he never thought of such a thing. Conflict Between Rival Roads Avoided Because Promontory Is' School. Land. WALLULA PACIFIC BUSY , - . GETTING RICHT.OF.VyAY President ". Oerlinger Scouts as Ab- surd Idea That Northern Pacific Will Let Milwaukee Corn Down - Columbia Over Its New Tracks. - A conflict at Cape Horn, Washington, between surveyors and construction men of two rival rajlroade, theWallula Pa. clflo and. tht Northern Pacific, was avoided o the fact that the Ht.rn hap pened to be on a school section. Both roads were able to purchase, for bags telles the right to pass over the land and tunnel through the famous rocky prom. ontorv.. ; - . President I Oerlinger of the Wallula Paclflo Railway company oonflrma re porta from the north bank that he haa a large force of men employed on right of-way work from Wallula to Vanoouver. The old Columbia valley route la. being followed closely, and it la aald the Wal lula. Paclflo haa absorbed that com pany's holdings. .... - No conflict haa yet occurred between Wallula Paclflo and Northern Pacific surveyors or graders, but trouble ie ex. pected when the rival forces reach ground thst la claimed by both. The Columbia Valley had the first right of way at Caper Horn, and Its survey calls for a tunnel 2. tie feet long. The Northern Pacific's survey parallels it with a slightly shorter tunnel, closer to the river's edge. A short distance west' of the Horn the Northern Paclflo Is said to have surveyed ite line across the Wallula Paclflo right of way in two different places, about a mile apart. There will be a conflict when 'both roads attempt conatructlon. '. Mr. Oerlinger said the report that the Milwaukee . would come down the Co-' tumble over the Northern Pacific's new tracks waa inspired by Northern Pacific right-of-way men to assist in forming public sentiment In their favor. "There ie not the slightest probability that such a combination would be made," he aald. He atlll asserts thst he Is not In formed as to the identity of eastern in terests for which he is working, but ad' mtts that a transcontinental railroad will come into Portland over the tracks of the Wallula Pacific, and that the funda for purchaae of light of way eome from New Tork. In the name of hie company a right of way 100 feet wide, and In some places zoo feet, is being purchased. He atated that conatructlon work would not be postponed much longer. THREE VICTIMS TELL - TROUBLES JO POLICE Fred Wert reported to the police this morning that he wee robbed et a gold watoh. la a saloon., at Third and, Ash streets. J. P. Callson's vallae waa either etolen or taken by mistake while he was on hia way hsre from Astoria lost night. In its place wes left a valise containing ptperi witmnt name of c w. Ackiey. Ia the valise which disappeared were a-ult of clothing and a gold watch. The police are not Inclined to believe the atory told by Jamea Noble, aged T2 years, who says he waa robbed of 212 while on hla way here over ' the Northern Pacific from Butte. Montana. Hla daughter purchased him a ticket to California. The police will endeavor to send the deetltute old man to hla destination aa soon aa possible, aa hla ticket la for passage on a boat which will not Ball until December . ' COST FIFTEEN THOUSAND TO SECURE THE JURY (Journal SoteUl Berries.) . Chicago, Dec. 2. Kmil O. Reenter, the twelfth Juror In the case of the of ficials of the carriage end wagon mak- era' union, accused of slugging and kill Ing Christian . Carlstrom. was accepted today and the court adjourned prepara tory . to the Introduction of , evidence agalnat the defendants. The case haa no parallel In criminal jurisprudence. Four thousand one hundred and twenty five veniremen were summoned, 1,1J examined and the majority dismissed on account of 111- health, deafness, age or prejudice. The examination began September 11. The cost of empanel' ling the Jury exceeded 111,000,. M'CALL AND PERKINS ' 1 FORMED CONSPIRACY .u Xlceniel Special Berries.) Jefferson City, Mo., Dec. 2.- State Su perlntendent of Insurance Vandlver to day rued a return in .the New York Life's petition fori an Injunction against Vandlver'a ousting- the company from the state. The return charges President MoCall and Vice-President Perkins with conspiring to control the company by the proxy aystem, to put relatives upon the payroll at salarlea far beyond their merits. They are accused oi naving in creased their own salarlea te exorbitant figures ad accused .of making false entries- to hide campaign contributions. SELLW00D SECURES ONE CARRIER. ALBINA TWO Postmaster John Mlnlo' this morning received a telegram rrom the postal de partment at Washington, District of Co lumbia, announcing that 'hie requests for two additional t letter-carrlere to work- from Station B In Alblna. and an other carrier for the Bell wood district had been allowed. Mr. Mlnto will begin working witn tne aepartment Tor an other carrier In the west side residence dj strict to eover the Nob hill territory. Bark Street Xa So geroas. August Eberhardt fell and broke hla leg last night on Clackamas atreet, near the east end' of the steel bridge. No street light Is said to have been burning In that vicinity. ' He was taken to Sui Vincent a hospital in tne ponce ambu lance. The read at the point where the accident occurred is eald to be In a dangerous condition. ' BagtarS'lSoared Away. , " An attempt waa made to rob Gra ham's grocery atore, Benton and Clack amas streets. In Alblna, Isst midnight. The intruders had succeeded in opening the front door when the unexpected ap proach of Peter K-llch, a specie I po liceman, frightened them away, So far as known nothing was .taken. - Physician . Declared to Be Inno cent of Being Accessory in -Suit-Case Murder.. CRAWFORD AND HUNT - SENT TO PENITENTIARY Surgeon States That He' Performed Operation to Savs Girl's Life and ' That H Had Nothing to Do With Cutting the Body Up. (Joaraal gpeelsl Boston, Mass., Dec: 1. The Jury which has been hearing the evidence In . the trial of Dr. Percy Demllle McLeod.' the: Back Bay physician who la accused of being an accessory after the fact to ' the death of Susanna Geary, the victim of the sult-caae murder mystery, this morning returned a verdict of not guilty. Douls Crawford and William B. Hunt, who pleaded guilty , to the aame charge, were sentenced to six end seven years each by Judge Stevens, before whom the ease hae been tried. McLeod was ac cused of .having performed an Illegal operation upon Miss deary and the ease nas been on trial all week and went to the Jury yesterday afternoon. xr. lcLod In hla own defense rest I- . fled that he did not dismember the body -of the chorus girl and denied any con nection lth - the of floes, where the operation was perforated., - ua -awors .' . that be had never been Inside the .house where the glrK died until" summoned to perform in eperal1on t0aaveMts Geary's life. He stated that he waa -. called In by Dr. , John H. Pettee. who testified a few daya ago that he himself had been summoned there by Dr. Mo- . beod. . .' After McLeod testified further that - lie bed discovered that an Illegal opera tion had previously been - performed upon the young woman, making a second -operation necessary aa the only hope of saving her life, he-awore that -he did not see her after death and thst he did not dismember the girl's body. The dress suit-case-mystery Is one of the police sensations of the year. The ', torso was found September 11 floating in a dreaa eult case. November the head waa found at the bottom of the ' bay In a grip loaded down with ahot. Crawford and Hunt when arrested made a complete confession and admitted dropping the body from the ferry into, the bay. Baying that the girl died by - blunder and v that a physician was forced to sever the body under threats. SAVS DAUGHTER GAVE UP EVERYTHInG FOR LOVE Left Sunday School, Church, and Home for Guy Reynolds, Says Mother, "My girl left her' Sunday school.' W church, her lodge, her home, her every thing for Ouy Reynolds." On ths witness stand In Judge Franer court this morning MrSj H. H. yrlghi of Troutdale, - mother of Mrs. Our E. Reynolds, told of her dsughter's love. Reynolds and his wife have been living separately for several weeks, aha hav- ' Ing their 1-year-old daughter. Reynolds haa brought habeaa corpus proceedings to secure poaseaalon of the child. ' ,' Mrs. Wright told of numerous quar rels, two or three of which were before the marriage. ' The witness also - said that ahe had been Informed that her son-in-law had called her daughter a profane name.- - , , - H. H. Wright, father of Mrs. Rey nolds, told of Reynolds' calling at the Wright home to inquire regarding the child. Mr. Wright ssld that he advised hla aon-ln-law to make up. . "Quy." aald the witness, "told me that It would be Just aa Impossible for them to make up aa It would be for me to curse my God. Mr. Wright said that he was willing to de ell In hie power for hia daughter and granacniia. - William Wright, a brother of Mrs. Reynolds, also told of little . family ' troubles he hsd seen and heard of. Dr. Moere told of two operatlona performed on Mrs. Reynolds. Dr. McLean aalf that he had heard Reynolda abuse hm wife, i i T LEWIS INDICTED FOR V CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD (Joerasl Special Brvlee.t St Louis, .Dec. 1. Two Indictments, one charging uss of malla to defraud, the other conspiracy to defraud, have been retefned against K. O. Lewis, pres ident of the defunct United Ststea bank. by the federal grand Jury." William Fl Miller and Frank J. Abbott are Indicted for conspiracy ; in connection with the same. , - (; -..... DOCTORS FEAR GIRL WILL NOT RECOVER ' Rosa Verlta, the girl who waa burned ao badly yeeterday morning at the home of Mra. K. M. Vance, Is not expected te live, although the doctors say that in auahssee several daya usually elapse before the patient's ohances can be fair ly estimated. The girl waa delirious at a late hour thle afternoon, and very weak, she la at Bt. Vincent s hospital. ' WYOMING TOWN IS - WIPED OUT BY FIRE , N . . ' v " -- '(Special Dispatch te The Josraal.) - v Chevenne. Wyo.. Dec. 1. Cokevllle. Wyoming, on the Oregon Short Line, waa wiped out by rire tnie morning. No lives were lost. The damage la es timated at 1111,009. ( . . ; . Big- Sail a aaUwaakle.' ' (Special Dispatch te The Joorasl.) -Mllwaukls. Or.. Dec 1. Elaborate preparations sre being, made today for the masquerade ball that will be given tonight by the Milwaukle band in the W. O. W.- hall. . s -- DELIGHTFUL NEWPORT.: Splendid - Weather at This JpepaUt .. JPeeUe Coast BeeorV- Delightful in every .particular la the weather at Newport, and the Souther Paclflo and the Corvallls Eastern rail roads have resumed their cheep rates to this place for the winter. Particulars by asking at Third snd Washington streets. Portland,. ... ... -' "It r 1' ;