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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER g, 1805. IlARRILlAtrS HAND IS UNLIISTAKAGLY ' TO PROTECT RJ CE FIEL DS O F H AW A 1 1 SEEN IN WELCH APPLICATION ST. JOHNS ' . ' ! Evidence That Willaniett. Val "ley Traction , Company ' Is v Controlled by Him. . . " PHILADELPHIA PACKERS . .. v IN LEAGUE WITH MAGNATE ". Southern Pacific Has Not Opposed Franchise Grant fa Other. Towns, ; Permitting Suppoeedly Rival Koad to Cut Into Its Monopoly in Valley 1': t.M.n that the Willamette Valley i Traction company ta controlled In the Interest or ne tiarrinmni -eymeui been uncovered In the discovery of con- riectlon between Rhode. Sinclair , Butcher of Phlladelpliis. backer of the ti action concern, and the New Tork co- terte tn whlcn Mr,, llerrtman He doml- 'eating factor. ' .' When T. R. Sheridan, the Roeeburg : banker, applied for the rront atreet - franchiser the intimation waa given tha t '; If (ranted It would bo found to be in Mr. Harrlmane Interest Mr. Sheridan I then cot out of the way, and the an- - nouncement waa given that the Wlllam ' ette Valley Traction company had ac ' quired the interest in the enterprl - held by Mr. Sheridan and that the latter no longer had tha remotset connection v". with lt.- T' x A. Welch or Salem, manager of the - Cltrene "tight ft Traction company. ; appeared, aa the' representative of the ? Willamette Valley Traction ' company. . He said that the firm of Rhodes, Sin clair Butcher of Philadelphia waa the financial power that was to -furnish the -capital to build the road between Port land and Salem -and the line on Front street If Mr. Sheridan's application waa - granted in Its altered form.- Inquiry as to tha identity, of Rhodes, Sinclair Butcher developed that they . are connected with New York financier and that, the "New, Tork group include " H H. Harrlman aa on of Its dominant factors, j ' ' '.'. ' " ? Informed men say that It la probable ? that Mr.. Sheridan did not Know zoi whom h was asking the Front atreet franchise;. that It is not unlikely that Mr. Welch was equally Ignorant of the ; primary power that would control mi j corporation ' if the. franchise were granted. He said to The Journal several day ago that" nearly all tha capital ' stock ef the Willamette Valley Traction ' company ""had been distributed by the . Philadelphia house to lta 'New Tork " , associates. -' That the real control of the . traction company rests with the rail road1 wlsard ef tha west, is not doubted 'by well Informed men,- , 7 Surprising fact In addltlonare alo , discovered 1 The final copy of the franchise asked for by the Willamette ''Valley Traction company waa filed ye :.:terday with, the city .council.. It ema nated from the office of Barstow V Chambers, civil engineers. - Mr. Barstow is the representative of New Tork finan cial Interests which are seeking to con- ' trot the electric water power altea of ' this state and the entire coast.') Mr. 'Chambers I associated with him. That ithe financial Interest of New Tork ' ' who are seeking control of the electric puejei uf tlie tjuast am ifrillwo tha ' Harrlman, group of financiers , also affirmed from reliable sources. . Motrtettr fo iaaapettaioa. -tTIi logle-of tha situation appear to be that financier realise that electricity ; I soon to- be the motive power of trans portation, especially In Oregon. There ara so many power altea here that the aupply of electricity la for ail practical purposes unlimited. v ' i-Among tha advanced exponents of engineering Bclnce," said one of the " foremost engineer of the state, today, the fact that electricity will dominate the transDOrtalon situation In a few year Is aa familiar now aa tha law of sravltr. In fact, tha entire coast region is dotted with power altea where po- tenttHlly Is from half a million to a million of horse-power running to waste. To harness Jhls stupendous power and make It haul people and goods from ,. . point to point la tha one problem of the day. and tha .big men of tha east are right now sattiqg their best engineer at work to solve it. - "Tha project for a ISO. 000.000 corpo ration to control' the electricity of the coast Is .hot a dream; It is a conception . of '.practical men who have swung big things and who know that this Is the next large project that mut be carried through by those who wish to dominate the transportation of tha west, a - , ' "Mr. Harrlman proposes to be fore Tha Amen I ef marriage U always a baby. Without it, wedlock la a lummer Held that aavar bloom, a flowef that never buds, a night without (tars, a sermon without a ben ed letloa, a prayer wlth- out an Amen. ' There never waa a hus band worthy of the name, who did not expire to be ti lather ana toe grana father of healthy, capable children, to hand down hie name and the fortune ac cumulated by the sweat of hit brow, from generation to generation. There never was a wife fit to hear that noble title, who did not wWh to wear womanhood' most glorious crown, the sceptre of sa other--hood. Thousands of wedded couples, ..... otherwise happy, fall ahort-ot wedlock's - greatest happiness because they are child less. In too majority of caaee, this la be ' cause tbe wife, through Ignorance or neg- ; I eel. suffers from weakness and disease of the orgaaa distinctly feminine. Far . women who suffer In this war there Is ' one great medicine that H - accompnin ita purpose, it is nr. tierce s Favorite Prescription. It acta directly on tbe delicate organ concerned and makes them strong, healthy, vigorous and virile. It allay In Bam ma lion, heals -uloeration. soothes pain and tone the shattered nerve. It flu for wifehood and mother hood. It qulrkena and vitalizes the dis tinctly feminine organism. - It banishes the maladies of the expectant month and makes baby's Introduction to the world easy and almost painless. In Insure the little new-comer a health and nourish ment In plenty. Ill the best supportive tnnie. for nursing mother. MraJennle Parka of Marshall. Spokane f. Wuh.. wtlie-et " I am glad to sell of the rood result of your ares medicine Dr. Pleree'e rsrorlte Prew-Hptkia. It aires me strength, hare no tired 1 eel Ins- and Biy baby le the plmireof beaiifc, Jl (eel better taesv I hire In tea years. . . . In caara ot constipation Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used as an ad junct to Fa vorlte Prescription. The art eitrnmoly almple. perfectly natural and Insure prompt and permanent relief. handed and get in on tha ground floor and own the power sites, with tnese he would be-able to laugh at rivals such aa James J. Hill, President Karllng and the heads of other large roads and vir tually to own the western half of the American! continent. Merely Ostensible Opposition. I. W. Anderon 1 the weetern repre sentative of Rhode. Sinclair Butcher. Mr. Anderson formerly waa the manager of tb Tacorna Land company, serving In that capacity after the ulclde of Paul - Schulae, who waa the manager during the boom time on. Puget aound. Mr. Anderson haa promoted several en terprises and has paid out large auma of money for the Philadelphia house. More than ! 1250.000 has been disbursed through Portland, and even larger sums at other points. All business trans acted for Rhodes, Sinclair ft Butcher of Philadelphia la done at the Instance of Mr. Andersen. All other persona -who handle matters for that house are sub ject to - the order -of - Mr, -Anderson. This last statement was verified fijy Mr, Welch in person. . f In Portland the legsl counaal of. the Harrlman line are offering ostensible opposition to" the granting of tha Front street franchise to Mr. Welch or to Tbomaa McCusker. W. D. Fenton, at torney for the Southern Pacific, ha ap peared before therdty -cooncll to object. and on the eurfac tha Harrlman in terests are bitterly opposed to either the McCusker or Welch application being granted. . ' . It would appear to be true, neverthe less, that the Welch petition la In tensely desired by the Harrlman people and that if granted tha privilege on Front- street will be really for the Southern Pacific company, and the" Wil lamette Valley Traction company' line win De controlled by the aama system. If DUUV .51 . I ST Opposition la Other Town. It ha been cited that the Harrlman system has offered no opposition to the traction company In the towns up the Willamette valley. The company was given a franchise By unanimous vote by the Salem city council, and no word of protest nor even a secret effort emanated from tha Harrlman offices to prevent the traction company from en terlng the state capital. In view of the fact that the traction company , were It to build a Una between Portland and Salem, would parallel tha Southern Pa cific, creating opposition and destroying tna ttsrnmsn monopoly in the Willam ette Valley, the failure of the Harrlman aystem ' to fight the traction concern outside of Portland la regarded aa lg- nincani oy men who have kept In touch with the -situation. In Portland it was obvloua that the Harriman roaaa could not secure a fran chise on Front street, say the well In formed, and therefore the local depart ments of the Southern Pacific and Ore gon Railroad Navigation companies were Instructed to offer ostensible on. position.'..' GET-TOGETHER CLUB GETS TOGETHER ENJQYABLY $ty " OfficWC Mt'at!i" Com mercial Club to Din and -Mayor' Lane'a Oet-Together club got togetherlttrealearnes last night In the. dining-rooms of the Portland Com mercial club. Every department Ot the city government was represented by one or more officials. For two hours political prejudices were laid aside. The dinner waa nerved at S:20 o'clock. The tables wsre arranged o that evtry- body could be seen and heard. Dr. Eather C PohL of the city health board. and.Mra. Sarah A. Evan, city market Inspector, - were the only two women among the crowd. of ts-men. v Following the dinner there waa an open discussion on the needs of Port land, and several enthualaatlo speeches were made. Councilman Belding spoke In favor , of Increasing the salaries of laborers employed by" the city; 'City Physician Cauthorn. who tendered his resignation yesterday, told of tha need of the' city health department, and Dr. A. J. Gleet followed with a similar plea; Councilman George H. Bhepnerfl spoke in svor or auopting some more economical method of handling tha city refuse than that employed at present Chief Campbell told of nhe needs of the fire department. Among other who sooke were Councllmen Wilts and Beld Ing, Colonel L, U Hawkins, City Auditor Devlin. Deputy City Attorney Kevanaugh nd Thoma Greene. The following were present: ,- ! Mayor Harry Lane, City Auditor Tho'maa C- Devlin. City Treasurer J. E. Werlein. City Engineer Douglas W. Tsy- lor. David Campbell, chief of the fire department; Chief of Police Charles Grltsmacher; member ef the executive board Mas Flelschner, ' R. 1- Babln, C. A. Cogswell and Thomss O. Greene; Councilmen--John " Annand. Dan Kella- hsr, R. E. Menefee, Frank 8. Bennett, H. A." BeldlntrV' George S. Shepherd, R. A. Preston, Thomas. Gray, W. T. Masters, John P. Sharkey. A. N. Wills, W, T, Vaughn and Hugh W. Wallace: members of the water board Dr. 8. K. , Joseph!, George W. Betes and Dr. C. H. Raffety; members of the health board Dr. A. J. Oiesy and Dr. Esther C. Pohl; member of the park board ur. lewis ana J. u. Meyer; Chief Deputy City Attorney John P. Kavanaugh; Market Inspector ;Srah A. Evana,- City Physician." Franklin Cauthorn. Superintendent Frank -T. Dodge end Chief Engineer D. D. Clarke of the City water department; Superin tendent James B. Stlllwell, Jr., of tbe city fire alarm service, and Alex C. Donaldson, superintendent of the atreet cleaning department PJREACHER TOOK A NIP ' TO SEE, Vy HAT IT WAS - (Kpeelal Olaosteh to- The Jowrsal.) ,irt Forest Grove, Or, Dee. t. For con ducting a saloon; or sn alleged saloon-at Forest Grove, Alfred O. Watson waa yesterday fined ,100 or SO daya' Impris onment in the county jail by Judge T. A. McBrlde. for contempt of court. April (. last. Judge McBrlde Issued an injunc tlon denying Watson the right to con duct a saloon tn Forest Grove. - In July the university had occasion to believe that Watson was violating this order and took step to ascertain the truth of the situstlon ami Rev. Luther Mahone, a Congregational minister from Astoria was called to assist lausecurmg evidence. . Mr. Mahone on the pretext ef starting on a fishing trip antered the place run by Watson snd purchased a flask f whiskey. He testified that he knew it 1 was whiskey because he had taken.two . oclhreedrlnkaf rom ihe bottle, which was offered Th evidence. Watson gsve notice of appeal snd 10 dsye were allowed him In which to prepare a bill of exception Plan Proposed to Keep Business District Safe From Dis- astrbus Fires. SAVING IN INSURANCE . WOULU KAY THE BILL Fire En gin Needed, Big Cistern Connected With Direct Pressure Mains and Reaervoira and Hoae for Remote Dwellings Imperative. ...... .- ! ( The east side office ef Tbe Journal Is la tks srors et J. M. C. sillier. 3t Kaat aterrlsaa street. Tawpaose East Sna, Cashier Woods, of the Peninsula bank at St. Johns iiae prepared figurea show ing tne imperative neea oi oeiier un protection In the business section ot the town and ha formulated a plan whereby, for a comparatively alight ex penditure, the entire place may be well guarded. The plan-Is similar to-the one published some months ago In The Jour nal, but It has been elaborated to meet the new needs of the town and changed conditions. . A to the need of the aervlce, and the aaving that would come were It in stalled, the Insurance figure compiled by Mr. Woods speak for themselves. It Is shown that on Jersey street, the chief business thoroughfare of the town, more than 140.000 worth of insurance Is car ried, at the high rates prevailing. On this. Insurance, the lowest rate la six per cent and much of it cost 10 per cent per annum.-- ' ' It Is safe to assume mat tne sverage rate of eight per cent prevail on Jersey street" said Mr. Woods, "and tn mer chants pay $3,100 every year on Insur ance premluma. If tha town had a fire protective .service that Insured effec tive work In time of need, tne average business rata could be cut down to six per cent and tha business, men would save 1500 a year in keeping up tne 140,000 Insurance. Th 800 a year will In alx years pay for a system such s I nropose, without taking into account the amount of additional Insurance that would be taken out if the rate ware lower, and the consequent saving to men who are at present without sny protection. Then, too, the resldenee'djs trict would be protected, and that in turn - would have a salutary effect on house Insurance rates. . I believe It would be asfe to esy that in three year enough would be saved to buy outright all the apparatus and Jo all the work necessary to give 8t Johns adequate fire protection." t,' The plan or Mr. wooaa cans ror in purchass of a second or third class fire engine at a cost of about $J, 000. the purchsse ef a thousand feet of hose, the town already having 1.S00 feet and the building of three 100.000-gallon cisterns. It Is Dlsnned to connect these cistern by big pipes with tha tS.OOO-gallon. res I ervolr of the wster company and with the two 100.000-gallon tanks soon to be erected. The cisterns would be kept ready for use at all time and could kept full during a tire by-me tug pump at tne central auppiy station. With a reserve .'water aupply 'of more than 100.000 gellon. ItJsutbriHght as n any y fir that might visit the town end In time of need the pump of the water company, by direct pressure, eould aid tha engine In Its work. A total expenditure of 11.000 I believed to be enough for all the Im provement - and if - thecouncil cannot discover the funds, and the people will not Issue the bond, the business men aa a body may take action. REACHING FOR TRADE. ... n. Johsa saerohante Oast Zroaging Zyee ' oa West-Bask Bustness. - , : With the coming of the St John ferry the merchante of the town are going to reach out after th. trade of adjacent towna and farming communities on the west bank of the Willamette be low Unnton. Half a score of small towns and villages cluster in the hills, and tha St Johna merchants are going to secure the trade that haa been going to Portland, If apeclal inducement eaa get tt. . .v .It Is proposed to give special ferry rate to those" who eome to the town on business, and. the merchant expect to arrange matter ao that the trip across th river will not coat anything to those who buy a .certain amount of good. In tha yeaf several Urge stores have been opened In the town, and .with the con struction of the big Holbrook brick block a farther expansion has taken place, so thst todsy St Johns haa large stores representing every branch of retail trade and, except for special need, can offer very Inducement city merchant can. - St John so far has bad so much bom ' trade that there haa been little time to do more than meet local de mand, but stock have been Increased, tore have multiplied and the business men have decided that a new territory lies across the river that should be their own.- READY TO PAY FOR FILLS, i Bast Side Property-Owaer Bot Trying to Shirk Their Jnirt Burdens. : -, The old spirit that asked the city to pay for every Improvement 'Or that mads the man benefited request hla neighbor to help, 1 not a feature of the campaign fnow being waged by the property-own- era of the central east side -dtstrlot for the filling of the lowlands ' Leaders of the-improvement association, who start ed the agitation for these fills, and who have been iworklng with the property- owners, resent the Insinuation that there la any desire to hang back, and assert that from the first the residents have been eager to aid, provided the coat waa not above 2& cents a rublo yard. Whitney Boise, George Flanders, Jo seph Buchtel, Councilman, Bharkey and the others who have been most directly Interested tn th work of lining up the property-owner have ' discovered no symptom of .meanness, and tha blaaest owner of the district are the onee whe on their own Initiative haveigon ahead with Feet Alder street, arid 'who have " Beusarkabla Our. - "I was much fnicted with sciatica," write Ed, C. Nud. Iowavllln, Sedgwick Co., Kan., "going about. on crutches and Suffering a deal of pain, I waa Induced to try Ballard s Snow Liniment, which relieved me. ,-.. "I used three 60c bottles. lt Is the greatest liniment I ever used; have rec ommended it Id I number of pere6ns; nil express themselves ss being bene fited by It I now walk without crutches, able to perform a great deal rf llcht labor on the farm." 16c, BOo and 11.00. Woods rd. Clsrke Co. 1 lit ft." V Dr. . I, rOXTOsT, sTstsrepata. MY NEW omcES Are a areat liDDrnveawat over the former ones In tbe Lswis building. I bsvs sounds ne ef room bare, sm - my BetBods sre certsinir worth at InrMttfttloa whoa sa sUopsuite- of- riclal or lbs Meeicai vosjmes, reevaur eeio la Portland, esnie 'to D tor trostnwut. "1 sm satisfied." be said, "tbst dross will not roscb nil ." And tfcsr would sot. Bat si treatment aio, ana ii win rvnes yww too. This doctor rejoices rbst bis prejudices did sot erercome ble better Jndsmeat. and tbst be suffered himself to submit to tbs. rsttonsl treatment of a riataropaUile doctor. sirs aa medicine, box de I emptor us knife, yet i van ulhsj iuu, Toe, If riven tbe opportunity. Note my ad dress oeiow. look tor my rn wbsa you eau. or chat with mm by talepboBe. BEAD TBESB TtSTIMOKlALJ: "Portlsnd. Oct. IT. lftoB. "To Whom It May Concern: 'I suffered a Ions time with serious stoa- ack trouble, tbs disease bsrtns Brosressed so far tbst I was enable to retain my food, and finally fooad watsr to eaaee esnsesi In abort. eunr system wss la a serloualy SeDietre eondltloa. Oe or snout July 15 Inst I Bdrkte wltb Dr. Nancy J. Fulton, of tbls city, snd wss Induced ta take treatments from her, snd sfter taking the twelfth I was discharged. esa sow eat anrtbtne I desire. leal Bor- fet-tlr welt snd sm eonataatlr aalnlns srrenf-tn. id is marrewns rnang. I eaa (ruin folly ssy Is due to Dr. Pulton. , CT.IPB vATJOHIV, "Boms. Jeffersoa. Of." rTote lfr. Vanrta eaa be communicated wltb at Jeffersoa. Or., or his father. Ell Vaughn, esa be sees st tbe New Orssd Cen tral, corner Xhir ana r landers, this city. ... "October SO. lBOS. "To Whom It Msy Concern: It sfforoa me areat oieasure to wnta a word tn praise of Dr. rultua. I suffered un told a four for ene week wltb Bain In my whole body. My baabsnd called In whom ws supposed wss one of tbe best nhyaldans Is tbe city. He was not sun. Bet thouaht I had aeuralfis. or it might prere to Be tsll stbBes, left medicine snd t bourn t I would be Bitter sett dsn but I gradually frew wors nc ne reuer I mm nain eieent sneer enlaces: Hsvinc beard of Dr. rnltoa tbrousb friends ot ours, we decided to rsll ber In; so my buaband went st ones and brought ber to tb borne. Upon exsmlnatloa she pronounced It esse of scute gastritis, snd sfter one treat ment t was able to get up. dress myself snd so about my.esusl household duties. I fcsee now takes s week's trestment and eertstnly think ber the sioet wonderful doctor I ever et. MRS. V. S. HUTHON. "SM Tenth St. Portlsnd. Or." Note Don't for act to- Inclose ooatsse stsms for reply wbsa writing to any ox my patlsats. Dr.N. J.FULTON natubopath, . .15 Twelfth Street Corner Clay, eae block from TT esr, ene from 131b street ear, S from Jefferson esr. , Telephone Mala 112. - i ' been so eager to bave the, work dene that they unanimously' requested th contract be let ao as to avoid the cost of advertising and' the delay of coun cil procedure. .It only remain to dis cover-whether the river material esn-j bdredged to the lowlands, and If this can be done there will be nothing to hin der the work starting aa soon a the big dredge of the port commission come from the drydock, which will be within a month. - . . .. EAST-SIDE NOTES. Nearly $100 waa realised by th pu pils of Brooklyn school from tha Thanksgiving cantata, "Queen of Au tumn," given by them Thanksgiving eve, and this amount will be expended In buying books and pictures for the school. ' : The Men'a League of the Mount Tabot Presbyterian church, at a meeting last night decided to give a banquet to the Ladles' Aid society of the church Mon day evening, December 11. The Identity of the St Johna .Ferry company waa disclosed yesterday when J. E. Brink, Sol Blumauer, Eugene Hoch, B. I Brink and 8. C. McFadden Incor porated the company for f 10,000. Blum auer c ttoch are the proprietor of the roadhouse opposite St .John. At the last meeting of Orient lodge. No. 17, I. O. O. F., F. Zimmerman 'waa chosen nobla grand, W. T. Wooden vice grand, W. A. Wheeler recording secre tary, W. O. Kerne financial secretary, and A. K. Currier treasurer. J. C Cam eron ha been elected chief patriarch of Golden -Bule encampment No. 28, and 8. E. Phelps haa been chosen senior .war den.' . ' 8. F. Waggoner has purchased th St John hotel. and the site of three lot at 14,000,-and will hold the property aa ao Investment f" CUBAN LIBERALS REFUSE TO CAST THEIR BALLOTS 7 "jnurnsl Special' Service.) Havana, Dec. 2. The election ended here yesterday In a quiet and orderly manner. The liberal deserted the poll and - with a clear field the Moderates elected every nominee from President Palma to th provincial councilors. When the new congress convene the Only Liberals to have Seats will be th holdover, and members of that party will compose but a third of the senate and a fifth -of -the-house, While, the registration amounted to 400,000 the vote polled will not be more than 150,000. .. ; : CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO. ... w. , Special rullmea Zxcnrsion Train "Tie Southern Paclflo Bailroad. . On December II a special excursion tram will leav Ban Frsnclsco via -th Southern Paciflo for the City ot.Merico Low rate have been mad for point on the Southern Paclflo In Oregon. Par ticular by asking any Southern Paclflo agent or writing A. L. Craig,, general passenger agent Portland, Oregon. '' Spokane Bribery Scandal. " tSpeclel Hla patch to The Journal.) . Spokane. Wnsh.,- Dec. - 2. George It. Collins, chairman, of the board of county commissioner, s charged with bribery and George M. Nethercutt ' the com plainant, is charged - with blackmail. Both were arrested on complaint Issued bJfDve prosecutlng attorney and -each Is th osier's accuser. . Collins Is "charged with taking- a email sum of money In return for hi Influence In securing a contract for a bookbinding concern. fVN i.. ui' :,( H:?i :),A, . .. ' . ' .' -..-,., .-a . , Get In the habit of voting. Only 29 days remain, L-:Aj::v:-Lii-;.:..;;i:s contest Is at a close. HERE IS Votes received op CONDITIONS Of The JogrnaVs BaSBaSatBBaBnxasaBBBBa Hawaiian Tour CONTENT fimiT-ay yeng lady ever IS year ef see war be sesnlsete st say Mate ea ' blanks srevldad by The Joaraal, with the eadorstaieet ef two wsU-kasw sttlaass of tbe district la which ah resides. - ' lECOBle-Thrse Jadge agreeable .te the elffsrsst candidates shall he selected a srSetsUr ease the wtaaer la each ete - trlet, ene yoaag lady te he ehcesa from each district, . ' ' TKTD as la ether elections, each e. "; trlet shstl vote espantsly. The vote 1 - ea cannot affect tbe ether. Matters sess erly eoseernlng the district wUl be settled by the wishes ef the sasjsrtty. The win ner shall save the right aaM a sresy U asabl ts attsad hereslf. -: ' . rOVBTX-Totlng win.eBsMne there. ear. aussst S, laOS, had elsse Satardar. IseniB SO. at e'etoc . ss., IM. - Ombosis srast veted wits ha sees day IMuuuus tui 11 ens sua .Basis Journal Brest be aeatly trlsiawdA- All tan peas, whether single or special, stunt bear the assst ef the eaadldate te he vetsd far. coptobTs amm sitct as roixowii - nyTB Blnle eoapesa. est frees dally paper, re goed Sur eae vote. Bsbecrtptloa s the Evening Journal sad. Sunday Morning Joaraal, three aaonths. Slat, a sneeial eoupoa ef 100 votes (paid la sdvsaee). Subsertptloa te Bveatng asd Sunday Mara tng Journal et Bloats, SJ.TS. specUl csasoa ef BSa votes (paid ta aarasee). eertptlo te the Evening sad Sunday Morn ing Journal IS am tks,, special coupon ef TOO votes (said advance). Babserlptlaa to the Bvealag aad gsassay Mornlag Joaraal. tare snoathe hy aaall, 1. so. a apodal eoapoa ef 10 vets (paid la advance). Banacrtpttoa tn th Evening and Sunduy Morning Joaraal by wall six months, SS.TS, sneeial coupon ot See veto (pal ta sd ranee). Subseilpttoa te the Erenlsg snd Sandsy Musing Joaraal hy nail IS sees tha, 17.00. e special eoapoa ef TOO votes (paid Is edvases). genU-Wsakly Joaraai, tl-SO s year, sneeial soupea ef 10 vote (yald ta adranee). SIZTB Oonnons shoald be voted at the seadqaartere nee rest ftm or stalled to the cos pea department ef The Joaraal, or at ear point earned below. Votes will he : masted Mondsys. Wednesdays asd Fridays . sad the totals anseaaeed the sabtt th fetlowtng day. ' , Asy aadldate wtthdrswtag front th esa sst eanaot as re her vets sousted tor en ether, : 1 . ' - . KZADQTJAXTZKS AJTD TOTTJTw ItAOZSl First DlstHci Msltnorsak sag Oackantas ; counties. Voting plses Coupon Da part saest ef Th Joaraal cfSse. . ' Beoend DlaMoi Union. Cats tins snd Wsllew eonntlcs. ... Third XHrtrlc Wsses, gharrsan. ailHsak, Morrew, Wheeler asd Crook eoaatles. yesrth Slstriet Bskor. Oraat, Harney nd Malbear esaatise. Fifth DUtrlet Cnlnmbt snd Clshio counties, Oregos; KUckltst. Cowlita, Clsrke. Paclfle. WehhlakSBt sad Sksswnls conn ties, Wssblngto. " , Sixth District Marlea, ecnstles. . -, v Uaa ssd Lsns . Seventh WatrleV-Wkatilnf ten, Tina mock. ' Tsasniil. Benton, rsrk snd Lincoln eoaatles. ' Xlatth DUtrteV Deotlas, Ooos. Carry, JosepblBC, Jaoksoa, VKUssath ssd Lak eoontie. Any Information regarding con ditions of the Hawaiian tour should be addreaaed to the manaf er of tha Contest Department of Tha Journal. ' Oxttfsx Coupon Free asms. II o Dot u lu HetwalUa UUads X vote for. .. . . V.V.7. . . .'. .7. .V. . . .V. .7 ... . Thla' eonpen rnuat be voted -'it ij ' ' ' 1 , t '., ,' " ' ;J 'A t r THE WAY THEY STAND to Friday eveniag in The Jottrnal's Hawaiian THp ' : sistsUCT mo. l. . . Mis Mlnnl 8. Phillips, deputy clerk rlrrnlt eoert Mlae Hal lie Madlsn, Olds, Wortinan King store Ills Sadie W Interment le, Otty lye Worka .... Mlae Baty, 8-to Has Rafael street Mies (Iretruen Kurtb. telepbans opemtor Portland hotel Miss Ruth Lh, hrdnreed hy rederstod Trades Counrll Miss Bens Sharon, mo East Thirtieth street Mies Henrietta Winkleman, 407 East Coach street ..... miss siaajsrec smith, Mm Williams s res OS Mlae Edith Bern, 84 Stark street Mis Laura Derbyshire. BNO Water street..... Mlas Sophia Olson. Iry atreet Mlas Eba Orlenel, 80S Esat Thlrty-rlrst street Mies A Irene Horn. Ore iron City. Mlas Eles Hurlhert. Ht- Johns Mlas Oenevleee Molmes. Olds, Wortmaa Miss Nellie Munser. Md Ralelah street Mies (teorgls NlBk. XM BurnaMe street Mia Cora Jolly, 70S Prrnt street I Mlas Marlon lhy." Woodard a1Tske Mlas Cornells Barker, IM Grsnd arcane Mate Burse Reddle. Oceana City , (Voting place, Ceupoa Department. J DISTE1CT Miss Moflle Prosnstel. La Grande. Oregoa...... .............. . Mles-Katle Nssh, O ramie. Oreson . (Voting IMsc. La Urnnde, Steinbeck A Blever Confectionery.) Miss Ames Fletcher. Pendleton, Oregon Mlas Pearl Harris, Peodleton, Oresoe... : kilns (trace Hawks. Pendleton. Oreson...,,..., . (Voting Place. Pendleton, Brock miMm i..uian n. v caarrn. jatnenn, tPieiRt . ...... ' (Voting Place. Athena, Dell Bros.' Store.) Mis Msy Callahan. Walla Walla. Washington Mlae ley McTsillster. Walls Walla. Waahliurton Miss Rosy Xonng. Walla Walls. Wsshlncion . Miss Hattle Brows. Walla Walla. Waalilitc . Mlas Loella Bart. Walla Walla. Waeulnstoa ..................... (Vmiiir. Place. Walls Walla, Washlutoa Book Keok.) Miss Stella La Land, Weston, Oeecew... DisxsuoT ao. a. Miss Km Ills frnaein. The Dalles, Oregoa, Miss Lnrlle Crete, The Dalles. Orecon (Voting Place. The Dalles. Blskely Drug Store.) , Miss Stella tlicbsrdson. Hood Rlrer, Orego ....... t sttasi I .. u r . iTenier, ajooa k.tvt, irresnsi. (Voiles- Pisco. Hond ktleer. Wrlihl'i ,, (Votlna Pise. ArUsgtea. Brahaai's Mis Lens Rsej Heppne. Oreson Mlea (I raia-JtfasrloppBarDtiaiia- mwm w eirencu ueorse. armiras. wrewoa (Votlnc 1'Iace. -tfrunner. Patterson Mis (lertrnd SUsnnon, (Vndon, Oreon. ' (Votlns Place. Condon, Jackson A mm ueTirnoe Doarp. rrinoTllic, viesuni SISTUOT Miss Effle Mse Kins. Ontsrto. Orecoa Miss Hattle Bsrtoa, Baker City, Oresoa. Mies (lertrnde Tlce. Baker City. Orecon Mlae Krbef Parker. Baker fttT, Oresoe Miss Myrtle Brsttoa, Bskor City. Ores') (Voting Pisco. Raker City, Lsrlnger's Drag Store.) suss l isrs nws.n, tsums, ureson... " (Voting Plsee. Bnrns. Welcome Pharmacy.) mwh isar neireriey vsHV-irreffnn. . Miss Oersldlne Durkee, Sn renter, Oreaoa Voting I' lacs, Sumpter, D Heffe : . ' ' ; DUTBICZ BO. . Mis Kstbertn Gore, Kalasta, Washington SS MO (Voting Place, Kalaroa. Off era 8tnre.) . Mis Proresce Heseren. Vanconeer. Washlnstoa (Voting Plsce. Vsaeoueer, SIS Msln Street.) , V0'" Mis Amelia Williams. Kelso. Washington IS IU4 (Voting Place. Kelae t'enfectlonery ) - . . 7 Mis Een L. Todd, Astorls, Oreson. lTtfll Mlas Robins Coffmaav Astoria, Oregon.......... Mis Eather Anderson. Astoria. Oregon (Votlnr Phre.-Astoria. Owl Drug Btorsvl Mies Msry Berg. Home Valley, Wuuhtngtoa . Mis Dslsy Walk Ins. tit. Helena. Oregon (Voting rises, St. Helens, (irsy's Btere.) Miss Annie Perrlne, Clataksnle, Oregoet (Voting Pine. Clstaksnle. Slmnvms A Oo.'e Stare.) ' Mlas Oertrnde- tUndall. Csatle Rock. W aahlngton Mis Orsce Wright, Caatle Rock. Wsablngtm (Voting Plsce. Csatle Rock. Aader's Drue Btnra.k . . - Miss Alice Perr-r. Rslntrr. Oregon t (Voting Place, Relator, rrtednarg's ' - DISTRICT 0. . , .. Mis Blanche Brown, Salem, Oregoa.,,. .. j Ills Msry Dsrldsnn. Ssleut, Oregon........ Mlas L. Belle Darby, Salem, Oregon,.... Miss Minnie Iretoer era tern. Oregon .,...,......... Mtss Pearl Shelley. Salem, Oregon-t . .... .m... ........ Mies Mlnnls Achenhneb. Salem. Oregoa... Miss Nettle Heddekoop, Kalem. Oregon..: (Voting Place. Salem. Haas' Drua Store.) Mine Madge Bsttee, Eugene, Oregon Miss Emms Moffett, Eugene. Oreson saws mens asean, niusene, vregxin. , . . . . t ..........,.., (Voting Plan. Eugcn. Hull s Drug Store.) Miss Msude Blair. Cottage Urore. Orecoa.... alias Krne nrewsrr, tottsge tiroee, trrego MM Llssle Veatrh. tVittage Oroec, Oregoa (Voting Place, Cottage Grove. Hill's mie llt-y storrvin, mHiiMim, .rresim, ., Biles jnyrcie Iran, rtorMioiirn, vrraun. (Voting Plsce, Wood bom. Becbee A miM, 1 1 D.'.r. MIWHII., VRV,...,,,,,,, UIma UbIa I'h.mlM Ilk... " Mia Alice Locke. Allieny, Oregon....... ivoiins ruirv, aimnr, uivraa vni niorw.r - ' r, Mht Ksthrya Oarrls. ftllrertoo. Oregon...... 11 MS (Voting Plsce, Rllrerton. Brook s Drug Store.) Mis Addle Simpson, Lehsnon, Oregon ....a........ S.SM (Voting Place, Lebanon. Cotton' Store.) w Sis Nttnds Olesy. Anrnrs. Oregon... kb......aa. S.6TS las Fay Cooler, Brownsville, Oregon.-..,... 1,540 ""..,. ... SISTUOT HO. T. ' ...."-...- . -.-i:. Mis Berth Conrtsmsnrh. McMlruiTllle, Itoimg risce, sicMinnTiiic, nnswr (Voting Plsee. Forest Ornee. La Coerse's Store.! - ' ' Mis Ilssel Kennedy, tfayette, Oregon... (Voting Plsce. Lefarerte Postofflce.) Miss Marie Hoatetler, Hlllalnro, Oregon... Mum Roes B. Bowser. Hlllahoro. Oregon... (Voting Plsce. Hlll.horo. rV4,na,wCBs Store.) . Miss tlrsc Srsrr, Coresllls, Oregon,.. ,..... ,...,. Mies Core Spsncle, Dayton, Oregon... k (Voting Plsce. Dsrton. Harrka Drue Store. I .Mis Minnie Roy, Dulles, Oregon ..... .........m..'........,.' 11.090 (Voting Piece, Delias. Blast's' Confectionery.) " Mis OllTe.Rtratton, Newherg. Oregon.... ............, 0,040-' 4 Voting Plsce. Newherg. Cslwell a Ce.'g Drug Store.) Mlae UllUn Wehelcr, rbUomsth. Oego .? S.( Miss Rosale C. Holabelmer, Bearcrtisi, Oregon ,, ....... S,t70 (Voting Place, BesrerUm, Thomss Thing Confectionery.) ,. . --' BUTUOT V0. t. " ' Mtss Ednsl Psraley7 Rosebnrg, Oregon.....,,, ....7.... ............ .....a S.rl Miss Dsle HannonvBoeehiirg. Oregint S2.74 (Voting Plsce. Rosehurg. Hamilton's Drag Store.) 't4 Mia teniae T. Jones. JsrkennrlTle, Oregoa M.Oni) Miss Msude Berry, Ursnts Pans. Oregon....." ...j , M.,7 (Voting Piece, (Jranta Vans. Hmllli'i Drug Store.) , . Mis Jennie Woodford. Medford. Oregon ......r.. ...... tOMl . (Voting Plsce, Medford, RuseellT Cenfect lenery.) , , . - Miss l.Tdla Met a II. Aahland. Orrrnn v-V. . ....................... 11. SI I : Mis rrsnces Oehorne. Aahland. Oregon...., S,U . , , (Voting Place Ashland, Sutton' Newestsnd and Sayles.) - - ... ( ; .... r Ha wallan Trip ea er before DewmSer'TrTfOS. I r - ' , . , . and the great Hawaiian - :.;.r., Total Tote. S.HX3 Sl.lf.l 70.611 e.ft sx.n SO.tMt M .ill! 3A..V.T .... 2S.H21 .... aj.sis .... K3.2H .... 10 .... S0.BO4 .... 1K.42C, A King store. le.eite IS.NlT Drag 14.01.1 11.0fl- lO.aao t.WI Co.. VO, TH.5e 7.M8 r.4ia leirt cOoss'. Drag Store.) , 10.M4 T.n 1.H41 1 im S4I ... sot : .,, lt,.MM U'T 41.72T S1.M9 S.W1 IMm.I . Cfsetteaery.) ,. , , . .7 T , TTM .'. . !. . , , . :X.;M': .' f. jl.jr.r ' fg?!C?hfflw"tK . . . " . .. tV- A Son . Drua- MtoreuV Horalbreok's Store. ). IiWTi! BO, 1 Wl J4.U1T ao.tuH- 11 Ml . lo.eoa is.oer eeteee .rrn .'.... S.eT4 a. (sis CUrsr aad Hew Stssd.) a. sm JMa II. an a.(a ... i.aoe l.ftsa 1.421 1.S01 7 Confectionery.) . M.TftT . 11.4'JO . 11813 . 11.1PI7 . 7.41 . l.STII i. i.xa . 4n.eft . 13.4T.1 1.44U ." ST.2.1T ' . SO.SIS . 11,023 . .. . . . ...... ... , Confectionery.) .... ..... J.VOBf Whitman' Star.) 11, US , n , ld.eni io.7 7,501 Oregoa ...... ......... .T.,..'...i-'i..:' J ad see Btor. S9, TO ............ T,103 9.11 ai.ii.i n. Klfl . ,3U) e. ...... ....... Coimting Is done on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays and the standing ' of ; the , candidates annoencd to the public tha fol- ( lowing &y w I x- t A,.