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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1905)
WIFE'S PROPERTY IS MORTGAGED ' .WSSMaawaaanmOTBSM Thomas W. lawson Raises Third of a Million on Possession 1n Spouse's Name. RELEASES ALL CLAIMS HELD BY GAS COMPANY Transaction Does Not , Mean That Frenzied Financier la Broke aa All Property Standi in Mr a. Lawaon'a ' . Name to Prevent Attachments, ... ; (Jooraal Speelal tVrrlee.l Boston, Muni., Dec. 2. Tha report that Thomas W. Lawaon haa mo r tuned property that atood In hiawlfe'a name to raise 1350.000. which he paid Re ceiver George Wharton Pepper of the Bar State Gas company of Delaware to releaae all clalraa agulnat him. mean something serious in Bute street It doea not mean that Lawson la broke, or even on the ragged edge. For aome yeara Laweon'a real estate has been In hi wife's name, and was so recorded for two purposes, to prevent -attachment In any possible suits against the Amalgamated Copper company and to follow a rule he long agar adopted In keeping his business affairs and family affairs entirely separata. . LAwaon In hie daily business transact tlona always keeps a very large cash balance In the banks, frequently the ag gregate sum running into the millions. It bring one of his fixed rules never to let his caah get down .to a. point where a possible turn in the market can catch him unprepared to protect hla trades with cash. .. . IMPRISONED PILOT STEERS VESSEL THROUGH GALE Thick Coat of Ice Forms Over ; Deckrand Pilot House Has to Be Chopped Out. ; ( Joaraal Special ger.ifa.t 7 Ashtand. Wlgr ltocr t.-Tha axtraoi dlnary spectacle of a veasel steered and manned by an Imprisoned pilot was pre sented last night when the steamer Jea-4 ale Spalding reported s.t Port Aahland. The Spalding was in the great storm v and in some miraculous manner weath ered It' Ice began forming on the derka, finally barricading the doora and win' dows of the pilot-house and cablna. When the veasel arrived at Aahland 1 fium one to fou feet thick covered everything and- the pilot was oply re leased by having a paaaage chopped for Mm through. a back window, when he was dragged out almost helpless from the long exposure and. strain of two days. . . GOVERNOR REFUSES , - . V TO PREVENT HANGING (Bperlal Mapatrfc te The learaal.) TTallnNVi'iitl ii Willi, rr'-f- ernor Mead having declined to interfere, . officials at the atate penitentiary are making arrangementa to carry out the death sentence imposed on Angus Mc , Fhall, the Snohomish county murderer, who will be hanged In the prison yards next Friday morning. McPhall will be the fifth convict to meet death on the acaffold within a year at the Walla Walla prison. He will be executed on '. the same acaffold used In carrying out the death sentence on Aran. Clark. Cham pou and Paahualr.' McPhall haa re signed himself to his fate and declares he will meet, death bravejy. The death sentence saya that McPhall shall be hanged between sun up and - sun down, but following tha usual cus tom the execution will take., place early in the morning, before the other con victs arer put to vtrk for the day. It is a curious fsct that the convicts are always aware when an execution is to take place, although not a breath of '""what is to transpire-is ever let out by ' the prison officials. The convicts be come nervous and irritable, and it Is always at this time that the prison off I. rials fear an outbreak. .For this reason It haa been the custom of the peniten tiary officials to carry out a death sen tence aa early in the morning as per missible. Bobbers la Dayton. (Special Dlapatcb to The Jearaal.) ' Dayton, Wash., Doc. 2..A series of ' robberies the paat week Is terrorising cltisena. During the week over a half dosen caseg where houses have been burglarised have been reported to the police. The tricks being turned are ev ' dently the work of professionals. BUILT IN OREGON " ' LOGGING ANfi HOISTING ENGINES MARINE AND STEAMBOAT; MACHINERY ELECTRIC HOISTS -'. L: ... .. HEAVY SAWMILL SPECIALTIES . POWER TRANSMITTING MACHINERY . ' : t r. j .-. Guaranteed heavier, stronger and of better design than sim ilar machinery built elsewhere. We believe what we say; and stand behind it. ' ' . 7 , " Willamette Iron and Steel Works ,K PORTLAND, oregon,.u. s. A. -y DIKE RIVALS Kill D. W. Taylor'and W. S, Chap. man, Formerly Political En emies, Work Side by Side. , USED Td CONTEND FOR SAME OFFICE Present City Engineer,; Democrat, RecognUed the Ability of His Re pvblican Former - Antagonist and Appointed Him Civil Engineer. Practioal results of the municipal olvll service are to be seen In the city engineer's office, where two old political rivals, a Democrat and a Republican, are worklna harmonloualy side by aide the one aa chief of the department, ins other as a subordinate. ' The two men are City Engineer IV W. Taylor and W. 8. Chapman, civil engi neer. The present -situation la- being' watched closely b many who cannot understand why Taylor appointed Chap man, and why the latter consented to take a Job under hla old rival. A Tears ago, when party lines were drawn in Portland, these two men were bitter political enemies. Taylor waa one of the leading figures in the Demo cratic organisation and Chapman waa looked upon aa somewhat of a bosa in Republican ranks. - Both were cepaoie engineers. ' In many political campaigns they sought election to the same office. One campaign would .result In Taylor's election as head of the city engineer Ins: deoartment. and perhaps In the next Chapman would be the successful can didate. If either could discover mis takes in the other's work he was not long in making it known. . ' The old-time rivalry continued until Taylor's recent appointment to the of fice of city engineer by Mayor Lane. This waa his first experience in the. of fice under the new charter and he .found himself hedged about by the rules gov erning the Civil service. There waa no discharging the employes in the depart ment and filling their places with po litical favorites as of old, but whenever a man waa neeaea ior any pomiiunu. had to be chosen from an eligible list certified to him by the civil service com mission. ' ' It was all iew and strange to Taylor, but. everything went smoothly until rush of work made it necessary for nira to appoint another civil engineer. He asked for an eligioie net ana xne name of W. 8. Chapman war certified to him for appointment Chapman' formerly had haM the nosltlon under the civil aervlce In Mayor Williams' administration, but waa laid off on account of lark of work. Aiv-nrrilna- to civil service rules. If a man Is laid off he la to remain on, the eligible list. - Tavinr UM aside all past animosities tnr hla rival and appointed him 10 the vacancy. Chapman accepted the posi tion and went to work aa a subordinate and is ald to be doing consistent serv im which Tavlor recognises and praises The old-time rivalry haa entirely dis appeared. ' '. - ' . FAMOUS BUREN WILL. CASE SET FOR HEARING (Special PUpatch te The Joarnal. Buren against Mrs. I,eda neaves nas been act for hearing before the supreme TnMiiiv. December a. ana win ik,.. h- the first case to be argued be fore the court after Judge Hailey takes his seat. .'. ' ... Thia I the famous Buren will esse which, has been in theewurta of Jhls city and county for more than a year. It is coming up out of ita regular turn be cause of ..the fact that an emergency wan declared to exist. In that when the circuit court set aside the will it left the large and valuable eatate without an administrator. ... When A: B. Buren. died he left a will In which the greater part of hla prop erty was bequeathed, to hla daughter, Ieda. and according' to the terma of which ahe waa also to" act aa adminis tratrix. . This will was contested by the aon. Max Buren, a prominent merchant of thia city. Since the death of her father. Mlsa Leda has become Mrs. Her man Reaves and Uvea In Portland. , - " Diphtheria a Gale's Creek. (Special Ittapatrb to "The Journal.) Forest drove. Or.. Dec. I. The diph theria epidemic raging at Oale'a creek, and more especially In the neighborhood of the Wilson achool. is mora serious than at first reported. John, the 11-year-old son of William Looslgnot, whe was the first child to contract the dis ease, died today after a few days' 111 ness. Three other children in the same family are sick with the disease. City physicians have been called and the home has been quarantined. Other cases have been treated to antl-toxlne and proper precaution Is being taken to check the epidemt7 . Santa Claus V Cannot Cure - An ulcerated tooth." but Wie Bros, can. Don't" spoil your Christmas bv allowing any disorder of your teeth to interfere with your enjoyment, as a consultation and proper, treatment in time will work wonder, especially as our methods are painless, 'thor- titfcTiry Kiroirficand reliable. '' Wise Bros. : laJuam 3DZSL '. HEW RULES ALL DAYS ALIKE TO GUI MID: C. J. Doty Can't Tell the Day ' of the Week or the MontH ; . of the Year. ONLY AMBITION TO SOAK CARCASS WITH LIQUOR fairee Men Arrested for Assaulting ' William O'Neill Cannot Remember Cause of the Trouble Are Fined Ten Dollars Each. " " The awful ravages of Chinese gin on the body and mind of a constant uaer were Illustrated In the police court be fore Acting Ju.dge Toung this morning. C. J. Doty.' known as a "gin fiend," was placed on the stand as a witness for the prosecution at the trial of R, Press. H. Ross and George Robinson for aa aaultlng William O'Neill In the resort conducted by Hlng Ks tt Co., Sec ond street. It was discovered that the witness had lost all count of time and had difficulty In remembering hla own initials. In retly to questions. Doty admittea that he could not tell the day of the week. He waa not sure whether the present month waa. November or De cember. but inclined to the. belief that it was December because he had beard nereona talklnsr about Thanksgiving. -. This mon, your honor, is an example of what China gin does for Ita votariea.- said City Attorney Fltsgerald. "Here Is a man whose whole ambition in life la to keep his carcase soaked In the vile decoction retailed by these uninamen. Horned relatives, f rlendsr-aU forgotten. No desire to mane anyuiing oi mm aelf. Days of the week, the month. everything else a blank in hla mind. Everv nn: of- these Dlacea should be sunoresaed bv law." O'Neill, carrying his "srosen arm in a bandage, mounted tna wunesa sianu and told of being beaten by the three defendants. After he fell, he said, Rob inson kicked him. Esch of the prisoners denied assault ing the wounded man. Presse admitted hlttlne- him but aald He did so In self defense. . None of the witnesses could remember the cause of the trouble, their memories, being clouded by gin. The court imposed a ftne or- toon each. Having no money; they were taken back to their cells by Bailiff Colts. For five days none of them will drink gin. , ' : ; : FREDERICK WARDE'S SON IS MARRIED TP ACTRESS Miss Anna Roberts' of Los An geles Weds Her Manager on Thanksgiving Day. . - . ,7 Uffnraat Sneelal Service. 1 "1,0 Angeles, Cal., Dec. 2. Word haa been received here of the marriage of Miss Anna Roberta, daughter of E. Roberta of this city, to Arthur B,- Wapftfi son OT Frederick warae. me, acior, Thanksgiving day at Wichita. Kansas. Warde, The announcement of the, wedding came aa a surprise, for though Miss Roberta nnd Wards had been engaged for some time.' the marriage waa not -expected ao soon. Warde managea a company In which his wife has been traveling and meeting Frederick Warde In Denver he Induced the couple to wed In'Kansaa and go di rectly to Brooklyn, New York, Jv the beautiful homeof the Wardcs, there to remain until next season. The bride Is well known here, having oenr ' mtic'h of her life In this city. She started out as leading lady for Fred erick Warde, since acting In many Shakespearean plays. DAM BREAKS, FLOODING - SNAKE PUMPING PLANT (Bperlal Dlsaatre e Tat Joarnal) x Two Rivers. Wash.. Dec. i. While preparing to rive the bis; pumping- plant of the Snake River Irrigation company, located seven mllea northeast of here, a trial run. a retaining wall at the In take, at Five-Mile rapids. gave way. The big ditch which supplies the pump ing plant was rioodea ana tne rusnina waters carried away nearly 100 feetol a wing dam at the pumping plant, be sides filling the penstock with mdddy water and debris. For a time It looked aa If the flood would completely wreck the4 pumping plant, which haa been to talled at a cost of about tZS.000. Engineer Fraeme Immediately put a' force of men to work repairing the dam age and announced .yeaterday that a trial run will take place some tlma next Hk The accident waa a keen dis appointment to the company, which has sold a large amount or tne vicin ity of. thia place on the understanding that water would be turned on not' later than October 1. Delay after delay has occurred in completing the pumping plant. The new plant Is expected to raise water from Snake river to a height of 70 feet In sufficient quanti ties to Irrigate a large body of sandy land. .. . ' ' - - ' HEAVY SNOWS CAUSE SUSPENSION OR MILLS rflperlal niapateb te Tbe JooraaLl S Walla Walla, Wash.. Iec. 2. Logging and - sawmill' operations In the Blue mountains south of Walla Walla have been practicably auspended owing to deep snowa. At Government . Meadows snow is reported to. be four feet .deep, and at Reser's sawmill, five mllea this Side, a depth Of tw and one half, feet on the level waa measured -Thuraday. 01d-tlma..resldents aay that not In 10 yeTh haa' there been so much snow In the mtrtiiftains at this aeason of the year aa there is now. Mountain roads are simply Impassable and loggers have ault .work until the. timber Is well cleared of the snow 4- ' Adams City aTomiaeea. . ariai Dkmatck ta The Journal.) 1 Adsms. Or;. Dec. I The .fallowing ticket has 'been nominaiea ir Adams city election which will 1 take nia - that first Monday In January: M.vnr. t.'a. Lleuallen: recorder., O. l liaker; treasurer, Dr. B. R. Todd; coun clhnen for two yesrs, John Oelss, C C, Darr, C K.' OttersteiUTcouncllman tot one vear. J. A. Winn. -i ' -Moat of the nominees . are men who have erwd tha city before, and should I understand whst ars for ,tljisjeat Inter- SIX MILES LOT, SAYS GEORGE Circuit Court Upholds City Or- dinance Limiting Speed of - -Vessels in' Harbor. FINES CAPTAIN SHERMAN OF THE BAILEY CATZERT udge Rules That the State, In Mak ing Charter a Law, Delegated Ita Police Powers to City Council Has Authority. . 4 Steamers on the Willamette river must not go faster than six muea an hour while plying between Rope island and Swan island. There, Is an ordinance limiting steamboats to this speed, and the municipal law waa upheld by Circuit i Judge M. C. George this morning. " Captain Fred Sherman, master or me i steamboat Bailey Uatsert, waa round guilty of violating the ordinance on September 10, and was fined 125. ' The same fine had been imposed by Munici pal Judge Cameron and tha case -was appealed. ' ' In rendering hla decision, juag Oeorge held that the state had full police power to regulate the speed, of vessels plying on rivers witnin us boundaries. -Ha said that the atate. by the act making the city charter a law. had granted to the city tha power to regulate the speed of steamboats within Its limits. A law passed by the legisla ture in 101 had' given power to the Port of Portland commission,, but Judge Oeorge beld that thia act was repealed by the passing of the city char ter bill. The court also held that the act making the city charter a law re pealed other previous lawa that were in conflict with it, and that thia speed regulating power lay within the rlghta of the city council and not the executive board. In referring to the defense that a boat might be forced to a greater speed owing to stress of weather or the rapid flow of the river. Judge oeorge quotea a well-khown legal authority by aaying. Involuntary acts are not crimes and necessity la always a defense." He said that thia muat be read Into the ordinance, and if a veasel was forced by the current to proceed at a greater speed than six mllea an hour,', or . If other natural causes forced s rapid rale of travel, these would be good excuses. Judge Oeorge said that ha was unable to find any reason for the Bailey Oat sert exceeding the apeed limit ,on Sep tember to. Captain Sherman waa ar rested by Harbor Master Ben Blglln. Deputy City Attorney Fitxgerald pre sented the city's side of the case to the court. J. Couch Flanders represented Captain Sherman. r 3 AT THE THEATRES, "A Jolly American Tramp." . An Intereatlng story with pleaalng specialties "and . a' magnificent compaay to tell Ita touching tale are promised when E. B. Kldder a great play. "A Jolly American Trimn." is presented at the Empire next week. The first perform' ance will be tomorrow's matinee. Miner's Burlesque Tomorrow. '"A Lively Honeymoon and "Doctor She" are the tltlea given- the two burlesques with Mlnefe Merry Burlea quera. next .week'a -attraction at the Baker. The first performance will be given at the Baker tomorrow matinee. Lansing Rowan Tonight, tensing Rowan's farewell' perform ance- in Portland will be given at tne Empire tonight. Supported by an ex cellent company of players this Tsvorlte actress has given a strong presentation of "Cam'llle.'L . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. Brother Against Brother." There are but two more opportunities to see this week s big success at mc Lyric, "Brother Against Brother." Next week a patriotic drama In four acts, en titled 'The Stars and Stripes. - Go to the Liberty Soon, Tha oerformances at.the Liberty to night and tomorrow afternoon and night will end the run of the Herbert Chester company in "An Episode of '1." and the many other splendid acta- which have delighted thousand - during the week. Contlnuoua tomorrow from 1:10 until 11 p. m. -' . asaBBaaBia-w-i--eaaaBBiaaBiaaBB , At thT Grand. Alblnl closes his engagement at the. Orand tomorrow, when the performances will be continuous from 2:30 to 10:46. At every performance thia famous ma gjflan performs new .- tricks. Other worthy acts on the Grand bill are the Salvtnl brothers, balancera, from Eu rope; Frank Hayes, the comedian from the San Francisco Tlvoll; the Gladstone children. Juvenile acrobats, and many others of especial Interest. Fine Bill to End. . Sunday the performance at the Star will he contlnuoua from t:S0 to 10:,4f. Nat Franko, the impersonator of great men;' "Foxy Grandpa." the hero of The Journal's Sunday comic supplement; Hughes and Burns, entertainers; Claris and Maynard. In a sketch; tha Maaquerla sisters, singers, and others, assist in forming a family vaudeville entertain ment where every act Is refined. ... i now. Bat mo ad a Are Duty.- v (gperlal DlapatcB U The Joersal.) -.-Vale,- Or.. Jec.-- l. -A- severe snow storm prevailed here for about 12 hours this week. ' A notlceable feature of the storm was that where the snow could find lodgment among,, brush or against buildings It plied up to a depth of two feet -while the public roads were In places dry and dusty. Tberc is no otter sac! deal Ing in 777 7 , . i take. M SchiHimr's - Best; no other such gooda; tbe goods arpiint fortbe dealing,, - ' hsf ConsMee This I '" After all, after you've bought and paid for anything, It's not ' what It has cost you that you consider, but IPS WHETHER ; , YOUR MONEY HAS BROUGHT YOU SOMETHING ' VAL- t UABLE IN RETURN. ' ' . . You will Install a furnace or. other heating plant In your .'., home probably but once. Had'nt you better investigate pretty ' thoroughly before you decide cn who shall do the work? We have installed actually literally thousands of heat- " ing plant in, Portland, alone and we can do no more to help our cause along than to refer. you io our; customers.' Possibly ,' they paid us more, possibly they didn't, than they would have paid somebody else, but they know they received, in full meas- . use, what they paid for. ";"-;;.' ; w 'V : The w. g. NEW CITY OFFICIALS TO 8E ELECTED AT ALBANY 0. P. Dannals Is , Republican Nominee for Mayor and Dr. Wallace His Opponent. (Special Dtspatek ta The Joaraal.) Albany. Or- Dec. 3. Monday will see the city election in this city and tha fight promises to be one of Interest. The Republicans nominated at tha primary election for the positron of mayor a well known and popular mechanic, O. P. Dan nals, who haa served as councilman lor several terms. He has the support oi the, party and a goodly portion of the people. -. . . . . n Yir 1 1... uddoim to mm la " .- . for many years a practicing phyalclan in thia city and a. man wno naa accum ulated - considerable wealth. He was nominated as an Independent candidate though . a Democrat in poiitica. ana Judge J. J. Whitney, who received the rwtmncratlc nomination at iner primaries. haa withdrawn from the race upon the uraent request of the friends or nr. Wallace. The latter haa taken very little interest In the past in political rf.ira am -he-ror artme refused to run for mayor but was finally inaucea te i.iia f a-thi nlsce. For city recorder two men are on the tikat ami a third la asking for votes . mn tndetxndent candidate. A..W. Umir Thompson Is .the Republican caadl a.t and haa a strong following. . He is a young attorney and last winter was chief alerk In the lower house of the l.-i.i.iiira Juda-e W. 8. Rlsley Is the Democrstlc candidate and is the Justice nt tha neace for the East Albany dla- tw-M . ti. is sn attorney. O. T. lyr.lffr.L. a fUimel nirtoaBTaTes marshal or Alaaka. Is running aa an maepennem after being defeated for the Republican nomination at tha prunsnea. B. M. Huston is the Republican nom inee and W. A. McClaln the Democratic candidate for marshal. Mr. McClaln la the present Incumbent. The flgh-.protn- lses to be an interesting qiw. GOULD IN ALLIANCE WITH VANDERBILT SYSTEM Harrlman Worried Over Loss of Business. Which Will Result From Western' Pacific. (Journal Special Rerrlce.) Vw York. Iec. 2. Harrlman has be gun to estimate the loss which will re sult to the Southern Psclflc through the opening of Gould s Western Pacific The Chicago Northwestern, the great Vanderbilt property of tha weat. for years haa run a few trains to the Pa cific coast over the Southern Pacific, -It a hlnted..that Gould naa maae a secret alliance with Vanderbilt which will divert this traffic to the Western Pacific, and its competition in either freight or passengera would be danger oua. WILLED $32,000 AS REWARD FOR AIDING TRAMP Former Sheriff Sixteen Years lAgo Befriended Vagrant and Is Bequeathed Fortune. (Journal Bpoetal Service.) Denver. Col.. Dec. 2. Because .... . . i yeara ago, wnuea uepuiy iiim befriended a tagged, half-starved tramp. Felix O Nell ia (32,000 richer than he waa yesterday. -O'Neill first met George Oarrity of Springfield. Massachusetts." When r "the latter waa In Jail for vagrancy. He was convinced that Oarrity was the victim of hard luck, and the latter waa given clothes and a prospecting outfit.. In the gold fields he struck a rich mine, and dying laat week, at- his old home left O'Neill 112.000. PRISON CHAPEL GUARD AT SALEM DISCHARGED (Special Dlapatch te The Joaraal.) Salem, Or., Dec. 2. Charles Charlton, who ha been chapel guard at the peni tentiary for a number of yeara. waa yes terday discharged for Inaubordlnatton. He left with the statement that he would fight the prison admlnlstrstlon. . Hi discharge waa the result of his refusal io tak charge of a gang of convicts enssged In repairing a flume which Conducts the water for power purposes through -th "prison" grounds Hla rea sons for refusing were that he waa un- Kutorned to. P' ! n S put in . winter weather. i : ' , I Preferred Stock Oaaaed Goods. . Alien e lewia sesi vreno, - Mcpherson AVcetable Preparationfor As slmilatlng the Food andBegula - ting mesoiuutiB anoBowep a Promotes DigestloitJCreerful mie;ndra?st.Contains neither OpdtJjn.Morphine norIioexaL Not Narcotic". f .:; jL, tfOUO-SJMXLKTOmR " Jtx. Smm Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- lion. sour stuniacn.uianiwea Worms Convulsions .rcvwisrv nrss and Loss or Sleep. Tae.tmiU lOnMhira of ytEW YDHK. "TT" ill Jill f- tXACrreoPfOFWKABBca. 'Dyspepsia u l Cure " (LIQUID) , Is the preottst remedy for dypep.i , or indigestion ever made. ;.The problem ia to make you know It ' Wt kntr i will help you from Th first dose, and curty if its useis persisted in for The problem is to Therefore, n order to indue suRerers from dyspepsia to flvs Chaaevi Dyspepsia Cure a talr trial we ask than to go to any druttst and ret a bottle. If after three days' trial vou are rvot sat Med that ft ia what yotr want. jo to the drufdist ana iution r argument. Prie, S0.c.U THE CHASE MFC FOR - fe1 'A,-H mm MM-? Portland viRE&inorjvon; Phone Main sooo company ffiS For Infants and Children. The Kind You llavo Always Bought Bears the Signature of, Thirty Years m m wag- . ar tr i AW w ft In (kl Use "'lag '"' " ""' J" For Ovor J U lull II a short time.- makeow know it. , y yu """7 , . " 7. 7 fLOw per hottle C0n Newburih, N. Y. WOODARD, CLARKE .& CO. BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WISE 1201 fCIX.3 Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fenclojv Poultry getting. Etc aoj FLANDLS3 ST.. f-' r . Work Done on tlw Installment Plan. okjesia ok am mr, - - I ' 7 7