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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1905)
.THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER, 2. 1905. IORTIIIjESIEIIO 18 ' AFTER Ulli . . , .;,. Hence, Says Railroad Official, , ts Determination to Make Coos Bay a Terminus. ; TIMBER GREATEST CROP 7 RAILROAD CAN GET INTO Oregon Alone, With No Other Crop, Might Keep Several Railroads Run ' ning Central" Statei Soon Must '. Draw Almost Exclusively on West. - "The Chicago- Northwestern rall- "way ia coming -to the Pacific coast . largely for the purpose of setting lura ; ter. Therefore. It will seek outlets here where that commodity is plentiful, and . t'oos bay will be one of lta tidewater itermlnl.'' said a. railroad official who , la believed to be In a position to know. . ' "DW it ever occur to your mind that , .standing, marketable - timber la the greatest crop a, railroad can set lntot ;Yell, It la so, and furthermore, there . is no longer room for doubt that within the next eight or ten. years the entire middle west will be drawing its wooden . building .materials from the Paciflo northwest. And then the railroads that do not control a share of the lumber ' traffic will, have a hard grow to ho In transcontinental traffic." . Kxeepttns small competition from aouthern yellow pine, the Pacific north- .west will hiva an absolute mononolv t ipon the lumber supply of the slates v JSrbranlta, the Dalcotas, Iowa, Illinois, 'Kansas; Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana and t.Qhlo. lTheremaliia of Michlgsn, Wis . ronsln and Minnesota forests will keep . the local territory there supplied with lumber for some years after their larger .mills shut-down and their ' shipping ceases. , .. . Setter Thai Wheat. ; 'v '"The forests of Oregon alone, with no other crop, would keep several rail ' roads running when the Paciflo north v west comes into Us full heritage of the lumber trade," continued the authority ' above quoted. "For instance, take an average acre , of good timber scaling ...008,000 feet. There are 10.900 feet of lumber In a carload.' An acre will saw. 200 carloads of lumber. It will . aurprlse moat people to know that It - would' take a farmer IS years to raise '. enough wheat onan acre of ground averaging IS bunhela to the acre to fur nish the railroad as much tonnage as 'there Is already standing on an acre of Oregon timber. Lumber Is a. staple that will never decrease in Importance. .lta value . IS gradually Increasing as eastern forests are decimated. Lumber J a one of the greatest future sources - of tonnage revenue in this country, and ' for transcontinental railroads ' tapping ' the states of Oregon and Washington It is the greatest". Cease of Ce Shor-taff. .. The sstonlshlng Increase of the east hound lumber movement from this terri tory in the last 'two years Is. unpre cedented, and lias caught the railroads unprepared. The, lumber movement to the east this year is ascribed by rail , road pfflciala as the causa of the rain- ous car shortage.' . V It Is said the Northwestern Is timing oDitrocttOn .of its Pacific coast exten sion to meet the demands of -the lumber traffic,' and will hit it at) about the right ; tlm. At the present rate.. of building the road ' will reach western Oregon within tmn veora I, hao medo I.A nro. llmlnxy surveys across the1 state, and I Is believed to be securing terminals at Coos hty. Recently a strong movement has been started for the deepening of the harbor there. Frank O. Bants, a prominent. Marshfteld man. has been called twice to Chicago to consult with Marvin Hughitt, president of the North- western, and Is- regarded as; the road s representative In Coos, county. It is said to be due to his persistent work that the Northwestern has been Induced . to select Coos bay. as one of Its Paciflo roe st terminals, and 4he timber of that country has been the principal attrac- ' tlon. The road will, of course, coma to Portland for general commerce. BAKER CITY PIONEER CROSSES GREAT DIVIDE - (SpeHsl tHspatch tn The J'osraal.) Baker City, Or., Dec. 1. The funeral of Robert P.- Clark, a respected pioneer, who died Wednesday at the age of 71 .years, took place from the Presbyterian church In this city, yeatedday Afternoon. , Robert F. Clark was born In England, October IS. 1831. When he came to the Ynited states he located ... In Illinois, from which state he went to California In tho memorable year- of 1149, Joining the rush to that state occasioned' by the discovery of gold.. When the Southern ' Oregon gold . excitement broke out ha went there.-. He was a veteran of the , Rogup river Indian war of 168, serving with distinction. In 1876" ha came to Baker county and for many yeara waa engaged In farming and has been a worthy citisen since that time. V He leaves several children In eastern Ore gon to mourn his loss. , BALFOUR MAY APPEAL RATHER THAN RESIGN (Journal Special Servlee.t Tjondon, Dev. Premier Balfour . may yet elect to dissolve parliament .rather than resign. The report spread ..that Balfour would reslgn.ts considered only s cloak'to cover other movements. i-Among these is the rumor that a gen eral election may be sprung at an op fortune moment. Both sides- so far as ,lmrty erganisstion Is concerned are well prepared for an election, aa leadera of .oth sre mnktns nlahtly speeches. ' . - -. . . All goes well when the .baby is Well. Keep the baby well by fring htm Mellln's Food, it will nourish him, make him pow strong and keep him happy. Wo ara sura of It try It. Aak ths mothers of Mallln'S Food children. Bend for our free book about Mellln's Food. rellla'e fa. Is IW OUT lafaats eed. which received Ike Crand rrlae. the hie boot award of the Lesl.iaaa rr- St. Leal. lvo4.. JUalve r taaa a m4 aseaai, - UELUN'S FOOD CO., BOSTON, MASS. s a a at J .aswe .k . -m . CHU RCH SERVICES KZTHODI8T. Free Cast Ninth sod Mill streets. Prescbtna, wire, at 11 a. as. Oiiteaarr Eaat Pin and Rsst NtatS streets; Rev. Willi. n H. Meppe, I. D. At lo au a. ai.. "The Type of Msa Needed for the f rear at coadittoas or Our American ; :3U p. m.. "Kichanflnc Shields of OoM fut Shlelda-of Brass"; noralnc tlm 8:80 o'clock; Suaday erhubl. 12:16 p. ni.i Juniors and later. BMMllstrs, 4 p. St.: Kpwwrth S:1S p. an, Tartar-Street Dr. Francis Hursstte Snort, At 8:30 a. in., elaesee; 10:80 a. as.,' The Progressive Power of . the Gospel"; 1115 p. as. Ti p. as., "A Good Wlfs 0d Bl-s Her.' Mnnnrslde Yamblll between Tblrtnftb and Thlrtr-aiith: Bev. T. B. ford. At lo a. m Suadar srbool; 11 a. Si.. "Wtiet Ar Yoa Going w in auoac 117 , is as., ciaas meeting; 8:89 p. ai., children's elssses aad junior lee sue; S IB p. si.. Kd worth lee sue eevotiousi swl !'; t:80 p. .. "Orgaulaatiaa of Christian womea nor service." Kpwocth Twratv-rhlrd aad Irving si roots; Bar. llvnrjr T. Atklnsoa. Bandar scbool. Id ,a. as.; prsacblng service, 11 a. an. ; Junior M-ague, 8 p. m. ; Epwortta leaa-aa, 6:30 p. as. ; T:ao p. ia., "The Traaeformeuoa of tbe Com asonnlace." Crutrsl Rnssrn and Kerbr streets: Bev. J. T, Abbott, t'lsss meeting, S:40 a. as. : 10:30 a. a,.. "Hln" Sunday scbool, 12 m. Kpworth league, s:9U p. m.; 1:30 p. stu, -IBs papuam of riro." Trinity East Tenlk and Graat arreeta;. Bsv. naroia voetg. serrires Docs aorninn ana evss. Ins: Handsy school, Ji) s. si.; Kpwortb leagat, :80 P. SI. Orsee Twlftb aad ' Taylor atroeta; Dr. risrvDre Trua Wilsoa. D. O. At 10:30 a. a.. "Tb Kslnbow 'Round tbe Tbroao"! 1:30 p. m., bolr eooimualoa attar a special serswa by ua pastor. , . ....... , ,. ... , r "' xraioorax. - St. SteDhaa's Thirteenth and Clsr atreots Rct. H.rf M. Btsmr, Holy communloa. T:30 a. 83.: Sunday scbool, :4ft a. as.; axirulnf sor. Ice, 1 1 eVlork ; renins; service. T :S0 o'clock, Tuesdsr. bolr eomsiunloB at 0:30 a. tt. : m. dsr. lit. nr. 4 . as. nr. rsurs waodmvre: C. U. Parker, lay rvadrr. Serrlre and soruon at t p. as.; 8un day action L. 2 p. as. St. Usr d'a East Twelfth snd BrtmoBt strerta; Bar. Goorga B. . Van Waters. D. D llulr comninnloB. S a. m.t bolr rosamtinlon ami sermon, lis. as.; shortened arming prsjrer with Eipuiar nrmna sne orgsa si tunc, t:w oloc nday acbool. : a. as. St. Mark's Nineteenth and Qulnby streets; Bev, J. E. H. Blmnaoa. . At S a. a... bolr eummunlon; II a. ns., bol.r communion and 'saon; T:3o e clock, evenlne nrarar and ear. son: 10 a.n., Sunday school. 1 Trinity NlBeteenth aad Ereratt streets; Dr. A. A. Morrison. Uolv communion, a a. sa. : Bunds? school. 9:90 a. m. ; mornins prayar, 11 e'rlnrk; evenlnc prsrer. T:IO o'clock. t.'hauel of tbe TranaAenratton stalker halld. In. Hecond and Morrlaoa streets; Kes. W. B. riiweii, serviee sne sermon, ii a. as. . Ht. John s Memorial Bellwood: Bev. W. A. Powell. Service aad sermon, 1: 41 p. a.; Sua day school, t:4S p. sa. uood Hbepberd Hell wood afreet and Vancouver avenue. Alblna; Bev. John Dawson. Holy communion. 11a. ax. l e renin , sarvlee. 1 :ao. o'clock ; Sunday school, 10 s. n. sr. Matinew a rlrst and Caruthara strtjets: Rev. W. A. If. Brack. Holy communion and mon. 11 a. ss . : morulaa nrarar and Sunday school. S:4 o'clock. . I t'bnrch of Oar RavlfU'.Wonclatnpk- Rev.- H D. fbambera. Preaching aarrlce at 10:30 a. u.i Sunday school. 12 as. . 0ATH0U0. , Prs-rathedral of tbe Immaculate roncettrlon. Fifteenth aad Davis; Most Rev. A. A. Christie. D. 1). Menses at . S. aad 11 a. am.: areola eerrlce at 7:30 o'clock. Bt. Patrick's Nineteenth and Savler: Rev. R. P. Murnhr. Masses st S snd 10:110 a. ns.i evening service. T. o'clock. ' t. - lawrfsn'a Third a no MiertBSB; Bev. C. Hushes. Masses at 1 S and 18:30 a. na.l tvenlng serrlce, T:0 o'clock. Kt. Josephs (Qermsn) FlftesBth and Coach; Rav. P. De Roo. Maaiea at a and 10:80 a. m.i srel Service. t:80 o'clock. . St. allcbsers (Italian) Fourth and Mill: Rev. A. C'estellL Masses at S:SO and S a. as.: evening aerylce, T:BO o'clock, Pscred Heart Church S2 Mllwankie street; Pstber Oresorr. O. 8. R. Masses st 8 and 10:80 m. ; evemna aervlca, T:80 o'clock. Holv (XYWMi fhurch XTelveealtv r.r.!.r.tlMf Thlllban, C. 8. C. Masses st a;S0 aad 10 a. as.; evening eerrlce. T:) o'clock. Most rrecwaa uiooa t sarca Moataritta: nev, I. A. Brosseaa. Maaa at s. a. : Baadaf ai-koot. lo a. ' sa.t vesoer and beMdlrtton. i:30 e clock;, srsr suBOay, a dor anon: week aajrs. siass at S ad. a. .; evening devot Ion, ' 1:41 e clock. ' - . . w ' Most Holy Rosary East Tblrd and Oarse mas streets; Very Bev. A. S. 'Iiwler. ' Messrs at S. T. 8:80 snd in- a. as.: rosary aad diction? uclU'l Ht. ' ram-la' rharch Kaat Eleveath and Eaat Oak street; Rev. James H. Black. Maaaea at . :. aud 10.80 a. as.) evening aervlca, T:0 riocs. ... Immaculats Heart of Mary Willi. ma areas ana Stanton afreet, ainina: Key. wiiuaaa a. Daly. Maaaea at , 8. S and 10:80 a. St.; eva log aecvice, T:80 o'clock. , COROBEaATIORAL. flnnnyslde Ea.t Taylor aad East Thirty- roorts streets: Key. 4. j. stsun. at 11 s. as.. l nriat s uairioua (unqoest '; t:so p. "RecosTtltloo Ib lies ren"; Hands f acboel. 10 a m.; Junior Chriatlaa Endeavor, S p. senior t ortaiiaa enaeeyor. s:ia p. as. Ilsssslo-ateeet Kaat Sevesth street, north. and liaaaah street: Rev. Charles E. Cbsea. At W:M a. St., aerylce with seragon; IS as.. Sua day school; 8:80 p. si.. Christian Eadeuvor Blhle study; T:.T0 p. si., aervlca with eeratoa. I nlreretty Park Artisans' Temple, Porta SMath; Rev. D. B. Cray. Preaching at 11 a. as.; Sunday school, 10 a. ra. Lanrelwood Arleta hall: Rev. I). n. Gray, Preaching, T:3 p. si.: Sunday scbool, 10 a. as.; a. -. s. v. as., s:su n. S3. First Maiilaoa aad Park atreets: Rev. E. U Honae. I. O. At 10:80 a. si.. "What Is tbe Mutter With tbe Churchf; T:80 J. m.. "Henry nera neeceer"; iz:io p. sj.( Bunds school; u:oo p. ra., s. r. s. a,. Mlaslsslnpl-AveBBa MIsalMtppI avenee and Fremont atreet; Rev. William L. T nsbaw. Sua. dsy school. 10 a. as.: 11 a. m.. "Tbe Teat of a Life": Christian Endeavor. :30 p. m.i T:80 p. m.. "The Supremacy of Christ'": speakers. eonn nam ana i. r. Hoonee or the 1. c A, Highland Presrott sod Eaat 8lith street. north: Rev. Ardes hi. Rock wood. Sunday acbool. 10 a. so.; 11 a. sa. . "No Skeleton In the Closet"; Junior endeavor. S p. m. : T:30 p. ., "What Shan We Do With the Old roissi" '''' ' . ' ' 1APT1ST, T'nlveralty Park Rev. John Bentslen. -pastor. ounusy scnoai. w s. as.; preacBing. a, and T:80 p. m.. "Orlt and Grace." First Tbe Wilts Temple. Twelfth "and Taylor atreeta; Rev. J. Whltcomh Rrotuther. Thla la "Jubilee day," being the Brat dsy of a week's celebration of the 60th anniversary or in e orraniaatton er tae enures. At 10:90 a. m.. 'Tour Lsofca"; 11:80 P. m.i Bible school jubilee eierclses: 3:80 p. m., remlnlsrent and cnnimunloa service; S p. m., Innebeoa la lower temple; a p. m.. Jubilee service of B. T. P. V T:80 p. m., popular Jubilee service, "Tbs uneen of the Home," atth la tbe series, "Happy Though Married." . - Second Rest Seveatb and East Ankent streets; Rey, Stsntoa C.' I.snbam. At 10:30 a. m., "Tbe nar-f Vlaltatloa 1 nrecornlned"! Bible school, IS m.; young people's anion, 8:30 p. n.( i: p. m., -ids Boroer el His uar Bient.'', '. Korweflan-'nanlah Artlasna' hsll. Ssyier be tween Twenty-Srst sad Tweaty-aerond streets. North Portland. Set, Ices la the evening. ., ' TirmO XTAaTOtUCaX. ' ReeoBd Fargo and Kerby streets; 1 Rev. I. Rowersns. - At 11 a. m.. ."Hindered Tet Build ers"; 1:m p. ai., "Better en Before"; Sunday school, to a. nt. ; K. t 0.. E., T p. aa. tickler Oreetl At 8:30 p. aa. the new I nlted Eyanaellcal cbnrrh la Is a, formally opened. Rev. H. It.- Pratt. P. R., te oa netted te nreacb: Bnnaav aelimt. e-an m w ! St., John's John and Ivanhne atreeta: Rev. It. E. McVlcker. At II n. m., "Trne Riches"; t:80 p. is. "Systemstle I'ae f Tim "; Sunday s. D in u. m. ,- i. tv. i u. a., z wi p. m. ; a. K. I C. S , 6:S p. Bi. I First Frfiat Tenth and Sherman streets; Rev. A. A. Winter. At 10 e. m., Sunday acbool; preaching, II a. a and T:30 p. m.: S:80 p. a., K. U ef P. R. Presiding Elder Rav. H. C Pratt will Breach both awning ssd evaalag. - ' raitBTTiiiAir. ' riedsannt Ch-reland avenae . and Jarrett street: Rev. I Myron Bocacr. At 10:30 a. m., "Ckrtatlan Flnanee"; preaching aervlca, 7:30 p. u.; Mabbath acbool. la m. ' , . Fourth yirat and tllhba atreeta. Preaching at !:8u a. m. end T:ao p. m. by Rey. w. a. Wrlibt; Sunday school, 11 m.; T. P. S. C, K., mi p. m. . ' First Cnmberlsna Twelfth and East Taylor atreeta: Rev. E. Nelenn Allen. At 10:80 a. m.. prarhln aervlce: 11 m., ausdsy school; 8:80 p. as., ( hr let Ian Rndenvar; T:S0 p. an., the double oaertet will reader a special maalral at rvlce. Mlapab Rev. J. R. Metllade. . I). At 10:80 S. si., and T :8ft p. m., rmb'l vmrablp; " la a. as.. "A Safe tHroHlng-Place"; f;30 p. 'Tbs Bbsdow of I'rtcr.' r irat i oener ,-srn sne t mnmms atreereiin r.iumurn urua s Uer, M. s. Muckle. at l,ev s. aa, 1. I street; price ( cents. Parb and Colombia streets; t'cs more trca C.n3S tbo strort'j cf Ooooa mlxotf with acar, aterch, or r rowroot, mod la, tharm forOf fmr more eoonomloalm . SaaBannnnBBaBBBBsBaH Ualt3rDa!( Breakfast The Finest In the World 45 Highest Awards J: in Eurcpt and XmarrVa ' . ' " V "' A new and handsomely Ulftae trated Recipe Book sent free waltttr&GUtl EbiuM i78i iurctcr, Pkj. Henry Wlbvoa ef New Terk will apeak: Bible school, 11: IS p. as.: Chrlsllss Endeavor. .8:80 p. m. OsBtrsl East Twentieth aad Miami atreeta; Rev. J. K. Ghormler. At 11 a. m.. "Tbe Blercb. Ins Orders of ths Klne"i T:8f n. m.. "The Call ef tho Cross"; ttnaday srbool, 10 a. a.; Junior ieafOT, S.S0 S. a.: senior SBdeavor. S:M p m. awoney-Avenne nodnev aveaaa asa Knott atreet; Rev. P. Elmo Roblnena. At 10 a. m.. Sunder arhool: 11 a. m.. "A Church of Power": 8:80 p. m., yoang people's aervlce; 7 :80 p. ., aermon for yoong people. . ' V LTJTXZXAV. .. St. Paul'a (Oct man) Ra.t Twelfth and Clinton atreets: Rev. A. Krauer. Confeeslnnal aervlce, 10 a. aa. ; aborning aervlce. and holy communion. 10:iMI e clock: eranliar aermoa. 1:80 o'clock; Sunday acbool, 8:80 a. m. Bethania IHinnih Colon avesoe aad Morris atreeta; Rev. Ondmned OrllL Preaching services si ii a. m. sbq i:ju p. m.: suuaay school. 1:1 p. m. ' Korsregtss Synod Esat ' Tenth and Grsnt streets; Rev. O. Haaoes. paator. Preaching service. It a. ra. ; evening eerrlce In English st 7:30 o'clock: Snndsy school, 8:SO, a. m. Thursday the Ladles' Aid meets wUh Mrs. Hsaoes, . 4Zft East Tenth atreet: T. P. 8.. Tburaday at 8 p. aa.; eatechlaa Seturday, 8:80 i atolls . St. James (Kiullah Waa hi frrsoa streets: Rey. j. t. Ixtea. g, ,tM ,t 11 a. m. and T:48 p. as. The eveaing services will be conducted by tbe Lother lesgue and will be largely musical; Sunday acbool, 10 a. as.; Lather league, 7 p. m. ETAHOmCAL ASSOOA.TIOH, Firat Oermaa Tenth and C lev atreeta: Rev. Tbeo. Scbanev. paator. . Saaday school, 8:30 m.l arorsatB snd sermoaL. lo:4B a. h. .w p. aa. , a . I . a., i p. m. . First r.nalt.h East Sixth and Market a tree h, Bev. S. A. Slewert. Prearklnc aarvlees at 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m. t Sunday school, 10 a. m.; T. P. A.,':48 p. as.; J. t. P. . A. Tuesday at 4. p. an.; prayer asset log Wedassday a 8:80 p. m. . Memorial East Eighteenth ' and Tlbbetta las,. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.: Saaday acbeol, lo a. an., a. r. a. oi v. m., e:au p. aa. v BmtlTVaXIST. ' ' Bible Spiritual Society Si Alder street. At 11 a. m., conrereace; 12:80 p. m., mens be ra' meeting; 8 p. m.. lecture by Mrs. Kllsabslh Craig oa "New Thought Versus Splritnsllsm." flllowed by spiritual messages by Mrs. Wllaea. First Hortety Artisans' ball. Third tree! near waaBtiurtoB: Rev. N. F. Ravelin Conference, 11 a. m.; yoang people's club, 1:80 p m.; Ir. Ravells lectures at 8 p. m. ''Thought aa tn mass sacur la inurucw-amiiaiug." ' tnfTTES BtlTsTRZK XV CHRIST. First Oirner of Bait rifteeatk and Morrlaoa atreets; Rev. H. O. Srhaffer. Bible acbool, 10 a. m.; 11 a. at., "Cbrlat's Victory Ovet tbe Love 'snd Power ef Sin"; 7:30 p. m., "Tbe Oska Snd Its Record for One Samster"! T. P. 8. C. E. st 8:30 p. aa. Blabop William M. Bell. D. D will preach Monday evealns at 1:48 p.. as. T. K. 0. A. T. M. C. A. Aaaociatloa building. 187 Fourth street. At S P. m. tbe Snndsy club will Be addressed by Rev. Henry Wilsoa, P. It., of New York City ea the eublect. "Tbs Gifts snd rslilng of God": sacred concert by. as sociation orchestra and mixed susrtet. , All ra Invited. ' ' ; no.' - C. C. A. C. Ib B. Allskr balldlns sear Third, oa Morrison: Rev. Charles A. Hoy. At I p. m., Jtlhle atndy; 8 p. m., "Tbe Glorious Victory Throush Christ. Our Living Ring"; 7:80 om. 'Opportunities Improved er NsgisetsaV- V. I. CHTJECH. SOUTH. First 171 Seeoad atreet. Foreatera' hall; Rev. E. H. Mowre. At 10 a. m., Sanday scbool: 11 s. m.. Dr. Vsn Pelt, attorney for tbe Aatl- Saloon league, will preach: 8:80 p.. m., F.pwortk league; t:bu p. m., preaching By paator. CHtlSTLAaT SCIIS0B. . . First Church ef Christ. BHentlat ftenttlih Rita Cathedral. Morrlaos aad lowasdale atreeta. At II a. a. and S p. m., "God tbe Preserver of Man"; Snaday school at close ef aaaralng aarrlce. ' " ': ADTXBT. ' " Adeew, S.eowd atenet hetaraeo STetl and 1 te. enla, streefs: Hev. Charles Hsffeaden. Snndsy srbool, 10:80 s. m.l preaching Berries, . 11 ;M a. a.; pratae meeting. T p. as. SPIRIT Or TRUTH. , Spirit nt Truth Society Drew ball, ll Seened street, bear Morrison. At 7:30 p. m.; "Sub leetlve end Objective Medlamablp"; measaget by Mrs. Sophls U. Help. ' VMfTIRtaXIST. Ftrat-eEsst F.lshth and East Ceach streets: Rev. W. F. Small. At U a. m.. "The Law ef Happiness"; 10 a. m., Sunday Br boo 1. ' SWEDERSOmOlAH. New Chnrcb Soetetr Kniabta ef Prtblss hsll. Msrqusm building. ' Sunday School, 10:8 a. m.; lay serricea, ii:m a. m. ... J 0UTX BRAJTOH MISSI0H. Olive Branch Gospel MMstoa First. sear 7.W Clsy street. Services every evening at O'clock aad Sunday at S p.a. - nW TH0U0KT. New Thou sat Drew hall. 11 B.ccad atiet,' vner Morrlaon street. At 11 a. a.. "Tbe Great WltVs." ' airLLZHBIAt DAWB. . Millennial Daw a 1. A. R. ball. Second aad Morrison atreeta. Serrlces at 1:80 p. as.- i Terrlflo avaaa With Beatk. v "Death waa fast aDDt-oachlng." writes Ralph F. Fernandas, of Tsmpa, fla., describing his fearful race with death. result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed ma of eleen snd of ill Interest In life. I had tried many different doctors nnd several med icines, but aot no benefit, until I began to use Klectrlc Bitters. Bo wonderful wss their effect that In three days 1 .!. Ill .. , i.i. m nww iiii.ii, .in. iini.i a win S u red of all my troubles." . Unaranteed t Hkldmore s drug store, lei Third & aT aaBt M. ttXX: I if a. V 5 I . 1 r , You van maks no happier provision for the holidays than to put ELECTRIC. LIGHT In .your home;, ' ( ' Z '. Electric Light is the cheapest of all artificial illumrnants, considering EFFECTIVENESS, CLEANLINESS and CONVEN IENCE. 7 - . .j . . ' ' "." ' ' ; . . " .-. . Even without these considerations it is cheap enough to be within the means of anyone. - , , '"V :'--:v, r- r - , . v Electric service is available to the smallest as well as the largest user, and it is in the smaller houses that its many ad vantages are most apparent. However small the rooms, or closely crowded,: the -atmosphere remains pure and unchanged. Nothing so much as Electric Light adds io" the attractive cheerfulness of the dining room or parlors, and then there Is the convenient reading lamp at the head of the bed, or the porch light controlled individually from the interior. "The list of -Christmaspresents should contain some of the new Electric heating devices, an Electric hair-curler or hand-. kerchief iron, or a heating pad taking the place, of the out of ' date hot-water bag a chafing dish, a coffee pot, a foot warmer or a jeady-to-use Electric Lighting outfit for decorative illum ination of the Christmas Tree, the dining table or the rooms, on a festive occasions. - . -------7p"r-r-,r-- 1 it will pay 16 66k into thai mmreeiTiiiTits wu aie uffeiing in connection' with the new lamp rto those who make applications for installation of Electric Lighting. i ' ' ' - Fill oiit COUPON and mail to us TODAY. Our represent ative will call promptly. ' , T Return Portland General Electric Co. 8eenth and Alder Sts. Please have your representative call and tee me with reference to ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Address . Convenient time to call. Portland General -Electric Co. Seventh and Alder Sts. Phone Exchange J J 'I 7" Coupon r .