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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1905)
, : r - -'the Oregon:' daily journal. : pQRTLANPr FRiD a Yjgygggy"'lt-1;1 Jy , Store Glos33 at 6 P.M. Store Opens at 8 A. Mi THE DIFFERENT STORE GOOD EVENING 5TH, 6TH, WASHINGTON STS. SATCRDAT BUTERS WILL ENJOT i A MONSTER STOCK-REDUCING .5 If Youll Remember Back a Year Youll be reminded that Thanksgiving cam five days earlier than thit yearor on November 25. Christinas buaineaa started in with a rush then yet it waa hard to crowd all the business into the 26 days.;; This year there are but 20 shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas and one of those has passed into -ti. T" t t t in n wo wrn-o ruDTCTMAS SHOP. t ; . . sale of, . . ... .. . .... . v . Swell Dependable Silks FIFTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR, Thousands of yards taken from our stock to be sold at pHoee leM thejJlbe cost to manufacture. These are . not an aecumuia wn i v iy over from season to season, but every yard Is thla year oods. Tbe lots consist of Plain Loulsiene. Plain Pons Plain Wash Taffata, Neat White Figured Silks. Figured Colored Foulsrds. Novelty Plaid Silks. Neat Figured Chlffoa Taffetas. Neat Figured Checked and Striped Loulalene. Plain and Changeable Peau de Cygna. Thla immense collection yen will tin la Silk Annex on Bargain Tables, divided ta four Big Lota v . ; . 1 - maiury nuowinjj uu i 19 ii ir vjij'" - niMft ' ri -.' -m nr values for Saturday shdppers but, bear in mind, please the store closes at 6 p. m. .....z4 . ir yarn ............... The Olds. Wortman GS, l&mz Store , I I . - . ... I I - 1 " ' II ' A K M.' H -1 ! Lot 1, at, yard .;...;...,....;;i;vv.;.......i.:..a;i. .sea) t Vote for -Benevolent Fund Distribution at 10 a. m. Today and Flower Mission ................. J........... Jo 411 i's Institute ..................... v,- III nden Home . .".iY i Horn ............ " ' t- ' ' ..... Pattern Horns .' a. if'!.. Fruit and Flowsr Mission ................;......,. ;i 'If J . People' 1 Crittenden Dak. Umm... '""J ................. Old Ladles' Horns- 1 ............. ; St. Vincent's Hospital ........ ......... Salvation Army .,...... "? Mount Bt. Joseph's Horn lor me aim . Open Air Fund till' Visiting Nurse Association....... Volunteers of America '!:i Children's Horns ........ v.. ............... -??" Oood Samaritan Hospital Boys' and Girls' Aid Society ,., .. .1.417 121 Mount Bt Agnes Baby Horn 111 Beaverton Horn . '...., tit' iV. C. T. V. ' . ............. ......... ...... - . Humans Boclety ..........,...... t.f fy ". "rr" J J r Orphans . Home, . I. .....'..... i .. t r. . ' ? T. W. C. -A. ...i...., , " ladles' Hebrew Benevolent Boclety v;,........ . Men's Resort .... .......................-... f.w..... .. Mercy Home Convent of the Good Bhepherd Travelers Aid ... .....................- 1 ; Old Folks' Home .....'i.. Jewish Women's Society Women's Rxchanre Bisters of Mercy Horns 5y. T. M. C. A. North End Mission Workina Girls' Horn . k.... 4 i . . v. . Tofai .....M2I In Domestic AisleFirst Floor ATTRACTIVtS VALUES IN NEW SILK EMBROIDERED FLANNELS, with hemstitched or scalloped edes. Priced at. tha yard. ...... .60 to f2.00 WHITE ALL-WOOL SAXONT FLANNELS. ' Prices Reasonable. . ... - : ,' nnvt wuiTir nnuiw RLANNRUI. Valour Flannels for Kimonos.' Priced at, the yard. from. to 2B EIDERDOWNS, all wool. Priced at, tha yard 35 t BOc New Scotch Walstlns Flannels. .Priced at. the yardTjJSt 35y BO and 60 16c PILLOW CASES FOR 1H4C 250 dosen baavy linen finish Pillow Cases; our lie value. Special Bala price, each 12H JSATURDAT SPECIALS" IK" THE Homef urnishing Stores Fourth Floor 1I.TB I'AUK ttBlAlWB, St.SS. Lace Curtains In Brussels effect, t yards lon, 50 Inches wide; rscular valua j 13.76. Special, tha pair ............... . ..vy. ... ,...V; ......... .fl.9B I , J.80 DOWNAIiINE COMFPRTS, $!.. . '' V : ' dsnutns Downsllne Comforters, light..' fluffy aajdsrarm. atr lara-e sl: j, ,alu 18.S0. Bpeclsl. each i fZ.S I . , $5.60 PILLOWS. 11.41. '. Fine all-feather filled Pillows, slse J0xt7 inches; regular ralua 13.60.. BpeclsJ. the' pair ' .... .. i...... ......... -P2.'4o SATURDAY BARGAINS IN Christmas Table Linens First Floor 10 000 HAND-EMBROIDERED LINEN DOILIES. TRAT CLOTHS AND CENTERPIECES AT SPECIAL PRICES By reason of our having placed ' an order a long time In advance, we aecured these Embroidered Linens at prices which enebla us to sell them for the name as you. ordinarily pay for cheap goods. , They aro all made of handsome linen and are beautifully . . . T . I. K I 1 emoroiaerea. juie " , Our Our Our Our Our Our Our Our. Our Our S60 45o 60o 0o ; 5c 75o tl.00 fl.3S 11.60 value, value, value, value, value, value, value. value. value. valua. Special at. each Speclnl at, each . Special at, each Speclnl at, each Bpeelal at, each Special at, each Special at. eaoh Special at, each Special at, each Special at, each 25 J....... 344 U 38 45 49 .... 56 ,. 75 fl.1V 1L JL jL JL Iw7 ail. J J J-a VTA THIS STORE 3 And Go All the Way Si TKny-by-Baylight ! v 1 -ir i tt - r uti m c 'h II fs" This Store Closes Saturday as on v'1 W - All Days-at 6 P. M. '.'Mj A GRAND CHRISTMAS SALE OF WOMEtTS Handsome Street Suits and Beautiful, Rustling; Silk Skirts ( Petticoats) Grand Salons of Drew Second Floor. r npPFrr -STYLES GREATEST VARIETY SUPERIOR QUALITY -BEST VALUES CORRECT. . STiLts uKttAlwt acMTOMATlT.K- ATTIRE.. WOMEN'S AMD HlSSM AUinuRUAui- - - -Z-v Thwsands of carefully selected atyle. are ready for holiday buyer. The most advanced models of the winter's metropolitan favorites. Our expert buyers have interpreted the season's newest and, most advanced fashions with remarkable precision ai i is nJf"? of Fashion Journals aneht the styles worn at N ew York a recent Equinexhik. If. clearly seen that not alone in showing the widest variety of GR.REj .tJt. r'mn even more so in the re action of everythmfi: not in 8 tast Come down to the store tomorrow with another assurance-of the. best ' values "of all the" yeaf beingT shown ypi. . . , t , SPECIAL NOTE TO MOTHERS-Just received by express from one of the foremost New York makers of junior, 'PPy'l-NEW "SAlLOR" SUlTS-for children's school wear. The Ute.t eastern ".favorites for little misses..... .....flO.OO to fatt.ow IN HANDSOME NEW PATTERNS IN HEMSTITCHED TEACIOTHS AND - TABLECLOTHS AND DAMASKS BT THE YARD., Handkerchief Linens, In either sheer or cambric finish. In all widths. Priced at. the yard, from ....BO to $3.00 Tablecloths made of Richardson's pure linen, extra aise, for either round or . square tables. Napkins to match. 1 . ' STIRRING AND ATTRACTIVE SATCRDAT SPECIALS IN THB Women's Furnishing Shops on First Floor ' ' ' ' LADIES' 40o AND 60c HANDKERCHIEFS, Jle, All linen embroidered' hemstitched and embroidered, scalloped edae Hand--kerchiefs; regular values 0o and 50c. Special, while they last, each .-. .2 If , ' v' ' LADIES' 76c COLLAR AND CtTrF SETS, 4c. Fine whIU " embroidered Jbatiete lace-trtmmed Collar and Cuff Sets, very - handsome,' new style; reaulsr vnlfte 76c. Special, tha set 48 . LADIES' t5o TURNOVER COLLARS. 6e. ' . Embroidered Turnover Collars, In white and colors, bavins; tha appearance of a t So grade. Special, each ...tit 76o VENISB COLLAR AND CCFF SETS. - Special, set. ............ .1 .. .48f 40o AND 60o RIBBONS, 160. " Tfcnucsnrt of yards of new Messallne lUbbons, all colors, i Inches wide: also a beautiful line of new fancy rtbbone In dotted and striped effects; reirular values 40o and 60cSpeclal, tha yard 25e LACES AND LACE ROBES. -.t- . Never before have laces been so elaborate Laces for the sleeves, lscea for jlbots and pilars, bands for btadlnts. , Spsetal this week at Ttly r; duced prices . ..... " fs ' FINE ORIENTAL-LACES; rekuUr valua $1.00. , Special, tha yard. ....67 FINE ORIENTAL BANDS AND GALLOONS; regular valua 16c SpeclaV FIEIRISh'cROCHET LACES; regular value' TBc.V Special, the yard.., 48t FINE CLUNT BANDS AND EDGES, In black. Special at. yard. .25 HANDSOME SPANGLED RANDS; regular valua $1.60. Special. th,yd..98i HANDSOME PERSIAN BANDS; regular value $60. Special, tha yard...24f RARE BARGAINS FOR SATCRDAT AMONG THE SPECIALS IN . The Man's ;Shop SIXTH STREET FIRST FLOOR. " ' MEN'S 26c LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. 17c . ' -' A line of Men'a plain white pure linen Handkerchief a. hemstitched, with Vand U Inch hems; regular valua X5c Speolal. each J.T" i . MEN'S $6.60 SMOKINQ JACKETS, $I.IS. a 11.. nt Men's Smoking Jaoketa, all sises. In dark wine and dark brown; A "harlot to bu7 I Chrlatma. present now; regular valua $6.60. each '. ,. ,,,.." MEN'S $1 JERSEY OVERSHIRT8. $J.$7. A line of Men'a plain navy blua aU wool Jersey Overshlrts; best $1.00 values. Special, each k ....a .....faT Ttmrifl PAIRS OF MEN't 60c SEAMLESS HALF HOSE. $1.00. A small line of Mena-seamless Cn.hmere H.lf Ho In dark mc olive Special for Saturday WOMEN'S $28.50 AND $32.50 TAILORED SUITS FOR $215. Verynewest and most popular' models in g)"" and smartest mannish mixed materials-English, American and Glen garry woolens 1n mixtures of gray, blue, tan, brown etc. Coats with either fly fronts or buttoned thro'. Skirts in plaited effects. Best regular $28.50 and $32.50 valued Special for Saturday . - only at 4"'"!''""'.""". ' ,-X $7 JO AND $8.50 SILK PETTICOATS $5.78. Rich. Handsome, Rustling Silks in taffeta and chiffon JJJ" derfullv oretry in make up. Attractive colors and all wanted shades. FlounceKfTled. plaite.'nd shirred effects Very swagger sk.rts. . and the best $7.50 and $8.50 values in town. Speaal for Satur- j . - Lot 1, at, yard ... Lot 4. at yard .66d ..83 RARE BARGAINS. IN 'ELEGANT . t s' Holiday Remembrances at Bargain - Prices V IN HOUSEFURNISHING OOODS THIRD FLOOR. v : JTARDINTERES AT REDUCED PRICES. ' " Glased Jardinlerea and rmbrella, Stands, to mottle and blende. In aaaoiied Jardinlerea 4-Inch else; our $0e value. Special at. each .,IV Jardinieres 7neh alas; eur 40e value SpeeUl at, each .............234 Jardinieres 1-Inch else; our 0o value. SpecUl at. each .............394 Jardiniere and Umbrella, Stands H -inch slaaj our 00e value. SpeeUl at. aaoh . ...OB'4 Umbrella Stands Our $1.16 valu'cSpsclalat .each ...L..,..,,,V.j.-$1.45 Umbrella Stand Our $1.60 value,T Special at. each . . t . .". . i .n. l.ftB Umbrella Stands Our $1.71 value.. Special at, each aji.n -ROUSING BARGAINS SATURDAY FOR Dress Goods Buyers V FIFTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR, ' . ' Great Specials for Saturday's selling. A grand opportunity to aelect Dress . y Lengths aa Christmas Girts. . COLORED DRESS GOODS SPECIALS FOR SATURDAT. 11-inch Imported French Ch.llie. In plain andTneat ftgursd d",'rf""- wanted goods all com with attractive satin stripes, and are both In dart and llaht colors: reaular S60 value. Special for Saturday, yard ...68 '. BLACK DRESS GOODS SECTION.. v, . . . . vt..b flannel. el Vnarltah "Rroad. VV e Tina we nave ww ni.nj uu, " - . cloths. In both the chiffon and regular finish, and rather than carry these, goods over to another tall, w Intend cutting the prices to make a quick '. turnover, as below : : ' r.. Ml.'r errade.- Reduced to. yard Our rerular $1.00 grade. Rsdueed to, yard .)a.R9 Reduced to. yard ..... Reduced to. yard S3.ST Reduced to, yard ......TX... ..$3.93 Our regular $$.60 grade. Our regular $4.00 grade. Our regular $4.60 grade. These number at th regular price are the best value ahown In the city. a fact acknowiMra dj in jwmmm w v-ou a..v-, Rousing Values in Stylish Footwear. r. Ann First Floor. IWiU " - Splendid Shoes and Leggings make.nseful Christma. gifts-and sure-to be appreciated. Don"t miss these bargains on Saturday: - ' ; . f WOMEN'S $3J0 TO $5.00 SHOES FOR $2.79. In addition to the large lot of Shoe, advertised W'Zi LairVschobeT Phi fH Ohio These are a I fine Shoes-in both lace and button style vwith. thin ?r Mghi T sole. and are regular $4.00 and $5.00 values. Special Saturday sale price, the pair i , - WOMEN'S $5.00 SHOES FOR $3.97. Women'a High-Grade Hand-Turned Dress Hoots, made 01 patent iaeai iviu, wn XV heels. These shoes were made by Wright and Peters. Rochester, N., J nd are a regular $5.00 value. Special Saturday sale price, the pair f JERSEY LEGGINGS. t Women'a BUck Jersey Leggings, full Wtn Price, the pair "", Women's Black Jersey Leggings, three-quarter laatlaTtri rTlf. inC Ul r a a - j Cbildren'a Black Jersey Legginga, full length. Price, the pair .-nj ... . - : Children's ChincbilU Leggings, in dark blue, UTN'S IS 00 AND $6 Men's English Grain Hi viscolized water-prog no' SHOES FOR $4.49. I igh-Top Lace Boots, with j soes-aouDie.;., 10 neeis, 34 . . j u:r. . p . iiandarkme. Price. the pair ...?. our regular $5.00 and $6.00 values. Special for Saturday only at, the. pair... v.... ....-4'49 REMARKABLE VALUES AWAIT SATURDAT BUTERS D THE Woiricns knit. JJndcnvcar and HosicryShops First 'Floor - ; WOMEN'S $$.$ UNION SUITS IOR LT$. Women's whit and silver gray Cashmere Union Suits; splendid winter weight. . r IT Hiai, Hrteciat Pae pnee, me sun. ...... . m soft aud nasi ' WOMEN'S $1.10 UNDERWEAR FOR $1.11. Women's whit Swiss ribbed Merino Testa and Tights, made of long selected wool, medium weight; our vaiue. special naje pries, n . -'. , garment . . .... 1.15' : , . . ' WOMEN'S $1.60 UNDERWEAR FOR sc Women'. WhIU Cashmsr Pant and Tights, fin ribbed; onrjl.10 valua. Special Sal price, th garment SB " ' " WOMEN'S $0e CASHMERE HOSE FOR tie. Women'i'Kiitural Cashmsr Hose. Imported stock, finished foot, double sole; great 6O0 value. Special Sal price, th pair.. 334 WOMEN'S 16e COTTON HOSE FOR 16c Women' Black Cotton Fleece-lined Hob, seamless, fine-ribbed; onr $6 vale. Special Sal prle, th pair .2. ...254 CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AND HOSE. Children's Stuttgarter Union Suit of fine long eelected wool non-shrlnkabl. In silver gray only. Thes are extra fine grmente Sis II; our $1.60 value. Special at. th suit ....................... -91.19 Sis 10; our $1.IS valu.- Special at, th ault 91.89 Sis 1$; our $1.10 value. Special at, th suit ..91.40 Sis-14; eur $L0value. Special at, the suit 91.59 Sum 1; our $1.10 valu. Speolal at. th ault ;.... 91.9T Sis ) our $1.1$ valu. Special at, th suit .................... ... -91.75 Sis 10; out $1.40 valu. Special at, th suit 91.8T Sis 11; eur $1.6$ value. Special at, th suit i 91.9S 81s 14; our $170 valu. Special at. th suit .. ....99.10 TKet GaLf Milling A Sensation in MILLINERY Circles Winding Up the Season In a Blase of Bargain Glory! ( 500 CHARMINQ, STYLISH HATS. EACH. AT 69c By far the most wonderful Millinery values this or any other house has ever offered in Portland- In fact to our knowledge no house in1 America has ever attempted to create such a buying furore by the; making of such ridiculous prices on such "splendid values in handsome stylish Millinery. The season's most popular styles in Resdy-to-Wear ' Hats in e$ery desirable color and ehape not a Hat In the lot but that - would be a remarkable value at $2.00. Some that would be exceptional bargains at $3.00. - But for Saturday you may choose, at will from the entire lot for A " See the Hats in Display Window. v jj3 TT 1 .V'"-;: SATURDAY SPECIALS TH , THE 4-,p, u,-.-' , ', Small Wares Shop-First Floor r '':- .. . lOo TOILET PINS. 6c. - ' t .... Mk. 'a! 1AS assorted else let-headed Toilet Pins; regular yalu lee. Special. ach ts.-... ......5 ' lOe WIRE HAIR FINS. te. ; ; v.... .(. ..Mut hut af 100 aasortad heavr and lavtolbl wire Hair Pfnej regular valua lOe. Special, each .........4 lr Coat Hangers. Special, each ....... ........ ...44 " '"' lOo OARTER ELASTIC, .- ; " ' Plain Garter Elastic, In black, pink, blue and red, tech wide, extra, euaHty; regular valu iOa , SpecUl, th yard.. ............ .....94 ... . ' ' ' . T WHITE SILK DRESS SHIELDS, lie. Whit Silk Dress Shields, light weight, :'alae 1 and 4. Special at. th pair. 14 ' "'j 16c WHISK BROOMS, lie. Extra quality fin corn Whisk Brooms, msUl cap, donbl atrta: tegrulae valu c special, eacn -4 . .rr ................ . . ....swat Witch Haael Toilet Soap, three cakes In boa. Special ... 104 lOe TALCUM POWDER e. ' '' ' Violet Talcum Powder, In wood boxes; regular vain 10. Special 44 ' " 1 16o TOOTH BRUSHES, lie. . nt miilltr Imported English Tooth Brushes. row brletle. assorted shape and cuts; reguUr valu 16c. Special, each n. ........ .154 - 40 SMELLING SALTS, lie. ' " .' Xarge sis bottle Crown Lavender English Smelling Salt; regular valu 4So. Special 854 . .- ' . , . HURD-S WRITING PAPER. . Box Hard' h1gh-gred'ltnM cloth finish Writing Ppr. with envelopes t match, assorted tints.- Special act ..- 954 . . 6e WRITING. PAPER, lie. ... Large else cabinet "box linen finish Writing Papers. 10 sheets paper and en- velopee; regular value e. pcia .... .oo- ,': , - lOe FOUNTAIN PENS, )l. Fountain Pen, medium else, har4,rubber barrel; regular valu . Sr"ial. eacu .f ........ V v .-244 . lOe CREPE PAPER, lie. A.tmA Cmm Pmner. Seaotted dealana. for ma In a- holi:.y; regular valu 10a Special, the package -- ' . ' 10c LIBRART PASTE, Sr. Photo Library Past. In tubes, large alie; regular value J" . ...J. apraTMtn inn d icr; uajwst. ' - - w -v-