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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1905)
, THE OREGON- - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 1, 1905. GIVE UP SALLIi FOR LUUBER Ships Harry Morse and C. F. Sar . ' geant Probably Will Carry Fir " to New York. . ' OTHER ,SALMON CARRIERS MAY JOIN LUMBER FLEET , Morse Will Be Placed on Drydock for Extenalva Repairs and Sar- geant Has Been Recalked Bark "entine Northweat Arrive. Aa eoon a berth haa been enade for the American ahlp Harry Moree, she wUl be placed on the drydock for ex tensive repair. Bhe WM taken down to SI. John thla morning and will prob ably be lifted tomorrow -mornlna. Now planking will be placed In 'her deck and vonaiderable other work will be done to the craft. The ahlp C. F. Saraeant of the aame line, which haa been on the dock for aeveral daya being re-callted, la almoet in ahape to be lowered Into the water. ' After aha haa been floated the other work laid out to be done on the craft will be completed. Theae ahlpa are being put In readlneea to place In the lumbetnrade an-therflret-cergoee frobubly will be taken from Portland o New York, A deal for the Sergeant "for thla purpose, la practically closed. Each of them la capable ef handling about 1.600,000 feet of lumber. For the past few yeara the'Bargeant and Mors hare been kept Idle during - the winter and aent north In the apring to traneport salmon from Alaska. If the demand for Oregon fir on the At lantis coast Justifies it. the probablll tlea are strong that other of the aalmon fleet will be placed In thla trade. The barkentlne Northwest arrived thla morning from the south to load lumber for a California port. The cargo will he aupplted by the North Pacific mill. Bhe will take out In the neighborhood wf 1.000,000 feet The steamer Daisy Mitchell will aall this afternoon for San Pedio with T00.000 feet of lumber, which waa loaded at the Portland mill. In tow of the Ocklahema,. the schooner Kric left' down' last nighf bound for ' San Francisco with 760,400 feet of lum ber. -When off the mouth of the Columbia river, the barkentlne Northwest had a narrow escape from being disabled by drifting Into the breakers. The tug Tatooah went to her assistance and pulled her out Into deep water. DID NOT SIGHT ROANOKE. Steamer Columbia Arrlvee - From - Baa Fraaolaoo With Small Fassengex List. " " Although . he kept a close lookout. Captain .Doran of the steamer Colum- - his, which arrived last, night, from San Francisco, says that he "did not eight the Roanoke. He heard .of her having been disabled before he .left the-Ha -City and had she not been far out to See he probably would have seen her not . far eouth from Eureka. The captain re ports that hie trip was uneventful, the prevailing winds not Interfering v''h the speed of the Columbia, which usuaiiy manages to show up at Portland on schedule time the year around. Only about 60 passengers arrived en the ateamar. The sklDDer saya the small list la due to the fact that at thla lime of year nearly everybody la going south. On the down trips me steamer Is usually loaded with pasaengere to her full eanarltv. V , The steamer Homer of the eame line la scheduled to arrive tonight. She is bringing a full cargo of freight, prin cipally general merchandise, and on the return voyage will take out wheat. So much freight Is lying at the docks awaiting ahlpment to California that every effort ie going to be put forth to get the Homer ready .to Ball for the south early the day arter ane arrives. To accomplish this longshoremen will hsve to work on her dey and night. Notwithstanding the numeroue out aide vessels which have been chartered of late to place on the route between here and California porte. me neei t till lnadeauate to handle the growing traffic. The shippers are hoping thst the Roanoke will arrive la good enape ao that aha may be continued In service, RECORD YEAR SO FAR. Wheat Shipments Saoeed Those ef Four Tears Ago by Three Million Bushels. In the cereal year te date more grain and flour have been exported . from Portland- and the Puget sound territory than for any corresponding period In the history of the Pacing ooast. according to a statement which haa been compiled by the merchants' exchange. Up to be cember 1 of thla year (reducing flour to wheat meaeure) the total shipments amount to 1MU.-X1 bushels, aa against 11.K8.SK buahela dispatched for the corresponding period in' 1001, which hitherto had been the banner season. Fully one third of these shipments have been made to California porta, while the business between Europe and the prient is about equally divided.- The Indications are that the remain der of the cereal year, which ends with June 10. will make fully aa great a showing aa the first part of the season. Aside from the regular liners several big. tramp steamers are under, charter te carry wheat and flour to the far east, while a couple have been engaged to take similar cargo to Mediterranean porta. The harbor i la full of sailing vessels loedlng for the United Kingdom and ths fleet under charter to go to Europe represents a tonnage of close to 60,000, equivalent to about buahela of wheat . " LIGHT VESSEL ADRIFT. Parte From Moorings aad May Cto Ashore If Mot Mckea Tp. '; Captain Hellner. local lighthouse In spector, received a meesage from San Franclsoethle morning that Blunt'a Reef light vessel No. 81 had parted from her moorings. It la supposed that ahe Is. drifting and may possibly go ashore unless picked up by eome passing steamer. - She wee stationed off Mendo cino and was considered the most im portant beacon for the aid of marinere on the coast, with the possible exception of the one doing aervlce off the mouth ef the Columbia river. . She la one of the main guiding stars to all vessels running north of San Francisco. CAPTAIN AULD READY. ayt He Ze Beady to Flay Cricket With . Blythswood's Crew.', V , r. nt.ln AtilA M Rrltlah'aMn Kv. nance saya he is willing to match his Special Saturday mom SEATS REGULARLY WORTH $1.75. Tomorrow's special is a pretty India Seat made of pol ished golden oak or weathered oak, which ever you pre-, fen - Light ' and easily moved; but very strong and durable. - t " T'iIsi' aiili i - . Ik , ,', i ..hsirr ifceU WC Special Steel Kitchen Knife ... ........ ;... .;,.' . ' Twelve-inch, Butcher Knife with seven-inch steel blade: Coco-cola -handle with ferruledand bolstered ends. Regular price 75 f, ON SALE 6 P. M. TO 9 P. M. () V Tl Wl A GREAT PHYSIOLOGIST Oaoe said That the Way te Keep the gtotaaoh Seal thy Za te axerolee It. n me Sid Sot TeU Mew to Make Tj , , Xealthy. The muscles of the body can be de veloped by exercise until their strength haa increased manifold, and a proper amount of training each day will ac complish this result, but It la aome what doubtful whether you can Increase the digestive powers of the stomach by eating Indigestible food in order to force it to wprk. . Nature haa furnished us all with a perfect set of organs, and If they are not abused they will attend to the busi ness required of them. They need no abnormal strength. There la a limit to the weight a man can lift and there la also a limit to what ths stomach can do. ' The cause of dysneosla. Indigestion and many similar diseases la that the stomach has been, exercised too much and It la tlrsd or worn out Not exer cise, but rest la what It needs. To take something Into the stomach that will relieve It from lta work for a short time something to digest the food will aiva it a rest and allow . It time to regain Its strength. , ' :- The proper aid to the digestive prgana la Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets, which cure dyspepsia, indigestion, gaa on the atomach and bowels, heartburn, palpita tion of , the heart, and all .etomacn diseases.' - Reet o.and Invlgoratlon la what the atomach gets when you nee Stuarfa Dyspepsia Tablets, for one grain of the active principle In them la aufflclent to digest t,000 grains of food. - Th Tablets increase the flow of gaa- trie Juice, and' prevent fermentation aldltv and sour eructlons. Do not attempt to starve oat dys pepsia. You need ell your atrength. The common sense method la to dl geat the food for the stomach and give It a rest . Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablet do not make the cure, but enable the organ to throw off unhealthy conditions. Perfect digestion meana perfect health, for under theae condltlona only do the different organa of the body work right and receive the bulldlng-up material found In nure blood. r Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablet era natural remedy and are a specific for atomach troubles. The ebleet phyBlolana prescribe them. Thi T.hiot u nleaaant to the taste. and are composed of fruit and vegetable extracts, golden seal and pepsin. . At all drug atorea 60 centa per package.' ' that of ' the Blythewood In a cricket game at any time to ault the convenience of me latter. -. short four men of having a full crew, but bellevea that he can pick them up w. A.h.. .hina in the harbor. K II S VI, " " - Captain Prltchard of the Blythewood Issued a challenge ths omer aay, oner i . .i. hi. w aaalnst anv HIM " yMm-m - - , - cricket team , In port, marine or land rorcea. . 1 . ALONG THE WATERFRONT- ' The hteamer Charlea R. Bpencer" na i... I... trin of the season between here and The Dellee and waa tied up thi morning at. Yictona aoipnins. wn .v. . k. .iv.n ,n,r.l overhauling. United State Inspector Edwarda and today. She wtlf reeume aervlce. tomor row between Portland and WaahougaL with flour, machinery and 'gen. left down this morning bound for Bong The British steamship Labaan shifted from the Pacific- Coast bunkera thla morning to the Irving dock, where aha will be supplied with a grain cargo iw tbe orient .'... Thi. .ftarMHin the work of loading the avnoJi hark L'Hermlte with a wheet Mm was.sUrted and tomorrow It la likely the French ahlp Hoche wUI gin receiving cergo. MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Dec. 1. Left up at t a. m. Steamer W. H. Kruger. Arrived at 10:30 a. m. Steamer Cascade, from, Ban Francisco. San Francisco, Dee.' 1. Arrived: Steamer a Meteor and Atlas, from Portland. Astoria. Nev. 10. Arrived at noon and left up at 1 p. m. Steamer Columbia, from San Francisco: Arrived down at 1:30 and sailed at I p. m. steamer Francis H. Lcggett, for San Francteco, Left up at a. ,m--T-Bexkentlne North west Arrived at p. m. Steamer W. H. Kruger. from San Francisco. Ar rived at 1:30 p.- m. United States steamer Perry, from Puget sound. Out side at p. m. British steamer Croy don, from Ban Francisco. San Francisco, Nov. 30. Arrived at 10 p. m. Steamer Costa Rica. Arrived at p. m. Steamer Senator, from Port land. Balled Baraenttne uieanor, ror Columbia river. Astoria. Dec I. No bar report; eape line down. Aetoria, Dee.' 1. The schooner Erie arrived down at 11:30 a. m. San Francisco. Deo. 1. The steamer F. A. K II burn arrived from Portland at 11:80 a. m. BULGARIA ON VERGE - OF WAR WITH TURKEY (Jnsrsal Special Berries.) London, Deo. 1. While the occupation of Mltylene by the power la expected o force the sultan to terme, should he tot yield, the next etep haa not been fully laid out While the Macedonian rebels want war In the Balkans. the powers are not eagsr for It but If the demonstration faila It aeama certain, ac cording to advlcee received through of ficial sources by the -government from Sofia, that Macedonia will force the Is sue and that a situation will bo created that will result In Immediate war be tween Bulgaria and Turkey Advlcee from-Athena- tatthat'ft eeemisrtainthe aultan will hold out until the' powers occupy Smyrna. Mlty lene Is quiet and the Ottoman, flag files from the government building.' NOMINATIONS FILED FOR CITY OFFICERS pela1 Ptapatrh ts The Jownal Sumpter, Or., Dee. 1. Theae nomina tions for elty. councilman have been fllee) In the recorder's office: First ward. C C Baache and V. R. Meed; sec ond ward. James F. Lane and Oeorg E. Allen; third ward. Walt Wade; fourth ward. Char1eaMcCord. There la no op position to the last two named. '-'.- ; LOW BEACH RATES. O. aC k I. Aaaimaose lew Flgare for - . ThaakeglTlaf and Holidays, November 2, December St and to. the O. R. A N. company will aall round trip beach ticket at the rate of St. Pa r tlcula ra h yaskln at t ha city ttrk ft office. Third and Washington streets, Portland. ... . , 1 The Horseshoes Over the Doors Next to United States National Bank: Between Oak and Pine Streets INothlnff Reserved Every thlhsr Goes Your Choice of Our Entire Line mi Men's Suits Tuxedos, Prince Alberts. Overcoats. Cravenettes and Topcoats for Boys' and -Children's Suits and Overcoats With (he Prices Cut innaU ' Select any Suit or Overcoat In the house and cut the price in half. ' That'g The Chicago's way of un . loading.. No half-hearted meas ure here. When we say to, -we mean' it. , Thia it the way we're ' aeUin'jj Boys' Suits and Overcoats: 15125 For our. regular $2.50 value f 1.43 For our regular $2.86 value ;fl.67 For our regular $3.85 value v $1.93 For our regular $3.85 value' f 2.17 For our regular $4.35 yalue $2.43 For our regular $4.85 value $2.67 For our regular $5.35 value $2.03 For our regular $5.85 value " $3.17 For our regular $8.35 value . $3.43 For our regular $6.85 value , $3.67 For our regular $7.35 yalue r $3.03 For our regular $7.85 value $4.17 For our regular $8.85 value , $4.43 For our regular $8.85 value.- Your Choice of Our Entire Line of $12.50and$10 ''-. nta if wens aims -Overcoats, Cravenettes and Topcoats lor sYour Choice of Our Entire Line of $17.50and$15 Men's Suits J Overcoats, Cravenettes and Topcoats (or Your Choice of Our Entire Line of $20 and $18 Men's Suits Overcoats, Cravenettes and Topcoats tor m Your Choice of Our Entire Line am Men's Suits.-Full Dress AIberts,Overcoats,Pde tots, Cravenettes and Topcoats for Suits - We have divided the entire stock . into four grand lots at prices.that ' will bring every youth in this town . to The Chicago. , . . ' $5.00 Gives ' vou choice of 'AH -Wool Suits m single or double breasted that we've sold regular for $7.50. . - . , " $7XM For choice of over 20 styles . of .our regular $10 and $12.50 Suits, light, medium and dark colors. Extraordinary bargains. $0.00 For our elegant hand tail ored $15 arfd $1750 Suits, ail styles and weights. These suits '. will appeal to the most fastidi--ous youth fn the land; the pat-- terns are simply grand, .v .. $11.00 For- the finest Youths . Suits' made. -Young Ken's Overcosts 1 and Cravenettes We are the store for Quality and style, but during this great Un loading Sale prices are cut to smithereens: Sell is the word ; make room ' for . our new spring stock. .a . . ji