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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINgDECEJ.tBER JMl Rather Sever Crsalc Shown In Chicken Mar ket on Account of the Lester Demand After Thanksgiving -Turkeys Are Likewise Lower TODAY'S MARKETS BUY YOUR POULTRY MARKET JOURNAL'S .DAILY TIPS TO SHIPPERS IRREGULAR TliEUD A BAD BREAK OH W BIAMQM0B. FROM US . . . T D01.IIAII0TCH .' v it Less Demand 'and Liberal Re ceipts i Cause Prices to Slide From Under. ' TURKEYS DECLINE ON SMALL CONSUMPTION potatoes Are Dull but Unchanged k Oranges Cheaper With Heavier Ar rivala Hops Ar N Considerably Firmer With Twelve Cents Paid. :, . , rront Street. Dec. 1. Tha principal feataret pf tta Portland wholesale markets todar ari - . Orange r cheeper. Poultrr Bisrket slides.' ...; r ... v Twku rather alow. ; Kin are firm but unchanged. T . . DrMMd mean are Juet eteadf. "' California Unrnft tuff tn. Hop arc eooslilerablr firmer. ' - I'ntatoe ar rather dnll. - ' Blr report more faeorabl. . - Peultry Herket SltdeK. Chicken ara m. alow la tba wholesale mar ket today. Becelpta ara act Man. eup. Dllaa ara at til too greet for tba demand. Tula la tba asusl course of tba mark! a day attar Thsnkaglrlng. Tboaa Who mad elesnups around lOWe Oajr ut so Abu bow nnwww uwoi- scire rathar fortunate, aa these ara tne verr top pries ruling at lb moment. Iocke eul gees ar all right aa far aa tb demand to mnd. Becelpts. bowerer. ar aioall. Itteased tnrker cost Inn t com 4o msrket, tbr twine consldersbls numbers brouibt la u ,tb morolug eapree. Price ar tower.. , Orange Ara Ckaapar. ' ' Larger receipt of ersages and cheaper prices at prtmarx potuta bar caused lowar elue te rala la tb Portland markat. SBcr raniraa ara still afillng aa blfh aa SSe hex. -while cbMp grade may ba obtained aa low aa I SB, raaey Apple Are Firm. - , There la a firm feeling In ward to fanry apple. Rrlpt of tbla ebaraeur ara quit mall, but I bar la aa ererbundnc of or dinary and poor fruit, which la aalliof at a wld ran at ala. - . i ; io'Proepot Ar Bsthtr. ' Oa err of latr Irw from tha orient, aa wall aa from tba far aoatb. tb rle markat la ... aot qalta ao firm aa formarly. but ao.ebanf , appear la tba quotation. That tbar la a - la tb Jananes crop I evident, bat tb loaa la production la aot acr aa great aa xpected. : Consul Shsrp at Kobe report thai the pro. pert for tb rle rop In Jhst pooaalar district. , wnlcs wer verr nntsrurauie .. aeaai. bar muck lmprord. la tb prfetur of Hk It la offlrlaUy aatlmated tbat tb " rrop wUl ba 10.M5.loO buaheJa. a dcraa of S.a par nt. aa compared with . tha uaually ' larae crop of 10.9T3.170 buabela laat year, but llhtly mora la tb. ararac ylald of I tlilj prafeetar.- wblell la -aekad buabela. Blmllar Srnr for tb other Prefee - ture 'In rbta dlatrlet ara Dot TalUbl,- but tli official eatlmat for tb erop f tb waol rm.rr J - .44.7 Mbkv J- .Pr nt leaa thaa tb total yield Uat year, and about 7 per rent leaa than tb normal crop.' Aa moat of the Important rle frowlii refflon of iapaa ara In tbJ eonaular dlatrlet. tola atlmata 'may fairly ba taken aa a aeneral Indleatloa of J tb iltuathm la tba dtatrVt aa wall... jjiaaaaa maawa mxm -m wwwvi k f.thr on let tone prerall In di aaa a meara Innc Fropl-atreet Tnilay" Tlnelpli fair, but tha trad doe net aeem in a nurry to pnrrbaae. Tbla la tru In hnea. aa well aa la regard I araaaia aaair , , Kpa Ar Oeniidaraaly rimer. ' ' A emialderably firmer ton w anown hi tb hop market and grower ar taking their good off tb market. Bom dealer at II I tnal.t tbat tb market hi around mt1(V, but tbea ar . mainly atrn alrarta who bar earn to.Orgoa '. to pick ap mm anapa. Deaplt the btt( feeling aom grower ar talked Into arlllng by . theae trader and low prlrea ara alwaya named. Twelve eeata baa bee paid la aaeeral Inataneea In tha Independence dlatrlet for alrlctly rboie , ahlppera during the naet tkre daya and grew, era titer are tb flrmeat boUlera on the PaelfM eoaat. Report from Europe and New York tell of ready eelllng and a allgbtly battar to ttb markata. jr. Independent Baaaaai la weed tkap. Tb rar f bananaa wblrh arrived la yesterday from aa Independent coneara wlaa la goad hap. I although eereral daya orwrdu. Rip bananaa . ara etll rather arare. all lata anpplle coming 'In. a eery greea coadltloa. Tgaa far price ar the aam. v. The regular ' California ateamer ataff wa nn loaded today. Tba enhime wa not salt aa greet 1M a week ago, Tbanaaglelng trad butng eer. , mlr fair tupplVa of grape ar bnwa today, but demand la not good oa account of tb unfavorable weather. . Price th aam. t'ellfomla tnmaloea are unite plentlfol and ". aom entiling In prlea ar reportedV Olery I " ""'llll la good aupply with prlee anebanged. fTanharrle r alow with atocka only- fair. Callfomla eacumhera ara arrtelng mor freely. Demand only falri price high. , Tb following price ar paid ta front atreet dealer by the trade for ebolc quality In : ronnd lot. , , Price Bah) producer are ao apec '. If led: ' , ' eeata. Floor and Teeit. WHEAT New club. Tic: red Kuaalan. ?Ci blneatem. Ttc; ealley. T4Toc. BARLaT-reed. fcl.BOaoV rolled. $23-84 2.100; brewing. J2.&02a.00. Com Whole. WT.Ouj crack. I.0 par c' ' ton. I BTB 1 S5 par ewt OAT Producer' yrlce No, I whit. 1 20.00; - g r. $24.nn)2x. FLOCB New eaatern Oregon patent. $4 l: atralaht. f3.VM03.70: iport, $1 na.4S; Tat ' ' lee. I3.7O0S.SO: era bam. i4a. IS-SO; rye. Sua, tt'.KO; halea. S3.7K. MII.LKTI'FFa Brn.-; ilTJX) per ton: mld ' " flllnra, $25.00: ehnrta. I country, II9.S0; city, tin Ml: crop. tln OO. ' ' , - RAT Predaeera' price Timothy. Willamette eelley. fence. Ill.oOOllwOO: erdleary, IT.flfld "S0: eaeter Oregon. SM.oneiln.OO, taieed. . I ftO'dSOO: rlorer. fg.00QS.O0; grain. S.tO3 t.OOi cheat. O0r.8O. . Batter, Egg and Poultry. ' P.TJTTF". rAT r. . b. Portland tweet ream. fHc: aour, SSVi. BUTTER City creamery.- SOe: entatda fancy, " tiSct ordinary. 3.V: a tor. 1017e. EUGS No. t Kreah Orecnn. caadted, SOe; old rlorag and eeatcra. XIQWe. CHEESB New roll ereaaa, twin.. 141 Tonna America. IS He; rbeddar. 4H fliMI-JackrahMl. SI.'S per doa. POfLTRV Mlcd chicken. 10l0V.c: fancy hena. 10o 11c per n; rooalera. old. HUAc per lb! fVeer. 10Mllc per lb; broileraMi t ' lie per lb- ducka. I4e)lnc per lb; geeae. He pr lh; tnrkeri, 1ot Ide pr lh; dreaacd, 17J20c per . , ; lb; equal, 2.Tia 1 W per do. ' Hop. Wart and Hid. nmfim0 Oregon. choice. iniiQIte; prime, Sc; poor grade. Tr; Wathlngtos. loci 1W4 crop. Tift1 for cholc. WOoLr I90S clip, eat ley. aware t awdlaat, . 42(4cj Be, M027CI., eaanrs .Oregoa. - UQMe. -' ' , -- MOHAIR Nominal. andtSle. - RIIKKPHKINa Miearlng. IMfJO eoefci FRIDAY PRICES I IT , .., THE WHEAT MARKET , Dec fhrstn. ...,$ ' : New York. . . ' . Milwaukee : .ti'M Knnnad City... ..... ' MlnnaHpiills 1 . ..... Liverpool ... tslld Mlnnlpef ,. puhtth . . . i.t ,. 1 . , . . P-t, 1DlllS, ... .'. -- ' Ban rranclero. 1.14H ' May I .8RHB 4 .2'A ss IS 10',d .so '.$H , '.S7Tk Ml . . 4 4 Heavy itlpmanit 01 yw -w quality potato from .thli aac- tlon to Haa Franelaco and other California markets Id caualng i,... ml In thoac Dlacea. . 4 ' Trior la a demand for fancy po- 4 tatoea but theae ar noi w a shipped. Soma fw orders ar 4 again comma from Arlaona, but at a low prlc. eeol. sn40c ach; medium wom, NQTM sackl long wool. T&rtzflXW oaoh. TALWIW Prim. Per lh. V404c K. S and frraa.-KtlU. - , - CHITTIal ABK-JV43e Per HlDKS-rry. Ko.. I. IS P J'JM! 1 HH per lb; dry kin. Ho. t. t t ia the, I4e dry calf, N. . onder S Iba.lSel aalted bide. ateera. ouad. SO lb. and .-. I0llei ain, iH: stag and bulla, aoond. Oet kip. in ao lb mmtt eound. under IS lb, lie: reea. ana.ted. 1 lea; culla 1c per lb eal oraehlde. aalted. each. l2f.l.T5! drf. each, l.onol.SO; olt bM-e, 2BJ-K-l goat aklaj. eommos. aaca. ioqioci Mr", ti.oa . r . FraHs as Vaswtaklaa. POTATO ES-r-Beat Oregon, toe per aack; pro dticera' price for car lota. 0iSic per ack; ordinary. iBftc; producer1 price, BSo; aweeta. (l so per aack; 2 002 20 per crate. O.N ION 8 oregoa yellow Danrei. !.; Bar lota, Sl.ooei.10: garlic. SftlOe Pt b. FRK8H FK1I1TS Apple. Oregon, Sl.OOdJl.SO: fancy. tl.TS100: orangea. new Bare? 2.20100: aeedlea. a.ona.aSi . nana,. dUCSH per In I ""Tf. elwlc. 5.MuS.TS per "ogt faacy- too elwlc. pw boil '"rTV. Ti fcr boa" lime, ktealcan. II M ojr 1M pineapple. 00 oa: frapM. $1 .80l.ft! fr al.Mttl.BO par boi; pomegranate. fl.2 f r. por box: tangtrtn, SI. TV. VEOETABLKS Turnlpa. aw. 1:00 per : eamta. f 1.00 pee aark: beet. 11.004 I.n per aack; Oragea radlah. fSc per doa; cahbag. Oregon. SOfflTSc per ewt; J plPr. Te per lb: California tomato, f0" 1.35: paranlp. 11.00 1.25; trlng !. lc; eaullnowar. 11.852 00 per crate; rhubarb, lb! green pea. 10c ir lb: horaeradleh. 100 serTti, artichoke. T5cll 26 per do: botbonee lettuce. SI.00Q1.TS par boi; celery, local, 665e per do: eggplant. SI.50 per crate; pumpklna I Mc. aquaah. lUei era n beer tea. Jeraey. IJ2.onU.O0 Kr bbl: Coo bay and Ttltaamok. 10.00; ra-1-lea. Jflo per doa. DRIED VRUITS Appla. eraporated. 101 lOHe per lb: eprlcot. 10H1Be per lh: Each. lOHOlSo par tb; aarkv Hs Per -lb : prane. SO to 40. SHc; He drop oa , ch alxteentb amaller alae; fig, rallfornla black, SHfld per Ibt Callferaia white, SB per lb; date, goldes. Be per lb; tarda, l.S5o par. IB-lb h- . - - - ' : ' thwearlM. Hut. Eta.. ftTTOAB Sack heats Cub. H 0; powdered. tS S: fralt graBnlated. $6S5: dry rBulated. SS.SS; Coof. A. 5.n: beet granulated. SVS5: ertra 0. SS OS; goldea C. $4 ; D yellow, S4-SS; bo la. 10c; H bbl. SSc; boaea, BO adeaac oa aack bad, lea SSe per cw for cash. It daya: maple. 140!5e per lb. .. (A bore price apply to aale of leja tbaB car lot. Cr lots at aprcUl prlca subjoct ta nuctnatlona.V ' HOSRT IS.SO per erat. ' ' -. COFrEE Packaae brand. eiB.TR. ' " RALT Coarae Half grouBd. 100a. T toe, table, dairy, tna, ill.OO: 100a, BIOTS: lot. 4a. 116.00: eitr ne, bbw. '. a, 10. 14 SOffS so; 'balk. S30 ma. s.oost.ow; sac. JOa. WejKle. . SALT Coeree H'f gronnd. 100. Be rroo; Br, nee ton. $7. BO; T.leerpoel. In mo rock, )a 50 per ton: HO-lb rock. $T no; 100a. Sd.TS. OR AIN BAOR -Calcutta. TH. RICH Imperial Japan. !U. 1. t . . SRe Nw -OrtaaB head. -AJaa. - ! Creole. SUc. ' KRANR amall white, OT.TRt iarg white. $.T2S; pink. . II TSp bayoB. S4.S0; Lima. tt.OO: tTrm - PeM I." jnwlm. - par -t rtrvlnla. TUa nee Ihl raaeted. ci eornanat. SnQSOc per doa: wnlnnta. 1St1B He ner lb: pine rnita. 101 1H pee lb; meaner nra. n per IK. AM-ti eaeteee. IS "1e Bee W Braall ante. 14c per tb: filbert. 14ine eer rh: fnner paean. IBVi a jumanaw, iaunpwp Pa bit. 0ol OH. XU. BOrB Par Manila. :4i: afandard. ISe; TBM iii tali nl flaa iia, BO, It gal: water white. Iron bhla. ISe per aal; wooden, lav per sail aeaangni. Ji ""-. 921,, M. eal. OASOiJNrRd-da. eases. S4U per gal; Iron .Mwn 18c per gal. BENEINE aadec. eaaa. B per gall hros Mile. 1Hc per gaL TCBPENT1NB la easesaS Pr sal; wods bbla. anc per rL . .. WHITE LEAD Tap ta, TUa per Tbt 800-Ib lota. Be per lb: lee lor. e per lb. . WTRUj SATl.n Prexent he at S2.T0. MNSF.En Oil. Pure raw. In 8-hbl lota. SOct l-hbl lot. Sic: caa. Sdc per gal: genuin kettle boiled. cee, SV per gal: S bbl Ma, 5Se: 1-hol lot. M per gal: ground cake, car lota. SSO.ix) per to I tea this ear lota. t-W.OO per to. Heat, risk Sad IrrllaM. i PBB8H 11 K ATS Front atreet Beef ateera. iettc par lb; bog, block. TH per lb; pack era. T per Tb ball, 4QSe per lb: onwa, SHQSc per lb; l, eitra, THtv lb; ordl nary oa per lb; poor, t par lb; mattoa. fancy, 'AMslBACOW. ETf Portland pack floe.1) hams, 10 to 14 lb. 120 per lh 14 to IS I he, 12H lh: braakfaat bacon. IftittPH per lb; picnic. IH Per lb; rr''' abort -rleara, im amoked. ' 11 pee-: moked. 12c per lb; clear back. anaoMked. 10c per lb: amokrd. la per lbi fjaloa botta. 10 t IS lbs, -ranked. Se per lb: smoked, a per : clear keMles. anaaKAed. lie pee lb; amoaed. 12 par lb: abouldera. SHc Per lb. ,... LOCAL LARD Kttl lea f. loar" lie per lh; 5s, HHe per lb: SO lb tin. 1014c per lb; ateam rendered. 10a. 10c per tb; ta, 104 per lb; compound, 10a, 6e. CANNED SALMON Columbia rleer. Ilb tail. ll.So; l ib talla. SITS; fancy Mb Bats, Sl.Ot); (4 -lb fancy BaU. Jlo; fancy Mb era la. $2.73: Alaaka tall, pink, SBCSOe; red, $1.60; nominal 2a, tall. $2.00. . i- ' ' PIBH Rock cod. Te par th; Bounders. Se per lb; halibut. Tc per lh; crab. $1.50 per do; atrtped baa. 12H per. lb; cat flab, Te per lb; aalmon, alleeraldee, Se per lb: ateelhead, Te per lb; h'trlng. Se per lb: sole. e per lb; abrlmpa, lOe per lb; perch, S per lb; black cod. Tc per lb; allrer mslt. To per lb; lobtr, 15e; freak mackerel. S par lb; arawBah, S& par dos OYsrlH Rhoahrater bay, per gal. flat) per aack. $3.75. CLAMR HardhefL pat bog, $2.00-; raaor Urns, 12.00 r box. , QUIET TONE STILL RULES LIVESTOCK MARKET Trading Continues of a Holiday Character With Prices Hoick Ing the Same. Portland I'olos Stockj-arda, Pec 1. LIt atock reeelnta: V - . lloge. Todar '-"O Heck ago 1M tYeeloaa week Month aao 8d Cattls. Sheep, 10 . 44 114 WIT IU ,174 P2 ' . 117 Holldar quiet la atlll the eatnre of ,tn leeal tlreatork market. Demand tn nil Itiie a rstrr alow dnrlng the dar. Thla hi th market! Ha. alow, rattle, dull and efieep Jitat holding Todar ealrea srrleed In th sards. , OfSclsl llrestock price: - Ho Beat eaatern Oreson, S5.B0e15.Sn: blocker end Chin fata. Sft.OU; atotkera and (eedera, $ Caltle Bret ea.tern OresoB . sleera. SS.tSQ 3 rut; IWht and sirdlnm ateera. $l2IV llrht co, $.25; atorkera and feeder. $2.ii: bulla, $1.50. Sheep Wetbrra. Scj mixed aheep, 4Me; atralghwea, 5c; lamha, Rc. .,.,, Caleei (Inod real. 1MI to 3uajPBoda, SeSVaCj rough Bad beaer, SSC, . , ' I ." . EASTUB HOPS LP WIS. -Cbleg, - Dv LLlreatock receipts'! - Mora. Cattle. Sheep. n,ten .tvohi S.5ia Hi.taai Kaneas Cltr lo.tmo S.iaai 8,(a Omaha S.OOO I.OWI .) Hess Opened eteadr to 5e lower with . lert , oee: receil'ia a rear aa" nr Prlcea: Mixed. $4.T5M: food, $4 SVirS.wi; roush. $4.7)4 So; light, 4.f.1i4.7 !4.f Cattle Hteedr. . . 1 . Sheep Strong. , TeralgS Cffs afarhaas, Tlsere, pee. I noffea-Bnchanged: llaaihurs dew Kto recelpla, two dare, SO.ono haa; market ateartr, iirlcea 73 ihiwa. HantaS, tn dajrs, S3,0ia baga; market uMt, SO dows. III THE PIT Wheat Acts Very Erratic, the Tone Being Quite Weak and v Strong by Turns. JULY A QUARTER UP IN CHICAGO MARKET December . and Mar Closes Un changed From Wednesdsjr News Received Is Bullish Better mand in Cash Corn. De- l-BIPAT'B WHBAT MARKET. Cloa Prl. rinee "Oaln " " Ooe Pi ed. Prl. Tear Afd reeenbr..,..$ ,H$t Mar ms Jul j- -.84 8 M4 s .m ' fi.m .sha .n i A ... MO .SttVk Chlcaao, De. .l.- Logan Brjraa aar: Todajr a wueat market .had aa Irrcrular tread, uainf trong and weak la turn. Ia seaaral. Ivor- alon aeem ra be that th reeoarnlasd hall lnter- eeta were Inclined to check an adeanee bjr Benimlna liberal seller ou th pmnouneed strons pot. However, th ton thmashont tb day waa atrona and th new reeelred wss sialnlx hulllah. Julr mad an ndeanr of 14 e. Thla aeem to reflect nneulnee aeer tb Kuaalan po litical outlook. Caah market were all atrons with th outald markata op aa nocb. U at awe, than wa. . Th pre mm ma be ins pain for eaah wheat nreelnde tb urohahtllty of anr dellrerle In the near future, and this tend to atreue then tha fntnre. Th Biarket ton ran n celled atmnf : It rmpond easily, to owderat burin and nn the breaka continue to be ahenrbed readUjr. Th new from Argentina Is till eontllctlng. Batter Oaaa IhMaaad. Th 'corn market acted retnarkahlr wen . to- dar. eloalna V t V.C bo. Ther aeemad to ba a better rash demand, and th mill deneene tended to esll attention to the limited eumilr In Ihl market. New Tark reported 14 hied taken tnt eiport. Thl, to, bsd S helping influence. . .. ' . The nroTlatoB market lonta leas attraetrra tnnlaht and elnacd weak enoush to tarlU ss further aelllne. Official auotatMBS nr orerneca, utarr uwa compear : w n ka a Onen. Hlrh. tew. .Ml - " .S C1c. a .W4 IVe..., $ ft", u. : Star... Jul... Pee.'..! Mar..., Julf... ' .MS CORK. '.44 .S4H .441 .441 .44B1.V .44 44 w, 44'4 .444 ' ; .44 OAT", f..S0i Dee..;... . .2 S Mar...... t Jul,. i... ,2 B lu. SO) . lflftfl PORK.' Jan. Mar., IS. S3 - 1S.S5 13.SU . 13.80 Pee...... -t.M Jan I T.SS 7. t.Sfl T.V May.nriV f.$T- -T.dO--'TJa- snuii 1 ftiH, ' T.M --- T.OS .-. S.S5 T.25 " T.g Mi f ess T.1S May BA rKAStCUCO GKAIX UAXtZT. . Francktco, Dec. 1, Official 'fconilpg sea los: . ' 1 ' , ,' . WHEAT, i ef vn .flneifc A Wlrti. " -low' fln. Me ,.,41.42. i.4ai4 $1.4114 $1 4H, teceniier..... i.a . .i .vt 1. -ea BARLEY.' Mar..... 1.43 .. 133 IKS 1 '" 'Tlli 1.21 hfODEXh HXLLtW kCPOKT. , St., Louie. Mo-. Dee.. 1. Modern Miller ear: Th abaenc ef -the Heealan fir la th winter wheat crop seeded tnis rsu nas seen com .,MiiMl m frm nme'to- time. Rcentlr. bow- eeer, a statement that egg ofllil Insect bar been dlacoeered tn th . wheat of the whiter rrop in Tenneaeee led to an lneeatlsatlon. Re turn anew tbat Hasaian nr sa ar preeaieni In th wheat ta) th wetrn .half of Tnnsaaa. th remainder ef the state being Immune. Tb crop In general la ld to b doing weLL trrzar-ooL eBAiv mabxtt. LiTerpnnl. Pee. ' Lleerpeol, Pee. I. oae! .waei Marrh. 'fl lld, Hd higher; Mar. 104d, 4d lower. Corn Jannarr. 4 4,d. Hd lower; March, 4 SHs. Hd higher. aboibtim eBAur iHrParErr. Chlcsga. Pee. 1. Anrenttn shlpmenta: Thla Week Laat Week Laat Tear Bnab Rnah. . Bnah. Wheat S.S2i.onO . l.avi.ono 820.000 Cora 1,4:10.000 3.234,000 3,SO,000 CXI0A00 OBACT CAM LOTS. Chicago, Dec. I. Grain ea Wa: Care Grade Eat. Wheat , no S Corn ZM S 32H Oats SIS W Wheat ears todar: Minneapolis nTS, Ihtluta 148. Year ago: Mlaneapolls tW2. Duluth SS. COTTON IS FIFTEEN TO SIXTEEf, LOWER New Tnrk. Dee. 1, Cotton futures closed IS to Id points lower. - Official quotations 9j urerDcs, Biarr at vooie companri ' Opes. High. Lew. Clrtse. 'Jsnnsre ..11.14 1135 1124 1124r2S A' at trap . ... 11350.17 March .7T...J15 April , lln.1 Mar 1 .1174 11M 114S 114SU40 ion una iimu'ia 1174 1161 lleiaitt .... IKU-firtJ 11T9 11M llrtrt JnlT 1I7S December . .HIS HIS 1108 llosuS ' Llrarpeol Osttoa Lawar. Mrernnot, Dec. I. Otto .future closed points . dows; market quiet.; . : ... TOBOJAS 1DBTB8 STOCKS. . Baa Trsnclseor pee, I. Tonopsfe storks, of. Sclsl rlos. mornliic ncealon: RM. Bid. . . . .14 A . .SO a- Montana $2..'M Mldwar' .'. L45 McNamars .... .3d Belmont I M North Star . .., .-10 Rescue ic.' Oold Monntal.. Jim Bntler .... ."7 Neeaila ....... Bed Top ..4.73 Ton. Bxlehaloa.. P-75A Ooldfleld ..... ,7 Ssndstorm ..... . 45 Sandatorm Ex.. . Kendall , Columbia, Mt... Jumbo Jnmho Exren.., Black Butte.... Uolriea Anchor. .13 lrer Pick .., Rar. A O'Brlea. . Ohlo'Thnopah: : . .35A O. Bnll Pros. j.. .! DIlBlondSeM ... .27 lwe.8tar ...,....7 Home .......... .14 Caafe Bor ....r. .11 Anama ',. llvdrVer .. .2.1 Mohawk Dills ... Upaa .11 AST rBAMOISCO LOCAL STOCEB. San rrshclscs, Dec 1. Local itsck clue. morning aaaalon: Bid. ... 15 ... S4 sis ... 12 ... si ... S3 A. 2 ... r ... p ... savi s Aak. S4t4 77 H M'4 I2'x -si 14 SH M " 10S Mutual Electric San Francisco U Electric Olant Powder Hawaiian Commercial Ilonokr Sussr.t Makawell Kutart. ........ Onomea Busar. ,. Paaiihas Knsar Aleak Pecker'. Callfoml frnltcnnra' California Wine aaaoclallo. 1 . . Oeeanle Steamahln. ........ J... ParlSe Slate TelcphOB...... POETLAITD BABE ITATTaTIirT. Clesrlnn Balance ....ssss.issis .... 140.S34.21 itarlrag h. Kew Jerk. Pee. . 4erll"S ratee; Pemaad. 4S3.IedlsU.SOi SO dar a. S2.tO4Se.U. . y is. ss Jt 13.63 13,52 ; . rr - T.rr 'b r , ' a 7JU - New "York Stock Market Closes With Losses Through. Most of the List Today. BANK STATEMENT IS BELIEVED TO BE POOR Copper Metal Reaches Highest Mark of About Four Years and Ia a Help to Those Issues- Pacific Mail is Up. ' ' LOSSES. Amalgamated N. T. Ontrnl Ontario at Waa tara. Atchlaoa ... Busar U I'ennariTSnia Oar Foaadrf ... reopie wa .... Ireaed Steal Car., iuedlng vmnaira ak BaltlBwr ta Colurado mel,... V St. Paur ....... 1C1 Boca laiann do nreferred.-. ... 1 r. at N. w., K tfenadUa l rnlos Paciac. H V. i. Steel ...... t Ballwar Spring... 114 dA nreferred..... 1 srw 1 W rater tnloa ... U Whbaah H do preferred,..,. Ixmlaelll ........ Katr Mlaaonrl Parl&e. I? ADVANCES.. Ansenndai ...... Lncomotlea ....... Illlnol Ceatral .. Metropolltaa ...... Mexican Tentral .. Smelter U Colorado Sonthara. H do 3d pfd. ....... V, do let Bfd....... H North American... ti Rep. Steel. ifd... . n ., J ..UJk ml PacUU Mall 3 - Rock leland .1.... H P. V., Q uiii.,.., oatbr Hallwa, 4nuthern Virile... XL TTennaaaaa Coal .. iZ U, a. Hubuar WIcopalntrl. M Kw York. Dec. 1. The aarlr London markat for Americana waa etroas thl aaomlng. with oonaola higher. Th Imprond Kuaalan aknatlo waa reeoooalble. Trader eiDect a bad bank atatement toaorrow and this led to a sharp break In the market todar. Tighter mener la expected for tb coming week. Tb prlc of raw copper 1 np (Bother fee, thl being th highest prlc recorded la about four yr. Th adraac wss a help to Copper. It la aaid Ihst tha pool la Americas LoeoaanriTs la pun ning a movement aaaea on tn proopwiie "a e.nce In the dlrldend to S Br ceet In Janaarr Ureat Weatern'a October report abowa a set Increase f 110,02 from tbe July Increase of $174,583. Th markat closed waK SB4 SB' eralle lower.- ' OfSrlsl qnwtattoas hr Oesrhcck, BUrr A Cook companri - ' I DCSCHIPTIOtf, Anaconda Mining Co.. Araal. Copper O.. ... AlrhiaoBj, com Ia nrefrre . . . Am. Car A Pooadrr. C.J do prererred , Am. Busar, com Ann, smelt., earn...., 52 If. 154 do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, co 1S1,131 8flh,L Sttt Brook Ira Rapid Transit.) Canadian Pacific, com. Uituef A -Allen. Sum 17SW17W do ore f erred C7 A 6. W.. rom..... Chi., MIL A Bt. P..... C. St N. W.. com...... Cheeepeake A Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron, ohm Colo. Southern, com.,, do second preferred., do flret preferred... DelawaV A Hudeon... D. A B. O.. com 1 - du ii"eeae 1 1 314 17RV4 21S a4 454k S4tfc S3, I do second preferred 1 no rirst preferrd. . iiiinm - ventral. . . . . . LoufcrrtlH) A KaahTlll Met. St. Rr 11B411S7I Manhattan Br-. ..',. -v Mexican tjenrrai nr. . . . Minn.. St. P. A Ste. M. do preferred Missouri Pacific .., M. K. A T com....... do preferred New York Central Northern Par Am. Locnmotrrs Norfolk A Western, com. North American M. T.. Ont. A W eaters. PennarWanl Br P. O. L. A C. Co Preaaed Steel Car. com do preferred Pacific Mali S. S. Co.... Reading, com do second preferred . . . do first preferred Bep. Iron A Steel, com. do preferred Beck Islsnd. com ....... do preferred Southern Rr.. com lto preferred..,,. Southern PsclBc St. Lai. T . 2d pfd... St. L. A S. W., com.... do preferred .,1.. Texa A ParlSe Tennaaara Ooal A Irfta. . . I nlou PadBc, com P. S. Rubber, com...... I'. B. Steel Co., com... do preferred.. Wisconsin Central, com.. do preferred Westers I'nlon Tale...., inn 14 w 85 nj 14 IDS 71 100 51 1384 MHinn! 5541 5114 1 514 1 PS M)4 50141 404 4U 137;1331;i:'? I.. ...I 7 02 H S S3 I S3 I S44l 2t4 H2 i 1""14 l'"HII'" 24 t.I 35 sai rf. "t S4H BUS SO S414 "414 M 52 23 M 2214 S7 R2 SS 24tilllSV.'t2214 las a(H.T4j M 54 V. I 54 X7l MS1 HMilfKi'KinHlIn 3"V 2V 3N I Zfl 1 514 P2U.I P2UI S3 I a 2ri. 3ii4 201 2nv 4111 41. 41 40' ,! 46) 461 45 Wsbaeh. com rtp preferred . . 'antral Leather. American Sugar, common, ax-dlrldsnd of 14 per cent. Total sale for dar. l.ODS.AOA shares. Call moner closed is per cent. . BOBTOX OOPFEB BTOCXB. . Boaton, Pee. 1. Coppee elo!' '' ' ..... PM. nid. - Adeentar 7.25 Old PomlnoB..! S3.00 Allonea ...... 41 00 (isceola 18.(0 Arcsdlsa .... 5 VI farroV-....... 29 25 Atlantic ..... 8S.25 Phoenix 1.50 Bingham .... S4.S0 Qulocr ; Calnmet Sao.oo Kojal 2a.a Centennial... 2. 00 . I Hants Ps 2.50 Copper Range. 74.50 r; Hkannnn I in Pair West JS 50 Tamarack .... Rim .-. 3.75 Trlnltr ...... 10.00 Franklin . IS. 00 ll'nlled Copper. 8.1 50 ll't.h Sd.25 Oreene Copper 27 75 lirannr ... Maa (.. I victoria ..... S.50 iwinona ....... w.s Mlchlsaa Mohawk ..... S'O0 Nerada Coa. S.75 Woteerlne .... 12S no V. B. Mining.. ffl, 75 Tena.' (pper.. 85.7$ hertb Batt.. 76.00 VEW TOEX corrxx xabxxt. ' Kwv:' York; Pee. ' X.Cnttr pitare closed SBchsnged t S polnta, kmof. - hm A.k.t Bid. Aak. $7.30 $7.S0 lannarr . rehruerjr March . . Inrll ... .$d.T5 $ ho Jnlr , S MI S.pulAngnst .. . S.SO S P5 September 7.WI 7.4 T 4 7 50 7 41 7.55 S.70 7,il 7.05 Kctohee Mar ..-7.10 J 7. 15' December .. B 68 lun ; r.lS' 7.201 . , 00MBT0CZ MIBIBO BTOOCi- -San Franc lace. Pee. 1. OfVlal morslng tlol: Bid. I . Bid. Bullion ... ,ao Saear ........$ .52 ' Belch ..... Con. Cal.-Va. Opbir Caledonia . .. Mcilcaa .... Aad' ..IS Pntoat 1.55 It'nlon Con S.SIH'tellow Jacket.., .71 I Exchequer . 1.4H I Hale A Nnrcraaa, .33 IScorplos ....... .57 . .48 1.18 .13 tommn bomss. Xew Tor. Pa. l.--OoTernment bnndsi- Date, Hid. Aak. 104. I4 101 ios" ld irw l.nC 110'i w. S reg..... IB.KI No. 3 coupon............. la'tn Noi S reg !" y. S small bonus...... , No. 4 reg 10"T Nn. d coupon 1o7 No. d re...i., I No. d ennpoa... hv IMS Plat, of CelnmM. S-S5 . . . . . rhlllppro 4 1U4 - 1051, ' 104 . IOS ?o4 1"4 ' 1:134 W2. 114 IIS Lsadea SIlTer. Ixadnp, Pec.- IcSllrsr lodsf Is uled at 30. . ' - ' , . ; - When you buy a diamond see that you. get a genuine high" grade stone, and don't pay too much r : 7 XT ..on have an arnert'i rnnuil.Hira vnn Ann't need thia advice, because you will know lUl l- a.- J- 1 j" - , .. - . , how to judge the quality and the price of a diamond. " But if you are not an expert and fall into the hand of an unscrupulous dealer, nothing can prevent you from being imposed upon. Eighteen years of fair dealing have won for us the confidence of all who' know us. They be lieve in us because they know our business methods are honorable, our prices lower than else- where, our terms Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments We are the largest diamopd dealers in Oregon and guarantee to sell diamonds from 15 to 25 per cent less than any jeweler in the city or state. In proof of same we court comparison. OUR GUARANTEE Your money back less 10 per cent the cash purchasing price within one year on any dia mond bought from us, Read the THE DREADNOUGHT .. . 1 "'. ' the finest, fastest packet-ship that ever '.' , " ' sailed the seas. Beautifully illustrated - V-in the Christmas number of . . The Outing Magazine a story to make thrill with pride the heart of every American . - ' ' . . : , i -1 t 1 25c Copy at all Mtvvs stands - 25c Copy. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED A reliable ms of ablltf te laeeat $2So: clear $25 weeklri, a lesHtlmsts and a Buoney.maain '"-'"'"-' . ' , ' " nwner cured snd at th sm time mmk - it -. mm taau. Vmtrtk at. OLD-ESTABLISHED cigar, frnlt. eonfctlonrr nd nswssrsna; sow ., . ... .... , land Inreetlgatlon; t1u $3,300; trd for . Improerd farm or noose and lot; sees other huelneea. Addre K 30. car Journal. ! FCBNITCBB of S rooms, good part; nut 11 at one, id. North Tenth t COMPETENT msl atenosTspher, aeeersl rears' Vxperienc lo knowlrd,..-bookkeeping, wishes po." "on with rellald hualneaa, or , manufacturing concern: 6et-las references, Addrees K 18. car JournaL ' COMPKTENT Monographer nrl tlTJ perator of rcra' "perleDce dc.lrca Doaltloo; ftrat-dam rfreBee: would (care cltr. Addres. K IS. ear Journal. MARY ROGERS MAY ESCAPE THE GALLOWS AGAIN apmsmmBM--BBBBB-BmaB. Another Prison Scandal May Cause a Postponement of Woman's Execution. .(Journal Special Sorrtce.r -" Rutland. Vt, Dec 1. Tbs town of .1 which hna bean shocked so many times br scAfidsls thst hsv leaked out of tba state prison trier. w shocked today when It read In certain metropolitan papers ths report that Mrs. Mary Mabel Roaers, the Bennlnaton murderess, may yet escape the callows December 1, because she Is In a delicate Thid i the first Intimation the people of 'Vermont - have- had that any such state or ariaira pr'"u, the report Is aenerally believed. Attorney K.- B. Flynn of Sprinrfleld. who has visited the-condemned woman several times of late, refuses to be In terviewed. Mrs. Rogers' personal coun sel. T. W. Moloney, states that he knows riothlna; of such a condition. and be lieves Flynn would hare told him be fore this, had it existed. Mrs. Rogers spent -ThanksaHvrns. alone in her cell with 4he death watch In force. STRUCK DEAD (Continued from Pass On.) lutely to mske- a statement until he hss been BUowed o talk with Attorney John r. Logan, who was., sent Jpr by on..0f his friends. -r The pailce-are also searching forTSther witnesses to 'the affhlr and declare that thr already have snfflclent evidence to convict , White of the deed. He will probably he arraigned tomorrow In tbe police court. " - "I saw Wheeler come In with another man," said Campbell. Hlscompanlon went Inte a rear room and he leaned against the bar, talking to the, barkeeper. Buddenly the barkeeper called him a foul name and slapped him In tha face with a towel. Harry Howard, who cooks for the lunch counter in the saloon, was also a witness of the affair. He denied that he had seen it. but admitted the fact at the police station. He asserts that no blow wss struck by .. hits.- Howard will besheld with Campbell, the negro, and others as .a witness. ..... yw Yarh Metal. New Tork, Um..L-UsA t $5-73; . aoppsr, 17Jle. : : Baw Tark Caah. Coffee . Kew Terk, Pec. I. cash coffee: N. T Blo. S-IHc: No. 4 S.wfoa. SHe. ' t . COl - - KIM Urn - m- sr Story of EVERY BUILDER INTERESTED 7n hardware of the finest rusran' teed grades will find It to his ad van-J tags o tase a compreneniT sur vey of our stock before placing an order, be It ever so small. Careful In little things, we succeed with big specifications. , Tou will find our ma terial, tools and prices right In line with the best In the business. AVERY & CO. 4S Third at Bet. Plaa aad Asa. aThs. NO PAIN Wa save teeth If only a good root re main at prlcea most reasonable. Wa restore old decayed teeth to use fulness and beauty at low prices. - We repUe lost or absent teeth with out plates at very low prices. We extract teeth without pain aad tree Of charge. ' We treat and tighten loose teeth and soft or bleeding gums are made sound and healthy at small cost. We gusrantee our plates to fit We give you. tUa best dental work for the lowest cost consistent wun rirsx- Lxlass work. Corn and have free exam ination and consultation ana learn xor yourself what r can do for you. Boston' Painless Dentists S91H HozTiaoa art., Opp. Meier a Traak aad wosSof floe. . Hours 130 a. nv to C p. m. Sunday $:30 a. m. to 12:10 p. m. AlWarva BsmemVae Skat VnTI Blaimai txatlve romo QuxnsnQ CmrmCc44laOMDA7,Ci tMss. 33c powirrwa, xorxnra a co th-subllahad what abd iioci aB0xama.T -t Xooas 4V Broaad Flodi. ,.J... OBLAMBKB Ol OOMMJiaOB. i j OVI3RBECIC, STARR COO i: Membere Chicago Boerd of Trudv mAXSr, wmOTIStOaTt, COTTOW, STOCfl A T 10) Third tr, McKay Bulldlns. 1 '"'. ' WB DO A BTSU.'TI.Y CCtr Continuous Markela he Private V1r. c ii' k .- -r li.tnn, tarkera, and Im'rd f' a i 1 ' T C.GEEWQ The Great Chinese Doctor rermerly hwated at 3ns Aider at. Third. ' Has ' Moved Tl the Mrs brick halldlBS st B. B. ef rust - ssd atorrleee -eta. Entraace) 16254 First Strwst Br. a Oe Ws. the Brest Ohnuwe Ikeht, la well known and famoas threnghoBt the U. B. baesass hla woaderfnl and marrloBa ear kav bees heralded broadcaat throaghont th length and breadth of thl eoantrr. B treat . aay and all die with nowarfal Chinee root, herbs, bods, berk and tble thai re entlrelr anknowa to medical scmbo la this aoBBtrr. and tkroogh tba Bee ef tbea harmless remedies he guarantee to eur catarrh, ssthm. Inng trouble. rhaum.Uatn. seouan, stomach, llrer. kldner. famai trouble aad ale prreat dlaease. . au . . ... ' Tbla rsmoos eoctoe cure wnu.,u - - ef the knife, without salng poison r srog. Hundreds f teetlmontsls ea t"s si am . aM sed eee htm. fjs t es -amdarse. ; COBSTJT.TATI01I TMXM. . Patient outlet the Tar" Write f of Mstiks and circular. Ibcws 4o sump. .Address IS a Owe "Wo Chinas Mad Lots 0 SaSm At Bt, ear. Atsnlsaa, PertUad, Or. . . , . PUas aaeatloa this paper. Q v SPICES 0 DAIflMOPOVfDEn, ruhrVdhr nrm.FIivcri , ORTTJsW,OClQ0t4. heair5n.v. e TAmH... ar" ,N .7 1 Xy AWVif For aiodsrri dental ' worK. . World-re. nowned specialists. Lowest prices conalitant will Orst-elass . ... verb Oo to tho , . NEW YORK DENTISTS rOTTBTX A YD MOBKISOir BTB. . LOpu day sod nleht. from s. e. m. -., nutll Id P- BanS Bsemlj' J . arc' .