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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1905)
; THE OREGON DAltV JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. ' DECEMBER I. 1805. The Market Basket While Thanksgiving la over and moat people will have . turkey to tide tnem over for several day a, there will atlll be a demand for these blrda for Sunday dinner. Moat remarkable waa the call for turkeya, considering the high price that ruled thla aeaaon. Retailer, now ever, bought too heavy and many of them, will cut Uia price a trine wiinm the nejet day or eo In order to save cold torag charge. Today fancy turkeya may bo purchaaed In the retail market at prtoea ranging from Xt to SB cent for the dreaaed article. . Chickena are not quit ao high on account of the smaller demand and larger recelpta during the paet few days. Kggs are still firm with suppllea of local ranch small. If present - prospect materialise, housewlvea will have their Inning In the butter market. The indications ara that war aoon will' break out between the California, eaatern and local manufac turers nd then prlcea win go lower. Butter haa been altogether, too high thla aeaaon. The conaumptlon of oyater these days la abowlng a heavy Increase over pre vious seasons. The demand baa become so insistent that many beda are being exhausted and ft shortage Is probable. Ai yet there have been no late advancea la prlcea, but ail dealers ara anticipat ing them. PLAN TO GRIDIRON THE NORTHWEST Reported That Harriman Will - Build Double Track Railroad Through Central Oregon. ... . . TO SPEND TEN MILllONS, i HALF OF IT NEXT YEAR This Will Be but the Beginning of a Campaign by Which Harriman Will - Get Feeders for Weitern Line Cotton Expected to Talk. '.',' On good authority it la reported from , New York that E. II. Harriman haa suo , , cSeded in hi attempt . to raise an Im mense fund for railroad conetructlon in th weat and northwest, and that his first moves will be to forestall the ad vance begun by other railroad ayatems Into Pacific northwest territory. Thor , oughly alarmed by th prematurely an nounced plans of the Milwaukee, the Northwestern, th' Northern PacHIo and the Gould lines, .he Is making prepara tlon to- gridiron the northwest, and thla process will be commenced with ' construction of a double-track railroad mini Dceron. with a View -to "f making it the main freight lln of th rxsszixzxxxni This Store Is at 207 First Street BETWEEN TAYLOR. AND SALMON . AMERICAN GIRL $2.50 SHOE - Comes in 60 different. makes the equal of any $3.50 and $1.00 Shoe sold anywhere else . in Portland. j The are uo-to-date lutely fashionable have stylish French heels, when desired, and may be had in patent&vtoo. We have sold these shoes for years and will warrant perfect satisfaction in every case. And the very in Portland. Out new stock of clothing is i I i m. a am ...:.. e tyei nave augut i,vw juiia oi FIRE- On hand, which we are selling at even less than the prices we placed upon the goods at that time. , We Sell a Splendid Suit or Overcoat at $10.5Q The like of which would cost up to$35 elsewhere. We will. not let up on this clothing until the very last stitch of itjias been sold. 'OUR FRIENDS ARE THEREFORE AD VISED TO BUY WITHOUT. DELAY. These tremendous bargain opportunities arc speedily passing away. , t " WEIL 217 riKSI STREET L czs:rrcz:sssszzs:zzs: Perhaps you .have noticed that the apples on display In the fruit standa this aeaaon ara 'not wormy. Thla la due to tha untiring -work of the fruit Inspectors. Applea coat mora money thla year than ever before. You get. however, tha real apple Inatead of half fruit and half worms. This In Itaslf la worth th difference. Orangea are cheaper thla week on account of the heavy Increase In th recelpta. , Salee drulng tha paat few daya have shown a wonderful Increase. Orangea will not be In tha beat condi tion until after the first of tha year, when they will be fully matured and ripe. . M., A..AMAt n At (A eel. ik. . 1 1 MutAr b ..(vl. H n la sell V 1 1 ITWI " l " egg by the pound hereafter Inatead of Dy tne aosen, ss si nr.cui, . . wum - . A H1e MntiHf -hli among them being that the public will . 1 . . 1 a, t.m get cjuuriiy . vm 3 r . "l.nllno.a m .nnirtllt tttl all !(! in iv. arv.ii. There la a dlauoai- k.ra. keen vegetables and other perishable artlclea in their propel place. ' Even me wnoieaaie mi now a model of neatness. It pay. Th houaewlves always go to a place that looks 'presentable Inatead of to dark, dreary and foul smelling establishment O. R. N. . between ' Huntington and Portland. Surveyor are now In tha field,' work ing In Malheur county and also In th Cascade mountains. Initial conetruc tlon la expected to be commenced la th early spring by th company in corporated by Colonel William Crooks, which announced the Intention of build ing a' line-' from' Eugene to Natron, through th Cascade mountains. Into th Klamath lak- region, and through central Oregon. Th long-expected ex tension of the Columbia Southern I aald to have been held In abeyance with thea plana in vlw. . , ' Will Cost Tea Milllona. . It I estimated th lln through cen tral Oregon will coat not leaa than 110. 000.000. and half of that amount ha been set aside for conetructlon work to be carried on next year.- Thla ia aald to be but th beginning of a campaign that i la to , continue until for every branch Una now existing there will be two, - for It I branch line that Har riman want as 'feeder lor hi great transcontinental ayatems.. H haa be come -convinced of th untold possibili ties that are to be aeen by looking out over th vaat plains and htlle of Ore gon. Idaho, Wyoming and Utah, and In th opening up of new country In thea atatea he wanta to be th nrat to seise the opportunities for traffic It is th consensus of opinion of east ern railroad men that Harriman will. In entering upon this campaign of con struction, recall his former lieutenant, Horac OBurt, aa auperlntendent of conatructlon. Harriman ia reported to have one "remarked that Burt waa "th greatest railroad conatructor th world bad ver known." ',. immense Toad Available. ' In hla campalgnHarrlmanwlll .have, ait Immense fund available., from the 1100,000,000 of preferred stock voted by the Union Pacific, a 1143.000,000 mort gage of th Southern Pa cine, and ItO, 000,600 Southern Pacific preferred stock. and it abso B WOatV BBSl Eclipse $3.50 Shoe FOR MEN There is no better $4.50 and $5.00 Shoe in America. We .accepted the agency for these $3.50 Shoes after careful investiga tion, and guarantee every pair we" sell.' They are of select leather, superbly made and extremely fashionable. " ; "', THIS STOCK IS ALL NEW RECEIVED SINCE THE FIRE g best shoe bargains to be had - ..- : ''..' .' now upon our shelves, but we H j.. '.a - our - r .- GARMENTS IM FEST DEL TAYLOR AND SALMON - t l ' ' a :zxKzaMinKKZuxu Chrislmas SuggesUons . For this particular . Christ mas books on Oregon and Northwest history are most , ? appropriate. Lewis and Clark's Journals edited by Hosmer, fine library edition, 2 ; : vols ..... . .... . . . 5.00 Lewis and Clark's Journals 2 vols., smaller edi tion ........... . .$1.50 Lewis and Clark A brief es say -t . . . . ......... .65 Every one should own a copy of this book, ; "Letters From an Oregon Ranch" Beautifully illustrated '. . . . ... . .$1.25 "From the West to the West" By Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway . . .$1.18 "The Conquest" The true story of Lewis and Clark, by Mrs. Eva Emery Dye ...$1.18 The J. K. Gill Co. BookseUera aad Stationers. THIRD AND ALDER. Oreat Thlnrs at Z.lttla Vrios. T Havln Juat finished a tlve-year period of reconatructlon of eatabllshed llnea. ha will now enter upon a similar period of feeder-line building- and extension Into new territory. . The details of Mr. Harrlman'e plans are kept closely secret, and beyond an nouncements already made officially Dy General Manaaer O'Brien nothing- ; la definitely known to the public, although well-authenticated accounts of move ments of his surveyors are secured. Mr. O'Brien Is out of tha city. General Freight Agent Miller, who recently re turned from New Tork, declined to com ment on the matter. Colonel Crooka aald ha had been out of the city so long ha was not In touctv'WttB tha situation. It Is expected that when JV. W. Cotton arrives home next week ha will hava carried to Oregon authority to remove the lid from tha. myetery box. "and. let the public know where the Harriman mUlions ara to be expended. - Two Xnndred Milllona. It la estimated that a total of about 7,00ft mllea of new railroad will be eonatructed. next year by tha western and northwestern roads, at an outlay of mora than 1214.000,000. Thla doea not Include the road from Seattle - to Wallula. projected by tha Milwaukee, nor .the ... BmUns-totCaextenaloa-to Bait Lake. The Hated coat of conatructlon la eatlmated on tha basis of $30,000 per mile, axceot In the case of the Western Pacino. which la figured at tha price oi tha bonds already sold. The Hat of ex tensions Is made up by tha following llnea: Road - Mileage. Cost. western. . azk iia,v,uuo UuT. a- Burlington S41 10.2SO.000 10.170,000 10,350.000 11,800,000 66,000,000 45,000,000 7,500,000 4.KO0.O00 15.420,000 10,200.000 Great Northern , 33 345 0' 1.811 1.001 ..... ISO Northern Pacino riarriman lines , Independent . . , Western Pacific Rants Fa ....... Canadian Paclflc 160 Den.. N'weat A Paclflc t!4' Boo Una .Total ...! $214,210,000 DOINGS IN RABBITVILLE From, tha Irrlgon Irrigator' Special Correspondent. - Rabbltvllle. Morrow county. Or. Nov. 28. Dan Sklumpsky haa had queer luck again. Ha waa coin' down street vomer day when a big aheep man road up to him just In front of tha city drug atore and asked Dan to hold hla hoaa ontlll he went In and got aome perscrlptlons filled, or ruther ontlll ha got filled with oeracrlDtlona. I dlsremember now wlch. Howsumewer. Dan took ' the Job. He helt the bridal for a long while, stand ing by tha old plug's head. Then for another longer while he aot down and helt him. Then glttln tired he on hooked his woodden leg and drjv 'It Into the grownd and plcklted the hoaa to It and took off the aaddla to uae for a plller and lay down and went to sleeo. While he peaceful alumberd dawg come along and acart the hoaa and he op And rares back and puUa up the legg and away they go, and aint been scene sence. But Dan got off crltty good for the aheep man took a lot of perscrlptlons and got that hlghlarl oua ha thought ha owned drovea and drovea and drovea of houses, but newer mist that onllest one what he did own. And Dan likewise hss the saddle, wlch la fair worth twenty t $. Morral: Look not upon the peracrlptlon when It nos. eth Itaelf aright. The city -drug atore Is now talkln of glttln' a- lady peracrlpUon clerk. The feller what they hired down to- Port land aent ward he couldn't possibly come for months. He didn't aay what he's In for. Anyhow we are all pullln to have 'em 'git the female Indy. Thay aay ahe don't k no opledlldock from aa- pomatee, dui ix ana can aierriminate ln from rumm that will be a-plenty, for aha can aoon bo teached to mix any ordinary Rabbltvllla perscrlptlon. There Is a good many different kind of durned fools in thla. world., and mebb more haa gone acrost the divide, aorter blasln' the trail for ua bigger fools to foller. But It Is my own In dividual opinion that a feller what ar glflea about a female's aldga haa a 11 other mnae or ioois Deet to a custard. rtnlv last, wenlr 1 tnktilflrlv mm Am mm. tlon about Liza Butterbottom making her debute In 187$. I told hen I ment he waa borned then,, thenkln' Ilk other fools -have thunk before that 1 could square It with her. . Then ahe says aha waa borned .In 1888, beln Jest 1 come Thanksgiving. Jest 1! Mis Lisa Uutterbottom, aldga It! And me and her don't apeak now aa we meat and paaa py. and raebbe. we newer wont no more forewer. Amen. Anyhow I don't care much to he dissociated with kids of It.' I'll wate I or I year till she s ro. . : . .. . i T- , ... r- " ' Rabbitvllle will sure git to tha front now. Iest nft we met and organnlsed tha Rabbitvllle Gold Brick association, limited, all ' of us loading men beln' stockholders In , It,, and we're goln' at the blxneea of aellln' our output at wunt. ni bar about 20 bricks on hsnd. Sim fMpn havln' 8. -sMost of our prominent cRIsena cacli ha one or mor FELLOWS Did not sell U his bargains Thanksgiving, there are a few left Note the following prices: ':; 25 -. 10-lb. sack Corn MeaL ...'. ' " : 35 ' ' Box Macaront ." r ' ,' 35 - Two $-lb. pkgs. Gold Dust. 35 V '" 2 lb. New Crop English Walnut a. Gallon Choice Maple Syrup. I pkgs. H.-0. Buckwheat Flour. - - v.- ?i.oo ,1$ lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar.' ' 60 11 can Condenaed Cream.' '' 25 ' " ; ; ; t 4-lb. pkgs. Borax Washing Compound. Sranck Store M Williams Aveaaa. Xast sea. West Park and Washington Sts. SATLJRDAY AT Tata Rainier Market Will be mad a day of most -liberal offering. We are tired of turkey, so let us send you a Prims Roaat of Beef, Veal or Mutton. a bluk nor, -- '," 17th and Savier Sts. Phone Main 1632- Cowan's Market I tha place where you can And ' a PRIME ROAST or nice cut of FISH, or OTSTERS fresh" from the water. Tur key we tire, of.. Phone ua your order. 273 East ; Morrison ; NEAR UNION non sttr ir. ' Freh Oregon. Crea mery Bu tter 60c Per Roll " r asaaia-aBssii Headquarters for Skamokawa and Oorvallla Oreassery. Strictly rreaa Krga Alwaya ea Xaad. Oofee, Tea and Staple Orooertes. Enterprise Creamery Co. 1Z7 FIRST ST. Between Wshinrton and Alder. Souvenir Day Saturday ' AT TO . ' ':. T. P. Kelley Bankrupt Sale 229 Morrison Street Tha Boslest Stor. la rortlaad. A w are exclusive handler of Men' Clothing. Hats, Shoe and Furnishings, Goods, etc.. and having on hand from the T. P. Kelley Bankrupt stock a large Una of v . , V' T. P. Kelley '., : Price. TjiHIks' Rnsllsh- Flannel Shirt. waists Sl.60 Ladles Beautiful Trimmed "Tricot - Flannel Shlrtwalsta $2.50 Lad tea' Crepon Ceta Flannel Shirtwaist 8JS.OO Ladles' Peau da Sol Black Silk Shirtwaist ST.SO These not being our regular line, a above atated, wa will give to any Man' Suit customer, whether accompanied by a lady or not, a follow: i. Sal Prlca. Wffb, very T. P. Kelley fit. 00 ' Suit. . S 6.95 , Souvenir, English Flannel , ' Shirt walat 4 With every T. P. Kelley 118.00 ' Suit $ 0.05 Souvenir, Beautiful Trimmed Tricot Flannel Shirtwaist. With evsrr T. P. Keller 118.00 to 81000 Suit... .. $11.45 Souvenltvcrepon ceta Flannel . - Shirtwaist. J' . , With every T. P. Kelley 818.00 to 130.00 Suit.... $14.05 Souvenir, Black reau aa boi Shirtwaist. . Now, ladlea, do a tittle coaxing for yours and tha men sake one aave money, th other get a beautiful present ' : Oe wim th Crowd ao. - 229 Morrison Street 1 mu wour co. what they've bought I hava I or I, but mine ws all give to m. Well, them brtcka la our caplttl stock and we're goln' to sell 'am. down to Port land mebbe. We air goln' to work the Old InJIn Idear. and we're now.drlllln Tom Merry for the Injun. I'm to b the Priest and Sim will be tha Purveyor end Major Falrplsy th Kern 1st. the feller that essaya the brick. Then we have .J reformed ' aheepherder 1 hired what haa to keep 1 ay. on the boodle and 2 aye on the Purveyor until he de dare and pays. dlvvldend. I bet we make It go Something "na got to be did prltty quick for most of ua : Is glttln' dinged hard up, and I'm aakeart FELLWS Our Regular SATURDAY SALE ON MEATS AND GROCERIES We have made greater preparation tha ever before to handle th vast crowd that take advantage of . - ' , ". ' Our Gig Saturday Sal . Remember thst Quality. ' aa well aa Price, . ha mad this Portland' MOST POPULAR TRADING HOU8E. , . , Porterhouse Roast and Steaks, pound Sirloin Roaata and 8 ten k a, pound...... Prim Rib Roasts, pound Pork Sausage v Pork' ' pound All Pork Sauaag..15 pound Hamburg Steak.... 15 . pound Bologna 15. ( Roaata ..10 Pork Chop .,10 pound Liver Sauang (.pound Pall Mount Hood Lard (-pound Pall Swift's Compound 10-pound Pall Swift' Compound Cottsge Ham, pound.......... Plcnlq Ham, pound GROCERY Just received, 100 Boxes Fancy Italian prunes, 40 ' 15-pound Boa for . : .(-pound box for . . Silver Prune. 8 pound. 10 pound Granulated Sugar (with order)-......... 1 packagea Aunt Jemima P. i,, Flour, neir-Kising . Fancy Potatoes, per sack .1 sack Cruaade Flour (good quality) 1 pound Vncolored Japan Tea (good quality) ...... 1 pound E. B. Tea (good nuaUly --..-.-. , i,Tmrn-.-. 7 pound a Navy Beana .'. .... t dosen Strictly Fresh Egg Page' Special Butter, roll 8 can Premium Tomatoes People's Market PHONE MAIN 1412r Four Deliveries on Ardmore New Blend Coffee r mi 11 111 - if r r . ' Phone for our man to call on you and 'explain -how you can get your Christmas present cheap. Everything In tha line of CROCKERY, CHINA AND ORANITEWARE, ORNAMENTS, VASES. NICNACS, ETC. PHONE MAIN 3262 !N0NESUCI I In 2:Pie 10c Packages, NEHRELL SOULE CO. nn a rue ururvnnvvryn QiHAi, Wc Guarantee The awallty all goeds sold by us. Wa, solicit your order. Satisfaction will surely follow your patronage of nnr tiv ' " Davis Bros. GROCERS Corner STortamp Uteeath 4MT. . Butter! Butter! Best creamery (5080c (0c S(C Good creamery .............. Dairy butter Ranch egg .'. '........ flfWMl mmrm ................... 15010c Beat surer-cured ham ......... 14e ISc Breakfast bacon ( pound pur lard Chicken, pound i-vt All good retailed at wholesale (0c 14l(n prlcea. LA ORANDE CREAMERY 14 TAMsTTT.Ii ST. T Tell the Story Trust u to tell It by sending you your SUNDAY DINNER. Remember the Central . Market I th. place. . Kindorf Bros. ' ISO Oraaa Ave. rkos Xast 41a. ExtraordinaryOfferis FOR SATURDAY AT - boasts, mmoxza, tubs, bazxs. In fact anything In th MEAT or FISH LINE. Let us select your SUNDAY DINNER.'"""- ' .. -- .". '. 89 Grand Ave. Phone East 69 okas, uom, nor. STATE MARKET Tomorrow Is the day that we-all eat PORTER HOUSE STEAK at 8c per pound.. 221 First St., Cor.Salmon If thla akam don't pan out aome of I QUALIT idif The American Mdrhet tha boy mar furglt thelrsslve and go Into-soma dlahonest , pucsoot, ..glttln' desprlt. . , .." ' ,' ' ' -. - Vr . .... v.TH .....TH T Veal Veal ' ' " ' Chops. 8 10 Veal Roaat.. 6 8 Veal Stew... 6 or Blood .15 ...SO ...40 ...SO ...10 .....8 SPECIALS 30 $1.00 ...25 . 25 $1.06 ...15 ...TO .$1.00 ...25 . . .25 : ...25 ...55' ...65 ...15 . . . . . .'1 ........ & Grocery Co. JMRST. AND TAYLOR STREETS. East Side Tomorrow. Three Pounds $1.00 MOST DELICIOUS PIES, i FRUIT CAKES. PUDDINGS i AND COOKIES. i iron? mw ATS I I I 111 ,1 ' I .11 - as aMiwa aaj Why Not Trade With the Grocer' Near Your Home You don't have to go on th 'West Sid for your . groceries . and bakery good..' You can get the best good at lowest price at' A. P. ORAM'S, corner Benton and Clackamas street. Not a few of our price: . j 1 sack beatjCan Sugar. ...... .$5.30 1 ssck best BurbSntt Potatoes. .. .85 1 aack good Hard Wheat riour.Sl.OO 1 box Northern Spiea ..fl.OO I bar Diamond C Soap...; 25 1 lb. beat Mocha and Java Coffee.. 30 Beat Creamery Butter. ......... ..30 New Crop Walnuts snd Almonds. .18 1 qt. best Mspla Syrup, ......... .38 1 lb. Japan Rice 5 1 pkg. Breakfast Mush 15 A full lln of bakery good on hand. ALWAYS FRESH vry day, from our OWN BAKERY. . '. ! . . . , . .raon WATT 4. A. P. GRAM Corner Baatow aad OlaokaauM Streets, ...'.'. Portlaad, Or. Townscnd & Van Schoonhoven WkoUaal and Ketall Ooeera, ,147 rasr ITlllt . BUTTER LOWER- We retalL butter and gg at whole sale price, l . . ... Oregon Creamery Butter. .. .86 and 60 New Crop Italian Prunes, 4 lbs. ....BSo On aack good Hsrd Wheat JTiour..i.w I pounds Seedless Raisins......... .. Best cleaned Currants, lb. ........ ..10 Tomatoes, standards, I can. .......IS 1 can Baked beana.. .......Bo Two t-lb. cana Hominy can Corn. Peaa or String Beans. . .to 1 pkg. Fostum or Fig Prune Cereal.. to Good Salmon. I cans .IS Tomstoes, Solid Psck 10s Two l-ib pkga Gold Dust, r, . . ....SAe One t-lb. pkg. Armour Washing Powder ..1 Fels-Nsptha Soap .......(a It bare Royal Savon Soap. ........ ..M ibars Baby Elephant Soap Hx Whits Honey ....lo cana Prltriroee Cream ........IS 1 lb. English Breakfast Tm.,...."1o 1 IB. Gunnowder Tea. .............. .I5e Miller' Naptha Soap Sa New Crop Fig and Nut. Full tin Flaocua Bros.' Mustard, Cat up. Chill Bauoe, Mangoes. to . VXOn MAH IBM. riOlAl I1U AT WASHINGTON MARKET lit ' Tint it. Wt,- ttark snd WsaUagtea. These Mala MM. Slrlnln steak loo leneoriois porterhouse tteik Koand itHk, 1 lbs. ........... fUls stras. 4 lba...u..,... Prime rib reeat ............... ... .... .W......10 tftc ...... ...KAe :..s c Rollrd reset , BoU tef jTT.. ...... ....'..'. Innnberfor. I lbs. SiinMie. t 114' ....'......, ...... 'ZfW Poit iMrk '. ..IfHtUHfl pnrk rnntw ..,....... l".tli'c V..I rna.t ,.,,.....,., loffimi- Tnl rkopa lf4l2V.r ansarnr4 hreakfaet bscea. X . . . I An MnsarHmre ks .len SjMt errasiery batter ...... ..,.',. ..WlSOr IS enittMi ... J2'jr Mutton chop. Iks tll Iln r rib chops , 10134! tinnlA.r nmttes ..............r..... t,.-" Mnttns it .:..'.....'. - Onn. TAFTKH. tPfeer OnUr Selltend rrMBjtl, Xsst et Vert Sise. Don't . squander your money for Groceries. -,. We can save you 20 per cent. Phone us your orders. McKINNON & SMITH CASH GROCERS . Phone East 283 ; Wholcaal and ReUll 128 GRAND AVENUE f i . ' . . Ooods Dllvrxi to Any , i-carc or xn wicy. . rSIIK EAM0K IOOI.DO.........i. rAJfOT CBXAMIXT OTTIB..., Miller's Kaptha. for IS Iba beet iiisur . ...tSe ..ll.wl . .tl.OO ...eoo ...Ue ..fl.OQ .Je ...)0e ..S2Sa ...ISe ...ts ...M ' ....Se ...le ...tie ...Siie ...lea ...tue ...lo ...tSe ....5e ...soe. f..tH ...te ...lee t-lb Pl beet lard, tut; 10 iba.. ...'.,,. 1 lb Hora.1 bekln pewder 1 lb Bbllllac's baklaa sowdrr Ussck good ksrd-Wkeet nW ........... toe bottle vasils extrset torn bottle lemoa eitrsrt Good J coffee Kie lb, I lbs......... Good Eoclltk breskttst tes ., '... 1 lb Gunpowder tea ....... Umm Bras.' rataup, a bottles ...r...... 1 pkg eora starch sesteb-eeta ; : . .7 r. : . . . WW. . . Beet Jars and Mocba coffw, par lb...,. Poetum. 'Wr ...... ...... Good baeos Ptg-Prsae cereal W.. , Beat aaejs.Br' lb White and yellow corn nail, 10-lb aack. Bottle Wu.Ibs ; rase table ayrnp. per gal .. Urge boa atseeroal I lbs esrranta I Iba ratal na, aeedlaai , Rome-Blade mince et, lb I ease ears I esns peea or string baena ...tee ...Me E.B.COLWELL , " Formerly Farmer's ; Wholssal arid Retail aroceT- SSI,' S83, SSS TXXSD ITUIt , oouru sFFsaaosr. , This I th month when you wish to msk every dollar go aa far aa no'iilbl. Look over your laat month' bills, com psre them with price quoted below, than bring your order to the BIO STOBJI and wf will ssve you--at lesst 30 cent on every dollar worth you Christmas Gifts buy, which leivea you a nlc little neat egg toward buying your presents. . . Western dry gransleted esse snsar, 100-lb aack ts.eft Weaters drr arasulated cane ensar. ia Iha.ll.oo Cztra tne drr (rasulalcd sucarlo-lb ancs ; s.i.zn . Kirra line dry srsnslated anssr. 1 Beet lenmn. erance and citron peel, per lb. .I5e t pkgs Magnolia cleaned di-ranla .. ,3."o pasa sew S-crowa aamlcd ral.lns ..IV t Ibe near t-mwm looa Mcatela . 2.V? l ib ea Rojal baking powder ene l ib cas Bcbllllsg a Beat baking powder . .. . Kte Onaa. A Blackwrll'a oIIto oil, qt beltlca. .Soa 1 Ihiks Arm A Hasiatcr aoda ..... ,ile T Iba tTanch? prnnea .......CW s ahreadad Wkcat blecult. per pkg lite ,. Ilia toulalana rice ,1.c susu ............ -lb pall beat lard 10-lb pall beet lard JO. lb pall beat lard ., , Klneat eaatern fcama. per lb .. ., Beat plenle ha ma. per lb Beet cottage same (boneless) par lb . Ehrcdded cocnenot. per lb ....... Hard-wbeat oar. per aerk , Scotch oata", per pkg I'oatnta cereal, per pkg Fella Kaptha ap, per bar ........ Beat soft-wheat onr. per aack Java A Mocha coffee (regular me)... ty bos soda craekere (about 10 lbs)... Kngllah Breakfast tes, per lb ...... Fancy Oaspowdar tea (regular Use). lbs brakes Jaea coffee 1 bars tr aoap rnerla Blacalt. per pkg.............. Tiger cream (10c slar) Eaat Side Dellvertee Taeadar sad Frldars. . PKOrc MATM 401.. FRIEDMAN PACKING COMPANY O luJa axxxour stsajc awOL Z.OTS or Bze taxitbs There I no special which w put out from time to time that give such gen uine satisfaction as our. Sirloin and Round Steaks. - Reason 1 we give you th very hlgheat quality. A grade an parlor to any which la offered by our f competitors. JUST TRY ONE. 'f Bacon ............. .14o Porterhouse Steak ............. . .loe Boiling Beef ...... .., '.'...4a Pot Roast ........a Rib Roaat ......i-.. .o Rib Steak. 4 Iba..... , IB Pork Sausage. Z lb......g .15 Hamburger. 1 lb. ..v.... .18 Corned Reef, lib..... .,..,'. .BSo Umb Chop, t lb... ..SSo Pork Chop ................... ....lOo Telepboa Orders Promptly Attended To. Free Delivery to Any . . , ; u Fart" of th -City. - FKOira XAnr in r' " orani FimsT aws ooz.ubuia intnt ' ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS - -'mi""ra set' lust a much 'of a little " more for your meat money her. , , TRY -US SA.TCRrAT tot you' Bun-, day Dinner. '- a nu van of oocimisj ' ' Steel Bridge Market sr. . riio, 183 Xolladar Avenn. Fhoa, Bat TB4. Best Creamery Butter 60c Roll wOBTKXmaT SPY A FPUS, free from .worm. and large alia, box. fl.oo Ft UTry v CENTRAL CREAMERY ISS Foarth St., Seweea Waaalartoai ..... an Alder.- Fhoa U7 , M ,.....oc ....!. I ...... He ...... le - j ,..,..Ke Me ; .... ......Die , w Se ....l.i ,.....25e , noe l.V , a - !!"!i;e