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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1905)
. -.' THE OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL,-p6rTLAND, - FRIPAY-...EVENING. DECEMBER 1, 1005, n . FOR SALE FARMS. CHEAP FA BMW. tan acres Of cattle land nw KUmstk Ftll foe $3. WO; Inw. 34. SCO 130 t. 40 arras under Blow. 19 erree In boi, SO acre f good timber, aaaf Kfwtr. - 32.TA0 B acre of trait nd good I-raoo fconss, rood wster, la Oak Grove. 6S.3no ll-acr fruit farm and 8 room hoaa t Oak Grove. V 13.000 4 im and goad Broom hnasa. large Tro and chlcken-bousce all cultivated aad an ma fruit; 1 nil lee ta eotrtbeuee. 3 blocks ta .Church 'snd school. 81.40O 6-roaas boo and w ten) of eultl try laad. 8 mile to aovtbaoaa, 3 blacks ta church and art tool. 33,4004 cro of tha ftnaat beaver dam laad. only T biIIm from Portlaad. all feared, fin watet aad wall drained. , .. orbgo bros. t Panne Mala 0301.. 3IT-13 Featoa bug MORS HEU-APPLE LAND. . ISO toree, unimproved, en White Salmon river. In tha apple bait, all 'tillable, pertly lotted, rood timber remaining; river and a prints on place: a fin loratloa for aa appl ranch; will traria fo Portland property, or $30 per arre tke It. . 10 arret. rly berry land. I nllaa from Hood R'ver. 4 acre la atrawhrrrtea, In clover, a mall bouao. A Inches watar. oa mala road, telephone and R. F.' D. : will trada la oa amall farm In vicinity of Portland. Wa baTa a list of good (snd tn the Rood Rtver. Moaler and White Salmon eeetlooe. Jieerrlhe tha place you would Ilka and wa wis" find It for yon If wa don't hv It. LANOILLR A RAND. I ' Room 10, Transfer Bldg.. 01k and Oak: n-ACRB farm. 10 mtlaa aaat of Portlaad oa Kandr rlTar: 40 acre andar eoltivatloa. food Improvement. 10 acres oa Powell Taller reed.' M mile aoatb at reservoir; abort -tanc from ) eerllnee. IT a era food. Weal land adjoining Motor addition. W. B. Fsck kalmar, tZt rating bldg. 110.000 FARM af 400 acre. MO cultivated, balance paatnra; 10 acres eiover; booaa. twa barns; won Id atll la Iota of 40 acres. Ad - Arses . Ball. Rout 1, Rick real, Oregoa. ' or 400 East Twelfth at., Portland. FOR (ALB Stork ranch of 3 oo arras near Oeburg, a ml lea aorthaaat af Eugene, I -ana county, Oregon; price low and tarma eaar. r. D. Chamberlain. . Labba bldg., Portia a A FRFR LAND IN ORROOW andar' tha Carey Irrigation Act. Dead direct from etate. -Write today. Booklet aad atn free. - R. A. . A-tW261 Aider at. Portland, or. FOR BALB 40 arras Terr flna land. H ta aaltlratloa. ... lira alee and lrvsl. rich black loam: It ad . Join Clarkamaa atafloa and R. R.; only JO mllra from canter of Portland; will offer It for no waak only at $75 par acre. Ad. dress a 14, ears Journal. - A 80-ACRB farm, all la eultivatmn, I miles from courthouse. 1 mlla from O. W. P. A Ry. Co.. f&OnO: tarma to eult. or will ffede Ira kooas and lot. Joaa P. Rbarkaj. . 70i Clean, bar of Oommarea. FOR MALR HO seres rood land, aasy elcarad: JO miles from Vaneoueer: $400. O. A. Woa ter. Orchards, WaablBttoa. " BARGAIN 00-acre tmpratsd farm mllas aaat ot Portland. LaOompta, 83T Front. FrR SAT,". OR TRADK ISO acrea, H mlla from dorar station. Baary Joans., Surer, Pre son. , t0 ACRPIt cleared and fenced. 1 Bille from Ce earllna, aa main, coanty road, (300 par acre. Iaqolra MS TlUaaiouk at. I-TOO FINR appla arcbard, arras, near the . city; B-room booaa, nara. rhlrkea-hooaa. wall, ate. i easy tarma. fall 10TW Third. FOR SALE-TIMBER.' CERTTFlin' arrlp. " any ' alaa pleoea; lowost prices. W. O.; BowslU S3t Casmbar of Oeaa- FOR- BOMEATRADS. timber claims aad arrlp apply to S00 Commardal blk. ' ; HORSES AND CARRIAGES. ' .B0RBES nf all klnda for asls at rary raaaoa- a Ma prices, inqnlra 230 Jerraraon. to exchange; WAKTEJV-Tn bay or trada for amall ators la . . aaanarr ar amall elllaae. Addraaa 140 Raa aell at. Statleo R. Portland. . - TO KX'H ANI- T-rooaa boaaa ami laraw Vrt foe wall raroi anar RaaeartOB. Reom 306 TO EXCHANGE 4-raom rottaira and lot 50x100) will take plana, balaaca Inetalltnentn. ' Room Sra) Goodnnnah bM(. OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SAI.R OR RENT NEW AND SECOND HAND SEWING MACHINES. STANDARD SEWING MACHINR A0BNCX. H. D. J ON US, 800 YAMHILL ST. v . MACHINERY of all kmds repaired. Centennial Iron A Steal Works. 288 Ollaaa at. WR print yonr aaaie ea SO ealllna-cnree. proper ,alaa aad atyla, tSet SS0 baalncea carda. It. Brown Sctmale, t First. Portland. Or. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for Mat as? (of sale on eaay payments. TUB BRUNSWirK-BALKE COt.LENDIR CO. 40 Third a.. Portland. LA ROB stock secoBd-haad Bamroftoa aad Smith-Premier . typewriters, from $40 as. ' V'ndarwood. Typewriter Oa, SB1 Stark at, LARGEST stork af bottlea la northwest : enters filled promptly. Portlaad Bottle Snpply Oa 101 North Eighteenth at. Mala t288. FOIt-SALB Two wall-bred colts, ons S yeara1 old. welrht 1,400 poaada; other t years' old, welrht 1.000 poonda. Csl Junes O. Lisa, CnrrlnsTllla; take Eatacada tar. . SHOWCASES AND PTXTCRBB msda ta order) aeroed-band aooda for sale. Carlson A Kall strem. V Coock at, Pboao may 1T1. . UNCALLED-FOR monntsd spedmetis and fa rasa cheap. F. 1. Breaee. 0t Third at. U. BARDS A SON. harlot hnnirnt tba com plete stock ef plnmhtnt material ao the Trail and Government lalaad, offer all tha pipe and flltinra and very reasonable flmreei alsa the electric -tlltnrea of tlie Aawrlraa Inn Co., which will to to the payer at leas thaa balf of cost price. FOR SALE Four No. S Amertcen holet soree- powers and lot of serond-ksnd donkey ea tinea, suitable for lotttnf or bolatlnt par- res. For Informstlon and pries apply to D.. Knot tner, Astoria, Oreeon. WESTERN OREGON MINING A MILUNJ CO. headflieartera; stork for ssle and In . formatloa at ISO First St. Phone Mala ISSS. FOR SALE cheap, joanf PsBsma parrot. POT Pettytro St. . KEW S30O piano. !ffO; sscond-ksnd piano, $40; - ortaa, 2i 341 llrat. car. Main, a pa ta Ira. BOOKS boovht, sold and exchanged at tiis . Old Book Btors, 3 Ysmhtll sU . PARTY totng east will eell rnrnltars. almost new, cheap. Inqnlra at S34 Beech at. I . WR wsnt fa boy a rood typewriter; mast be a hartaln. 300 Second St. XDISON pnennfTsph complete. doaea records, rood as new, at SI Eaat Oerenth at.. North. DAYBNPORT, wardrobe, rtlffmrler, errenalon ..'ssd other tshlsa. cha Irs. carpets.. Western . Salrsts Co., sJ7-3a Wsshlnttoa St. Phone Partsc TBS. .. .. PERSONAL," BE If KNt . P. (Vltal-Powsr) tablets will restore to yon (he snap, rim snd '" ef manhood) If yoa era mrklng la ths power af ntalltyt Its loes resoltlnt from Indiacretlons and sieessea. - - ' send for s bos af these tablets snd be eon- el need of teelr merit. By mall la plain Bsc.. - "' SI. The Armareoag Tablet Oa, lae, aM . Tolaata by., Detroit" Mich If as. . - FECIAL NOTICB-TO WOMBN Doa't 'rle x year lleemr by aa . oners. Men wbsa yoa rss be sored by -barmleas wietheda; electricity properly applied will save life where opera ' ttens kill. - We possess the lateet Isesatlos) ' to cos trot dleeaaea pecollar to wmneo. Dr. W. i. Nace. M. Medical Blsctrlelsa. Of fice TI0 Peknm btdg. t'hona Red 121. Office . Honrs 12, AS. DETECTIVB AGENCY Confident fa 1 Isreetl- ration; re porta made aa any lodlrldasl bust. v sees er property! mlealnt relatives located; bad debfa collected; charges ressoaahle; err- - ' respnndenc solicited. Oresoa Petsetlvs Service, offlraa S14-R1S Columbia bldg.. Wsshlattoa at. Phone Mala MUl.' URS. ANNA LITREY snd ETHEL WARD tre now locsted at mo Tarlor at.; pelnclpala ef the American Beauty t'arlora. we core sll scalp rilaeaaes; sll kinds of be ths siren; elec tric masaaas. manlcitrlne anit chtronralv! aleo Kadame Harrow's famona remerilee; sstlafsc tloa goaraatred. Phooa Mala 8243. , PERSONAL. DR. Al'BPl.UND. dleeaaea of aromea and aor. aty. 300 A Italy blU Third and Murrleow. YES, Palme Tablets make yon sleep perfectly; they cure aarvoaaneaa aad make yoa etreagl price toe a box. boxee 12 .50: gusrsstee.l. All drnyaleta, sr addrees Brooks Drng Co., Ml North Third St.. Port land. MANLY slgor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve , Gloobles. Ons anthrs treatment, si: 1 months, IS; sent securely sesled by ass 11. imhi nimani, f.,.. BOOKS! Here they are) "PecaniaToa." Hep. r tameron." "A Hot Tsmsls." ""nnny Hill. 'Twenty Yeara a Faker." "rorbld-leo Fruit. " 50a each; Uata free. A. Schawls, im First at. LOST powera restored aby the great Dr. lorens s wsrvs iooic laoieie, ew r-' S holes for !.. Writs er esll st Ryssell s Pkarmscy. 32T Morrison, bet, let and 2d. THR Celebrated Star Hair remedy restores grsy sad faded hair to Ita natural color, pro motes tha growth of balr; not greasy. Fsrls . Ha Store, SOS Washington. - LADIES Yoa appear 30 years yoanter. re move all wrinkles, hare aklo Ilka velvet by ' aalng Oregua Grsps Bkln Food. Pboas Last I38T. - MEN I WOMEN I Raymond's pills positively cars aervoueneas and lack of vitality; el. 4 boxes .H. Plnmmer Prog Co., 300 Third. WHY live alone when yoa can seen re a llfs companion by Joining ths Interstate Intro , d'icint Society, snd meet or correspond with reputable persona of tbla section, many wealthy) the November restate. 10 cents, Snlta 34 Rneeell bldg. - Pbuoe Pacific K. . SI'ITS iweased while yoa wslt. 50c. Lsdles' skirts pressed. 00c. Gilbert. 100 Sixth St., aext to Quelle. Phone Clay A. DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. BOITGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED AT UNCLE MYEBS, PIONEER MONEY LENDER. 143 THIRD rr, ' NEAR ALDKR. . FRER sample corn, bnolna and wart cure. Id wla L Deaa, dept. B. Tenntoa. Mass. Tt'RKlSH BATHS, SO0 Oreaonlsa b !.; ladles days, genllemea Blfhta. Mala 1838. . WANTED To know the whereahontr af William Step lien Smith, formerly of Loa Aaeelec. Addreea kfotbef, bos 138. . Santa Barbara, - California. FREW tu mil wf town natron a. aa latest eata kwos of fancy work, pillow tops, center KK-ea, ehlrtwalsts and novel lire. The Needle aft Shop, SOT Allsky bldg Portland. Or. DOLLS' hospital; repairing and drssalng. Yam hill and Waat- Park sts. . ' BIMO CHOONO. Importer ef Chinese rbot aaedU rlnes: sells Chlneee tea that la certain core for all diseases. 181 Second bat. Yamhill aoj Taylor. , DISEASES af women a specialty; maternity eseee gives special sttentlon, private hoaplt-tl sccommodsthin; professional lady In sttendsnes) ennsnltstria free. X-Rsdtnm Instltuts snd Sanltsrlnm, Third and Alder, entrance 303 Aider at. . SEND 8. B. RICH. PORTI'AND, OREGON. ST FOR 3S ASSORTED SOUVENIR POSTAL. SEND for free llat of cot price and clubbing rates on magssiaes. Jones' Boos Btors, zui Alder St. DR. AT WOOD, 10 Rneeell bMa.. 1W4 Fonrth at. Female dlaeasea and ennftnemente taken aad cared far; eoea avealnga.. Oeasultstloe free. . - MRS. Sophia B. Slp. payebometrlat, searsss ami pmpnetess; daily 10 to n. 7 tn : circles Tneedsy snd Frldsy. S p. m. SMtA Tsmhlll. ' cor. Seventh. Pacific 100. Sunday evening meetings Draw ball. 163 Second at ". -' . PERSONAL met ruction In ahortbaad bookkeep. ma, penmanahlp and Bncllah at n tuition fee leas than required - by the business csllegee. Addreea M. A. Albln, 06 Sixth at. BAYB yoa seen ear holiday apeclalat 1. Stu dio. Ollvs, Fifth and Washington. DRS. N. A. NISRETH, Bwedlsb sperlallats. rorea rheumatlem. kidney, stomsck and liver - tronMre, chronic cooatlpatlon. obesity snd sU chronic snd nervons dlaesses: no drnesi no Anita: 110 per month. Consultation and dera- enstrations rrsa. Uood 1822. 411 Morrlsoa St, THE SPRINGSTEEN MEU1CINB CO.. Oil la kuta bidg.. agenta for the celebrated Mountain Hoe remedlee: cures all female trouble, else stomach and liver troubles; consultation free. ORDRR OP WASHINGTON Foremost fret erne 1 - society of norUtwest: protects the living. 013 Marqaam bld.. Portland, Oeesos.- . - Ie4e,4aees,stti Cne n.Flntl,n a th. Pairie I'.iim I. i. Club, Alms, Oregoa. ' ' 30 REWARD for arrest and conviction af the thief or thieves who broke Into my residence at Oewrca Thanksgiving day and robbed It of valuablea. T. S. McDonald. a ii aaannnaanaBBesassa ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR R, MAX MEYER, 34S Aider. Portrait and Inndeeape artlat and teacher. AUTOMOBILES. BOWARD COVET. Fifteenth and Alder, agent for Cadillac and Pierce aatomobllea) machine rested, repaired and stored. 'T. ASSAYERS. 0ARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, and Montana Aeesy Office. 180 Morrlsoa St. ATTORNEYS. A. B. TANNER, attorney, 0n0 Commercial blk., Seeoad and Wasblngtoa sts. Phone- Mala 643. B. F. BURLEIGH, lawyer. 133 Grand avs East Portland. EDWARD T. TAGGART, attorney and eoun eelor. - 41 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ACCOUNTANT. CBARI.ES B. PFAHLIT Public sndltnr and expert accountant. Room 7, Chamber ot - Commerce bldg. " BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWR. DAVIS A KILHAM. 100-111 Second St. Blsnk book msnnfsctarers) sgente for Jones Improved Loess Leaf ledgers; see tba new Eureka leaf, tba beet oa the market. T BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKENWALD CO.; 804-Sn Everett at. Largest butchers' supply hoaa on tba coaat a BATHS MASSAGE. ' YOUNG lady gtvee vapor, alcohol and medicated bathe. . Parte; 3T. 20SIA Stark. THR BNOWDEN BATHROOMS Two Isdy nt tendanU: SS7IA Alder at., bet. Fourth and Fifth) tnh ana vnpoc sad massage. Pboo Msln BOSS. . lerfoREFIELD Tnrklah and steam bath, sslt glow, mineral bath: rheumatism glrea a peel a I attention: free trial treatment. 10B Sixth, Pact 0c 370. a BLACKINO. nvaenor at..h(.. .iMiMt.t. .....f serves the lestbee. makes khoee wear 60 per cent longer. For sals everywhere, 10 aad IS cents. CHIROPOpISTS. IF fop r. feet are oat of order, go tn Dr. W or lev Benjamin,. SAOtA Washlnrtoa at., tba foot eneclellat. Phone Hood Pn4. CAFES. THE OFFICE 8ns, Wasblngtoa St. Pboae Mela T71. Samuel Visnesa, 5 COLLECTION AGENCY. COLLECTIONS by the Northwest OolWtton A reocy ; ynor baatneee bandied ht 0 boahvasa manner) try as. . 10-17 Lsbbe bldg. DOKS anv one owe yoa nvmeyt Ws collect bed debts of sll kinds. 122 Grand svs., room a 14 and IS. Phone Cast 4434. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Wlint-EfALR crockery snd tlssewara. Prsdl, Hegele A O.. KM to InO Fifth, roe. Klerk at CHIROPRACTIC. l.fTt. POSITIVELY rope sit forma of rbenmatrani. Dr. Cra Bogsa, 303 Hall st. PbssM Mala 004. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. 1 bBKKG-GL'NST CO. , vistriDutors of FINE CIGARS. Portland, Oregoa. CARPET-CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. Urgent plant en the const, Lorlng snd nsrdlng sts., tele phone Eaat 2XO Car pete cleaned. reStted, aewed and laid; both stesra snd latest eon- - pressed sir process; renovating mattresses aad feathers a specialty. SANITAtT carpet eleaalag. aarttoa and com. preseed sir oomhlned; carpets aliened on floor without removal. Mala 6M4. East 3504. CARPETS cleaned oa the floor t are rales dust. Phone Clay 881. free demeaatratloa. J. RITNTER Steam oar pet and matrreaav cleaner. 550 Jefferson. Phone Main 814. CLEANINO AND DYEING. YAMHILI CLEANING A PRESSING CO Work called for and oclivered. Paoaa Clay 3H3. ' Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Works) prac tical batter la couaertloa. 311 4th. Clay TOO. CLOTHES cleaned and preaaed 31 per rnenth. ralqns Tailoring Co., Ul Wssbtugtoa at. la. W. TfRNBR, nrofeealnast djrer and claaaer. 605 Jefferson at. Phone Mafti 85 IS. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST ST. flROKGE ORMONDE. Egyptian seer, nssnington at Psychic palmist, neaier, oeao trance medlunM -reateet advleer love, bueU bees, sickness, mines, treeaure. chanres. Jour neys, family troubles: brines beck loved one) nnltea separated: reading by mall 83, 4 ques tions; tells everything. MRS. STEVENS. Portlsnd's leading palmtst. satroloclst and aplrltual llfcreadcr.' eso give Important and reliable facte about the peat. preaent and future. 100 Seventh St., op p. Hotel Portland. Phone Pacific 714. COAL AND WOOD. KINO COAL CO. Sols stents for ths fsmoas Ilamond coal; try It and yoa will eiwaye nny ft. Wvomlne mrA Weehlnetow hones aoala. VtrrtnU and Wsahlnrtoa emtthtng cosle: full weisnt guaranteea. eei. main suo, m aa, Stephens, aiaagtar. CHHRCHLBY BROS, have removed from foot vavto st. re 42B Keernev st.. sear lira; m now the Isrgeet wondyard la the eitv, carry, lag all kinds of wood snd eoaL Mala Ml. 0REOORY A MORRIS. enc esauaa ta Cala A MrKona. deslers la wood and seal at toweer price: satisfaction enaranteed. , Cor. Tenth and Irving. Phone Mala OSTa. WESTERN Feed A Fuel Co.. aa Front, he twees Ollaaa and Hoyt, dealers la all nana ar bouse coaia aad blaekamltb aoala. Pboae Mala I0IS. - . ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers la cudwuud. anal aad green end drv slabwood. R. B. aad Al bina are., 3 blocks ssst of ferry. Bast 074. BTEETi BRIDGE FfEL CO Pea lees In coat cordwosd snd dry alabwaod. . rnoao Bear 43. ROTWOOn and nlanee trtnamhurs. Standard vrooa us, t'none Bear anio. roof aaun rmr. OREGON FURL CO All kinds of anal aad wood. BO Alder at. Pboae Mala 00. RIRK HOOTER. S18 Water at., wood aad asej. Phone Mala 4500. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, carpenters, bonders) re pairing snd lohhlnv: etore and effice fixture nana. Boop buw Lninmnin. ' main aavi. WASHBURNB A FTjOYD, wagon balldera aad geaeral Job woe. S 0th st. f son llooa evo. F. B. VANPBRHOOF, earpentee and Jobber. 387 Stark at. Phone Mala 747. WM. FISH BECK, carpenter: repairing end lob bing done. ZD I Bnraald at. poorae Main bsot. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SHIP your Brndnee to as; wa handle all klnda or svotiuce-snd m nent; prom pi - returns; wa lave a lot or breeding ruirkene lor aai , P. Miller A f"e, 300 Curh at. . x LENSCH BROS., commission merchants, lonr, feed, bar aad produce, 803 to 200 Front at. EVERDING A FARRELL. Produce and commie- sloe merchant, leu rront stv roriianu, ur, Phone Main 170. DANCING. WOtiOWARD'S daaclng school af the W eaters Academy of Mnale, Monde? and Tbnraday. Spectator Invited. Leaeone 00c. , Dancing 8 xo it. vor. lapiiaia una mnvrwe. DETECTIVES. TELL as your trouble: ws never eleep; evtnence traced la civil and criminal ca Henlnger. 10-17 Labbe bldg. R. L. DRESSMAKING. KETSTER'S LADIES' TAILORING COLIEGK, 303 aad 400 Alleky bklg. writ for booklet. DRESSMAKING Strictly as tn datol Istwt de. stgaa. 4S0 Clay is. FIRST-CLASS parlors. SIT Allsky bMg.t suit gowns, coats, jsrkets. latest atyie; aairxa onnd ana jacteta reitnea. - DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR C.R BROWN. D.T.S..D.C.M. Dog. Hon bos pltl.3S7 Burnelde. Phones; MslneOSO; Pac J40. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 308 Stark at.. Portland. O. K. for everything la tba eleoulcal Ua. Pboae - Mala loHa. , PAC1FI0 ELECTRIf) CO. Knrl seers, rautrse-to-s. repair re. electric wiring, u nolle. 04 First, cor. stark. Mala 050. R. H. Tate. mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Cam pa ay Manufacturer at tamitora esr ua- Iran. Portland. Or. FTRtTt'TTTRR mnufactu-(n snd special orders, L. Ravensky's furniture factory. 370 Froat at. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-atr fnraarea save fuel I; Bayer Fornace Co., 300 Second. Mala 401. . ' FRENCH BAKERIES. ' THE nbr niece ta Portlaad to get French bread. Ban-are A May Me. 407 Sixth St. Dally d liv ery, poena Oreea ntna' GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale sTocera. msaa facturera and aammlssloa merehaats. Fourth aad OaA ata. - ALfN A LEWIS, enmmharloa aad prod sea rkanta. Front aad Davta eta.. PorHand. Or, GRINDING. Ravor. . knives, sclasors sharpened tn jierfec, . thm. Karlaoa A Co.. 40 14 N. Otb. Pacific 70S. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. solicit opportunity quote prices, 186 1st St., sor. Alder. Mala 1 HAY AND GRAIN. B. O.- COOPER A CO. Potatoes, fsed sa floor. 130 L'uloa are. Phone Eaat 1B17. HOTELS. HOTEL Peadlstoa. Pendletna. W. A. Brews, mgr. HOTEL PsrtlanA American plaa; 88,88 per dag. HOTEL St. George. . Paadletnat leading hotel. BELFEDERR: Fimpeaa plaa; 4th bad Alder are. LOCKSMITH. I. H. RICHARDSON, avpevt lock And fcevamtthl general repairing; eselima brsslng; all srorb gaaranteed. tm reurt at. rnoBe aiaoa 11ns. BROWNE'S IN TOWN-Erpevt bcbmlth sad Bicycle repairing. xn stars. Day Clay 333; bight pbob. Mala 88S6. ; A m mi. r;i,'4icic ihi; if it INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITS. fir tneurasc. 300 Dekam LAMBERT. WHITMBR A CO. Fir Insure e and reel estate; ofricea 107-lisi Bnariora moa. Mala 1008; dept. 404 Eaat Aider. . East 401. JAR. McL.WOOD. employers' liability aad la. oivianal accident surety Bonos si su luns. Pboae 47. 803 McKay bldg. B. F. RARTET.S .COMPANY Fir InsnfaM 448 Sberloch bide. Oregoa Phone Clay 02a. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. 42M-0 Mohawk bldt.. cor. Mvrrlana and Third. Ladlee er Gentlemen. No PuMtrlty. . If yoa borrow . 820 soa pay back 31.85 a week. If yoa borrow 325 yoa pay bark SI. 65 a week. If yoa borrow $10 yoa pay back $2 00 a week. If yoa borrow f:5 yoa psy bark 82.86 a week. If yoa borrow 330 yon pay bark $3 00 a week. Payments suspended la cess ot alckBeaa. Strictly Salary Loana. THS CRESCENT LOAN 00 43SA Mohawk bldt.. cor. Morrlaoa and Third. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city property or far Be fl dint . aurpoaea. Aay amount on- from 8 to 10 year' time, with privilege ta repay all ar part of loaa after en yeer. Loana ea- E roved from plana snd money advanced ea alldlag progrsssss; aaortgagss takea ap aad replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Ftnanctal Agaat, . 343 Stark Street. ' THB STAB LOAN CO. - Aay seiarled employ, war a earner, sea get aa bis Bote, without mortgage Month, u Month. Week. 80.00 Repay to sa HU M sr 80.05 ar SS.SS 825.00 Repay to as 8 0.05 er S'.sft ar 81.00 116.00 Repay to n I 4.00 or 31.00 ar 1.00 xio McKay Bldg, WHY PAY- RENT when we can furntah yoa money ro hnv or Kulld von a hornet f SMALL MONTHLY REPAYMENTS with LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Drop a card, or call on J. H. Hubbard. State Agent. 802 B. Morrison at. MONEY to loan, ea la lied people, teamsters, etc., without eeemityt eeey payments) Isrgeet bnalnea In 40 principal dtlee. To baas. 333 Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Mala 0487. MONEY TO LOAN. ' Private money tp loan st 8 and T per cent Intereat for 3 to It yeara In smonnta of 35011 and npwarda. Room 403 Commercial bldg. MONEY to loaa on real, personal and collateral . security; pedal attsatloa to chattel moet- Kges: not bonsht. C W. PaUet, 304-3 tea bldg., 84 Slxtb st. - - - HIGHLY reepectsbls place where ladle) aad gate fat boerww money on diamonds ssd jewelry. Collateral Loaa Rank, 800-Waah-ingtoa St. Phone Black 71. ,. CHATTEL loana la amounts tanging from 828 to 80.000) rooming-houses a epeclalty. New Bra Loaa A Trust Co.. Sod Ablngtoa bldg. WR make all klnda of loana oa good aeeorlty at lowest rat: special sttentloa glvaa to . chattel loans. 108 Morrlsoa at. MONEY to loaa In sum of from 83.000 to gn.ono) terms to salt tha borrowsr. 800-10. Oommerclal blk. MONEY to loan Id largs ar email smonnta no seraritv: lowei late. vtimam v. Beck. SOT Falling bldg. MONEY to loan on Clarkamaa county lands. - a- -- Ollf, e.u. -I..h.. rm- LOWEST rstes an rnmltttrotlll pUoo. - Faat- ers 1,0a a U., 440 Sherlock bldt. iisy n TO LOAN Snma to enlt on chattel, security. . a. cram, pie id satvun. MONET to loan on all klnda of security . Was. Boll, room S. Waahtogtoa bldg. 8 1. 000 $5,000 TO loaa bv private party on real estate eecorlty. 403 Commercial bldg. MUSICAL. PIANO, violin, string and wind tnsrruments. Professor Edwta A. Smith. 354 Twelfth. Main 4708. PIANO toning, S3; perfect work gnaraBteoaV 6. w. jabBooa. pbobo af sib iwu. t. A. WE. CO. vtoltn-msker aad repalrert work Brst rlaea. 3B Rnseel bldg., 4tk lad Morrtaoa. BMIL" THIELRORN. tescber of violin, viol, cornet. Studio, 105 Sixth. Tel. Mala 8908. FREE lesson na the violin, mandolin, goiter and banjo. Levy's Mtwlc Rouse, 171 Fourth. MACHINERY. PORTA BLB locomotive boiler snd en tine; le than U price: 4 boreepower. C. B. Pig gott's law office. 4 Mnlkey bldg. FOR SALE One S-rnch Smith sticker, on arm Bander, one two-eplndl aha per, bslta and pulley. 304 Fourth at. THE H. C. AI.REE CO. Second-hand machinery. sswmlll. etc. 340 Grand sv. MONUMENTS. NEU A KINGSLEY. 108 First St.. Portland-! leading marble works. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIT A NORTH Rf'P. 418-10-17 Pekum - bldg., .Third and Waahlngtoa sts. Phone Main 840. Examination free. DRS. OTTS A MABEL AKIN. 408 Maeleay bldg. : Clay TTS, Re. Id. 3161. Coaeoltatloa free. THB vary' beat lady osteopath la town. Dr. I,. . John eon. suit in. pemna-mrecn mng. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THR ROAD OVERALLS and ebanlcaf clothings anion mad. Neaatadtar Pro., manufacturer. Portland. Or. PLUMBERS. DONNERBBRG A RADRMACHER. - aaltary plumbers. 04 Foartb t. Both p bones. FOX A CO.. sanitary plumber tl Second, be. main ana pa imoa. erregon rrmn Mam man. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH A CO. The Pmaeer Pa rat 0a. window-glass aad glaring, - 136 Ftra at. Phone 1884. k ERNEST MILLER A CO., Second and Taylor Wall paper, paint all At market price) tre . delivery. . - m" " '" V 'BASMCSSEN A CO Jobbers, paint, oil, glees. ssab and doors. Seeoad and Taylor. PRINTIN0. WFI.m A DAVIS. Printers Doers f things with Ink and I TP ea paper. Stoaraa bldg.. Sixth and Morrison. Mala 4147. ANDERSON A DrNIWAT COMPANY, prtntleg. lithographing, blank hooka. Phone Mala IT. and Alder at. ' METROPOMT4N PRINTING CO. Everything In printing. Main l.m 147 Front at. rwi ii 1 1111 1111 1 ma aiaiaiimii 111 1 saaai RIDING CLUBS. PORTLAND RIDING CLUB Ssddl boras and eamaaee roe rent. w. G. Brown, boa Alder. SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling balf, dandruff treated: ahampne. Ing, manirurlag, chiropody, face work. Mm. B. F. -Kyae. lO&u Vourfh. or. Morrlaoa. Renal SB, - Paa P 7 V ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing sad general Jobbing. J. Leell, 312 Jffer t. RUBBER STAMPS. - P. C. STAMP WORKS, 340 Alder st, phone Mela 710: rubber stamps, sea la. stencils, bsgrags. trsde check: send for cstslosns No. 3a. - SECOND-HAND GOODS. I GOODB'S Furnltnra Hon Highest rei. pld secondhand rursltnrs. sib Pnods PsciOe 408. SAFES. WB repstr snd rebuild automobOee, gat engine. Brmting -pre oars, time locks, ssree. open iocs oula, do all klnda of machine work. Columbia Gaa Engine A Saf Worka, 842 Second at. Phoa rselfle 670. Frank J. aUiper. supt. DIEBOLD Maagaaea aafaai fir aad bargtar. procr wort: Jail sso pnaoa wors: ea-soans opened l repairs. J. J. P SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef very description! beak, bar aad etore 8 1 tore mads to order. The Letke Manufartsrlng Co.. Portlaad. STREET-PAVIN0. WARRBN CoMtmetlo C., treet paving, aid. walk and crosswalks. T10 oregeaia ousj. THR Trinidad AspbsM Pa vtng Ca. al twrtlaad. vrnce oo Worcester bib. SIGN-PAINTERS." GOLD SIGNS, window, lettering, cloth banners. economics! ePctrlc runs sua signs er an klnda made quickly. Footer A Kleteer, Fifth snd Everett. Pbone Rxchange 65. HOLIDAY SIGNS Office doors snd window lettered at cat price. Elrntieoei, ill i'1 Waahlngtoa St., upstairs. Pbons Hood 170.1. SPIRITUALISTS. STANLEY." MEDIUM Lock tew mtne and buried treaeiiree; unites the separated: causes happr Biarrlsges; give meeaage from dcisrtrd loved ones. 224 i First st. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, jJl makea. rented, eold and repaired. Coast Agency. 2.11 Stsrk. Tel. 1407. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, planes and furniture ssovet, perked reeay rar snipping sna snippea; su wars gaaranteed; large. 8 -story, brick, Sre-proof . warehouse' for torage. Office 1X8 First st ' C. M. Olsen. Pbons Msla 64T. THR BAGGAOB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. sixth snd Osk sts.) bagtsgs merged from hotel or residence direct to destination; paesengera therefore avoid rnah and annoy ance at depnta. Private Exchange 08. C O. PICK, of lie 88 First St.. between Stark and Osk ata., phone 500; planoa abd furniture moved and parked for abtpptne; com mod loot brick wareboaae. Front and Clay . OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1S4 North Sixth. Pboae Main 08. Heavy hauling and storage EAST SIDE Tranafer Co.. A. E. Holeomh, prop 128 Eaat Water St. Phnns East 68. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY N. 800 H Wssb Ingtnn St. Pbons Msln 80S. TREES. SHRUBS, ROSES. Wa hare tbem by the thoossndsi strong, healthy aiora. irar iuuo innatratcq ann pncea cata logue telle all. PORTLAND SEED CO.. Front end Yamhill t. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAlLT.-4Vmh. nrnab. eoea 88 per anontb. Lawrenr Bros. Towel Supply -CO.. ronrta snd Douen. pnons .7S. TELEPHONES. X2JE only exclusive telephone I pany, 03 Fifth st. house, B.-R WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FENCE A WIRB WORKS 308 Bsst Morrison at . Phone East 821. . FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 0RE00N. The Oldeet Truat Comnany In Oregoa, .. - RKSOWW.E8 OVER 31.350.000. General banking. Exchange oa alt part the world. Savings seronnte. Tim certld rrtea. 8 to 4 per rent: abort-call special csrtlS cstcs. 3500 or over, 8 tn 4 per cent. Csll for book of ''ILLUSTRATIONS.' Soutb'sat Corner Third and Oak Sts. Phone Private Exrbanga 73. BEN J. I. COHEN f real dent II. L. P1TTOCK Vlce-l'r-eldcnl B. LKB PAGET.... Secrrtery J. O. GOLTRA v.......Aalatant SMTctar; EXCHARTS' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. OREGON. J, FRANK WATSON, President It I IX KHAM Vlc-Preauiem R. W. HOYT , Csahler GEORGE W. nOYT Asslatsnt Caabler Traaaaeta a OeaeraJ Banking Businsaa. Draft and Letter of Credit lamed Available to All Part of the World. Collections a Specialty. LADB A TILT0N. BANXERS. (Sataelished In 1868.1 Transact a General Banking Business. Collections msde st sll points -so favorable terme. r Letters of credit leaned svsllshle In Enron and sll pVlnt In the United Stsves. Pltht Ktrhanxe and Telegraoblc Transfers sold oa New York. Washington. Chlrago. St. Iflula, Denver. Omahs. Ssn Frsnclsc tad Montana and British Columbia, Exchange sold ea Ixtndoii, Paris, Berlin. Frankfort, Bongkong, iokobams, Maallaand Hoaolulu. , FIRST, NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, ORIOON. Designated Depoeltorr end Flnsncisl Agrat of the United States. : -President A. T.. VltM Caahler... . , J. W. NEWKIRK Aselatant Cnahler. W. ft AI.VORO Second Aatlatant Csahler. . e. , .B. F. STEVENS Letter of Credit laaned Avatrabl In Europe snd the Eastern States. , Sight Exrhanre snd TslrsrsDhle Transfer rid on New York. Boston, Chlrssn. St. Ients. Ft rani, Omaha, San Franeiaco and tar principal points la ths Northwest. Sight and lime Mlla draws In snore to suit on London. Paris, Berlin, Frank fort-oo-the Main. Hongbeng. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlatlsnls. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos cow, Eurlrb. Honolulu. Collections Msde ea Favorable Terms. . u NITED STATFg NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. - ' M0RTRWXST COR. THIRD AMD OAK STS. Tranaaott a Geaeral Banking Business, DRAFTS ISSUED. 0 Available In All Cities of Ih Tnlled Ststea aad Europe. Hongkong and Maolla, C0LLFCTI0XS MADS 0V FAVORABLE TERMS. rrraldeut ....J. C. AISSWOPTH Vlcs-Presldent.,rtVi.. W. B. A TEH Vice-President R. LEA PARNKS Caahler R. W. oV'TlMEFB Aselatant reenter A. M. WRIGHT Aaalatsht Cashier r. W. A. HOLT S'CTJRITT SAVINGS AiTRTST COMPART. 808 MorHsa St., Portland. Or. Traaaaeta a General Banking Ruelaeae. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Tims snd Savings Deposit. Acts ss Trustee f,.e Eatstes. DrsfU and letters of Credit A reliable In All Part of the World. C. F. ADAMS Prealdent L. A. LEWIS..,, ........ ..Fleet Vlce-Preal'tent n. ii. m 1 1.1 et. .neconq vtce-rrreincni R. G. JIRITE , ...Secrrtery GEO. F. RUSH ELL Aartatant Secretory M ORRIS BROS. - J ' 118 First St., Pertlsad, or. Offer Ollt-Edg InveslnverW la Mnnlrrpsf aad BallrosO Bonds, w rit or t all. J-KX CONTINENTAL COMPANY. ,. 4 FINANCIAL AGENTS'. ,. 4 3TOCES. BONDS AND MenTOAOIA 343 Stark Street. Pboae Mala 107 MORTQAGL! LOANS 0a PsHlaad ieal . Xatst at Leweet Ratoa. Tttlee Inatired. AHstrscts Fnralehd . TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST CO. 84 Wssklsttea St., ir. Seem A. I TRANSPORTATION. Astoria & . Columbia ;- . River Railroad Co. UNION TIECOT. Arrtv 8:80 a. 1 For Mtygsrs, Rslaler, Clatakanle Weetport. Cllftoa. Astoria, War rantoa, Havel, Ham mond, Fort Steven. Gearhart Park, Seaald. Astoria and Beaskor. Express Dally. Astoria , Express, 11:30 a. m. Dally. Dsll. 7'fln. m. 8:60 a. I Dally. Dally. C A. STEWART,' Commercial Agsat, 348 Aide etreet. t-none Main atw. HINTING BOAT Steamer Republic "Lavog"root or "rVAthinrton Btroot for all Willamette Blough points and SL Helens on Saturday st T p. m. Heturninr leaves - St Helens t 4 p. m. ALASKA FA8T AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS Leava Seattle S .. "JEFFERSON," Movant bar 83, via WraageL "DOLPHIN." Bevember A 17, via Wrangel. "rAAALLOX," Bevwtiber 18, 34, via WraageL, MstlakaMla. CALLING AT " Xetablkaa, Jsnesu. Deuglaa, Hslass, Skag srsy. Osanseu with W. P, A Y. rsuto for AUia, Dawsea, Taamaa, Nome, ata. Far All South east ra Alaska Porta. Call or tend for "Trip ta Wonderful Alaska," "Indlaa Baaketry." "Totam Pole." THE ALASKA S. S. CO. '' Fraak Wooteey Co., Ateata. 303 Oak St. . .PortUnA Or. $i.op$i.oo Turkish Bath nd good bod to . tb SLLfbt, AH fov Si, King's Baths aVtvanth and Waatv. IcgVoa Bta, JTlnaat nd Varsaak baAJaa - ta tjks ttr. 0 0 1 flT THP TFATRFS.- Fitch Pis? Next Week. "Mlcbael Bttogoff It drawing wrll at tha Be la ace. It '1 a stirring BKtlodramt, founded oa Juice Vcrae'a widely read romance of the tarn aamr. Next week, commencing Sunday afternoon, the company will give kn elaborate production . of Clyde Fitch's greet comedy, "Tha Girl With tba Green Bye." 1 . . Lsughter st the Baker. ' The London Gaiety Girls ar giving per formance at tha Baker thla week that are a delight to all lover of the burnayns style ef ntertslnment. There la no deep plot to worry about, but then Is much of song snd dancing, of- good-humored rplesssntrles snd aprighily sctlon. Last two performance to ulght tnd toiam-row sfternoou. - - "CamilleM at th Empire. The ttlrsrlloa at toe Empire tonight, tu nawrow matinee and nltht will be Lansing Rowan aad company la "Tamil!," the well knowa emotlousl drama by Dumaa the younger. Mlsa Rowan's rendition of the dlfflcnlt rolr haa beca Bwet favorably compared with that of ertme uf the grealcat actrceer who evif portrayed tba part, . Miner's Birlesqu Next. Starting Suaday Matinee Miner' lerry Bur letiera will open the aext week at the Baker. Billy Noble, the Dixie boy, baa a repertoire of new aopga. The La Toy brothers, one of the beet comedy acrobatic tram playing the vaudeville ho usee throughout tb east,, are with the company, ' ' . - - "A New TrAmp" Coming;. A genuine tramp, a defective, t life ' tn stirsnre stent, s vealthy rogue tnd t tie cillful bnsbend. a persecuted wife, and mother, a beaullful dauthter and X village ae'codo-well ere the principal character which go to make np Manager I'. l. NeweU'a mmedy ernes -tk.n. "A Jolly Amcrlran- Tramp." whlrh will lie presented at the Empire Ibeatrs all But Week, starting Snnday matinee. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. . ' v High C1A8S Vsudeville. ; The blgbeet form of vandevllle entertain ment -la of frred by the Liberty every afterneoa snd evening and thousands of Portland people hsve acquired the Liberty habit. -This week's big bill Iwhtilen the grest Herbert Cbeter rumpsny In " 01," the Trnvollss. premier Jug glers of the World, snd six other splendid sets. Stsrs st the Stsr. . At the Star thla week there ' htfTifrsr Of vaudeville stirs. " "Foxy Grsndps" hss been drsmstlscd from The Journal's Hundsy pnppb- ment by the Iietjraw trio, and grandite smi nis two boys gw through anm msrvelooa acrobail i rest tmt rrankn Imnersnnatee great awn. and Claris tnd Maynard bar a playlet (hat Is" a trrat In a dramatic way. . Msgicisn st tht Grsnd. AlMnl, the magician, la an. pope la r tt fh Grsnd this week that he eonsnnte mors llin the State dnrlng hi set llian any other i performer who hss visited Portlaad. Frank llares, the eomedla wit maate the TtvoU fa- mom, ta dotng t nvonolotn tnst rsnscs ins bonne to Issgh until the abmgle shske, ' The aalvlnla see belarlcera from Europe: the Clsdv atnajra are Juvenile arrolaita. RANKING OFFICER OF 0,N.G.ASKS-TRAN$FER (Special D la patch to The Journal.) rrtiRSTiri, or., lo. 1. Captain J. M. Wllllnma of rompHny C, first separate battollon. O. N. O., thai ranhlnt officer of ; tho entire olal troop, haa mn1 appllratlnn to ls relieved from bis com mand and to he trannferrerl to tho No tlonnr1 tllinrd Veterans. Hla pressing luislness duties sre ataterj an. In rrns tn for thla antton. The captain ta a pra". tiring; aUirny. TRANSPORTATION. WoL.a-!iV Lp. Snoir.ii!io ea UruorfPAcinc V Trains to the East Daily- 3 Through Pallmaa standard tnd tnarlat aleep. lug -car dally lo Omaha, Chicago, Bpokan tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas t'ltyt through Pullman tourist aleenlng-csrs (person, ally conducted 1 weekly to Chlcag. Realising chslrcsrs (seat fra to toe Cost dally. CNION DEPOT. I Leave. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL. 3:18 a. at SMB., For tbs Esat via Baat- Dally. Dally. Ingtoa. SPOKANR FLYER. - For Kaatera Washing- Ion. Walls Walla, Lew- 8:15 p. m 8 :00 a. ak Istoa, t oeor d' A lens Dally. Dally, aad Great Northern -Boiata. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:18 B. to. T:l6t. m. For tba East via Uuet- Dally. Dally. Ingtoa. 1 r Oolumbhi River DivbHoa. , . FOR ASTORIA snd wtr 8:00 p. m. points, converting wltbDslly About - atmr. for Ilweco snd ex Runds)r. 8:00 p. m.. North Beach. stmr. Ssturdsy, rk. Sunday; Hssaslo." Aah-at. dock. l0:0 p.m. 1 V 1 , " TambUl River Rente. - FOR DAYTON.- Oregoa ' I - flty and Yamhill river 7:00 a. na. 7 80 a. ak C tints, atmra. Ruth and Dell.r Dally odoe, Aab-et. dork. ea. Saaday. as, Sunday. (Water permitting. ) Snake Rivet -Rest, ' FOR LEW1BTON. Ma.. I 6:40 a nd way polnta from f "P0" '" 4:00 b. . Dally ex. Friday. Spoksn and .lUtwIataa. j j!-ttt",.'j TICKET OFFICE. Third and Wsshlugtoa Sts. . ... Telephone Msln T13. . i . .. fj. W. STINGER, City Ticket Ageai A. L. CRAIG, Geaeral Paaeeager Agent. EAST "A SOUTH leaves. ' L'NION DEPOT, Arrive. OVERLAND EXPRESS. Train ftr Salem, Re burt. Ablend. Sscrs mentn.Osden. Ssn Fran 8:Fp. D. cisco, Stockton. Is An- T:tS t. ax. tslea. El Paao, Raw yi lea ne and the Esat. Morning train een- nerts at ' Woodtmrn dally except . S'inday with train for Mount. Antel. Sll vert a a. Brownsville. 8 r I a t 8:30 a. m. 6:63 . at. field, wangling a no Natron. - Kueene nsaasnaer-con- 4:18 p.JB. t . ., urn with 10:35 8.8s. . ul Ansel snd 81lr. ton local. 7:80 a. m. Cnrvalllt pasaenger. r"'J" 0- Corvalll psenger. Sherltlsa psssenger. Purest Grove peesrnger, ea-HOM m i sk.-i.i. h nesaenser. i . ' , 1110:48 p.m.' Purest Grove nciisier.jt ! 1 .60 P- nv. Imlly. ' ' lilielly except Snndsy. - ' - ertlaad-0aeg uhcrbaa Ssrvio aad YamklU ,, , Divlaiea. .''-.. , Depot fool of Jefferson street. i. Leare Portland dlly for Orego 7:10 0. nv I 13.00. 3 08. IKM. S 20. 8 . 8: l:l. II 1 p. m. Dally texeept SnndarV S:.W. 0:80. 8.84. 'Returning fromwego. arre''15rkinJ tJnJIy R:!MI s. m.t 1:6S. 3:06. 8:0.1. 8:10. f:y. 11 10 n. m.. 13 M a. m. Pally (except nnnuaTi. 17:Sn. 8:80. 1145 a. m. Sunday niy. leaves from same depot for Delia and Inter im ntete point dally 4:15 . m. Arrive Port lond 10:10 a. m. , The Independence-Monmouth Motor lne nor rates dally to Monmouth snd Alrlle. con nrctlnr with Southern PsrlOc compaay't traeke r Dsllsa snd Independenre. . . Flr.t-claa fare from Portland to Sarrsment and San Francisco 320. berths 81: secoad-clses far- 318. second-clasa berths 63.60. . Ticket tn Kaatern point snd Enrope: also Jrpsn. Chins. Honolulu snd i'n"-. . City Ticket Offtre rornrr Third end Wssa Ington atreet. Pbona Mala HJ. -C. W. STINGER. A. L. CRAI0, . City Ticket AgCkL, o. Pass. Agrat- ; TIME CARD OF TRAINS. . Portland: DAILY. UNION DEPOT. Depart. Arrive. Yellowatone Park-Raa- ui ( Itr-rll. Lra. I Sue- rial for t'hebslls, t rtt trails. Olysipls. Grsy 3:30 a. m. 4:80 f. at. Harbor. Sooth Bend. Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane. Lewletun. Butte. Bll linn. Ocnver. Omaha, Kama I'lty. SL Luuls and Southrsst. North Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Ta mma, Seattle. Sitokane. Butte, Mluneapnlis. SL Paul tnd ths Eaal. puget Sound Limited, for Cheball. Centralis. Tscoma tnd Best tie only. Twin City Evprsee, for Tsroma. Seattle. Spo kane. Helena. Butte, lellowstoae Park. Mln aeapolla, SL Paul aad Ibe Eaat.' 3 .00 8. m. 7 00 a. m. 4:98 p. . 10:1$ p. BV 11:48 8. Mb. at. A. D. CHARLTON. Assfatant General Passenger Agent, t, ' . ' .JM Mnrrlaon St.. cor. Third. Portland, Oregua. 1 sill' TNt COMPOrVTABlX STAY. . .-' City Ticket Oft, 133 3d t. Fka 88. 7 Overland Trains Daily 2 'The Oriental Limited, tk Fst M&' SPLENDID BBBTICnS VP-TO-SATR) Q171vsfBRrT . oormTiiova jbmpjoybsm- tr A VKTFrotr liBRlVE Portlaad Tho Boatxl 7 00 a. m. 1:68 p. m. Via Bxtokaaa i :0 a. ro. (O. B. tt 3f. Oo.) 0twa3 Rortaert Btesmihla O. Rolling from H"ttle A 3. DAFOT. SCO. 14, . a. m. bust ne sot a, rss. X. For Japan and . hi tin I'urio and Manila. , MiPPOsr TTsrsr stoioaa (JaiMtn Mail !"'-! ip 1 vufnr a. a ! la- u. ASH frtmi r-lt' I'-r Jt on. Chins aiwl e l ''' r.ii T e., I., r I i . ' i ii i ,ir e ! m .:. I' T A ' 1'orl'OO'l, r - 1 ,V 'I I' A . 1 2? BtiNatT. I O OCPIN. SUAgtaJ jn ' laY "TIi 8 30 a. ml 11:48 p. ml a:lt n. .! I J Stl""S. el. i. r . . a. V. X