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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1905)
EVENING, DECEMBER 1. 19C3. 12 top ftopr.niJ' rATT V TriTTPMAT: PORTLAND, FRIDAY w a anen 1 ' " 1 11 aaeaeaaa aeaa mm Entered at the pctofttre at Portland. Oregon. f u-aoeportaUua lhrou-h lit malle aa eeeuaa- elam a, I tar. footer fur etagl eoplee: Per aa' 8. 16 1 .. ..uv. i in to Ml ua aaatas 81 to 41 page. eeata. . . - r -- Editorial Banana...... Mala SM ...Mala auO ViwIimm Office roiEiov ADTsxnnv mMxrtATrrx. .Vreelaad-Beojamla Special Adrarttelng A-. 1MI mm uwCm Xotai Xrlbnae JaiW . tug, Chicago. : . BTJB8CRIPTI0B SATES. -, ' The Dally J norma I, with Saunas. 1 yaar., The Dally JonrBal. 1 par...........";;- " ha Dally Jonro.I. with Sanaa?, atonthe. 8.73 The Dally Journal aaoatue... ........... s.e Iba Dally Journal, with Sunday, S enootbe. 15 l-ao im Kelly joaraal, ; The Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 axonta. The Dally, pat week. wUvrd, Sunday M .10 eluded L"1'"V.' Tka Dally, par waak, delivered. Sunday cepiee Iba Dny JoarnaL with Sanaa. 1 7akr....ST.M Iba Dally Joaraal, 1 year. ...... - Iba Dally Journal, with 8anday, aoatha. 8.78 Tba Dally Journal. roonlbe 8-J 1 aa Dally Journal, wltb auaday, I aaoatba. l.OO . Tba Dally Journal. S month...... A-" Tha Dally Joaraal. wllk Sunday. 1 aaouth.. An Tha Dally Journal. 1 mouth - Tba tiiJii JnuraaL 1 Trar ............. .. The ataaday Joaraal. a aaoath. The Seeml-WeeaJy Jeans). Tba fleml-WMkry JaaraaL 8 ta It 1.06 - aach laaaa. Uioatratad, tail Burkat ra ' or. 1 yaar bamMtancM akoald ba aiarla by 4ratt. paatal antaa. aipraaa amara aatf anal! aataaala ara aooeptabla la 1 aaa S-eaat noatasa atampa. THB JOUEMAIa r. a Box 111. rortlaad. Oragotv, . ' Tba Joaraal caa ba (oaaa aa aala at tba ' I Lrvaar 1na nlaraM BOIHK. IDaJlO B. SaUar A 0. WTat'lto Intra. . CH IC AUO Poatoffloa Kawa aoapaay; ITS Daar hora atraat; DKNVEH. COLOBADO-J. Black, Slitaaatk mat Cart la atraata. - - - K ANNAS CITY Taa Nor Hawa campaay. MINNEAPOLIS at. J. KaTaaaocfc. 60 Soatk Third atnat. NEW SORK CTTT Brantaaa'a. Ualoa aqaara. OMARA MlUard Botal aawa ataad; Magaatb Statleaary ormipaoy. 1M Paraan atraat. ALT LAKH CITY Kaayoa Uotal aawa ataadl Barrow Broa.. S Waat Jiaennd atraat, Boath. 8T. LOUIS Philip Roadrr. la Locoat atraat; R. T. left, f Ollra atraat. . A! rRANCISiX W. R. ArdlBC. Palaea Hotal aawa aiaad aad 100S Markat atraat) UoloV amltk Broa., 230 Suttar atraat aad Batnt ' Praacla hotel ; Poatar Oraar. .rarry balloV ' fcii: N. Wbaatley. BMndtlla aawa ataad. aar ' arr Markat and Kaarnay atraata. RATTI.K Ralnlar Oraad aawa ataadl W. L. Rhinka. Botvl rVattla aawa atand. BPOK AMR, WA8U1MOTON Joaa W. Orabaa Oa. TAOObfA.. WAKHINOTON Oatral Krwa u pan: Hotel Taroma aawa atand. TKTORIA. BRITIHH JOLCMBIA Tletarta 1 Book Jk Rtatlonary enmnany. WEATHER REPORT. A blrb prraaara area orraplra tba aorlb Pp6V atataa and tba weather la becnmlnf aMra aattjed la tbla dtatrirt. lArbt rata.- hnwaaer, haa fallen la weatero Oreai and light anow la reported at a few place aaat of tba t'aaeada mountain. A trtwrrh nf low preaaure ratradlns from New Mexico north ta tha Dakotaa baa - eaaaed anaattled weather wear that atrip of ei.untry. but wit boat, aa yet, ntach praclplta. tlon. - Iba narometer la annatially hlfb In the eaatern atatea. where renerally fair weather prevail, with temperature, nueh below normal. Tha north Pacific hlh preaaura area will ad aaaca alowry aaatward and caaaa fair and colder - weather la- thla -dlatrlct aaat of tha t'aaradt auountaln. white- In weatarn Oreffna and weat- -ara Waeblasttm-nnaettled eandlttona will ana tlnne, with prrthahly accaatonal rain or anow; rain In tua Taller and aoow la tb toot bill and noaataloa. ' , , . . ' Train. Station ' . v Ma. Ml. Roaton. Maachaactt.....,-H . 2 tlraclp. hlcaao, llllnole..,....'24 ; , 33 Dfarar. Coloraiki .12 - Id Hanaaa City. Mlaaourl... v 24 2 Im Anselea. TalirornU.... ' 43 New York. ew York..." , M 1 , lua. Inn, ftiekuu....!,. tf- S Ht. LooJa, MlneoMTt.. 2 . . , 24 , Tacoma. WaabliiKton...... 44 :;. ' M S-alla WalU. Waablnsto. - za Tl'aahlnrtoa. D. C... 'XI in Weddlns Carda. ' W. i. Rmllh A Co.. Waah incton bkls.r car. Foarth aad Waahhigtoa ata. M lea Berth Martin, room S13 Alkaky bids. Btamplnc and fine needlework; Iraaona stven ' - BIRTHS. VlXTOK-NoTembrr 2S. to Mr. and- Mr. . Walter Vinton. 15 Commercial . atraat, a H AW Kt-lTemher 2S. to Mr. and Mr. Da llawe. IMO Millar arrnoa, a. daughter. ' OIXKR Sorember 26. to Mr. and Mra. Bart i. Oiler. 4X1 Kaat Ninth atraat. ana. BIRBKIJNorember IS. to Mr. aad Mra. Walter P. Borrell, 828 Hawtbora areau. J()HNftO! Noaemher 21, to Mr. and Mr. Lout Johnao of Wood lawn. damthtrr. Bl KTt HAEIJ Noeemher 14. to Mr. and Mra. J. P. Burtchall. T74 Hoyt atreat. a dauahter. HI OHER NoTamber S. ta Mr. aad Mra. N. D. Hugbea. i5 Eaat Ereratt trct. a aoa. COIJ.IER-No.rr V, to Mr. . and Mr. Jerry Collier. V Clay atreat, a danshter. RAT Noreaaber 30. to Mr. aad Mr. A. W. Bar of Teeoma. Waahlnirtoii. a m. PHI'DHOMMH NoTemlier 14. to Mr. and Mr. W. P.. Pradhonnc. T4 IrrlnR atraat. a aoa. MTfTCHKON October 2a. to Mr. aad Mra. H. B. McCwtcbeoa. 4J Eaat Thirteenth treat, -north, a danabteV. . ' , ADAMrt KoTemher 12. tn Mr. and Mr. Oiarle K. A dame. T PlaMder afreet, a daughter. OMtBABR' Noaemher 2. to Mr. and Mra. Vred fiarberro. n.v Plfth atreet. aoa. Win KTER Xoremlr -1 to Mr. Joaenb Pr Bcboatar, 200 Bacramrnto atrret, a Knil RA Noremhec 2S. te Mr. nd Mra. Prn lArKBOR Soaemher 1ft. to Mr. and Mr. Prnh Jackaoa. 27.1 Hreeley atreet. daushtar. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. VNiPP-S-nmarer . Walter Knapp, 5S3 Pant Twenty-find atreet. chicken pni. MOK4IAN NoTemher 2. Mrla Morfaa, 80S vi'iiT-Norember 21). Mra. A. lieCart, 404 . Orand aeenaa. typhoid feaer. , OW IN Norember 2, Mlnnla Rowln. at Boy " ii ii, aw knn. aneeelee. nq "ii " ... - wmf .. . P.MKRHON Kuremher 2S. Alll Emeraoa. 66C Iielay atreet. acarlatlna. " OORMAJJ Noramher 27. J: C. OoraiaB, S12 P.aet Twewty-fifth atreat, cblckenpo. " ;.; - .deaths. . HENDRrt'Klr,l'-TiT'nHr JT. "Marta Ilendrlc. . aen, eod 23 yeara. 7H4 Alblna innw caaaa, -heart faiiIire. barlal at lone Plr cemetery. RTietTON Noramher 27. Hattle M. Stockton. mJ .2a win. at flood flaanarltaa hoanltal: ' caaaa. peritaulUa. : Barlal at 6raeley.Cok ... rado. i ye i h jj Nneemher 27. Lawreaea B. What, a red in year. I r.aar rwmn e,reei; causa . apopteiy. Burial ai umt rw raajeieTy. . llTUTIIW CIMETERT. .j . .LK" .. - i - ftWle raea I Ml .rawrlrrlora P7 ta SLftnTt The only cemetery In Portland which pee. retaally maintalm nd rare for Kit. For full . rnrnrnaatloa apply ta w. R. Mackeade. w reaier block. rlty W. M. Ladd. preeident J. P, Plnley A Bon. frmeral dtrectota nd eat ha later, corner Third and Madtaoa atreet. Office aa rnoaty cotnaw.. Talepbooa Mala t. ,ranatn. McEntea A Gllhauab. andertakara aad emnaltacre: atodera In ererr detail. SCTeatb and I'lne. Mara 4.W. - Lavrly aaalatant. Pnneral wreathe and ent flow era epeelaltr at Rnaa City Mraaahoaa. Twenty aaeand aad P.aat Morraaan. optaaxta ceraeTery Tl Edward Holmes f'ndertakrnf rnasnaRy funeral dlrc-tnra and FaiDaimara. - zao Ta at. I -hone .S07. yoii r.r. tub pmbit. 124 'pipVh WRrrf! let tronr reett ranee lad anetraeta to real aav tte flea, ttw 1 ttae tftoaranree at irw ronpnif, tut Waablnptnn atreet. caner necono NOTICE. ft KKCl 0 aae aewa and aaa aaw pealtrr lap .a irujiaa- rhone t'acim es. Northwestern-: Mutual Llfer" Of Milwaukee, Wis. Assets $2Q0,0WW''; .:.v:; Insurance in Force , Over $foo,ooo,ooo ; , THE GREAT LIFE r INSURANCE COJiPANY . OF THE WEST Oor Policy boldrra Ara Battadrd I. Lockwood ' & Soa OKNESAL AGENTS, . ' , CONCORD BLDO.. PORTLAND. OR. XCiANS We have ample funds to loan in any amount on improved business and residence property in i-oruana anu vicinity, at lowest rates. v Titles Insured Abstracts Furnlsbed ; Tk Title Giiamtcc ; . 240 Washington St,. Cor. 2d PORTLAND, OREGON. - Mf Most Tnisted 1 Said tba bead nf a ' large ' manufacturins ... catabltaharot roBtly,"r.. ..:. ;y Are Those Wlio Have Savings "Banlt Accounts H J WHY?? ' aeeanae ther are men who hare rood habit. Becanae they dealre to pro-ride a wrli aa poealhle for their famine, , Be, aua It U llielt alM to Trorlt lleaTOy and lay aomethins by IX CASE SICK.NKHS OR PfLL TIMES OVER - TAKES THEM. ' There va many euch nccoaDta with tha OLDEST TRUST COMPART IX OREOOR," And w. Inilta yoo ba Join tbelr number. Portland Trust Co. of Oregon IB bualneaa .Ifbteen yaara. . ' R. Cor. Third and Oak Btraet. ' Pboa PrlTat Rxrbuuja TX Another Homeseekers, E.xcur- sion toJHover ; Tha NEW TOWN on tha new railroad now bulldlnt up tha north bank of tha Columbia, locawa in in 01 ana nnrif at nart of tha famoua TAKIMA-KEN NEWICK valleya. Irrigated b the baat ditch In Waahlngton. NEW TOWN, NEW RA1LHDAU. nr.w bimhwi LINK, NEW CHANCE TO GET IN ON THE uF.OUND FLOOR. Com and have a talk with Mr. Aria Hover, vlca-prenl-dent of the Hover Land Company, the company thnt owns HOVER and K EN NEW ICK. Wash. BlR Indueementa to early aettlers. Ppecial railroad rate tn aaa HOVER. ' Free literature and In formation at IJ2H Rlxth atreet, comer Waahlngton, forimna, . orancn omce Hover Land Company. SP0TFGSI : FE FURNITURE W also sell on commission. Ouaran- tee best results. PORTLAND AUC TION ROOMS. Sll First street A, Schubach, proprietor. Phon Main 561. llGlEST CASH, PWCE rpAID FOB SECOND-HAND :---ARB. FUINUURE Los Apgeles Fandtore Co. Phona Clay 28. Bote 80, Tb. Journal, Lots - SO X' 100 ::Fcct' "'Each niWala' Baring B.nk. owner, win aell nrltb- oxlrabl. Iota an tha earlln for 8.18 each. Title perrecx. ror particaiara ipfioire e, nw. Hcnar pmi.i 1 niro enn eiere etnwte. ea peraon will bay theea lot. 1 an ht. " NOTICEt " " WE. the aaderalgaed furniture and piano mar era, will require the payment of all chare. upon dellrery of goona. arter nee. 1. lien. H. R. Ilaak. C. P. Harder. O. F. Haaaey. - Coagrnre Km. , Portland Delrrery Ca., -Peat . Special Dellrery Co. Package Dellrery Cou tlolmaa Tranafer Co., Kortbweatern Tranafer Co, Orecna Ante Dea patch Co., John llamn too. Jiium Mrl.lndea. Owen MrLlnden. Pacific ' Xra waTer t n . . Oregon Tn n ef ar r P'a t ta it Van A Stnrag Co., Wakeman-Morae Tranafef : Co., Eaat sine Traaafe Co., c o. ric lraue fer A Storage ('.." C. M. Olaen, Bagg age A Dataicn itauaia vj, a. a. at in-pay.- - NOTICE. PROPOdALR FOR CtOTHINO AND EQI IP- AUB. Drpot Quarter matr'a Offica. ad Naw Moatannwry at.. Baa Prawtaro. (al., Koa. 14. 1IWO. Braird proioaabi. la trlpllcata, auh. . fret tu I ha aaual roadlHuna. will ba racrlri'd Drr aaill 1U rwri a. ni.. uvcvmnw a. iwuu, aad thta aproad. fur fnrniahlng and dUrcr1iif at altbrr tha-San r'ranvlaco. Boatoo. Kt ' York. I'blU.lrlpola. t'hlrasa or -tt. - Lou la - drpota ar tba quarnrmaatar a oeparrmanf, V. 8. Army, 16.00U pair roaaat ahoaa, old pat ti-ra. Tba rlkt la rrorrTrd to rajact a mpt : any or all propiaala or auy part tnarrof. Prafarrnra will ba f Irra to artlclra at dfMncatle aiannfartara. condltlona of qual ity and prlra llnrludlnc In tha prlra of for alan prudnrtlooa or aianufactnraa tba duty thrraonl bains aqnal. Htanilard aamplra raa ba aa at, and blanka for propraala and full Inforaiatloa will ba. fnrnlabrd upon appllra tloa to tbla offlr. Knl.o eoatalnlus pro. poaala to ba Indorard. "Prupoaala for riatb. inf. No. 10,310. to na opened at lo o'clork a. B.. Daremhar 4. lSOB." C A. DaroL Da put Qiiartrrniaator. U. S. Army. ' MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY lodsr, Mo, IS. A. P. A. U. Mmlira ara rMuatrd to mart at Holmaa'l rbaprl. Krlilay, t p.- m., to attrnd tha funeral aar Irra of Brotbrr aplaln Tbomaa ' Towaapnd, lata maator of tba ablp Eakaanul. All M. M. raquratrd to participate. - By ordr W. M. , Krpl'B R. BALL. Bacratary. MI'LTNOatAH CAMP. No. TT. W. O. W., maata tooight la Its ban. Eaat Sixth. Bear Eaat , Alder. All rlaltlng nalgbbor eurtllally welcomed, i M. O. WILKIN8, C. C. J. W. WOOUWOUTU. Clerk. ANCIENT -ORDER VN1TK.D WORKMBN- Membera of ronaap ,eua-f -, " , q acted lo attend lodge Friday night. De cemlaw I. at which time yon arej lo elect 7 Officer, for aext term. .SmtHZ Z Attaet: 1 Maater Workman. T. BT. TIAftRIi iMicorierT. lost and found. LOST Male hlrddng. black old. Ratorn to Poatar Klelcr, Fifth nd Erarrtt. RawaftL a LOST Oold chain bracelet with aettlng: .(' . ward. Telephone Main 4031. 847 81xthtv HELP WANTED MALE. MEX nd hoy wted to learn Plumbing trade, paya $3 day after completing oourae of practical Inatrnctlwn at home or In our acboola; graduatea admitted to onion and ' Maater 1'lmnbera" aaaodatlwi; poallrona aa curcd, yne Broa. Co. I'lnmMng Work". New Tork. Rt. Looii. Mo., Cincinnati, O. Free catalogue, : 820 TO 8IS per week eaally made aelllng lck ind ccl.lent beneat for Union Mutul Aid - Ah'b . 706 Marquam bldg. SECURE A OOOD POSITION. We aaalat Competent of nee men. bookkeeper, stenographer, eashiere. collector, bill clerk, general elerlcal, technical, commercial men. Bualneaa Men'a Clearing Houee, 110 gecoad. WANTED Puplla to learn telegraphy: growing flemanU ror operatomi piaiiKnie . natea. 3 Third at. room V after 8 p. M. WANTED Clerk, and wlndow-dreeeere to atudy how-card writing ai 1. at. v. . erbool: penoaai tatrqetloa, Apply for par. - . . Portland Barber College;-' Ttrttlee)- evaaonahla aa any erbool an eoa.t. ai r iaaear ..... MEN "WANTEIV 100 men to get rooma and ooant at ueinr. tareatlgata: It will pay yon. - -- FRER Waterproof ahtn with erery pair half aolea; It doean't waah off: try It; BOo botUe; genu waated. 2 Barnalde at.t. i, WANT carpenter or contractor to build bow In exchange tor property. ui""i r m car Journal. - MK and wile irlrh t- "f- - -'r'" booae; experlencea; man handy with nrf nalnt: aalarr or commlaalon. K 11. care journal. . WHAT I the Red X Croe Dyopehwryt At 4 J1 intra. corner men. - - WANTED Adrertlelng aollrttor; beat propoxl lion ia ni;. -rm " FIRST-CLAfK woodturner at Portland Saab A Door Co.. ZK rront. HELP WANTED FEMALE. - . v -. r -, 1 - ,H mmt eetfeee end tea; liberal Inonoemeni. ntanoaro vviice m Mllla, 209 Second. . HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843H Waahlng ton .t.. cor. nerentn. ("' yvu. e.e.e Znvx. aeaaaiw rei. WANTED Good girl who can he depended noon . a L..lia, aalawaat aSAnUab aVaB a1apllt Tor llgnr aaunwiinp i. , " - party. Phona Eaat 1868. . . u m ..4. Mlt.kle en take aharge or a t room 2S. Lewie niag. PORTLAND SEWING - SCHOOI-Paablonabl. nreeamaain. i n . . ' room C Syatem taught WANTED A girl for general boitaework. Phone Main fl, or call 731 miean at. . MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED At nee, blight, energetic;, pre. ratable nana or women, a awu w,ew, take tap aa attraenra - propoaiiwn. iouirw 738 Chamber of Commerce, a. m. WANTED 8 good agenta. aalary or commlaalon. Call mora II. UnM prag. HELP wanted and anpplled. male or female. R. G. Drake. Ziios waaoingiou at. aiiaca leoo. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, A GERMAN wanta position Janitor or porter; ateady wor oniy. r. 11. care euwmaa. WANTED Janitor work for Sunday afternoon olyA1lreaa va , bm Tin laaaaaw 11 SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE COMPETENT glfl for general bouaework. Ap ply jrwt r.. . . , WANTED By young 1dy, poeition tenogra- pher, half oay, exprricnceo, a-, v. 00a. en, " EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.- '" HANSEN 8 EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. . ... - FOR MEN. 28 . ieeoad at. Phon. Mai 1828. PACIFIC Cnaet Emn. Co. Reliable employment genta IS n. an ew rem, - - w.v. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPIIYMENT OPPICR. Henry Tabara, 207 Kreratt at. rhon Pa- dfl 840. BIO POUR RMP. AGENCY Help (applied ,(re. IS K. Saoaa at. inon aiaia jnio. NATIONAL Bmployment aad Labor Agency. B12 line at. raone aiaia jera. SCANDINAVIAN-AM ERIC AN EMPIiYMENT CO..-S rtorth Secooo: rnrnianea an ainoa em- plnyment fr men ana women, ataia , TffK Portland Employment Co., 208 Morrlao t. Pbone racinc r.m. . WANTED AGENTS. . WANTED Agenta; emnethlng w; good Sailor, big wagea. waj ateaay mug. , . AGENTS wanted to aell nnreery atock; aew end complete outfit fornlabed freef eaeh weekly. Capital city aumery aaaapaay Palea. uregon. A WfNNER for aetlta Heaflh and accident Inenranca on popular anontlily paymenta. For litweral terma. addreaa O. A. Lrman. mana. I aei , ( Vat I Ineiil al Caaaalla Con N W , Deplii I S2H Mob.wa bug., roriiano, iiregna. AGRNT8 wanted: otnetbln new; pertlcalar - fre. Addms i. 4. laeeo, naao, vnfoa, ; " -.-r ..'.v :.v. wanted rel estate. WASTED FKOId OWNERS. We h. Iw raab ruatomer for tha fol- 10 A,bLoae aad lot fif the rlcalty of Sixteenth to Twentieth and Jobnaoa to MarahalL to coat "i boaVa"2d"i.d. 1 the rlclnity of Seranth to Hltteenth and Taylor to Montfuinery, to bore. . ' PORTLAND REAL K8TATR AGBNCT. Room. and 1 fth at., oor. Alder. PHONE MAIN dlla. S OR It-room modern cottage, good location. for 94H iWI. Balance - r Scad la at once; w hare barer. W. J. DAY A CO.. . KBV, Fourth at.. Room M. WANTED To buy from on. to ten acre of land on or near ureaon , nr Uelaer, -CI Morriaun ai HAVE buyera watting to bear of email la or near Portland, any direction; If I ready to aell addreaa P . care Joar home ear 'joaroaL LIKT YOl'R LANDS WITH US f OR QUICK ..aaaawaaa. a., an an n U W A VI r A flPVPI ll.TV. GREGG BROS.. 31T-SW TENTOIi BDQ. WANTED T bor ! bod!iir ljt etom JO. MCrRrTtOD, UHlXMiH) BWVS, a WANTED TO RENT. WR waot dealrable botnuaT and Bat, all part ar tha city; nara aigaiaaa ciieu w . , ranta collected, property eared fnc. THB CONTINENTAL MPAN,T-. 248 Stark at. Pboa Mala 1878. WANTED To rent farm, 18 or 20 acrea. Beat city; houee and Dara. la. u. atorgaa, aiv Mllwaukla t WANTEDS tmonm fnTnlalied for hooaekeenltu; m-rat be clean and reaaouabla! for 8 adulU. iP. O. box 1W1. city. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS , BER the Lewi, aad Clark fair at bente; aend 4oe In atamna for handaoma photo book, nearly 200 photoa of fair. THxS4 Inchea. Weatera View Book Co.. Portland. Boa 2B4. PAINTINO. apraylng and wbltewaahlng treee, baaementa. hern, dock, etc.; largeet gaaolln. praying oatflt on tha eoaet. M.-.O. Mnrgaa A Co., 870 Mllwaukla at - Phone Eaat 2617. STAPLES. TH"! JEWELER. BUIS OLD OOLD AND SILVER. HIOHE8T raah price paid for bottle and Jnnk of ererr deacrlpHon. Portland Bottle SoopW Co.. 281 North Eighteenth. Phona Mala 2288. P. J.- BTDER. printer. Second and, WMhlagtoa it. Phona Mala BB38. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. ... WE WILL BITY. nri.V OR TRADR ANT OLD THINO. WEKTERN SALVAGE CO., 827 828 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T88. WAJJTED 2.400 cedar polee. Apply ta O. I. Brown, chief engineer Oregon Water Power Railway Co.. Flrat and Alder at.. Port land. Oregon. . - - HIGHEST CASH PR1CR PAID for fnrnltore In any qnantlty; alao take earn on eommtaln and guarantee heat retro It a. Tha Portlaa-l Auction Rooma. A. "chnbach. pop., 211 Pint t. Phona Mala 5680. WE want to hoy good typewriter; muek be bargain, zoo aecona at. WANTED We wintto - bop- n -aecond-hand purer : It muei n. mnmi... 1.I..U.I. Coffee A Bplce Mllla. 308 Second at LADY going eaat want cheap ticket at once. l m.Im IttTft biUmm K O. lounul. WANTED Dellrery home, abont 1.100 pound, not oree 8 year, aound. Call pbon Kaat 2. 2R3 Grand are. ' WANTED 1,400-notmd borae or teamr mnet Ive cheap. Addreea K 1. care Journal. fURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Ttia Tivn ana lefrerann at., aear "tmlldln. bandaomely rnrnianea. wltn erery maaern corn Ten I enca: all ontalde rooma. with heat, gaa cr electric llgbte. porcelain hatha; rate from 88 to lilt per month ; apeclal rat ta I or more THE HAM ANN. 1S8 N. 18th.. cor. Hoyt Newty fnrnlabcd rooma. i.oo np: conrenient meaiion, IB mlnntee' walk to fair gronnda: Morrlaoo car at union depot direct to honae. Phone 8470. THE HUR, 88 Eleventh at., cor. Stark New roomlug-bonae. newty rnrnianea, aieaaa atniv gaa light aad bathe; eloe. to bn.lnes era tlon. I block from carllne: all tha comfort of a home; ererytblng bp to data. Mra. p. A. Clancy, prop. WELL fnrutabed rooma. board; good location; car rrlc. .401 Tenth at. rnoee rcine 8d8. MARQUAM HOt'SE. 14SS 8th Room .nit or etngle; bouaekeeptng-moma; gaa etnree, bath, electric llgbta; tranalenU aolidted. CHEAPEST aad beat located rooma In Portland, 81 ud np. Oilman. Flrat and Alder ata. BEAUTIFUL front eulte and 2 other dealrable fnrnlabed rooma m BHKlem noma ot priraie family: phone, hath, furnace heat, walking dlatance. 6M Foarth at. Phona Pacific 81. FURNIKHED rooma, etngle or en an It, 63 per month -nod np. Hotel Falrmoimt, Twenty elxth and Upahnr and V.ngba ate. " NICELY fnrnlabcd rooma at moderate price for rent in large prime honae. cloaa la. Call at 147 Tenth t.. near Abler. . . EOTEL MONARCH. 808 Stark at.; tranalrnta an . llclted; prlcea reaeenahl. Pbon Padftc 806. THB GRAND Nawly fornlabed room by the week or month. 283 H Grand are. HOTEL NORTHERN Single rooma. rooma and board, and rooma for boueekeeplng: 810 per month up. ijta and arena 11 at, aiam nou, NICE rooma, reaaonabla. 878 Alder, oppoalta Arllnetnai elnh. Main inA THE BENNETT. 8R1H Morrtaon Fornlabed rooma, 60a per day, 82.60 par week and up. THB DORMER. Thirteenth and Jefferaoa Bla. gantly furnlahed rooma, atodera brick, at earn hear, bath! reaaonabla. Main 4on. THB BELLEVUR. 218H Fourth at. Neatly fumlabed room.; ''.lectrlc . Jlgbta, porcelain hatha; very low rata by- week ar month. Hood 701. 848 MONTGOMERY at., M. Mala 8183 Mortem - large front room with grat., to dealrabM tenaat or tenant; gentleman preferred. , THE OTIS. Eaat Burnetii at. and Union .re. Newly fwrnlahetl nam. facing eonth: price.; eiectnciiy, nata ana pnone tree THE RICHELIEU. 884 NORTH SIXTH ST ELEGANT FURNlsftED ROOMS; STEAM ItbAT A.M BATHX. RICHLY fumlabed rooma with or without board: . bath. modern - Improvement; cheap. . 808 Dam t. . . . ; FCRNISIIED mnma for light honaekeeplng' In private family; 408 Eaat Couch) referencee required. Mrs. 4. r. tt.icniine. ' FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR .RENT Furnlahed honaekeeplngaom 1 heat brick block on rear aiqe; gaa range., . hath, etc.t no tranalenta; price moderate, Logan blk.. let'4 Unloa ar.., corner Eaat Alder. Phone o. , , y Tita MITCHELL. Flanrtere and Seventh Rooma honae keeping and tranal.nt; coavrnleat; price. reaaonabla. THE GIJ.tSTONE I3H Sevier at, fnralahed mnma 1 amier new management; prwee re, - annabla. , - 61.78 PER WEEK Lerge eleaa fnralahed honaekeeplng-ronme: . laundry and bath. 14 Shermaa, Snath Port land. HAVE year rantna papered and painted, 88.00. Call np- Eaat 8M4. . . . HOI SEKEEPINO room, modern and raaaoa able. Telephone 6M4, has Fifth at. S-PHWUMKB hiMiaaktaiilim twiliU.-' i.m Seventh at. FOR RENT Farnlaked tight bonaekeeplng l-tJO Pails St. - ROOMS AND BOARD. . , ROOM AND BOARD , - , FOR ON H.y Room wltb board 22.50. for one, or 820 each fur two; without board. 18 aad 10 par anth; referencea. 48 Eaat Ninth at., north. FIRST -CLASS room, and board fur permanent people, 822.50 and 125 per month; table board 84 per week. Actor houe, 7th and Madlaoa at. Phona Main 8231. ROOMS with board for permanent tenant. reaaooable; Brat-claal bom - cooking. 231 Sixth t. " LENOX RESTAURANT. 808 BaUuea; board aad room; modern brics aiag. , LINDELL HOTEL. Poorth Jind Market New brick, elegantly fumlabed, modern through out; rate reaaonabla. FRONT room, modern, eloe In; alect board; Soma cooking; ao eonpie. 1 imu. e.w e-? THB MANITOD. 2l lth at. fjir- mane rooma ana nuite; imn ! bathe, ahandaat hot water; excellent Ubl end aerrlce. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HOTEL-FA1BM0UNT." North Twenty-alxtb at . ' front Upahv ta V.ugha. Room fnralahed d nnfurnlahed. alagl sad .a rait.; ft per waak sad aa. A permanent modern building, pl.eterad aad with hatbroome and modern plumbing. r PIPED FOR OAS FOR COOEINO. ALL OTJTSIDB BOOMS. - V FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT 384 Sacramento at.. 6-room bonne; papered, acrnpawttaly clean; $18. Phon Eaat 1817. Key next door. 8-ROOM booae. atrtrtlr modern, well located, eaat aide. Call 420 Commercial bldg. Honee For Rent. - Rent Collected. EDWARD U HYNSON. Room 1 Hamilton bldg. Pbone Black SIM. $13 MODERN IV-room cottar, nice location; yard, bath: Eaa Ankeny, Twenry-elgbth car. 8a Neleoa. Dr. Darling. HOUSE. 207 North Twentieth. T rooma, porce lain bath, furnace, cement banement. R. L Gliaan. 420 Chamber of Commerce. 10 HOUSES, large and am. 11. modern and ' otherwlae, $8 to 818: near car; electric light, ecbool. te Alo bargain for lTatmaut, I ra pro red or urtltnproTed. Horn Mnd . I nlrereltr Park. Phon Eaat 670 (office), or Scott 12S8 treaidence). - - NEW 9-room bona and quarter block. Banooek and Eaet-Twenty-elith ata. 8.17.60, R. hi. ' Lombard. 614 Chamber ef Commerce. FOR RRNT 2 new -room boueas, - art baae menta, bath. 43 North Eighth. Phone Beat .-1760. 1. ... .. FOR RENT It bone on WUIIama , ara. to carllne. Inqalr 771 - and Beech-et., ' WlllUma Sre. 7 ROOM fumlabed honae for rent. 809 Seranth L, near Columbia. Phona Union 668. A 8-ROOM cottage. 8 acrea of land. block from car Mna. Phon Union 4034. 8-ROOM cottage, forntehed. or a 2 houaekeep liur enltee; water, bath and phon. 838 Mont- MstmtiT. - -. 1 , ,- KADDF.RLY TRANSFER CO., prompt and re liable piano and furniture moTere: alao ator age. .Phone Meln 1888. Office. 110 N. Third. 6-ROOM modern cottage on carllae, cant .Ida, 820. inquire aiw waeningtoa .t. FOR RENT FLATS. $10 A-ROOM flat. Key O' Nell's grocery, cor, ttooa ana urani. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. OFFICES, nnturnlahed. and aampla-mom: alee ball 60x20. Uoodnonga Diag. Appiy at ma elevator. . orFICR and deak room for rent: alao room eult able for email club or lodge meeting. Boom 8. 88 Slxtb at. CRNTRALI.T located offlce rooma. with Phone, light and heat. 87.60 par month. R. L. Cate, 118 Becond t. FOB BENT Deak room nd everythlnir far- nlehed. B. a. jacaaoa m w. atn ntar at HOUSES FOR RENT FURNX. TURE FOR SALE. 4-BOOM flat 40.1 Morrtana at.; fumltnr. for e.le ' t great reduction; tearing city. - t.ii ana Inepect. r FOR beat reeulte on e, . FURNITURE Whether tn buy or aril, ring np Main 5856. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 211 Flrat at. FOR RENT FARMS. 2.V-ACRE dairy ranch for rent, atock for Ml. - Call or addreaa 2HAH Second at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT About January 1. 2-tory ' brick building 100100. aortheeat cor. Third and . Madlaoa; will r. model nod lea aa wbolo or part to oealrania partiea. appiy xo m. t. Cox. No. I Flrat at., room JO, FOR RENT Hothouee, 8,000 feet nf glaaa, hot water nlant. on 2 car line; fine location! with or without ft-room honae: plenty of ground: win bear inepectioo. a acre, k a. Journal of rice. FOR RENT New Weber piano: cheap to de- .1 LI. . AJ1 . -. b OlJ L n . b Kl FOR RENT 8-tnry wafebnua. 100x100. oa trackage, northweat cor. Fotirth and Hoyt, Apply J. N. Teal, 814 W or crater blk. - Main son. BUSINESS CHANCES. A LIST OP BARGAINS. " 88 room, elegantly furnlahed. near - Port, .land Hotel: oa account of partnerehln rllaa areement price ha. been redw-ed to 82. Iml Tbla place coat 8.1.600 13 montha ago and la Ibe olggeat nergain in i-ortiann. . .38 Ajoma Furnttnr all hardwood r honae located one block from Per Una Hotel:' .team heat; rent 8IAO. which Ineladee heat; thla honae clear readily few per month. Price 83.01 We are tnatrncted to aell on of th Sneat rnmiabed honae on Waahlngton at.: brick building, '.teem heat, running water In swat of room; rent !. with hmg leaae: thla - hone clear aver ice thaa :tuo per month. Prlcj . 88,000. i ' - ; . ".SMALL HOUSES. Yon can make your rent and grocery and wieel bill In any of tba following honae and have a elce borne : 10 rooma. Main at., rent 840 4.... 8 880 10 rooma, Jrfferaon at., rent. 847 .80;. ., , NK) n rooma. Burnetii at., pent 8:17.60.,.. - S'.'ft IS room. Oak at., rent $fto ftno 11 rooma. Third ot., rent .v M 17 room. Klandera at., ri-at 675 8fn It rnoma. 14th at., rent 8 6"! 7 rooma. North th .t., rent 227 - 2wi 8 rooma, N.wth 10th rent .26 2M 12 rooma, 12th at., rent 6: t.onrl 7 rooma. 4th at., rent, $.17.80 376 WE GIAHANTKE ALL TtTl.f.8 AMI PRTI5CT-aYE"-AS 'H4 -Aa-BRMJSK. PfinTf.AXD REAL PJTATH AOEXCT. I and x,, 111 w nia a,., our. Aider. . t uiai auu.i eiia. ( BUSINESS CHANCES. " i.iv.-.-v-v.w., '' , . ' ' NOTICE TOy " 1 , ' BUYERS AND BELLE R$ f ' r ;.. . OP ? ,' ; RO0MING-UOUSBS. 1 , REMEMBER, tbla offlc doM aot PCR f H AHK roowlog-boiuw.. dlacouraglng owner, by telling them there la no market, and thereby buying the bona, at a BARGAIN and then putting It ea tba market at a BIO ADVANCE. , We give a BUYER the benefit of any BARGAIN we know of, and charge only a aioderate commlaalon to tha SELLER. , Wa employ no "IH MMIES." - WE PROTECT- BUYER AS WELL AS SELLER AND ACT STRICTLX AS AGENTS. 1 . " If yon want FAIR DEALINGS and NO MISREPRESENTATIONS, yon will get M In thla office. Watth our ada. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCT. Room. 1 and 2. Fifth at., cor. Aider. Phone Mala 8118, FOR SALE Cigar, tobacco, aawa and billiard- ball; Dualneee aomg fi.ataj a monin; invoice .tuck aud axturea. a boat $4.ono. .ddr.. C. K. DeNeffe, Sumpter, Oregon. FOR BALE Buttermilk mate, hone, harneae . and wagon, cheap. Addreaa oae norm xwea-ty-eeeond at. . PARTNER wanted tn a good real eetate office; mall Inveetment required. Apply i aor rlaoa. cor.- Pint, room 6. WHO IS U. G. MORGAN A 00. 1 A SHOOTING gallery doing a fair bualneaa; rent reaonnani.. A .nan. Fmlt confectionery, cigar ataad; a bargain at $178. , A good reetanr.nt 00 Burnalda; a bargain, $: call eerly. 1 Cigar, confectionery, fruit .tore., wen lo cate; call for prlcea, 60 acre land, all cleared, with atreatraj fine through It. rlcae In, v.ry dealrable for acreage property, $2n0 per acre, eaay term; flret-claaa land: bargain; call early.,, , NATIONAL REALTY CO., . 312 Pine at. NOTICR The office of the North weat Land Co. baa remorea rrom room ai to room 208 Goodnough bldg., on Fifth at., oppoalta the poatofflce. where we will ba glad ta meet all old patron, alao new onee. Any one looking for anything In tha real eatata Una will do well to aee ne and look eror one Hat before baying. Georia W.- Taraar, manager. ' ' ' CONTINUED lllneea compete m te ll or ex change furnlahlnga and buetneoe of beat 83- room DOT el in rortiana; cenmi aaviwa, avvw laaaa. Gtlmaa botal. Flrat and Alder. A RESTAURANT oa Sixth at. dotag a goad bualneaa, alao on oa nnrnma. at.; ooia are bargalna. 812 Ulna at. National Real Ea tata Co. SALOON doing boetneee of $39 per day, fine aeiima, vwry ow.p w . , - - . per month: will eelf at $1,250. Addreaa R 48, Journal. - - . ' FOR SALE On account of atrkneae. nice, clean. money-making - bualneaa an eaat el iter eaiee from $18 to $38 per day: price $l.4no. or will Invoice: an agenta wanted. G 80. care Joaraal. WANTED Yonr -bualneaa tn aell; we Mil all kind property. '2K6 Burnalde at. FOR SALE Beet peylng atock dry gonda. "cloth- Ing. etc good valley town; ecu ait or par;, good leaae; Invoice abont $12,000. If yoa mean bualneaa. addreaa flarrla. care of Joaraal. EDITOR would- Ilk leae oa good newapaper Jiant witn epiwa to teay. siwiwwmm m , " onrnal. FOR RENT A very dealrable location for ree- tanrant or inncn eounter. -parrry iuiiueown a anap for right party. 82 Kllllugeworth av. JAMES -W. GREEN 20 yeara experience hi ! uueinvee ,. mtwv - ,.... beet of referencee. 380 VaBCouvar av. Eaat 2802. , . -- , ... .- ALL ar belt Intereat In well drill. Addreaa Box 4T. atonta a. ureaaam. nr. $100 TAKES good hnetneea. center of city, clearing $100; excellent for man and wife; termai M r.lll. ttoom gi. -o. eiorrinn. $.100 INVESTED will make aeveral ooliara; aate ann e 1 1 nn,,- ira-,i. , wa ardlnary rlaka. P. O. box 188, city. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SOMETHING GOOD. -SOMETHINQ NEW. a HAWTHORNE AVENUE PROPERTY. $175 $.176 $378. A apeclal offer In Palling addition: no aqnal t price la any direction: the beat eaat aide etreeta. the beat M.t .hie car eervlce, with lot good yon can buy In any direction at doable oor price: for a borne R' correct, for an inveetment It'a great. Yoa will never bar. a ehane a rain to duplicate It. a irtt' nittif w aV nst tata A. C. 110 Second at. . THIS IS NO GRAFT. $8,200100x100 and 8 room dwelling- oa lianco,k .t.; an local noma ror you.. SNiawBeat lota on 12th at.. Irvluafon. $3,011 1 lot and 7 -room bona, p 11 wood v . . in. mil iwi. " ' - " - ,, .. $ 1 lot and 8-mnm honae. Eaat Tay, lor: net Income from thla over 8 per cent. 65.60n I double 'dwelling. McMlllen' ad, dltlon; the rent net. over 6 per cent. 2125 I lot. Arlet.-P.rk. lull ti.ix 100. Mtaaoiirl ave.. Cook a .ddl tlon: make tie an offer for theae alahllv lota. 840O For 2 lota In Sellwnnd. 58 by 88 feet each: thla la a goon inreatment. - . $1111 Lota In Highland and Taboralde. We anlldt your price on three lota. Farma from 40 to 2.000 acre each. W'e are agenta for .nnn-realdeut property owner. Collecting your rente, loaning money. placing fir. Ineuraiiee and paying taxre. Our reference: ladil A Til ton. hanker. . R. II. BLOSSOM. THE PUBLIC ACCOCNTANT. " $16 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. IU ACRES on Wlberg lane; all cleared and fenced, no gravel, old honae, plenty bearing ' archerd. 81. "00; all or nair caen. Reantlfnl corner lot 66x7n. on which hi a good la rye and modern 8-room honae eotlng aver 4,U'I ana B o-ronn. annprn aiiae., in . central realdenca dlatiict, Eaat Portland; rent of both honae no. me n.fiw. e 8 half Iota. Eaat Portland, cloaa la. enfflctent to build 8 or 8-room cottage; abort walking dlatance to weat aide: coat of H lot and euch bouM limit gz.noo or lee, s larg. modern bonaea and 75x108, .imll.rly located. rent 80. 610.6001 1 $2 250 Corner lot and 8-room new modern cottage, full heeement. mnma large, arrange. ment convenlrnti Hawthorne' Flrat addition; "'""CULVER. 82$ Chamber of Commerce. IP yon want to bnv or rent a home, eee we. We have bargalna In Improved and unlm nroeed property la all part ef. Portland and auburn. - - -jt your property wltb a for quick re- ram. CAMnnAj 4' M'MILLAN1,- ; ' 275 Fifth at. Pacific 634. FOR BALB at brgaln, modern. 7 room bonee - ' v--. v.vIm elnae. In, tttrmtm tn enlt on r- - -"-V ' ; , - - . .. ....I w A9 ear Jmiriul parranrr. T .VI". FOR SALE 8 p-mom cottage -on eaet aide heeement and yard, hot and cold water, bath price 21,800. AddrM 0 40. JonmaL A 8-6TORT brick bnlldlng. 100i 100. -on . Bait el dei will pay B per cent net oa $.10,000; ' price $28,000; ra. glr teraw. . Addreaa B 84, rare journal. BBAND-NKW B-rnom cottar on .Dlvlatoa et. i.w w-.k ,,. ..... aaa iwl, In Ln.inA, only $1,350; .nap for .mall family: eaay terma. Tyaoa Klnaell, "I2 Commercial blk. MB1B VJA. FOR SALE Cheap, elxhtly Iota, rloea tn. Lower Albtna inunlre owner. w aiaraet ex. FOR 8 A I E 8-room mttag. 8 lota, all kind of fmlt, hemea. nn aoti, gonn water; x mm - atea' walk to ear line. 10 to Southern Pacific. 13 ml lee from Portland. ' See owner, A. S. -Draper, Waahlngton at. elty. -. IOR SALE Modern aubnrhan cottage, eloM t carllne, flne location, groona t'luxaw. u. r t. Towmlte Co., 134 first W ' JOURNAL ' "Wait Ad" Rates VITDEB ART CLA$8UI0ATI0X FiveXents per Line : ar Ne ad take for leaa thaa 18e per day. Sevan word, aa a rule, eonatttuta Una. but Mck Una k charged rtg.rillaaa the number of word. WIEKXT RATE T tneertloaa (laaltalbxa one Sunday iuaa) $0 CiRTS par Ua par XONTrilT' SATS rtBalndlaf all flaaulay laauMl 81.00 per llna w maarU. ASVERTIBEMERTS muat h. U fearnal kualaeae afSea by 18 e'olaok waah day yr 10 e'alaak Batnrday evanlag far the Sunday laeu. te aeenra alaMitoatlaa. Iilay lata given ape appUaattaa at the efftee. THE JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES ArtrnTnjmEirrs. ;. Win be received at reralar mamffle ratea. Follow Ine la a Hat of anthorleod agent, who will forward yove dvrtla ment la tun for public. tie la tb aext lu . Jiuain axil a. t 1 R. A. Preaton. dracglat. Twentv-tbird and Tbarmaa etreeta. Nob Hill Pharmacy. 680 Oltaaa (treat. Corner Twenty-ftrat. A. W. Allen, pharm.clat. Sixteenth aad Marehel! etreeta. MrCommoa'a Pharmacy, Nineteenth aad Waah Ing toe (tract. . ottx nns. R. S. Jooa A C., drngghrta. Front aad Gltiba etreeta. Cottal Drag eompaay, flrat and Grant etreeta. Fabtaa Brerlev. drngglet, 400 JaSaraoa atreet. corner Tenth. Bettman'a Pharmacy, corner Sixth aad Barrlaoa etreeta. Plum mar Drag company, MO Third street, corner Mart laiai. ? , , SAJT btds. - W. B. Love, draggtat. corner Oraad araaa and Paat Bnrnetde etreet. Nkhola A Thom paon, 12$ BoM.ll (treat, earner Alblna arena. Janrke Drug enmpany. earaer Hwthom and Grand arenoee. W C Cable, dragghjt. eoraar Holladay .venn and Larrabe atmt, aear ata! bridge. R. A. . Wtlaoa. 1SS Grand areaae, . aear Beat Mnrrleoa. . B. W. Rail. 858 Eaat Bevanth street, nornar tepbena. ..: . WTAvrr.Awri- P. J. Clark," draggtat, 1001 Morth Ifakm USSTUSS. J. E. Worth, pharmaclat. ' 808 atreet. BSOOXLTa. " '.' Branklra Pharmacy eompaay, Pewell aad MUwaokl atiwata. 4 'ARLXTA. 0RX80V. Arlata Pharmacy. Mora and Poatat streebh aVEIXWOOO. '. Heatatock's Pharmacy, 646 UmartHa av. so, corner Kaat TblrtMnth stnet,, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. TWO fine lota. 100x100, comer: good view of- anow monntatna; -cneap. am new ntooarn fumlabed 8-room booae, ban. Seat 42a. e Mala 1416. SFLLWOOD I1TS. $6 down and $6 a month; from $75 to 8200. Ball wood Townalte Co. Phon Eaat 4704. LOTSr - acrea e aad - (MldeBce on Portland . Height, j. o. Boomer, S65 Xamhlll. aor. Park A GOOD corner, onerter bmclr. near Not them , 11. t nn uww, anwiir, veil Mrly. 812 Pino t. National Real Batata Co. WAGNER A PETTY. 202 Commercial blk..' bar eome at the beet bur a In tha city. See them before baying and b eoavlaead. - 6' ACRES very fine land. lee thaa -ana mile' rrom electric line. II ml lea from Portland. on rin road: therelapo1jtpcDrj naaai ami (lay To clear; o per acre, any kind of term. I 46.. ear of Joaraal. ACRS TRACTS! . OUR .SPECIALTY IB ACRB TRACTS I - Full-alMd strMta. water to eecb aer. ' TERMS $10 PER ACRE CASH ' $10 PER ACRE PER MONTH. Ten go to 'the acre, on the mm car, Cay tha saaoa 6c fare the lot man paya. The t maa la. your neighbor, bat he I re. trlcted In majority ot feature, that Bake a true aubnrhan home. Open Wednesday and Saturday eveaJng. , A. C. CHURCniIX A CO., INa . 110 SecoBd (U . . 11 H ACRES. H mil from electric line; n mck or gravel: fine anil, eeey to clear; ran. nlng water, mad on 2 aldee: 87$ per acre, eaay terma. . I 60. car ef Journal. $ ACRES, all clear and In cherry treee 10 yea -a oin: be car rare: tote enjoining iou to iw, $350 per acre. I 61, care of Journal. FOR Mia by earner. 60x126 t 428 North Union, with 6-room modera houm; a good bualnma lot. FOR SALE 75x100-foot lot en Eaat Seventeenth end Conch: will Mil ror gl.xon ir aom m next few dara: face eaat: well worth 81.400:. will aell paat of lot It desired. Addreaa K 4J. car Journal. GOOD THINGS TO BUT. $776 4-roont honae and 1 acre ef fmlt,. one block from car In Oak Grove. $2.000 T-room honae. all modern. t and S lota on corner nn Ml. Scott car. 8 fine lota 60x100 aear tb bualneaa cent ef St. John for $100 Mcb. 81.000 a lota and a email bom la St. John: term. $1,400 New 8-room bona aa 90x100; fralf and shrubbery: half raah. OREGO BROS. Pbon Mala 6303. -, 317-18 Peatoa bldg. THREE aew booeea. pant or Ml.; anap. 1861 Foarth at-, room 18. Owner. $3,700. A SNAP Comfnrtahl modern boea, clow In an tha eaat .Ida, 8 llrlng-roorae, bath. . etc., gaa and electricity, large baeement eoa talnlng laundry, two .tor. and faelrooaat; everything about the'hoiwe 1b Brat-clae t- rilr; tb. lot I. 160 feet deep, coatalna ehlckea. itua and yard and another ef Sna fmlt treee; aa' Ideal borne for comfort aad con venience. Call or addreM the own,r. room 600. tba Marquam. Pboa Mala 888. t p. m. - - SPECIAL BARGAIN $3 FOR $L ) - Trade $2 front toot. 816 feet deep; caa have a. many front feet aa yon want from feet np; all la cultivation, all level and elghtly, 6 minute' to good 10-room echoel, 6 gradi-e. near atore. JioetofBce, church and car atatlon at I.eta; 6-cent fare to any part of Portlaad. Thla hi 1-8 price; terma If wanted. O. R. Addlton, Inta, . Oregon, ' owner. ' Tata' Monnt Scott car. 6 eaat. A SNAP at railway termlnue Hotel building and 81 lot adjoining raHmed: cor. Waahin. ton and Broadway at... M.rehfleld, Coo bay. Oregon; prlc $d.500. Tltha Guarantee Abetrart Co.. M.rahfleld. Or. 11 nAO 6-BOOM modern bonM at Htghl.n1. $2 eon 6 room houa, modem. Weal eld. " $2 100 Sk block In llolleday' addlttoa, $ Lot. In H.wthom Arena addition. .21 00014 block on Hoyt ari. cloaa il.lOiaV tj blork on Beet Burnalda .tract. $A.V Lota on Alblna av. $2,750 6 roo.a - honae. McMlllen-a eddltlnn. - WIlJtoN A HOWE. 227 Chamber ef Commerce. BUY before ThenkMlvlpg: atop rent wide atreeta. tun ',l"m' i'ST lanaiT wsey i"". . . , .um. . ANY ON B wanting home la Waodhtwa, call Eaat 4ul6. MODERN bonaea. 6 to 8 mnma, larg lot, on mall payment or etchanae. Wanted Car. renter, painter, ateady work r right man. W J. Bunlen. contractor nnd hnlMer, 41$ - faina t., Montavtlla. rhon Eaat 4188. .1 v PINE 20 acre tn cut np In .mall trade: IS : m cnlllvatlon. houee, new barn. I good wella -and fruit; land level and alahUy; 6 minute' walh to good trt-room ecbool. 10 mlnntee - etnree;- P O., car elation, at Lenta, 6c fare to- any part of Portlande, 15-mlnnte aer vice; price onlv $200 per acre, terma If wanted. O R. Aitdllnn, awnerp-ienta, Oregia. . Take '. Mount BwU car, . i.