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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1905)
THE .OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING.' DECEMBER 1. 1S05. CLUD ELEVEN IS 7 OUTFITTERS FOR (GEM! WIMlffi CIL &6 V-- - Oregon's Great Team Goes Down to Defeat at Hands of Superior Team. ' you would have any use for a heavy' or medium weight all wool Suit, Overcoat or Ulster, then DON'T BUY ELSEWHERE nt any price under any circumstances until you see our offerings SUITSCOATS. WAISTS, UNDERWEAR, CORSETS, HOSIERY, NECKWEAR. FURS AND MILLINERY MULTNOMAH'S WORK WAS FAST AND CONSISTENT OTMM(G dDIF VICTOR 01)5 Solitary Touchdown Was Made After , Seven Minutes of 'Plajr, in Which Pratt; Overfield, Bithop, Jamea, McMillan and Murphy Starred. f The "Multnomah club 'eleven defeated the University of Oron team yester. day afternoon fn the annual contest by , ' the score of to . The ecore doee not Indicate tbe full atrenath of the club team, because had they been urged It Is quit certain that another touchdown could have been made. The magnificent team work of Mult nomah waa greatly In evidence In the first half, and the march of Se yards for a touchdown in the first seven mln- utes or piay aemonswaisa wn paw ' erful attack the clubmen had. besides , the perfect Judgment exercised In ae- lecting plays. Oregon did her best to stop the clubmen's advance, but It was 2 of no avail, aa whenever a distance was ! needd Blshoo. McMlllen. Pratt and James could easily do the trick. OriThe Kick-off Moullen pwnled-to Murphy on the club'a 10-yard line, and before Oregon threw. the runner he waa , on hist own 10-yerd line. Here three airaitfnt line piungee "T eemee, wnnuui a signal, nutted about 1 yards through . the Oregon center, and before Latour ette and his men were aware of what . was happening Murphy had skirted " around "Weary' Chandler's end for to yards. Multnomah'a terrific attack dis concerted the collegians, and despite La toureUe's pleadings for his men to atop the rushes, the ball waa being. carried nearer and nearer the Oregon goal line. First Bishop would tear off five on straight kick. Pratt . four on tackle around tackle. Jamea a few through center In bewildering fashion, until th ; hall waa finally landed on Oregon's four- yard line. Here a thousand Oregon rnotera yelled, "Hold, Oregon, hold Ore gon," and the Eugene men crouched low for the attack. Oregon didn't know what to expect, and while they were . wondering what waa going to happen -a delayed. pass. j In which, the .entire - Multnomah teem Joined In perfect at ' tack, aent the ball whirling over the nraaftn ,na 1 fnr Ihv . t Ir.t - and nnlv -.touchdown. Murphy . kicked a difficult .goal. Score I to , ., . - touendown waa one of the wildest and ; jnvn wwwr vwn vn in wu j gridiron, old and young spectators going five minutes A few minutes liter Oregon again 'kicked off to the clubmen and another Dassault was made on the Oregon line. McMillan. Jordan. James. bisaod ana -Pratt again punotured the opponent line for SDlendld calns. When thlnrs 1 looked like another touchdown for tbe rluhL a fumble marred the chance. After blocking up Oregon's attack Multnomah vagain aeoured the bell and McMillan's ''hnlghty lunge carried the ball to Ore- 'ton ! lt-vard line, where another rum .'tle prevented Multnomah from scoring. Af ter regaining . the ball, Multnomah was penalised It yards for holding. On 'the flrt -Blav near the aide lines Tern .. 1 ulatnn skipped alnng far III yards hafnra ' Yl I a .. Kw..wl. 1.1m -a 1 iniiuu v. mt ui V1' J v,vw.m. uiiu v earth. Time ended the half here. . The second half waa devoted to many exchangee of punts. Moullen got away some beautiful kicks, though the ball waa hard to handle. -The ball-with the .exception of several times waa always In Oregon'a territory. ' The work of .Oregon In the second half waa a big 'improvement over the . first, yet her ' galna were not at all coneleteriC" The game ended with the I all In the center of the field. .' On the whole the game waa a 'clever exhibition of football and tha better mm won. iiuiinumin won surprised 'all. Every man on the club eleven did licrcul-an work. There were no -stars on tha club eleven, every player doing -hie work In a conscientious manner, ' McKlr.ney, Hug, Latourette. Temple- ton and Chandler played htgh-cli .ball; In fact, every Oregon man deliv ered the goods. 1. 1 Oregon team waa fairly beaten by a superior foe and once more the laurels go to old Multnomah. The officials' work wss of a high grade -of excellence. The line-up was Multnomah."- Position. Oregon. . Dowl!g........R. K. 1a..,. Moo res Pratt.. ...... ..R. T. I. , , . . .Arnsplger Burt... R. O. I... Hammond, 1 : ' McLean Overfleld C. ...Hug Haundera U Q. K. Mclntyre McMillan and Klrklev... T.. T. R McKlnnev .Jordan (C.) L. B. K.. . ... .Chandler Murphy...... ... Q. ...Latourette (C.) H'-hop. , .I,. H. R,. ... . .. . .Moullen Horan and McMillan..,.,. ..R, H. Zm. Templeton Jamee.... F. Kerron ,Touchilown-Horan. . Goal Murphy. . Final score Huiinoman e, Oregon e, - Offlolals Referee, W. Lair Thomp son of Albany: umpire. Bam Btow, M A. A. C: -bead llneamsn, E. C. Judd of Salem; aaslstant linesmen. Oeorge Kel ler, M. A. A. C, and DougUa W. Taylor, TT. of O.; timekeepers, W. B. Fechhelmer, M. A. A. p., and C aW Burden, U. of O. . Time of me it and K-mlnute halve. . .' ! ; TALLY HQ'S AT GAME. . i Some rremlaent Veople la Ooaokee aad . etaads Saw ataltaomakwta. It waa a pretty scene at" yesterday's football game. ' Women .who had gowna which red or yellow would aet 6ft with fetching grace "wore "them; .those that didn't wore the colors. The grandatand, the bleachers, the steps, the whole field wsa a-mass of color. -. Some prominent people from Eugene were the Q. K. Linns, who were in a party with their relatives,- Mr. and Mrs. Meteher ' Linn and Miss Linn; the Friendly with Mies Henryette Lauer end the got Bauma; the C. A. Burdens, E. J. rrisler. President Campbell, Pro fessor I. M. Qlenn and Miss Eva Btln aon of the jnuslo department. Miss Luel la .Clay Car eon and Miss Bess Woods rf hea English department and Arthur Frasur.. Many prominent f am files of Portland were well represented and were divided between .support of the yellow and the red. The Henry W. Ooddarda, the W. 1). rentone and the 0. J. Barber family rheered tha yellow, as did Mr. Harriet K. McArthirr. Tire Zra Snows did not wear -the colore of either aide, but fa vored Ihe 'vernlty, where their eon la student - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Iwls. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, the Frenk .1.; i .' R 1111 w CREDIT is a mighty strong selling point in favor of this store, but if the garments we sell did not possess superior qualities discriminating women would not' come here season after season. . They have come to know this house Well enough to trust it, and their trust will never be betrayed. Our plaifof credit 'giving, while simple and easy, is dignified. It resolves itself ipto a sim ple "charge" account which is credited with whatever amount is most convenient for you to pay weekly or monthly.' No interest or ex tra 'charge whatever for credit and the price is not a penny higher here than : elsewhereV.' - v -T EASTEM OUTFITTING CO The I ten Where. Tear OreeiV 4 WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS Itpericers and many others stood on the side lines. A pretty feature was tha tallyho par ties, which made pretty spots of color on the roadslae or the field. The J. Wesley Lsdds had out a party of 1 and their coach waa gaily decked with red and white. They entertained .Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chenery, Mr, and Mrs, John A. Shepard, Mr. anfl Mrs. John K. Kollock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Treat Piatt. Mm. Warren R. Houghton. Miss Buale Btott. Lansing Stout. I. 8. Howard, .'Jr John D Carson and little Helen Ladd. In another vehicle were tha James McCrakens, with Mr. and Mrs. Quy Lombard and Miss Tongue of Hlllsboro, and two coaches of yellow supporters helped make things lively. Tbe Olee club In another tallyho, forced to discard rooting on account of the concert In tha. evening, wildly waved pennants. Some of the prominent folk of Port land present were Mlse Nan Wood, Mies Etta Honeyman. Mr. and Mra. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mra. Ernest Laidlaw, Dr. and Mra. A. E. Mackay, Mrs. H. D. Oreen, Mr. and Mrs. Rlnaldo M. Hall. Dave Honeyman, Dave Lewis, Mr. and Mra. Samuel O. Reed, Mr.; and Mrs. Jerry Bronaugh and Mr. ' and Mra Charlea Micrum. - Alfoaeo to Wed Baa, (Journal Rpertal Brrrlce.) London, -Dec. 1. The Standard's cor respondent at Madrid etatea on good au thority that King. Alfonso la engicel to I marry Princess Ena of Battenburg, niece of King Edward. SPECIAL OFFER ON SATURDAY BOYS' OVERCOATS Overcoats, all sizes, well rnadesfkQ regular price $2.88. Now, ... ... OC Overcoats they are good value for $5.00. Our price 4C vfl IQ for Saturday Is. ............ Jf I snrO Overcoats other stores ask yoa $6.00 and $7.00. Our price for Saturday ........4.all ILSON BROS. GREAT-SALE . . , . ... .....' -- J - . - , . . ' ' : .. J. ''.'. .... 1 .,''' ' ; : hearing the end. Goods at the prices we arc giving them away for cannot: last much longer. , Just- a; few more days so hurry and you BOVS KNEE PANTS 8c will not get disappointed.' BOYS' SUIT OFFER EXTRA SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Beautiful All Wool Serge Suits; - worth $3.00. They go at. .....91.23 Boys' Cheviots, double breasted, sizes 4 to 16. Will go at. ..... . . . . . . .03$ Boys' Worsted Suits ; worth $3.00. ' Extra well made. Go-at. .....$1.68 Boys' Fine Dress or School Suits, all sizes; $10 value. Will go at. . .$2.25 All These Suits Are Worth Three Times - the Price -Asked. . - . . MEN'S i HUNTING OR CORDUROY PANTS; worth $5.00 to $10.00. 3Qr Saturday price. ;...;77.V;r. . ,V.l 0 C Ydiif Suits Are Here LOT NO. 1 LOT NO. 2. , LOT NO. 3. LOT NO.-4. 1260 Suits 942 Suits 759 Suits 1067 Suits In this lot we have placed for Special Sale . Saturday some very pretty Suits of all wool, single and double breasted; they are well worth $10.00 -and $12.50. ' TThey. go Saturday $3.86 This lot consists of Cheviots, Black Clays, Serges and Worsteds, single and double breasted, serge lined and well made, and they were marked to sell for $13.50 and $15.00. Sat--' ' -urday price ' . $6.03 These are very pretty and hand tail ored Suits, the very latest style, ' single and double breasted, fancy Cheviots, Domestic and Imported Worsteds. They were marked to sell for $16 to $20. . Saturday price is $8M Silk and satin lined,' single and dou- -ble breasted, very beautiful Suits; other stores ask you $40. These suits include such makes as Hart, : Schaff ner ft Marks, Alfred Benjamin, Brokaw Bros, K. N. ft F. Clothing. Come take your pick. Saturday for MM r-r:-::-r:-T . - THESE. SUITS ARE TH E LATEST' STYLE AND ARE PERFECT, OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED, v , '. , :- . '' ' r''": ': All Our 32.00 and $2.SO PAINTS They Qo at Saturday for........ .............. 98c All Our $2.7S and $3.00 PANTSThey ao at Saturday fop.: ,,, 51.2-4-All Our $350 and $4.00 PANTSThey Qo atSaturday for..,m..n,.....$le91 AUJDur $4.50 and $S.OO PAINTS They Qo at Saturday for.. $2.21 Don't MUs This -Opportunity lf You Need a Pair of PANTS v-" Make Ko Mistake thIs store stands alone, has no connection' with any other store, and Is at Two Doors From Yamhill where you will find seasonable merchandise at. one-half what other storts ask you. i . i Linen Handkerchiefs 3 for 10c Children's Hose .... 8c Men'sSox . . . . . . . lc MEN'S FURNISHINGS "AT ONE-FOURTH OF COST! as Gold Silver Aox Nickel I (J ) Enamel Watches Tfirr Civcn...rilLL wrrw Coffees Spices ' Come rltfht aIodi2 and let us show you how quick and easy you can det a beautiful Guarante ed W a t c h FREE Greal lmerlc&o Ixportisl Tea Co. --aa nm it' ' 31 Waahicea Vt. ertiaa. All Wool Underwear ; worth -$1.50. Now 67e Black7 and Tan Hose; regular price 20c. Now 7f All Wool Sox; regular 25c. - Now .......................Oe Ladies' Stockings, all sizes. Now 9e Boys' Sweaters, very heary . . . .39e . Jap Silk Handkerchiefs; regular 25c Now .7 . Boys' Caps; regular 25c kind. . . .5 Fancy Hose; regular 50c kind, for ........................21 Men's Fancy Sox. - Saturday ' price ................ 4e Fleece Lined Underwear; (1 -value .....29 s Men's Heavy Sweaters. Sat- . Working Shirts. Saturdays : ""1 u.u- 7 .price ................... ...16? biix Munien. saturaay price Children's Ribbed Underwear. ' Saturday price ........... . ,16 Men's Heavy Working Gloves. Special .................... 39 Men's Negligee Shim. Satur day price 19? Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs. Sale price ...................4 Ties, a fine lot to choose from.. .6 ... , . . Men's Suspenders; regular 25c J Now . . ....... .', . .. . , . ,.5 . Hats $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 . . ;; 2,000 Other Articles atPrices That Surprise Ve Can Suit You Come! MonV '--AtforrA9te2..9 000 nf Thorn THBY must dot PRICES AWAY DOWN SHOE DEPARTMENT L4 La Sh $2.50 WELTS AND TURNED SOLE SHOES . . . . . .$1.39 REGULAR $2.00 and $2.60 values, ........ . ..... .$1.29 REGULAR $2.50 and $3.00 values ............ '.T. '. . .'. ?1.69 LADIES' DRESS SHOES. .......... ......1.39 LADIES' VICI KID, worth, $2.50. .J, -W i . . .$1.49. LADIES' HEAVY SHOES for rainy weather ....... ...... .....t.?i.63 CHILDREN'S SHOES ..... . . ...... . .49 MISSES' SHOES . i v . . 89tV- SHOE DEPARTMENT Men's Shoes MEN'S SHOES, regular $2.50 and $3.00 values $1.C0 BOX CALF AND VICI, all styles, regular $2.00 and $3.00 values.... 9 1.C9 BOX CALF AND VICI. all styles, regular $150 and $100 values.... $1.69 MEN'S PATENT LEATHER $5.00 Shoes .;.;.;...........;I....2.eS rJENS SHOES ... ... . ... ............... .......... ..... .$X.23 , MEN'S DRESS SHOES. .... ,'. , . . ... . ... .....$1.49 MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES, worth $5.00 :.:;.V: .. .$2.15 ' Salesroom 172 Third St., Two Doors From Yamhill ODD VESTS, well worth $2, r O . ODD COATS AND VESTS, (?0 m . FANCY VESTS, rci 5C:, f 09 .... OLv 1 Yours for . .. . . . SUW for R EM EMBER I ' 11 7 Saturday . 11 i