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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1905)
THE 4 OREGON . DAILY. JOURNAU PORTLAND, FRIDAY . EVENING. DECEMBER . 1. 1BC3. 19 CROWDWEUTIVILD i OVER THE GAME Enthusiasm Was Rampant on Multnomah .FieldGreatest ' ' - Cheering Ever Heard, COLLEGE AND CLUB MEN SANG THE ENTIRE TIME t Display of Song and Yells Was Most ( Unique Ever Cot Up and Thou. sanda Went Home Too Hoarse) to f Speak Excitement Was Interne ' For' enthulastIo rooting yesterday's Oregon-MultnoinalJ gam was rroar- 1 able. Never befor , in Portland hav two crowd of rooltr lined MP Jh? ' grandstand, along ths aide line, thlnd : th band, on top of coaches in autos and In wlda circle on th club bank 3 and for two hour kept up a continuous ; bombardment of yell, a rattling volley , of ahanny howla and a choruo of melan i choly dirge by the half hour. Oregon .' rooters cam by tha thousand, and garbed In enthusiasm and yellow ehrys- tuithenums they rocked the grandstand feed shook the windows In the clubhouse with :an assortment of yells that was f unique- and volumtnoua. Then there i wer the songs. Oregon had several, t hut the one she preferred and the one ' that Multnomah chiefly chose. (With 'variations, was tha tune that mad the Mldwayfamoua- in-Ah oriental quarter , with words to suit the ooeaalon.. When -' several hundred stout youngsters with , eager throats break out Into the devll ' ish oriental rhapsody to the aceompanl- ment of cow bells, horns, stamping feet and the shrill yells of derisive boys on , the fence tops there la a queer chill ' that chases up and down a man's aplne " that js probably as near the original cell to the wild aa tame civilised hu manity la liable to get. ' Multnomah had a band and in rare In- tervals you could' hear It, but only when the rooters' mere- breathless. Seven ' bind and a. battery of slx-pounders would have been drowned In the sea of ound that , rolled- when Oregon and ' Multnomah - rotters got really started, . and one small bunch of musicians were discouraged early In' Jhe game. - The man who forgot himself and . whacked his neighbor over the head In . frensy aa a 19-yard run was made was there, aa also, was tha girl who per , slsted In Jumping up on the seat before -. you and dancing with Joy when the teams : were 'fighting ' on the 10-yard '. line and you' were morally certain en , other' touchdown waa going to happen, ', The small boy -was there In bunches; where ha came from is not definitely known, but he arrived and brought with him an impartial desire to yell with - the crowd that happened to be letting ,'xo, and if nothing better offered during t the lulls he waa willing to beat a tattoo -on the fence with a Lrlekbat. . It waa a crowd that filled the grand- - stand aa hour before the game started and one' that finally filled the dosen .; long fllghta of stepsJammed the side lines until a single person more would -. have caused an overflew, covered the banks on each side of 'th field, filled the porches of the club 'and stood on . tlptor. toe feet baek-oT the grandstand ' and contented itself with an occasional ' 'glimpse of the two muddy bunches of player. .. . The fellow with a snorting automo J Wis that desired to run down hslf tht crowd waa on . hand and enabled the audience t to pleasantly spend the time death. On the . whole, ho wrier. ' the crowd was well eoritrolled. good-natured and nnxloua to do nothing but ece the J game and yell its approval. Considering I the multitude admitted, there was but i little real crowding and tha throng came I in and departed In long orderly lines happy with memories of Thanksgiving j turaey ana me gam. INDOOft BASKETBALL AT v ;Y. M. C. A. GYMNASIUM t The first outside cam of basketball V thia season will be played this evening in the T. M. C. A. gymnasium, when $ the team from Pacific college will plsy ; the Tigers. The college boy have been ',' coached this season by A. Wilson and are very faat. and as the local team are ..'the Junior champions of the state, the gam ahould be very Interesting. The : lineup will be: ,-Newberg. Position. Tigers. . Mavis (Capt.). .. forward. ....,.. Moore nawonn ....... rorware Pugh liaatclna center Hartman lemberton .guard Bchwarts tiougn .....guara.tcaptj Merritt PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. 9 9 T ? 3 4 5 I I i llm CLCBa. Im Anslra ....TTT FraaHere . . . . Oakland Seattle I'arllaad .......... 1 aoMna ........... - Vort '. linl itiaiiT 20 .im .Bl . .4N0 .4H0 S IH'ISill . 1I1SiI4 at mU ttl.. I IHOl 4N ix n . . zi 41. 41 M'MIM ,546T'S11 , . Tickers' as Work. 1' (Joaraal Special BarTlra.i Han Francisco,' Dec. 1. Vlckers' good . pitching shut out th Seal yesterday .-.Th score: - . - B, H.E. - peattie eeeei 1.7 1 ' Han Francisco ..000000 0 0 4 ! Batteries Vlckers and Frary; Wil '. llama and Shea. Umpire McCarthy. . Aagels Ars Beatesv . . IJonraal Snrt.l Sank. . 1 To An Kales.' Dec I. Th Tiger . trounced th Angel yesterday by a big score. . Baura waa relieved after the second Inning by Keel. The sr-or: . .. ; H.E. . i Os -Angeie itiiiii J t 12 4 Tacoma t 0 1 0 1 0 10 11 i .Batteries Raura, Nagle and Bnedl grass; Keefe. Lynch and Hogan. t'm plr Perrln. , , . ' .'' Vvrtlaad la rowned. ' . lienrsal Kiyctal Serrlra.) Bakersfield, Cel.. Dec. 1. Oakland downed Portland her yesterday in a ' rloaely played game, th Commuter winning out In th eighth Inning on long drive by Devereaux. The' acore:' Oakland , ....10000001 I 2 Portland 100001 5 4 Rattrle-rtogan and Byrne; Esslck and SiMss. Umpire Davis. Oared Paralysis. W. r. Bally. P. O. Tru, Teias. writes: Mr wife bad been suffering flv year a . with parslysls In her arm, when I -waa trsuaded to uae Ballard's Hnow I.lnl luent. which cured her all right. I hav k)o used It for old sure a, fronfbltee end skin eruptions. It doe the work," W oodard, Clarke A Cev . 1 .' ; , coach awoarj S V W 'f ykSSC''' .T. i eftffi f I VK- A fXPSSIOJ -&. v , CSvsA ' . tt " ; FARMERS DEFEAT VMSH1HGT0H 0. A. C. Eleven Outclasses Cutts Men in Every. Department and " Win by Big Score. GIANT WALKER STARRED FOR CORVALLIS TEAM Putet Sounders Were Never in the Game, the Visitors Displaying, Su periority at Every Position and Gaining Ground in Terrific Fashion. (Bptdal IHapatck te The Journal.) Seattle. Wash.. Dec. .1 Completely outplayed and outclassed in 'every de partment of the 'game th University of Washington football team went - down before th Oregon Agricultural college team here yesterday by th score or is to S. Whil the Farmer scored on touchdown on a fluke, th acore very fairly indlcatea th comparative strength of the two (rami. . Washing ton put up a gritty fight against the terrific onslaughts of "Giant" Walker, Dolan. -Root and -Abraham, but it -was Of no avail, the Farmers were scarcely ever stopped short of a gain or two or three yards. . Tim after time wamer, with tha half the Waahlngton team cllnclng to his back, would atagger along tor three or four yards. Early In the first" halt Wlnsor ' got around MVS Farmera enaa ror a run i yarns ana In the last half Brlnker .on a double pas circled the end for tS yards. Out side of those two play Washington's gains wer very small. In the middle' of trie first half Cap tain Root broke through- th line and ran for ST yards, but was overtaken by Brlnker. ' - Probably th-. most speo- '- xim.wa when tha Farmers blocked a punt and Dun lap picked up tha ball and started down th field. Two men made for him, but Walker came In with some good inter ference and the runner went on. Just ss he passed under th goal posts Cap tain McDonald mad a mighty dlv for him, but it fell short a few inches. Th Fanners' goal waa never In danger, the ball not getting nearer their goal than tha 15-yard line, and then only on a punt or a kick-off. With th exception of Walker, who undoubtedly played th greatest gam on the field. It would b hard to pick th stars. Captain Mc Donald was in a suit for Washington for th lsst time and he played like a fiend. His defensive work at quarter prevented th score from being much larger. Pullen, who has been considered the best tackle in th northwest, more than met his equal In Dolan. but he fought all ths'-harder as the game pro. greased. Babcock,, the big 'varsity gusrd. .waa not in th game at the be ginning on account of .blood poison, but to see his team being defeated nerved htm up to stand the pain and ha went In just before the end of th first half. Th line-up: - . - tL.of w. - O. A. C Irvln K R. ........ Cooper Pullen ........U. T. R Dolan Ron ....... ..L. O. R. Bundy Crlm '. . .C. Cheery Jarvls R. I. t,. ........ Dunlap McDonald .... .R. T. L... ....... Walker Brlnker .....R. It It. Emily Col ...,.......Q... Rlnehart Bagshaw, 1 Smlrle U H. R.... Root Wlnsor. Tilly. ..R. H. It. ... Griffith Pslmer. 8haw...F. B., ...... . Abraham Keferee Mr. Lonergan of M. A. A. C f mplr Mr. Griffith .of Idaho. Head linesman Mr. Templeton of -Oregon. Time of halves IS minutes, i Attend ance. 1,000. PORTLAND HIGH SCHOOL BEATS EUGENE ELEVEN . (Special Dlapateh te The JoaroaJ.) - Eugene. Or, Dec. 1. In an exciting and a well-played game on Klncald field In thla city . yesterday afternoon th Portland High school football team de feated the Eugen High school team 4 to 0. Portland executed a place kick and a goal near the close of tH first half on Eugene's 20-yard Una. 'Th team seemed to be evenly matched, al though Portland had a little advantage tn weight Moat of th yardage against Eugene was mad by straight football. while th local team executed a number of brilliant end runs. At no time waa either goal In danger, except when Port land scored on th place kick. The visitors wer given a "reception at th high school last night. . - INDIANS VERY EASY - FOR WILLAMETTE BOYS Salem, Dc.' 1. Willamette defeated th Indiana from Chemawa yeaterdsy 10 to'0. But for the Interference of Willamette "Big Joe," an Indian, would hav been arrested by th city marshal for slugging. Jo was ordered out of th gam. Chemawa deciphered Wil lamette'a signals, causing th latter, to chang them and In so doing th becks got mixed In the signals and interfered with each other. Touchdowra in-.the order given were mad by Losg and Rader twe). . -. . - - . ,-- Glimpeet of the Game. UMPIRE SAM STOW ON YESTERDAY'S CONTEST ,- The gam pliyed yesterday 4 v in my estimation waa a splendid 4 exhibition o sportsmanlike foot- 4 4 belT and waa a pleasur to the officials who acted. There wer 4 4 a few minor penaltlea given 4 4' whlch had to be Inflicted, due 4 . to overanxlety on th part of th 4 players who neglect th rule. "4) "Th Multnomah club can be 4 proud of her men, aa they play 4 . nearer. to college football . than 4 4 ' do other club teams that ' hav - 4 come to my notice. "Th Oregon team can well be 4 proud of heraelf, a shs stand supreme, due to her gritty play- 4) 4 era and well executed plays which wer hurled ' at th club . lines. They wer Ineffective, due to the club' extra strength, but t ) were fierce and well executed. . 4 4 The club team were proud to ; play such a team, so it seemed to 4 m. aa on th Held they acted 4 so manly and wer ever giving 4 the college boys a lifting hand. It waa a great pleasur to m to act as umpire." , FOOTBALL RESULTS ON MANY GRIDIRONS ' Th following give th result of game played In all parts of the coun try: - ' ' 1- . " :-rr. - Chicago I. Michigan 0 '-, ' Pennsylvania (, Cornell I. . -Kansas , Mlesourl 0. '. ! 1 '' Indiana 11. Ohio 0. ; . . .'; . Nebraska 14. Illinois S, - At Ashland Ashland S. Grants Pass 0. At McMlnnvllle Clubmen I, College eleven S. '- '-- - At Pendleton Penoieton igi scnooi 11, Commercial 0. ' ' ' ' At Salt lke City universiiy 01 uwn 24. Colorsdo Agrlcs 0. At Besttle Oregon Aincmranii col lege 15. University of Washington e. At Balem Wlliameii ; univereny i. Chemawa Indiana .- .. ' ... At Walla Walla wnuman coueg i. Pullman Btat colleg S. . "aI fcugen Portland H'l'l Eugene High school 0. At Boise Baker City High school . Boise High school . '..'' At The Dalle invinciDiea e. Colum bia university 0. At La GranUe LA urana si, Aino- na 0. ; . ' AW. , At St. XiOUIs "nnsrisn rnmiir. cui lsgs 0, St. Charles. Miasourl, Military academy 22. - . At De Moines Ame 17, Drake 12. At Iowa City. Iowa Ame second tesm 17. Iowa freshmen . At Decatur, Illinois Mllllken 10, fihurtleff 0. v At Nw Tork Holy Ctos'!?, Ford Itam 5. At. St Louie Waahlngton university 17, Knox I. ' At Iineaster. Pennsylvsnla Gettys burg 72. Franklin and Marshall 0. At Esston. Pennsylvania Lafayette 47. Bucknell 0. At Norfolk. VirginiaNorth Carolina 17. Virginia 0. At Columbus, Ohio Ohio Medical 17, Denison 0. At Iexlngton. Kentucky Kentucky 40, Ohio Wesleyan 0. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 1, Kelton college Al Wllkesbarr. Pennsylvania Wy oming seminary 14, Princeton Second team 4. At' Jackson. Mississippi Mississippi and Alabama Medical 11, University of Mississippi - 0. - At Charleston flout h 1 Carolina 47. South Carolina Military 0. At Topeka Colorado 0, Washburn 0. At Oklahoma City Oklahoma univer sity 1, Bethany college 0. At Kansss City Kansas 24. . Mis souri 0 At St Louts St Louis university 0, Iowa university 31. ' At Columbus Ohio Stat university 0. .Indiana .11. At Denver University of Colorado Hankel; Indians 0. At Pittsburg Western University of Pennsylvania 0, state-college S. At Washington Carlisle 73, George town, e . -. At Lincoln Nebraska 24. Illinois At Washington Washington and Let 1 7, George Washington 0. At Clevelaml-Case 34. Reserve ft. At Birmingham, Alabama Tennessee 0, Alabama . 20. : SPORTING GOSSIP. Everest's military- band furnished th music at-the Multnomah-Oregon gam yesterday and accompanied the Mult nomah rooters In their songs. This wss ons of th prettiest features of th dsy and th crowd thoroughly enjoyed th music. . v t Th Multnomah boye thoroughly en Joyed a magnum of "Whit Seal'the annual gift of BItimauer A Hoch to th winner of th Thanksgiving gam. Multnomah also won th plum pud-dlng-'football 1 candy, th gift of Coff man, the confectioner. Rah. rah. Coff- man. Wood to Burn. A complete tin of novelties and use ful article In basswood. All the new designs and. patterns. Boxes, stools, tsbourettes, card .table, panels, etc,,, etc. Pyrographlo sets or pert of sets. Best goods, lowst prices. Sanborn, Vail k Co, 178 First street. OPENS AT ASCOT: Large Crowd , Attend Opening targe Crowd . Attends Opening Events and See Memories . iJosraal Special Brrlc.) ' Lo Angeles, Dee. L Th wlntr rao Ing sesson opened her yesterday at Ascot park, with a big attendance. Memories captured th Jonathan cup handicap, th feature of th card. Th results were: , '., Six furlongs Handcarra won. - La Londe second. Cutter third; time, 1:14H. MUe and 70 yards Lustlg won,. Nlnna 8guaw aecond. Blissful third; tint. 1:4 K. Five- furlongs Lotta Gladston won. Loyal Front second, Foxhall third; time, 1:0314. Jonathan cup, mile and a sixteenth Memories won, Santon second, Marahal Ney third; time, ;1:4. One mile. elllng. purse 3400 Potrero Grande won, Bel.Coronado second. Sun Mark third; time. 1:4 J. - Selling, futurity course, purse 3400 Golden ' Rule won, ' Kinsman second. Judge Denton third; time, 1:12. i v At Vow Orleans. -' New Orleans, Dec 1. City park re sults: - Mile Careless won. Alma Dufour sec ond. Estrada Palma third; time 1:42 4-5. Six furlongs Monterey, won, Orbicu lar-second. Daring third; time. 1:15 1-5. Mil and a sixteenth Drexel won. Labor second. Lampradome third!, time, 1:40 2-5. ' - HIx furlongs Orly'TI won.'Bryna sec ond. Belle Strom third; time, 1:14 1-5. Seven futlongs Reveille won, Marco second, Vlrgl Withers thirds time. 1:30 2-5. , ' . ?, I ! ..'.-.- Five furlong Thespian . won,-. I. p.. Grlllo second, Robin Hood third; time, 1:02 2-3. v . At JTsw, Orleans ."rsir Orouda. ' New Orleans, D"ee.t 1. Fair . grounds race yesulta: - .-ir- " Six, furlongs- Vanness won. Columbia ftlrl ssnnnd, Msyas ijohnssn Ihlsdi time) 1:14. ' : Five, and a half furlongs Laaorler won. Caprice second. High Chance third; time, 1:07 H. Mil and ' 70 yards Tartan won. Lucky Charm aecond, Gamara third; time. 1:40 3-5. ' . ' . Six furlongs Rspld Water won. Gold.. Rose second, Ram's Horn third; timet 1:13 3-5. Six furlongs Girdle won, Nona W. second. Raining Leaves third; time, 1:14 3-6. - ' -. ' , MUe Pasadena won. Bull Finch seb ond. Logisttlla third; time, 1:41. . At Wasaing-soa. :. Washington, Dec. 1. Resultsof races: 81x furlongs Psul.Cllfford won, John F. Ahesrn second. Burning Glass third; time, 1:17. Five and a half furlongs Montanus won. Gentian second, Ingleelde third time. 1:10. Second Junior steeplechase, about two miles Kerna won, Herculold aecond. The Lad third; time. 4:14. About two miles Billy Ray won. Cur rant second. Wool Gatherer third; time, 4:14. Th Eighth Wsshlngton cup, two and a quarter miles Ben Crockett won. Banker second. Ostrich third; time, 4:0. Mil Watercourse won, Nellie Burns second. Bob Edgren third; time, 1:40 1-5. Mil and a sixteenth Teoman won, Sunday second. Arsenal y. third; time, 1!62.- .. . -.t ... - ' ' A Oaklamd. Sun Francisco, Dec. 1. Results of Oakland races: Seven furlongs Ethel Abbott won, Tfu You second, Cloche d'Or third; tlnrt, L2. : - . , Mile and a quarter Glenarvon won. isaneima tecona, Bherry third; time. 2:12. ; . . .... ' . Six furlongs Lsura F. M. won Mrs, Bob' second.. Black Art third; .'time. 1:114. - . Mil and an eighth, Thanksgiving nanoicap, sz.uuo added, s-year-olda and i upward, purae 32.000 Lubln won, Prop er aecona, Bear catcher third; 4lme, Five and a half furlongs Charlatan won. Tom MoOrath second. Sir Edward third; tlm. 1:0H. ' Five and a half furlongs The Mighty won. Princes Tltanla aecond, Toung Pilgrim third: time, 1:1014. WHITMAN WINS, FIRST , TIME IN SIX YEARS (Special Dtepatek to The Joeraal.l -Walla Walls, Wash.. Dec. 1. In ' one of th hardest and fiercest Yams ever seen in Walla Walla, Whitman college yeaterdsy ariernoon, ror the first time slric 1300, defeated Washington State college of Pullman. 10 to 0. Th gam was .played" on a field covered with three. Inches of snow,, which had been lined with sawdust. During ths first 1 , - . . 1 California Prune Wafers ' Th great tonle cathartic, an Invalu able cure for Malaria. Biliousness. Con. stlpatlnn, Nervousness, Catarrh of the Stomach, Bad Breath, Oily Hkin, Bleep leaanesa, Wind and all Liver, Stomach and Bowel trouble.- , , 100 Wafers 25 Cents ': S. a. Skidmor a Oo Srngrlsts, 151 TUrd pn sjoit sf obU ff rorUMd, Or.. EVERY FANCY WEED, GlEV lOT MID CASSIMERE SUIT IN OUR STORE ON SALE AT THESE PRICES: $15.00, Suits, $17.50 Suits, $20.00 Suits $22.50 Suits, You Can't Duplicate Them Elsewhere for OS-87 Third Portlands fair clothhe half th snow fell heavily, but stopped about. the mlddl of the game. Neither - aide could - make consistent gains, th defense of both teams being splendid. Th gam waa characterised by a large amount of punting, at which Duteher of Whitman - easily - excelled. The Pullman team weighed about 10 pounds more to th man. but thl was more than madenrp for-by th apeed-of Whitman. " Neither side scored during the. first half, although, one Pullman was within a yard of th Whitman goat In tha second half Whitman scored on a place kick and th side lines went wlld. Pullman scored a toucnaown.. ana goal, but Whitman duplicated th per formance Immediately afterward. ' Schmidt for Whitman kicked a goal from ths field. . and Captain Perrtnger mads' th winning touchdown. Hardy of Pullman mad th only touchdown for bis aid. , LEADBETTER ON BARNAT0 WINS HUNT CLUB RUN ensiles . Leuaueuer im buiiihuj wmi th Thanksgiving paper chase held yes terday afternoon by th Portland Hunt club, and won th first place for hla nam and hi horse to be engraved upon the handsome new stiver cup of fered by the club for this annual race. J.'C. Muehe on Bedad came In second, with I L. Leadbetter on Bob Crawford, third, and F. W. Leadbetter on Raclvo aa fourth. It waa a 17-rinlnut run with ten tiff Jump, and th tlm Is consid ered fast because of th mud. A good crowd witnessed th start at Thompson street; and th Irvlngton courts and a large crowd waa waiting for the nrtlah s the Irvlngton racetrack. J. T. Dillon cam in flrat. jbut waa dis qualified because he did not follow the paper. ; H aald that n am. dui tne other rider who followed th course hsd not been passed. ' Th Leadbetter and Muehe, who won th four places, gave a dinner for 26 at th Portland last night The club mem bers present wer C H. Leadbetter, John I.atta, E. M. Laxsrus, Dr. J. N. Coghlan, E. T. Chase, T. T. Strain, E. M. Davis, Joe Muehe, James Nichol, Ambrose Cro nln, R. H. Jenkins, J. W. Cmthers, Judge A. H. Tanirtr, F. W. Leadbetter, David Pattullo, T. H- Tongue, L. L. Leadbetter, E. R. Eldrldge, F. O. Down ing, E. B. Tongue, T. H. McRath, Ed Stirling and Professor Hugh Herdman. CITY MEN'S ELEVEN WIN ; V; FROM COLLEGE TEAM (Special Dlapateh to The Journal.) -McMlnnvllle, Or.. Dee. 1. In a foot ball gams here yesterday afternoon be tween th college and a city men's team th score was 3 to O.ln favor of the city men's tesm. Except for the touchdown, which was made, near , the end of the flrat half, the playing was nearly all tn the center of th field, either in college or city men's territory., The Jln-up wn a follows: College. : City Men's, fllevers, Charles. R. L. T. ....... ...Jones Long ,...R. T. L,. Calaran Harty..........K. O. L. Madden Ward...... C i Morris Slevers, 1 ....... Lr O. R Hopf leld Smith.,.. .,1. T..R, Burden Hill..... E., R..., Daniels Willis n-.s....B, L....., .Wsddejl Petty , v F ". . . . .Ungermao,, Elmor..". L. H. R-. ', Sims Referee, F. H. " Thompson; ' umpire, William Ungerman; linesman, C. J. Mo-yrr--- : 1. THANKSGIVING HANDICAPS ON WAVERlY LINKS E. G. Guthrie won th .Thanksgiving day handicap at th Wavarly golf links yesttrdsy, thereby gaining possession of a beautiful sliver trophy. In th ladlea' open- handicap Miss J. J. Bradley won the sliver trophy, with a scor of 33. Tb cores wer: . - Scor. JHndp, Tot R. G. Guthrie.. It 18 R. Wilder 0 11 C. B. B. Webb 110 20 72 Wirt Minor 3 t ir.rr .ft. 1 . 10 William MacMster.,..104 1 W. J. Burns .....110 ' 27 rr rr- r -iahhirrv. . . .10 - 20 ..103 It f-ag 102 J. J. Badhy... 100 Tnhrf r U-Ilnn.:: 11 IT It ; . , - - y , sum - St. & etwoen Stark w Oak n, 1 We have ivi ii r-r i .ii iw xnr rstabUsa- an(j aiWayS do what we promise. v: . . -. 4, Mo-". .00!!," We marantee a comolete. safe and last KelUbla pe. ing cure in OUt leaving' elallsta la Sli ss . Mdloal Diplo mas, xaoenses and Tewspapex Bteoore Show. "Eczema and All Forms of Skin Diseases, Nervous I Decline, Rectal, lUdney and Urinary 1 Dbeases, Varicocele, Hydro- cele and Rupture .. ." Aef AD DUeates an4 Weaknesses of Both Men and Women. " : CONSULTATION AND Write for Symptom Blank If You Cannot Call. ' : SL.Louis Medical and in I S V.k 111 r.. UVM lauilllll Always Inclose Ten 2-Cent IN x We treat uccessfullr all private ner-, . Vous and chronic diseases ot men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney snd '.' throat troubles. W cure . 8YPHIL.Il : (without mercury) - to stay cured for ever. We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain. In 16 days. W stop ' drains, night losses and spermatorrhea by a new method In a .. short tlm. We can restore the sexual . vigor of any man under 60 by means of " local treatment peculiar to ourselves. m We Cure Gonorrhoea i- -.' in a WeeiV " The doctors of . this Institute are all . tegular graduate, . hav had - many years' experience, have been known in Portland for 15 years, have a reputation to maintain, and "will undertake no case unless certain cur csn he effected. We guarantee a cure In every case we, nndertnk Orrhnrg no fee. Conmilta-I 1 tlon free, - LMlers conndenttal. Instruc tive BOOK -FOR -MEN mailed free ' in - nlnm wrapper. - . Wa cure the worst esses of dies In two or three treatment, without opera tion, i utir guaranteea. ; If von cannot call at office, writ ceaaf uL -. i. -r ... . - . - -; - - - . Offlc hours, to 5 and T to t. Sundays and Holidays, 10 to 12. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO.- ; Offices in Van Noy Hotel, 62H Third Street, Copier Pin. Portland, Or. SPECIALIZING dentsl establishment. tr. W. A. Wise has mnoe- a special study of extracting teeth without pain. Ir. T. P. Wise 1s sn expert on gold filling, crowns and btidgewnrk. Every other dentist . in th offlr Is - especially proflclent In som on branch. tr. Sturdevsnt make a specialty of children' teeth anu regulating. , WISE BROS., Dentists Falling bldg.. Third and Washington, I a. m. to p. m.; Hundays, 0-lt. Mnln 20J9. Work dons on weekly and month ly paymente. - t cn.- w. a. - wm JOURNAL WANT .... -. v , . i. - :. - . - the Same Money m E2S.V Mt i no free oroDOshionZcheap' or. trial treatments, no pay until cured catches, of similar', devices to sell medicines,, belts, etcUllestldoctorsrecogmzed-ability- do. not resort., to such methods. Our edu cation, our experience, our reputation, con demn , all . such ' quackery VVe will ' make ' you no laisc promise: aa .vt vuung yuu -tai,, jn a short time, knowing it will take longer, as -we promise nothing but what we can. do,' the quickest possibletjtne, with- IhlUi loua'aTTeFeflects In"the sys--5 tern, and a.t the lowest cost possible lor honest, skillful and successful treatment We cure '., , ' i EXAMINATION FREE I Surgical Dispensary I Darfl.nJ Am ' 'X ruiuauu vi. Sumps When Writing.- ... for Question blank. Home treatment suo Leads to the best results In a modern ADS PAY BEST - ' ' '."?. '': ..; ' ' . v m?-0sem - DB. tw p.' wiss. , ' 1 -- ' " . - (- r .', -.'V'- J