The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 30, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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In Two Days La Grand Girl
Passes Competitor In Ha
' waJIan Trip Contest.
Brisk Voting Throughout the Stat
1 at the. Time Approaches for ' the
Pre Winter Journey to Honolulu
and the Islands. ;
Every day greater Jntereat la nui-
fested in The Journal's Hawaiian trip
contest Th voting la growing livelier
nd tb ballot have flowed In by the
. thousand thla week. In Portland tb
race la becoming quit exciting, for the
Tnouua canaiaaic tna inoir rienas
aeem to be making a very aotlv cam
palm. Mine Minnie 8. Pbtlllpa contin
ue to be the leader in th flrat dlatrlet,'
having IS.1TS vote. - Mis Bailie Madl-
-gats la aecond, with 82.12 votea. Ml
Miss Mollis ProebateL
Sadie Wlntermantle. baa made a large
gain in th past two day and now
.hold third place, with 17.7U., Ml
- Lura. Baty .haa fourth position, with
79,141 vote, and Mlaa Oretohen Kurth
'fifth, with (0,474 votea.
r After quit an exciting race of gov
eral week Mlaa Molly Proebatel of La
Grande head tb second district, bar--ing-in.
the .paat two daya wreated the
.with (T.OSI votea." ". " r -
r In the third district Misa . Emllle
; ladrahlp from Mla Katie Naah. Mlaa
Proebatel baa 7J.6f votea ana Ml
Naah, who la aecond, haa 71.013. ' Ml
Agnea Fletcher of Pendleton la third.
Miaa Sadie Wintermantle.
Croaaen of Th Dal lea leads, with 41.
41 votea. Mlaa Lucll Crate la aecond,
with 27.KI votea Mlaa Stella Rlch
' . ardson of Hood . River ia . third, with
V vntea -- 1 .
Mis Kffl Maa King of Ontario lead
the fourth dlatrlet, with !2,47 vot.
All name jMtrivn vi owr 1 1 7 turn",
aecond, with 24,(27 votea, and Mlaa Ger
trude Tlce la third, with 20.(94 votea
. . The leader of the fifth dlatrlet. Mlaa
Katharine Gore of Kalama, now - haa
.,2(,(m vote. Mlaa Florence Heavren
of Vancouver la aecond, with . 21,127
votea, and Mlaa Amelia William of
" Kelso eorae third, with 1M44 votea
In the elatli district Mlaa Blanch
v. . .,,.'1.M l.aa with KI9I1
votea, - Mlaa Madge Batte of Eugene
I aecond, with 4Mb5 votea, and Mlsa
- Maude Blair of CotUga Grove la third,
with 17,247 votea The voting in thla
dlatrlet haa .been very - heavy during
Mla Bertha Courtemancbe leada the
seventh district. 8b haa 2.2(4 votea
Ml Myrtle Butler of Forest Grove
follow closely, with 2.22t votea, and
Mlsa Hasl Kennedy of Lafayette 1
third, with 24,671 vot.
In the" eighth ' district .'Miaa Edna
d.imi of - RnMlrar stilt' leada with
'" 42.144 votea fs Dai Harmon la eee-
- una. wuu ,v.,.. .. ,
! i.-f- uu- va-nr xonsee.
.. The following building permit -were
granted yetrday: Taylor Btanton.
cottage, eomer Bhaverand Eaat flev
' enth street. col $7(0; Henry Maler,
L eottage, corner 81klyou trt and
Union avenu. coat $1,100; J. B, Lenrned.
residence. Weldler between East Twen-ty-flrst
and Eaat Twenty-aecond street,
coat $2,760; O.J Ferrl. reldenee, cor
ner Wasoo . and East Twnty-cond
atreeta, coat $2,600; C L. Lewthwalte,
- reeldsnr.. corner Belmont and Eaat
Twenty-eighth street. $2,700; Perkins
Hotel company. rcalre to hotel, corner
Fifth and Washington tret. cost
,$1.(001 II. J. Wlnterbotham, repair to
residence, lie -waaco iitoi, wn ie.
Url AclcJ and Gravel
Are-censed hr-tnV t(Mnr4'ntnar nMe t
proper I r Blt'r b lmniirlil frwia t fcloo.
Irli, iirhl Wifrr sr IN ly em
Mtirdr f thHi miillllnii . ty rvmn mm fri ill aiirn-fltil mtrll, nlli-i
h i(inirtliis hf tho Kl1nH tut rl
th formntln nt 1 rip Acia. Snlil at 5 o
M. O. pkldmota aj Co., Urtirrist, 11
Mr i, sole f nt for rortlaaO, Or.
.. .. . . , .. .
-1 i
't V ,-. ;'
Modest as to Own Achievements
but Has Much Good Com
ment on Clackamas. .
("peclal Dispatch to The Jonral.)
Oregon City, Nov. 0.-The Oregon
City Enterprise, of which L. L. Porter
I owner and editor and John W. Coch
ran, managing editor, with Ita laeu. to
day, enter upon Ita fortieth year. The
paper waa established In KM and has
been published continuously and regu
larly ever alnce. For practically all of
tnla time It haa occupied Ita present
building. In Ita editorial aalutatory th
Enterprise very modestly haa little to
ay of it own achievements and.' a
great deal of comment to make on the
natural ad van tares possessed by Ore
gon City and Clackamae county. Among
other thing, tt aay .
"There ar few other localltlea In
which Idle capital can find ao dealrabl
a place for Investment In which; ur
and satisfactory return ar more cer
tain than la offered In Clackamas
county. With an almoat unlimited wa
ter power, there la offered wonderful op
portunities for manufacturing Indus
tries. No richer, or more productive
soil la cultivated than that In thla
county' and under Intelligent manage
ment no more remunerative cropa are
garnered. No section offer greater in
ducements to th homeaeeker."
Methodist Edifice Scene of Big
Gathering of Qifferent Dev.
Special Dlspstea t Tb JoWBal.)
Oregon City, Nov. 10. Union Thanks
giving service war held thia morning
at th Methodist church, participated in
by th ministers and congregations or
the Methodist, Baptist. Congregational
and ' Presbyterian churchee. The. order
of service waa as follows: Voluntary,
doxology, prayer. by-Rev. H. B. Robins,
anthem. Scripture leason by Rev. H. H.
Bollinger, hymn, sermon by Rev. J. R.
Landsborough, collection, - "America,"
benediction.- ' .-
' At 8C Paul's Eplscopaf church special
services were held at 11 o'clock and an
appropriate eermon -waa preached by
Rev. Philip K. Hammond.' The mualc
waa a feature and th church waa hand
eomely decorated. s The offering waa for
th ' Good Samaritan, hospital. ' '
At St. John'a Catholic church high
mas t celebrated at 10 o'clock. Rev.
Father Hlldebrand preached . a , sermon
on "Thanksgiving.
Leaves Clear Field to Logus and
Will Seek Republican Nomina-
tion for Shenn. - 1
(gpsdal IMspsteh ta The Joeraal.)
Oregon City. Nov. 10. Ell Maddock
laat evening decided te withdraw from
the contest for councilman -for the abort
term In the aecond ward. 'after he. had
filed hi petition. Maddock haa : al
ready announced that ha will be a can
didate for th Republican nomination
for aberlff and ha wlah to enter that
race without any municipal entangle
ments... -.a. '
Tbi leave th Held clear for Wil
liam R. Logua, who la the only candi
date. All tba other candldatea except
Logue have opposition. .
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Joeraal.) :
Oregon City, Nov. to. In - the re
corder' court yesterday afternoon John
McDonnell, Michael Murphy, John Lee
and Thoraaa Fltigerald were tried for
vagrancy and aentenoad to serve 20 day
In MIL The men ar hobo and were
found occupying a boxcar, 'i
John Berth of Marquam was In th
city yesterday.
John w. Loder naa gone to McMlnn
ville to attend a meeting of the alumni
of McMlnnvllle college.
Miss Helen Bollinger la at home from
Forest Orove.
, Funeral of Osoar FoBberf.
Oregon City, Nov. 10. The funeral of
Oscar Foe berg, who died at Bolton Tues
day morning, will be held from the rest
denoe tomorrow afternoon at 1:20
o'clock. The services at the house will
be held by Rev. E. S. Bollnger. The
services at the cemetery will be under
the direction of the Knight of Pythias
and Woodman of th WOrld. Fosbarg
waa $0 yearn old and la urvlv4 by a
widow and. three children. .
v . ', Oharlea WOeoa Die. . .
Oregon Cltjc Nov. 10. Charlea Wil
son, an old Oregon mercantile pioneer
and the founder of the town of Wllaon
villa, died yesterday at hie home at
Sherwood In thla county. He leave a
widow-and a large family of children
and grandchildren. .
Chairman Shonts Says There Is
Nothing That Cannot Be Ac
complished at Isthmus.
" (Jeanat apeetal grvl.)
St. Lout, Mo., Nov. to. Chairman
Theodore P. Shonte of the Panama ca
nal" commission haa Juat made a flying
visit to St. Loula.. Rhont said that he
had not received official word of what
kind of a canal th board of engineer
I can't eay what I or other member
of th canal commission favor, -said
Shonte. "In fact. I don't know what
kind, of a canal w do favor. We are
keeping our minds In a receptive state.
Of oourae. It la expected there may be
some disagreement. In all probability
there may be two reports. '
'They have had a great time talking
aboot tmpaasabla obstacles on tha Isth
mus. 1 want to say thla: There la not
siv obstacle, either in the way of build
ing a aea-level canal or a lock canaL
that we cannot climb over or cut
through. We will build a a-Tevt ca
nal. ifthe government wants ua to do
o. . -
State Heapltal la Adbeaasdu Skew Caceur.
aju Pl2weMS fatleaia Dlchart4. -
Tho trustees of the New York
State Hospital for Incipient Put
monarj TubercvioaU in the Adiron
dacks have iaoued their cooapleted
statistics for (he flrat year, which is
as follows t There were admitted
207 patients, more than half cf
whom were incipienti. There were
no deaths. Of tho 105: patients dis
charged, fifty-two were apparently
recovered. Twenty-aix arrested cases
are reported. Sixteen improved,
while eleven left, without any im
provement The treatment consists
mainly of outdoor air, wholesome
food and rest Patients have three
full meals and two or three lun
cheons a day, and 90 of the 105
gamed an average of 10.57 pounds
each. This is certainly most' en
couraging and shows that incipient
consumptives at least can be cured.
There is another treatment perhaps
almost as good.- Stay home, use
cold baths, in the morning', get as
much outdoor exercise as possible,
a generous diet and the continuous
use of Scott's Emulsion will doubt
less check the progress of the dis
ease and may permanently cure. At
any rate it is easy to try it '
SCOTT . BOWNK, Fetrl Street. New Terfb
Politics Crowing Warmer as
Time Draws Near for Van
couver Election. -
tKneelal Dlsoateh to The Janraal.
Vancouver. Waah.. Nov. to. Despite
the fact that City Clerk Harris atetee
all waa harmony at. the nonpartisan
maaa meeting las? week, when a. city
ticket, waa nominated for the coming
election, the petition circulated putting
In nomination a aecond ticket haa been
algned by nearly every bualneaa man
of Vanoouver. -In fact, it la not known
that any refused to sign- It and a ma
jority were highly pleased at tha Idea.
Aa the time for the election grow
nearer ifla evident that the main con
teat will be for the city clerkship. This
office Is well, worth making a fight for,
aa with It goes the Justice of the peace.
The- combined , offioe carrlea with It a
good aalary and fee. Well J. R.
Harris, th present incumbent, who la on
the. flrat ticket for re-election, la out
electioneering for himself, ' hls oppo
nent, A. J. Bigbam, la depending upon
the work of hie friends, who are out In
force.- The fight for thl orfloe prom
ises to greatly Increase the total num
ber or votea eaat. Both aldea are out
scaring up people who care nothing for
politico and aeldom vote.
Where Yesterday All Was Bustle
Today Is Quiet and Shops '
"v . ... . Are Closed. n
(Special Dtsaatek tb The Inaraal.) -Vancouver.
Wash., Nov, 10. Thanks
giving la ' being generally observed In
thl city. Tb business bouaea ar
closed, and -where yeeterday the trades
men were making money by the aale of
turkey all I qulat today. Tha aale of
turkeya In Vauoouver this year haa been
tar above the average. Ia faot. It haa
eatabllahed a record. Inquiry among tha
produce mercnanta who handled turkey
bow 'that tb aale era twice- those
of laat year. While turkeya are plenti
ful,, the price naa not aroriped and the
farmere are accordingly well pleased.
Thla afternoon the -Seventeenth and
Eighteenth batterlea era fighting for
football honor on the garrison gridiron,
which will be followed by a ball in the
Post hall thla evening. A number of
bouse pertlee are scheduled for thla
evening. '
Few Feopt Know Slow Useful tt X la
Fmmlaf Xealtk eat Beauty.
Nearly everybody knowa that char
coal la the safest and most ffloleat dis
infectant and purifier In nature, but few
realise ita value when taken Into the
human system for the-, cam cleansing
purpose. . .
Charcoal, la a-remedy that -the more
Jou take of It the better; It la not a
nig at all, but imply absorbs th gas
and impurities alwaya pranf la th
tomacb and Intestines and Carrie them
out of th system.
Charcoal sweetena th breath after
amoking, drinking or after eating on
ions and Other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually eleara and lm-
fro res the complexion, it whitens the
eeth and further acta aa a natural and
eminently safe cathartte. .--
It absorb the Injurious gas which
collect In the stomach and bowels; It
disinfects th mouth and throat from
th polfion of catarrh. - '
All druggists sell charcoal In one
form or another, but probably the best
charcoal nnd the moat for th money l
In Ltuart'a Charcoal Losenges; they ar
composed of the finest powdered willow
charcoal, and other harmless sntlseDtlcs
In tablet form, or rather In the form of
large, -pieasant-tasung loaenges, to
charcoal being mixed with honey.
The daily use of these losenge will
aoon tell In much' Improved condition
of the general health, better complex
ion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and
the beauty of tt Is that no posslbl harm
ran result from their continued use;
but. on the contrary, great benefit.
A Buffalo physician In speaking 'of
ine nenenta ei cnarroal aaya: t aavis
Otuart' Charcoal Losenge to all pa
tient suffering from ga netomcb
end bowela,' and to clear the complex
ion and purify the breath, mouth and
throat: I also believe the liver I greatly
benefited by the dally use of them; they
coat but twenty-five cent a boa at drug
atorea, and .although In some eense a
patent preparation, yet I believe I get
more and better charcoal In Btnert'a
t'harcoalr Iosena-ea than in any of tb
ordlnarxcharcoal tablet." 1
Holiday Generally Observed With
Turkey Dinners and Foot-
ball Games.
Churches Hold Union Services in the
Morning Mutes Enjoy Athletic
jports as Do Youths at Reform
School.' .' '
(Special Dlspatra U Th Jnarasl.)
Salem Or.. Nov. 10. Thanksgiving
is being universally observed In the
capital city. Special services were held
In an the church thl morning ana
thla' evening a big union aervtoe wUl
be held -H th - First Congregational
church. All th schools are closed and
programs appropriate to the day Were
given yeeterday afternoon in the dif
ferent building throughout th city.
Special turkey dinners were served at
all the state institutions. At tha blind
and reform schools the special exercise
war held last evening. At the latter
Institution football and other forma of
athletic sports were Indulged In. At
the mute school a basketball game waa
played thla forehoon and thla evening
there will be an entertainment,- followed
by a party for the children.
The 1.400 patlenta at the asylum ware
treated to an old-faahloned turkey and
chicken dinner at S o'clock, and thla
evening a number' of th attendanta
will present for their amusement th
drama," "Hickory Tarm." The priaon
ere et the penitentiary were given their
beat" dinner for many a day and were
afterward treated to a concert by the
prison orchestra.
Th first team of th Willamette uni
versity I closing th football season by
playing th Chemawa Indiana on the
varsity field thl afternoon, while the
third team la trying conciuaiona with
the Dallas juniors at Dallas.' The ao
ond team of the high school is playing
th Wood burn high school at Wood burn
and another one of the achool team la
praying at tha reform school. ,
Church gervloe, followed fey Tootball
, dame Between Xlgk School Team.
' (Rpeeisl Dispatch te The Jearaal.)
Eugene, Or.. Nov. SO. Thanksgiving
day la being observed In Eugene In the
usual manner. Thla forenoon the
ehurchea of th city held union service
In th First Baptist church. Rev. L E.
Rockwell, pastor of Humphrey Memorial
Methodist Episcopal church, being the
speaker of the occasion. . .
Thla afternoon a football game be
tween the Eugene and Portland. high
school teams Is being played, on. the
f-ontverltygrtdiron. Tonight : a grand
military ball will be given by Company
C at the armory.
ODD pieces of Furniture
are always appreciated.
We are displaying a
magnificent line of Parlor,
Rocking; and Morris Chairs,
Tables, Tabourettes, Music
Cabinets, Writing; Desks,
Hall Seats and Racks and a
host of other things useful
and appropriate for holiday
gifts. Cash or easy " pay
ments not a penny extra if
you'd rather pay - r
Selections made now may be
laid awsy till you are ready
to send them. ' Your holi
day appropriation will go
further here than elsewhere.
The Star Wkeas Tsar OfeatTb Cee
he;. Day jpf JKIanapopo.
Only thirty-one days remain and
Votes received up to -
Of Th JotOTHtVw
Hawaiian Tbnr.
rimST Ay yoaai l ever tS yean
f ace suy k aenlaated t any tSm
hUak atevldee by The JearaaL wit the
eaosrseaMot T tw well-kaewa ttOmm
ef the eistriet la wMeb b !.
SSOQV-nree ! eareeable te the
Ctrrmat eaadMata saan he alsr
rSdally aaaoaaee the wtasee la eaeh els-trtat,-oe
yoaag air b a a t-m
each stilet, . - y r
THIED Ji la eth eWetloesr !
trlet ahn vete aeparately. The vete I
m easaot affee th ether. Bttttsr area
mlf ssassralsg fhi aMrlt wUl a wttleS
hf tb wishes ef tb Mwlty. The wla
er shsn bar the rlht aaM a areay
If aaable to attoad kerselt.
yOirSTK Tetlae will ' njnt Tbeis.
ay. Aaaast S. UOk, sad ehan aataraar.
Deerab M, n I eTehMk a. as.. IK.
Cm ct be vets with la areea ear
after Is. Cop eat tseai Ik Dally
Jearaal arast be asatly trtaiaMa, All
Whether slagto er special, mat heat
the asM f th saaoioat t k veted tar.
ootneirs sax erryji as yorxowsi
rmS etagle esap, eat frees tb eefly
paper, sr seed (sr, eae veee. gobei rlprto
s the Tenia Joaraa! a4 gaaday Moralag
Jcavaal tare aaeatae. ll.sS, a special
aoapaa ef lie vetee (pel I de.
Sahserlptloa aWealBa aad Soaaay Mora.'
teg Jowroat als BMatka, SS.TS, a apeetal
euapea ef SBO vote (paid la advaee).
eriptlo t tb Bvealsg and Saaday BtonK.
lag ioeraal IS ateaths, fT-SO, a special
eopea ef TO votes (paid advaaes).
abserlptlea as the krrealag ad swsday
Menda Jeanat three swath by asll,
1. 0. special ef uo ts (pal
la aovasce). aabsertptlea te the geeaiat
aad aasday Maniac Jearaal by aull at
BMaths, SS.TS. a special esapea ef SB vote
(peld la advaaee). Sabsertptloa te tb
mlif aasday kUralag Jearaal ky
nil) II swtk., aseeJal ef
TO votes (paid ta etnaes). anal-Weekly
Joarael. 1.80 year. petel saaa ef
veee (paid la advaae). .
SIXTX Cwpea eheald he veted st th
kesdqaanars srst m er aalled the
aaapoa eepartant ef The Jearaal, ev et
ay petnt a me helew. Vetee win he
Mated Meadsy. Weeaesday aad rriaay
ad the teUls k the pabll th
tellewlag ear.
Aay sdldat wltbdrawtag Irea the es
test eanet hsve he vetse esaatsd ter a
.' ether.
' ytret Ptotile Msltneeask nad CteeksM
. eeaatlee. Voting plaea, Oeapea DpartMat
ef The Jearaal eSca
Seoead Dta tries Caioa.
Vawtma aad
Third TXetriek Wa
saa. antlaat.
Marrow, . Wbeeesr aad One esaal
P earth P latitat Baker. Ore at.
rtftk Platiliik. Columbia a Clatea
, eoantle, Oregon; Klickitat. Oewllta, Carke,
Pad Be. WakkUkasi aad Skaataal eenaUea,
Wssklngf. ,
Sixth TOistrlt. Marion, tiaa ad UM
can Us.
.Tntt Watriet Waah Ine ton, Ttnanw.
TauUL Beatoa. raia aaa usnn ssasuan.
II.Mk ir.lil.. nanrtaa.
Josepktaa, Jaekaoa, . KleaMth
aad Lake
Any Informa'don refarding con
dition of tha" Hawaiian tour ahould;
bf addreseed to tho mansger of
the Contest Department of The
Coupon Free Ha wallah Trip
Konotultt, Hawaliaa Islands
I vote for;..,...
'" ,
tale, eoopon aauat be vetd
if. r '
the greatest contest ever conducted
Wednesday evening in The- Journal's Hawaiian TH?
' ' BrSTBIOT we. I. -
MiM Minnie - PallUee. rpoty. elerk Hrctilt court
Mlm Aallle Midlsea, Old. WartaMa Kin store
Mies Seal Wintermantle. dry- Ire work
MIM Lars Batj. M aa Rafael street...,
Ml. Oi-etcsta Berth, telephone operator Pnrtlsnd hotel
Mies Ruth lee. enored be reiterated TYade Council ....
- Mies Rnt Rharou. ill) Bast Thirtieth street
Mia Henrietta Wlnklema. iT East Coach street
Mies Margaret Smith. 6b WIIIUsm aresae .................
. Mlaa Bdltk Bera. S4 Stark street......
Mtae Lanra lerb.,ahlre. ew Water street.
Mies ttophla Oleoa. 2U ley street
Mtae Aleens Hora, Orecoa fit
Mies Elaa GrW-s.l. Thlrty-Srst street -
Mlaa Bin Hwlb-rt. Be Jokae. ... .-.-vy... . .
Mte Oenerlere Hoinee. Olita. Wertnw 4 Kiag ater
Ml Nellie. Munser, IMS B.Mr a street
Mies Georrts Sink, sa Burnalil street..
Mies Cora J.rrtTr T5J Vlret street...
MIh Marlon Ihr. Weodard. riarhe Drag eonpaay ........
: Mlaa (-ornells Barker, an Uran arena.
' Miss Bnree BxMlrk. Orecm City .. ....
tVetlnc flare, Ceapoa Oepartamt. Joaraal Of See.
Miss Mollis Praehstel, ta Oraade. reoa.
Mm Katie Naah. La Orsnde, urecn
, (Vetlnc Place, La flraade, Htelnneck Jlever Cnfeetloaery.)
Mlaa Acnee rietcber. PendMea. 'Oreoa
Mies Pearl Harris. Peaalrtnn, Orefoe.
Mlsa Oraee Hawks, Pendletoa. Orrayin .i.y........
Mtes Mabel Johneea, Peadletea. Orra.
- (Votlac Place. Pendletoa. Brock A MeOaaaaa' Pra Store.
alls UlUaa B. O'llarra. Athena. Ore
Voting Place. Arnena. lrll Brne.' Stpre.l
Mies May CallahsB, Walla Walla, Weahltoa
Mtae I Mct'alllater. Walla Walla. Waahlnstoa
Mlas Rosy Yonnc. Walla Walla.. Waahluctoa .......... ...... l.O"
Mies Hattte Brow a. Wall Walls, Wsahlnctoa Ml
MIM Lnella Barr. Walla Walla, Waahlncto t SOT
(Votlnc Place. Walla Walla. Waahlnctoa Book Hook.) -
7 Mlsa S tells La Leade, Weeton, flnas....... 1,US
"' . - . . BISTBICT SO. S. - -1 '
Mlaa Emilia Creaaen. The PallM. Oreaoa 41.41
Mm Miclle crate, m IMiiea. ureoa....
(Votlnc PUee. The Dalles. Blekelv Drag
Miss Stella Rlrhareson. Rood Tttver. Oregoa
MlM Laura Crasiec. Mnid Hleer, Oreoa
(Voting Place, Hood Blear, wncai a- eiore.,
MlM Florence Oeurge, Arllnctoa. Ore, .........
(Voting Place. Aril ng ton. Braham's CeafecUnery.) ,
. MlM Lena Rae. Heppoer. Orego. .............. ............
. MlM (trace Mager. Hcppaer, Oregoa.. .........
(Votlnc Place. Meppaer. psttereea on Stars.)
MlM Oertrnd Khannon. Condon. Oregoa
(Vetlnc Place. Condon. Jackson Hornlbrook' Store.,
MlM Oertrooe Suarp. Prlaevtlls, Orem
Mlas Kfde Maa King, Ontario, Ortgoe. , S14T
Mlaa Hattte Bsrtoa. Bekee City. Oregoa. 24,rt?f
MIm Ocr trade Tlce, Baker City, Oregon.... , , , It.av4
- MlM Kthel Parker, Baker City, Oregoa 1S.M1
MlM Mrrtle Bratton, Baker City, Oregon... 10.ue
(Votlnc Mae. Baker nt. LerlsgWS Drag Stare.)
Mia Clara Swain. Buna. Oregon.. 15.04
(Voting Place. Burn. WeleoB Pkanase.) ... , i ,
MlM Delay Betterler. Vale. Orrgoe , ... ., .tT4
-MlM eerahUae Dorkeev Bnaintee, Oregon .....jr.... ,... e.Oue
(Voting Piece, llaBPter, DeXefte Clcsr snd Mewsetsnd.) ,
rtTSTSTfrr a, i. .
MlM Kstnsrln Oora, Kal(M, Waablsgtoa
t Voting Place, asiaau. rarrey-a score.,
MlM riorenc Haavrn. Vaneoneer. Weohtactoa
(Voting Piece. Veseeussr, aiS Mai Street.) -
MlM Amelia Wl Ilia tea, K'les. Washington ..,.vt
(Voting Place. Beta renfactlnery.)
MIm Cra U Todd. Astoria. Oregoa.....
MIm ltohlna Coffmaa. Astoria. Oregoa...
MlM Eataec AnnVrsoa. Aeteria, Oregoa..
(Voting Place. Astoria. Owl Drug Stare.)
MlM Mary Berge. Home Valley, Wa.hlngtoa ,
MIM Daley Wats Ine, at. Helena. Oregon
(Voting Place. St. HelcM. Oray's Store.)
MlM Annie Peniue, aatskanle. Oregoa
(Votlnc Place. Clatakante. Ml is mo na a Co.' Star.)
MlM Gertrude Baadall. Castle Beck. Waeblngtoa
MlM Orse Wrlsht, C'setle Bock. W'sMlngtea.... .........
(Voting Plsce. Ca.tle Rock. Aad'r's Drag Stare.)
MlM Alice Perry, Rainier. Oregon
. (Veil as PUre. Rainier, yrtedbarg's Cnfeetloaery.) .
MIm Blanche Ttrowa, Bakm. fleegoa
MIm Mary Dsvtdeoa, aalenm. Oregoa........
'MImU Belle Darby. Ralem. Oregoa...
MIm Minnie Iretoa. SaloM, Oregoa
MlM Peerl Shelley. Selcal. Oregn
MIm Mlnal Ackeabaek. Naless, Oregoa
MIM ficttle Beddekenp. Ssleai. Oregon........
(Voting 1'laeo. a. lea. Haas' Drag Store.) .
MIM Madge Battee. kur-ne. Oregoa
MIM fanma Molfett. Kasone. Oregoa i
MIm et-lle Bean. Sugene. Oreg.n
(VoUng Place, Kugeae, Hull' Drag Store.). :
MlM Maude Blair. Cntlago Omve. Oregoa
. MIm Effte Stewart, Cottage Orore, Oragos,
MlM Llaaie VMtck, Cotuge Oeere, Orego
(Votlnc ftsee, cnfiege roeo. vine mimapiiM , . ,
Mhw Ice Mereoaa. Wooilharn. Oreson -
MUe Mrrtle Trssk, Woodbnra. Orrgc.,. ....... ............
I Votlnc Place. WemRwr. Beebe Will tease's Store.)
MIm Pearl Sarace. Albaay. Oregon
MlM Maggie Chambers, Albeor. Oregoa....,.....;........
MlM AMce Locke, Albany. Oregon .f. ., ............
(Voting Place. Albany, Dawson's Drag Stars.) ..-.... ; . t .
Miss Rsthry Usrrts, Hllrerto, OreM
i Voting Places atlTertoa, Brook's Dm Store. I ' .
ddle Rlnpeon. Lebanon. Oregon.
(Voting .Ptace, Lebanon. Cotton a store.; . ..
MlM Nunda Oleey. Aurors. (roa. ........ i ......... i.
. MlM fay Cooler, BrewMTlUe, Oregoa... .
DisTRitrr bo. t. : i
MlM Berths ConrtsMsaeh. MrMlnarllle. Oregon
(Voting Place, McMlnsellle, Honeer's Star.)
MlM Mrrtle Butler, Parent Oroee. Orego
(Voting Place. Pomt erne. L CoarM's Stors.)
MM Haael Kennedy, Lafsyette. orego
(Voting Place. Lafayette Peatufac.)
MIM Marie Hosteller. Hlllahura, Oregon...
MIM Rom B. Bowser, tllllebotw. Oraeon
. (Voting Plsce. Hili.bore, soinerirB,e lore., ..
MlM Orsce Stsre, Corral lie, Orason. Jl
MIM Corn Spangle. Dertee, Oregon....... la.'
(Voting Piece, Deyten. Harris' Drag Stare.) . ,
MlM Minnie Boy. Del lea, Oregon .i..- 11. Km
1 ( Voting pises, Dallas. Stsst's Cnfeetloasry.) - . . . .
MlM Oil re Htrattoe, Newborg, Oreson .
(Voting Plaee. Bewberg. Caiwell ace.'s Drag Stare.)
MlM Ltllla Wehntee. Philoaiath. Oregoa...... S.ia
MlM Rnwle C. HotaketuMr, BesTortea, Oregon - S.S7S
(Voting Place, Beaesrtea. Tkoaiu Thing Cofeetleary.)t '
-.. vunxcr-wr i,- :-c-.- -T-
MIm Kdn Paisley. RoMberg. Oregon , 41 see)
MIM Dele Hansma. Rneehurg, Oregoa......, ....!.... .4
(Voting Place. Roeeburg. llanilitoe a un snore., le
vies IxmiIm T. Jones, Jarkeoartllr, Oregoa
MlM Maude Berry, Oram Paaa. Oregon
(Voting Place. Orants Paaa.' SMiltk's Drag Star.)
MlM Jennie Woodford. Medford. Oregon , ........
(Voting Plnce, Mrdfor. Rnaeell'a CMteetloaery.) '
MlM Lydia Met an. Aaniana. iares...
Mlaa Trances Oahorae. Aaklsnd. Oregon ,
(Toting Flees, Aaklsnd, Suites' SewsHss as4 Sayh'.)
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